Symbolizes the laurel branch. What do you know about the mythology of the laurel? Laurel leaves on coats of arms

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    Why exactly the laurel branch and what does it symbolize?

    In ancient Greek culture, the laurel personified victory and peace and was dedicated to Apollo and Dionysus. According to the myth, Apollo pursued the nymph Daphne, who had given her word to remain chaste. Daphne prayed for help, and the gods turned her into a laurel tree, which Apollo hugged in vain. From now on, the laurel became his sacred plant. That is why in Greece musicians, poets, dancers, whose patron was Apollo, were awarded with laurel wreaths, while athletes, athletes were crowned with olive or celery wreaths. Laurel groves grew on the top of Parnassus, the abode of the Muses, and surrounded the temples of Apollo. Festive garlands and wreaths were woven from laurel leaves; at the festivities in honor of Apollo, the audience wore laurel wreaths. Laurels were credited with not only healing power, but also the power of cleansing from spiritual defilement. Laurel leaves were ritually cleansed of spilled blood; Apollo cleansed himself with them after the killing of Python. The goddess of victory, Nike, was depicted with a laurel wreath in her hands, which she places on the heads of the victorious heroes.

    In ancient Rome, the laurel wreath became the highest sign of military and imperial glory. It symbolized the peace coming after the victory over the enemy. Messages of victory and victorious weapons were wrapped around laurel and folded in front of the image of Jupiter. Laurel wreaths and branches were depicted on coins and gems as attributes of Jupiter and Apollo. The first Roman emperors did not wear crowns, but adorned their heads with a laurel wreath. In ancient Rome, orators and poets also aspired to possess a laurel wreath. In addition, the laurel was dedicated to the vestal virgins and personified purity.

    In early Christianity, evergreen laurel leaves were considered a symbol of eternal life or new life, which will come through the redemptive deeds of Christ, and a wreath of laurel symbolized martyrdom. St. Paul contrasts the incorruptible crown, with which a Christian ascetic is crowned, with the perishable crown, which is received by the victorious on the lists.

    Already in the era of Hellenism, the laurel becomes a symbol of glory as such, and the laurel wreath or laurel branch, the emblem of glory. In the Middle Ages, laurel was not used in classical heraldry. But after the French Revolution of 1789, the laurel became the most popular emblem of France: laurel branches were included in the emblem of the French Republic, and in our time they are also included in the state emblems of Algeria, Brazil, Greece, Israel, Cuba, Mexico and other countries

    In the art of classicism, the laurel became widespread as the main emblem of glory. It is found on awards received for successful participation in competitions by scientists, artists, musicians, poets, writers (who are therefore called laureates), as well as on most orders of signs of lifetime glory

    According to legend, the flood ended when a dove brought a laurel branch in its beak. After that, Noah's ark was able to moor to the shore.

    useful properties and magical actions

    Noble Laurel is an evergreen shrub that looks like a small tree. Its life cycle is about 400 years. In height, it can reach 10 meters, the stems are smooth, gray, the crown is branched. This is in short. And in more detail - why and why it is used in treatment and magic, read further in the article.

    The leaves are familiar to almost everyone, they have a leathery surface, oblong shape, slightly pointed towards the tip. The aroma of laurel is specific, the taste is bitter. Fruit ripening occurs in autumn, in October. It propagates by cuttings.

    How to prepare a noble laurel?

    Only young and developed leaves are used. The collection is made in December - January, which is easily explained, given the environment of its growth - Central Asia.

    Drying of the material is carried out in natural conditions, under sheds. The sun's rays should not fall on the leaves, this deprives them of flavor. Dried laurel is stored in paper packages.

    Beneficial features

    The benefits of laurel are numerous. It helps to improve appetite, helps fight tuberculosis, inflammation of the oral cavity, helps fight colds and sore throats.

    Laurel oil has unique properties: antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. It is actively used in folk medicine.

    Laurel oil is good for rheumatism and normalization of metabolism, gastric diseases and problems with blood circulation.

    The magical effect of laurel

    This plant was not without the attention of magicians. Laurel is considered a symbol of peace, and in Christianity it symbolizes martyrdom. There are many rituals in which the active ingredient is laurel.

