Comic names of nominations for subject teachers. For Teacher's Day: funny contests, fun games and comic nominations


Your students are graduating. This is an exciting and touching event. It is difficult and simple, it is the law of life. New students will come to you and everything will be a little new and a little old. And now graduation, which means a holiday. Comic nominations are being prepared not only for graduates, but also for teachers. They can be distributed both at the graduation party and in a narrow circle of teachers.

"A smile will make everyone brighter"
The leader in the nomination "From a smile will make everyone brighter" - the most smiling teacher. Her smile rivals that of the Sun. From her smile, not only brighter, but also warmer. May that smile only get better with age.

"Classy lady"
Well, of course she's awesome! Strict, knowledgeable, fair. In a word, awesome. Cool in everything. We love her very much for her kindness and skills, for her beauty and decency. We give leadership in the nomination "Classy lady" to her.

"Star Style"
This teacher is not invited to the program "Fashion Sentence". He is already dressed "to the point". The style of his clothes can be called stellar. He is always flawless. Superiority in the nomination "Star style" for a teacher who loves fashionable clothes.

"Early bird"
She comes to school early. Before her, probably only the birds wake up, who need to sing their wonderful morning song. It's good to be at school early in the morning. Textbooks and globes, blackboards and desks are still sleeping. But the active life will begin soon...

"Golden Fund"
The palm in this nomination can be given to a teacher whose teaching experience is quite large. She taught even when there were no technical innovations. She always taught with a soul, worried about her graduates. This teacher devoted his whole life to school.

"Running on the waves"
The winner in this nomination can be a teacher of physics. It is the physics teacher who knows everything about waves. So difficult, but necessary, necessary.

"Creative person"
Creativity is her forte. She approaches any issue in a non-standard, creative, with a twinkle. What else could you come up with? To be clear, fresh, unconventional. She plays incredible scenes with students, puts on performances. And there are always a lot of ideas in her head.

"From point A to point B"
From the lips of which teacher have we constantly heard these words? Of course, from the lips of a math teacher. Mathematics is the queen of all sciences. And for us, a mathematics teacher is a real queen. Wise, knowledgeable, understanding. Point A to B winner is our favorite math teacher.

"Big smart"
And she (or he) is really smart. And the teacher is a good one, and he is always with us on the campaign, and at the birthday party he was the first to start. She seems to be on a par with us. But we never forget that she is a teacher. Homework in this subject is always performed by students with particular zeal. We give her the championship in the nomination - "Big Clever".

"People's Treasure"
The winner in this nomination can be a school principal, an honored teacher of Russia, or just a teacher with a solid teaching experience. She teaches not only children, but also young teachers. It's always interesting with her.

"You are my melody"
Without a doubt, there is a person in the teaching staff who sings well. And it can not necessarily be a singing teacher, it can be a chemistry teacher, and a teacher of elementary grades. The main thing is that this person sings with soul. He wins in the nomination "You are my melody."

All teachers are always serious and sometimes scary. But on the day of the teacher, you can and should laugh, especially at teachers, at their seriousness. Comic nominations for teachers on Teacher's Day will help you arrange a mini holiday that can be called a school Oscar! Comic nominations will help to give each teacher a prize, and they, in turn, will think about why I was given this nomination, and then, perhaps, they will reconsider their policy in their studies.

When to arrange these nominations will tell you. And they will help to make your demanding audience laugh even more.

Chemistry teacher:
Chemistry? We are all for!
For this, the reward has found you!

The award is presented to the master of flasks and test tubes!

Mathematics teacher (algebra and geometry):
You taught us to count
And now do not deceive us!
We will definitely count the change
And if necessary, we will cheat ourselves!

The award is given to the best accountant for the time on the accounts!

Teacher of Russian language and literature:
She knows all the rules
And a comma, and a point will always put!

The award is given to the expert in all the rules of the Russian language, the master of suffixes and endings, the best word parser by composition, and so on.

Astronomy teacher:
She showed us another world
And now we never sleep at night!

The award is given to the main star of our school!

Biology teacher:
In her class all natural beauty
I invite biology teachers!

The award is given to a person who knows firsthand what a pistil and stamen are and what they serve for!

English teacher:
Simply and easily she says
Knows what each word means!

The award is given to a person who understands Psaki without an interpreter!

Physical education teacher:
Once the whistle - and we run.
Two whistles - and we are standing.
We roll on mats,
There is no better lesson than physical education!

