The system for assessing the quality of education in an educational institution: practical experience, prospects. Education quality assessment system

  • 01.04.2015 15:23
  • Category: Education quality assessment
  • Author: Alexander Sergeevich Gorshkov, First Vice-Rector of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Advanced Professional Education (Advanced Training) of Specialists St. Petersburg Academy of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education, Ph.D. n., professional
  • Views: 10103
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Assessment of the quality of education in the provisions and norms of the federal law "On Education in the Russian Federation"

The author considers the concept of "Assessment of the quality of education" in the context of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation", including the concept of quality of education, assessment of the quality of education, forms of assessment of the quality of education.

The quality of education is one of the central themes of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as the Law). Ensuring the quality of education involves its evaluation. The significance of quality assessment in the Law is emphasized by the allocation and inclusion in the structure of the education system of the Russian Federation as independent elements of organizations that assess the quality of education.

The law defines various forms of assessing the quality of education, and its regular conduct is introduced into the norm of the functioning of the education system.

1. The concept of the quality of education, assessment of the quality of education.
The Law defines the quality of education as a comprehensive characteristic of educational activities and training of a student, expressing the degree of their compliance with federal state educational standards, federal state requirements and (or) the needs of an individual or legal entity, in the interests of which educational activities are carried out, including the degree of achievement of the planned results of the educational program. The law defines the federal state educational standard as a set of mandatory requirements for education of a certain level and (or) for a profession, specialty and area of ​​training and as the basis for an objective assessment of compliance with the established requirements of educational activities and training of students who have mastered educational programs of the appropriate level and relevant focus. Comparing these two definitions, one should characterize the federal state educational standard as one of the bases for assessing the quality of education.

When organizations engaged in educational activities implement educational programs that are not subject to federal state educational standards, federal state requirements (additional general development programs, additional professional programs), the needs of the individual or legal entity in whose interests educational activities are carried out, the planned results of the educational program become the basis for the assessment. . From the definition of the quality of education in the Law, it follows that the same basis for assessing quality can also be used in the implementation of educational programs that are subject to standards, alternating and combining assessments.

It is quite natural that the Law refers the assessment of the quality of education to one of the functions of managing the education system. In accordance with the Law, the management of the education system is carried out on the principles of legality, democracy, autonomy of educational organizations, information openness of the education system and consideration of public opinion and is of a state-public nature. According to the Law, the management of the education system includes such functions as:
state regulation of educational activities (licensing, state accreditation of educational activities, state control (supervision) in the field of education);

independent assessment of the quality of education, public and professional public accreditation.

The law reveals these functions by defining the forms for assessing the quality of education.

