Comic ditties about women on March 8.


At our school a bright holiday
The long-awaited women's day.
And congratulate the teachers
We, friends, are not lazy at all.

We need to start now
To celebrate Women's Day together,
Congratulations to all of us in time
And sing ditties to the ladies!

We rush teachers
Congratulations on the holiday!
Maybe someone wants
"Five" in the diary to put!

Sing ditties to our ladies -
The best teachers,
Smart and attentive
And super charming!

We read poetry to you
Let's sing good songs.
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts
Happy March 8, Women's Day!

On a wonderful and spring day
Dear teachers
We'll cheer up
Wishes to you.

You are not just teachers,
We wish from the bottom of our hearts
Only a smooth road for you
And live up to a hundred years!

Prepared for you
Surprise, no doubt.
And let the school on this day
Joy reigns.

On this day March 8
Tell all teachers.
You do not take the excitement
You dedicated your life to us.

And therefore, relatives,
We want to wish you.
Do not know sorrows from now on,
Never lose heart.

I'm sitting in class
I look at the teacher.
I like the teacher
When he doesn't fight.

school principal

There is no more difficult, perhaps, a share,
Than being a principal at a school
Your fate, oh, is difficult -
You are one for all of us!

Our director is all in business,
It's not easy to run a school
This is not ditties for you
Perform at a concert!

Chastushki for a chemistry teacher

We put something into the flasks,
Almost half the school was blown up,
Invented active
Mix we reactive!

periodic table
We often dream at night
If necessary - ain a moment,
Let's take a look at each element!

We study acids.
Everyone went on break.
What I added to what, I don’t know
But there was a terrible explosion!

biology teacher

About natural selection
We'll keep the conversation going
With what "kind" and "class" means,
You introduced us!

Anatomy, science, -
Just fun:
We fed the skeleton
Sausage with cookies!

We are in biology
Learned a lot
From call to call
We study DNA.

I couldn't learn
Again natural science.
Where can I get a skeleton
To complete a task?

Geography teachers

We love learning from you
We know the countries of all the capitals,
We study not in vain
Mountains, rivers and seas!

We wish for sure
So that the sea is knee-deep,
On the shoulder, so that without a dispute,
There were all mountains in the world!

How can we not confuse
Where is the Volga, where is the Nile.
You mix it up a little
Can eat a crocodile.

I want holidays
Go on foot to Bulgaria.
I study all day
Science Geography!

Chastushki teacher of Russian language and literature

We have a passion for Russian,
We read our classics
We learn the rules together
Everyone needs to know Russian!

Here is the subject of literature,
To understand its meaning
We need in the library
Take a book every day!

We are in Russian
Yesterday they wrote a dictation
And today the whole lesson
Mistakes have been corrected!

We were in physics
And looked at the textbooks ...
What is written in this book?
We do not understand those secrets!

Math teacher

Math is hard -
She is known to all.
Let's think and guess
How do we solve problems.

We can do all the tasks:
Let's divide and multiply
We will add a verse to the bouquet,
And congratulations on spring!

OBJ teacher

Studied life safety
We are from A to Z already,
Our kids know for sure
A nail cannot be put into sockets,

Know how to behave
How to grow healthy
Where to cross the road
How to deal with fire!

We wink at you together -
Let all evil burn with fire
For you to live safely
Well, and March is cool to celebrate!

physical education teacher

Wider step, straighter back -
This is how we warm up
We don't cheat a bit
So, as it should, we will exercise!

We radiate strength, dexterity,
We pump up the muscles of the press,
We always look up to you
And we are changing for the better!

We wish you not to let us down -
Meet March in great shape,
Be cheerful and active
And super sporty!

singing teacher

No more patience
At the singing lesson
Give me the button accordion,
I'll play by myself now!

labor teacher

In our school I'm not lazy
Practice every day.
For the top five for work
I'll be there on Sunday!

At work all the girls
Embroider together.
Well, poor boys
Weights are being carried.

At the labor lesson
Everyone took a broom,
Everyone went out to the schoolyard,
Swept away the unwanted rubbish.

Physics teacher

I know the laws of physics
I will tell you without a doubt.
Prevent me from waking up
Laws of attraction!

