The scheme of drawing a cat. Black cat tattoo: meaning for girls and guys


In this article, I want to tell you how to draw a kitten. I found 20 step-by-step diagrams that show cats and kittens of different breeds, ages and in different poses. All schemes increase when you click on them! I also prepared for you some video tutorials on drawing a kitten! Watch and learn!

Cats are incredibly graceful, they are well oriented in space and often surprise us with amazing tricks. Therefore, in order to draw this animal correctly, good clarity of lines is required.

1 scheme:

To draw such a fluffy cat, you should determine the main figure that can describe his body and start moving from less accurate styles to more accurate ones.

2 scheme:

The cat's skull has an incredibly complex anatomy. Big eyes and a small muzzle are difficult to portray. Therefore, it is important to convey the relief of the head so that further steps are clear.

3 scheme:

A cat that lies on its back is a rather non-standard pattern. That is why you need to master it. Pay attention to overlapping details. Try to draw this funny kitten.

4 scheme:

The little kitten is an incredibly gentle creature. Therefore, it is necessary to correctly convey his emotions: fear, interest, desire to learn. The kitten's paws should be massive.

5 scheme:

The schematic and semi-childish style of drawing also requires effort and step-by-step work. Therefore, try to see the end result - a cheerful and mischievous kitten.

6 scheme:

The graceful Siamese cat is an example of what all cats should be. With the help of this breed, you should study the anatomy of the animal. Emphasize the sharpness of the lines.

7 scheme:

To correctly convey the purposefulness of the cat's gaze, you need to depict the eyes as voluminous. Therefore, add more highlights in the eyes and correctly depict the pupil. It's best to follow suit so you don't get frustrated if you don't get a different angle for the cat.

8 scheme:

When a cat washes, he treats himself very carefully. All muscles are relaxed, and the animal feels completely calm.

9 scheme:

If the drawing has few distinct lines, use this. Carefully draw the structure of the cat's coat, his whiskers. Add some formlessness.

10 scheme:

The humorous image of a cat requires the drawing of certain elements. Funny paws, long whiskers and striped colors make our cat a typical yard dweller.

11 scheme:

Learn to draw not only correctly, but also quickly. Having selected several shapes in the drawing, practice drawing the finished high-quality image at speed.

12 scheme:

The anime style kitten has typically large eyes and a very cute look. To evoke tenderness and joy, you should add contrast to the pattern. A large head and a small muzzle just correctly convey this mood.

13 scheme:

This drawing is not standard, because its drawing does not begin with ovals, but with rectangular figures. By the way, this approach does not spoil the kitten at all. He is quite sweet and not at all rude. Try to draw this fluffy kitten.

14 scheme:

The number of cartoons on a cat theme reaches record levels. Moreover, all these drawings are very easy to perform. As you can see, there is not such a big difference between a schematic image and a finished view.

15 scheme:

Not all cats are graceful and cute, moreover, there are quite large breeds of animals. Therefore, one should be able to portray such cats. The chest is rougher and the neck is shorter.

16 scheme:

By breaking the whole drawing into circles, you can fill your hand and achieve softer lines in the drawing. By adding slight asymmetry to the paws, you can make the kitten more funny and naive. Try to draw such a kitten with a ball.

17 scheme:

A sitting cat is a very curious phenomenon. Here is another comical image of a sitting cat. Several figures can perfectly portray a pet.

18 scheme:

A lying cat is not a simple drawing, because you need to correctly depict the posture of the animal and its body parts.

19 scheme:

The fluffy cat is looking straight at us. The drawing is pretty easy. Only 8 steps.

20 scheme:

The curiosity of a cat can be conveyed with the help of a long tail, mischievous ears and huge eyes. By correctly depicting these parts of the cat's body, any drawing can be made attractive.

A cat tattoo has a multifaceted meaning. Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, choosing sketches of cat tattoos (most often tattoos are miniature, monochrome, i.e. black, the cat is depicted stretching or with playfully raised paws, in general, the drawing is cartoonish), they appeal to the following meaning: a symbol of femininity, playfulness, grace and cunning.

If you take a deeper look into the history and meaning of cat tattoos, then interesting facts are revealed. In medieval Europe, cats were considered accomplices of witches, and if a person had a tattoo depicting a cat, then for the Inquisition this was evidence of a connection with evil spirits. The fate of a man with a cat tattoo was difficult - he was burned at the stake.

