"School Epic" by Alexander Belonozhkin. Collection of epics composed by sixth grade students Compose an epic about some event


Dyatlova Olga Stanislavovna

teacher of Russian language and literature

I qualification category

MKOU Novoyarkovskaya secondary school

Baraba region

Novosibirsk region

We compose epics


At literature lessons in the 6th grade according to the program of A.G. Kutuzov is studying epics - works that most clearly represent the section "Oral Folk Art". Students like to read epics and work on understanding them, to study “new” old words. Probably, the sound of native Russian speech, even if it is rather outdated, resonates in our souls at the genetic level. The language is melodious, musical, smooth, it is both complex and simple. Heroes of epics - so understandable and beloved - arouse the admiration of students. The program of A.G. Kutuzov recommends holding an hour of a creative workshop on this topic, during which students try their hand at writing an epic of their own composition.

Before writing creative works, she carried out the necessary preparatory work. At the initial stage of the lesson - repetition followed by instruction.


    What is an epic?

    How is epic different from myth?

    What is the difference between an epic and a legend?

    Why is it said about the epic that, as a phenomenon of Russian folklore, it belongs to the “heroic” epic?

    Dreams about what expresses the Russian people in the epic?

    Why is hyperbole used in epic?

    What is the purpose of the litho?

    Name what constant epithets can be found in epics.

    Does the epic genre exist in today's world?

    In order to eliminate such injustice, today we will try to write our own epics ourselves.

Epic writing tutorial.

    D In order to determine the sequence of our actions, we will verbally draw up a plan for our further work. How to start preparing for writing?

      1. Let's define a hero. Choose “your” hero and try to imagine him: what he looks like, what are his character traits, who and what he loves, what he can’t stand.

        Decide with whom and for what he will fight. Do not forget that the opponent of the conditional hero must be a match for the good hero. The enemy must be very nasty, to offend someone with impunity.

3. Think about who the main character will protect. It must necessarily be a defenseless creature that cannot stand up for itself.

4. Determine in what time and geographical space the events of the epic will take place.

5. Come up with all the details and details of the main character's fight with the villain.

6. Determine which words you will begin to describe the beginning of the epic, and which ending.

7. To design the expressive melodiousness of the language, we use interjections: oh yes, ah yes, etc.

8. We write down a fictional story, keeping the sequence of events.

Note : do not forget to insert special "highlights" of Russian folklore works into the epic: a triple repetition, "magic" numbers, constant epithets, comparisons, hyperbole, litotes.

Children liked to write epics. Not all students succeeded, but those who “succeeded” aroused admiration and smiles. Admiration - because the students looked at their classmates with different eyes, as at people, a little like writers. Smiles - because the content of most epics turned out to be humorous. I give an example of several successful works of my students.

Completed by: Timofey Gruzdev

From that one from the city of Barabinsk,

From that village from Novoyarkovo

A burly good fellow came out,

Everyone called him Oleg Novoyarkovets.

He went out to the gardens and grandmothers,

And there the silushki are overtaken by black-black.

So no caterpillar crawls here,

No dragonfly flies by.

And at the head of all this great power

There was a villain-robber Colorado Beetle.

Ah, here is an old Rusich, yes, Oleg Novoyarkovets

Yes, he takes his tight slingshot.

He pulled on a silk rubber band,

Yes, he put a hot bullet,

He shot at that Colorado Beetle

And he knocked out his right eye along with the mustache.

And then how Oleg took his wooden sword

And how he began to chop-chop all this power.

And he beat this great powerhouse!

Glory to him from everywhere sing:

Oleg Novoyarkovets - the winner of the Colorado Beetle!

Oleg Novoyarkovets and the Colorado Beetle

Completed by: Oleg Kiselev

From that yes from the city of Barabinsk

From that village and Novoyarkovo

Went vaunted good fellow

Daring Oleg and Novoyarkovets.

He stood in the morning and in the garden,

And in the afternoon he wanted to be in time in Staroyarkovo.

He drove up to Babkin's garden,

And whether in that garden or in Grandma's

Caught up with something yellow-yellow!