We were in physics
And looked at the textbooks ...
What is written in this book?
We do not understand those secrets!

Chastushki teacher of computer science

My favorite lesson
It's computer science
We are in class
Game practice!

The teacher teaches us everything
Learned about the news
Our computer scientist, he is the best,
Let's be honest, no praise.

Computer science subject
We need
Is there internet in class
And the teacher is amazing!

So why do you need a notebook?
Why grammar?
The Word rules us all again
Informatics rocks!!!

In the world of new technologies
Computer science subject
It has no secrets for us.

As an example, our teacher
And we wish him
Masses of innovations and discoveries,
Happiness, joy, love.

History teacher

Let's go to history
Everything is shaking guys
Ah, our beloved historian!
Have pity on you guys!

English teacher

In English
I forgot my native language
And in Russian your name
I couldn't read it!

On this glorious women's holiday,
We'll sing a couplet
And give a cool mom
Amazing bouquet!
(S. Pavlova)

You, our teachers,
In the world of all smarter and more beautiful,
With fervor, feeling and passion
Happy March to all of you!

All the flowers in our city
Selling out quickly.
All clear. Women's holiday
Coming soon.

Under the spring ringing of drops
We sang ditties to you,
Tried to surprise you
Pay attention to everyone!

We sang ditties to you,
All who wanted.
Like it, don't like it
And it's time for us to take a break!

Chastushki on March 8 for beloved mothers and grandmothers from school or kindergarten children. 25 naughty ditties for the most expensive women in the world!

Chastushki on March 8 for mothers and grandmothers

1. I bring flowers to mommy,
And candy for grandma.
For you to rejoice
They could feed me!

2. I will hug my mother tightly,
I love her very much.
And I love grandma
She always forgives everything.

3. My mom can't sleep,
My mom is a craftswoman.
She sews and knits and cooks,
And he even drives a car!

4. I'll tell a secret to grandma:
There is no kinder one in the world,
That's why they love
All their grandmothers are children!

5. My mother and grandmother,
Most loved!
Today you are just a class
Most beautiful!

Chastushki for March 8 mom

6. I am for my mom
Brought friends to visit
sparrow and hamster,
And a shaggy puppy!

7. Mom bakes a cake today,
I go through the rooms.
I guess I can't wait
I'm crazy about the smell!

8. I help my dear mother,
I clean everything at home.
I even cleaned the room
For mom to rest!

9. On March 8, mom
I'll give you a balloon
For mom to fly
To see the countries!

10. My mom in the world
The most beautiful,
Queen of beauty
You are my beloved one!

Chastushki on March 8 mommy

11. I will give a gift,
The best on earth
And beloved mother!

12. My mother is the best
Kind and brave
I take a cue from her
I will grow up smart.

14. I tried all day
cleaned up at home
Well, mommy sleep,
You are so tired!

15. The best friend in the world -
This is our mom!
And help and advise
All of it is free!

Chastushki on March 8 for grandmothers

16. I am for my grandmother
Drawn all day
Cake, picture, plane,
And it turned out to be a hippopotamus!

17. I hug my granny
I know all her wrinkles
If he smiles
I'm already forgiven!

18. Grandmother, grandmother,
Be by my side!
Sing me your song
I love her very much!

19. My grandma has a bedtime story
Definitely will tell
I am from grandmother's caress
I fall asleep sweetly!

20. Pies, cheesecakes,
Everyone bakes old ladies.
And my grandmother
Bake buns with poppy seeds!

Chastushki for March 8 grandmother

21. Grandmother, beloved,
The most beautiful.
Kind heart like a fairy
Hug me soon.

22. Holiday of grandmothers and mothers
We say thank you.
We don't know how to live without you
But sometimes we get upset.

23. I am a ditty to my grandmother
I will sing beautiful
Be healthy, dear
Be always happy.

24. Grandma is looking for glasses,
I walked around the entire apartment.
Her granddaughter's naughty
They hid so they wouldn't leave.

