Grilled champignons marinade soy sauce. How to pickle champignons and fry them on the grill


Recently, cooking on your own has become very fashionable. One of the most interesting dishes is mushroom skewers. For many, barbecue from various varieties of meat, poultry, fish and even vegetables is considered more familiar. However, the proposed option is no less tasty and healthy.

Mushroom kebab is a tasty and healthy dish that can be eaten during a diet.

This dish is worth making for a variety of reasons. Someone is already fed up with meat kebabs, someone is on a diet, fasting or not eating meat at all. Just in such cases, you need to resort to new culinary solutions.

To choose the right mushrooms for barbecue, you need to know some secrets. Mushrooms should be medium in size, because this way they will be fried correctly. You need to choose so that their sizes are approximately the same, then they will fry evenly.

There is one more important point: you need to purchase young mushrooms, otherwise the dish will turn out to be not tasty enough. How to distinguish young champignons? Their hat should not be separated from the legs. That is, the inside of the hat should not be visible.

mushroom preparation

Before frying, champignons should be cleaned and washed thoroughly.

There are many different recipes you can use to make champignon skewers. One of the most important moments in cooking is cleaning the mushrooms. You can find recipes that do not provide for the implementation of such a process. Nevertheless, it is more correct if the mushrooms are cleaned of the film.

Washing the champignons under running water should be an obligatory moment, as particles of earth, sand and other debris could remain on them.

But you do not need to keep them in water for a long time, they can absorb a lot of it. After that, take a paper towel and gently blot each mushroom. This will help get rid of excess moisture. In many sources offering various ways to cook barbecue, you can find tips that do not imply a pre-marinating process. But still it is better to pickle mushrooms.

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The easiest recipe

When leaving for a picnic, you need to find a recipe in advance that will not leave indifferent any member of the company. Actually there are many recipes. It is better to start with a simple, but no less tasty option. For cooking you need to take:

  • champignons (1 kg);
  • onion (3 pcs.);
  • black pepper;
  • mayonnaise (200 g);
  • olive oil (50 ml);
  • salt;
  • lemon (1 pc.);
  • dill, basil, cilantro.

To prepare champignon skewers, you need 50 ml of olive oil.

So, take the mushrooms, peel them, rinse, dry. Choose a container, preferably plastic, that will allow you to hold all the components, as well as gently and freely mix them. Put the mushrooms in there.

How to marinate champignons for barbecue? The marinade is prepared separately. This recipe has two methods. The ideal option is to marinate in mayonnaise. It is recommended to select one whose fat content is 30%. By its consistency, it is more liquid, which allows it to be better absorbed into the mushrooms.

If for some reason mayonnaise is not suitable, then we replace it with olive oil and lemon juice. It is worth choosing a quality olive oil. This directly affects the taste of the cooked dish. Substitution for sunflower oil is allowed.

In addition to the main component, black pepper, salt, finely chopped greens are added. All this is thoroughly mixed and added to the mushrooms. In addition, onions are cut into rings 3-4 mm wide. Send it to the container and mix everything again. It is best to leave the workpiece to marinate overnight. If time does not allow, it is recommended that the mushrooms be in the marinade for 4 hours.

After that, we string the mushrooms on skewers tightly to each other, alternating with onion rings, and fry on the grill. The heat must be weak. This will allow the dish to cook evenly inside and out for 10-15 minutes. Otherwise, the mushrooms will quickly burn out. The same recipe can easily be used to cook champignon skewers in the oven.

If everything is done correctly, the result will be juicy mushrooms, from which it is simply impossible to break away.

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Vegetable version of the dish

You can add fresh chopped vegetables to the champignon skewers.

There are other interesting combinations as well. For example, you can cook champignons with vegetables on the grill. For this you will need:

  • champignons (700 g);
  • eggplant (500 g)
  • zucchini (400 g);
  • bell pepper (300 g);
  • onions (1 pc.);
  • olive oil (50 ml);
  • soy sauce (1 tsp);
  • balsamic vinegar (1 tsp);
  • black pepper;
  • salt;
  • fresh greens.

It is necessary to clean, rinse and dry the mushrooms. Cut vegetables into roughly equal pieces. Zucchini and eggplant can be left unpeeled. The thickness of the circles should be equal to 3 mm. Cut the onion into 4 mm rings. Remove seeds from bell pepper, cut into rings. All this is sent to the container. The preparation of the marinade does not take much time. To do this, mix olive oil, soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, black pepper, finely chopped fresh herbs (for example, cilantro).