The award goes to the Hercules of our time!

Physics teacher:
There will be a lesson with a bang
If you study physics!

The award is given to a person who personally tested Newton's law of gravity of the earth with the help of an apple growing on a tree.

History teacher:
He knows all the fights and battles,
And even who was afraid of Napoleon!

The award is given to the best "digger" of the past who does not need a time machine to return to the past.

Class teacher:
Responsive and kind she is always,
She helps us and she helps us!

The award is given to our most important teacher, who cannot be evil by definition, because she is our school mother!

She always knows everything
Who and when received two.
Who got sick and who skipped
Who did not pass the test!

The award is given to the main head, main eyes and main ears of the school!

Fun and funny contests and games for children and heroes of the occasion will help to give all teachers of the school an unforgettable holiday on Teacher's Day. They can be done in the gym or outside. We also gave examples of games at the table for teachers. Among other things, in this article you will find ideas for comic rewarding teachers in nominations.

Funny Teachers' Day Contests for Teachers - Examples of Cool Contests

To check which of the teachers is ready to fight to the last, funny and comic contests will help. For you, we have selected examples of calm and moving competitions. Funny competitions for teachers will help them to spend an unusual holiday for Teacher's Day. But we recommend including such contests in different parts of the script. A carefully thought-out program of the holiday will help teachers not only actively have fun, but also have a good rest from everyday troubles.

Cool contest "Knowledge test" for all teachers on Teacher's Day

Give each teacher a piece of paper. The facilitator reads out a simple description (for example, bright, yellow, round) and according to it, teachers must draw an encrypted object. The game can be used from 5 to 10 questions. The teacher who managed to guess the encryption and draw objects the fastest will win.

Funny contest "Knowledge is Light" in honor of the Teacher's Day holiday for teachers

The competition is held in the assembly hall or gym with subdued lights. Teachers-participants are given a flashlight. Each of them takes turns writing a word on the wall with a beam of a flashlight. The winner is the teacher who guessed the most words written by opponents.

The original competition "Mathematics" for the competition of teachers on the holiday of Teacher's Day

The teachers are divided into two teams. Each team takes turns calling songs (Russian or foreign) with numbers in the title. For example, "A million scarlet roses", "Two halves". The team of teachers who names the most songs will win.

Video examples of funny competitions for teachers in honor of Teacher's Day

The following videos will help our readers to choose no less funny and cool competitions for teachers on Teacher's Day. They include prank giveaways and mobile contests for teachers. Original competitions will surely please all teachers and students themselves.

Fun games for Teachers' Day for teachers and children - for playing at the table and on the street

In addition to individual fun competitions, interesting games for teachers and children can also be included on the school holiday for Teacher's Day. So, students will be able to support their favorite teachers and help them win the victory. Below we have considered exciting competitions for holding on the street, in the gym.

Game for the street or gym "What is it about?" for the holiday of Teacher's Day for teachers and children

The teachers are divided into two teams. Each of them takes a note with an encrypted word (ciphered in the form of a riddle, a song describing the object). Each teacher is assigned a student assistant. The task of the teachers in the team is to solve all the riddles and send "their" children to the common basket to find the desired item (or a sheet with its image). The team that collects the required items the fastest wins.

Board game "Oh, these sciences" in honor of the Teacher's Day holiday for teachers

Each of the teachers should remember as many sciences as possible and write down their names on a piece of paper. The teacher who can remember the most names wins.

Game for teachers and students "Guess" for the holiday of Teacher's Day

An equal number of children and teachers are selected. The facilitator tells each student in turn about one of the teachers. Children guess the teacher and approach him (any number of children can stand near one teacher). Those students who managed to find the "right" teacher are awarded.

Video examples of games in honor of the Teacher's Day holiday for teachers

Comic nominations for teachers for the holiday of Teacher's Day - examples with names

Rewarding teachers in funny comic nominations will be a great end to the school holiday. Therefore, for you, we have selected examples of the most interesting names of nominations for teachers. If desired, awards can be held with appropriate music or without musical accompaniment.

