Sid and Nancy: a story of strong and sick love.


The rays of the sun streaming into the room of their suite, where Sid and Nancy slept together holding hands. Nothing separated them, but they knew that this was their last night, that it was today that they were destined to die. Die together forever Sid repeated.
It was one night, they were both on heroin, but they still understood a lot. Lying on the bed, Nancy asked:
-If I ask you to kill me, will you kill me?
-Why should I do this? How will I live without you?
- And then you kill yourself.
Leaning her head on his shoulder, she enjoyed the minutes with him, realizing that very soon they would be gone.
The morning of the 12th began with an attempt to get a dose of drugs. Both had a terrible withdrawal, breakdowns, tantrums, but one phrase: I'm sorry
For the whole number, sobered the mind. Dialing Rockets' number, Nancy said:
- Bring me a dose of dialudide, quickly, I'm terribly sick.
An hour later, Rockets showed up and said that he could not find a dose, to which Nancy yelled at him. He slammed the door and left.
Sid sat next to Nancy on the bed: Baby, don't worry, we'll get a dose.
Having recruited another drug dealer, they finally got a dose of drugs, arriving under the tunuil Sid and Nancy went to the bar. After spending time there until late at night, they returned to the room only around midnight. Using another dose, they both lay down on the bed, they only lay in each other's arms. In the morning, when Nancy woke up, she saw that Sid was dressing somewhere.
-Where are you going? Wait don't go! You promised, you promised to be with me.
Sid don't go, please. Siiiid…
Sid tried to leave the room, but nothing came of it, Nancy tried to stop him as best she could, yelling at the whole room:
- Sid, don't go, you promised. I can not live without you. Sid.
Once on the floor, they both pressed into each other.
- Sid, I'm begging you, don't go. You promised, promised me that you would not leave me, and you are going to leave.
After another dose of drugs, they lay down on the bed, and did not notice how they fell asleep.

Night. Bloody bed. Nancy gets out of bed, heads to the bathroom. Turns on the light, sees his reflection in the mirror. Falls to the floor with the words: Sid, help, I feel bad.
Nancy stops breathing, her soul is free from now on, but Sid is alive, her soul is not completely free.

Morning. Sid sits on the bed with a knife, bloody in his hands. The police are around him.

The time is 11 am, the police are searching my apartment. Having found a large amount of drugs and syringes in the boxes, as well as my bloody knife, bought the day before. They confiscated everything they found, but why? They know that I am a drug addict, and I will die without a dose. Damn cops.
Walking down the corridor with handcuffs on my hands, I cried and repeated: Baby, baby, baby.
Seeing Mendelssohn, I turned to her:
-I killed her. I can't live without her.
The woman was so shocked by my words that she did not remember exactly the phrase that I then said:
- She fell on the knife... She must have fallen on the knife...
When asked by the policeman why I left Nancy in the bathroom and went to get methadone, I only muttered: Oh, I'm a brute. I was taken to the 51st Street station in handcuffs; here later I made a confession and in the evening I was charged with murder in the second degree.
At 2:20 pm, the body of my beautiful Nancy was taken out of the Chelsea Hotel in a green bag.

On October 15th, my baby girl was buried in the King David Cemetery in Bensalem, Pennsylvania.

Some time later, I was released from Rikers on $50,000 bail.

On October 22, still in a state of deep shock from the death of my beloved, I tried to commit suicide by taking a lethal dose of methadone. On October 28, he repeated the attempt, opening his veins.

As the journalist and writer Malcolm Butt stated, I kept repeating:
- I want to be reunited with her. I didn't fulfill my part of the contract.

My baby Nan said to me one day:
-I intend to die before the age of 21 in a flash of fame.

After leaving the hospital, I got into a fight, again receiving a sentence of 55 days. On February 1, I was released on bail again, and with my mother and a group of friends, I headed to the apartment of my new girlfriend, Michelle Robinson. Here I took a dose of heroin and lost consciousness. Those present managed to bring me to my senses, after which I took heroin again. “I could swear that at that moment a pinkish aura appeared over him,” Ann Beverly later said. - In the morning I brought him tea. Sid lay in complete peace. I tried to push him, and then I realized that he was cold ... And dead. ”I was dead. My soul went to her.

I'm glad, glad I'm back with my baby. I fulfilled part of my contract. Our souls will be together forever.