Marinade, mushrooms and vegetables mix, leave to marinate for 3-4 hours (it is better to leave in the refrigerator overnight). Salt is recommended to taste. Note that soy sauce is already salty. Cooking mushroom kebab with vegetables over low heat on the grill for 15 minutes. Before serving, you can sprinkle with fresh herbs and grated hard cheese.

Grilled champignons are a great alternative to meat kebabs. This dish is especially often made by vegetarians or those who follow a healthy diet.

Despite the apparent complexity, champignons on the grill are prepared easily and simply. Moreover, such a dinner does not require the purchase of expensive and rare products. It can be grilled on charcoal using skewers, or you can use a regular barbecue grill. Which of the presented recipes is best - it's up to you.

Delicious and tender champignons on the grill: recipe

If you do not want to bother with cooking a complex dinner on the coals, then we recommend using this recipe. You won't need much time to implement it, and you won't need many components either.

So how to cook champignons on the grill? The recipe for such a simple but very tasty dish requires the use of:

  • fresh lemon juice - 2 large spoons;
  • large fresh champignons - about 2 kg;
  • medium-sized table salt and ground pepper - apply to taste;
  • high-calorie mayonnaise - 5 large spoons;
  • melted butter - about 50 g;
  • onion - 2 heads.

Mushroom processing and pickling process

Mushroom marinade on the grill can be prepared in many ways. We chose the most common recipe. Before you implement it, you should carefully process all the ingredients.

Large and fresh mushrooms are thoroughly washed, removing all unwanted elements. Next, put the mushrooms in a bowl and add table salt, fresh lemon juice, ground pepper, high-calorie mayonnaise, melted butter and thick onion rings.

After thoroughly mixing all the products, they are covered with a lid and left in this state for 35-40 minutes. After the lapse of time, the mushrooms can be safely fried on coals.

Heat treatment process

How to fry champignon mushrooms on the grill? To do this, make a fire and wait for the appearance of hot coals. Their temperature should not exceed 450-500 degrees. Otherwise, the champignons will quickly become covered with a dark crust and become not very tasty.

As soon as the coals are ready, they begin to plant mushrooms on skewers. They are strung along (pierced through the leg and taken out through the hat). The distance between the mushrooms can not be left. By the way, some cooks alternate them with thick onion rings, which were also previously pickled.

After the formation of the dish, it is immediately set over the coals. Mushroom skewers on the grill should be cooked for about 15-18 minutes. At the same time, it should be turned over regularly so that it browns evenly on all sides.

What to bring to the dinner table?

Now you know how to cook champignons on the grill. After the mushroom kebab is fried, it is laid out on a plate and immediately presented to the dining table. You should eat such a dish along with a slice of bread, as well as fresh vegetables, herbs or some kind of side dish.

Cooking stuffed champignons on the grill

If you do not have skewers, then you can cook mushroom kebab using a barbecue net. However, in this case, we recommend using not whole champignons, but stuffed with aromatic filling.

How exactly to prepare such a dish, we will describe in detail right now.

So, we need:

  • fresh lemon juice - 2 large spoons;
  • large fresh champignons - about 2 kg;
  • medium-sized table salt and ground pepper - apply to taste;
  • high-calorie mayonnaise - 3 small spoons;
  • cream cheese slices - use at discretion;
  • onion - 2 small heads;
  • fresh tomato - 1 pc.;
  • dill greens - a few branches.

Preparing the Components

Before proceeding with the formation of a very tasty and beautiful dish, fresh mushrooms should be carefully processed. They are washed and the fleshy legs are carefully separated. The last component is crushed with a blender, and the caps are flavored with pepper, lemon juice, salt and left aside. By the way, marinade for champignons on the grill can be done in other ways (for example, flavor them with butter or vegetable oil, sour cream or mayonnaise).

Filling preparation

While the caps are marinating, start preparing the filling. Onion, grated on a fine grater, as well as chopped dill, tomato gruel, salt, mayonnaise and pepper are added to chopped mushroom legs.

After mixing all the components, a rather viscous mass is obtained, which is immediately used for its intended purpose.

