Shamans of Central and Northern Mexico. Mayan shamans pray for obama


The Maya Indians, who live in the countryside of El Salvador, recently gathered in one of the small states in order to perform the most important ritual. Sorcerers, shamans and many sympathetic Mayan figures gathered to provide possible assistance to President Obama of the United States so that he finally began to make only wise decisions in politics and economics. These decisions will have to become useful not only to the people of the United States, but also to the citizens of all other states.

Only the best and most experienced representatives of the Mayan tribe gathered to conduct this ritual. It was they who held the oldest ritual at the end of the spring of 2011, which from afar resembled a costume show with elements of a real witches' coven. This colorful ceremony was held, as it should be, at the ancient and sacred altar, located about 25 kilometers from the capital - the city of San Salvador.

As many as five shamans of El Salvador with vast experience took part in such an unconditionally responsible event. They were dressed no worse than recognizable Hollywood actors. A group of shamans threw fragrant herbs emitting an alluring smell of candles, as well as cocoa beans into the sacred fire of a bonfire. This created such an aromatic aura that made all the guests present at this wonderful gathering feel like they were in an ancient era that had passed several hundred years ago.

All these religious Indians - descendants of the great Maya - literally with fury called on heavenly patrons, the rulers of seething volcanoes, eternal snow-capped peaks, sunlight and universal darkness to help the American president in his righteous rule in his post. Shamans, shaking their powerful wands of justice, appealed to the heavens to ensure that they do not leave Barack Obama, especially in those moments when he has to make the most important political decisions.

This event was held as part of the festivities dedicated to one of the main and favorite holidays of all the indigenous peoples of Latin America - the day of the vernal equinox. The ceremony was attended by numerous local residents, who also decided to dress up festively and join the shamans performing their mysterious and colorful ceremony. The people also stretched out their hands to the sky in prayer for help to Barack Obama. According to unverified reports, the ceremony was also attended by representatives of the American secret services, who supposedly were supposed to provide full-fledged preparations for the visit of the American president to the state of El Salvador. This small Central American country was to be the last on his tour of the region.


The descendants of the Maya Indians, as well as other indigenous peoples who still inhabit America, have not lost their desire to influence not only the increase in crops, but also world politics. With great enthusiasm, the Mayan shamans performed their rite in order to influence the correctness of the decisions of the top leadership of the United States.

Modern Maya today mainly live on the territory of the Yucatan Peninsula (Guatemala) and in Belize. Here their number is equal to seven hundred thousand people. In Mexico, the descendants of the most ancient civilization left about 670 thousand. At the same time, today's Maya manage to combine their ancient religious rites with the Catholic religion. Conquistadors and missionaries in the 16th century tried to spread Christianity among the Maya, but here it has its own unique flavor.

What remains of the ancient civilization, monuments, temples, ruins, today is located mainly on the territory of modern Mexico, in the states of Campeche, Yucatan, Quintano Roo, Tabasco and Chiapos. In addition to Mexico, Belize and Guatemala, Mayan descendants can be found in El Salvador and Honduras.

The ancient Maya lived in the pre-Columbian era in the highlands of southern Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador. Then they began to actively explore the tropical forests in these areas. This development continued during the second millennium until the advent of a new era. In the 1st millennium of the new era, the culture of the Mayan people reaches its peak. Archaeologists call this period of Maya development classical. To date, archaeologists know about hundreds of settlements of those times, about a dozen fairly large Mayan cities. In some regions, the Mayan cities reach their peak point of development from 200 to 650 BC. AD, and in others - before 800 AD.


At the end of the 1st millennium, most of the major Mayan cities in the southern regions (Belize, Mexico, Guatemala) were empty, and in the rest there was a real decline. Most scholars believe that the major Maya cities dating back to the classical period may have disappeared due to a number of social and economic factors.

While the first Spaniards appeared on the territory of Central America, as we now call it, there were not so many Mayans left here, and they were fragmented, and each individual state fought with its neighbors. In the era of the "Great Conquista", only the Itza tribe, whose capital was in the city of Tayasal, was able to maintain its independence. This continued until 1697.

The Maya, after the arrival of the European conquerors, began to die out intensively. Scientists attribute this to epidemics of colossal proportions. Many diseases brought from the Old World were unknown to the Maya, and they also did not know how to treat them. The wars also decimated the population of their tribes. After the first century of conquest, the Spaniards estimated that only about 10% of the Maya could survive. The Spaniards forcibly instilled the Mayan Catholic faith, destroyed their temples and monuments. In addition, the entire ruling elite of the Maya was also destroyed. This attitude applied not only to the Maya, but also to other Indian peoples who inhabited Latin America.
However, by the end of the 18th century, the Maya began to grow in numbers, and many Mayans tried to pass on their traditions and beliefs to future generations.