Nancy: Sid, you're with me again, I've been waiting for you for so long. I even died here without you.
Sid: From now on, I'll always be there, Baby.

P.S. This is the most beautiful couple. This is a punk version of Romeo and Juliet, only Sid and Nancy will forever be in our hearts.

In 1957, in London, through the efforts of John and Ann Ritchie, a security guard at Buckingham Palace and a junk girl with no specific occupation, with an addiction to heroin, Simon Ricci was born unexpectedly. And soon the parental union broke up, and baby Simon, along with her hippie mom and her new man, first moves to Ibiza, and then goes on a long trip to Europe. After 6 years they return back to London and settle in the suburbs of Kent; but not for long: the adoptive father dies for reasons unknown to history, and twice orphaned Sid and his mother settle in a modest room in an English communal apartment. In the future, the childhood of the future punk rock star does not differ from thousands of other boys and girls from poor families and proceeds in the usual conditions for the vast majority.

But still, by the age of 15, after graduating from high school, the innocent-shy and vulnerable Simon was unwilling and simply not able to do anything other than what he really liked. The result was his admission to a certain college (an analogue of the domestic vocational school), where he does nothing special, but finds a timid, red-haired introvert similar to himself named John Lyden (better known later as Johnny Rotten, vocalist of the Sex Pistols). Having become friends, they spend a lot of time together, skipping classes, discussing the absurdity of the school system aimed at averaging everyone and suppressing individuality in a person, the falsity and injustice of the usual world order, and instead of practical plans for the future, they listen to rock'n'roll records, hang out in squats , drink beer and form their idea of ​​reality.

Then Simon turns into Sid, taking this nickname as a sign of respect for Syd Barrett (the ideologist and member of the Pink Floyd group), he called his pet hamster the same name (!!!). And the prefix Vicious (Vicious - vicious) appeared after the aforementioned rodent bit John because of an unauthorized desire to play in the circus. In general, the parallel with the viciousness and aggressive danger of a hamster reflects the true essence of things: Sid, in his internal structure, was emotional, sincere and completely defenseless in the face of a powerful society.

At the age of 17, after a quarrel with his mother, Vicious begins an independent life and settles in one of the friendly squats that have become a real incubator of the punk movement in England. Earning his living as a prostitute, he becomes actively interested in new trends in music, meets other local progressive teenagers and soon organizes an unknown group in the music industry, Flower of Romance. Being heavily culturally influenced by the New York underground rock scene of the time (late 70s), he was a fan of the Ramones and especially their bass player DeeDee Ramone.
According to legend, Cid, determined to become a musician, spent the whole night in bed with a bass guitar, trying to learn how to play it, listening to Ramones records and imitating the style of an idol. By morning, Vicious had learned how to produce a powerful and hard sound, not musical enough for any semi-professional band, but aggressive and assertive enough for a phenomenon that would soon be called punk rock. Although a strange loner by nature, he was nevertheless ready to become the center of attention of the new counter-culture and was not going to miss this opportunity.

In the meantime, the Sex-Pistols group was beginning its rapid chaotic rise, releasing the youthful energy of a rebellious society, giving birth to new forms of thought and attitude to life. In addition to music that defied any logical assessment, they continued the idea of ​​a broken generation (beatniks who refuse the blessings of civilization for the sake of free roaming around the planet); children of flower children, who saw and felt the deadly convulsions of parental hopes for free love, peace, unity, on the one hand, and the complete lack of meaning in the falsely prim consumer majority, on the other, resulted in a new punk ideology - No Future (there is no future -translation from English). They protested against the prevailing realities, but did not believe in a happy ending, trying to live only in the moment, not knowing boundaries and measures. Already at that time, Sid said that he would not live to be 25 years old, pushing the passage of time with drugs and his frenzied rage; the only good for him was the ability to freely express himself and be himself, the desire to do everything himself, as you know how and see fit, the rejection of cardboard authorities and public opinion. And the SexPistols were a lively and loud embodiment of the above views on things, a radical burlesque that escaped from hell.

Needless to say, the Pistols have become public enemy No. 1 in England in a matter of weeks of their existence. The desperate anger of the participants themselves multiplied due to the stereotypical attitude, provocations and incitement from the media. Radio and television programs, newspapers and magazines, feeling a frenzied interest in the group, spurred on by rating considerations, regularly invited the participants to talk on various topics, not particularly trying to understand their point of view, they tried to turn everything into a spectacular spectacle. The invitees did not refuse, which always ended in a loud scandal and violent discontent of the offended inhabitants. Adults could not take their ideas seriously, considering the group to be just dirty scum, incapable of leading a well-mannered life, a freak circus that discredits England.

