CSU Saratov State. Saratov State University named after N.G.


About the university

One of the oldest Russian universities - Saratov University - was founded by the Highest Decree of June 10, 1909. The State Duma at the beginning of June 1909 makes a positive decision, approved by Emperor Nicholas II. On December 6 of the same year, after a prayer service and a procession, Saratov residents laid a stone at the construction site of future university buildings. Imperial Nikolaev University, since October 1923 - Saratov State University. N.G. Chernyshevsky, became a source of economic, cultural and spiritual development of the Lower Volga region and the entire South-East of Russia.

The first rector of Saratov University was a scientist, doctor and public figure - Vasily Ivanovich Razumovsky. For the construction of the university complex, Karl Ludwigovich Mufke was involved as an architect. For the first time in the history of Saratov, he created complete ensembles, distinguished by unity of conception and high quality of execution. Initially, the university had only one faculty - medical. In 1917, the Physics and Mathematics were created; historical-philological and law faculties. The first dean of the Faculty of History and Philology was one of the outstanding humanities scholars of the 20th century, the philosopher Semyon Ludwigovich Frank.

From 1918 to 1921 Nikolai Ivanovich Vavilov, the founder of Russian genetics, worked at the Faculty of Agronomy at SSU. In 1922 the Faculty of Agronomy was transformed into an independent Agricultural Institute. This marked the beginning of the formation in Saratov of a whole complex of higher scientific institutions. In 1930, the Faculty of Medicine was transformed into the Medical Institute. In 1931, on the basis of the Faculty of Soviet Construction and Law, the Institute of Soviet Law was established, which today is the State Academy of Law. In the same year, the Pedagogical Faculty became the Pedagogical Institute.

From the first year of the existence of the university, its Fundamental Library has been actively working. A new stage in its development began when, in 1932, Vera Aleksandrovna Artisevich became the director of the library. In 1957, a new library building was put into operation, with an area of ​​almost 10 thousand square meters. m. In 1969, the library acquired the status of Zonal for all libraries of universities and technical schools.

During the Great Patriotic War, Leningrad University was evacuated to Saratov. During these years, the development of the university was influenced by such outstanding Leningrad scientists as the physicist E.F. Gross, historian V.V. Mavrodin, philologists M.P. Alekseev, G.A. Gukovsky and Yu.G. Oksman. Over the years, world-famous scientists worked at the university: mathematicians I.G. Petrovsky, A.Ya. Khinchin, A.G. Kurosh, V.V. Wagner, A.M. Bogomolov; physicists V.D. Zernov, V.P. Juse, G.A. Ostroumov, V.I. Kalinin, P.V. Golubkov; philologists V.M. Zhirmunsky, N.K. Piksanov, B.M. Sokolov, A.P. Skaftymov; chemists V.V. Chelintsev, R.V. Mertslin, N.L. Shlesinger, I.S. Mustafin; biologists A.A. Richter, N.A. Maksimov, D.K. Zernov; geologists B.A. Mozharovsky, A.I. Ollie.

In the 1950s and 1970s, the structure of the university did not undergo major changes; at the same time, new scientific directions were actively created, specialties and departments were opened, and new buildings were built. Over the years, the number of researchers and students has doubled, and the number of graduate students has tripled.

Over the past decades, SSU has become one of the largest universities in Russia. New faculties were opened: non-linear processes, philosophical, sociological, faculty of computer science and information technology, nano- and biomedical technologies, economic and law faculties that previously existed at SSU were restored. The Volga Regional Center for New Information Technologies (PRC NIT) was created, which absorbed the best achievements of modern information and communication technologies (ICT) and became the springboard for informatization of Saratov and the region. In 1998, by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the Saratov and Balashov Pedagogical Institutes, the technical school of radio electronics, the polytechnic were included in the Saratov and Balashov Pedagogical Institutes and, thus, on the basis of the SSU, the formation of the university complex was initiated. In 2006, the complex included 29 faculties, 28 thousand students studied and over 4 thousand teachers and employees worked.

