Comic voice congratulations from the president on his anniversary. Congratulations to the President


The proposed version of the video congratulations is the next version, already the third, in the series we have conceived for a variety of occasions and events. In this case, the occasion for congratulations is the most wonderful and one of the most suitable for this format, anniversaries and birthdays. This option consists of two different videos and texts, one is offered for the perpetrators of pre-retirement and retirement age, and the other is for birthday people who still have everything ahead and they are young, full of hopes and plans. So, the essence of entertainment called “Comic video congratulations from the president for the anniversary and birthday“ Teleconference with Putin V.V. - 3" the same as in previous versions: "Telebridge with Putin - 1" and "Telebridge with Putin - 2", but the content is new.

The scenario of video congratulations from the president for the anniversary.

Since this teleconference is a continuation of the series, details about the essence of entertainment, the necessary equipment and tips for conducting it can be found in the announcement of the first version - or in the full version of this scenario. I would like to emphasize that, despite the fact that the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcongratulations is repeated, questions and video excerpts, i.e. as if the president's answers, absolutely new, specially selected and invented for specific occasions: anniversaries and birthdays.

1. Comic video congratulations for the anniversaries "Teleconference with V.V. Putin - 3."

(The full version of the congratulations includes: a video clip, an introduction to the congratulations, tips for holding and the text of questions, especially for holding on the anniversary)

5. But we heard that the hero of the day some large CASH GIFT was supposed to come from the management of a certain financial organization, but it is not there, DONT KNOW what's the matter?

- « Ha-ha, the circus, and they just quit, and without their signature they don’t transfer money ... "

2. Comic video congratulations for young birthdays "Teleconference with V.V. Putin -3"

(Congratulations are similar to the previous one, but the text and video are designed specifically for young birthdays).

Text excerpt for illustration:

On the screen, a frame where the president is listening, the presenter asks another question.

9. Vladimir Vladimirovich, your relatives are so touched by your attention to (birthday name) After all, he is, in fact, a simple guy, and not some kind of ELITE.

On the video screen is an excerpt with the words of the president:

- « Do you know what the Russian elite is, this is a hard worker, a peasant, this is a person on whose shoulders the whole country rests, has held on for centuries and is now holding on, and will hold on! .

Text and videos for congratulations on weddings and anniversaries can be downloaded in the full version of the script

To get the full version with musical accompaniment, it is enough to deposit a small amount (400 rubles) into the site development fund - conditions and details on the page AUTHOR'S SCENARIO

P.S. Dear users, the document below provides detailed information on how to get the full version of this scenario.

(download by clicking on the document)

Bonus discount for video congratulations:

This video greeting partially duplicates the videos of "Telebridge -1" and " , therefore, for those who purchase one of them in addition to this, a bonus discount is provided - 200 rubles. Each option separately (400 rubles), if you order two, then - 600 rubles, a bonus discount is also provided if you purchase an anniversary one at the same time as this teleconference (it costs 300 rubles separately), and together - 500 rubles, respectively, if you purchase only teleconference - it is enough to deposit 400 rubles into the fund of the site.

Click on the picture to place an order and immediate its execution.
There you can see the image in more detail.
The cost of obtaining the 1st copy - $0,8 . Terms and conditions of payment (via SMS) you will find on the ordering page.

Take advantage absolutely free demo mode to get a blank certificate or magazine cover .!

CONGRATULATIONS from the President of Russia

Vladimir Sergeevich Vasechkin! (replaced with your name)

Happy birthday to you! I wish you further success in your creative work for the benefit of your Motherland.

Your will, optimism, dedication are worthy of admiration and respect. May every day of your life be filled with creativity and creative energy.

Brilliant professionalism and accumulated experience allow you to successfully achieve your goals.

Vladimir Sergeevich!

Please accept my most sincere congratulations on your birthday! With all my heart I wish you good health, happiness, peace, joy, prosperity and the realization of all your ideas!