In February 1977, Glen Metlock (the Sex Pistols' first bass player), being an excellent musician, not particularly enthusiastic about the emerging image and the general course of affairs, left the group, and Syd took his place. And a month later, the updated Pistols come out onto the lawn of Buckingham Palace to sign a high-profile contract with the famous A&M studio, without bothering to inform about the changes in the line-up and the new member, who actually cannot play his instrument. After a week of celebrations that turned into a grandiose pogrom of the studio, industrial volumes of alcohol and drugs, an attack by a drunken Sid on the living legend of the Bobb Harris label, A&M suddenly decides to break off only formalized relations with the team.

In parallel, Sid and Nancy Spunggen, a self-absorbed anti-princess of the New York punk society, with a terrible reputation and a die-hard addiction to heroin, take place in parallel. After being rejected at home by literally everyone (“no fucking dick wanted to appear with me in a public place,” Nancy herself said), she comes to London to glue someone from the Pistols, and after a short relationship with Steve (Pistols drummer ) and Johnny Rotten (vocalist), becomes Sid's magic fairy forever.

In May 1977, the Pistols signed another contract with the record giant Virgin, which promptly re-released the single "God Save The Queen" (the circulation made by A&M was destroyed), dedicated to the silver jubilee of the Queen, who personifies the monarchical foundations of traditional English society, which is so hated by the rebellious generation:

"God save the queen!
Fascist regime
Made you a fool
Potential hydrogen bomb.
God save the queen,
She is not a living being
And there is no future in English dreams"

Vivienne Westwood (at that time an aspiring punk fashion designer, the owner of the Sex store and the girlfriend of the band's manager Malcolm McLaren) in one interview characterizes her attitude towards the Queen in this way:
“If someone brings papers to be signed, and you just sign them without thinking and not understanding what is happening in general, and as a result, someone is being led to execution – aren’t you a zombie? This is not a human act and she will never wash the blood off her hands. If you rip off her shining mask from the queen, then people will lose their wax idol, looking at them with a hypocritical smile and pretending that everything is in order. She hosts the Brazilian ambassador at the highest level - and her country brings thousands to death every year. Maybe she really doesn't understand what's going on? Then I feel sorry for her ... For me, she is a symbol of loss and inglorious loss. Shielded from this wild, crazy, real human life, she became a living dead - a vivid example of what our country has become.

Banned from virtually all major TV and radio shows, the record sells out so quickly that it secures the song a #1 spot on the UK's main chart. The release also causes an unexpected reaction among the traditional society, who were indignant at the inadmissible behavior of the group and their lexicon, 30-year-old patriots, excited by provocative newspaper articles and alcohol, now, uniting in groups, leave the pubs on the streets to arrange a hunt for violators of moral calmness. A series of attacks more than once ends in stab wounds for the "pistols" and their friends.

Unable to officially perform in clubs, the Pistols play secretly under various aliases and in unexpected places. Their river concert on the Thames is famous: a rented boat and a party in the best traditions of rock'n'roll, with a crazy drive, too much alcohol, drugs, police chase and, in a grotesque style, the predictable detention of insane party members. Their other concert was held in Huddersfield, as part of a charity campaign, the proceeds of which went to support low-income families of miners, and was, if not a biblical idyll, then a holiday of a child's dream, with dancing, contests and cake tossing.

At the same time, Sid and Nancy plunge into a joint round-the-clock trip, mixed with heroin, sex and synthetic morphine, interrupted by periodic hospitalizations of Vicious, suffering from hepatitis. Friends and eyewitnesses of the events even devised a plan to send Nancy back to the States, which had no effect other than bringing the hellish couple closer together. The two of them, starting and with varying success, opposed this dumb world, and nothing could separate them.

Relations within the group were heating up, everyone wanted to do their own thing and their own way: Rotten to make new avant-garde music, Vicious to be a punk rocker, and McLaren's new fantasy was a pseudo-documentary film about the Sex Pistols. And the guys from the group, to put it mildly, did not share the interest in this undertaking.