So special forces don’t walk around here,

No one passes on a good tank,

Helicopter bird does not fly

Cool riot police do not roam.

And somehow drove up to the great powerhouse

Our Oleg is daring and Novoyarkovets.

He somehow became this great power

"Belorus" trample and pour poison.

Ah, he beat this great power

Yes, the larvae of these Colorado ones.

Yes, one young Bug escaped,

The baby is still quite, oh baby:

He is four meters high

Yes, heels are just something wide.

That Zhuchok was based on Yard and Novoyarkovskoye.

Here Oleg arrived in time there

On his "Belarus" and on the heroic.

His powerful "Belorus" and Novoyarkovsky

From bump to bump on the roads began to jump,

From mountain to mountain began to jump,

He let down large puddles between the wheels.

So he got close to the Beetle and the Colorado,

Olezhek went on the offensive.

Dispersed his "Belorus", but he does not want to go.

He turned a circle, and "Belorus" is a coward!

Oleg said yes these are the words:

“Oh, you, the wolf's satiety, and the oil pot!

Al gasoline is not the same, or the spikes are small?

Why are you on the nose, dog, stumbling?

After these words, our "Belarus" jumped up on its hind legs

And planted a Beetle on a stake, like a dumpling.

And the end came to the power and the great!

Glory, glory to the vaunted portly

To the Russian hero Oleg Novoyarkovets!

Dictionary of dialect words used in the epic:

Ground - manure.

Yar - steep shore of the lake, cliff.

As you can see, the main characters - negative and positive - have the same names. How did it happen? Before writing the epics, at the time of the discussion, the children proposed candidates for the main characters. It just so happened that the same characters "sunk" into the hearts of these boys: Oleg - by the name of a classmate, "Novoyarkovets" - by the name of the settlement. I must say that the imagination of students has no limit. They wrote epics about the New Russian, about Katerina the light Excellent student, about Ivan Hacker, and others. Here they are, the heroes of our time! The lesson turned out to be very interesting, the guys felt a taste for writing, understood how entertaining it is sometimes to act as a creator.

Oh yes, Mother Rus'! Oh yes, the country-breadwinner!

Strong to enemies to envy, beautiful to friends to joy, but glorious heroes!

And at that time lived in Rus', the St. Petersburg hero Putich Vladimir, light Vladimirovich.

He was famous for his heroic strength and military deeds and remarkable mind!

Yes, how hard times have come, but black clouds have come,

And over Russia the clouds were catching up with the infidel Obamka, with a black face and tongue-tied speeches.

He set his faithful dogs on the Russian state: Parashka and Yetska,

But nothing happened with Obama: the Russian people, led by the hero Putich, were not afraid.

Then the Basurman decided: “Since it didn’t work out by force, I’ll take it with starvation!”

Yes, he ordered the sanctions to be introduced, the sanctions are fierce, unfair!

And the bogatyrs and sovereigns of the west bowed before the terrible Obama.

Yes, the Russian hero was not at a loss, but in the East he found allies,

And the Russian state became even stronger!

And strong, mighty heroes in glorious Rus'!

Don't let the enemies ride on our land, don't trample the Russian land with their horses!

Do not overshadow our red sun!

Rus' stands for a century - it does not stagger, and it will stand for centuries - it does not move!

Whether from that city and from St. Petersburg

Born was a remote guy, a remote guy, but named Volodya.

He possessed Silushka from birth, but he was ready to stand up for his homeland right away.

The time has come for Mother Russia dark,

Ay, black-black, like a black crow:

Officials, how to feed a wolf, stole all the money from the treasury,

Yes, they sent all their children to overseas countries,

And they built mansions for themselves, and they live happily ever after,

But the Russian people were meek, they endured in silence.

Here grew up a remote young man, named Volodya,

The people saw him, trusted him, and put forward Russia to govern.

For a long time the young man got used to all the royal luxury,

Yes, Vladimir did not need her, but the world-order was legal.

Here he climbed on the back of a brown bear,

Yes, he took a tight bow, but pulled the string tightly,

Yes, how he shot, but how he pulnul.

All the unclean official men were frightened, fled,

They went to a foreign land to the children,

From that time on, they were never seen again by the people.