President of Russian Federation

An application for an exclusive congratulation from Putin on his birthday, anniversary, holidays, in a real live dialogue on the phone with your dear person! Hundreds of sites have appeared on the Internet that offer so-called musical voice cards with this kind of congratulations. In fact, this is an ordinary answering machine from the last century. Owners of sites that offer their services as postcards are clearly misleading or, more simply, they are leading by the nose, putting a substitution of concepts into the meaning of this word, calling the voice answering machine a postcard that you will never see. And to call them personal personal appeals from the president is generally beyond the scope of absurdity, especially using popular names that will suit everyone: Vasy, Pety, Masha, etc. But if your name is Albert, Armen, Artemy, Arina, Alevtina, etc., you are out of luck: they are simply not in the answering machine audio recording. If you are an adult and serious person and prefer to be treated with respect by name and patronymic, for example, Andrei Alexandrovich, then this is simply beyond the scope of such congratulations. That's the whole myth about personal personalization, where the unfortunate parodist, through the word, stretching out the sounds of uh ... and mmm ..., tries to find the only worthy similarity in the manner of speech of Vladimir Vladimirovich, periodically chipping away cheap jokes that are clearly not inherent in the most influential and respected politician in the world. Perhaps such funny jokes are designed for children from 7 to 12 years old, but it will definitely look at least stupid and inappropriate for both serious people and those who are not deprived of a sense of humor. Unless, of course, you are sure that it is your recipient who will definitely be surprised by what he hears and will fall into shock from the answering machine on the other end of the line. Undoubtedly, such an important congratulation from the most influential politician of the country and the world carries certain obligations both in terms of the quality of the speech, and the personality of each individual birthday person taken. Where the very effect of a dialogue on the phone should become a pleasant fairy-tale surprise and personal pride. Where, perhaps, this particular congratulation will be remembered by a person for life, than all the annual gifts, the bulk of which disappear from our memory in a few hours and it is difficult to remember who gave them.

How do we congratulate? We do this with the help of unique programs specially developed by us. The Robot Prompter program will instantly respond to your interlocutor's question and give an appropriate answer in the inherent interpretation of the president. To do this, we passed through our program a thousand hours of various dialogues of our president. So far, the robot cannot pronounce words correctly with the right intonation, and we use speakers who instantly pronounce the text written by the Prompter Robot in response to questions and answers during the dialogue. Through a special filter, the voice will be tuned to the original voice on a sinusoid and generated in response to the interlocutor. All this happens in milliseconds, so your congratulations will never doubt the original. The only important thing is that the birthday boy enters into a pleasant dialogue, conversation, answering the president's questions and receives at the end, pleasant wishes addressed to him personally. And the main highlight of this whole action after the call, we send you a modern media postcard to your email address, where you will be provided with a high-quality video sequence, a touching musical background, a text appeal to the congratulatory person and, of course, a recording of the dialogue that took place in good memory so that you can view it on many times. The thing is that during the conversation, the congratulatory person experiences real pleasure from what is happening, being in tenth place from such unexpected happiness. Delight is so overwhelmed with emotions to remember what it was? Hardly succeed! Tested by experience! Call us on the indicated phone numbers on our service, and we will be happy to answer your possible questions. Sincerely, Romantics!

Victor Yanukovich: "Transformations on the path of reforming Russia, carried out under your leadership, find the support of the Russian people and contribute to ensuring stability and economic growth."

Kim Chen In"I wish you great success in responsible activities aimed at creating a powerful modern Russia, good health and happiness."

President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan"I wish you good health and new successes in your public service for the benefit of the prosperity of the Russian Federation, further enhancing its authority and role in the world arena."

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev“Today, friendly Russia, under your leadership, is consistently moving along the path of improving and modernizing all aspects of society. Your name is associated with the growing authority of the country in the international arena, its active position regarding the processes taking place in the world. Your personal contribution to strengthening and multiplying traditionally friendly and good-neighborly relations between Azerbaijan and Russia. It is gratifying that these relations have reached a qualitatively new level of development and are now in the nature of a strategic partnership."

President of Abkhazia Alexander Ankvab"I express my deep gratitude to Vladimir Putin for his personal efforts in the process of restoring our country and recognizing its state independence."

Ramzan Kadyrov"Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich! On behalf of the people of the Chechen Republic, I congratulate you on your anniversary. I wish you success for the good of Russia"

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev congratulated the head of state. The Prime Minister presented the President with a gift - a book by Alexandre Benois about Tsarskoye Selo, published in 1910.

Representatives of the opposition did not pass by the significant date either. Today, near the Presidential Administration, the opposition will hold a flash mob "Seeing Grandfather to Retirement." They will organize a collection of gifts for the president, "which can be useful to a person on a well-deserved rest."

RBC readers have already sent their congratulations to the head of state. The collection point continues to work on the pages of RBC in social networks Facebook And " In contact with". Please note that rudeness and overt flattery will be ruthlessly removed.

In addition to the "duty" wishes of health and happiness, Vladimir Putin is congratulated as follows:

Alexander Sabaev (Facebook): "Vladimir Vladimirovich, it is not supposed to congratulate you on your birthday in advance, so please accept a simple wish: do everything so that my friends and I vote for you!"

Vyacheslav Voronov:"And I sincerely wish our president health and strength for work. Everyone who worked in the bureaucracy knows how hard it is. So, confidence, strength and the preservation of people's love, Vladimir Vladimirovich!"