As you know, the Maya, even before the arrival of Europeans, had very extensive knowledge. After European scientists got acquainted with their culture, the Maya were even called a highly spiritual people. This, however, did not prevent the Mayans from performing human sacrifices, pouring the blood of their victims on the steps of their pyramids.

However, the Maya can be considered a truly developed people in the scientific sense of the word. They knew how to draw up calendars of agricultural cycles, used a very interesting system of counting. The political structure of their states was very complex. The Maya skillfully used astronomical observations, achieved unique results in the design and construction of monumental structures.

The Maya used a variety of rituals that are similar to those of other peoples of Mesoamerica. The religious system of the Mayan tribe is alive to this day. Its rituals are close to many millions of people in Latin America. Today's Maya have tried to preserve everything that their great ancestors passed on to them.

Today we know about the four books of the Maya, written even before the moment when Columbus arrived in these lands. These books are devoted to religious problems. It is worth noting that most of the Maya literature (codes, codes, collections of rituals) were destroyed by the conquistadors in the 16th century. That is why the current understanding of the Mayan people is somewhat half-hearted. We can admire the beauty of the Mayan buildings, read the inscriptions they made, watch the play of light and shadow at the pyramids, but this still does not give a complete judgment about the era of the Mayan heyday. Until now, scientists are trying to unravel the secret texts carved in stone in order to give an answer to who the ancient Maya really were.

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For 70 tr. + 2700$(all inclusive) - discount Associations 100$

Jungles, Pyramids and Mexican shamans of the Mazatec, Mishkek, Huichol and, of course, the Maya tribes…

The alternative to this Journey is
Prices, dates and discounts are the same.


Mexico City - Teotihuacan - Huatlu - Mexico City - Turban - Mexico City -
Wiricuta - San Luis - Mexico City

Day 01: Moscow - Mexico City
Arrival in Mexico City. Accommodation in a hotel in the central part of the capital in the Colonia Roma area. Acquaintance with the city, visiting the main square of Zocalo - the former center of the Aztec empire.

Day 02: Mexico City
Continued acquaintance with the city. Visit to the Anthropological Museum and Chapultepec Forest.

Day 03: Mexico City - Teotihuacan
Departure to the ancient city of Teotihuacan. Exploring this legendary place. Visiting the trail of the Dead, climbing the pyramids of the Moon and the Sun, visiting other important sites of the ancient city.

Day 04: Teotihuacan - Huatlu
Departure to Waltla. This small town became famous all over the world when people first heard about the miraculous properties of local mushrooms, and the amazing shamanic tradition of the Mazatecs, using mushrooms and other sacred plants in their practice. Hotel accommodation. The first acquaintance with the town and the shaman Julia.

Day 05: Huatlu
Breakfast. Acquaintance with the town. In the evening, participation in a shamanic mushroom ceremony led by Doña Julia.

Day 06: Huatlu
Rest. Assimilation and comprehension of the received transpersonal experience. Acquaintance with the surroundings of this amazing town. Departure to the waterfall - a sacred place for Mazatecs.

Day 07: Huatlu
Breakfast. Personal consultations and treatment by a shaman are possible. In the evening - the second shamanic ceremony with mushrooms. Doña Julia uses seven types of mushrooms that can put a person into a deep trance. She calls mushrooms holy children.

Day 08: Huatlu - Mexico City
Integration of the gained experience. Departure to Mexico City. Accommodation in a hotel in the Colonia Roma area. Continuation of acquaintance with the capital.

Day 09: Mexico City - Chalma
Departure to Chalma. Hotel accommodation. Departure to Malinalco. Visit the Dragon Temple and the Aztec Pyramid. In the evening
participation in the Temazcal shamanic ceremony under the guidance of an experienced master Gabriel.

Day 10: Chalma
Acquaintance with the surroundings. Hike to the place of power in the mountains.
In the evening, participation in the second Temazcal shamanic ceremony.

Day 11: Chalma - Mexico City — Wiricuta
Departure to Mexico City. Departure to Virikutu - a desert sacred to the Indians of Wirarikov (Huichol). Hotel accommodation. First acquaintance with a new place.

Day 12: Wiricuta
Acquaintance with the Virikut desert under the guidance of the French researcher of Hikuri shamanism - Pierre Henri Winon. Pierre Henri has been living in Mexico in the Viricuta Desert in recent years. We will see how the sacred peyote cactus grows in natural conditions. We will participate in the collection of Peyote. Let's have a ritual acquaintance with this sacred plant.

Day 13: Wiricuta
Continuation of acquaintance with the Wirikut desert. In the evening, participation in the sacred ceremony of Hikuri in the tradition of Mexican
Indians of Huirarica. The ceremony will last more than a day.

Day 14 Wirikut
Rest, assimilation of the experience gained at the peyote ceremony. Communication. Continued acquaintance with this legendary

Day 15 Wirikut
Hike to the sacred mountain Wirarikov Kemado. This hike takes a whole day and is one of the most important rituals in the Huichol tradition. Participation in the Hikuri ceremony at the top of the mountain.