How to award teachers in nominations - ideas and examples of names

To conduct awards for teachers, you should immediately select the appropriate direction in the nominations. You can create a whole selection of original and funny nomination names using the following hint:

  • nominations for song titles ("The Most, Most" by Yegor Creed - for the head teacher or director, "Infinity" by Incognito - for a mathematics teacher, "The World Opens" by Elka - for a geography teacher, "Shape Of My Heart" by Sting - for an English teacher);
  • nominations according to proverbs ("Language opens the mind" - to the teacher of the Russian language, "Mathematics - gymnastics of the mind" - to the teacher of mathematics, "Biologists come and go, but the frog remains" - to the teacher of biology, "A person with energy - will not be lost" - to the teacher of physics) ;
  • just comic nominations ("Conqueror of Integrals" - for a mathematics teacher, "Expert of the Pechenegs" - for a history teacher, "Understanding the human essence" - for a biology / anatomy teacher, "Lord of the Universe" - for an astronomy teacher, "Faithful friend of the Queen" - for an English teacher).

To make the awarding as interesting as possible, it is recommended to accompany it with a musical potpourri. You also need to prepare certificates with the name of the nominations or the corresponding paper medals.

Video example of awarding teachers in nominations in honor of Teacher's Day

Our readers can get acquainted with an example of rewarding teachers in nominations with the help of the following video. It will tell you how to hold such a comic award in an original way, and what names of nominations can be used.

Having carefully studied our fun competitions, games and nominations for Teacher's Day, you will be able to choose the best entertaining numbers for the school holiday. These can be cool competitions for teachers and children to be held on the street or in the gym. We also selected video examples of games to be played at the table for the teachers themselves. Mobile and calm competitions, comic awards in nominations will help to give all teachers an unforgettable holiday of Teacher's Day.

Teacher's Day is one of the most revered professional holidays in our country. On this day and the day before, teachers are surrounded by well-deserved attention for their difficult and necessary work for everyone. The most traditional congratulations are flowers, sweets, postcards and various necessary or just nice little things. Some schools also have a wonderful tradition of arranging a general congratulation, which is prepared by students or parents, we offer one of the scenarios - "Comic nominations for Teacher's Day", written with good humor and respect for the heroes of the occasion. Well complement such a scenario of amateur performances of the school.

Presentation of nominations for Teacher's Day

Members: teachers, students, two leaders (high school student and high school student).

Props: gift prizes for teachers, for example, homemade figurines reminiscent of the Oscars and.

A musical background sounds.

presenter: Good evening, dear guests! Good not educational, but festive evening!

Leading: We are pleased to welcome you to the first and only "School Oscar" awards ceremony dedicated to the celebration of Teacher's Day!

Presenter: Finally, the day that everyone has been waiting for so long has come - today our teachers will be awarded for their hard work.

Leading: And even though this Oscar is not quite real, we truly appreciate and respect our teachers. But let's not wait too long and let's get started! In each nomination, the winning teacher is awarded a statuette and a diploma, pleasant words are said about this person.

presenter: Our first nomination, very honorable, sounds like this: “Accuracy is the courtesy of kings”! And he wins in it ... Mathematics teacher (name and patronymic)! Come join us for your Oscar. In our digital age, mathematics is the true engine of progress!

Leading: And the next nomination is called "Inspiration is not for sale." And the teacher of literature and the Russian language (name and patronymic) is declared the winner in this nomination! Future Pushkins and Nekrasovs are poring over compositions in his (her) classes today.

presenter: "Caravan of stories" - this is the name of another today's nomination! I think many have already understood what wins in it ... History teacher (name and patronymic)! Each of his words is inscribed in world history.

Leading: Continues our "Mission Darwin"! Here the primacy is given ... Of course, to the teacher of biology (name and patronymic)! Everything that grows and moves is under his supervision!

Presenter: In the nomination “Beauty will save the world”, the jury unanimously awarded the prize to the art teacher (name and patronymic)! Who knows if his students will soon create the second "Black Square"?

Leading: And now we present you the most mysterious nomination - "The Phantom of the Opera". And the victory in it goes to our singing teacher (name and patronymic)! This talented person brings up new pop and theater stars.

presenter: And we move on to other categories. The next one is called "Movement is Life". Here the jury declared the winner of the favorite of the girl's half of the school - the physical education teacher (name and patronymic)! Only in his classes you can run, jump and fool around as much as you like!

Leading: The next nomination is "Patience and work will grind everything"! And here is the real intrigue ... The victory in this category was divided between the teacher of labor for girls (name-patronymic) and the teacher of labor for boys (name-patronymic)! It is thanks to these people that our children learn to manage, and it is to these people that parents are most grateful!

