An awl in a bag you can't hide the sequel. Murder will out


Murder will out(meaning) - you can't hide the obvious.

The proverb is indicated in the book "Proverbs of the Russian people" (1853) by V.I. Dalia:

Section “Essence - Appearance” - “You can’t hide an awl in a bag”, “You can hide an awl in your pocket, but you can’t hide an awl in a bag”;

Section "Mystery - Curiosity" - "You can't hide an awl in a bag."

If you try to hide the awl in a bag, then it will pierce the bag and come out. Hence the proverb.

"The Adventures of the Good Soldier Schweik" (1923, translated by P.G. Bogatyrev (1893 - 1971)), part 3, ch. 1: “As you can see, Herr Oberleutnant,” said Schweik, not at all taken aback, “every devoured pate always climbs out, like awl from a bag«.

Chekhov Anton Pavlovich (1860 - 1904)

An awl in a bag (1885) - the inspector found out that all his secrets were known.

Holidays (1885): “Now they take us for conductors! The other day, the head of traffic on the local road was walking, you know, in his engineering overcoat, without shoulder straps as it is today, and some general was shouting: “Conductor, will the train leave soon?” Grabbed! Scandal! You can’t write about this in the newspapers, but after all ... everyone knows! Murder will out

Turgenev Ivan Sergeevich (1818 - 1883)

"Fathers and Sons" (1861), ch. 24 - about the upcoming duel: " Murder will out, and I undertake to properly prepare Peter and bring him to the place of the massacre.


Phrases about people

The book "Proverbs of the Russian people" (1853), V.I. Dal

They say it's an awl. By the way, a very physically dubious proverb. Because an awl is much easier to hide in a bag than a cat, for example. And much easier than in a glass jar. The awl in the bag is not visible. The proverb means that the tip of this tool will certainly pierce the bag, and the tip will certainly show out, thereby revealing itself. Yes, it is possible, although not required. Try to take the bag now. Put an awl in it. And now, without resorting to any extraordinary measures, try to pierce the wall of the bag with this awl. Not helping yourself with both hands. Well, how? It wasn't there! But the fact is that the bags used to be from a different material. Namely, burlap. This is not at all such a dense thing, from which bags are made now.

However, the proverb, if generalized, says that nothing obvious can be hidden even in a very large shell.

Excerpts from questionnaires and a psychological test conducted with those who enter the militia service. The spelling of the answers has been preserved. (Ps. - psychologist, Isp. - test subject)

Ps.: The capital of Ukraine?

1. I don't know.

3. Hochland.

4. Belarus.

PS: Where is Iceland?

Use : On South.

PS: Where in the south?

Use : Probably somewhere in Africa.

Ps.: Marital status?

2. Normal.

4. Good.

5. Child.

Ps .: Explain the meaning of the proverb “A mosquito will not undermine the nose”?

1. Ointment from mosquitoes.

2. No one will bite anyone.

3. If he was like that, then the rest

4. Make the case so good that even a mosquito will not fly in.

Use : Mother is a physical being. Mother is dearer than mahehi

Ps. : Who wrote "Evg. Onegin?

1. Ruslan and Lyudmila.

2. Eugene Onegin.

Ps. : What is the difference between an airplane and a bird?

1. The shape of the legs.

2. A bird has a heart, an airplane has an engine.

Ps. Q: What is the difference between a fly and a bee?

1. A bee collects honey, and a fly eats shit.

2. A bee on rails, and a bus on asphalt

Ps. : Who wrote "Hamlet"?

1. Writer.

2. Romeo and Juliet

Ps .: Explain the meaning of the proverb "Well done among the sheep"?

1. Shepherd.

3. One guy among the girls.

4. Excellent student.

5. There is one smart ram in the flock of sheep.

6. Good father.

Ps .: Explain the meaning of the proverb "Don't get into your sleigh"?

Isp.: Do not take someone else's.

Ps .: Explain the meaning of the proverb “You can’t hide an awl in a bag”?

1. Sooner or later the needle will come out.

2. Wherever you put it, they will find it everywhere.

PS: What is the Vatican?

Spanish: Mainland.

Ps .: Explain the meaning of the proverb “All that glitters is not gold”?

Isp.: A good person does some dirty trick.

Ps .: Explain the meaning of the proverb "There is no smoke without fire"?