Day 16 Wiricuta - San Luis - Mexico City
Departure to San Luis Potosi. Departure to Mexico City. Hotel accommodation. Continuation of acquaintance with one of the largest cities on the planet.

Day 17 Mexico City - Moscow
We're flying home! Overloaded with impressions and souvenirs.


The travel cost includes:

    air flight Moscow - Mexico City - Moscow

    all transfers in Mexico

    hotel accommodation


    medical insurance

Evgeny Snezhkin

From and to: "Cancun - Chichen Itza - Merida - Mayapan - Cave of Calquetoc - Campeche - Palenque - Bekan - Conlic - Playa del Carmen - Cancun"

We invite you to an exclusive trip to Mexico with a deep dive into the Shamanic Traditions and the culture of Mesoamerican Indians during the Winter Solstice!

This trip is a unique opportunity not only to see and experience such wonders of Mexico as underground lakes - cenotes and a sacred cave, jungle, pyramids of Mayan cities and sacred Places of Power, but above all to make a deep dive into the local thousand-year-old Traditions together with experienced Leaders and local Shamans comprehension of the Spirit and reveal the real Magic in your Life!

This journey will help open your Heart and will forever remain with you as a deep inner experience and experience of something fabulous and extraordinary!

The Ancient Civilizations of the Maya, Aztecs, Toltecs, Olmecs are so mysterious that the mere mention, even for those who do not know anything about them or have only heard something, makes one wonder what their origins and features are.

Mexico is exactly the place where the historical and modern Indian people developed, creating one of the most highly developed civilizations of America and the whole of the Ancient World. This is a country where the legacy of the greatest Civilizations that have ever existed on Earth is collected. Ancient people achieved knowledge that still amaze the world.

What lies behind the special ideas of the Indians about time and astrology, what is the mystery of the surprisingly accurate Mayan calendar, how to reveal the essence of ancient writings and images that have come down to us from the depths of millennia?

Evgeny Snezhkin - Leading the trip:

“Mexico… at one time I wanted to go there for a very long time.. Castaneda, Books, Films.. The most important foretaste of real Magic.. Thousand-year-old Traditions and Secrets…

And then on my life path I met Ruslan Gudinsky- a person whose acquaintance opened the Gate to this mysterious country full of mysticism and magic!

This is already the 10th time, together with Ruslan, I invite you to go to the unique tour "Rituals with Shamans at the Places of Power of Ancient Civilizations". This is an exclusive program where you will have the opportunity to experience what is called a real Journey of the Spirit, which you may have dreamed of all your Life!

We will participate in Rituals with plants of Power under the guidance of the most experienced and authentic Shamans of Mexico - Keepers of Traditions, we will also visit unique Places of Power - ancient temple complexes, Pyramids, sacred Caves, where we will practice and meditate, finding harmony and awakening the Spirit!

We will visit the jungles of the Lacandon Indians - the keepers of the Tradition of interaction with the "Magic Mushrooms", perform rituals with the shamans of the Mayan Tradition at their Places of Power, get a mystical experience of contemplation on the pyramids in Chichen Itza, Palenque, Mayapan Cowclinch, and in the end we will become participants in an unforgettable shamanic Mystery-Ritual "Unification of North and South" with Plants of Power (Abuelita Ayahuasca and Abuelito Peyotl) under the guidance of Shamans of the "Red Way" Tradition.

The ceremony will be conducted by dedicated shamans Juan and Laura, who are fluent in the practices of both North and South America. The duration of the ceremony is 12-14 hours, and it is an important part of the personal spiritual growth and experience of each of the participants in the journey.

This is a challenge to your Spirit, a challenge to a conversation, a dialogue… To receive Knowledge and understanding of your place in this world. Therefore, by the beginning of this dialogue, you need to be ready both spiritually and physically. Formation of Intention before the ceremony is the main task of the participant. However, the preparation of the physical body and the accumulation of personal strength is also a priority. A strict diet and abstinence a few days before the Ceremony are mandatory ...

Someone has been preparing for this all his life, and someone will never have the opportunity to touch this knowledge ...

This ceremony is the opening of the Heart, its opening to the world, the Universe, humanity, all living things ... "

P.S. And a wonderful vacation will be organized on the Caribbean coast, where, in addition to relaxation and enjoying swimming and all the bonuses of a luxury hotel on the first linewith all inclusive.

The main purpose of the trip is to travel through the ancient places of these amazing civilizations, as well as to comprehend the culture of modern Indians, who today live in much the same way as their ancestors lived, preserving customs and continuing Traditions. We will meet with Mexican Shamans and Healers who will reveal to us the mystical veil of ancient knowledge and rituals of Mesoamerica.