In the structure of the university: Zonal Scientific Library, Publishing House, Botanical Garden, Research Department (RNI), Scientific Research Institute of Natural Sciences, PRC NIT, Computing Center, Regional Center for Computer Technologies in Industry, Technopark, three technology transfer centers, Center for Collective Use, Center patent services, Center for Entrepreneurship Development, Business Incubator, branches of institutes, departments, laboratories of the Russian Academy of Sciences, etc. SSU is one of the few universities in the country that includes the REC Nonlinear Dynamics and Biophysics and the Interregional Institute of Social Sciences (IIS). These inter-faculty educational and scientific structures were formed as a result of winning the relevant competitions and are among the best in Russia.

For 10 years SSU students and graduate students have been successfully participating in the World Programming Championships, which are held with the participation of teams from 700 world universities. The SSU team achieved the greatest success in 2006, having won the title of World Champion in programming. In the same year, the university became the winner of the All-Russian Forum on Student Self-Government, organized by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the Russian Union of Youth.

More than 290 doctors of science work at the university. Among the leading professors of the university there are 13 honored scientists of the Russian Federation, 3 corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 10 laureates of state and international scientific awards. The number of candidates of sciences exceeded 900 people. For the constant renewal of the scientific potential at the university, postgraduate studies in 81 specialties and doctoral studies in 20 specialties have been functioning for many decades. In recent years, 38 young scientists have become owners of personal grants, eight of them receive grants from the President of the Russian Federation, two have been awarded medals of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The University is actively integrating with industry, academic and business structures. 16 basic departments and branches of university departments have been created in academic and branch institutes, branches of RAS institutes with centers of problem study are opened at the faculties.

The university conducts a large publishing activity. The journals “Izvestiya vuzov. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics”, “Electrochemical Energy”, “Izvestiya SGU. New Series" in 9 areas and other journals, international and interuniversity thematic collections. Four journals were included in the VAK list.

The university today implements educational programs of three levels - secondary, higher and postgraduate professional education. Training is conducted in 22 specialties of secondary vocational education, 88 specialties of higher professional education, three areas of training for masters, eight for bachelors, 10 programs of additional education. The implemented educational programs are included in 16 enlarged groups of specialties. Among them, 23 programs (24%) of the natural sciences and physics and mathematics, 10 programs (10%) of the technical profile, 14 programs (14.5%) of the socio-economic profile, 16 programs (16.5%) of the humanitarian profile and 34 programs (35%) pedagogical profile. Training in a multi-level system of higher education (bachelor's, specialist's, master's) is implemented at 4 faculties.
The Institute of Additional Professional Education (IDPO) existing at the University, which has received the status of a Federal Center, is actively developing, which provides continuous postgraduate education in the region.

At the origins of many SSU scientific schools were such world-famous scientists as Academician N.I. Vavilov, founder and first director of the nuclear power plant in Obninsk Corr. RAS D.I. Blokhintsev, Nobel Prize winner Academician N.N. Semyonov, President of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences Academician A.N. Bakulev, Rector of Moscow State University Academician I.G. Petrovsky, Academician, literary critic V.M. Zhirmunsky, academician, plant physiologist N.A. Maksimov. During the Great Patriotic War, Leningrad University was located on the basis of SSU and worked together with it. As a result, new scientific schools and directions were born at the university, which then received recognition both in the country and abroad. Among them are 4 teams officially included in the leading scientific schools of the Russian Federation (mathematician A.P. Khromov, physicists V.S. Anishchenko, D.I. Trubetskov, V.V. Tuchin). We also note the most productive scientific schools of SSU, which have generally recognized scientific results and state support in the form of grants from the President of Russia, the Ministry of Education and Science, large Russian and international organizations: in the field of mechanics - L.Yu. Kossovich, physics of semiconductors and nanostructures - D.A. Usanov, biology and biotechnology - G.V. Shlyakhtin and V.S. Tyrnov, geology G.I. Khudyakov, linguistics - O.B. Sirotinin. Six departments of SSU are officially recognized as leading research and teaching teams among Russian universities, receiving appropriate grants from the Ministry of Education and Science to support their work (heads of the departments D.A. Usanov, V.S. Anishchenko, V.V. Tuchin, D. I. Trubetskov, G.I. Khudyakov, M.A. Kormilitsina).