2. Forms of education quality assessment.
2.1. State accreditation of educational activities should be attributed to one of the forms of assessing the quality of education for the following reasons. According to the law:
2.1.1. State accreditation of educational activities is carried out for the main educational programs implemented in accordance with federal state educational standards, with the exception of educational programs for preschool education.
2.1.2. The purpose of state accreditation of educational activities is to confirm the compliance with federal state educational standards of educational activities in basic educational programs and the training of students in educational organizations, organizations providing training.
Considering that, according to the Law, the quality of education is the degree of compliance of educational activities and training of students with federal state educational standards, it should be concluded that the purpose and essence of state accreditation coincides with the assessment of the quality of education. Thus, state accreditation is a quality assessment on a two-level scale: corresponds (does not correspond).
2.2. State control (supervision) in the field of education, according to the Law, includes: federal state control of the quality of education and federal state supervision in the field of education, carried out by authorized federal executive bodies and executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The federal state control of the quality of education refers to the activity of assessing the conformity of educational activities and the training of students in an organization engaged in educational activities, according to state-accredited educational programs, with the requirements of federal state educational standards through the organization and conduct of education quality checks. Or: federal state control is an assessment of the quality of education.
2.3. An independent assessment of the quality of education, in accordance with the Law, is carried out in relation to organizations engaged in educational activities and the educational programs they implement in order to determine the compliance of the education provided with the needs of the individual and legal entity in whose interests educational activities are carried out; increasing the competitiveness of organizations engaged in educational activities and the educational programs they implement in the Russian and international markets.
The provisions of the Law regarding the implementation of an independent assessment of the quality of education are developed in the Methodological recommendations of the Ministry of Education and Science on the implementation of an independent system for assessing the quality of the work of educational organizations dated October 14, 2013. An independent assessment of the quality of education is carried out at the initiative of legal entities or individuals. When carrying out an independent assessment of the quality of education, publicly available information about organizations engaged in educational activities and about the educational programs they implement is used.
The organization carrying out the quality assessment establishes the types of education, groups of organizations engaged in educational activities, and the educational programs they implement, in respect of which an independent assessment of the quality of education is carried out, as well as the conditions, forms and methods for conducting an independent assessment of the quality of education and the procedure for its payment.
An independent assessment of the quality of education is also carried out within the framework of international comparative studies in the field of education.
2.4. Public accreditation of organizations engaged in educational activities should also be attributed to one of the forms of assessing the quality of education. According to the Law, public accreditation means the recognition of the level of activity of an organization carrying out educational activities that meets the criteria and requirements of Russian, foreign and international organizations. Recognition of the level of educational activity by the criteria and requirements established by the accrediting organization is identical to the assessment of the quality of education implemented during state accreditation, but is based on other criteria and requirements. The procedure for conducting public accreditation, the forms and methods of assessment during its conduct, as well as the rights granted to an accredited organization carrying out educational activities, are established by the public organization that conducts public accreditation. Organizations carrying out educational activities can receive public accreditation in various Russian, foreign and international organizations.
2.5. Professional and public accreditation of professional educational programs implemented by an organization carrying out educational activities may be carried out by employers, their associations, as well as organizations authorized by them. In accordance with the Law, professional and public accreditation of professional educational programs is a recognition of the quality and level of training of graduates who have mastered such an educational program in a particular organization that carries out educational activities that meet the requirements of professional standards, labor market requirements for specialists, workers and employees of the relevant profile. Recognition of the quality and level of training of graduates to the established requirements is identical to the assessment of the quality of education implemented under state accreditation, but is based on requirements that may differ from the requirements of federal state educational standards. Based on the results of professional and public accreditation of professional educational programs by employers, their associations or organizations authorized by them, ratings of professional educational programs and organizations accredited by them can be formed.
The procedure for professional and public accreditation of professional educational programs, the forms and methods of assessment during the said accreditation, as well as the rights granted to the organization implementing accredited professional educational programs and (or) graduates who have mastered such educational programs, are established by the employer, the association of employers or an organization authorized by them, who carry out the said accreditation.
Information about the organization carrying out educational activities, public accreditation or professional public accreditation is provided to the accreditation body and considered during the state accreditation. Public accreditation and professional public accreditation are carried out on a voluntary basis and do not entail additional financial obligations of the state.
2.6. The internal education quality assessment system implements the quality assessment model chosen by the educational organization. The functioning of the system is an attributive requirement for educational organizations, and the provision on the internal system for assessing the quality of education, according to the Law, is a necessary local regulatory act of an educational organization.
2.7. The variety of forms for assessing the quality of education introduced by the Law and their classification are shown in the diagram below.


The relevance of research. The priority role of education in the development of society and the country is noted in many normative documents at the highest level. During the implementation of projects in the field of education, the emphasis began to shift from “innovative education” to “quality education”. The need to create a system for assessing the quality of education is primarily due to the introduction of new educational standards and the need to evaluate their achievement at all levels. In this regard, it became necessary to revise approaches to the organization of intra-school control and to determine approaches to building a system for assessing the quality of education.

The system for assessing the quality of education in Russia has just begun to be created; a unified conceptual and methodological understanding of the problems of the quality of education and approaches to its measurement has not yet been formed. Quite often, untested and unstandardized tools are used. There is no necessary scientific and methodological support for objective and reliable collection of information. The regulatory and legal base of the system for assessing the quality of education is poorly developed.

Solving these problems requires targeted efforts to form a common systematic approach to assessing the quality of education at all levels and, above all, at the level of an educational institution. This project is intended to contribute to the implementation of this important task, which considers the model for assessing the quality of education as a system that includes the organization of the educational process, material, technical and scientific and methodological support, management aspects and a system for monitoring the quality of education in a general education institution.

The object of the study is the system for assessing the quality of education.

The subject of the study is various methodological approaches to the system of assessing the quality of education in primary school according to the Federal State Educational Standard.

The purpose of the study is to develop guidelines for organizing internal monitoring of the quality of education in an educational institution.

The hypothesis of the study is that the developed methodological recommendations will contribute to the qualitative assessment of education.

Based on the goal and hypothesis, the following research objectives were formulated:

Consider the concept of the quality of education in a general education institution.

Highlight the features of the organization of the model of the intra-school system for assessing the quality of education.