Dish shaping

After marinating mushroom caps, they are alternately stuffed with a mixture consisting of mushroom legs, onion, tomato, mayonnaise and other ingredients. Fill mushrooms with a slide should not be. Stuffing must be laid out tightly, but with the formation of a flat surface.

After the formation of all products, one thin slice of cream cheese is placed on them.

Grilled mushrooms on the grill

Having formed an unusual dish of mushrooms, they proceed to their heat treatment. To do this, a fire is kindled in the brazier and hot coals are obtained. Next, a barbecue net is installed on it and all the mushrooms are laid out one by one.

Fry such products should be no more than 15 minutes. At the same time, it is not recommended to turn the mushrooms. They are already well baked, forming a delicious cheese cap on their surface.

How to present for a family dinner?

You can determine the readiness of stuffed champignons not only by how they are browned, but also by their characteristic aroma. Also, fully fried mushrooms with filling begin to actively release their juice.

After observing a similar picture, mushroom barbecue cooked on the grill can be safely laid out on a plate. It is advisable for family members to serve such a dinner in a hot state along with some side dish. Mashed potatoes, boiled pasta, fresh or stewed vegetables, as well as greens, rice, buckwheat and more are perfect as it.

Summing up

As you can see, preparing a vegetarian mushroom skewers is quite easy and simple. Using these recipes during gatherings in nature, you are sure to surprise all your friends and household.

Champignons are mushrooms that cannot be poisoned. They completely lack poison, and it will not be difficult to distinguish them from other types of mushrooms. Also, the mushroom has a high calorie content, so they can quickly get enough. Many people include them in their daily diet. The second name that this mushroom bears is "forest meat".

Before talking about whether for this or that dish, let's talk about where they grow and how to choose the right one. Also consider the issue of their beneficial and harmful properties.

What are champignons and how best to collect them?

There are three types of mushrooms. Common champignon begins to grow in the wild from the first days of summer, and ends in late autumn. And if you grow them in artificial conditions, then the crop can be harvested all year round. This mushroom is very fond of fertilized places. Therefore, it is worth looking for it where animals graze.

Forest champignons begin to grow only from mid-summer. You can collect them in the same way as ordinary ones, before the onset of frost. They grow in forests, hence their name.

The field is considered the earliest type of champignon. Unlike the rest, you can start collecting it as early as May. The harvest ends in the same way as in the case of other mushrooms. Grow, respectively, in the fields.

false champignon

Despite the fact that the mushroom itself is not dangerous, you need to be careful when going in search of it. The fact is that an inexperienced mushroom picker can easily confuse a young champignon with a pale grebe, which is deadly poisonous. Therefore, if you decide to go in search of mushrooms, but you have absolutely no experience, then it is better to contact a specialist for advice.

Useful properties of champignons

The benefits of these mushrooms are undeniable. For comparison, white fungus belongs to the first degree of usefulness, and oyster mushrooms - to the fourth. Mushrooms, in turn, belong to the second degree of usefulness.

In addition to being a very tasty mushroom, it has benefits for the whole body. Many nutritionists claim that with the help of this mushroom you can fight the level of cholesterol in the blood. It also contains a large amount of protein, which is easily absorbed by the body.

It is worth noting that the level of protein in champignons is an order of magnitude higher than in meat or eggs.

They also contain useful amino acids, vitamins, phosphorus and many other substances necessary for the human body. Thanks to calcium, which is part of their composition, metabolic processes improve. Vitamin B2 improves the condition of the mucous membranes and helps to calm the nervous system.

Mushrooms contain no less calcium and phosphorus than fish.

The main advantage of these mushrooms is the content of folic acid, which is absent in almost all vegetables and fruits.

In addition, mushrooms contain trace elements that help improve memory and are responsible for human mental activity. Also, these mushrooms are excellent antioxidants and help to remove heavy metals and toxins from the body. Dried champignons are excellent at fighting stomach disease. Many nutritionists recommend eating them during fasting, as they can perfectly replace meat, but at the same time do not pollute the body.

How can champignons harm the body?

Contraindicated for children. They include chitin, which is practically not processed by the child's body. Chitin interferes with the absorption of other useful substances that are present in mushrooms. Another significant disadvantage is that champignons absorb various substances from the atmosphere. Accordingly, when they are used, they all enter the body. Therefore, contrary to the belief that they can be eaten raw and unwashed, it is advisable to treat them with warm water, and even better to clean them.