Fundamental and applied research at the university is carried out in 39 areas of the main branches of science, including all priority areas for the development of science, technology and technology in the Russian Federation.

Under the patronage of the Government of the Saratov region, the university took the initiative and held in 2005 and 2006. 1st and 2nd Saratov salons of inventions, innovations and investments. The university has organized a permanent exhibition of innovations in education, science and technology. The University, thus, has successfully demonstrated the possibility of using its potential in the formation of an innovative environment in the Saratov region and the Volga region. The NIT PRC has become a representative of the sixth European Framework Program for the Development of Science.

The university uses its wide international contacts to introduce the most modern technologies in the region, both in the field of education and in research activities in the natural sciences and humanities. The wide geography of these ties is clearly visible in the partnership agreements concluded, including with 32 US universities and research centers, 4 French universities, 7 German universities, 4 UK universities, 2 Spanish universities, 3 Turkish universities, 3 universities of Kazakhstan, as well as universities in Italy, Poland, Macedonia, Chile, Latvia, Mongolia and other countries. In recent years, SSU has been effectively cooperating with foreign universities on the problem of using distance learning in education: agreements are being implemented with the universities of East Carolina, Wyoming, Texas (USA).

Today, in the Saratov region, SSU is the leader in terms of the number of applicants, because it is the only university in the region that provides training in the entire range of specialties in priority areas of science, technology and engineering. As the analysis of the quality level of training according to the reference and analytical system "Universities of Russia" of the Ministry of Education and Science shows, the vast majority of SSU specialties are in the top ten, and physics, chemistry and history are in the top three in the country.
The mission of Saratov State University is seen by SSU scientists and the regional community as:

in providing scientific, industrial, economic and public institutions of the region with highly qualified specialists and the latest technologies in the natural sciences and the humanities;
in conducting fundamental and applied research in priority areas of science and technology using the results in the educational process;
in the effective application of the results of applied research in order to solve specific problems of the regional economy and create the necessary prerequisites for its transition to an innovative development path.