Use: Work without tools.

Ps .: Explain the meaning of the proverb “Slower you go - you will continue”?

1. No need to rush, otherwise you will get there very quickly.

2. In order not to get into an accident or a traffic jam.

Ps.: Explain the difference between deceit and error?

1. They are deceived by deceit, and they are mistaken by error.

2. lies and mixed up.

PS: Explain the difference between an island and a peninsula?

1. The whole island uniting several peninsulas.

2. None.

Ps .: Explain the meaning of the proverb “They meet by clothes, see off by mind”?

Use: Winter.

PS: What is folklore?

Spanish: Ensemble.

Kurakina Ekaterina

Explain the physical meaning of the proverb: "You can't hide an awl in a bag."

6 months ago


Answers (4)

Vyacheslav Kokhanov

Well, you can't hide a lie

answered 6 months ago


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Postman Stechkin

The awl in the bag pierces everywhere and climbs out, so you can’t hide the truth either / !!

answered 6 months ago


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uncle Vasya

So this is the physical meaning. Try to put the awl in the bag, it will still come out. It's sharp.

answered 6 months ago


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Victor Smirnov

This means that any sharp object will definitely pierce the bag and become visible. But in a figurative sense: sooner or later everything secret will become clear, any evil will become clear.

answered 6 months ago


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It is true that you cannot hide an awl in a bag. See TRUE FALSE FALSE...

Razg. Something secret that will definitely become clear. /i> You can't hide a Shila in a bag from the proverb. BMS 1998, 638 ...

SHILO, sewed, pl. awls, shiliev, cf. Tool metal pointed needle with a handle, upr. for punching holes. “In the evening, with an awl, with a needle, I briskly stitched something!” Nekrasov. "Murder will out." (last) “And I quietly him, but everything is in ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

SHILO, a, pl. awl, ev, cf. Tool for piercing holes in the form of a pointed knitting needle on the handle. You can’t hide an awl in a bag (last). Sh. to change for soap (p. | reduce shiltse, a, cf. | adj… … Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

Change the awl for soap. Razg. Shuttle. Choose the worst from the bad; do not benefit from the exchange. BMS 1998, 638; BTS, 533; Glukhov 1988, 84; Mokienko 1990, 149; SPP 2001, 82; Sergeeva 2004, 217. Change the awl for a pile. Region Same. Mokienko 1990, 29, 149 ... Big dictionary of Russian sayings

This term has other meanings, see Shilo (meanings) ... Wikipedia

A; pl. awls, lions; cf. Tool for piercing holes in the form of a pointed metal rod on the handle. Prick with an awl. Sh. became dull. Change sh. for soap (jokingly; making a meaningless exchange). Sh. in the ass (roughly; about fidgety, restless ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Female truth in deed, truth in image, in goodness; justice, fairness. Create judgment and justice. Stand for the truth. There is no truth in the world of judgment by truth. Heaven, proclaim His righteousness, the Psalter .. Truth has risen from the earth, and truth has come from heaven, ... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

1. truth in deed, truth in image, in goodness; justice, fairness. One of the highest concepts of Holy Rus'. “God is not in power, but in truth,” said the Russian, meaning by it the measure of goodness and conscience, the absolute truth of the soul. “Without faith ... ... Russian history

A thin mug does not like mirrors. The crooked face turns away from the mirror. Do not look for the truth in others, if it is not in you. If you sneezed, it's true. Chokh on the truth (belief). What a frisky do not be a lie, but the truth will not go away. Sin (or: Untruth) will come out... IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people


  • Revolution is a Russian dream, Delyagin Mikhail Gennadievich. One hundred years of the Great October Revolution, the authorities of modern Russia have bashfully silenced. They deleted from the history of our country the event that began the short Russian 20th century. But the revolution is like an awl, it is not ...
  • Revolution is a Russian dream, Prokhanov A., Fursov A., Delyagin M. and others. One hundred years of the Great October Revolution, the authorities of modern Russia have bashfully silenced. They deleted from the history of our country the event that began the short Russian 20th century. But the revolution is like an awl, it is not ...

Vaudeville in two scenes

(The plot is taken from the story of Narezhny)


Rupert, jeweler.

Simon Affenberg, Dr.

Philip Ivanovich Fortunkin.

Rosina, Rupert's niece.

