staffing xls. staffing


Unified form T 3 - a unified form of staffing, that is, a document that determines the personnel structure of the organization, including the hierarchy and number of positions, as well as payment for each position. The T 3 staffing form can be downloaded from this article.

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It will be useful to personnel department employees who are developing a staffing, as well as accountants - to justify tax benefits and prove the validity of expenses.

Staffing: form T 3

The staffing table is a local act that summarizes the division of labor in the company. It is compiled by the personnel department for the entire organization as a whole - taking into account the organization's immediate plans for hiring personnel based on existing needs and production tasks.

The Labor Code does not oblige each company to draw up such a document. But it is still desirable to have a staffing table so that the organization and the accounting department always have up-to-date data on:

  • the current number of employees and the composition of vacant positions;
  • wage fund for any period of time;
  • compliance with the personnel structure of the company, its strategy and development prospects.

Also, if there is a staffing table, it is easier for an accountant to confirm tax benefits and prove the validity of tax expenses.

As a rule, employees are hired after the approval of the company's local documents. Therefore, in contracts, work books and other personnel documents, the names of positions and salaries must strictly correspond to the positions of the staffing table. Otherwise, employees will face difficulties in obtaining state social, pension and medical payments.

Unified form T 3 staffing

Since 2013, commercial firms and entrepreneurs have had a choice when organizing document management - to use unified forms or independently develop and approve their own forms. It is only important to include in them all the details that are mandatory for the "primary" and provided for in Art. 9 of the Law of 06.12.2011 No. 402-FZ.
The problem of choice also affected personnel documentation. Now organizations can:

  • or use the staffing form T-3, if it is approved by the head separately or as part of an accounting policy;
  • or use a form developed independently and approved by the head.

The unified form of the staffing table looks like this:

Download free staffing

Staffing form T-3 sample filling

There are not many staffing requirements. Firstly, in order to avoid violations of labor legislation, the same salary is set for positions with the same complexity of labor tasks. After all, pay should be equal for work of equal value. Secondly, if within the same specialty there are different complexity and responsibilities of work, the scope of rights and obligations, then these differences should be reflected in the job titles. For example, you can use the words "senior", "junior", "leader", etc.

The compiled “staff” is signed by the chief accountant and the personnel officer. If the company is large, and the document takes several sheets, then the chief accountant can sign at the end of the document and on each of its sheets.

The head of the organization must approve the new "staff" - by order. There is no unified form of the order; the company draws it up according to its own rules. Mandatory requirement - the order must contain the date from which the staffing table is valid. The date may be different from the day the order was issued, or the same.

You should change something in the staffing table only as the personnel situation changes. If it is stable, it is not necessary to revise the document every year. The period of validity of the “staff” is not limited.

Structural divisions of firms do not need to draw up their own staffing table. Subdivisions and branches are sent an extract from the approved staff list or a copy thereof.

It is not necessary to bring the contents of the staff to employees, since the document does not regulate labor activity. Personnel information that relates to a particular employee, he learns from his employment contract. But the obligation to familiarize staff with the staffing table can be established, for example, by a collective agreement

Hello! Have you ever heard of such a document as the "Staffing Organization"? But this is a document on the basis of which wages are calculated, as well as employees are hired and fired. Now we will try to tell in detail about what functions the SHR performs and how to compose it correctly.

What is "staffing"

Each of you at least once in your life has been in the personnel department of some enterprise. You have probably seen countless folders and personal files of employees. Surely many were interested in how the employees of this department collect and remember information about all positions, employees, etc.

And everything is quite simple. They have such a document as the staff list.

Staffing (SHR)- This is a regulatory document that indicates information about all the positions of the enterprise, the number of full-time employees, the amount of their tariff rates and the amount of allowances.

In other words, this is a document that contains generalized information about the number of employees of the enterprise and the available positions. In addition, the staffing table indicates the amount of wages for each position, taking into account all due allowances.
Very often, this document helps the managers of the enterprise in the course of litigation. For example, due to a forced reduction in the staff, a worker was fired and he sued the former managers. In this case, the SR is direct evidence of the legality of the defendant's actions.