To study the system for evaluating the results of mastering the basic educational program of primary general education

Practically consider the technology for assessing the quality of educational achievements of a student of a general education institution

To achieve this goal and test the formulated hypothesis, it is supposed to use methods of theoretical analysis (study and systematization of psychological, pedagogical, methodological and scientific literature on the research problem; analysis of educational standards, curricula, manuals, methodological materials; study and generalization of pedagogical experience).

The practical significance of the work lies in the fact that, on the basis of the study, methodological recommendations are proposed for organizing internal monitoring of the quality of education in an educational institution.

Research base and empirical sample:

An empirical study was conducted on the basis of a municipal educational budgetary institution - ....

The structure of the work: this work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a bibliography of 25 sources. The total volume of work is 60 pages.


1.1. The concept of the quality of education in a general education institution

In the philosophical understanding of the term "quality", we proceed from the definition of quality as an essential feature, a property that distinguishes one object from another. From the point of view of the production approach, quality is a set of essential consumer properties of a product or service that are significant to the consumer. In a metaphorical sense, the "products" of the school are graduates with an education of better or worse quality, more or less corresponding to the needs of society and the individual, established norms, requirements, standards. Thus, the quality of education is understood as the quality of the educational process, which reflects the degree of compliance of the educational results (achievements) of students and the conditions for ensuring the educational process with regulatory requirements, social and personal expectations and includes the following components:

· the quality of the educational program;

· the quality of the organization of the educational process (educational technologies, forms, methods, teaching methods, forms of organization of training);

· quality of management of educational systems and processes (managerial technologies in education);

· the quality of the potential of the scientific and pedagogical staff involved in the educational process;

· quality of resource support (logistical, educational and methodological support);

· the quality of moral, spiritual, moral education in the process of socialization of the individual;

· the quality of medical care, nutrition, physical culture and health work;

· quality of partnership with family and society;

· the quality of the potential of students;

· the quality of knowledge.

On fig. 1 consider indicators of the quality of education.

Figure 1. Education quality indicators

Process management in an educational institution is based on objective laws, management practices and requirements for a particular education system. When developing monitoring of the quality of education, it is advisable to use both the scientific potential and the practical experience of educational institutions.

Currently, as part of the modernization of education, the system of quality management of educational services continues to be actively developed. Studying literary sources, one can find various interpretations of the concept of "quality of education".

Polonsky V.M. The quality of education is interpreted as a certain level of knowledge and skills, mental, physical and moral development, which the graduates of an educational institution have achieved in accordance with the planned goals of education and training.

From the point of view of S.E. Shishova, the quality of education is defined as a social category that determines the state and effectiveness of the education process in society, its compliance with the needs and expectations of society (various social groups) in the development and formation of civil, everyday and professional competencies of an individual.

In our opinion, the health protection of children can be added to these definitions when predicting the results of the pedagogical process within the framework of age and individual indicators. To solve and evaluate the complex of tasks of the pedagogical process, it is necessary to find some approaches to managing the quality of education.

Tretyakov P.I. defines management as a set of principles, methods, means and forms of social management, including educational processes, i.e. the art of management.

Management in an educational institution is based, according to Pozdnyak L.V., on the following principles: a combination of public and state principles, unity of command and collegiality, humanization of management, scientific character, objectivity and specificity, optimality and efficiency and consistency.

An analysis of the literature shows that in research activities to monitor the quality of education, it is advisable to use both the scientific potential and the practical experience of educational institutions. However, it is necessary to take into account the capabilities of the educational institution itself, its readiness for this activity and the professional competence of the staff. Such a systematic approach allows you to professionally organize and monitor the quality of the educational process, as well as improve your qualifications and pedagogical competence.

Monitoring the quality of education is a complex system of long-term observations and studies of the educational process in order to assess the activities and forecast changes taking place in general in a preschool educational institution, or its individual components.

An important point of quality monitoring is the prevention of possible critical situations that entail negative phenomena in the work of the teaching staff, as well as violations of the physical and mental health of all participants involved in the process.

According to M.M. Potashny in educational institutions mainly provide and maintain the required level of quality of education, as well as bring it into line with the growing requirements of external customers.