Anisya, Rupert's maid.

Doctor's servant.

Servants without speech.


The theater presents Rupert's jeweler's room. Three doors; right, left and middle.

Phenomenon 1

Rosina, at the hoop, and Rupert.

Rupert (with hat and letter in hand). I'm completely dressed, but I don't know where to go. There are people around that ... who write their addresses so illegibly ... (Looks at the letter.) I live ... it is known that he lives ... but where? not here, not there, not so much ... Only one can understand that he is radiant: he lives in Grafsky Lane. Wait, I'll take a look... (Looks at the letter.) So it is ... Here at the end of the line is put Ev, and at the beginning of another graph, so, count ... but why Ev? Is it a surname?.. And the letter itself is beautiful, noble, something like that. (Is reading.)"I need twenty thousand worth of diamonds"... very spicy! "knowing your experience" ... and cleverly, about that ... "I ask you to visit me today at 4 o'clock and I hope we get together soon." (Sighs.) God still knows if we will get along: the address is so darkly written that even if you gouge out your eye, you won’t see anything ... “I live, I live ...” it’s as if someone pushed him by the arm ... you can’t make out anything! .. “I live in a house gu hoo, hoo…" no, no googoo… about that... (Looks at the clock.) Already the fourth! Farewell, Rosina, but look ... don’t look out the window, or anything like that ...

Rosina. Where are you, uncle?

Rupert. How where? To His Excellency, the Count Ev.

Rosina. But how will you find it?

Rupert. A well-known case: you won’t find a buyer for twenty thousand soon, about that ... I’ll go to all Grafsky lanes; I will ask where to find his Excellency the Count Ev… such an ace, right, all the guards know ...

Rosina. Exactly, uncle. You are very smart.

Rupert. E! Yes, what's with you to spin around; need to his lordship... (Goes.) Quietly, madam; not a step into the street, not at the door, not so much ... walk up, as you will be my wife.

Rosina. I will not be your wife, but I will walk ...

Rupert. What, sapperlot! stubbornness? Well, yes, let's talk fundamentally, and now I will soon toss and turn.

Rosina. Why are you, uncle, locking the door all the time, how do you leave? ..

Rupert. So, about that, for politics. Almost forgot. (Goes to the door on the left.) Hey! Anisya!

Anisya (behind the scenes). What would you like?

Rupert (opening the door quietly) Look, you’re with me with a back staircase: don’t let anyone in ... I’m adding your salary for that ...

Anisya (appearing at the door). Okay, I won't let you...

Rupert (goes to the middle door). For twenty thousand! It is worth driving a five-altynnik or ... so. (He leaves; he can be heard locking the door from the outside.)

Phenomenon 2

Rosina (one). Haha! How strictly he looks after me ... yes, he worries in vain. I am not his wife; I’ve already managed to look after my husband… He locks the front door, and the back staircase is of some use… It’s good that Anisya is at the same time with us… Otherwise, it’s a disaster, sit alone within four walls and count the birds on the ceiling. He wants to outwit me ... in vain! not to see him my dowry. I know that the father left a will; I will find him and demand money ... And I will marry him not for him ... What a husband he is! He is fat himself, his legs are like those of a thrush, like a stone house on a wooden foundation ... And he - what's the difference!

He is both smart and beautiful.

And he is smart and learned,

His gaze is so gentle, clear,

And he loves me so much.

There is no better man in the world

I will have an eternal feast with him ...

You can't see Rosina

My dear jeweler!

I read in Balzac:

"Something goes wrong

Where the husband is before marriage

I got married a long time ago!"

And my uncle already has wrinkles,

He swam up to his neck in fat ...

You can't see Rosina

My dear jeweler!

Phenomenon 3

Rosina and Anisya.

Anisya. They're knocking, ma'am, from the back stairs... I asked... This is Philip Ivanovich. Would you like me to let you in?..

Rosina. Oh my god, of course! And you still ask...

Anisya. Frankly, I’m not glad myself, madam, that I entered into your business ... When we moved here, the master strictly ordered me not to let anyone up the back stairs, and he promised to punish me if I let him in ... But I obeyed Katya ... I brought Philip into the house Ivanovich, whom you met through the window in that apartment ...

Rosina. What to do? You see how uncle treats me; I need to take action, what am I going to do...