Because of the importance of this document, all pages are numbered, laced and sealed.

  • Download Sample order on approval of the staffing table
  • Download Staffing form N T-3

Staffing functions

Like any document, the HR performs a number of functions. The main ones of which are:

  • Possibility of organizing the working time of the staff;
  • Paying monthly salaries to employees;
  • Official registration of newly hired employees;
  • Leaving the rules of the internal daily routine;
  • Transfer of registered employees from one position to another, etc.

Staffing is a mandatory document

Every company has a lot of documentation. There are documents that are mandatory, and there are those that are created out of necessity. To the question “Is the SR a mandatory document?” it is impossible to give a definite answer.

All due to the fact that the labor code does not imply the mandatory presence of an SHR in an enterprise. But if we consider this issue based on the requirements of Roskomstat, then it turns out that this document is necessary, because. it is the primary documentation for accounting for wage payments.

Although there are no clear norms in the legislation, most organizations maintain this type of documentation. After all, the main part of state inspections begins precisely with the study of the SHR.

In fact, the presence of this document makes life easier not only for inspectors, but also for managers, HR and accounting departments.

What is the duration of the staffing

No official document specifies the exact duration of the SR. The head himself has the right to indicate the period for which this document is drawn up. Most often, it is redone every year, and put into effect on January 1. When compiling the SR, the date of its validity is indicated. But if you do not specify a date, then the document is considered unlimited and does not need to be redone.

How much and where is the staffing table stored

On the basis of the decision of the Federal Archives, SR, after the expiration of the validity, must be stored at the enterprise for 3 years. And the shelf life of regular constellations is 75 years.

Regular arrangement- an optional document for each enterprise, which is created on the basis of the staffing table. It is a mobile version of the SHR and includes more detailed information about the company's employees (name of workers, disability group, etc.).

Who makes up

Before proceeding with the creation of a document, the manager issues an order to change the staffing table, where he appoints an employee who will draw it up.

It can be absolutely any employee of the organization. But most often, such work is entrusted to employees of the personnel department, accounting or a labor rationing engineer.

How many copies of SHR should be in production

When compiling the SR, one copy of it is made. Therefore, the original and a copy must be kept by the Human Resources and Accounting Department.

Change in staffing

Sometimes changes have to be made to the existing SR. This is done in several cases:

  1. If there is a reorganization of the company;
  2. If it is necessary to optimize and improve the labor activity of the management apparatus;
  3. If the changes made to the legislation require the introduction of mandatory amendments to the SR;
  4. In the event of a change in staffing ;
  5. Changes in positions in the staffing table;
  6. Salary changes in staffing.

If the changes are minor and do not require the creation of a new SR, then the head issues an order to amend the staffing table. After that, the responsible employee makes amendments to the current document.

When changes are made to the staffing table, management is not required to notify employees in writing.

The second way to amend is to create a new SR.

With any changes in the SHR, amendments must be made to work books and personal cards of employees. Prior to this, it is necessary to obtain written permission for this action from employees.

For example, if the wording of the job title changes slightly, the employee must be notified in writing. Only after that changes are made to his work book.

If the changes relate to the amount of salaries, in this case, the employee is notified in writing 2 months in advance. These amendments are made in parallel to the employment contract.

Is there a mandatory form of staffing

To compile the SR, most often they use a unified one. It is a form - a table in which you need to enter data.

Most organizations take the T-3 form as a basis and “customize” it to fit their enterprise. This is permitted, i.e. the uniform form of this document is not mandatory.

In cases where the enterprise has a state form of management, then the staffing table is drawn up in accordance with all the rules.

Organization staffing structure

The SR consists of a header, a table, and the data of the people who signed the document.

The first part of the documents contains the following information:

  • Name of the organization, according to the constituent documents;
  • The date of commencement of the SR, its number and validity period. Numbering can be assigned arbitrary.
  • Date and number of the order on approval of the staffing table;
  • General staff.