1.2 Organization of the model of the intra-school system for assessing the quality of education

The model of organizing an intra-school system for assessing educational results and monitoring the quality of education is part of the system for ensuring the educational policy of the Department of Education of Yakutsk in matters of monitoring and managing the quality of education in schools. The policy of improving the attractiveness of the school, combined with better management of its resources, is important for the leadership of each educational institution, however, as well as for the entire education system of the district. The basis of this problem is the restructuring of the entire public sector in the Russian Federation, which creates conditions for strengthening the economic responsibility of school leaders for the work of their institutions and stimulates a certain competition between schools. This is largely facilitated by demographic changes associated with fluctuations in the number of students in the usual areas of schools and changes in their educational interests. The latter include the transfer of one's education to network and distance forms, partial intra-district migration of schoolchildren (within the geographical accessibility and transport network) and the use of various forms of distance learning. Under these conditions, the new mission of schools is being updated - the creation of sufficient and necessary educational conditions for the social success of students and graduates. Such a task, of course, is feasible only if the quality of the education process itself is high.

To describe the organization of the system of intra-school monitoring and quality control of education, it is proposed to use the following concepts, which are generally accepted in the systems of monitoring assessments of the quality of education and the effectiveness of educational institutions:

Generalized goal - the desired end result or condition, expressed in measurable terms, that can be achieved while ensuring the required efficiency of one or more processes.

Goal - a criterion by which the degree of achievement of a generalized goal is measured. Each generalized goal should have a quantitative indicator in the form of a goal.

Strategy - a method or procedure for achieving an appropriate generalized goal and realizing a quantitative goal.

A strategy performance indicator is an indicator built into the strategy that measures progress in the implementation of the strategy.

Critical success factor - a function or operation that must be performed correctly and in full.

A key indicator is a measurement that, when evaluating an ongoing process or individual operation, provides data to judge the progress of a process or operation.

Boundary conditions are the boundaries beyond which the key indicator loses its adequacy property.

The development and organization of the system of intra-school monitoring and quality control of education at school is due to two main factors. The first factor is technological. The very concept of monitoring (permanent monitoring) involves the creation of a system that constantly monitors the educational space. Unlike most existing measurement systems (sectional work, scheduled inspections, school certification, inspection by tax authorities, audit structures and other services), the monitoring system:

A) Acts constantly and carries out large-scale monitoring of the educational space. The scale is set by the values ​​of the multiplicity of observed key indicators, the frequency and quality of measurements, and the level of representativeness.

B) Accumulates data at the level of class - groups and specific resources and is able to create predictive models of development based on the study of the dynamics of developing processes.

C) It is focused not so much on comparing two or more educational institutions, although it also has such opportunities, but on an in-depth analysis of the effectiveness of a particular school, not in relative (relative to other educational institutions), but in absolute values, allowing to assess the vector and values ​​of the dynamics of work and development.

D) Works with performance indicators, which, within the framework of a process-oriented approach, make it possible to measure the effectiveness of the functioning of these processes. As part of a process improvement approach, performance metrics quantify the improvement in process efficiency following the implementation of proposed changes.

E) Influences daily management decision making. When preparing a solution, performance indicators allow you to compare alternatives.

E) Influences the improvement of processes in an educational institution. Performance metrics allow you to see how the efficiency of the business process will improve as a result of the implementation of the proposed changes.

G) Helps to identify and eliminate processes where the ratio "efficiency - costs" is unsatisfactory.

The monitoring system assumes the following process efficiency metrics.


Compliance indicators establish the compliance of quality and processes with the relevant norms. These indicators make it possible to measure the degree of compliance of the product, service with the needs of the customer (consumer); the number of claims; adherence to procedures; test results; budget efficiency; consistency with laws and regulations; and characteristics related to safety, security and health effects.

The standard includes:

a) requirements and conditions;

b) the audience of the standard;

c) scope.

Indicators for compliance with standards affect all categories of participants in the processes of an educational institution: customers (consumers); management; resource managers.

Fit for Purpose

Indicators that characterize the compliance of processes with the goals of an educational institution focus on the interaction of the participants in the process, as well as on the extent to which this interaction allows achieving the goals. These metrics measure factors such as how well a product or service satisfies the customer (consumer). Customization (consumer), flexibility and sensitivity are examples of indicators focused on measuring the compliance of the process with the goals of customers (consumers).

Indicators that characterize the compliance of processes with the goals of an educational institution also make it possible to measure the compliance with the goals of other participants in the process.

One of the significant reasons for the demand for the system of intraschool monitoring is the transition to the widespread use of individual curricula. Individualization of the educational process causes the growth of control objects. If earlier the class was the object of control, then individualization and differentiation make the student the object of control, and, consequently, the amount of relevant information increases many times. All this raises the problem of technology for measuring the quality of education in high school and the criteria for differentiating teaching staff. At the same time, the high subjectivity of the assessment of pedagogical work by external experts, as well as the inability to clearly formalize the results of educational activities (at the level of standards) and the incompatibility of labor costs and technological complexity in the methods of individual and mass education, as well as teaching methods put this problem in a special position.