in direction 01 “Security and counter-terrorism”, calculation methods were created, a design was developed and patented, an experimental batch was produced and tests were carried out, which have no analogues in the world, an ultra-wideband acoustic delay line for microwave signals for active protection systems for aircraft (together with FSUE NPP Kontakt, a large-scale release of these products);
in direction 02 "Living systems":
– using genetic engineering methods, new varieties of colored corn have been created and a technology has been developed for obtaining a harmless thermally stable natural food coloring on this raw material base. In the future, this will create new jobs for the rural population of the region;
– scientific foundations have been developed for creating systems for predicting the results of surgical operations on specific types of blood vessels and soft tissues. Joint work with the country's leading cardiology center will make it possible to introduce advanced Russian experience into regional practice;
– methods and devices for diagnosing and treating ocular nystagmus in children were developed and introduced into medical practice (together with the Clinic for Eye Diseases of the SSMU, the Helmholtz Institute of Eye Diseases), a license for the production of these devices was sold;
– methods of mathematical modeling of dynamics and computer diagnostics of a number of living systems have been developed; training courses for young scientists and practitioners from Saratov and other regional centers were organized in this direction;
– on the instructions of the Government of the region, the second edition of the “Red Book of the Saratov Region” was compiled and published;
– small-scale production and commercialization of optical diagnostic equipment was developed and organized, medical certification of the device was carried out, more than 20 devices operate in clinics in Saratov, Moscow, Tomsk and other cities of the Russian Federation, the main ideas and designs are protected by patents of the Russian Federation.
in direction 03 "Industry of nanosystems and materials" within the framework of the Program for the Development of Nanotechnologies formed by the Ministry of Industry of the Saratov Region and SSU:
– technologies for creating biopolymers and nanocomposites for medical engineering have been developed, dermal and vascular equivalents based on biopolymer carriers have been created;
– developed autodyne microwave and laser methods for determining nanosizes and nanodisplacements. The devices developed within the framework of this direction were awarded gold and silver medals of foreign (Brussels, Paris, Geneva) and domestic (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Saratov) exhibitions;
– methods of control and technology for creating nanosized powders of ferromagnetic materials for obtaining magnetic fluids have been created;
– a technology for obtaining nanoscale and nanocomposite coatings was developed and an automated installation for obtaining nanoscale planar coatings using the polyion assembly method "POLYION-1M" was created;
– a technology for creating microcapsules containing iron oxide nanoparticles was developed (together with employees of the Max Planck Institute for Colloids and Boundaries (Potsdam, Germany), Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University and IRE RAS).
in direction 04 "Information and telecommunication systems":
– developed and implemented in the technology of construction of bridges of great length (bridges across the Volga River in Saratov and Kazan) an information and telecommunication software and hardware complex for controlling the movement of bridge spans during their installation by the sliding method, awarded the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation for 2004;
- based on the processing of satellite, geological, socio-political and economic information, a regional geographic information system (GIS) was created for use in the development of science-based management decisions;
– on the basis of ICT, the system of electronic management of Saratov "Electronic City" was developed and tested;
– the Saratov Regional Center for Olympiad Training of Undergraduate and Postgraduate Teams for Participation in the World Programming Championships was created, which ensured victory in the 2006 World Programming Championship.
in direction 05 "Advanced weapons, military and special equipment":
– developed, patented and introduced into production technologies for the destruction of chemical weapons in the village of Gorny, Saratov Region;
– together with the Saratov Federal State Unitary Enterprise NPP "Contact" developed and implemented new technologies for creating cathode units for powerful radiation sources, protected by 3 patents of the Russian Federation;
– together with the Saratov enterprise OAO Tantal, new devices highly sensitive to the magnetic field were developed, patented and put into production;
in direction 06 "Rational nature management", water quality meters (WQM) were developed, patented and introduced into the aquatic environment control systems, repeatedly awarded medals at foreign and domestic exhibitions.
in the direction 07 "Transport, aviation and space systems", the solar constant meter ISP-2M of the GGAK-E onboard heliogeophysical instrumentation complex for the Elektro-L spacecraft, as well as the IKOR short-wave reflected solar radiation meter, were developed and put into operation on artificial Earth satellites -M of the GGAK-M complex for the Meteor-M spacecraft (together with the IKI RAS);
in direction 08 "Energy and energy saving":
– together with the Saratov Scientific Research Institute of Chemical Power Sources, problems were solved on the way to creating a technology for the production of sealed nickel-metal hydride, lithium-ion batteries for various purposes, as well as electrode materials (including nanostructured ones) for them, which contributed to an increase in the technical parameters and competitiveness of those produced by Saratov enterprises of chemical current sources;
– using genetic engineering methods, a sorghum variety suitable for the industrial production of bioethanol as an environmentally friendly fuel for cars has been created, which opens up new opportunities for the agricultural industry in the region.

Date of registration of the operator in the register: 12.05.2008

Grounds for entering the operator in the register (order number): 329

Operator name: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Saratov National Research State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky"

Operator location address: 410012, Saratov region, Saratov, st. Astrakhanskaya, 83

Start date of personal data processing: 01.10.2014

Subjects of the Russian Federation on the territory of which the processing of personal data takes place: Saratov region

Purpose of personal data processing: Fulfillment of functions, duties of the employer, Provision of educational services to the population