The second part is a collection of data for all positions. We will consider it a little later.

The third part contains the names and positions of the people who signed this document. Most often, this is the head of the personnel service and the chief accountant.

How to make a staffing table

We hope that no one had any questions when filling out the “header”, so let's move on to filling out the table itself.

1 count . Name of the structural unit. They must be listed in order of subordination. For example, administration, secretariat, financial department, accounting department, etc.;

2 counts. Department code. We number the units from top to bottom (01,02,03, etc.);

3 counts. Job title. Data must be entered in the nominative case without abbreviations, in the singular, guided by qualification and tariff reference books;

4 counts . Number of staff units. This column indicates how many people of one position the company needs. This value can be either integer or fractional. For example, 2.5 could mean that 2 employees will work full-time and one part-time;

5th column . The amount of salary, tariff rate or bonuses. Indicated in rubles for each position. If, for example, 2 accountants work, but the manager pays them different salaries, then a single salary is indicated in the staffing table, and additional payments are prescribed in the allowance column. That is, the salary of employees in the same position should be the same;

6, 7, 8 columns . Allowances for special working conditions. They may not be, then dashes are put in the columns. But if the worker works at night, on holidays, he cleans the dignity. knots, etc., then according to the law he needs to pay some compensation;

9th column. In just a month. The data in columns 5,6,7,8 are summarized, after which it is multiplied by the number of staff units for each position;

10 count . Note. A local normative act may be indicated on the basis of which remuneration is carried out;

After entering the data, it is necessary to sum up the total by 4 And 9 column. Thus, we will find out the number of staff units in the staff list and the monthly payroll.

staffing approval

According to the rules for approving the staffing table, after compiling and verifying all the data, the SR signs the head, chief accountant and head of the personnel department. After that, the head of the enterprise issues an order to put this document into effect.


SR is not mandatory, but a very important document of any organization. Based on it, you can either accept a new one. In addition, it is used to pay wages to employees of the enterprise.

This document is not strictly regulated, so it can be “customized” for each organization and redone if necessary. This is the leader's lifesaver during the period of inspections by state bodies.

What does a sample staffing table for 2019 look like? Is there a universal sample of the 2019 staffing form? Is it mandatory to issue an order to approve the staffing table for 2019? By what date should such an order be issued? We will answer questions and give an example of a staffing table, which you can download and correct for yourself.

Why you need staffing in 2019

The staffing table in 2019 is necessary to formalize the structure, staffing and staffing of the organization (Article 57 of the Labor Code). The "staff" prescribes a list of positions of employees indicating the number of staff units, salaries, allowances and additional payments. In other words, the staffing table is a document that fixes the basic structure of the organization, distributes salaries by position and indicates what rate the employee is at. These are important documents for any company.

Do I need to approve a new staffing table for 2019

Is it necessary to approve a new staffing table for 2019? Or can you continue using the old one? Let's explain.

There is no time limit for the staffing table. After the staffing table is approved, changes are made to it as necessary. Every year, the organization is not obliged to approve (revise) the staffing table, but it has the right to do so. Many employers have made it a rule to re-approve the new staffing table annually, and not to make changes to it. It is worth recognizing that this approach is fully justified. After all, it is much more convenient to use the new and fresh document of 2019 than to “dig” and the mass of changes made to the staff last year.

It is also worth noting that some heads of organizations quite often change their approach to the formation of personnel policy. As a result, there is a high turnover of staff. And by the end of the year, it becomes obvious that a new staffing table for 2019 needs to be approved.

Moreover, in addition to renaming positions, setting a different salary, etc., there are separate procedures in labor legislation that can also lead to a transformation in the staffing table. For example, a reduction in the number or staff (Article 180 of the Labor Code), organizational or technological changes (Article 74 of the Labor Code), etc. These circumstances also push for the approval of a new staffing table for 2019. A sample download will be provided below.