The main direction of the trip will be a trip to the state of Yucatan - the center of the accumulation of ancient civilizations that left numerous archaeological artifacts and structures (especially the pyramids). These places, in addition to their archaeological values, are also good because there is an opportunity to just be alone with nature, and after all, Mexico is an incomparable mosaic of ecosystems, ranking fourth in the world in terms of biological diversity ...

This journey is for those who are interested in understanding the inner side of Human Life, experiencing on their own experience how Ancient people, being in a natural state of harmony with Nature, penetrated into the very core of the knowledge of the universe and expanded the boundaries of their own perception. We will go to meet the mystery and mysticism of the American Indians, Shamans and Curanderos, we will contemplate among the majestic buildings of ancient Civilizations, listening to the mysterious sounds of the pristine Nature of the Jungle and enjoy every moment in the beautiful and friendly atmosphere of this amazing country!

Throughout the travel route, you will be accompanied by an experienced traveler and guide to the Places of Power - Evgeny Snezhkin, as well as the most famous Guide in Mexico - Ruslan Gudinsky.

Exclusive!!! Ruslan Gudinsky is a unique specialist in the field of "non-classical tourism" to a greater extent for VIP clients, which opens up the opportunity to see the very magical Mexico that you read about in books or dreamed about in your dreams.
Having lived in this country for more than 12 years, for the last 9 years Ruslan has been professionally organizing tours with visits to unique, non-tourist places. Having extensive experience in communicating with local Shamans and Curanderos, he helps to truly experience the Shamanic Traditions of Mexico. And also excellent knowledge of Spanish, good humor and inner depth make traveling with Ruslan interesting and exciting!

Evgeny Snezhkin- organizer and leader of trips to the sacred places of our planet (about 70 esoteric trips to Nepal, Tibet, India, Mexico, Peru, China, Morocco, South Africa and other countries), is also the leader of seminars, trainings and courses in Ukraine and Russia. Traveling a lot around the world and comprehending the Wisdom of various Traditions, Eugene will gladly organize an interesting vacation for you with an informative and in fact exclusive program in which you will feel all the splendor and beauty.

In addition to the organizational part, accompaniment, assistance in acclimatization to the highlands, translation and deep understanding and explanation of the country's culture and Spiritual Traditions, Evgeny and Ruslan will conduct energy practices and Meditations for everyone, aimed at harmonizing Life at all levels: everyday, social and essential . These are simple and effective methods that you can apply to your daily life when you return home.

Mexico is the best place for adventure seekers and those who are ready to meet the New and Unusual in their Life!

Feedback from Gulnara Khazhina (Russia, Moscow) about the trip to Mexico:

“For many years I wanted to visit Mexico - it was such a secret inexplicable craving for knowledge, when, behind the facade of a tour of a new country, it irresistibly attracts to plunge into hitherto unknown experiences of the rituals of the ancient Mayan clan. I looked through the offers of travel agencies and private organizations, but there was no inclusion. When the time came, I met Evgeny Snezhkin and the puzzles came together!

And here we are in Mexico! Here I meet the second organizer of the tour, his name is Ruslan Gudinsky. Ruslan has been living in Mexico for many years and is a practitioner of esoteric and magical orientation, as well as an excellent organizer with extensive connections. Our journey of knowledge begins...

Each day of the journey is filled with special meaning and could become one of the chapters of a fascinating book. Two weeks of meaningful historical excursions with participation in ancient shamanic rites and practices with deep immersion and exploration of oneself and interaction with the Subtle World of Spirits. Two weeks of a busy schedule of visits and movements, every day new places and rituals, comfortable hotels and cars, and the crown of our trip was a vacation on the Caribbean coast in the most famous place of accumulation of 5-star hotels, the Riviera Maya.

Traveling around Mexico with Evgeny and Ruslan was a bright and unforgettable period in my life. Thanks a lot! See you soon!!!"

Mysterious Mexico "Rituals with Shamans in the Places Forces ancient Civilizations" - travel program:

Day 1, December 15, 2019: Arrival in Cancun. Beach and Space Discovery!

Arrival in Cancun. Moving to Playa del Carmen, hotel accommodation, beach rest after the flight - the turquoise color of the Caribbean Sea and white sand will help you forget about tiredness after the flight.

In the evening - a dinner with a cultural program and a general acquaintance, the disclosure of the Magic Space and the formation of Intentions!

We spend the night in a 4 * hotel with "all inclusive"J on the first line of Playa del Carmen.

Day 2, December 16, 2019 Relaxation on the beach. Preparing for the Journey is a meditation of inclusion in the Stream of open perception. Drive to Chichen Itza, visit the pyramid complex, swim in the Cenote and EXCLUSIVE Pyramid Night Meditation!

This day will start with Relaxation! In the morning we will swim in the warm waters of the turquoise Caribbean Sea.