Here's what Sid said:

“I hate films. Because this is a pretentious fucking lie: people there play the roles of those who they are not, so that some sucker buys into these fantasies. For example, you are making a film about a day in my life, a kind of pop star day - he drives a super car there and is all like that on show-offs, super-cool does that, third, tenth; and the real day of my life is this: I spend the night in my mother's hallway, because I have nowhere to live, I get up at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, trudge to the office, shoot at Sofia (the group's press officer) ten, fuck somewhere else, wait for hours for these fucking dealers... This is just complete shit, and I hate it. But it's still better than doing nothing, and much better than doing something you don't like at all!"

January 1978 - the last chapter in the history of the group, ending with an apocalypse tour through the cities of the American South. The locals were largely unaware of the existence of the SexPistols, let alone what they actually were. The concert audience was very mixed, with a large percentage of the cowboy-type bar patrons, which added tension to the general hurricane of a frantic atmosphere. Pumped up with alcohol and drugs, Sid, with the bass guitar not turned on (so as not to spoil the overall sound), covered in his own blood, oozing copiously from the many holes cut with a knife on his body, becomes the main magnet of the audience's anger. The last show at the San Francisco stadium in front of 6,000 people ends with a powerful backstage party and the irrevocable disintegration of the group, caused by the loss of motivation of Rothen and McLaren, while Syd once again ends up in the hospital with an overdose.

The Sex Pistols no longer exist, but Syd's story is not over yet: they reunite with Nancy (of course, they didn't take her on tour) and move to New York, where they stay at the Chelsea Hotel. At different times, Mark Twain, Bob Dylan, O. Henry, Frida Kahlo, Jimi Hendrix and Jean Paul Sartre lived in the hotel rooms, and many others, however, the best times are already far behind, and now this is the last refuge of the destitute and the poor, individuals rejected by society. In general, the "hellish couple" has found its place and is preparing for Sid's return to the musical Olympus. Vicious gathers a new group and rehearses with them in his room, Nancy becomes the group's manager, as well as an investor. The money from the American tour melts away, and Nancy gets a job in an elite brothel, in a BDSM room, where she flogs pot-bellied bankers with a leather whip for hours on end, makes them crawl and lick her shoes. Those in turn are grateful and generously pay, and Nancy puts the money in a box and hides it behind a chest of drawers in the hotel room.

However, the grand comeback plan was not destined to come true. On October 12, 1978, the hotel clerk receives an anonymous call: "Something happened in room 100." Charlie (that was the name of the employee) goes to the hundredth and finds dead, in a pool of blood, Nancy, and crying Sid, who, clearly under the strong influence of drugs, sits on the bed and repeats: "Baby, baby, baby ...". Later, the police found drugs and syringes in large quantities, as well as a bloody knife bought the day before and no box of money.
A short-term arrest of Vicious followed - for lack of evidence of his involvement, he goes free, and the case is closed for lack of evidence. Most likely, Nancy's killer was Rockets Redgler, an actor-comedian and part-time drug dealer who regularly appeared in room number 100 of the Chelsea Hotel, and, probably knowing about the existence of a valuable box, he was waiting for the right moment to steal it quietly. That night he brought 40 hydromorphine capsules and was one of Sid and Nancy's few visitors. The other version is an unfinished mutual suicide, sounds incredible, but quite in the style of punk rock. Be that as it may, deeply shocked by the death of his beloved, Sid makes an unsuccessful suicide attempt, and ends up in the hospital. Having barely left, he gets into a fight in a bar and injures Todd Smith (Patti Smith's brother), as a result of which he again ends up in prison.

The next arrest lasts 55 days, and on February 1, 1979, Vicious left the walls of the cell. Friends and buddies noted that Sid, after a short term, looked great as ever. Forced isolation from alcohol and drugs gave him a healthy complexion, a more upright position when walking and articulate speech. However, not even a day passes before he is found dead in the house of a new girlfriend, the reason is a heroin overdose. This death, and especially the subsequent burial of Vicious, gave rise to a large number of rumors and legends, some of which are absolutely insane: some say that Sid's ashes were scattered through the ventilation system of Heathrow Airport. Others say that it was the punk rocker's mother who injected him with a lethal dose so that he would no longer suffer from this crappy life. There is a version that tells about a wild cannibal orgy of show business stars, politicians and various public figures, on which Vicious burgers were served. According to strange religious and mystical beliefs, the main dish was supposed to convey the creative power and energy of what was eaten.
But completing all the heaped and untidy chaos of this article, leaving other juicy details and sensational versions to traditional publications, I want to say that the ashes of Sid Vicious were scattered in the ancient Jewish cemetery, over the grave of his beloved Nancy Spangen. And his death is a suicide caused by the inability and unwillingness to resist the false and vicious, empty and seething world anymore, alone.