There is a Goddess Freya in Norse mythology. Her chariot is drawn by cats. So the Scandinavians were more tolerant of cats.

Two centuries ago, sketches of cat tattoos were often drawn by sailors. For sailors, the cat was a symbol of good luck (which is not surprising, because the cat exterminates the rats on the ship, which means that the food will be preserved in the voyage and you will not have to starve). So this semantic load - a cat tattoo is done for good luck - is preserved even now.

A special attitude to tattoos with the image of a cat was in ancient Egypt. In Egypt, there was a cult of worship of cats, so only the priests of the cult of the goddess Basta (she was depicted in the form of a cat) and some representatives of the nobility were honored to wear tattoos with the image of this beast.

In the East, cats are temple animals. So cat tattoos in Eastern culture are associated with the embodiment of goodness.

A cat tattoo in modern culture has such a meaning: independence, freedom of action (there is a message to “a cat that always walks by itself”), the ability to survive in any situation. The last meaning (about supersurvivability) is directly related to the myth that a cat has nine lives and when it falls, it always manages to stand on its paws. Also, a cat tattoo is credited with such a meaning - cunning and deceit. The tattoo with the image of a cat is popular both in color and in monochrome.

Americans in the second half of the 20th century showed the world such a phenomenon as tattoos depicting cats, their pets. Such tattoos are made from a photo of a cat and, probably, the main meaning of such tattoos is love for your pets. In Russia, tattoos with a portrait of your own cats are not very popular.

cat tattoo video

And below are photos of cat tattoos from different masters.

Drawing is one of the most favorite activities of children. Moreover, it does not matter at what level of development their abilities are - all the guys love to portray animals, toys or nature. If we are talking about cats that are favorite pets, even if the pet does nothing all day long, but just lies on the couch, then there is hardly a child who has not tried to draw a cute fluffy. In order for these attempts to be more and more successful, it is worth knowing some features of the creative process.

What materials and tools are needed

The success of the work depends on how carefully the preparation is done, that is, the materials and tools are selected. So, for drawing, you can use:

As for the tools, here you need a regular drawing set:

You need to start drawing with auxiliary lines

  • We finish drawing the ears to the upper circle, between the two horizontal lines we make arcs under the eyes, and in the lower third on the vertical line we put a tick-mouth.
  • We connect the upper and middle circles with two smooth lines - this is the cat's neck. We make the outline of the left front paw and tail.
  • We finish drawing the line of the left paw, draw fingers with claws. We show the right front paw in fragments - only fingers and claws. In a semicircle, draw the arc of the cat's leg, bring the lines into a paw with fingers and claws. Thickening the tail
  • We complete the muzzle, that is, draw the eyes, mouth, nose and show the cheeks with a zigzag line.

    We detail the muzzle with ears, eyes and mouth

  • With smooth lines we connect the second and third circles, that is, the body of the animal.
  • We finish the mustache.

    We leave the mustache for the final stage of work

  • We remove the auxiliary lines, the drawing is ready.

    Removal of guide lines is the next step after the sketch is completed, before coloring.

  • sleeping fluffy

    Drawing a sleeping animal seems to many to be an easier task than a figure in motion. But in fact, both projections have their own subtleties. We will verify this on the example of a dormant cat.


    1. We draw a circle, enter two straight lines intersecting at right angles into it, and the horizontal line should be just below the center of the circle.
    2. On the horizontal line with arcs we show the closed eyes of the cat, on the vertical line below we draw the mouth and nose.
    3. We supplement the muzzle with cheeks, ears and a forehead with protruding hair.
    4. We draw a smooth line of the body, imperceptibly flowing into the tail. We draw attention to the fact that the arc should pass above the head, gradually going down and narrowing for the tail.
    5. Detailing the image. We finish drawing a slightly protruding front paw, covered with a tail, draw the tip of the tail and several folds on the body.

    I'm a tiger cub, not a pussy

    Creating such a cute fluffy is not difficult at all. At the same time, even in black and white, he looks like a tiger.


    1. We start with the base circle. In the lower part we draw a mouth, a nose and closed eyes.

      Drawing start from the head

    2. We finish drawing the ears, showing inside the stroke with sharp lines. From above and on the sides of the muzzle we make three lines-tiger stripes. The top will be slightly longer.