Then we will go to one of the most famous places in Mexico - the pyramidal complex in Chichen Itza. Here we will conduct a Meditation practice that will help all participants to join the Stream of open perception. This is a practice of general structuring and development of mindfulness and awareness, thanks to which you will have the opportunity to deeply feel and experience all the beauty of Places and Traditions that will open up to you on this journey.

The name "Chichen Itza" in translation from the language of local tribes means "The mouth of the well of the Itza tribe" or "The mouth of the well of water sorcerers": "chi" in the Mayan language means "mouth", "chen" - "well", and "itza" - the name of the Maya tribe or group, which, according to legend, first appeared on this earth.

Chichen Itza is the most famous archaeological zone of the Yucatan, a real wonder of the world, left over from the Mayan and Toltec civilization. Only shamans, scientists and ball players had access to this area. By the time of the Spanish colonization, temples belonging to the classical and post-classic period had already been abandoned by the population for unknown reasons. In Chichen Itza we will see the Pyramid of Kukulkan, the Temple of the Warriors, the Group of a Thousand Columns, the Observatory and much more.

After that, we will bathe in one of the Cenotes, where we will feel cleansed and liberated in order to continue on a magical journey!

After dinner, we are planning to go on a unique mini-journey… This is a mysterious opportunity to be at the Pyramids of Chichen Itza at night and have a Meditation practice there… This night can become one of the most Magical in your Life…

Then we will return to the hotel and sleep in the hotel for the rest of the night :)

Day 3-4, December 17-18, 2019: Sacred Cenotes - practices of working with water, transformation of fears and purification. Mayapan is a city-state of the Maya civilization. Ritual with Maya Shaman. The development of the Vision is the attraction of the Spirits of helpers and protectors.

Sacred Temascal - the ritual of Rebirth.

In the first half of the day we will visit the sacred cenotes, where we will swim in unique underground lakes, which were formed millions of years ago, in places of unique beauty. Here we will purify and interact with the Element of Water, transform our fears, fill with vitality, softness and fluidity.

According to one tradition, Mayapan was first mentioned at the end of the 12th - beginning of the 13th centuries, due to the fact that Khunak-Keel, who served with the ruler of Mayapan Ah-Mesh-Kuk, was thrown into a well as a sacrifice, escaped and became the ruler of Mayapan. Then he led an uprising against Chichen Itza, captured and destroyed it. In retaliation, the descendants of the inhabitants of Chichen Itza captured Mayapan a few decades later. According to ancient tradition, Mayapan was founded by the mythical ruler Kukulkan. Between 1263 and 1283, the Kokom dynasty came to power in Mayapan with the help of Nahuaan-speaking mercenaries (possibly related to the title k'uhul-kok used in Chichen Itza in the 9th century).

The ritual performed by the Mayan Shaman is a sacred action that reveals the Vision in a person, thanks to which you can get in touch with your Spirits helpers and protectors, with the Totems of your Family.

And the next day we are waiting for the continuation of the Magic! Under the guidance of the Shaman Woman, we will go through the ritual of Rebirth and Purification in the Indian bath - Temascal. This is an ancient mystery of uniting with the Power of one's Family, Thanksgiving to the Ancestors and purification in the Heart of Mother Earth!

Transfer and accommodation in a 4 * hotel.

Day 5, December 19, 2019: Sacred Cave of Kalketok - Deer Neck Stone. Ritual of purification, rebirth and conversation with the Spirit. Sacred ceremony with the Shaman!

Today we will visit one of the most unique and sacred places in Mexico - Calquetoc Cave, which means Deer Neck Stone. This is one of the largest caves in the Yucatan with a complex system of passages and about 30 connected grottoes. There are many natural formations in the cave that resemble animals and faces. Traces of human habitation, many household items, as well as burials were also found here. During excavations, bones of deer and other animals were found. There are ancient Petroglyphs here - rock paintings and a lot of what is a unique and sacred heritage of the local Tradition.

This is the Cave - a sacred space, the presence in which is literally a ritual of purification and rebirth, this is an ancient ceremony of initiation of returning to the womb of Mother Earth. The first initiation rituals of the ancient Maya and possibly the people who lived here before the civilization known to us were held here.

Among other things, under the guidance of a local Shaman, we will have a ritual of interaction with the plant of Power - Sage guide! It will be a real Shaman ceremony in one of the strongest places in the World! It is communion with the Spirit… with the Great Spirit – of which each of us is a part…

In the evening we will transfer to Campeche, accommodation in a 4 * hotel

Palenque - Pyramids and secrets of the ancient Maya. Ritual with Lacandon Shamans using "Magic Mushrooms".

At an altitude of about 3000 m, on a plateau located at the eastern border of the Rio Usumacinta river basin, in the foothills of the Sierra Oriental de Chiapas, are the mysterious ancient ruins of Palenque. Often shrouded in fog and surrounded by dense forests, the mysterious ruins are resounded only by the cries of howler monkeys. The ancient city makes one of the strongest impressions on travelers among the monuments of the South American continent. The forest thickets served as a good protection for this mystical place.