Having got acquainted a little with this common mushroom, we can begin to consider how to pickle champignons for various dishes. It is important to remember that the marinade and sauce with which they will be served play an important role.

How to pickle champignons for frying in a pan?

Before you start cooking champignons, they need to be properly processed. Sort them out well. Mushrooms should be light, without spots and not rumpled. Then they should be washed in at least three waters. The main thing - do not overdo it, so as not to wash off the aroma. Then they need to be dried. To do this, you can put it on a paper towel so that the water is glass. Now separate the legs from the cap and cut into neat slices.

Most likely, there is no such hostess who does not know at least one recipe for how to pickle champignons.

Let's consider one of them.

For half a kilogram of mushrooms we need:

  • 3 art. l. soy sauce;
  • 1 tsp lemon juice;
  • 3 art. l. dry white wine;
  • olive oil (for frying);
  • 1 pc. onion, carrot, bell pepper, tomato.

We also take a couple of cloves of garlic, herbs, salt, pepper.

We cut the carrot into strips, the tomato into cubes, and the onion and pepper into half rings.

Heat up the pan and pour in the olive oil. Sending onions. When it is fried until golden brown, add the rest of the vegetables to it and simmer under the lid for about 5 minutes. Separately mix soy sauce, wine, lemon juice, finely chopped herbs, salt and pepper. We mix everything. Pour chopped mushrooms with marinade for 30 minutes. After the vegetables are stewed, we spread the mushrooms to them. Cook the dish for about 20 minutes over low heat. Don't forget to stir so it doesn't burn.

At the end, add the grated garlic. After that, open the lid and fry the mushrooms for about 6 minutes.

Such mushrooms can be eaten with or without a side dish.

How to pickle champignons for frying on the grill?

There are a large number of recipes for cooking mushrooms on the grill. Here is one of them - mushrooms on skewers on a wire rack.

For half a kilogram of large mushrooms we take three tomatoes, 200 g of mayonnaise, salt and ground pepper to taste.

Mushrooms are washed and cleaned, no need to cut. Marinate in mayonnaise, salt and pepper for about 4 hours. Then we string them on skewers, put them on a wire rack and put them on the grill.

Easy Grilled Mushroom Recipe

If you have vegetables, barbecue and mushrooms, but there is no way to buy meat - do not despair, now we will consider a simple and tasty recipe for how to pickle champignons for barbecue, limiting ourselves to a minimum set of products.

We take the vegetables that you have. You can use tomatoes, zucchini or eggplant, onions. Cut vegetables with mushrooms into equal rings for even frying. We put everything in a container and pour the marinade. To prepare it, we need 100 ml of soy sauce, two cloves of garlic, finely chopped dill, chili pepper and ground black. Grind all ingredients in a blender. Everything - the marinade is ready. After 20 minutes, put the vegetables on the wire rack. After the mushrooms acquire a golden crust, put them on a plate from all sides and serve as an independent dish.

Shish kebab of champignons

With the onset of spring, barbecue season begins. Everyone associates it with juicy meat or tasty fish. We offer you several options for how to marinate champignon mushrooms for barbecue.

For the simplest recipe, we need mushrooms, mayonnaise, salt, pepper, rosemary, a pinch of dried basil. It is best to choose large mushrooms, as they will have to be strung on skewers.

We marinate them in the same way as for grilling. It is better to choose thinner skewers so that the mushroom does not fall apart. The heat should be weaker so that the products do not burn. You can serve shish kebab with different sauces.

Shish kebab from champignons "Aromatic herbs"

Consider the second option of how to pickle champignons for barbecue.

For 700 g of large champignons we take 2 tomatoes, a couple of cloves of garlic, 50 g of vegetable oil and water, 1 tsp. vinegar, a bunch of herbs (dill, cilantro, basil), salt, pepper to taste.

Place prepared mushrooms in a bowl. Add finely chopped tomatoes, garlic and herbs to them. Fill it all with water, oil and vinegar.

Mix the ingredients well and marinate for at least 2 hours.

After that, you need to fry the kebab for no more than 15 minutes over hot coals.

Marinade for champignons on the fire

A marinade is prepared based on 12 large mushrooms. So, mix 50 ml of olive oil, a pinch of rosemary, salt and a couple of cloves of garlic. Marinate mushrooms for no more than 20 minutes.