Staffing form for 2019

The employer may (as he sees fit):

  • or in 2019 use a unified form of staffing (if it is approved in the accounting policy order);
  • or in 2019, apply a self-developed form approved by the head (provided that it contains all the necessary details provided for in part 2 of article 9 of the Law of December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ).

Recall that the unified form of the staffing table No. T-3 was approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of 01/05/2004 No. 1. If you use this form, then it must be filled out in full. If you use "your" form - fill in at your discretion.

Organizations have the right to independently determine which form of this document to apply:

  • unified (form No. T-3);
  • developed and approved independently.

Sample staffing table 2019

The staffing table for 2019 should include, among other things:

  • structure of the organization indicating positions, professions and (or) specialties, specific types of work;
  • staffing;
  • wages.

The staffing table for 2019 is approved by an administrative document, which is signed by the head of the organization or another person with the appropriate authority. The unified form contains details indicating the need to sign the staff list by the head of the personnel department and the chief accountant.

In the absence of relevant positions in the organization, both of these functions are performed by its head.

Let's assume that the staff of the organization is 28 people. Wage fund for one month - 367,000 rubles. The staff includes, in particular:

  • director with a salary of 30,000 rubles;
  • secretary with a salary of 8000 rubles;
  • chief accountant with a salary of 25,000 rubles;
  • accountant with a salary of 20,000 rubles;
  • assistant accountant with a salary of 15,000 rubles. etc.

Responsible for maintaining personnel records - head of the personnel department N.A. Petrova applied a unified form and compiled a staffing table for 2019. Sample in front of you:

Familiarization of employees in 2019

The staffing table is a local regulatory act of the organization that does not regulate the labor activity of employees. The employer is not obliged to acquaint employees with the staffing table, including when hiring. The employer will have to familiarize the staff with the document if such an obligation is provided for by the collective agreement or other local act (letter of Rostrud dated 05.15.2014 No. PG / 4653-6-1).

The staffing table is a mandatory personnel document that every organization should have. The T-3 form is usually used, but you can also develop your own form, taking into account the characteristics of the organization.

Staffing for IP. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation makes it clear that an employer (it doesn’t matter: an individual entrepreneur or LLC), who has concluded an employment contract with an employee, is required to have a staffing table. However, there is no unambiguous indication of IP, unlike the organization.

Therefore, some accountants recommend in any case to have a staffing table, and the other part - to draw it up with the number of employees over 3-4 people. Although in practice, many individual entrepreneurs ignore this document.

Form T-3 includes information about the divisions of the organization, the name and number of staff units in accordance with the classifier of professions and positions (OKPDTR), wage rates (salary, allowances). Also, for all positions, the total monthly salary costs are considered.

The staffing table is compiled from the beginning of the year or from the beginning of the organization's activities and is approved by order of the head. The validity of the document can be anything - for example, one year or several years, depending on the decision of the manager.

If in the course of the organization's activities there are any serious staffing changes (number of staff units, job titles, tariff rates), then it would be rational to order the head to change the current staffing table, and not to approve a new one.

However, with a massive reduction in workers, of course, it is better to draw up a new schedule. Form T-3 is filled out by personnel officers or accounting staff.

The staffing table is compiled by the personnel department, economists or accounting, is an official document of a legal entity and is part of the mandatory personnel documents, it is usually drawn up for a year. On the basis of it, employees are admitted to the newly organized enterprise, and the current composition is corrected. The finished schedule is approved by the order of the head. Quite often, a document is required during inspections, and may also be requested in case of litigation.

The staff list lists a list of departments that describes the organizational structure of the organization and its staffing, according to the charter, indicating the number of employees, professions, the magnitude of wages, the amount of additional payments and allowances. If there is a need, then employees can be divided by belonging to the organizational structure, for example, "Administrative Department", "Sales Department", "HR Department" and so on.

Organizations can use both the unified form T-3 of the staffing table, and maintain an independently developed form, in accordance with the Federal Law “On Accounting”.