Mysterious Palenque is a huge field for research: only 34 of the 500 discovered buildings have been excavated at present. In the process of studying, many questions and mysteries arise. For example, the Temple of the Jaguar is decorated with carvings that are in many ways reminiscent of images in Hindu temples, and the Blooming Cross has a certain similarity with the ornaments on the walls of Angkor Wat in Cambodia.

We will dwell in this mystical place. Here, far from the noise of modern civilization, we will engage in an internal search for harmony with Nature, listening to the sounds of birds and animals, we will contemplate on the ancient pyramids, penetrating through Time and Space into the essence of astronomy, calendar and other secrets of the Ancient Maya.

We will visit the archaeological area of ​​Palenque, outstanding in its beauty, located among the mountains covered with selva. You will see such monuments of ancient architecture as the Temple of Inscriptions, in which the tomb of the ruler Pakal with a mysterious relief was discovered, the Temple of the Sun, the Temple of the Foliate Cross.

After accommodation in a 4 * hotel, we go to a sacred ritual with the Lacandon Shamans (direct descendants of the Mayan Priests, who until the last century had no contact with Western civilization, living in the inaccessible jungle), where we learn about the ancient Mayan practice of using "Magic Mushrooms". Ritual beyond description :)

Accommodation in a 5* hotel.

Day 7, December 21, 2019: Lost in the jungle Mayan city - Yashchilan and the sacred ritual led by the Lacandon Indians "Accumulation of Power".

We leave for the most lost Mayan city on the border with Guatemala - Yaxchilan. It can only be reached by the Usumacinta River by boat. There we will find ourselves in a real fairy tale, among the lost Pyramids in the Jungle, ritual temples and absolutely pristine Nature. . This is the place where you truly immerse yourself in the Mayan Tradition. We will hold a small shamanic ceremony here - a well-wishing to the Spirits of the area. During the Ceremony, you will have the opportunity to travel through time and space to the very roots of your being and, as a result, find harmony and inner peace.

And most importantly, under the guidance of one of the Keepers of the Lacandon Tradition, for whom this place is considered the place of their Ancestors - we will practice "Accumulation of Power". It is pointless to decipher this mystery - this is a real experience and unity with the Spirits of the area and the magic of Nature ...

Return to Palenque, overnight in a 5* hotel.

Day 8, December 22, 2019: Becan - the mystery of ancient Mexico - Mayan altars. Harmonization Meditations and Thanksgiving Ritual.

We go to Bekan - an archaeological site of the Mayan civilization, one of the few places where Mayan altars have been preserved. The name Becan was given to the monument by archaeologists; in Yucatec, it means "moat (or canyon) formed by water", due to the fact that Bekan surrounds an artificial moat.

According to archaeological evidence, Bekan was inhabited in the middle preclassic period around 550 BC. e., and a few centuries later, at the end of the preclassic period, it grew and became a major ceremonial center. The population began to decline and the scale of buildings to decrease at the beginning of the classical era (about 250 AD), although at this time Becan was still an important center, and objects from Teotihuacan were found in it. At that time, a system of ditches and ramparts was built around the city. The area of ​​the moat surrounding the city is about 25 hectares. About 500 AD e. the population increased sharply again, many new large buildings were erected, mainly in the Rio Bec style. Around 830, the construction of large buildings and elite buildings stopped. Although ceramics indicate that the city was still inhabited for some time, however, the population gradually decreased, and Bekan was finally abandoned around 1200 AD. e.

Here we will perform the Harmonization Meditations and the Thanksgiving Ritual of the Local Spirits. Because tomorrow we will have the final day of the mystical part of our journey, and then we will have more rest on the coast, relaxation and a seminar that will help you realize and reconsider this amazing experience that you will gain on this journey and include it in the Stream of your Life by making It more holistic and conscious.

We spend the night in a 4* hotel.

Day 9, December 23, 2019: Kounlich is a day of calm contemplation and silence. In the evening Sacred Ritual on the Winter Solstice "Unification of North and South" with Plants of Power (Abuelita Ayahuasca and Abuelito Peyotl) led by the Shamans of the Red Path!

In the morning we head to the city, immersed in tropical greenery - Kounlich. The city is known for its Temple of the Masks and stunning alleys populated with toucans and parrots, walking along which you find yourself in a completely different atmosphere. Today we will be silent and contemplate Nature, forming Intention and preparing for the evening Ceremony with Plants of Power!

Today is the night of Magic and the Great Transition - the Winter Solstice! This night We will do a great Work of Liberation from the negative experience of the past and the formation of Intention for the Realization of Your Spirit in the Next Solar Year!!!

The ceremony of "Unification of the North and the South" will be conducted by dedicated shamans, who are fluent in the practices of both North and South America. The duration of the ceremony is 12-14 hours and it is an important part of the personal spiritual growth and experience of each of the participants in the journey.