Despite the fact that it is differentiation that is not only a serious tool for the formation of teachers' salaries, especially in terms of extra-budgetary supplements, but also optimizes the actions of the management in making decisions on the placement of personnel, as well as in developing a strategy in matters of advanced training and retraining of personnel.

Evaluation in this system of relations is no longer just ascertaining and testing, but also formative, defining and predictive, stimulating, motivational, school and professional guideline. Assessment ceases to be an application to the educational process, it is constantly progressing, moving into the rank of one of the most important learning factors that can influence the areas and conditions of education and upbringing. Monitoring, in particular monitoring of school results, leads to changes in the system of goals, in the content and technologies of education, transforms an interactive instructive-learning process based on the relationship between teacher-student and student-student.

The issue of monitoring the educational process is raised at various levels of the educational community of the Russian Federation, because. the reform of the modern education system in our country largely depends on the results of its implementation.

It is always important for the administration of an educational institution to have prompt, accurate and objective information about the current state of the educational process. This allows timely implementation of methodological support for teachers, making the necessary adjustments to the educational process and, as a result, leads to an increase in the quality of the educational and educational process at school. Such information at the school level can be provided by regularly conducted monitoring studies, which are a necessary tool for analyzing various aspects of the educational process.

It should be noted that the issue of tracking the results of the educational process has been raised in pedagogy for a long time. In many scientific and pedagogical studies, monitoring is understood as monitoring the state of the pedagogical process (the level of ZUN, the organization of the educational process (hereinafter referred to as UEP), the level of teaching, etc.) with the aim of its control, prediction and sustainable functioning. Monitoring can be carried out using information technology, as well as through traditional data collection (questionnaires, surveys, etc.). Information monitoring allows you to quickly identify the foci and nature of changes in the system of school work, traces the intensity of processes and amplitudes of shifts, and studies the interaction of ERP systems.

Monitoring has several functions.

The motivational-target function is defined as the clear performance of work by all members of the teaching staff in accordance with the duties delegated to them and the plan, in accordance with the needs to achieve their own and collective goals.

The information-analytical function is defined as a management function aimed at studying the physical state and the validity of using a combination of methods, means, and influences to achieve goals, at an objective assessment of the results of the pedagogical process and the development of regulatory mechanisms for transferring the system to a new qualitative state.

The planning and prognostic function is defined as an activity for the optimal choice of ideal and real goals in the development of programs to achieve them.

The organizational and executive function is defined as belonging to each management cycle. This function carries the main potential for the social transformation of the school, characterizes the school as the activity of the subject (object) of management in the formation and regulation of a certain structure of organized interactions through a set of methods and means necessary to effectively achieve goals. Organizational relations can be defined as connections between people established regarding the distribution of powers and assigning to them the functions of their joint activities.

The control and diagnostic function is defined as the simultaneous operational study and evaluation, regulation and correction of a process or phenomenon, whether it is at the level of a student's personality, the activities of a teacher or a school leader.

Regulatory-corrective function is defined as a type of activity for making adjustments using operational methods, means and influences in the process of managing the pedagogical system to maintain it at the programmed level.

The main goals of creating a system of intra-school monitoring and quality control of education are:

ensuring the sustainable development of the education system at school;

creation of a Unified automated system for monitoring the educational process of the school;

creation of a system for comparing the reference characteristics of students with the expenditure of resources.

Expected Result:

creation of a system for comprehensive monitoring of the results and resources of educational programs of the school;

identifying the reasons for students' non-compliance with reference characteristics;

creation of a group of diverse, universal and calculated monitoring indicators;

formation of information necessary for making a managerial decision;

identification of risk zones and restrictions when achieving reference characteristics;

using the results of system monitoring as a factor influencing the effectiveness of the school to change the educational, financial, economic, organizational and legal conditions for the development of the school;

inclusion of the created system of indicators in the system for monitoring the effectiveness of an educational institution.

School efficiency is determined by the combination of school achievements of a certain school group at a certain time and in a certain space (year, school level; in the classroom; outside the classroom, etc.)

To create an effective school, a system for accumulating information is needed to identify trends, make strategic and operational decisions, and create a system for quickly responding to changes and new trends in the education system. The solution of these problems will allow to maintain the competitive advantages of the school.