    1. If you put the leaves of this plant under the pillow, then in a dream you may dream of a narrowed one.
    2. Laurel is actively used in the removal of spoilage, purification, is used in order to remove obstacles to success.
    3. It protects babies from the evil eye and spoilage.
    4. The branch of this plant is able to protect the home from misfortunes and diseases. It is often planted near the house.
    5. An amulet of bay leaves helps with employment.
    6. Newlyweds are promised a long and happy life, if you put a twig at the head of their bed.
    7. Oracles chewed laurel leaves to see into the future.
    8. To fulfill a dream, a wish is written on a sheet and burned, while the ashes must be poured into a flower bed near the house.

    The use of laurel in folk medicine

    To obtain a positive effect, sometimes it is enough to add leaves of this spicy plant to food. But there is an opportunity to use its useful properties in a more targeted form. Moreover, laurel is used not only as a seasoning in cooking, but also for the prevention and additional treatment of certain diseases. Most often, bay leaves are used in the following recipes:

    1. Oil tincture. For its preparation, 30 grams of a leaf is taken, crushed by hand or in a meat grinder, mixed with a glass of vegetable or olive oil and infused for 2 weeks in a cool and dark place. The oil is then filtered.

    You can use it in the treatment of diseases of the joints - rub it into problem areas before going to bed, then warmly wrap the joints.

    It is also used to treat cough - they rub the sternum, as well as for skin diseases - eczema, diathesis, scabies.

    Laurel oil is also effective for sinusitis. Three times a day, you need to instill a few drops into each nostril. It is advisable to use this tool for preventive purposes, it allows you to increase immunity.

    2. Infusion of laurel. Pour 2/3 cups of dried leaves into 2 cups of boiling water and leave covered to infuse. After 3-4 hours, you can strain the infusion and apply it to the affected areas with dermatitis. The infusion helps relieve inflammation, restore skin structure, eliminate discomfort, itching.

    This infusion is often used to relieve inflammation of the middle ear. This method is absolutely safe and effective. Ears must be rinsed, then warm infusion dripped inside. A few drops are enough, after which the passage is laid with a cotton swab to keep warm. It is best to do this before bed.

    3. In diabetes mellitus, it is recommended to take an infusion of leaves and branches of a bay tree. Young branches - 2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water, infused for an hour and filtered. Take for 3 months, 1/3 cup three times a day before meals.

    Good news for weight loss. With bay leaf, you can make an amazing tea that removes excess fluid and improves metabolism, which is very important for any diet.

    To prepare it, take ¼ teaspoon of ginger, cinnamon, ground black pepper and bay leaf. The mixture is poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for several minutes. It can be diluted with lemon juice and put a spoonful of honey there. A very healthy, illuminating and tasty drink is ready!

    Experts DO NOT advise using this plant during pregnancy, lactation and diseases of the kidneys and urine excretory system. With a strong increase in dosage, poisoning is possible. In other cases, this aromatic seasoning can be used without restrictions.

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    useful properties and use of leaves and branches

    Laurel is a medicinal plant with useful properties that are used in medicine and cooking. Parts of Laurel noble used in folk medicine: bark, leaves, branches, fruits.

    Useful properties of Laurel noble: carminative, aromatic, gastric, astringent, improves digestion.

    Useful properties of Laurel noble

    For medicinal purposes, the bark, leaves and fruits of the bay tree are used. The beneficial properties of laurel are enormous and are used in medicine. Laurel bark is slightly astringent and is recommended for removing kidney and bladder stones. It is an excellent remedy for diseases of the pancreas, spleen and liver.