This is a challenge to your Spirit, a challenge to a conversation, a dialogue… To receive Knowledge and understanding of your place in this world. Therefore, by the beginning of this dialogue, you need to be ready both spiritually and physically. Formation of Intention before the ceremony is the main task of the participant. However, the preparation of the physical body and the accumulation of personal strength is also a priority. A strict diet and abstinence a few days before the Ceremony are mandatory ...

Someone has been preparing for this all his life, and someone will never have the opportunity to touch this knowledge ...

This ceremony is the opening of the Heart, its opening to the world, the Universe, humanity, all living things…

Day 10, December 24, 2019: Completion of the ceremony and transfer to the hotel.

At the end of the ceremony, the whole group will have a renewal and harmonization ceremony in the Indian bath - Temascal! This will be a magical completion of the main mystical part of our journey, in which we will all feel like part of a Big Family, where everyone is Grateful to Mother Earth, Father Sky, the Great Spirit and all Living Things!

Day 11-12, December 25-27, 2019: Relaxation, conversations, recapitulation, Awareness in Waking and Dreaming workshop and relaxation practice in the Caribbean! Visit to Tulum.

Over the next few days, a relaxation part awaits you, in which, together with our Host - Evgeny Snezhkin, we will go to Tulum and enjoy the beauty of one of the most preserved and beautiful Mayan cities, which is located right on the Caribbean coast!

Evgeny Snezhkin will conduct a two-day workshop "Awareness in Waking and Dreaming", where you will receive methods and practices that will make your Life an amazing journey to yourself in the future and will harmoniously enter your everyday reality!

Then a flight to Ukraine or Russia (in general, home!))

When traveling with Zhenya, it is important to note the following: We are not only tourists on this trip. We are researchers - places, pr aktik, principles, states. Exploring the form, we do not look at the form, but begin to see what is hidden behind it. If we are engaged in practices, then Zhenya's goal is to give us a complete picture, not just the practices themselves. And also not only experiences and transformations are important, not only all kinds of bonuses in the form of inner peace, etc. All this, of course, happens, but this is secondary. The most important thing that we get is the principles on the basis of which any practice is built. In fact, this is philosophy itself, which always accompanies direct inner and energetic work.
Zhenya motivates us, including by her example, to be real, honest with ourselves and others, trust, share our impressions and experiences “from heart to heart”.

It happened. Your house is destroyed, the land is burned, the river carried away the weapons, the cattle died. Everything that you built and raised for many years no longer exists...

Says the shaman of the Lacandon Indian tribe (descendants of the Maya):

“It happened. Your house is destroyed, the land is burned, the river carried away the weapons, the cattle died. Everything that you built and raised for many years no longer exists.

Come here.

My fire is burning here and my song is waiting for you here.

Everything that was once born on this earth and in this sky will surely die in order to give life to what will be born later.

That is the law.

Day follows night; the seed that falls into the ground dies, giving birth to a new crop - it has always been so, it will be so forever.

You freeze in horror when you see your losses, you do not want to believe in them. Open your eyes and see. Your life has changed. Changed instantly. Your past is no more.

Cry! What is destroyed or died must be mourned.

Cry! Your tears, like rain, will wash away the ashes, chips and stones, they will wash your wounds, they will carry away what you are still trying to hold on to.

Cry! And let the rain be strong! You can shake the sky with your howl and shake your fists at it, trample the ground with your feet and fall on it in despair!

Cry! And I will sing my song. Sooner or later the rain will stop!

You will rise from the earth and see a rainbow in the sky! The grass will turn green and the first flower will bloom on the ashes.

You will see how life returns to you!

You will roll up your sleeves and build a new house, forge your own weapons and raise cattle.

You will feel joy in your heart and realize that everything was as it should be.

You will raise your hands to Heaven and thank him for the trials sent to you!

You survived, you became wiser, you live on!

Remember three important lessons

1. Only what ends life leaves. It becomes rigid, clumsy and eventually dies.

2. What you create contains a part of you, but is not you. Your wisdom and your passion are always with you. Nothing is lost when you don't lose yourself.

3. “You are part of life. Allow yourself to change and flow with it.” Take life as an ally."

Recorded by Elena Marchevskaya during a visit to the Lacandon tribe, descendants of the Maya, in the state of Chapas, Mexico published If you have any questions on this topic, ask them to specialists and readers of our project

© Elena Marchevskaya

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness - together we change the world! © econet

Travel program "Places of Power of Mexico"

This journey is worth going to those people who are interested in the history of ancient Mexico and shamanic practices, who want to learn more about beliefs and feel the energy of practicing shamans. Despite the Conquista, which tried to completely destroy the centuries-old traditions of the Indians of Mexico, the locals managed to defend and preserve a significant part of their beliefs, rituals and shamanic practices to this day. On this journey, you will penetrate the secrets of an ancient civilization, and see the world as the people of Mexico saw it before the Conquista and as they see it now. You will experience, in a sense, the “stopping of the world,” as Carlos Castaneda wrote.