Throwing out all the stock of despair and anger at concerts, in everyday life Sid was quite peaceful and, in a sense, a normal person. He certainly wasn't a villain, and he certainly wasn't looking for trouble, however, they and people with strange desires always found him. All he wanted was to be himself, make his own music and believe in his own truths, one of which for him was love for Nancy, so contradictory in its manifestation, so touchingly simple in its essence.

A few days before his release from prison, he wrote a poem:

You were my girl
And I shared with you all your fears
It was such a joy to hug you
And with kisses to collect tears
But now you're gone, only pain remains
And you can't fix anything
I don't wanna keep on living If I can't live anymore for you
My beautiful girl...
Our love won't die

"Heroin paradise, and they are there together,
And we'll probably get there
Along the roads of veins, along the paths of dust,
After all, we loved so much, we were ...

Like Sid Nancy...

Sid and .... "

Sid and Nancy, the legendary love story of the main drug addicts of the 20th century. Stories and various fables are composed about them. The love of a punk and a girl who dreamed of becoming famous in the musical field. Their life was fleeting, and death is not so easy. But what was it really? The usual passion that has grown into a drama, a habit, or really sincere feelings.

Many musicians believed that Nancy stuck to Sid as her last salvation ...

They treated her very ambiguously, but there were more negative memories of her.

Malcolm McLaren recalled:

When Nancy Spungen entered my store, it was as if Dr. Strangelove would send this terrible disease of his specifically to England, choosing my store specifically for this ... I tried every means to have her either run over by a car, or poisoned, or kidnapped and would send by sea to New York"

They were dubbed "Romeo and Juliet" by the press, unaware that Sid and Nancy expected almost such an outcome. Some say that Nancy significantly alienated Sid from the group and all his close people, demanding a lot of attention to herself.

« If I call her a monster, then - not at all for some special malice. It was a self-destructive human being who was determined to take as many people with him to the grave as possible. Nancy Spungen was the perfect Titanic in search of her iceberg, and she wanted to be loaded - to the eyeballs. John Lydon said.

His wife Nora echoed him: “She was incredibly ruined and depraved. I didn't doubt for a second that the girl was planning to kill herself slowly. In this, in fact, she differed little from other heroinists. But she didn't want to leave alone. She wanted to take Sid with her.”

Sex Pistols group.

After the Sex Pistols broke up, the couple moved to New York where they hoped to be successful. Nancy became Sid's manager and got him some gigs. But drug addiction was slowly but surely killing young people. They lived in a New York hotel and made ends meet, as almost all the money went to drugs. In my opinion, they were both going through depression, Syd was at the peak of success until the group fell apart. In a new city for him, nothing worked, and constant quarrels with Nancy finished off Sid's deplorable state.

October 12 was the busiest day in New York, the body of the dead Nancy Spungen was carried out of room number 100 of the Chelsea Hotel. Sid was in a hazy state. According to witnesses, they used drugs all the time. It is known that Nancy was killed with a knife, which she herself bought for Sid. Sid Vicious was taken to the station and charged with second-degree murder. He was later released on $50,000 bail. It has not yet been clarified who killed the musician's girlfriend, as it could be drug dealers who came to them. Testimony diverged, and the case had to be closed. After Nancy's death, Sid tried to commit suicide by taking a huge dose of drugs and opening his veins. He kept saying, “I want to be reunited with her. I didn't fulfill my part of the contract."

Sid and Nancy- a drama based on the real life of a punk artist Sid Vicious- band bass player Sex Pistols and his girlfriends Nancy Spungen. Directed and written by Alex Cox. Starring Gary Oldman and Chloe Webb.

The story of Sid Vicious is very unusual and has attracted the attention of rock and punk fans since his death. Simon Richie, and this is the real name of the rock idol, has become one of the brightest symbols of the entire punk culture. With his defiant behavior, unprincipled character, the odiousness of his figure, Sid became the one who was so long awaited by those who oppose everything in the world. This film tells about the formation and disintegration of the group, about the inner life of Sid and his friends, about the terrible ending when, as you know, he killed his girlfriend Nancy for unknown reasons.