    The use of laurel and its beneficial properties

    Properties of tea from the berries of the noble laurel

    • Like strong tea from laurel berries, as well as poultices from it, they effectively relieve pain from snake and insect bites.
    • The properties of laurel tea also help to cope with infectious diseases such as smallpox, typhoid fever, mumps and diphtheria.
    • You can drink tea, or you can gargle with it. Its medicinal properties are effective in tonsillitis, tonsillitis and diseases of the nasal cavity, as well as in diseases of the lungs.
    • The beneficial properties of laurel berries help restore missing periods and cope with uterine problems. They also help during childbirth and relieve postpartum pain.
    • Tea from laurel berries is a good cure for colds, flu and fevers, clears the mind, improves eyesight, clears the lungs, treats chronic tuberculosis, coughs and asthma, eliminates shortness of breath, expels worms, increases urine flow and prevents the formation of gases in the gastrointestinal tract.
    • Laurel leaf, bark, or berry tea can be used as an additive in a sitz bath, as it is excellent for bladder and genitourinary diseases, and also relieves intestinal pain.
    • Application of laurel: when the soft palate is drooping and inflamed, use tea for rinsing, this will return the palate to its place.
    • It is good to lubricate rheumatic or joints with strong berry tea or laurel oil, medicines based on the beneficial properties of laurel are good for nervous disorders, pain in the intestines or in the uterus; they relieve spasms, chest pain and numbness of any part of the body.

    Properties of laurel oil

    • Laurel oil is an excellent remedy for scabies, eczema and bruises.
    • If the skin turns black after being hit, the oil coagulates the blood and returns it to its normal color.
    • The beneficial properties of laurel oil also help with sunburn.

    Berries, bark and leaves of laurel, due to the presence of beneficial properties, cure many diseases.

    Laurel berry cough syrup recipe

    Steep a teaspoon of granulated laurel root bark in a cup of boiling water, let stand for half an hour, and drink one to three cups a day. The berries make a very tasty cough syrup.

    Application of the properties of the noble laurel: video

    Bay leaf: magical properties, reviews

    Surely in the kitchen every housewife has bay leaves. They improve the taste of dishes, add a special piquancy to any product. But this spice is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Laurel is a powerful magical tool! It is used to cleanse rooms, get rid of damage or the evil eye, with its help make love relationships stronger. In addition, among its properties there are healing ones! It is the laurel that is a symbol of success, determination and purity.

    Bay leaf: legend

    The history of the appearance of the laurel is tragic, but beautiful. The inimitable handsome Apollo was inflamed with insane love for the beautiful Daphne. Daphne remained indifferent to the feelings of the god of Olympus. The beautiful young man did not come up with anything better than the pursuit of the object of passion. Ovid wrote that Apollo was practically mad, wanting to get his hands on the nymph. The sun god was chasing the gentle Daphne, and she had no choice but to ask the gods for help. When Apollo almost overtook the nymph, her fingers had already turned into branches, and her legs had become the roots of a tree. Daphne became a laurel. From that time on, the saddened god began to wear a wreath of evergreen branches of a laurel tree on his head.

    The magical properties of laurel: from time immemorial

    Even in ancient Greece, people guessed about the magical properties of bay leaves. They decorated houses, thus refreshing and cleaning the premises. Laurel, placed in a mattress, attracted prophetic dreams. In addition, it was believed that laurel branches are able to protect against lightning strikes! The heads of the winners were decorated with laurel wreaths - they were a symbol of triumph and success. The inhabitants of ancient Rome also did not leave this plant unattended. Bay leaf, whose magical properties have never been in doubt, was used in various religious rites. They also performed rituals: they cured diseases, fulfilled their cherished desires, attracted prosperity and money to their homes.

    Laurel Quarry Amulet

    It does not take much effort to create an amulet that helps you find a job. You will need one bay leaf. Its magical properties will be enhanced by three cardamom seeds. It is necessary to take a sprig of rosemary - fresh or dried. All elements of the future amulet must be placed in the middle of a green scarf. Instead of a scarf, just a piece of fabric is also suitable. The corners of the scarf must be gathered together, wrapped with ribbon. Should be a knot. According to those who have this amulet, thanks to cardamom, a person reveals the gift of eloquence, and rosemary increases the level of intellectual readiness. The magical properties of the bay leaf for a career are also difficult to overestimate - this plant brings prosperity.

    Another ritual to help find a job has collected a lot of evidence of its power. It must be carried out exclusively on the new moon. You will need a sheet of paper on which you need to write the desired position and salary. Then the leaf is torn into small pieces, mixed with crushed laurel leaves (for this ceremony, the lavrushka must be dry). This mixture must be put in a beautiful ashtray and set on fire. It is recommended to wrap the cooled ashes in a bill, the greater its dignity, the better! Wearing such a talisman is in a purse or wallet.

