Order a show with fire for an event. Fire show - training without torment


Fire show

In the middle of the 20th century, the fire show philosophy was positively accepted by youth subcultures (hippies). Fire show and hippies have become inextricably linked.

At the end of the twentieth century, this type of art, in addition to the physical orientation, began to acquire the philosophical meaning of unity with the elements.

The artist performs a complex figure (poi)

Props and fuel

The most common props used in a fire show since ancient times are sing or poi (abbreviated from poitoa - in the Maori language - ‘ball in a bag on a string’). Other popular projectiles are snakes (scythes), rope - darts, staffs, fans, torches. The most common combustible substance among fireworkers is kerosene.

  • poi (poi)- a pair of wicks or weights attached to a cord or chain. There are several types of poi, they differ primarily in the type of use (“training” - for working out new elements and “combat” - for performances), in appearance (“fire” - poi are saturated with a combustible composition and set on fire and “light” - poi glow thanks to LED elements or chemical light sources). Poi consist of a wick (which is soaked in a combustible substance), a chain (a thin, strong and flexible chain) and loops (and sometimes swivels (to rotate the chain in a new direction)) worn on the fingers. In some cases, special handles are used instead of loops. There are also varieties of poi in which not one, but several wicks are attached to the ends of the chain.
  • rope dart (ropedart)- Came to us from Chinese wushu. It consists of one wick on a long rope and a short chain (the chain connects the rope and the wick). Often for a rope dart, a "comet" wick is used, which is 2-3 rings connected in the form of a sphere. Such a wick gives a very spectacular fiery trail, but the large weight and size do not allow many elements to be traced.
  • Staff, pole (staff)- as a rule, a metal pipe (occasionally - a wooden stick wrapped in thermofoil), to each end of which a wick is attached.
  • Twin meteors (double meteor)- chain, with wicks at both ends. The size depends on the desire of the owner: some prefer to twist fastened poi, and someone prefers a long chain, which, folded in half, can touch the tip of the right hand with one end, and the other with the left shoulder.
  • Fans (fans)- several metal rods rigidly fastened at one end, each of which is topped with a small wick at the other end.
  • Claws, or "fiery fingers"- metal rods with wicks at the ends, which, unlike fans, are not rigidly fastened to each other, but are attached to the fingers with the help of special nozzles or gloves.
  • Double staffs, doubles (double staff, doubles)- two short staffs.
  • Triple (three staffs) (triple) - three staffs, each has a wick along the edge. The main techniques are juggling with three staffs, so the symbiosis of contact juggling with staffs with rotations a la spin, antispin
  • torches- two torches can be twisted in hands, and three or more can be juggled.
  • blowing fire- squirting a combustible substance out of the mouth through the flame of a torch. As a result, a large fireball is formed in the air. The most dangerous (toxic) type of fire show for health.
  • Fire jump rope (skip rope) is a skipping rope that burns. You can jump over it alone, twist it, you can make the rope longer so that two people hold and twist it, and the third (and fourth?) jumps, performing various acrobatic stunts.
  • Hula Hup (hoop)- aluminum or plastic hoop with 5-8 wicks. It can be twisted on the body or on the hands, tossed into the air. With a small weight, you can juggle or twist several hoops at the same time
  • Palm trees, palm trees (Palm Torches)- a rod with a wick at the end, attached to the palm of your hand.

Also used are fiery whips, swords with blades that are wrapped in fiberglass, and much more.

see also


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See what "Fire Show" is in other dictionaries:

    This term has other meanings, see Poi (meanings). Diode poi, long exposure photography Poi type of juggling equipment, balls on ropes that are held in hands and twisted ... Wikipedia

This section of the Artist.ru portal contains information from artists of the city of Moscow who work in the fire show genre or fire show. Do you want to add sparkle and dynamics to your holiday? There is nothing easier, because at an event with a fire show it will not be cold and boring. The fire show is a kind of circus art, which is a combination of acrobatics with a special projectile topped with special lit fuses.

Fire show at the festival

Colorful fire show tricks will make the festive event unforgettable and the party truly unique. Even our ancestors used fire in religious rites and rituals. And today the fire show pays tribute to the traditions that were laid down by our ancestors. Even in those distant times, fire was an indispensable companion of any holiday. Today, the fire show is a combination of unreal bales of fire with dancing and plasticity. This is a real spectacle that not only cheers up, but also excites the blood of the invited guests. The party, in the show program of which there is a Fire Show number, will certainly be met with enthusiasm and will remain in the memory of all those present for a long time. If you want to order a fire show, first make sure the fire safety of the place where you plan to hold it.

We invite artists from the city of Moscow working in the fire show genre to cooperate. If you want to take part in show programs of holidays and corporate parties, weddings and anniversaries with fire show numbers, register on the portal as soon as possible Artist.ru, and today your profile will be available to potential customers. Interesting proposals for a fire show will not keep you waiting long.

Stilt walkers wedding show

Light and fire fire show theater "FIRE MAGIC SHOW" welcomes you!

FIRE MAGIC SHOW is a team of professional artists who have been working in the genre since 2006 fire show And light show. As part of the theater - dancers of modern dance, stilt walkers, jugglers and mimes - artists participating in street processions and carnivals, international festivals, city and private holidays, weddings and celebrations. In the process of creating a fire show, we cooperate with musicians, pyrotechnicians, fashion designers, artists, workshops and craftsmen.

For 6 years of work, FIRE MAGIC SHOW has given more than 300 performances and has established itself as the most technical professional theater of fire in Russia, which is constantly developing. Bright and dynamic show programs"FireMagic" are like blinding flashes in the night sky. They combine high performance technique with staging choreography and polished directing.