Since then, all overseas countries have envied Russia,

But the times have come for Mother Rus' dark,

Ay, black-black, like a black crow!

The black man said a nasty tale about Russia,

Yes, he spoke to the whole world,

And those ears hung, they believed.

Here the dollar and the euro have risen like a falcon in the sky,

And the price of estushka jumps up, and under the sanctions everyone succumbs.

How Volodya saw this, but got angry,

Yes, a great power came to him, such was not born.

He jumped across the Pacific Ocean, but he got to America,

Yes, he showed his heroic strength, but he did not beat him with a club, but with a righteous word.

The Black Man was afraid of the angry word. Yes, the words of the right,

Reduced the ardor of his enemy, anger, envy.

Pryumok, calmed down and ordered his friends:

“Do not go to war with Russia, do not look at her wealth,

And then the hero will come quickly, save Mother Russia, and

You, my faithful dogs, will be bad!”

As in the city in Voronezh, but on the street on Zagorodnya,

There are gray-stone chambers, they are called school 51.

There is a director at that school, Viktor Svet Viktorovich,

He sits in the office, he thinks, he thinks the hardest thought:

How could the school be more beautiful than ever, how could children be taught better than before?

And the kids in that school are apparently invisible!

All classes live like beehives.

And one of them is called 7 A, the one that is famous for many.

Good fellows and beautiful girls study there.

Well, they have a wonderful class: a glorious maiden, moderately strict,

And she is wise in her native language and in grammar.

Knowledge from children requires yes sentences:

“Study, kids, and get good grades, so that Rus' is famous for its smart little heads!”

Everything would be fine in this class, good, good, but not very good!

We have damned loafers, they study poorly, they love to write off.

They boast of boasting, they boast of the strength of the valiant,

Red girls are being beaten up, school discipline is being violated!

Natalya Svet Vladimirovna tells them these are the words:

“Oh, you goy, good fellows, good fellows, yes, seventh graders!

Do not be "Siberian felt boots", your generation is smart,

Oh yes smart, yes beautiful! Do not shame him with your laziness,

With his laziness and immeasurable boasting!

Get better mind-mind!”

The good fellows thought, thought, but decided to correct themselves right there,

Immediately correct and be glorified in the whole world of God!

And then the school will reward them, it will appease them with diplomas and medals!

To everyone's joy, to the envy of other schools.

Pupils of the sixth grade MBOU secondary school No. 154 of Yekaterinburg

The collection contains epics made by students of the sixth grade in prose and verse forms as a creative task after studying the topic "Epics" in literature lessons. The author's punctuation and spelling has been preserved.



COLLECTION OF EPIC 6th grade students MBOU secondary school No. 154 in Yekaterinburg.

1. "Epic about love"

In a glorious city and in Yo-burg,

Long live the school is worth it,

And her number is 154!

In the school of that mighty Polinka the beauty studied,

And Anton studied in the senior class, with a cool bang


They loved each other, but the barrier was to them

Rostislav bad,

And he prevented that Polinka from being with Anton together.

And they decided to fight with bad Rostik,

Yes, he had a glorious henchman,

Yes, and his nickname was funny - Curly.

They fought for three days and three nights,

And the poor Rostik won,

But for bad behavior they kicked him out of the mighty school.

And Polinka and Antoshka reunited!

But our story does not end there, Rostislav


He took Polina to a five-story house and into a dark one,

But Polina had faithful friends: Zhenya and


And they saved Polina the beauty,

And Curly went over to Anton's side and helped

Catch a bad Rostik.

Finally, Polina and Anton stayed together, yes


The end, and who listened - well done!

Shchelkanova Alexandra 6th grade.

2. "Alyosha Potapovich against the Russian mafia"

Not "a long time ago", but quite recently, Alyosha Potapovich lived in a small village. Lived - did not grieve. RAP read my Russian. Everyone respected him! But he also had many enemies - the Russian Mafia.