    But if you came to the interview with a laurel amulet, and you were still refused - do not despair! It's just that a bay leaf saved you from that place that would not bring anything good. Magical properties, reviews of which are surprising, appear as quickly as possible. Those who have already tried themselves as a magician say that the laurel works flawlessly! To do this, you must definitely imagine that the desire has already come true, and not sit around waiting for a miracle!

    Banishing quarrels away: cleansing the house with a bay leaf

    And what magical properties of bay leaf will help get rid of melancholy and scandals, strife and tears? It is worth noting that for centuries, magicians have used the leaves of this plant as the best way to cleanse the energy of a living space. After all, as it turned out, they remove all the negative accumulated in the house in a matter of days. There are several options for cleaning and protecting your home that have collected the most rave reviews:

    1. Dry leaves must be spread out on saucers and placed in all corners of the apartment. A week later, the laurel must be replaced with a new one. All negative energy will go away with the discarded leaves.
    2. In a new pan, you need to heat a few bay branches. While the leaves are warming up, you can meditate, thank the Universe for everything you have, or pray. After that, a frying pan with steaming laurel leaves must be carried through all the rooms, scrupulously fumigating every corner. After the ritual, in no case should you touch the leaves - because they have absorbed all the negativity. They must be thrown out immediately.

    Fulfillment of desires and attraction of happiness

    Bay leaf is a great assistant in the fulfillment of cherished dreams. The easiest way is to rub a couple of leaves between your palms, inhale their delicate aroma and say out loud. It attracts laurel and love - for this you need to string bay leaves (in the amount of five pieces) on a scarlet thread and fix them in the house.

    Esotericists advise newlyweds to put a bay leaf in their shoes on the eve of the wedding ceremony - this will make family life long and very happy!

    For those who need financial income, the magical properties of the bay leaf will also help. Three leaves, smeared with orange essential oil, must be put in a safe, wallet or box where the money is.

    Laurel, as confirmed by those who resorted to its help, is an effective tool for attracting good luck. To do this, a few leaves need to be crushed and simply added to the bath.

    Fragrant amulet: the magical properties of a bay leaf that protect against trouble

    It will protect the laurel from bad luck and the evil eye - just carry a few leaves in your bag or pocket. In addition, this plant can protect young children from the evil eye. To do this, you need to fix a few bay branches in the crib and periodically change them for fresh ones. Among the magical properties of laurel is a victory over fears and insecurities. And even a small leaf can reveal the gift of divination in a person!

    Secrets of enhancing the magical effect and the rules for using laurel

    The main thing to remember when using a bay leaf is that the magical properties are enhanced if the laurel is fresh. If it is not possible to get fresh leaves, you can cheat - drip laurel essential oil on dry ones. And, of course, during any ritual you need to sincerely believe that the wish will come true!

    Bay leaf, whose magical properties you already know, was not originally used as a seasoning. It was used to flavor the water. And they washed their hands with tincture of laurel. Only in the first century AD, bay leaves began to be added to food. At first, they were added only to desserts. And only a few decades later, the leaves of this plant began to be used to give a special taste to meat dishes. The tradition of putting a laurel wreath on the head of the winners has also survived to this day. In addition, the word "laureate" came precisely from the name of the plant. Literally, it means "crowned with laurels"!

    Laurel wreath tattoo: meaning, photos and designs

    Drawing a wreath of laurel has a deep meaning and several opposite meanings. In ancient Greece, wreaths were awarded to the winners of the Olympic Games, famous philosophers, doctors, and scientists. Hence the association with the victory. This was the highest level of recognition of a person's merits to society in any area.

    Tattoo Features

    • The laurel wreath tattoo becomes a symbol for those who are used to winning. It is also a hallmark of talented people. Victory can be different - over circumstances, in solving any problems, and, most importantly, over oneself, one's negative traits.
    • Since laurel is an evergreen tree, it symbolizes eternity and constancy. It is loyalty to personal values ​​and ideas. The laurel wreath also symbolizes renewal and hope for immortality.
    • People who apply this tattoo are prone to constant digging in their souls in order to identify those aspects that determine their lives and push them to conquer new heights. The desire to win distinguishes tattoo owners from other people.

    The tattoo can be applied to any part of the body. The wreath looks most advantageous on the back, not on the neck, on the chest, on the inner surface of the arm.