Oleg Dimov:"Congratulations on your anniversary! I wish you to quickly get rid of the burden of power and despicable metal! Breathe deeply the air of freedom on a well-deserved rest! Fly with Siberian Cranes, dive for amphorae, and much more ... And do not let us get tired of you :-)"

Vladimir Tiulenev: "Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich, from all the years of your reign, what kind of Russia you left will be remembered. I wish you in the DR to think about your heritage and about what kind of Russia your children and grandchildren would like to live in. And even more trust in people - not only approximate."

Dmitry Burlaka:"Congratulations on reaching retirement age! I wish you to get out of the state of" slave in the galleys "and try to become free. I'm sure you will succeed!"

Pavel Legenya: "I wish to have time not to miss my chance to become the Great Ruler of Russia - the first in history to legally transfer power to the next one without swindling tandems and revolutions. And rest."

Dmitry Babenko Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich, Happy Jam Day, which is also the Anniversary today!!! :) I want to express my respect to you for the well-chosen life path, for the ability to correctly build and organize the people required in the interests of the Cause, and of course for the ability to brightly and unconventionally relax! :) I wish you on this, I think, an unforgettable Day for you, as President - not to forget about the needs of Russia and Russians, about our common problems, and most importantly, to firmly rein in the "demons" (and often hiding behind your name) who are ruling today (as in middle positions in the state apparatus, and in the field!!!And as a human being, I wish you Health, human Happiness, Love, well...more money!!!:)

Alexander Yankovsky Happy birthday! Be healthy! Come for tea!

Also, visitors to the RBC page of the VKontakte social network left their wishes.

Ilya Salya: "I wish to bring higher education to the world level not by reducing the number of universities and endless reform, but by raising the standard of living of teachers."

Andrey Adamenko: “Vladimir Vladimirovich, I sincerely wish you longevity and health. And most importantly, strength. We have enough problems, of course. And, undoubtedly, something needs to be done with education and healthcare, but a lot has been done. although they shout loudly, but, fortunately, they don’t know how to do anything else. Keep up the good work, now, at least, I’m not ashamed that I live in Russia. "

Vladimir Bernikov: "Vladimir, happy anniversary! I wish you great patience in your hard work and thank you that our country has finally begun to change for the better, although not in everything, but compared to what we have had since the 17th to 1999 - the changes are radical thanks to you and your team. Happy birthday!"

Alexander Rybalka: "Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich! I congratulate you on this significant date! Despite the fact that I adhere to the opposition position on what decisions are made in our country, I cannot be sure that you are personally responsible for the bad things that are happening. In the end in the end, as your defenders sometimes correctly point out, it could be much worse, and I must be grateful (I don’t know to whom - you, God or universal justice) that I have the opportunity to live more or less worthily in Russia and bear responsibility for my destiny. Therefore, apart from politics, as a person, I wish you human happiness, health, courage, determination and, most importantly, honesty, sincerity and integrity. Happy birthday!"

Eugene Oyama: “Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich! I congratulate you on your anniversary! I wish that when making all decisions concerning our vast country, you always remember that the head of state is responsible before God! I hope that everything you have done and your plans will serve Russia for the good! so that you turn out to be the very captain who correctly guides the ship of Russian statehood through the storm and thunderstorms of the global world, and to whom the memory of the people will give a good word!"

Konstantin Tashimov Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich! I congratulate you on your anniversary date and wish you long life, health to you and your family, sanity and political longevity. The most important thing is to arrive on time and leave on time ... We give you a good lamb for the holiday.

What will you say if, in the midst of a personal or professional, religious or state holiday, President Vladimir Putin himself suddenly calls you with congratulations? Surprised? Will you be happy? Are you afraid?
Can you imagine? Putin's call with congratulations! To you personally, naming! This is cool! And oh, very cool.
In our practice, there has already been a case when an elderly woman was moved to tears when she heard congratulations from Putin on her anniversary! I believed that it was real. So be careful with the grandmothers, be sure to be present at this call next to them!

70% of site visitors choose audio congratulations from Putin on his birthday. Select the recipient's name, date and time of delivery. We send SMS to all countries, we accept payments from 50 countries (including the CIS countries). Sound congratulations from Putin will arrive on time and if you can be close to the congratulator at this moment, you will see the reaction to the sound SMS in Putin's style. We bet she will surprise you. And such an audio congratulation from Putin will cause a lot of conversations and memories. You will stand out from everyone who congratulates the hero of the day, the birthday man.

An interesting version of the call from Putin is motivators. Motivate your man or, conversely, your wife with the voice of the president.

Cool congratulations on your wedding day - SMS from Putin. Submit, you won't regret it! The bride and groom will be stunned by Putin-style congratulations, this will relieve tension, amuse the young, please and be remembered. Send SMS congratulations from Putin on his birthday or on a holiday to colleagues, boss, relatives. Congratulation in the voice of Putin on his mother-in-law's birthday enjoys special love among men. Apparently this is how husbands build bridges with their wives' mothers. Why not? It's fun, original and respectful at the same time!

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