Once, while walking in the forest, he saw terrible poachers, how they stole rare animals! Then Alyosha got angry, uprooted the tree and scattered the fierce poachers, but left one poacher, tried to get information from him. And he went to the Russian, to the mafia. On a Ferrari, on his high speed. He took with him only a machine gun and pistols, and sharpened, sharp knives. And Alyosha left for a military battle.

As Alyoshenka reached the terrible place, as fierce shooting began, red blood poured. Alexey shot all the terrible enemies. Alyosha saw a red girl, he fell in love with her so much that he married her immediately. And this girl was the daughter of our president.


Piskun Alexey 6th grade.

3. "Alyosha Popovich and Koshchei's crows"

Koshcheev servants, black crows,

Get into the habit of Kyiv bread

In a day to fly in and peck.

And Prince Vladimir sent messengers

To a distant village

Yes, for Alyosha Popovich,

Like, save us, hero

Yes, from the strength of the enemy, but from hunger.

The hero was gathering

In the possession of Kyiv.

The mighty horse jumped

I only got tired twice

And the big city is already visible.

Alyoshenka lay down to rest, but gain strength.

Yes suddenly flew black crows,

Yes, there was no sun to be seen.

The hero woke up, pulled the bowstring

And he began to shoot at the crows.

The adversaries got scared and flew away.

And Alyosha Popovich mounted and followed them.

They brought the hero to a dark cave on the mountain,

And in the depths, Koschei sits on a bone throne.

He got angry, punished the ravens

Attack the Russian hero.

Alyosha Popovich fought back,

Until the crows all hit.

Frightened by Koschey, fled from death.

But the hero began to catch up with him,

Yes, shout these words:

"Fear, Koschey, you will know

How to plunder the Russian land!

Faster, faster Koschey fled,

Yes, he fell from a high mountain.

Alyosha Popovich went to the city.

They praised him, they sat him at the rich table,

Yes, fed the best food,

Yes, they wrote a song about him.

Voronina Nadia 6th grade.

4. "Epic about Nikita Dobrynich and the Busurman yoke"

Lived and was in one glorious city,

Yes, in the capital Kyiv-Grad

Bogatyr Nikita Dobrynich.

His mother wore it with difficulty, the earth is damp.

Yes, and Nikita was educated in various ways.

Once to Vladimir the Bright Prince

Basurmans attacked the capital Kyiv-Grad.

Yes, and Nikita with his retinue went away.

Prince Vladimir sent a messenger for Nikita.

Faster than a hare from a wolf, the messenger galloped.

He caught up with Nikita near his mother's Volga.

Nikita immediately set off.

Nikita went out into the open field,

Nikita climbed up a tall pine tree.

Nikita looked at the besieged city.

He said these words: "Here we will take by cunning."

Nikita decided to leave part of the squad in the bushes.

With the other part, he went to the infidel.

A fierce battle ensued.

Nikita will wave his sword forward - street,

To the right is a lane.

Tired part of the squad - it was replaced by another.

Nikita won the fight.

The prince came out to him with a bow.

He kissed Nikita on the lips of sugar.

The prince arranged a feast for the whole world.

And I was there, drinking honey and beer.

It flowed down the mustache, but it didn’t get into the mouth!

Rodkevich Irina 6th grade.

5. Bylina "Sergei and Catherine"

In a glorious city, yes in Kyiv,

Once upon a time there lived Prince Sergei.

And in Murom lived-was

Simple beautiful peasant woman Ekaterina.

Sergei once traveled around Murom,

I saw Ekaterina, and gasped.

Unexpectedly fell in love.

Get on your horse and go.

Good, beautiful land

But the sky was twisting.

The prince saw the darkness.

I woke up - there was no horse or betrothed.

The prince of Kyiv returned home on foot,

Time passed, and he forgot.

It's been five years since then,

Yes, and Sergei heard that in France

Catherine is married to Sir Maxim.

But, the prince did not recognize that,

But on a glorious horse

Hastened to France

Congratulate the mother of the bride.

Floats on the blue sea

Jumping on damp ground

It flies past the clouds.

Here is our princeling in France.

Sergei immediately hurried to the wedding.

Sergey and Katya saw each other,

Remembered a beautiful love.

But Maxim, seeing the look ...