    The laurel wreath tattoo has another meaning. In ancient Rome, laurel symbolized martyrdom. It was applied to those people who were persecuted undeservedly. This meaning passed into prison tattoos. It is done by those who were wrongly convicted, who ended up in prison through no fault of their own. The meaning of prison tattoos with a laurel wreath is one - he sat undeservedly, suffered for the truth.

    The choice of what the tattoo will symbolize depends on each person, on the characteristics of his character. If you do not take into account prison tattoos, a wreath, along with additional elements, will be a symbol of the will to win, the desire to become better and better every day.

    Photos and sketches of a laurel wreath tattoo

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    Laurel branch

    "Laurel Branch" is a Russian national competition in the field of documentary film and television, which has been held since 2000. The competition presents the works of directors, cameramen, producers of Russia, as well as films from all over the world shot in Russian.

    Award founders: Union of Cinematographers of the Russian Federation, Civilization Television and Radio Company, St. Petersburg Documentary Film Studio.


    The award is given annually in nine categories:

    • Best non-fiction film (the film must be made for theatrical screening, including on film. Any genre, any duration)
    • The best author's non-fiction art film on film or video (the prize was established by the Eduard Sagalaev Foundation in the amount of $5,000)
    • Best Feature-Length Non-Fiction Television Film (any genre, 40 minutes minimum)
    • Best Short Non-Fiction Television Film (any genre, up to 40 minutes)
    • The best educational film (up to 90 minutes long), TV program (up to 60 minutes long; when nominating a cycle program, one series produced in the current year is accepted. The duration of outdoor filming must be at least 90%)
    • Best Documentary Series, TV Documentary Cycle (three episodes produced in the last year are accepted; if the series is finished, the first, last and any episode in between are accepted. The duration of outdoor filming must be at least 90%)
    • The best documentary debut in film and television (the first independent works are accepted, including term papers and diplomas. Directing, camera, screenplay, producer debuts are considered)
    • Best in profession (screenwriter, cameraman, sound engineer, producer) (profession rotation, every year)
    • For contribution to the film chronicle (no nomination is made in this nomination, the winner is announced on a non-alternative basis)

    The Directorate accepts works on DVDs and a completed application form every year from June 10 to September 10.

    Form and amount of the Prize. Order of delivery

    The annual national award "Laurel Branch" is awarded in the form of a Prize - a bronze sculpture "LAVR" by sculptor Vadim Kirillov. It is also possible to present a cash prize, the amount of which is determined by an additional decision by the Council of the Jury of the Competition in agreement with the Directorate of the Competition, the Team of authors and producers - the winners of the Competition, have the right to order no more than two copies of the Prize at their own expense. Authors and producers, awarded the Prize, are awarded the Prize "LAVR" in a solemn atmosphere. The nominees of the Competition are awarded a Diploma. The terms of awarding the Prize are the last ten days of the year.

    see also


  • IN ancient Greek culture the laurel represented victory and peace and was dedicated to Apollo and Dionysus. According to the myth, Apollo pursued the nymph Daphne, who had given her word to remain chaste. Daphne pleaded for help, and the gods turned her into a laurel tree, which Apollo hugged in vain. From now on, the laurel became his sacred plant. That is why in Greece musicians, poets, dancers, whose patron was Apollo, were awarded with laurel wreaths, while athletes, athletes were crowned with olive or celery wreaths. Laurel groves grew on the top of Parnassus, the abode of the Muses, and surrounded the temples of Apollo. Festive garlands and wreaths were woven from laurel leaves; at the festivities in honor of Apollo, the audience wore laurel wreaths. Laurels were credited with not only healing power, but also the power of cleansing from spiritual defilement. Laurel leaves were ritually cleansed of spilled blood; Apollo cleansed himself with them after the killing of Python. The goddess of victory, Nike, was depicted with a laurel wreath in her hands, which she places on the heads of the victorious heroes.