Leading: Nomination with a frightening name "Cyber ​​Surprise". And the prize goes to the computer science teacher! This teacher confided to us that some students have already surpassed him in some ways!

Presenter: And we came to the most exciting nomination - "Our service is both dangerous and difficult." These words can be suitable, in general, for each of the teachers, but to a greater extent - for one person. Who is this? This...

Together: School Principal (first name) You can come up with even more nominations if the framework of the holiday allows, for example, "Ordinary Miracle" for a chemistry teacher, "Parallel Worlds" for a drawing teacher, "Golden Globe" for a geography teacher, "Alien Soul - Darkness" for a psychologist, "Small and bold "for a primary school teacher, etc., you can dilute the awarding with concert numbers.

Leading: There are no more Oscars today. But that's not the point.

Presenter: The main thing is not the awards, but our marks in the exams! Happy holiday, dear teachers!

Together: We love you! The students sing the song.

Musical congratulations on Teacher's Day

(sing to the tune of the song "What they teach at school")

1. The bell will ring in the morning,
Time to go to class
Hurry, hurry, hurry!
Here comes the teacher
And gives out assignments
It's getting harder and harder and harder!
(repeat last two lines)

2. Day and night we cram,
We don't sleep and we don't eat
We read everything, and decide, and consider!
To be ten years older
To not go to school
We dream and dream and dream!

3. The teacher tells us:
Childhood passes quickly
Let's grow up, grow up, grow up
Just fall in love with school
And forever forget
We can't, we can't, we can't!
(repeat last two lines)

Rud Natalya Anatolyevna, teacher of biology and life safety

MBOU secondary school with UIOP No. 8 in Voronezh.

Last Call Scenario - 2014

"Recognition Award Ceremony"

In the proposed scenario, two parts can be distinguished: a solemn ceremony with the invitation of officials and congratulations from graduates for school teachers - a small concert. The presentation of the "Recognition" award allows you to name all the teachers and other school employees who worked with the classes, to thank and congratulate everyone for the short time allotted for the holiday.

The scenario leaves room for improvisation (replies from teachers and parents). Some numbers (from first-graders, from parents) are not written in the script, as they were not original and can easily be replaced. The main idea is a “declaration of love”, the image is a “heart”, the main goal is a warm and touching atmosphere of the holiday. Warm words, wishes to teachers and parents sound in the losses of the songs.

Screensaver slides, fanfare, musical themes also allow graduates to express their attitude to what is happening. The award given to teachers is framed as a diploma. The decoration of the stage and the certificates are made according to the general model (hands holding multi-colored hearts). To conduct an event according to this scenario, you need sound equipment, a projector with a screen to demonstrate the presentation. There is a small table in front of the stage, on which all the awards are presented. Flowers are supposed to be presented to teachers, but it is more convenient to entrust this to graduates who are not involved in the announcement of nominations.

The scenario allows to attract a large number of graduates to participate in the celebration, does not require lengthy rehearsals (except for the waltz), does not require outstanding acting and singing abilities from the participants.

The scenario of the solemn part of the graduation ball will then “echo” with the scenario of “Last Bell” - graduates receive certificates in the “film award” nominations, perform a waltz, in a skit they show how they passed exams for grade 11, etc.

We found several numbers, poems and links in the scripts posted on various sites and I thank their authors.

School songs sound, screensaver on the screen.

Fanfare sounds

Presenter 1 (background music):

Here he comes - the last day of school,

And May is a magician, admire for yourself,

Showered generously tender lilac,

Lilac fragrant flowers.

Lead 2

In the rain or in the heat

But in due time

Every new spring

There is a last call.

Presenter 1:

He's like an exam,

He's like a new dawn

He sums up

Eleven school years.

Lead 2

He signals to start

The main steps in life.

So many promises!

He and the bitterness of goodbyes

And a million hopes.

Presenter 1:

May Day plays on the line.

The breeze gently whispers in the foliage.

Seeing off their children on the way,

The school will give you the last call.

Leading 2:

The sea of ​​​​guests will worry

There will be many poems and flowers -

Oceans of stormy applause

We welcome graduates!

Leading 1: Meet the graduates of 2014!

(music playsincludes alumni).

Host 2: 11 A class - class teacher Barabash Galina Ivanovna!.