The primary task of the first stage of the formation of an intra-school monitoring system is the creation of a high-quality measure of students' knowledge in subjects in the form of test tasks in subjects. It is better to choose two key academic disciplines as the objects of primary monitoring research: Russian language and mathematics. It is best to focus the monitoring system on test forms of measurement due to the fact that the modern school education system is switching to this type of control both as part of the final assessment of students in the form of the Unified State Examination and as part of school accreditation. The main thing when choosing a test form of work is the presence of the same, for all subjects, conditions for conducting pedagogical control (difficulty, composition, structure of tasks) and rules for interpreting the results: responsibility, justice.

However, test forms should not exclude other forms of gauges, nor should they be ignored in cases deemed unsuitable for test use. As experience shows, the test can be adapted to a significant variety of tasks, or other forms can be brought to comparability with it in terms of manufacturability and correctness.

In parallel with pedagogical monitoring, other areas of assessing the quality of the work of an educational institution are also developing. For example, assessment of the state of health of children, assessment of the psychological comfort of the educational environment and other areas that systematically or situationally arise as a target setting for the activities of the Service.

Within the framework of this direction, surveys of parents and students, school graduates can be conducted. These types of monitoring include:

filling and analysis of diaries of self-observation on the dynamics of the health of schoolchildren;

a study to study the comfort of the schedule for students of different classes.

study on school meals among students:

problem and case studies (e.g. injury monitoring for students in grades 1-10)

analysis of the daily routine of class students

analysis of communicative competencies of school personnel

analysis of the incidence of school employees

Separately, the tasks and directions of intra-school monitoring regarding the problem of assessing the quality of specialized education are formulated.

In general, the logic of creating an intra-school monitoring system involves the following steps:

Documentary substantiation

A) Regulations on the procedure for conducting current and final control and assessment of the level of educational achievements of students

B) Regulations on the procedure for assessing the personal achievements of students (portfolio)

C) Regulations on the monitoring and evaluation service

Choosing the direction of work (subjects, parallels, problem areas)

Drawing up a work plan

Creation of a group of test material developers

Manufacturability of the process

.Personnel management

Meter developer training

Creation of uniform requirements for the technology of the educational process

Work to reduce the negative psychological consequences of the act of evaluation

3.Requirements for procedures, content, quantity, size and frequency of assessment.

.Analytics and information generation

The interaction of monitoring structures with IOs or departments is aimed at using the assessment of monitoring in the success of the individual and the system in achieving educational standards.

The use of the whole complex of methods of pedagogical measurements should contribute to the formation of a basis for analytical and corrective work. The calculated average score and percentages for each task provide an opportunity for various types of comparison, namely: which of the topics are learned better, which topics from year to year show consistently low and high results; comparisons by class, working teachers, obtaining an assessment of knowledge to identify the dynamics of achieving the expected results and the quality of education. In addition, the material obtained makes it possible to identify areas of risk and limitations in achieving the expected results and quality of education. When compiling a rating, it becomes possible to single out students who show consistently high and low results, which is a prerequisite for using an individual approach to students in teaching.

The main result of monitoring studies is the formation of information necessary for making managerial decisions in order to improve the educational process and improve the quality of education.

Thus, the monitoring service, in addition to efficiency problems, can solve the following problems:

Creation of a single way of life, a single corporate culture, a single system of requirements for the technology of the educational process.

Ensuring continuity between the levels of general education, minimizing transitional losses, which allowed students and parents to build a clear and long-term educational strategy within one educational institution.

Creation of real variability in the content of education, without revision of the key elements of the "basis", which allows students to exercise their right to academic mobility of the student. This has proven itself especially in high school and in the conditions of specialized education.

Creation of conditions for self-realization of students in various areas of basic and additional education, which was a response not only to the modern demands of individual education, but also to individual development in general.

The widespread use of information resources in the educational process, including modern information technologies, which made it possible to take into account the requirements for mastering modern communications.

Determination of the vector of growth of the qualification stock of teachers, taking into account the specifics of individual educational programs. This refers to the program of work with the school staff (its training, retraining and expansion of the professional base), focused on training specialists who are able to work in the conditions of individual programs.

1.3. Evaluation of the results of mastering the main educational program of primary general education

In accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education, the school has developed an assessment system focused on identifying and evaluating the educational achievements of students with the aim of final assessment of the preparation of graduates at the level of primary general education.