Even after so many years, this story has not lost its relevance, although the facts have been rewritten many times. According to the latest information, it was not Sid who killed Nancy at all, at that time there were other people in the room, and Vicious himself died from the fact that his mother, taking pity, injected him with a deliberately huge dose of the drug into his vein. But that is another story…

The infamous Sid Vicious, who is bathed in the rays of his glory, meets a certain Nancy Spungen. She came from New York to London precisely in order to meet the famous group. This meeting will be one of the most important in his life. From now until the end, Sid and Nancy will always be together. The authors of the film tried to convey the whole atmosphere of the 70s, the environment and even the vocabulary.

Courtney Love originally auditioned for the role of Nancy, but ended up playing a minor role in the film as Gretchen, who was one of Nancy's friends. The original version of the film's title was "Love Kills", however, this would not have saved him from the numerous criticism that fell on the film after the premiere. Someone even called him a punk Romeo and Juliet. Here the social bottom is represented, a decaying society in which bright stars are born, but unable to overcome the barriers, they fade away, never flaring up in full force.

Some official information:

Simon John Ritchie (Sid Vicious) was born on May 10, 1957. In 1977, he joined the Sex Pistols as a bass player. October 29, 1978, allegedly at the request of Nancy herself, Sid Vicious kills her with a knife. On February 1, 1979, he was released from prison on bail and the next morning after his release, at the age of 21, he died of a heroin overdose.

Video Sid and Nancy

“Like Sid and Nancy” - everyone knows the words from the Spleen song. But who are Sid and Nancy, apparently, these are people who loved each other very much and were always happy around. How do you imagine them? Are these two nice people who drink tea at home in the evenings and walk the dog? Oh no, then the whole world would not discuss the history of this love, you see. Let's take a look at the history of this scandalous couple, which shocked millions with its dramatic nature.

Let's start with the fact that Sid Vicious was very popular, he was a member of the Sex Pistols, which from the 70s to the zero years was the standard of punk rock. So he was a good musician, he didn't have any problems, but he fell in love. This is where it all started. As for Nancy Spungen, she grew up in a good family, but was very cheeky, the girl came to London from the USA with the clear goal of sleeping with all the members of the group. Her first two partners were Sid's friends John and Steve. Sid didn't just sleep with the crazy girl, he never left her side again. Now the girl occupied all his time, she became everything to him, he no longer saw or heard anything, did not want to think about anything else. Such love was sick, it allowed them to live, led to tragedies.

The girl was an experienced drug addict, she hooked on heroin and Sid. Together they went to other worlds, Sid forgot that he had to work. The group reacted more and more sharply to Nancy, she was despised by everyone for such a lifestyle, for what she had done to Sid. As a result, Sid was forced to leave the group, he became addicted to drugs so much that he could no longer live a normal life. The guys were going on a US tour, but they refused to take Nanchi with them, then Sid was told to choose one thing and he was left with heroin love. Alex Cox made a film about the life, love and misfortune of Sid and Nancy, this picture is very tragic, it is also biographical, the end of the film is the end of the life of Sid and Nancy, everything happened in the Chelsea Hotel.

No job - no money. Leaving the group was a turning point, the couple did not have the means to live, food here also means heroin, which cost not so little. So, the young people went to New York, Nancy's parents lived there, they put drug addicts on the street, even though it was their daughter. The couple returned to England again, Sid tried to sing and play on his own, but his solo career did not work out. Nancy was even able to find him a couple of gigs, but that wasn't enough. Everyone knew that Sid was a drug addict, people didn't want to see him anymore.

It was 1978, Syd and Nancy were staying at the Chelsea Hotel and they were doing a lot of drugs. Sid woke up on October 12 and realized that Nancy was dead, they spent the whole night in the room together. The police detained Sid, he was a suspect, and then an accused for several months. The musician was accused of killing his beloved, he was sure that he could not do this, although he did not remember anything from the night, because he had taken too many drugs. The killer was never found. Sid was found dead the day after he was released on bail. The cause of death was a drug overdose. He died on February 2, 1978.

The main role in the film about the most tragic and non-standard love story was played by Harry Oldman. This film became very popular, because then everyone was just talking about the deaths of Sid and Nancy, about how they loved each other and how a famous musician gave up everything for her, and then for her he gave up his life. The last scene of the picture "Sid and Nancy" tells us that in the other world, Sid and Nancy are still together, even death did not separate them. Who knows, maybe that's all it is.

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