Description of the measures provided for by Art. 18.1 and 19 of the Law: 1. Limitation of the range of officials with access to the personal data base. 2. Use of passwords (codes) for access to a PC, to a local area network. 3. Use of passwords for access to the personal data base. 4. Use of special personal data protection programs. 5. Lack of access to the personal data base from the external network. 6. Storage of information on paper and (or) electronic media in safes, specially equipped storage facilities, specially equipped premises. 7. Equipping the premises with alarms. 8. Delivery of premises after the end of the working day under protection. 9. Issuance of administrative documents and appointment of persons responsible for the implementation of measures to protect personal data. 10. A threat model for the ISPD "Applicant" (STERKh-17042013-SGU-SZI-MU-ABT) has been developed - Classification act for the ISPD "Applicant". 11. New organizational and administrative documents have been developed: Instructions for the information security administrator Regulations on the procedure for processing and protecting personal data in the ISPD "Entrant" Regulations for access to premises with components of the ISPD "Entrant" Regulations on the procedure for processing personal data of students at Saratov State University named after N.G. . Chernyshevsky (P 5.47.03-2013) Typical obligation of a SSU employee who directly processes personal data to stop processing PD in the event of termination of the employment contract. 12. Orders prepared and approved: On the approval of the Regulations on the procedure for processing and protecting personal data in the ISPD "Applicant" On the appointment of an information security administrator On the classification of the ISPD "Applicant" Chernyshevsky On approval of the list of positions in SSU, the replacement of which provides for the processing of personal data in SSU named after N.G. Chernyshevsky On the approval of a particular model of threats to the security of personal data during their processing in the ISPD "Applicant". 13. Certification of ISPD "Applicant" was carried out. 14. Certification of the premises and workplaces was carried out.

Categories of personal data: surname, first name, patronymic, year of birth, month of birth, date of birth, place of birth, address, education, profession, passport data, gender, citizenship, phone number, information about the right to a benefit upon admission to SSU

Categories of subjects whose personal data are processed: individuals / population / whose personal data are processed within the powers, tasks of the educational institution

List of actions with personal data: collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data

Processing of personal data: mixed, with transmission over the internal network of a legal entity, with transmission over the Internet

Legal basis for the processing of personal data: Guided by the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data", the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation", Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 1, 2012 No. 1119 "On Approval of Requirements to the protection of personal data", Order of the FSTEC dated February 18, 2013 No. 21 "On approval of the composition and content of organizational and technical measures to ensure the security of personal data during their processing in personal data information systems", art. 85-90 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2001 No. 197-FZ, the Charter of the SSU

Availability of cross-border transmission: No

Database location details: Russia

Few of the graduates can confidently name the university where they want to study. But almost everyone can describe it. This should be the university where you can study at the expense of the state budget, where you can get enough knowledge to become a successful specialist, where there will be a bright extracurricular life. Saratov named after N. G. Chernyshevsky fits all these criteria.

History of the university

The university is one of the oldest in Russia. It was created back in 1909. Then only doctors were trained within its walls. In 1917 new faculties were added. Since then, children who are interested in physics and mathematics, as well as those who are interested in the Faculty of History and Philology, began to study there. In the same year, the university began to train lawyers.

In 1922, it became clear that the agronomic faculty had grown too large. Therefore, it separated from the university and turned into a separate educational institution. A little later, the same fate befell the Faculty of Medicine.

In 1923, the name changed. It turned into the Saratov N. G. Chernyshevsky. Under this name, we know the university today.

The university attracted a large number of gifted applicants, many of whom later became famous people. In addition, those who, thanks to the material base of the educational institution, worked within these walls, made discoveries.

Currently, the name of N. G. Chernyshevsky is very popular. Here students receive education in a variety of areas. The choice is so rich that every second applicant submits documents here.


Chernyshevsky Saratov University offers applicants 5 educational institutions and 13 existing faculties. In addition, there is a branch in Balashov.

Among the educational institutions, the Interregional Institute of Social Sciences occupies a worthy place. It is closely connected with other educational institutions of the country.

Research institutes of natural sciences, optics and biophthonics, as well as nanostructures and biosystems, are of great importance for the development of modern science. It is impossible to imagine the future without their work. And for the study of human society, the research institute of social science is important.

There are also a number of institutions that are not educational. They are famous throughout the city. School graduates prepare in advance to apply there.

The institute of archeology and cultural heritage enjoys popularity. The work of its graduates is covered with a halo of romance. After all, experts revive the past and tell our contemporaries about how our ancestors lived. But this is not their only task. Specialists also do everything to preserve the cultural heritage.

It is very promising to study at the Institute of History and International Relations. It is impossible to imagine one without the other. Every translator and specialist in working with representatives of another culture should know the history of relations between his native country and other countries. This is the secret of a true professional.

Russian language lovers apply to the Institute of Philology and Journalism. Graduates will be able to find work in various fields. They are in demand in newspapers, magazines, on television, in publishing houses. In addition, you can become a teacher and pass on your knowledge to the next generations.