      To immediately show the unusualness of the kitten, we make him three tiger stripes on his forehead and cheeks

    3. With smooth lines we show the chest and back of the cat, draw the front paw.

      The lines of the back and legs should be very soft.

    4. We make the second front paw, which is blocked by the first. We draw the hind paw with the thigh.
    5. We make stripes on the paws and a little thicker on the back.
    6. We draw a tail, show stripes on it.

      When coloring a kitten, remember that the stripes should be 2-3 tones darker

    Video: how easy it is to draw a cat with a marker

    Video: draw Hello Kitty

    How to draw a cute anime kitten step by step

    This is interesting. Anime is an animation genre that originated in Japan in 1917. The huge popularity all over the world is explained by the fact that, unlike cartoons, these animated comics are designed for teenagers and adults.

    The attitude towards anime pictures is by no means unambiguous: many believe that creatures with large eyes of the same shape simply lose their individuality. However, there are also many fans of this genre. So it definitely won’t hurt them to know how to draw an anime kitten.


    1. We start with the base lines. We draw a circle, just below the center of which is the intersection of the vertical and horizontal lines. Draw an oval for the cat's body to this circle.

      Auxiliary lines teach proportion

    2. We finish drawing the ears and with a continuous line we show the outlines of the muzzle with cheeks.

      It is better not to interrupt the line of the muzzle from ear to ear - this way the drawing will look neater

    3. We draw huge eyes, occupying almost the entire lower part of the head. We draw eyebrows and a mouth, it is not necessary to depict the nose.

      Anime kitten eyes occupy almost half of the face

    4. From the line of the head we draw thick paws, not forgetting the protruding hair on them.

      Paws require special care, as elements of wool are already drawn on them.

    5. We direct the body of the cat, slightly going beyond the oval of the base, we complement the body with a tail.

      The tail is curved this way because the kitten is practically covered by it.

    6. We erase the auxiliary lines.

    Video: draw an anime kitten

    Video: how to draw Sharlie the cat from the Fairy Tail anime

    Angela cat drawing

    The beautiful blue-eyed cat Angela, the friend of the cat Tom from the app game, has won more than one children's heart. Yes, and many adults are not averse to spending time in the daily activities of this lovely lady. It is not surprising that many people want to draw such a lovely creature, even those who are not quite confident in the skill of pencil drawing.


    1. Draw the base for the cat. We draw a vertical line equal to its height, which we limit with perpendiculars from above and below. We put three marks on the vertical line: one corresponds to 2/3 of the segment, the remaining piece is divided into three equal parts.

      The length of the vertical segment is Angela's height

    2. In the upper part, draw two ovals intersecting in the center, which we combine on the left with an arc. In the second third of this smooth line, we outline the nose.

      Geometric figures show the elements of the image of Angela

    3. Below we draw another oval, and in the last marked piece we make a trapezoid-skirt of our cat.
    4. On the upper oval, draw the ears, detail the muzzle, namely, we show the bend of the eyelashes.
    5. We draw the left foot, bent at the elbow, pointing up.
    6. With a smooth line we show the right paw, which Angela brought behind her back.
    7. From the bottom of the trapezoid we draw paired lines of the hind legs, as well as the tail.

      At this stage, we detail the image as much as possible.

    8. Draw the eyes by adding a semicircle to the lash line. We finish the pupils.
    9. We draw eyebrows, lips and mustaches.
    10. We finish the missing elements of the open dress: the folds on the belt and the neckline of the bodice. The kitty is ready.

      Finishing the cat's dress

    Video: draw a pretty Angela

    How to draw a cat face

    Animal faces (as well as human faces) are considered to be some of the most difficult objects to draw. However, with patience, this task can also be coped with, especially if an understandable scheme is at hand.


    1. We draw a circle inside which we make two intersecting arcs. This trick will give the image of a cat volume.

      Such a base will help to make the muzzle voluminous

    2. Add two curved lines for the neck.

      Showing the outline of the cat's neck

    3. At the top of the circle, draw the triangles of the ears.

      Ears are shown by triangles

    4. At the intersection of the auxiliary lines, draw a triangle for the nose, and below add a horizontally inverted number three for the mouth.

      The nose and mouth of a cat is very easy to draw if there are auxiliary lines.