Presenter 1: 11 B class - class teacher Provotorova Anzhelika Mitrofanovna.

Host 2: Attention! We are starting a solemn line dedicated to the end of the school year for students of the 11th grade and the holiday of the "Last Call".

The right to take out the flag of the school is given to a student of class 11A Yuri Kharin and students of class 11B Gorbunova Yulia and Skakodub Ekaterina.

Removal of the flag.

During the performance of the national anthem, I ask everyone to stand up.

The anthem of the Russian Federation sounds.

Leading 1: I ask everyone to sit down. On this spring day, graduates, parents, teachers, administration, in a word, those who have been with you all these years, gathered at the Last Bell holiday.

Leading 2: The word for reading the order on admission of 11th grade students to the final certification is given to the deputy director for educational work Korchagina Lyudmila Ivanovna.

(Speech of the head teacher).

Leading 1: Dear friends, look how many people came to our holiday today to share with you this solemn moment of parting from school. We give the floor to our guests.

Speech by guests - representatives of the youth policy department of the department of education, presentation of certificates, TRP badges to graduates and teachers.

Leading 2 :

Years have flown like a bird

Do not catch up, do not return.

And you want to learn

Yeah, don't be a student.

Leading 1:

Let's give the floor to those who crossed the school threshold for the first time this year. To the youngest residents of our big, bustling schoolhouse.

Leading 2: Come on guys, you have the floor! Welcome!

Presentation by first graders.


The song "Festive Blues" performed by a first grader.

Fanfare, change of presenters.

Recognition Award Ceremony

Lead 3. Ladies and Gentlemen!

Lead 4. Ladies and gentlemen!

Lead 3. Madame and monsieur!

Lead 4. Dear comrades!

Lead 3. Senors and senoritas!

Lead 4 Sirs and ladies!

Lead 3. Citizens and citizens!

Leading4 : We are glad to welcome you at the solemn ceremony of awarding the awards of the festival "Recognition"! It is timed to coincide with an important event in the life of our country - the Last Bell, which will ring today for 42 of our graduates.
Presenter 3: School, wonderful school years. Eleven years ago, we came to school with wide eyes, expecting a miracle. We were like blank white pages on which you, our teachers, wrote your text, created a person.

Leading 4: In these 11 years fit a whole life.

Presenter 3: This life would be boring and joyless if we were not accompanied by our teachers - reliable comrades, excellent advisers.

Leading 4: Which were the guiding and guiding force of our growing up.

Presenter 3: They tried to put their souls into us without a trace, although we could not always appreciate the good and bright that the school laid in us.

Leading 4: But today we have the last opportunity to express all the words of gratitude, appreciation, love, respect to you, our dear teachers.

Leading 3 : So, let the declaration of love ceremony be considered open!

Leading 4:

Everything starts with love...

They say: "In the beginning was the word."

And I proclaim again:

Everything starts with love!

Everything starts with love:

And illumination, and work,

The eyes of flowers, the eyes of a child

Everything starts with love.

Everything starts with love

Dream and fear

Wine and gunpowder.

Tragedy, longing and feat -

Everything starts with love.

R. Rozhdestvensky.

Lead 4: the waltz of graduates is dedicated to all the laureates of our wonderful award.

Graduates perform the waltz "When we leave the schoolyard ..."

Presenter 3: The award "Recognition 2014 ..." will be awarded today in 8 categories:

Lead 4. An independent jury was formed to determine the winners. The counting commission, having calculated the result, sealed the name of the winner in an envelope.

Lead 3. So at the moment no one knows their names - the laureates.

Leading 4: For 11 years of study, the school has become our second home, the corner where we lived a truly interesting, young life. But was our second home hospitable, warm and reliable without its main mistress - the headmaster? Would there be order in the house if not for our head teachers?

Leading 3: For the announcement of the laureates in the nomination "Without you, the school will collapse" the most economic and responsible students of the 11th grade Kharin Yuri and Chernykh Ekaterina are invited.

Kharin: The winners in the nomination are the director of the school Rodionova Tatyana Yuryevna, the deputy directors for educational work Korchagina Lyudmila Ivanovna, Fedorova Irina Vladimirovna, the deputy director for administrative and economic work Semenov Dmitry Andreevich, the teacher-organizer Chibisova Elena Vladimirovna! Please come join us!