FIRE MAGIC SHOW - treat yourself to the magic of fire and light!


Working in the fire show since 2006, we offer several different fire shows to choose from. Under the genre fire fire show You will see hot dances of fiery dancers, a pyrotechnic Crow on stilts, fire in the hands of fakirs, whirling fiery couples, fiery flowers and fountains of sparks in the air, each time your own special story told without words in the language of fire.

In the arsenal fire theater- exclusive designer costumes and masks, a unique "burning costume", "Firebirds", a fiery hoop, author's light and fire decorations, a pyrotechnic stilt walker, burning installations, a huge range of light and pyrotechnic effects.Fire show for the wedding will decorate the fiery heart, lit from the hands of the bride and groom, pyrotechnic and fiery inscriptions.


Exploring the possibilities of light, we discovered that it is a very powerful means of transforming space. light show is a world of unusual colors and colors, built using modern LED,

UV , lighting technologies.

neon show- this is a relevant and unusually spectacular direction of the show at the holiday, which has already been appreciated by many advanced event organizers. Space dances with light, neon and electric costumes, LED props according to the latest developments, smoke and laser and UV effects spotlight, light patterns in the air create a "parallel reality" where the viewer gets absolutely live. Requires holding in dark or shaded rooms.

Has it ever happened to you like this: quite by accident you find out about something new and suddenly you understand - I will do this? Maybe this does not happen to everyone and not every day, but there are people who began to perform in a fire show this way - by accidentally seeing a fiery performance and immediately realizing that this activity is for them.

But after that, the most interesting thing begins - a person thinks about where to start and, as a rule, due to lack of experience, decides to start with the wrong thing, but as a result, training drags on for a long time, and not everyone manages to maintain the initial charge of enthusiasm and faith in that that everything will work out. And so, how do you need to act in order for fire show training to be effective? Below are a few tips that will help you avoid many mistakes and, in a relatively short period of time, acquire the skills that will be required in order to perform in a fire show.

We start with food

No matter what kind of fire props you want to perform with later on, it is best to start training with poi. There are several reasons for this.

Firstly, poi are the most popular type of fire equipment, no fire show is complete without them. But even if you have already decided for sure that you want to perform with fans or staffs, it’s still better to start with poi - you can master the basic elements with minimal effort and understand the basic principles, without knowing which attempts to master work with other props will be a real torment. The fact is that learning to spin poi is quite easy - in the process of learning they will not fall to the floor like staffs, flower sticks or juggling balls, and therefore you will spend your time acquiring the necessary skills, and not picking up props.

In addition, poi have a large number of degrees of freedom, they can be rotated in any plane, and even if you are just starting out, you will definitely succeed. But if you start with staff or fans, you will very quickly realize that in order to turn them in the right plane you do not have enough coordination or flexibility, as a result, the number of elements that you can master in a short time will be reduced to a very limited number . If you have experience with poi behind you, it will be much easier to learn how to handle other props - your hands already know the basic movements and these skills will be easy to transfer to everything else.

And finally, if you start with food, you will be much more likely to find relatively high-quality teaching materials and people who can explain and show you everything.

Choice of training props

One of the most common mistakes is that a person who decides to perform with fire immediately starts training with "combat" props (i.e., one that can later be set on fire), or with their analogues (for example, tennis balls on chains). This noticeably slows down the learning process, because. weighty training props (not even burning ones) are very hampering - having stuffed yourself with a few bruises, a person begins to think not about how to move his hands correctly, but about how to dodge these terrible unpredictably moving objects that beat so painfully.

In order not to complicate the already difficult life of a novice fireworker, it is better to make or buy training poi with some kind of loose filler, if they are accidentally hit, they will not fill a bruise, which means you can focus on the learning process. And when you learn how to handle training poyas, it will be much easier to switch to "combat" props.

How to study

Just a few years ago, there were only two ways to learn how to handle poi and other fire show props:

1) Look at foreign videos (usually not of the best quality) how other people do it and try to repeat it. The process of such “trying” usually dragged on for a very long time. Sometimes because the video was of very poor quality and the element had to be actually invented on its own, focusing on the pieces that were at least somehow visible. More often, it was clear what a person was doing, but how he did it remained a mystery, the solution of which took days and weeks.

2) After some time, the number of people who learned to spin from video or somewhere abroad reached a certain critical mass and a second opportunity for learning appeared - to find someone already spinning and ask to show and explain. If this succeeded, the person could consider himself lucky, as the learning process was noticeably accelerated. But it was often not easy to find a teacher for yourself, especially for those who did not live in Moscow, and there was no need to talk about at least some systemic and regularity of such training.

Finally, first in Moscow, and then in some other large cities, a fire show of the school appeared, where you could come and, in a few lessons, learn how to spin at a level that the “pioneers” needed weeks and months to achieve. And for those who have not yet opened such schools in the city, there is another opportunity - to buy fire show lessons in the form of a complete course on DVD, with explanations in Russian, a series of preparatory exercises, showing elements in order of complexity from different angles and at different speeds - a big improvement compared to the videos with which you had to start a few years ago.

So what is next?

After you have mastered the basic level of poi proficiency, you can move in 2 directions: 1) improve further in this lesson, start turning the fire and gradually get closer to staging your own fire show number with poi, 2) take on learning how to work with other fiery props and also acquire some level of professionalism there. And then - further you can perform, either alone, or by finding yourself one or more partners, or by joining an existing fire show team. Each of these options has its pros and cons, opportunities and limitations, but this is a separate topic, which makes sense to discuss after the first steps have already been taken. And you can start right now:

  • and be inspired;
  • sign up for group or private lessons;
  • buy a DVD with fire show lessons;
  • register on the forum and find fireworkers in your city.

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