    IN Ancient Rome the laurel wreath becomes the highest sign of military and imperial glory. It symbolized the peace coming after the victory over the enemy. Messages of victory and victorious weapons were wrapped around laurel and folded in front of the image of Jupiter. Laurel wreaths and branches were depicted on coins and gems as attributes of Jupiter and Apollo. The first Roman emperors did not wear crowns, but adorned their heads with a laurel wreath. In ancient Rome, orators and poets also aspired to possess a laurel wreath. In addition, the laurel was dedicated to the vestal virgins and personified purity.

    IN early Christianity evergreen laurel leaves were considered a symbol of eternal life or new life, which will come through the redemptive deeds of Christ, and a wreath of laurel symbolized martyrdom. St. Paul contrasts the incorruptible crown, with which a Christian ascetic is crowned, with the perishable crown, which is received by the victorious on the lists.

    Already in Hellenistic era laurel becomes a symbol of glory as such, and a laurel wreath or laurel branch - an emblem of glory. In the Middle Ages, laurel was not used in classical heraldry. But after the French Revolution of 1789, the laurel became the most popular emblem of France: laurel branches were included in the emblem of the French Republic, and in our time they are also included in the state emblems of Algeria, Brazil, Greece, Israel, Cuba, Mexico and other countries

    IN the art of classicism laurel has become widespread as the main emblem of glory. It is found on awards received for successful participation in competitions by scientists, artists, musicians, poets, writers (who are therefore called laureates), as well as on most orders - signs of lifetime glory

    Ovid's "Metamorphoses"

    The bright, joyful god Apollo knows sadness, and grief befell him. He knew grief shortly after defeating Python. When Apollo, proud of his victory, stood over the monster slain by his arrows, he saw near him the young god of love Eros, pulling his golden bow. Laughing, Apollo said to him:

    “What do you need, child, such a formidable weapon?” Leave it to me to send out the smashing golden arrows with which I just killed Python. Are you equal in glory with me, the archer? Do you want to achieve more fame than me?

    Offended, Eros proudly answered Apollo:

    “Your arrows, Phoebus-Apollo, do not know a miss, they smash everyone, but my arrow will hit you.

    Eros waved his golden wings and in the blink of an eye flew up to the high Parnassus. There he took out two arrows from the quiver: one - wounding the heart and causing love, he pierced the heart of Apollo with it, the other - killing love, he launched it into the heart of the nymph Daphne, daughter of the river god Peneus.

    Once I met the beautiful Daphne Apollo and fell in love with her. But as soon as Daphne saw the golden-haired Apollo, she started to run with the speed of the wind, because the arrow of Eros, which kills love, pierced her heart. The silver-eyed god hurried after her.

    - Stop, beautiful nymph, - Apollo called out, - why are you running from me, like a lamb pursued by a wolf, Like a dove fleeing from an eagle, you rush! After all, I'm not your enemy! Look, you hurt your legs on the sharp thorns of the blackthorn. Oh wait, stop! After all, I am Apollo, the son of the Thunderer Zeus, and not a simple mortal shepherd.

    But the beautiful Daphne ran faster and faster. As if on wings, Apollo rushes after her. He is getting closer. Now it's coming! Daphne feels his breath. The strength leaves her. Daphne prayed to her father Peneus:

    "Father Penei, help me!" Part quickly, earth, and devour me! Oh, take away this image from me, it causes me only suffering!

    As soon as she said this, her limbs immediately became numb. The bark covered her delicate body, her hair turned into foliage, and her hands raised to the sky turned into branches. For a long time, sad Apollo stood before the laurel and, finally, said:

    “Let a wreath of only your greenery decorate my head, let you now decorate with your leaves both my cithara and my quiver. May your greenery never wither, O laurel! Stay green forever!

    And the laurel quietly rustled in response to Apollo with its thick branches and, as if in a sign of consent, bowed its green top.