Fight, gathering and darkness.

Sergey was lying around for a month,

Yes, having recovered, he sent his indignation to the court:

"Maxim will be burned at the stake."

And Katya and Sergey lived and got on,

Yes, they had three children.

Lyubimova Marina 6th grade.

6. Bylina about a daring young man.

He lived in an old village, the hero is remote there. He was a good fellow, he helped and brought everything. But all the uninvited liars attacked the village. And, of course, our remote all enemies mowed down like grass. I felt sad after the fight. He decided to find a wife. Geared up for the long haul. He walked through the forest, he walked through the fields, he knew that he would find her. Bring it to the house right away. Going out to the sea, he saw a small village. The people there were gloomy, he understood everything - he was not a fool. In the middle of this village he saw an old castle. And heard a great cry for help. I immediately got on the elevator, it quickly reached the seventh floor. And I could not believe my eyes that such a miracle exists. He took her right away. To live like the sun is clear!

Murzin Alexander 6th grade.

7. Bylina about Petrusha.

Near the city of Kyiv, the village was Red. There lived in that village a peasant Vasily Petrovich, his wife Praskovya Sergeevna and a small son Petrusha. Happy, happy parents - the son is growing by leaps and bounds.

The indefatigable little boy scared everyone in the village. I wanted to help everyone, but there is a lot of strength - little mind.

Father gave Petrusha to the church - to study. The study did not last long - the child decided to serve the Russian people faithfully. He bought himself a black horse, stocked up his heroic equipment according to his strength and went to his parents to ask for a blessing.

The old people were saddened - they did not want to let their son go, but there was nothing to do. Blessed.

Petrusha saddled a good horse, said goodbye to his father, mother, and rode away from the village of his native Krasnoe. In the capital city of Kyiv.

He rode through the black forest. People kept saying that 12 robbers live there, whom no one in the world can defeat.

Petrusha was not afraid of the robbers and entered into a fight with them. He quickly scattered them across the black glade. He made a cage for the robbers, put them there and took a gift to Prince Vladimir Krasno Solnyshko.

The hero arrived in the capital city of Kyiv, in the wide court of the king. He tied his good horse and carried a gift to Prince Vladimir. The prince accepted the gift, but he himself is sad.

“What are you, prince, saddened, al what happened?”

“It happened, hero, my beautiful daughter Nastasya was stolen by envious thieves. Damned Tartars.

“I will release her, prince!”

"Oh, let me out. I don't know what to do without her. If you save Nastasya, I will reward you royally. And I'll give my daughter."

“I don’t want, prince, to take a bride according to a profitable calculation. I will find love."

"Well as you know".

The hero went out to the royal court, unleashed his good horse and set off on his way.

How long did he ride, how short, did he come across a Tatar hut. A terrible robber came out of it. Petrusha was not afraid. He threw an arrow at him and hit him right in the heart. Rescued Nastasya from captivity. When I saw the beauty, I fell in love. And Nastasya liked the hero.

They arrived in Kyiv-grad. The king rejoiced at his daughter. He says to Petrusha:

"Ask for what you want!"

“I liked your daughter very much, I want to marry her”

"If you want - get married!"

And then there was a feast for the whole world. And I was there, drinking honey and beer. It ran down his mustache, but it didn't get into his mouth.

Idinov Zhenya 6th grade

8. Radomir.

Once in a rich city

Yes in Novgorod

There lived a good fellow

named Radomir.

He lived as a bean

From bread to kvass he interrupted -

No stake, no yard

He didn't have.

And he went

The sea is blue.

And on the sea

The trouble happened.

The ships that sailed on the sea

They fell into the depths of the sea.

How Radomir blew, dispersed the foamy waves,

Released the merchant ships.

Bakirov Roma, Poltorak Semyon and Shokhov Sasha 6th grade

9. Ilya Muromets and the power of the Tatars.

Ay, and filthy Tatars,

Gained the strength of the mighty Tatar,

Gained strength of many thousands ..,

Yes, the filthy Tatars went,

For a great, terrible thing.

To the prince of capital-Kyiv,

The filthy Tatars are coming here

It's a terrible thing to do.