The features of the assessment system are:

· an integrated approach to assessing the results of education (assessment of subject, meta-subject and personal results of general education);

· use of the planned results of mastering the basic educational programs as a substantive and criteria-based assessment base;

· assessment of the success of mastering the content of individual academic subjects on the basis of a system-activity approach, manifested in the ability to perform educational, practical and educational and cognitive tasks;

· assessment of the dynamics of educational achievements of students;

· a combination of external and internal evaluation as a mechanism for ensuring the quality of education;

· the use of personalized procedures for the final assessment and certification of students and non-personalized procedures for assessing the state and trends in the development of the education system;

· a tiered approach to the development of planned results, tools and their presentation;

· the use of a cumulative assessment system (portfolio), which characterizes the dynamics of individual educational achievements;

· the use, along with standardized written or oral work, of such forms and methods of assessment as projects, practical work, creative work, introspection, self-assessment, observation, etc.;

· the use of contextual information about the conditions and features of the implementation of educational programs when interpreting the results of pedagogical measurements.

Assessment of personal results

The object of assessment of personal results is the universal learning activities formed by students, which are included in three main blocks:

· self-determination - the formation of the internal position of the student - the acceptance and development of a new social role of the student; the formation of the foundations of the Russian civil identity of the individual as a sense of pride in their homeland, people, history and awareness of their ethnicity; development of self-esteem and the ability to adequately assess oneself and one's achievements, to see the strengths and weaknesses of one's personality;

· meaning formation - the search and establishment of a personal meaning (i.e. "meaning for oneself") of the teaching by students on the basis of a stable system of educational, cognitive and social motives; understanding the boundaries of “what I know” and “what I don’t know”, “ignorance” and striving to bridge this gap;

· moral and ethical orientation - knowledge of the basic moral norms and orientation towards their implementation based on an understanding of their social necessity; the ability to moral decentration - taking into account the positions, motives and interests of the participants in the moral dilemma in its resolution; development of ethical feelings - shame, guilt, conscience as regulators of moral behavior.

· the formation of the internal position of the student, which is reflected in the emotionally positive attitude of the student to the educational institution,

· focusing on the meaningful aspects of the educational process - lessons, learning new things, mastering skills and new competencies, the nature of educational cooperation with the teacher and classmates - and focusing on the behavior of a “good student” as an example to follow;

· the formation of the foundations of civic identity - a sense of pride in one's Motherland, knowledge of significant historical events for the Fatherland; love for one's own land, awareness of one's nationality, respect for the culture and traditions of the peoples of Russia and the world; developing trust and the ability to understand and empathize with the feelings of others;

· the formation of self-esteem, including awareness of one's abilities in learning, the ability to adequately judge the reasons for one's success/failure in learning; the ability to see your strengths and weaknesses, respect yourself and believe in success;

· the formation of the motivation of educational activity, including social, educational, cognitive and external motives, curiosity and interest in new content and methods of solving problems, acquiring new knowledge and skills, motivation for achieving results, striving to improve one's abilities;

· knowledge of moral norms and the formation of moral and ethical judgments, the ability to solve moral problems on the basis of decentration (coordination of different points of view on solving a moral dilemma); the ability to evaluate one's own actions and the actions of other people in terms of observance/violation of a moral norm.

The assessment of personal results is carried out, firstly, in the course of external non-personalized monitoring studies by specialists who do not work at the school.

Secondly, the internal assessment of the achievement of personal results of students is carried out by the teacher based on the results of observations, questionnaires, etc.

The personal results of graduates at the level of primary general education in full accordance with the requirements of the Standard are not subject to final assessment, because the assessment of personal results of students reflects the effectiveness of the educational and educational activities of the school.

Evaluation of meta-subject results.

The evaluation of meta-subject results implies the formation of universal learning actions of students (regulatory, communicative, cognitive), i.e. such mental actions of students that are aimed at analyzing their cognitive activity and managing it. These include :

· the ability of the student to accept and maintain the learning goal and objectives; independently transform a practical task into a cognitive one; the ability to plan one's own activity in accordance with the task set and the conditions for its implementation and to look for means of its implementation; the ability to control and evaluate one's actions, to make adjustments to their implementation based on the assessment and taking into account the nature of errors, to show initiative and independence in learning;

· the ability to carry out information search, collection and selection of essential information from various information sources;

· the ability to use sign-symbolic means to create models of the studied objects and processes, schemes for solving educational, cognitive and practical problems;

· the ability to carry out logical operations of comparison, analysis, generalization, classification according to generic characteristics, establishing analogies, referring to known concepts;

· the ability to cooperate with the teacher and peers in solving educational problems, to take responsibility for the results of their actions.