All those interested in the world around them will be able to gain knowledge at the Institute of Chemistry. Studying here is not easy, but very interesting.

And those who want to devote their lives to working with children, learn to understand the psychology of the younger generation and pass on their knowledge to them, will be able to become successful and get their favorite job after studying at the Pedagogical Institute of SSU.

The institution of risks deserves special attention. It is slightly less popular than the others, but also provides a lot of knowledge.

In addition, Saratov State University named after N. G. Chernyshevsky offers to gain knowledge at the Institute of Additional Professional Education.


A wide range of specialties is provided by Chernyshevsky Saratov University. The faculties available here will interest both lovers of the exact sciences and the humanities.

For those who want to study nature and man, the Faculty of Biology is suitable. It is here that knowledge will be given, which will then allow you to work in different areas.

Fans of adventure novels and films about travel will be interested in the Faculty of Geography. Its graduates will have a very interesting and informative work that will not get bored even years later.

No less romantic is the work of graduates of the Faculty of Geology. They have to travel a lot to increase the wealth of their native country.

Those who want to work with people, to know what mindset lives in modern society, will definitely like the sociology department. Studying here is very exciting.

And those who cannot imagine their life without calculations, who gave their hearts to the exact sciences, the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics will do. Studying here is not easy, but graduates will always be able to find a job in their specialty.

The Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology is gaining more and more popularity. It is impossible to imagine the modern world without these specialists. They not only know how to handle technology, but also can create something new.

The graduates of nano- and biomedical technologies will also be involved in the creation of the new. They have to look for cures for diseases in order to make humanity healthier.

It will be difficult, but exciting, to study at the Faculty of Nonlinear Processes. It will be necessary to prepare for admission to this faculty several years before graduating from school.

Those who want to know a person, his way of thinking, should pay attention to Psychologists are extremely in demand in the labor market.

Also, lovers of studying a person and his life will like the Faculty of Philosophy. Here they will teach you to think and draw the right conclusions.

But the Faculty of Physics will help to find out why everything happens the way it does and not otherwise. Students will be offered to solve a large number of interesting riddles invented by nature.

Economic and law faculties have been very popular for several years. It is worth considering that the competition here is always great.

Saratov Pedagogical Institute. Chernyshevsky

Those who want to work with children, pass on their knowledge and experience to them, enter the pedagogical department. It is here that future teachers of foreign languages, physical education, Russian language and literature receive their education.

In addition, here you can get the profession of a primary school teacher, a child psychologist and a specialist in working with special children.

Studying at a pedagogical institute is very interesting. And its graduates will always be in demand in the labor market.


Students who have chosen the Chernyshevsky Saratov Institute for themselves are very often forced to look for a room or apartment to stay during their studies. Not everyone can take them off. But do not worry, because the university offers dorm rooms to its students.

However, it is worth considering that a large number of nonresident students study at the university, so there may not be enough places for everyone. Therefore, you need to apply for a place in a hostel in advance.

The history of the institute begins in 1918, when a pedagogical institute was established on the basis of the two-year teacher's institute that had existed in Saratov since 1913. For many years it existed as an independent university or as a faculty of the university. On the basis of the order of the People's Commissariat for Education of the RSFSR dated November 24, 1931, the Institute was separated from the Saratov University. The Institute had departments (later they became faculties): Physics and Mathematics, Chemistry and Biology, Russian Language and Literature, History, Economics, Kalmyk, Mordovian. Later, German, pedagogical, pedological, preschool and Ukrainian were added to them. In the early 40s there were 5 faculties: history, Russian language and literature, foreign languages, physics and mathematics, natural sciences.

In 1957, the Faculty of Physical Education was opened, in 1959 - the Faculty of Music and Education, in 1978 - the Faculty of Primary School, in 1979 - the Faculty of Advanced Training and Professional Retraining, in 1989 - the Faculty of History was recreated, in 1990 city ​​- the faculty of defectology was opened.

At the Faculty of Russian Language and Literature from 1966 to 1993. there was an Uzbek branch that trained teachers of the Russian language for Uzbek schools; in 1991, a department for Russian Germans was opened at the Faculty of Foreign Languages; Since 1993, there has been a pre-school department at the Faculty of Primary School.