The director unites the team,

Protects the whole school from storms and troubles,

And to you, Tatyana Yuryevna, we wish you to continue

Shine and burn with enlightenment!


Head teacher:

Deputy Director!! How hard is your way!
You do not have a minute to relax a little!
We know: for you all the children are smart!
Quiet, beautiful, cunning, terrible, best,
Such is how we are!

Presenter 3: Could we have imagined eleven years ago what school life was like?

Presenter 4: And let's remember how it all began. So, the first of September 2003, a solemn line.

6 students come out

    On this day, overly excited mothers, looking tenderly at us, first-graders, carefully straightened the folds on our festive clothes, which had time to wrinkle and get dirty in just a few hours ....
    2. And they asked the same question, while smiling nervously for some reason:
    3. - Well, how? Did you enjoy your first day at school?
    All: Loved it!
    4. What else could we answer?
    5. For example, I didn’t say that the new shoes are very tight and not even green at all, as I wanted ...
    6. I also didn’t tell my mother that I don’t need this tie, “like dad’s”, if you can’t wipe dirty hands on it ...
    7. And most importantly, from sitting in one place for a long time, for example, tingling begins in certain parts of the body. And so...
    All: We all loved it!
    1. And flowers, and noise, and turmoil on this day!
    2. But most of all we liked the beautiful, smart aunt, who immediately came up to us and took my hand in a friendly way.
    3. She had a name not “teacher”, as in kindergarten, but completely different - “teacher”!
    4. She was completely unfamiliar to us, but she smiled like relatives, both to us and to our mothers.
    5. Communicating with our teacher every day, we comprehended, in addition to the school curriculum, simple truths ...
    6. That in the morning it would be quite nice to come to the lesson on time ...
    1. What should be written not on the desk and not on the hands, but only in a notebook ...
    2. That elders should not be rude, but kids must be protected ...
    3. And many other wisdoms that an educated person should know, even at such a young age as a 1st grade student.
    4. No, of course, parents told us about this ...
    5. But the teacher brought all our disheveled knowledge into a system
    6. And now we can proudly say that this system ...
    Everything is working!

Lead 3. To announce the nomination "First among the best" the future primary school teacher Logacheva Svetlana is invited!

Logacheva: The winners in the nomination "First among the best" are Dubova Valentina Alekseevna, Lisyanskaya Olga Viktorovna, Perova Olga Dmitrievna!


We thank you for everything, you probably know

No matter how the teacher teaches, for us you are always the FIRST!

Primary school teacher: Dear children, dear graduates! Today you are so beautiful, smart and very, very mature. And we remember the day when you were beautiful, smart and very, very small. Your hearts radiated with kindness, hope and faith in the best. This was eleven years ago. Today we want to wish you that in your future adult life you will always be accompanied by faith, hope, love. And try to keep in your hearts that piece of childishness, kindness with which you came to the first grade. Good luck guys!

Presenter 3: Well, after elementary school, it went - it went, it started spinning - it started spinning.

Leading 4: Lessons, competitions, competitions, olympiads. Ups and downs, ups and downs.
Lead 3.

The honor to name the winners in the nomination "Souls are wonderful impulses" fell to the winner of the Olympiad in world art culture Evtukhova Ekaterina.

(The award is given to teachers of the Russian language and literature, history and social studies, world art culture).

Evtukhova: Tatyana Vasilievna Kazmina, Galina Ivanovna Biryukova, Elena Evgenievna Lankina are the winners of the "Recognition" award in the "Beautiful impulses of souls" nomination!


Dear our teachers!

Thank you for the strict views,

For fair marks

Happy for discoveries

Because you believed in us

For everything you have done for us!

Sorry for mistakes.

Your kind smiles

Both instructions and advice

Leave bright memories.

Leading 3: Yuliya Gorbunova, a student of grade 11B, a multiple winner of the municipal and regional stages of the Olympiad in Chemistry, is invited to name the Laureates of the "Recognition" award in the nomination "What is natural is beautiful".

(The prize is awarded to teachers of chemistry, biology, geography).

Gorbunova: In the nomination "What is natural is beautiful" the winners were Antipkina Natalya Pavlovna, Kolosova Vera Nikolaevna, Borovikova Olga Vladimirovna.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts

For wisdom, for attention,

For experience and knowledge reserve,

Patience and understanding!

And, like flowers, always

Let the children surround you

My teachers, thank you

There is no more wonderful you in the world.