Anisya. And it’s true, young lady… I don’t like him myself, and I’d rather live with you when you…

Rosina. Well. ok… open it up quick.

Anisya. Now, lady. (Exits.)

Rosina. What a sweetheart, he knows exactly when uncle is not at home!

Phenomenon 4

Rosina and Fortunkin.

Fortunkin (running in, cheerfully). Darling, Rosette, Rosette! kiss me, hug me, congratulate me!

Rosina. Forever cheerful, but you won’t think that I miss ...

Fortunkin. Are you bored? Eh, full! get over your words, otherwise I myself will start to get bored, even though I have great joy. Let me kiss your hand, my angel; no, more - my bride; more - my future wife! (Kisses her hand.)

Rosina. What joy? speak faster; then look, uncle will come.

Fortunkin. Oh, but worry! He, no doubt, will search for Grafsky lanes for a long time and Chugunov's houses in them, and in it the apartments of Mr. -graph Tupeeva, under No. 1442, on the second floor from the roof, with windows neither on the courtyard nor on the street.

Rosina (with amazement). How, you know... Did you write this?

Fortunkin. Of course I am.

Rosina. Poor uncle! ... But what will come of it?

Fortunkin. And the fact that I am marrying you today is my living picture.

Rosina. How many times do you say this….

Fortunkin. Ah, Rosina! you can't keep up with any comma. That was then, and this is now. Then I was a student - now I am free, like the wind in the sky, like a bird in the air, like an infusoria in the water. Here is my joy, a great parchment joy, with a coat of arms, with seals ... (Pulls out paper and reads.) Excellentissime, prestantissime. (excellent, excellent (lat.) }

Rosina. I still don't understand anything...

Fortunkin. Do not understand? The matter seems to be clear: I completed the course, passed the exam, received a certificate ...

Rosina. Indeed? Ah, how sweet!

Fortunkin. Do you understand the importance of my step? I am free! I can go to India and take out countless treasures from there. I can go to China and stir up Chinese immobility. I can go to America and become some kind of American majesty; give impetus to the minds of the wild sons of noon and found from them a new empire, under the name Fortunkinistan. I can open a sixth of the world... (Calm down.) Of course, I dream all this, but who can guarantee that I could not do all this? I studied hard!

A bag and an awl somewhere

You cannot hide an awl in a bag - lies, falsehood, a crime can remain unknown, hidden for a very long time, but not forever. Someday the truth will come out.

“For there is nothing hidden that will not be made manifest, nor hidden that will not be made known and revealed” (Luke 8:17)

Proverb synonyms

  • You can't throw words out of a song
  • The truth does not burn in fire and does not sink in water
  • The truth pricks the eyes
  • Eat bread and salt, but cut the truth

“There is nothing hidden that would not be made clear, and nothing is hidden that would not come out”(Gospels of Mark 4:22)

The use of proverbs in literature

« You can’t hide an awl in a bag - it will certainly come out, sooner or later"(A. Fomin" Universal navigator ")
« You can’t hide an awl in a bag - it will pierce out"(I. Grekova" "Summer in the city")
« However, you can’t hide an awl in a bag, anyway, in the end, everything came out"(N. Galkina "Villa Reno")
« Rumors that they were beaten in remand prisons eventually ceased to be a secret of the NKVD. Murder will out! The number of arrests was amazing, gave rise to rumors, suggested reflections, alarmed ..."(G. Zhzhenov" Lived ")

"The secret becomes clear"