25. Who puts the dough in the morning?
Of course grandma
So that we eat for breakfast
Delicious pancakes!

Congratulations to women on March 8 are traditionally rich in words of admiration, sincere compliments and good wishes to the heroes of the occasion. But, if congratulations are held in an informal setting, at a friendly party or a corporate buffet table, then a little humor and mischief will not hurt at all. Dear ladies can be pleased with a funny alteration on behalf of some character, mischievous ditties or a costumed musical number.

Here are collected ditties and musical congratulations on March 8 comic content that can be played up and made into a funny costume number or a fun surprise for the ladies and all the guests, and, perhaps, for your only and beloved.

1. Congratulatory ditties from men on March 8.

(participants of the congratulations perform each of their verses)

March 8 came
And quite out of place
I'm afraid of rings and tequila,
I just can't get enough!

I congratulate my wife
I'll make breakfast in bed
I will send an order to the restaurant,
They are not too lazy to do everything there!

I must congratulate my mother-in-law
And don't forget about your wife
I will do good to them,
And I won't drink wine!

Spring has come to everyone's hearts,
March 8 at the porch,
It congratulates women
And decorate with flowers!

A toast I need to tell you
I can't resist
Let's women for something
So that your husband does not drink wine!

Drops dripping from the roofs
And I'm not too lazy to congratulate
Since March 8, the whole earth,
And you women "Hurrah!".

We sang ditties to you,
From my big soul
We managed to congratulate you
You are all good here!


2. Musical congratulations "Parade of Stars".


(this is not just a congratulation, but a whole performance,in show form parodies of pop singers, which will especially benefit if you dress him up))

L. Agutin and Angelica Varum

To the tune of the song "Island"

I took the guitar in my hands
Angelica, stand up! (gestures to Angelica)
And you and I together (hugs)
Here we will sing a song for everyone,
Glasses clink loudly
Cute girls..
Angelica, get out! I smile at them. (gestures to leave)

Glasses clink again
And there are plenty of snacks.
Toasts and congratulations
They all say on a spring day.
And, since this is the case,
I could dare you too
A few words to say now.
And even more!

Where are you, my spiller,
Pour into my shining glass
Quickly vee-but,
I'm already waiting
For a long time,
I am your unexpected guest,
But there is a stash, apparently
So, pour me (gives a glass)

'Cause I sing for women
And if I drink too much
Who will sing?
It's just that I'm tall
And I would have time for 20 more banquets

coming outBoris Moiseev(acting capriciously, manneredly)

To the motive of the song "I left for St. Petersburg, but came to Leningrad"

I won't, I won't eat your vinaigrette now
And I will not, and I will not even eat your salad,
I'm passing through here and I have a ticket in my hand
I will leave soon for the city of Leningrad!

Alla Pugacheva

To the tune of the song "The Real Colonel"

Oh, what a capricious Boriska you are,
Get out of my sight as soon as possible
You act like a radish
What to do, I'll sing for two,

Let the glasses ring loudly
Today we have a holiday!
Happy March 8, girls,
Come on out, let's dance!

L. Vaikule

To the tune of the song "Vernissage"

At the deli once
I met you by chance
You were drinking beer at the kiosk.

I fell in love with you
On your adidas suit,
And 3 stripes on the emblem.

There is no end to chance meeting
We hugged on the porch
Help each other...

Shining yellow moon
I realized that I'm in love
I realized that I was in love.

May this March day
Nobody will be alone
Let them give women flowers
And let the cats sing songs.

March 8 every year
I congratulate all the people
And this song as a joke to you
Performed for lovely ladies ...

Edita Piekha (disguised man)

To the melody of A. Pakhmutova's song "Hope"

An unfamiliar star shines
And around the landscape unknown to me,
Why is the head spinning?
Why is this song being sung?

Looks like the banquet is over.
And people went somewhere else...
From that there is no money in the pockets,
And the girls left for others.


Hope! support me
And put something back in my head
Mirages remained in the distance,
And waiting for work on Monday.

3. Ditties from "old women" - "Women's suffering".

To the motive of the song "If you, frowning ..."

If you understand, leaving the house,

That the weather forecaster and his report are lying

Remember that soon the sun will rise again,

Soon the snow will melt completely and spring will come!

And a smile, no doubt

suddenly touches your eyes,

And good mood

you will have all day!