Leading 3: Yes, now all the teachers seem kind and nice.

Leading 4: Yes, now all the students seem to the teachers kind, intelligent and conscious. Even a couple of years ago...

Leading 3: In order for us to be taken to study in the 10th mathematical grade, we had to somehow survive the exam ...

Scene "Exam in grade 9"

Student: Knock knock, can you?

teacher 1. What do you want?

Student: I'm ... well, I've come to take the exam.

teacher 1. And who are you? I don't remember you at all.

Student: (puts his head on his folded hands, as if sleeping at his desk) And like this?

Teacher 1. Ah, Lynov! Come on in, how are you getting ready?

Student: Getting ready!

teacher 2. Well, what have you prepared?

Student: Song! (sings):

For the physics exam

I have been preparing for a long time!

I'll hand over today at "three" -

Mom won't be upset!

Teacher 2: Well, that's it, stop, Lynov, pull the ticket. All clear. Taught Einstein's basic law?

Student: (shakes head negatively) Yes!

Teacher: Write the formula on the board. So, energy ... Energy is denoted by the letter E. ( Writes a small e in the middle of the board) Big E ... (corrects, draws a huge e)... capital E, so, energy, energy is equal, equal ... Lynov, how is it denoted equal? Parallel lines! Yes, not vertical, Lynov! Horizontal lines! Energy equals mass, mass M times C. Young man, did you forget the letter C? Yes, not Russian C, Latin C! Like Russian C, es Russian. (Written by ES) Yes, not es, but with, without eh, just sy. (The student writes SY). OK then. In a square. ( The student draws a square around his notes). Yes, not everything is squared, C is squared! (Student circles box C). Well, deuce, Lynov, in the corner deuce! (The student puts a deuce in a corner on the board). Let's think, Lynov, there are many options!

teacher 1. Past! Again by! Oh, here! Well, well done, Lynov, you can do it whenever you want. Three! Come on, make your mom happy.

Leading 4: An authoritative specialist in the field of life safety and physical education Bayuta Andrey is invited to announce the winners of the nomination “Not so scientific, how useful” of the school award “Recognition”.

(The prize is awarded to physical culture, technology, the basics of life safety, fine arts, music).

Bayut: In the nomination “Not so scientific, how useful” the undisputed winners were Korchagina Zinaida Alexandrovna, Rud Natalya Anatolyevna, Bukhonova Inna Viktorovna, Lapekha Natalia Valerievna.


Moving towards the goal, knowing no doubt,

We turned dreams into reality more than once.

But we owe every victory

People who believed in us.

Let them envy us: we believe and know

In this, our envious people are right.

The main thing in this success of the terms

You are the one who taught us everything!

Leading 3: The nomination "For a huge contribution to the bright future of graduates" has the most laureates. The wonderful guys Polenyakin Ilya and Kamornik Valeria will name them today.

In this nomination, in addition to teachers, medical workers, a librarian, technical staff, a psychologist, etc. can be named.


Lists teachers and other school staff.


This is such an unprecedented and huge nomination!

We invite those school staff who have shared with us children's joys and anxieties for many years to come out. We invested a piece of our heart, our love in everyone, made sure that our knowledge and skills grew from year to year, helped us find our place in life ...

You taught to be sensitive, honest, useful and necessary to people, to your country.

Komornik: Thank you for your hard but noble work and we bow low to you!!

The song "My heart stopped" performed by the choir.

We got to know each other in 2003

When our mothers brought us here by the hand.

Our faces were covered with large bouquets,

Parents smiled, standing in the distance.

Chorus: My heart stopped

My heart is frozen

My heart has stopped,

My heart sank.

And eleven years flew carelessly

Even if it seemed that they were stretching like that,

And it's time to say goodbye to the school cordially,

And sorry, of course, if something is wrong.


Behind are insults, rewards,

Changes, lessons, going to the cinema,

Tea parties, games and olympiads,

Exams are ahead. One thing is clear:


In this life we ​​can achieve recognition

And in the struggle not to break, to reach the end,

Believe - you can be proud of us,

Our hearts beat in your hands.


I see in reality what I once only dreamed of

I say goodbye to school, my childhood is gone.

My heart has stopped…

Relaxed a bit…

And it's gone again!!!

And my heart stopped, my heart stopped..

And my heart asta la vista, my heart sank...