Prominent scientists and teachers worked at the Pedagogical Institute: Professors A.P. SKAFTYMOV, A.M. LUKYANENKO, E.I. POKUSAEV, L.I. BARANNIKOVA (Faculty of Philology); Professor G.P. BOEV, V.T. MIRONOV, Yu.A. Sklyarov, I.F. KOVALEV (Faculty of Physics and Mathematics), professors A.P. Pobedonostsev, A.I. CHERKESOV, V.G. MICHURIN (Faculty of Natural Science), Professor I.V. STRAKHOV (department of psychology), professor A.F. OSTALTSEV and A.I. OZOLIN (Faculty of History), Professor L.G. ARCHAZHNIKOVA (Music and Pedagogical Faculty).

Among the graduates of the institute are outstanding teachers, cultural figures and athletes, musicians and singers: the winner of the international competition in Italy B. ARON, soloists M. SHKINEV (Sverdlovsk Theater of Musical Comedy) and A. ZHURAVLEV (Opera Theater in Cheboksary); athletes: Champion of the Olympic Games, World and Europe SISIKIN Y., two-time World Champion GALKINA L., European champions TIMOFEEVA Y., LOMTEV E.

Heroes of the Soviet Union VG STALLIONS were the students of the institute. and a graduate of the history department Shchadin V.F.

Structure of the university, list of faculties

Currently, the Pedagogical Institute is a structural subdivision of SSU.

It consists of 6 faculties: the Faculty of Russian Literature, the Faculty of Foreign Languages, the Faculty of Primary School, the Faculty of Correctional Pedagogy and Special Psychology, the Faculty of Music and Pedagogics and the Faculty of Physical Education. At all faculties, except for the faculty of foreign languages, there are correspondence departments, where teachers and public education workers receive higher education.

280 teachers work at the departments of the institute, including 12 doctors of sciences, professors, 140 candidates of sciences, associate professors.

The Institute is headed by the Director, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Igor Rudolfovich Pleve.

Deputy directors: for academic work - associate professor, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences P.M. Zinoviev, for scientific work - professor, doctor of philological sciences A.A. Demchenko, in the correspondence department - associate professor, candidate of pedagogical sciences N.G. Trushkina, for educational and social work - associate professor, candidate of pedagogical sciences V.A. Ishchenko.

The Institute has four academic buildings and three student hostels. Each educational building has a library and a reading room, and in the dormitories there are rooms for self-study and recreation.

The institute's library was given the status of a scientific one. It has extensive funds of pedagogical, psychological and other specialized literature, as well as periodicals and fiction.

During the year, preparatory courses work at the institute - evening, correspondence courses, which prepare students for admission to all faculties. In the summer, after the end of the school final exams, applicants can take short-term courses that prepare for an intensive program. Courses will help you better prepare for the entrance exams and successfully withstand the competition. Those who prepare for the exams on their own can purchase programs and teaching aids from the courses.

List of specialties, exams

The faculties of the institute train in the following specialties:

faculty of Russian literature
Russian language and literature (full-time, part-time)
faculty of foreign languages
- foreign language: English (+ German)
- English (+ French)
- German (+ English)
- German language and literature
- German language (+ pedagogy and methods of primary education)
- French (+ English)
- French (+ German)
- third foreign language (commercial evening for faculty students)
faculty of elementary school
- Pedagogy and methodology of primary education (full-time, part-time) (+ foreign language (full-time)), (+ computer science (full-time, part-time))
- preschool pedagogy and psychology (commercial day, commercial extramural)
- social pedagogy (+ informatics (commercial part-time))
- Informatics
Faculty of Correctional Pedagogy and Special Psychology
- oligophrenopedagogy (full-time, part-time)
- practical psychology
- methodology for teaching the Russian language in schools for children with intellectual disabilities
- speech therapy work with children with intellectual disabilities
faculty of music and pedagogy
- music education (full-time, part-time) (+ cultural studies (full-time)), (+ pedagogy and methods of primary education (full-time))
- art criticism (commercial part-time)
Faculty of Physical Education
- physical culture (full-time, part-time)

Medalists are interviewed.