They put their unclean violin around Kyiv.

Himself, their khan went to Vladimir,

Our Vladimir of Stolno-Kyiv was frightened ...

What filthy Tartars are clamping ...

That the earth is not visible because of their strength!

But the Russian heroes are not afraid,

They don't give a damn about the formidable, Tatar power

They are not afraid of the power of death!

But they are not eager to fight, they are waiting ...

An ambush is being prepared for the power of mortal...

Meanwhile, the Prince of Stolno-Kyiv

Retracted away into the open field ...

But suddenly his conscience gnawed at him, stronger than a Tatar cleaver,

Indeed, his whole soul was tormented!


But the idea dawned on him

You can call for reinforcements

Help Russian heroes!

And he rushed faster than the wind,

Driven by screams, screams

With the whistle of arrows and the clash of swords!

He galloped to the Russian settlement,

Death is already there...

Russian in Tatar and Tatars in Russian lay in a lifeless heap ...

Rides to the Russian village, where true heroes grow!

He knows that the hero Ilya is growing in this village,

And rushes to his hut to pray for help ...

Ilyusha opens to him,

True hero!

Why did Vladimir come to me, no way to pray for help?

Oh yes, asking for your help.

Tatars surrounded our city,

The great power of the Tatars.

I will gather my squad

And I will rush to Kyiv-grad!

He followed through on his word...

And gathered an army of heroes,

And they moved forward...

They approached the city of Kyiv,

Silence around. NO SOUL…

And we decided to enter the city.

Fire and death reigned in the city.

And the sounds were of celebration.

Tatar won...

And celebrated now and plundered,

He desecrated our sacred lands!

On the main square they

They drank to their victory.

Ilya decided not to wait, to attack,

To take their strength by surprise!

After all, wait a moment and the square will light up with the brilliance of steel!

In it, together with swearing songs, arrows will sing,

And our spears and swords will remain conversations.

And then the moment happened!

Here we are moving forward!

Taking the enemy by surprise, we squeezed them into the ring!

Not long to wait, fate is sealed!

Kyiv was liberated by morning.

Ilya is the same, Muromets is called that he was born in Murom,

Now he's celebrating victory

Vladimir was grateful to him!

Sladkova Lena 6th grade

10. Bylina “About the glorious programmer Ilya and the unclean Silushka”

As in the glorious Internet

Silushka settled, but unclean.

Yes, it was not simple, but virtual.

And besides, she is very offended by the simple people.

And she conceived a black thought,

The black thought is bad -

Infect all people in the "network"

A terrible virus of a fierce spitefulness.

Fierce wickedness and cruelty,

To lead the human race

And then live happily ever after.

Meanwhile in the same city

What stands on the river Isetyushka,

Yes, it is called by the glorious name of Ekaterinushka,

There lived a simple Russian hero - Ilyushenka.

He was a distant great-nephew

The well-known Ilya Muromets.

Our Ilyushenka was glorious in strength,

But our fellow was not so strong

Fist swinging and reckless,

How strong he was on the nets to walk

(Not simple networks, but computer networks).

He became a programmer not quickly -

From childhood, from childhood, he studied diligently.

At first, Ilyusha lived with his grandmother

And mastered the wisdom of the computer.

He had enough toys

And he often played "contour",

"Soaked" there a lot of all evil spirits.

Youth quickly passed carefree,

The college days have flown by.

Then our Ilyusha went to work,

For a serious job.

He entered the civil service

He stood guard over the "networks" of his homeland.

Once upon a time he was on a secret mission.

The very highest complexity.

And the good fellow Ilyushenka had to,

To cope with the task in glory,

In the "network" to meet the red girl,

They called her Alyonushka.

Although he did not see that girl,

But she came to his liking brave,

Conquered the heart of a hero

By the beauty of your ingenuous soul

And with his inquisitive mind, not for little girls.

A correspondence ensued between them.

Ilyushin's "keyboard" was red-hot,

When he wrote letters to his sweetheart.

And Alyonushka answered him in return,

Don't skimp on emails.