Presenter 3: The graduates want to give a special award to teachers who are distinguished by their special love for children. The winners in the nomination "Leave to return" will be named by the favorite of many teachers Shmygol Anastasia . (Nomination for teachers on maternity leave).

Shmygol: Marina Nikolaevna Kirillova, Victoria Viktorovna Pleshcheeva, Natalya Valerievna Maksimova are the winners in this special nomination “Leave to return”. We have been waiting for Marina Nikolaevna, and your return, Natalya Valerievna, Victoria Viktorovna, Tamara Egorovna, is awaited by junior schoolchildren and school staff.

There is a holy and prophetic sign in nature,

Brightly marked through the centuries:

The most beautiful of women

A woman with a child in her arms.

S. Ostrovsky.


Beautiful hall, beloved guys,

Spring has come again, for the umpteenth time.

And the school is in the holiday spirit.

The last bell will ring for you soon.

Yesterday I was a cool lady

You were schoolchildren, my students.

Now I have become just a mother twice,

And now you are graduates.

I wish you, friends, to achieve your goals,

Go forward without barriers

Everyone get what they wanted

I am sure that any university will be happy to teach you.

Leading 3:

The honor to name the laureates in the most mysterious nomination "The Coolest Cool Mom" ​​went to irreplaceable assistants - Avdeeva Kristina and Smirnova Yulia!

Avdeeva: Barabash Galina Ivanovna and Provotorova Anzhelika Mitrofanovna become laureates of the award.

It is read in recitative to rhythmic music (rap).


We need you the most!
We need you more than a call for a break,
More necessary than in mathematics examples and problems
We need you more than the Pythagorean theorem,
More necessary than in physics voltmeters and amperes
We need you the most!

How will I be without you?

How I will be without you - I do not know, guys.

Without girlish disputes, without Yuri's jokes,

I agree to work in the summer and even without a salary,

If only I could quarrel with Lynov again.

I will not make, honestly, not a single comment,

When half the class goes to the competition again.

What a pity that the deadlines for communication were compressed.

I'll stay like a computer without a motherboard

How will I be without you?


We need you more than boys need food,
Than after physical education for everyone water,
Than in the exam the opportunity to write off,
What is warmth and affection for a psychologist
And than for Gleb a sandwich with sausage!

And how will I be without you?

And how can I be without you - I don’t know, guys,

Skakodub without delay and Kuleshov's chatter,

Without our tea parties, cakes, salads,

Without balloons, newspapers and ballerinas Krylova!

Nobody like you knows how to wish Happy New Year,

Although there are still a lot of good people in the school,

Original and cool and warm and more

Bocharov will no longer say "Everything will be fine."

How will I be without you?


We need you more than oxygen and water,and even than to sleep longer in the morning,we need you more than the queen for the British,

We need you more than dance music,

we need you the most!

Presenter 3: So the ceremony of presenting "Confessions of Love" has come to an end.

Leading 4: But our holiday is not over.

Leading 3: Declarations of love must be heard by those who have studied and suffered with us all these years.

Leading 4: Who raised us to school in the morning and handed us a notebook with problems that were solved for us at night.

Leading 3: It was they who tinted the walls covered with negligent children, and cleaned the linoleum from chewing gum,

Leading 4: It was they who blushed for us in front of the teachers when we ran away from lessons or got deuces.

Leading 3: It is they who proudly look at us today and rejoice that we were able to withstand all the trials of school life.

Leading 4:

Thank you, our moms and dads, for your love, help and support.

Leading 3:

The word for greeting is given to the parent Filatov Vyacheslav Vyacheslavovich.

Congratulations on behalf of the parents.

Number from parents.

Song "Mother's Heart"» performed by the choir, dance - graduates invite dads to dance, and graduates invite their mothers.

Leading 3:


The graduates fell silent solemnly,

Wiped away a tear quietly mom

There are different calls in the world,

Now the most important thing will sound for us.

Leading 4: The right to give the last bell is given to the winner of the regional stage in life safety, prize-winner of many sports competitions, student of 11 "A" class Bayut Andrey and student of class 1 Aksenova Alisa.

Presenter 3: Three seconds, two, one...

Well, ring the bell, it's time!

Last call.

Song"Last call" performed by all graduates. On the screen is a presentation with photographs of their school life.

The loser is a "salute" of balloons.

Everyone is invited to the courtyard, where graduates launch balloons and take pictures.

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