We will visit all seven Mayan pyramids. Each of these pyramids was erected in a sacred place,
and they were erected in order to accumulate and conduct the energy of the Earth. The energy of each
of these pyramids corresponds to one of the seven chakras of the human body. It can be schematically represented as follows:

1. Uxmal (Mexico) corresponds to the main chakra of the new cycle.
2. Labna (Mexico) corresponds to the sexual chakra and symbolizes the unity of opposites.
3. Kaba (Mexico) corresponds to the third navel chakra, meaning willpower.
4. Chichen Itza (Mexico) corresponds to the heart chakra responsible for selfless love.
5. Tulum (Mexico) corresponds to the throat chakra, and is responsible for sound currents.
6. Kohunlich (Mexico) corresponds to the third eye chakra and is responsible for mental abilities.
7. Palenque (Mexico) corresponds to the pineal chakra and prepares for the transition to
next world.
8. Tikal (Guatemala) also corresponds to the main chakra of the new cycle.

The Maya have known about chakras for a very long time. They knew a lot, much more than modern man knows.

Program for days of travel to places of power in Mexico!

The first day

We are flying to Cancun. We have lunch in a restaurant and drive in a comfortable minivan to Palenque. Today we will reach the Bacalar lagoon (Bacalar), which means the lagoon of seven colors, where we will stay at the hotel on the shore of the lagoon.

15/07 Day two:

Cenote Agua Azul. We will walk with you to the Kohunlich ceremonial complex (corresponding to the third eye chakra). Around you will be the jungle, as if from a dream. Yes, Kohunlich is like daydreaming. What is the fantastic Pyramid of Masks worth, where on the sides of the central staircase three huge masks are carved in stone, each exceeding human height in height. Compelx is dedicated to the Sun God.

On the same day we will visit another pyramid - Chikanna. In Indian language, Chikana is called the house of the snake's mouth. Most of the openings in the structures of this complex look like open snake mouths with fangs protruding from them. By the night, filled with impressions, we will reach Palenque and check into a hotel.

16/07 Day three:

The ritual temple complex of Palenque, surrounded by mountains covered with selva, is amazingly beautiful (this temple corresponds to the chakra located at the level of the pineal gland). We will see with you the Temple of the Inscriptions, where the tomb of the ruler Pakal was located with a relief that has not yet been fully solved by scientists, the Temple of the Sun and the Temple of the Foliate Cross.

Then we will go with you to gain energy at the Misol Ha waterfalls. And at night we will become participants in the ceremony in the tomb of King Pakal with the elder of the Lacandon Indians. Ordinary tourists will not be able to see such a ceremony.

17/07 Day four:

We drive our minibus to Merida. And on the way to it we arrange in an eco-hotel in Izamal, the ancient city of the Sun.

18/07 Day five:

In the morning participates in the sacred ceremony of Intention with drums. The ceremony will be led by shaman Kristina.

In the afternoon, at 4 pm, he will participate in another ancient ritual - Temascal, which will be held with us by don Manuel, the best temazcalero of Yucatan.
We will spend the night in the village where the outstanding healer Don Arsenio lives. Everyone will be able to undergo an energy operation performed by his unique hands.

19/07 Day six:

At 5 am - contact psi-operation. We will have lunch in the same village. After lunch we return to the hotel in Izamal to spend the rest of the day in peace, relaxation and concentration.

20/07 Day seven:

Today we will visit the ceremonial complex Oshkintok. Not only will we see the ancient temples, but we will also go through an ancient clay purification ceremony, which will be conducted by a Mayan shaman in the Kalchetok cave.

21/07 Day eight:

We are waiting for a meeting with Don Bartolome, the Initiate, a Mayan priest. You need to prepare for it, Don Bartolome answers only really important and significant questions for you.
Overnight at the hotel in the colonial city of Vallodolid.

22/07 Day nine:
Today we will visit the cenotes of Shkekem and Zaki. Then we will leave our suitcases at a hotel near Tulum and go to the ancient fortress of Tulum (corresponding to the throat chakra), and then we will go for a swim and relax by the sea.
Until 9 pm we will have a rest at the hotel, as well as preparation for the ceremony with sacred plants. Shamans Juan and Laura will conduct it with us. Departure for the ceremony at 9.30

23/07 Day ten:

Meeting the dawn with the Temazcal ritual. We have lunch and rest at the hotel. Summing up the results of the trip to Mexico at a general meeting.

24/07. Eleventh day.

Moving to Cancun and returning home.

The price includes: all rituals and excursions according to the program, transfers, hotel accommodation and meals.

Fill out the online application form of the site portal to reserve a place or ask questions.

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