How did Silushka the unclean know and hear

About such immaculate love,

She realized that for a while

There are still good feelings on Earth,

She will not be a cobweb,

They call it the Internet.

And the unclean Silushka thought

Lime the red girl - Alyonushka,

Infecting her with a terrible virus,

A terrible virus of a fierce spitefulness,

Fierce wickedness and cruelty.

She sent to a good girl

The letter is dashing infected.

And the unkind little white crept in

On e-mail and in the soul of a sweet girl.

She forgot the feelings of light

To good fellow light-Ilyushenka,

She wrote him a message

Fierce anger and cold full.

The heroic heart trembled

From such a hard blow,

From a hard and unexpected blow.

Ilyushenka suspected something was wrong,

I wrote to my beloved with the same words

With kindness, affection and tenderness.

Well, without wasting time,

I started looking for what was wrong.

From colleagues at work

I have heard many times

About the unclean evil Silushka,

Internet infected with malice.

He gave himself a heroic word

Find and get rid of it from the light.

For a month or two, the hero does not sleep,

Our Ilyushenka has emaciated and withered.

Only the memory of the great ancestor -

The well-known Ilbyu Muromets -

Helped him in his days of despair

Stay true to your word

This word is heroic.

It was not easy to clean out the unclean Silushka.

It hurts too cunning and dexterous she is.

It hurts a lot of her assistants,

Those that can betray Mankind

For the sake of your own benefit, a trifling one.

But it’s not in vain that the good fellow Ilyushenka

For many years he mastered the science of granite.

He caught up with that unclean Silushka,

He figured out the secret access code

And destroyed the worst virus.

So the malicious intrigues collapsed,

The old Alyonushka returned to him again,

And they played a happy wedding.

Well, Silushka is unclean, "tail between her legs,"

She ran away from the "network" of the Internet.

She realized that the heroes had not yet been transferred

On the Russian land,

On the land of the Urals!

Shvoeva Evgenia and Nazarova Anastasia 6th grade.

11. Glorious programmer Kiryushenka.

In a glorious city, yes in the city of Pskov,

There lived a silushka, but unclean.

Yes, and in this city glorious

There lived an Arembish girl.

She had the best friend

Yes, she gave great advice.

And fell in love with a girl well done,

He worked as a programmer.

Kohl beauties of that arembish

There is no more beautiful, sweeter,

Then the evil silushka conceived a plan,

Yes, which was called unclean.

How a beauty was stolen from the club,

Vasilisa beautiful girl,

They kept everything locked up from the eyes of strangers,

Everything was hidden from the eyes, still furious.

I learned about that mountain Kiryushenka,

This is the one who works as a programmer,

From girlfriend Vaselisenka,

Who has great advice.

Pointed out the straight path

The road is straight, straight.

She suddenly took Kiryushenka into the room,

Where the cars are, but unprecedented.

I made my choice, good fellow,

To my liking, I chose the Zlat Cossack.

And the girlfriend said to Kiryushenka:

“Well, well done, haven’t you seen better?

From all over the world, from the world collected.

There are mighty, heroic!

Yes, the good fellow repeats to her in response:

“I don’t need cars, but mighty ones,

I don't need heroic cars,

I like my Cossack!”

Could not give advice girlfriend,

If such is our good Kiryushenka.

Yes, he went straight on the road,

Dear straight, proyamoezzhey.

I saw a silushka, a golden Cossack,

Yes, she did not recognize the uninvited guest.

And our glorious good fellow

Without labor, without war, he saved the beauty.

Well, silushki, but unclean,

Do not see more land something Russian!

Ay, our good Kiryushenka is cunning,

Ay, a beautiful Arembish girl!

Let our epic come to an end,

Instructive, amazing...

Gubaev Maxim 6th grade.

Teacher of Russian language and literature

MBOU secondary school No. 154 of Yekaterinburg

Gorbacheva Marina Yurievna

Bylina 1
I open my eyes in the morning
The sun shines through the gap in the curtains.
Oh, I would like to sleep, take a nap more,
Oh, how you want, do not wake me!
But my accursed alarm clock
Already called with a loud whistle.
Nightingale he is a robber!