    5. We make eyes. To do this, draw two ovals at an angle, add dashes-pupils.

      We draw the eyes of an elongated oval shape, inside we show the pupils

    6. We form a face. We add strokes of fur around the muzzle, draw the relief of the ears, as well as the mustache.

      Wool and mustache give the muzzle a certain completeness

    7. With a marker we outline the contours of the muzzle, and it is precisely along the strokes of the wool. Delete auxiliary lines.

      Outline drawing - the last step before coloring

    8. The drawing is ready. You can color the cat if you like.

      For coloring, you can use pencils, paints, wax crayons

    Video: master class on how to draw a cat's face

    Photo gallery: how to draw a cat from a fairy tale

    We start with an oval shape for the cat's head Draw guide lines, this will serve as the basis for the cat's muzzle Draw the shape of the nose, and then the lines for the bases of the eyes Add large and expressive eyes, large pupils and an outline for the mouth Draw the lines of the eyebrows, the outline of the muzzle Draw guidelines according to the model lines, and then add the cat's ear Finish the second ear Draw the upper eyelid of the eyes, fill them slightly with color and detail the mouth Add hair around the muzzle, including near the mouth Draw a long mustache Outline the contours, starting with the ears Paint over the eyes as shown in the figure

    In this lesson I will tell you how to draw a cat in stages for a child. Quite often, children are faced with a problem when they are just starting to develop their creative abilities, and the object of drawing is very complex. In our lesson we will easily draw a simple but beautiful cat step by step.

    We get this drawing:

    And at the very end of the lesson we will draw such a cutie:

    Let's start drawing the cat. If you are drawing with a child, explain to him what parts the cat consists of. In our case, we start drawing from the head - it has a round shape, slightly elongated to the sides.

    After the circle is drawn, start drawing the body of the cat. We draw two curved lines from the head, and on the side - two semicircular lines denoting the cat's hind legs.

    What cat is without ears? So tell your child that ears are a must. We draw a pair of ears on top of the head in the form of triangles.

    In the lower part of the cat's muzzle, draw a nose in the form of a triangle, and from it - two curls denoting the cat's mouth.

    From above, draw cat eyes with the child - they are not round, but pointed to the corners and slightly slanted. The pupil has an elongated shape.

    Now draw the paws of the cat as shown in the picture below. On each paw we will draw three fingers, and if your cat is angry, advise your child to draw claws.

    And of course, any cat simply needs a tail - draw it on the side.

    We add fluffiness to the kitty by drawing fur on the chest and on the paws.

    Our cat is almost ready, it remains to add a few details - fur on the ears, mustache and bow. Your child can add some of his own details at his own discretion - for example, draw a bowl of milk next to it or a mouse.

    I hope you liked the lesson and you learned how to draw a cat with a child in stages. If you like to draw with children, I advise you to visit my website.

    Let's try to draw some more cute and cute cats with step by step diagrams. First, let's draw a realistic full-length cat with the help of a step-by-step guide with pictures.

    In the first step, I mark up the sheet to indicate the proportions of the cat. Our base will consist of several figures - I draw the shape of the head, body, the triangles of the ears are located on top. Look, it's already starting to resemble a painted cat! Try to keep the base lines barely visible, this will allow us not to be distracted by them in the future. Next, I begin to draw the face of the cat. It is somewhat pointed, in the lower part of the muzzle there is a nose and a mouth. Just above the nose, draw the shape of the cat's eyes.

    Now we start drawing the ears of the cat. I add vertical pupils as well as whiskers. The next step is drawing the paws. Pay attention to how they are located in the figure below.

    Now we need to draw the back, hind legs and tail of the cat. I also add touches that will make the kitty more detailed. We remove unnecessary lines, outline the contours and, if desired, color our beauty. Here we managed to draw such a cat!

    Now let's try to draw a cute cartoon kitten. The drawing is very simple, even a kid can handle it!

    Let's draw a big oval. Kittens always have a fairly large head in cartoon drawings, we will also use this technique. Then I draw lines - they will mean the body and tail.

    Next, I will draw the ears of our kitten, give shape to the tail. It turns out pretty cute! Now our cat needs to draw a muzzle - I draw two big eyes, and between them I add a nose and a mouth. A couple of lines on top and on the ears.