If you want to pamper your loved ones, then we will offer you another option on how to pickle champignons for a fire. We prepare the marinade, counting on 600 g of mushrooms. Place prepared mushrooms in a bowl. To them we add 45 ml of soy sauce, 15 g of lemon juice, a pinch of paprika, finely chopped dill and grated garlic. Close the pot with a lid and shake well. Let marinate for 15 minutes. After that, put the mushrooms on the grill and fry on the fire until cooked.

After reading the article, now you know how to pickle champignons so that they turn out not only tasty and juicy, but also healthy.

Usually we get together as a friendly company to eat pizza or fry barbecue. By the way, pizza recipes that do not harm the figure. Delicious food is always more fun!

The other day we cooked this champignon dish and I just fell in love with it. In a week I'm going to invite friends again for mushrooms. On this occasion, I decided to collect all the most interesting recipes for their preparation on the grill: in spices, in different marinades, on a grill, on skewers, and I share this selection with you.

In fact, few people cook mushroom kebabs, we are used to roasting meat at a picnic. But the mushrooms on the coals turn out juicy, with smoke and scatter with a bang. And if they are still pre-marinated in a delicious marinade - generally delicious. And a great option for vegetarians.

Of course, no one cancels meat on a picnic, I recently wrote about secrets and. Believe me, mushrooms will bring variety to the menu for picnics. And, besides, this mushroom dish on the grill is cooked very quickly, much faster than meat, and it is also marinated for a short time.

Have a good mangal season, read and apply.

For you now, the recipe for the most delicious marinade for mushrooms! There is soy sauce, garlic, lemon and oregano here - just a gourmet's dream. I even spoke almost in verse.

The beauty of champignon kebab is that it marinates and cooks very quickly, much faster than meat.

If you read about the benefits of eating these mushrooms, it seems that they are vital for bones, for the heart, for immunity. Improve brain function, relieve fatigue. And if you cook them in the fresh air, in the company of friends - all fatigue is guaranteed to go away).

  • Mushrooms - 0.5 kg.
  • Soy sauce - 50 ml.
  • Garlic - 3 cloves
  • Lemon juice - 0.5 pcs.
  • Dried oregano - 1.5 tsp
  • Pepper - to taste
  • Salt - to taste

1. Wash fresh mushrooms.

2. Grind the garlic and add to the mushrooms. Pour soy sauce here, pour oregano. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon. Mix well.

3. Leave to marinate for 20 minutes.

4. We string pickled mushrooms on skewers and fry on very hot coals for 2 minutes on each side.

5. Remove the finished mushrooms from the fire, salt and pepper them. Bon appetit!

The classic recipe for mushrooms on the grill

Nowadays, mushrooms are grown under artificial conditions, which means that all year round in the store you can buy fresh, beautiful mushrooms. And all year round you can stew them, fry or bake on the grill.

Vegetable proteins that are part of champignons are easily digested, saturating the body with vitamins, amino acids and minerals.

In terms of their nutritional properties, mushrooms easily compete with meat. Taste-wise, whoever likes what.

Everything is very simple in this recipe: seasonings, salt, oil and fresh mushrooms. No marinade, very quick and tasty.

For cooking we need:

  • Champignons - 2 kg.
  • Sunflower oil - 100 ml.
  • Paprika - 20 gr.
  • Salt - to taste

1. We take mushrooms of the same average size so that they hold well on skewers. We string them a little diagonally.

2. Pour oil into a bowl, pour paprika into it, stir well.

3. Lubricate the mushrooms generously with a mixture of oil and paprika using a brush. After that we salt them.

4. Put the skewers with mushrooms on medium heat. After the mushrooms begin to release juice, fry for another 5 minutes and remove from heat.

Bon appetit!

Cooked mushroom skewers in soy sauce

A great recipe for lovers of new and delicious! Mushrooms in a very simple and concise marinade of soy sauce, vegetable oil and seasonings for mushrooms. Ready-made seasonings can be found in the supermarket or in the spice shop.

The sauce will enrich the taste of the mushrooms, and the oil will help keep them soft and juicy.

Choose fresh, medium-sized mushrooms so that they hold well on skewers.

For cooking we need:

  • Mushrooms - 0.5 kg.
  • Seasoning for mushrooms - 2 teaspoons
  • Soy sauce - 3 tbsp. spoons

1. Wash the mushrooms and put them in a bowl, pour over with vegetable oil.

2. Add soy sauce to the mushrooms and sprinkle with seasoning.

3. Leave the mushrooms to marinate for 1 hour. You can mix them up from time to time.

4. We string the finished mushrooms on skewers and put them on the grill on burnt coals.

5. Fry for about 20 minutes (depending on the strength of the heat of the coals), turning on different sides, until the mushrooms are soft.