My mother used to call me:
"Get up, Nastya, eat breakfast.
Braid a girl's long braid.
And go, my light, to a distant school,
To a distant school, three streets away.

Stop at a red traffic light
And stop at the yellow traffic light,
And when the green light turns on,
You go your own way.
You bring fives from school,
And please your father, mother!"

Bylina 2
It is not thunder that rumbles, not a mosquito squeaks,
my classmate at the blackboard is silent.
Twisted, unhappy stands,
what he read yesterday, he forgot everything.
A menacing cloud is approaching
heroic shadow of the teacher.
Black eyebrows are shifted by a mountain,
formidable eyes throw lightning.
“I didn’t learn a lesson,” he says to him,
Get a fat deuce then!
Then my classmate came to his senses
and he pleaded, and was troubled:
"Oh my teacher, do not be angry,
I learned a lesson, retelling.
He shook his mighty brains,
a belated thought arose.
Like a river, a story flowed;
like a nightingale, the class listened.
And the teacher is happy, happy,
smiles with a white-toothed mouth:
“Oh, you are our glorious good fellow,
really pleased, so pleased!”

Bylina 3
Once I went to summer camp,
We traveled all day and night to Anapa.
We made an excursion to the nature park,
There were many wonderful animals there.
And what kind of animals were there!
The ostrich ran very fast, like Usain Bolt!
The pony there galloped the smallest breed.
Monkeys attacked people
They probably ran out of bananas.
We fed the two-humped miracle from our hands,
The camel smiled at us for a treat.
Kangaroo there - the beast in the beast - jumped,
And the peacock fluffed its tail with a white fan!
The pelican snapped its huge beak,
And in that beak as much as half of Ashan would fit!

And then we came to the sea again,
The eyes did not believe what they saw:
A wonderful miracle in the sea is found here,
Dolphins swam right up to the shore!
They jumped, frolicked, somersaulted,
And the counselors were scared for us,
That dolphins will drag us into the black sea,
In the black sea, into the abyss into the deep.
“Oh, you kids, get away from the dolphins,
Look at them from afar!”

After resting, we went home,
The counselors waved their hands to us,
We will definitely go back there
Swim with dolphins in the Black Sea!


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Old Russian epics are a unique phenomenon in our literature. This genre arose at the dawn of the creation of the Russian state. It reflects all the richness of the people's spiritual experience.

It is impossible to accurately date each epic. They evolved gradually from ancient times to the end of the Middle Ages. There were two main centers for the emergence of epics: Kiev and Novgorod. Epics were not the creation of one particular person. They consisted of multiple repetitions of different singer-storytellers who accompanied their story by playing the harp. This is where the special poetic size of epics comes from, creating a feeling of melodiousness.

The main characters of many Russian epics are heroes defending ordinary people and their native land. The most popular is Ilya Muromets. The artistic description of the hero depicts him as an incredibly strong and handsome person (“remote”, “kind”, “glorious”). At the same time, Ilya Muromets is very modest and disinterested. Ilya's actions are always decisive and straightforward, he does not tolerate deceit and resourcefulness.

Thus, the moral ideal of the ancient Russian person is reflected in the epics.

Another famous epic character is Mikula Selyaninovich. This is a simple farmer, who also has fantastic strength. In this image, the people expressed their ideas about the importance of peasant labor, which underlies the entire Russian land.

In epics, good and evil are always sharply contrasted. A sharp line runs between positive and negative characters.

In the description of the characters, their actions and deeds, images of the natural and animal world are often used (“eyes and a clear falcon”, “eyebrows ... and a black sable”). The obligatory reception of the epic is morality, which directly follows from the narrative. The listener should have had no doubts about the justice and the inevitability of a happy ending.

Thus, in the conditions of incessant raids of nomads on Russian lands, there was a need for their constant protection. The exploits of individual people formed into generalized images of heroes, who often came from ordinary peasants. In epics, the legendary deeds of these people are described in a fabulous form. Narrations of singer-storytellers were supposed to inspire listeners to defend their independence. They depicted an ideal model of behavior to which one had to strive.

Epics are wonderful works of folk art that captivate the reader in our time.

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