If you open the closet in the morning, you will understand

That again today there is nothing to wear,

May spring bring the best shopping

So that from now on you will not know such problems in the future!

And a smile, no doubt

suddenly touches your eyes,

And good mood

you will have all day!

We wish you both love and affection,

Hear compliments many, many times

Let fate give an unearthly fairy tale

A lot of joy, health, happiness and courage!

And a smile, no doubt

touches your eyes again

And good mood

won't leave you anymore.

6. Aria of a family man on March 8. "Holiday of the Most High"

To the tune of "I'll Never Forget You" from the rock opera "Juno and Avos"

You wake me up at dawn
Lies so now "in suit" my card -
And whisper: "Darling, you will not forget:
Congratulate all women on March 8?!

Blocking you from cooking
I will think: “The Feast of the Most High!”
I will give both flowers and new clothes,
Proving only: with you I'm not superfluous!

I will clean, wash, and even -
Under the herring I will give a hundred grams of vodka -
I will iron all my shirts,
I'll patch up all your pantyhose!

And flashes among thoughts, among different ones,
When will I wash the batteries:
This feminine, my favorite holiday,
Oh, it would end, by God, sooner!

You wake me up at dawn

I open my eyes with anguish.

You whisper: "Darling, will you have breakfast?"

Oh, cheers, so the holiday is over!


7. Musical congratulations on March 8 for a corporate party.

To the melody of the Russian folk song "You are my grandmother, you are my Lyubka ..."

The girls dressed up
All with makeup
We have them with the men
Didn't even know!

We took a stash
From a plastic card
To congratulate the girls
Happy March 8th!

Wine intoxicates us
And someone too
Our director is dancing
Sharp as a boy!

Waiting for management
We are more likely to start
To congratulate the girls
Happy March 8th!

Secretary today
Curled curls,
She has such
Stylish slips!

At least she has to work
No talent at all
First beauty
Happy March 8th!

Only the caretaker today
Bored all day
Walks everywhere
Turns off lamps.

Sad for a reason -
Lost at cards
That's why he's not happy
On the day of the eighth of March!

We sang songs to you
At your feast
Maybe, in fact,
Are we still sleeping?

We will hug you tightly
Dear girls,
Sultry beauties
Happy March 8th!

8. Song-alteration for performance by a ladies' group.

To the motive "Fish" from the repertoire of gr. "Factory"

When spring comes again

Streams are ringing, snowdrifts are melting!
With nature together on earth
The floor of the weak is blooming too!

Oh, lyuli, my lyuli!
Spring winds blew!
And here we are men
Take a fresh look!

Well, why are we worse than these stars
In your province, girls!
And we have our own producer!
They need to look for this!

Let the tour not threaten us!
And show business does not shine for us!
But we know one thing for sure:
We are the best in this world!

Oh, lyuli, my lyuli!
Spring winds blew!
And here we are men
Take a fresh look!

And on this March day
We sincerely congratulate you!
And reach any heights
In all matters, we wish you!

Let your eyes shine
Let your face shine with a smile!
And let fate give you
One day I will meet with a goldfish!

Oh, lyuli, my lyuli!
Spring winds blew!
And here we are men
Take a fresh look!

And we wish you more
Hear more compliments.
And may you always be
Much better than your competitors!

And we don't need anything
More of these moments!
And even though we are not in the Kremlin now,
But we look forward to your applause!

Here we shine like the sun!
Congratulations! Congratulations!
And we sparkle to you today
We wish you brighter than any stars!
Oh, lyuli, my lyuli!
Oh, lyuli, my lyuli!
Spring winds blew!

Ditties on March 8 for girls from boys, as well as funny ditties with the names of girls will help make your holiday at school and kindergarten fun and memorable.

You, dear girls,
Happy Women's Day!
And now we ditties to you
Let's sing very loudly!

We promise you today
Compliments to speak
And grow up a little
We will give you flowers!

Clockwork we guys
Unprecedented steepness
Congratulations girls
Happy Women's Day of Spring!

March 8 is coming soon
The boys are going to be hot.
They need to keep their word.
You can't hurt girls!