I heard my mother say to someone in the corridor: - ... The secret always becomes clear. And when she entered the room, I asked: - What does it mean, mother: "The secret becomes clear"? “And this means that if someone acts dishonestly, they will find out about him anyway, and he will be ashamed, and he will be punished,” my mother said. – Understood?.. Go to bed! ... When I woke up, it was morning, dad was already at work, and my mom and I were alone. I ... brushed my teeth and began to have breakfast .... Mom brought a whole plate of semolina. - Eat! Mom said. - No talking! I said: “I can’t see semolina porridge!” But my mother screamed: “Look who you have become like!” Poured Koschey! Eat. You should get better .... I was left alone with the porridge. I spanked her with a spoon. Then he salted it. I tried it - well, it's impossible to eat! Then I thought that maybe there is not enough sugar? Sprinkled sand, tried it... It got even worse... Then I remembered that we have horseradish. With horseradish, it seems that almost everything can be eaten! I took the whole jar and poured it into the porridge, and when I tried it a little, my eyes immediately popped into my forehead and my breathing stopped, and I must have lost consciousness, because I took the plate, quickly ran to the window and threw the porridge out into the street. Then he immediately returned and sat down at the table. At this time, my mother entered. She looked at the plate and was delighted: - Well, what a Deniska, what a good fellow! Ate all the porridge to the bottom! Well, get up, get dressed, working people, let's go for a walk in the Kremlin! And she kissed me. At the same moment the door opened and a policeman entered the room. He said: Hello! – and went to the window and looked down. - And also an intelligent person. - What you need? Mom asked sternly. - What a shame! - The policeman even stood at attention. - The state provides you with new housing, with all the amenities and, by the way, with a garbage chute, and you pour various muck out the window! - Do not slander. I don't spill anything! - Oh, you don't spill it?! The policeman laughed sarcastically. And, opening the door to the corridor, he shouted: - The victim! And some uncle came to us. As I looked at him, I immediately realized that I would not go to the Kremlin. This guy had a hat on his head. And on the hat is our porridge .... Mom looked at me, and her eyes turned green, like gooseberries, and this is a sure sign that mom was terribly angry. “Excuse me, please,” she said quietly, “permit me, I’ll clean you up, come here!” And all three of them went out into the corridor. And when my mother returned, I was even scared to look at her. But I overcame myself, went up to her and said: - Yes, mom, you said it right yesterday. The secret always becomes clear! Mom looked into my eyes. She looked for a long, long time and then asked: - Have you remembered this for the rest of your life? And I answered: Yes.

P truth, justice - concepts that are highly valued, loved and respected insociety, which does not often prevent them from being avoided and hidden. But it is impossible to hide the truth, just as it is impossible to cover the sun with a handkerchief. About the all-pervading power of truth, songs are composed, poems and novels are written. The painfully sensitive attitude of the common people to these moral values ​​is reflected in a great many proverbs.

The inimitable Anton Pavlovich Chekhov has one story. Having received an anonymous letter, Pyotr Pavlovich Posudin gathered in the city of N with verification. He went to his destination "on a simple philistine troika", "observing the strictest incognito." Drawing in his mind pictures of the sudden and spectacular exposure of the offending officials, Posudin, as if by the way, bluntly asks the driver about himself. What was his surprise when a simple peasant driver was aware not only of Posudin, but also knew many delicate details of the personal life of “your honor” and the style of his work. At the end of the work, the man, still not suspecting who he is carrying, laughingly informs Posudin that in the county town N, from where the anonymous letter was received, in the morning the barman went for fruit and snacks, as everyone is waiting for the inspector. Chekhov called the story the first words of a Russian proverb - "Awl in a bag."

Awl - a handle with a thin sharp metal rod. No wonder that putting such a tool in a bag, he will definitely pierce the fabric. This is the literal meaning of folk wisdom “You can’t hide an awl (a) in a bag.”

Allegorically, the proverb is used when someone tries to hide the obvious, something that reveals itself. In some places, the following variants of the expression are common - “You can hide a cookie in your pocket, but you can’t hide an awl in a bag”, “It’s true that you can’t hide an awl in a bag.”

The interpretation of these sayings is the same - the secret always becomes clear. It is acceptable to use a short version of the aphorism: "An awl in a bag", Chekhov resorted to this in the title of his work.

The emotional coloring of this folk aphorism, despite a certain roughness of the whole expression, cannot be categorically called unfriendly or negative, rather warning. The "situational geography" of the proverb is extensive and it is appropriate not only to warn about the high probability of revealing a secret act. A stable expression is also used in cases where all attempts to hide what has been done are in vain. The circumstances that make a person hide deeds, actions, thoughts are different, but no matter how hard it is to keep these secrets, hide true feelings - this is the most painful, and not always justified necessity.

Foreign analogues of Russian folk wisdom sound rather unusual. For example, the English proverb: "The killer will come out", the Spanish proverb: "What is done at night, is visible during the day." At the same time, the Spaniards have an almost identical sounding equivalent - "You can't hide a needle in a bag."

Everyone has their own truth, but it is very important that it always costs more than money.

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