It is very tasty to make an additional sour cream sauce for ready-made mushroom kebab, made from sour cream with herbs and garlic.

Bon appetit!

How to pickle mushrooms in mayonnaise - the easiest champignon skewers

These mushrooms are perfectly saturated with marinade, so feel free to experiment and add your favorite spices and seasonings. It turns out very tasty marinade with mayonnaise, it gives creamy softness to mushrooms.

When choosing mayonnaise, pay attention to its naturalness or use homemade mayonnaise.

Mushrooms go well with onions. You can string onion rings on skewers along with mushrooms.

For cooking we need:

  • Mushrooms - 0.5 kg.
  • Seasoning for barbecue - 0.5 tsp
  • Onion - 3 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise - 100 gr.
  • Pepper - 0.5 tsp
  • Salt - 0.5 tbsp. spoons

1. Wash mushrooms, if necessary, peel.

2. In a saucepan with mushrooms, cut the onion into rings and crush it with your hands so that the juice stands out. Salt, pepper, sprinkle with seasoning and add mayonnaise (about half a pack). Mix well and leave in the refrigerator overnight to marinate.

3. We string mushrooms on skewers and fry on coals for 15 minutes. We watch that the mushrooms do not dry out. Flip from one side to the other.

4. We remove the mushrooms and treat the family. Bon appetit!

Marinade with mayonnaise and garlic

Mushrooms are a protein, albeit a vegetable one, so champignon skewers are nutritious and satisfying, like meat. But it has its own charm. It turns out especially tasty if you marinate them with garlic, the aroma will spread throughout the district.

For cooking we need:

  • Mushrooms - 0.5 kg.
  • Garlic - 3 cloves
  • Water - 30 ml.
  • Mayonnaise - 100 gr.
  • Pepper - 0.3 tsp
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp
  • Dill to taste

2. My mushrooms. Cut the large champignons in half, leave the small ones whole and pour the prepared marinade in a bowl. Mix and leave to marinate for 40 minutes.

3. Put the mushrooms on the grid and send to bake on the coals.

4. Turn over several times and fry until cooked.

Bon appetit!

Video recipe for cooking mushrooms on the grill

If friends invited you to a barbecue, and you don’t eat meat, it doesn’t matter. Mushroom kebab is a great substitute for meat, and your friends will reconsider their views on the picnic menu and cook vegetarian mushroom kebabs with you with great pleasure.

For cooking we need:

  • Mushrooms - 1.5 kg.
  • Soy sauce - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Sour cream - 700 ml.
  • Salt - 1.5 teaspoons
  • Pepper - 1 teaspoon

Below is a detailed video recipe.

Sour cream marinade recipe

Champignons are a low-calorie product. Only 27 kcal per 100 grams of the product. Despite the low calorie content, they are satisfying, it is not for nothing that they are called “forest meat”. These mushrooms contain vegetable protein, and they contain almost as much calcium and phosphorus as fish. If you cook them on coals, with smoke, they may well compete with meat kebabs. And the tenderness and creamy flavor of the mushrooms will give the sour cream marinade.

For cooking we need:

  • Champignons - 1 kg.
  • A mixture of Italian herbs - 0.5 tsp
  • Sour cream - 250 gr.
  • Pepper - 0.3 tsp
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp

1. For cooking, we take fresh, young mushrooms. Wash, salt, pepper, add seasonings.

2. Pour sour cream and mix with mushrooms, marinate for 2 hours.

3. We string mushrooms on skewers.

4. Fry for 20 minutes, do not forget to turn over.

We eat juicy mushrooms. Bon appetit!

Marinate champignons in wine vinegar

An interesting marinade recipe with wine vinegar and well-chosen seasonings for lovers of delicious food.

Make sure that the heat from the coals is not too strong, otherwise the mushrooms will burn, and we need juicy and fried ones.

For cooking we need:

  • Champignon mushrooms - 500 gr.
  • Wine vinegar - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Garlic - 3 cloves
  • Turmeric, coriander, zira - 0.5 tsp each
  • Salt - to taste

Bon appetit!

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