The form must contain the following elements:

  • Business name.
  • The date of compilation of the document and its title were set.
  • Content was present.
  • The monetary expression must contain units of measure.
  • The person responsible for the preparation of this document, his position, full name and signature should be indicated.

The staffing form can also be found in many specialized accounting programs; at the end of the article, you can download the necessary forms. Consider the procedure for filling out the T-3 form.

Sample of filling in the staffing table

The name of the organization is entered in the document in strict accordance, as indicated in the registration documents, the OKPO code assigned by the statistical authorities at the time of registration of the legal entity is indicated. The numbering can start over every year, or be continuous, counting from the moment the first document was created.

The staffing table is approved on the basis of the order of the head, and in the appropriate columns in the "staff" its number and the date of entry into force are indicated. The form indicates the total number of jobs, taking into account vacant, unoccupied jobs.

It should be noted that the date of approval of the form and the date of its compilation may differ, the date of entry into force of the document may also be different from the first two dates. The dates must be in the correct order.

The tabular part of the document contains columns:

  • The name of each structural unit and its code must be indicated.
  • Positions of employees, qualifications and rank.
  • The number of staff units in the organizational structure.
  • Salary for each position.
  • The amount of allowances and surcharges.
  • Count of everything.
  • A note may be included if necessary.

Each enterprise has several structural divisions, reflecting, among other things, the main areas of activity and the larger the organizational structure, the more of them. In accordance with org. structure, management can independently determine the names of departments and assign a code to the department - this can be either an abbreviation of the name or a set of numbers that indicate their location.

Positions in the organization are determined on the basis of the reference book - classifier OKPDTR, and commercial organizations can use not only the strict wording. Budgetary organizations must apply in strict accordance, since employees can receive certain state support and benefits if this is provided for by a profession that involves working in hazardous working conditions. It will be necessary to use classes and categories, according to the tariff-classification guide. You can specify in any order: scattered, by position priority, alphabetically.

Depending on the production need, the number of personnel is determined independently. It is possible to use part-time work, as well as part-time work. In this case, decimal fractions (0.3; 0.7) are used. At the same time, vacant positions can also be taken into account, if there is a need for a certain number of employees, such data is indicated either in a note or in a footnote below.

The “Salary” column indicates the salary (tariff rate), which is written in rubles with kopecks. The value can be determined in accordance with the tariff scale, at a rate or based on their percentage or share of revenue (profit), etc. If an employee is hired at a piece rate, then the staffing table should indicate the salary calculated according to certain methods.

Official salaries of employees are indicated in column 5, bonuses that should be reflected in the Regulations "On bonuses" (employment contracts for each employee or a collective agreement) are indicated in column 6. Surcharge for harmful working conditions, which are determined by a mandatory special assessment of conditions labor and enshrined in the relevant regulations are indicated in column 7.

Additional payments and allowances to employees that are established in the employment contract or established by law are reflected in the column "Surcharges and surcharges". This may be an additional payment for intensity, harmful working conditions, northern coefficients and bonuses. If necessary, you can apply the percentage separation of these coefficients.

The amount of wages, taking into account all staff units, salaries and allowances throughout the enterprise, is indicated in column 9. Actual based on the final value of this column, the total wage fund for the organization for the month as a whole is determined.

The finished form of the staff list is signed by the head of the personnel department, as well as the chief accountant, a seal is put and after that the form is approved by the relevant order of the head. If the document consists of several sheets, then it is stapled, numbered and sealed.

Making changes to the SR

Usually, the staffing table is approved for a year, however, due to certain circumstances, it may be necessary to make adjustments to the previously approved form. This is also done on the basis of the order of the head (or a person authorized for this action) on the changes being made. As a rule, such a need arises as a result of a change in the organizational structure of the organization, for example, when reducing staff or vice versa when expanding, when changing the salary, reorganization, etc.

If the changes have affected any employees of the organization, then they must be notified against signature in writing about the changes made in the “staff”.

Download the ShR form

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