Contest: an average of 2.5 people per seat.

Exams: in the specialty: 1) - Russian language (p), Russian language and literature (y), history of Russia (y); 2) - foreign language (u, n), Russian language (n); 3) - Russian language (p), Russian language and literature (y), mathematics (p); 3.1. mathematics (n), mathematics (y), Russian language (n), 4) - biology (y), Russian language (n), Russian language and literature (y); 5) - singing and solfeggio, instrument, Russian language (n); 6) - gymnastics, athletics, Russian language (p), biology (y).

Note: (e) - day; (h) - correspondence; (c) - evening; (k)-commercial forms of education; (y)-oral, (p)-written form of passing exams.

The hostel is provided for full-time students.

Reception of documents, conducting entrance examinations and enrollment in the institute is carried out in accordance with the admission rules, which are approved no later than June 1.

Documents are accepted for the correspondence department from April 20 to May 31, for the full-time department - from June 25 to July 15.

Entrance exams for the full-time department are held from July 16 to 31, for part-time from June 1 to 10.

Faculties phone numbers:

Russian Literature 24-95-51;

foreign languages ​​24-95-17;

License series A No. 227581, reg. No. 8062 of December 21, 2006
Certificate of state accreditation, series AA No. 000450, reg. No. 0431 of December 22, 2006

Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky (Imperial Nikolaevsky), opened in 1909, is one of the oldest and leading scientific and educational centers in Russia.

SSU has significant research and innovation potential, plays a backbone role in the socio-economic and cultural development of the region (one of the main developers and executors of the High Technology Development Program in the Saratov Region), is widely involved in the international educational and scientific space (has cooperation agreements with 56 foreign universities in Europe, Asia and America).

The structure of SSU includes 13 faculties, 5 educational institutes, a branch in Balashov with nine faculties and 3 colleges. The educational and research process at the university is provided by 175 departments, including 10 basic ones.

Education is carried out in 83 specialties of higher professional education, 23 - secondary vocational education, 56 - postgraduate studies, 10 - doctoral studies, 28 areas of bachelor's and master's programs, 45 programs of additional professional education, 40 - professional training.

A feature of the NRU SSU development program is the training of specialists with deep research and innovation competencies based on fundamental interdisciplinary education.

Training at the university of specialists capable of solving research and technological problems in the relevant areas will lead to a significant increase in the competitiveness of the regional innovation business and accelerate innovation processes in high-tech industries and the economy as a whole.


  • Balashov Institute
  • Institute of Archeology and Cultural Heritage
  • Institute of Additional Professional Education
  • Institute of History and International Relations
  • Institute of Philology and Journalism
  • Institute of Chemistry
  • Interregional Institute of Social Sciences
  • Research Institute of Natural Sciences
  • Research Institute of Social Science
  • Scientific and Educational Institute of Optics and Biophotonics
  • Educational and Scientific Institute of Nanostructures and Biosystems
  • Pedagogical Institute SSU
  • Risk Institute
  • Department of Biology
  • Faculty of Geography
  • Faculty of Geology
  • Faculty of Sociology
  • Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics
  • Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
  • Faculty of Nano- and Biomedical Technologies
  • Faculty of Nonlinear Processes
  • Psychology faculty
  • Faculty of Physics
  • Faculty of Philosophy
  • Faculty of Economics
  • Faculty of Law
Faculties of the Pedagogical Institute of SSU:
  • Faculty of Foreign Languages
  • Faculty of Arts and Art Education
  • Faculty of Correctional Pedagogy and Special Psychology
  • Faculty of Pedagogy, Psychology and Primary Education
  • Faculty of Russian literature
  • Faculty of Physical Culture
Faculties of the Balashov Institute of SSU:
  • Faculty of Education
  • Faculty of Biology and Ecology
  • Faculty of Foreign Languages
  • Faculty of Physics and Mathematics
  • Faculty of Social Work
  • Psychology faculty
  • Faculty of Physical Education and Life Safety
  • Faculty of Philology
  • Faculty of Economics

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