We congratulate the girls
On this day, like princesses.
We choose gifts for them,
Oh, it's not an easy process.

You are always beautiful
"Ponytails", pigtails
We sometimes pull for them,
Just out of habit!

Chastushki on March 8 with the names of girls

Chastushkas with the names of girls are merrily performed, when a funny quatrain sounds about each student of the class, emphasizing the character or behavior of someone.

Katya is a kind soul
Everyone is nice, good.
Loves school, loves work.
And a true friend to everyone in the class.

As soon as I see Nastya,
I don't care about others
In essence and in fact
It is better not to find Nastya.

Our Lena is not quiet,
Even though it looks like it.
If necessary, boldly vmazhet,
Doesn't even blink an eye.

Am I a gentleman or what?
Karina helped take off her coat.
Her briefcase brought to the desk,
It's March 8th today!

Did not answer about fairy tales
To the question of Alenka.
And in her diary they placed
Ugly duckling!

Katya flew to school so
I didn't wear a uniform to school.
The whole lesson was counted by Katya
I'm polka dots on a bathrobe.

Polina is very exotic,
But sometimes self-critical.
And the unfortunate men
They love Paul for no reason.

They say there is nothing more beautiful
And wiser than Angelina,
Everyone will agree with this
Our lovely men

Diligent in everything
Darina decorates the house.
Only companion is pride,
Oh, it interferes with everything.

Look at Natasha -
She's got thorns all around
She looks so arrogant
And in her soul - flowers!

If you are looking for a long time
You are the leader
You choose Alina -
your savior!

Do not judge strictly Anya
For her great looks.
Inadvertently our Anya
Make all men fall in love with you.

Galya loves books since childhood,
I read "Moydodyr",
And now she's dreaming
Read it to holes.

Tanya with Lena, like magpies
On the edge of the forest
Discuss who has
More beautiful freckles.

Somehow Olya got
Sasha's note
lend me a dictation
Self-writing pen.

If you need order
Choose Julia as your wife
Just give her gifts
Never forget.

If you are looking for peace
That is more modest not to find,
The name is rare -
Ksyusha, how can I find you?

Our Tanya in the classroom
Writes messages to everyone.
Who will receive the telegram
Takes punishment.

Why, tell me, children,
Are there books?
To beat our Zhenya
All the boys with them.

Like our Verochka
Head is spinning,
Can't see anyone around
It spins with might and main.

I want to tell Lera
Shoulder leaning towards her,
About the weather, about football,
Yes, and little about anything.

Olesya is - the soul will perk up,
Olesya is gone - a dull look,
I am drawn to Olesya
Feelings are an impressive magnet.

Who has a lot of fives
And mind chamber.
Yana knows everything in the world,
Even about the shovel.

We sit in class
And look at the girls
And beautiful and smart -
It's better not to find it.
There is a magazine on the table
Well, there are fives in it.
Because in our class
Smart girls.

All day I tried so hard
I didn't look at the girls.
Barely survived -
I wanted to pull the braid.

We won't hide from girls
Let's tell them straight out:
Before your beauty
We melt like a snowman!

Everything around makes noise, sings,
The Women's Day is coming.
We must decide quickly
What to give girls.

March is a good day
To congratulate the girls.
We promise, our babies,
We will not offend you!

On a bright day March 8
Women must be respected.
On this day, we will not be you,
Tease, pull and push!

Our girls offended
We won't give today
Not even a stranger
Let's not get close to them.

It's a holiday in our school
Women's Day! Flowers and laughter!
To all teachers at once
Let's say: you are the most beautiful of all!

On Women's Day March 8
Dad cooked dinner himself
And I'll tell you a secret
Made a lot of trouble.

Burnt soup and porridge
He poured salt into the compote,
When our mother returned
She had a lot of trouble.

We envy girls
They love to play
And for this, guys,
Need to buy dolls.

On Women's Day March 8
Petya cooked dinner himself,
Crumbled sweets into the salad,
Made a lot of trouble!

We finish singing ditties,
We promise our mothers:
Let's grow good
To behave.

We dressed up for the holiday
We will show you a master class.
Sing and dance non-stop
We can give you an hour.

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