    Hulks hampered the path of the ridges.
    In the valleys there is shadow and mist.
    The Phaedrias burn in the sun
    And Zeus's eagles call.
    The greatness of secrets and ancient power
    In the soul will give birth to holy fear.
    Mute laurel groves,
    And the echo multiplies every sound.
    Along the channels of the ditches, at the bottom of the gorges
    The silence of gray streams is not silent.
    From the ulcers of the earth, from the mountain cracks,
    Like steam, a misty breath rises.
    Here, crowned with a vine, -
    To the valley of Delphi, to the mouth of the earth
    pious path
    Prayers brought me.
    I sailed the sea for a dolphin,
    And at noon a white star
    Me across the scorched plains
    Led to the serpent's nest.
    But the foremother of Gaia is not free
    Give birth to sons. Python is silent
    And guard the serpent's cave
    Sacred laurel, Delphic wolf.
    And where Gad crawls gloomy
    Darkened the half-day ghost of the day,
    A stream of cold and transparent
    Oozing to dig a horse.
    And where the quiver tinkled with a threat
    And the god pierced the snake with an arrow,
    The righteous oracle speaks
    And bitter laurel in the mouth of the sibyls.
    And a wild olive branch
    Keeps under the gracious shadow,
    Where is the god of the persecuted Orestes
    Eumenides hid from anger.
    In elemental chaos - the order of the law.
    On the abyss of the spirit - the splendor of robes.
    And the slain Dionysus -
    In the coffin in front of the temple of Apollo!

    The desire for triumph, glory and global achievements - all this is a symbolic image of a laurel wreath tattoo. Despite such a positive interpretation, the tattoo has a controversial meaning. What meaning does it carry in itself, which sketch to choose in order to bring fortune to life?

    Laurel in history and myths

    Laurel is traditionally considered a symbol of victory, and even the word "laureate" is literally translated from Latin as "crowned with laurel." The plant was respected and revered since ancient times. In Rome, it personified peace after victory over enemies. That is why laurel wreaths were awarded to the best warriors for merit in battles and battles. Emperors also decorated their heads with plant branches as a sign of power, glory and honor. Another meaning of laurel is piety and chastity. By the way, in the Christian religion, he symbolized martyrdom and immortality.

    The ancient Greeks had a myth about the patron of the arts, the god Apollo and the nymph Daphne. Apollo fell in love with the girl and began to seek her favor, unaware that she had taken a vow of chastity. Daphne had to turn to higher powers for help, and the gods turned the nymph into a laurel tree. Since then, the plant has become a sacred symbol of Apollo and the highest award for outstanding artists.

    Who is the tattoo suitable for?

    Laurel wreath tattoo in modern body painting means determination, vanity, wisdom, glory, courage. A person with a similar body pattern is a maximalist by nature and sets high goals for himself. He achieves what he wants by any means, strives for universal recognition, respect and glory. Belief in victory, an extraordinary mind, self-confidence help such a person on the way to a dream. His goal is not just to live the life of an average person, but to reach unprecedented heights and ascend to the top of some Olympus.

    Musicians, writers, poets, dancers, actors and other people of creative professions often tattoo a laurel wreath as an amulet. The image gives them inspiration, hope for the fulfillment of desires, helps in their careers. In order for a tattoo to have magical properties, it should be applied to closed areas of the body. Such a tattoo is relevant equally for men and women.

    The meaning of a laurel wreath tattoo in prison is somewhat different. Such a tattoo indicates that a person is serving a sentence for a crime he has not committed. This interpretation of the laurel is taken from Christianity, where the plant is a symbol of martyrdom.

    Application technique

    The laurel wreath is considered to be more of a male symbol, so it is advisable to choose a sketch in black and white. You can opt for the chart style. It is quite simple and concise, but at the same time modern. The image is made only with black ink and shading. For a small drawing, the inside of the arm, wrist, chest, neck, ankle are suitable.

    For lovers of original ideas, the old school technique is suitable. Despite the rich colors, wide contours and clear lines, the tattoo does not look defiant. Tattoos can be supplemented with ribbons or inscriptions, to give a semantic load. The best places to apply large-scale compositions are the back, shoulder, leg, thigh or lower leg.

    A selection of photos of a tattoo with a wreath

    The noble laurel is perhaps the most recognizable spice in Russia. "Laurus nobilis" is the scientific name for this plant. The history of Laurus is directly related to the defeats and successes of the ancient Greek god Apollo. The legends of Ancient Greece say that trying to protect the nymph Daphne, who took a vow of chastity, from the loving Apollo, the gods turned it into a Laurel tree. Since then, Apollo has been wearing a wreath of leaves of this sacred plant on his head.