    Let's draw the cat's pupils shifted to the right, add the antennae and take on the paws. First the front and then the back. Now I want to add stripes to the cat's head and tail.

    In the last stages, you can circle the sketch and get rid of extra lines. I decided to draw a cat in purple and pink colors, and made the eyes green. The cat looks a bit unusual, but that doesn't make it any less wonderful. And what happened to you?

    The next cat will be a little more difficult to draw, but believe me - it's worth it. First, mark the sheet with such figures. Practice on a draft, after a few attempts you will definitely get it nice and neat. Also actively use the eraser, removing unnecessary uncertain lines.

    Let's draw a figure located under two triangles. In the very center where our lines intersected, draw a nose and a mouth. The cat's eyes are closed - it seems that she has warmed her sides in the sun and just glows with pleasure!

    Ears need to be detailed. Shade the side parts with parallel strokes.

    We begin to shape the muzzle. We draw over the sketch, but now the lines are smoother. I also drew a mustache.

    Now we begin to draw the body of the cat. She lies with her back to us, so there is no need to draw paws. I add some strokes to the place where the spine will be located, this will allow you to immediately understand in what position the drawn cat lies.

    How easy it is to draw a cat with a pencil in stages - for children and adults. We learn to draw a beautiful cat with a pencil in stages with a child. Learn how to quickly and easily learn how to draw a beautiful cat.

    To make it easy for a child to draw, for example, a cat, we will tell you how to draw a cat in stages. Draw with your child, then it will be easier for him to remember and master the drawing of a cat.

    Take a sheet of paper and a pencil and start drawing with your child, controlling and prompting him. At the top of the sheet of paper, draw a circle so that it is slightly extended to the sides.

    Then draw two curved lines from the circle down, from these lines, just below half of the curved line, draw two more curved lines, these lines will indicate the cat's hind legs.

    So, you got the torso of a cat and the hind legs of a cat.

    Now you draw the ears of the cat, they look a bit like triangles with curved sides.

    Look with your child at the bottom of the cat's muzzle, here you need to draw a nose in the form of a triangle, draw two curls from the nose - this will be the cat's mouth.

    Now the cat needs to draw eyes. The eyes should be semi-oval in shape with pointed corners at the edges. Inside the eye, you need to draw circles, and inside the circles, draw the pupil, it should be elongated.

    Look carefully at the drawing, your cat is missing paws, now we will draw paws. Draw four paws for the cat, each paw should have three fingers.

    Now the cat needs to draw a tail. The tail should be drawn on the left side of the cat. The tail of the cat should be slightly fluffy.

    Your kitty is almost ready, but to make her look prettier, draw some fluffiness on her chest and on her paws.

    Now draw the fluffy ears, the cat's whiskers and draw the cat's bow for beauty.

    Well, your kitty is ready, next to the kitty you can draw a ball, a ball with which she plays or a mouse.

    Another step by step drawing of a cat

    Now let's see step by step how you can draw another cat in a different way.

    Let's see how you can draw a full-length cat in a different way, for this we offer you step-by-step instructions and visual pictures.

    Take a sheet of paper and a pencil, first you need to mark a sheet of paper so that the cat enters completely.

    First, let's draw the cat's head. Look carefully at the next picture and draw the cat's head exactly as shown in the picture, now draw triangular ears, look carefully at how the torso is located and draw in the same way.

    Apply the sketch lines of the cat with thin strokes so that later you can correct, erase and draw further.

    Draw the cat's eyes a little above the nose, they should be in the form of an oval with pointed ends.

    Now pay attention to the cat's ears, they need to be tweaked a little so that they turn from simple triangles into beautiful ears, draw a mustache and finish the eyes of the cat, draw her vertical pupils.

    Now you have to start drawing the body of the cat, look carefully at the picture and draw the front paws of the cat and the fingers on the paws.

    Look at the following picture, now you need to finish the cat's back, tail and draw her hind legs. Give the kitty a few touches that will make her more cute and expressive.

    Remove the lines that interfere and are superfluous in your drawing, outline the outline of the cat more brightly, paint your cat in any color you like.

    Here is such a beautiful kitty you got.

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    Learn to draw yourself, teach your children to draw, to draw a cat step by step, it took you a little time, but now you know how to draw a beautiful cat. We wish you good luck in your future work.

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