    The ancient Greeks believed that Apollo patronized singers, musicians and poets, so it was on the heads of the best of them that Laurus wreaths were hoisted. Some time passed and this custom spread to other segments of the population. Laurel wreath now the winner in sports competitions could get, the same wreath could decorate a beautiful sculpture.
    The tradition of awarding the best with a wreath of Laurel leaves has survived to this day.
    Many do not even suspect that the expression " winner's laurels"either term" laureate" are directly related to the name of this modest plant. Today, the appearance of images of leaves from a laurel tree in the form of a wreath in heraldic science is taken for granted.

    This ancient symbol was rediscovered and began to be massively used in heraldry after the French Revolution, which took place in 1789 - 1794 years. It was after the bourgeois coup in France that Laurel branches appeared on its coat of arms. This sign means glory and victory and is located on the coats of arms, as well as heraldic symbols of many countries of the world. Today it can be found on many coins, both ancient and modern .

    Since this tree produces a huge amount of essential oils in its leaves, this will allow the Laurus to constantly have a green tint. It is precisely in this circumstance that the origin of the legend of the Laurel wreath, as a symbol of eternal life, can be explained. In early Christianity, unlike Ancient Rome, the symbol of the laurel branch meant eternal the life that gives Jesus Christ his painful death on the cross.

    Without any doubt, myths are the cultural heritage of all mankind, however, Bay leaf gained its fame as a spice because of its delicate smell. Moreover, it is difficult to find such a plant in nature that would live and develop over 1000 years.
    Another designation of raising a wreath on the head of the winner is the wish for a long life.

    All Christian saints have halos around their heads, this is nothing more than an imitation of the Ancient Romans to designate an outstanding face with a laurel wreath above their heads.

    Read more.

    Exist., number of synonyms: 6 laurel crown (1) laurels (9) laurels of the winner (5) ... Synonym dictionary

    Laurel wreath- Book. The same as the Laurel crown. The poem "Extreme Bliss" did not make a very strong impression on the public. The laurel wreath was already woven for the author, but still invisible (Karamzin. About Bogdanovich and his writings). We also talked about art. How… … Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

    Or a branch of laurel since Greco-Roman antiquity, a symbol of glory, victory or peace. The victors put on a laurel wreath; the ships of the victors were decorated with laurels. On solemn occasions, all the people were married to L.; priests at sacrifices dressed ... ...

    Laurel wreath- among the ancient Greeks and Romans, a symbol of victory, triumph, glory. Laurel wreaths were adorned with faces that won in various competitions and competitions (disc throwers, runners, poets, orators, musicians). The tradition has been preserved to our time. ... ... Architectural Dictionary

    Laurel wreath- A wreath of laurel leaves as a symbol of victory, triumph (among the ancient Greeks and Romans, such a wreath was awarded to winners in various competitions and competitions) ... Dictionary of many expressions

    Book. Symbol of glory, victory, award. F 1, 53 ... Big dictionary of Russian sayings

    Laurel wreath- at the ancient Greeks and Romans a symbol of victory, triumph, glory. L. v. adorned the faces that won in various. competitions and competitions (discus throwers, runners, poets, speakers, musicians) ... Ancient world. encyclopedic Dictionary

    LAUREL WREATH- Sleep portends victory in all areas of activity. Imagine being given a bucket full of laurel branches (see Bucket)... Big family dream book

    Or a branch of L., since Greco-Roman antiquity, a symbol of glory, victory or peace. The victors put on a laurel wreath; the ships of the victors were decorated with laurels. On solemn occasions, all the people were married to L.; priests at sacrifices wore laurel ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    And (obsolete) LAUREL, laurel, laurel. 1. adj. to laurel in 1 sign. Laurel grove. Bay leaf (dried bay leaf with a strong aromatic smell, used as a seasoning for dishes). 2. in value noun laurel, laurel, units. laurel, laurel... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov


    • I sent a laurel wreath for soup ..., Igor Guberman. The new edition of the famous gariks by Igor Huberman includes the cycles “Chamber gariks”, “Gariki from Atlantis”, “Charged swans”, as well as completely new gariks written by Huberman specially ... eBook
    • Laurel wreath, Konstantin Paustovsky. The collection includes well-known stories about Russian writers and artists, as well as literary portraits of Russian cultural figures of the past, as well as contemporaries and friends of Konstantin ...

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