The achievement of meta-subject results is ensured by the main components of the educational process - the subjects presented in the mandatory part of the curriculum.

The main content of the assessment of meta-subject results at the level of primary general education is built around the ability to learn. Evaluation of metasubject results is carried out in the course of various procedures: solving problems of a creative and exploratory nature, educational design, final test work, complex work on an interdisciplinary basis, monitoring the formation of basic educational skills. In the 4th grade, a meta-subject complex final work is carried out, which makes it possible to determine the level of formation of UUD by each student. Evaluation: basic level achieved, advanced level achieved, basic level not enough. The work is carried out during 2 lessons.

Evaluation of subject results.

Achievement of subject results is provided at the expense of the main subjects. Therefore, the object of evaluation of subject results is the ability of students to solve educational and cognitive and educational and practical tasks.

Evaluation of the achievement of subject results is carried out both during the current and intermediate assessment, and during the implementation of the final verification work. The results of the accumulated assessment obtained during the current and intermediate assessment are recorded in the form of a portfolio of achievements and are taken into account when determining the final assessment. The subject of the final assessment of the mastering by students of the main educational program of primary general education is the achievement of subject and meta-subject results of primary general education necessary for continuing education.

The main instrument of the final assessment is the final complex work - a system of tasks of various levels of complexity in reading, the Russian language, mathematics and the world around.

In the educational process, the assessment of subject results is carried out with the help of diagnostic work (intermediate and final), aimed at determining the level of mastering the topic by students. In grades 1-3 - final complex work. In the 4th grade, monitoring of the achievement of the planned results of the implementation of three final works - in the Russian language, mathematics - and the final comprehensive work on an interdisciplinary basis is carried out.

Systematic assessment of personal, meta-subject and subject results is implemented within the framework of the accumulative system - Portfolio.

Student Portfolio:

· is a modern pedagogical tool for supporting the development and evaluation of students' achievements, focused on updating and improving the quality of education;

· implements one of the main provisions of the Federal state educational standards of general education of the second generation - the formation of universal educational activities;

· allows you to take into account the age-specific features of the development of universal educational activities of primary school students; the best achievements of the Russian school at the stage of primary education; as well as pedagogical resources of educational subjects of the educational plan;

· involves the active involvement of students and their parents in assessment activities based on problem analysis, reflection and optimistic forecasting.

The Portfolio structure in elementary school is a collection of works and results that show the student's efforts, progress and achievements in various areas (study, creativity, communication, health), shortcomings that allow him to determine the goals of his further development.

The main sections of the Portfolio of Achievements:

"My portrait" + "Portfolio of documents" + "Portfolio of creative works"

To replenish the " Portfolio of Achievements"And evaluate its materials, first of all, the student. The teacher, about once a quarter, replenishes only a small mandatory part (after tests), and the rest teaches the student how to replenish the portfolio with the main set of materials and evaluate them.

Based on the results of the training, a comprehensive assessment of the “Portfolio of Achievements” is carried out. Mandatory materials: subject control, diagnostic meta-subject works fall into the "Portfolio of Achievements" already with ready-made quality assessments on a scale of success levels. The materials that are added by the student are evaluated on the same scale of success levels by the student. Based on both assessments, the results are systematized.

Consider the current forms of monitoring and recording the achievements of students:

oral questioning


independent work


control write-off

test tasks

graphic work


creative work

attending lessons on observation programs

diagnostic test



reading technique control

analysis of the dynamics of current performance

participation in exhibitions, competitions, competitions

activity in projects and programs of extracurricular activities

creative report


analysis of psychological and pedagogical research

Forms of presentation of educational results:

· report card for subjects (indicating the requirements for marking);

· texts of final diagnostic tests, dictations and analysis of their performance by students (information about the elements and levels of knowledge being tested - knowledge, understanding, application, systematization);

· verbal assessment of the success of the results, the formulation of the reasons for failures and recommendations for eliminating gaps in learning in subjects;


· the results of psychological and pedagogical research, illustrating the dynamics of the development of individual intellectual and personal qualities of the student, UUD.

The evaluation criteria are:

· compliance of the achieved subject, meta-subject and personal results of students with the requirements for the results of mastering the educational program of primary general education of the Federal State Educational Standard;

· the dynamics of the results of subject training, the formation of UUD.

The assessment system used at school is focused on encouraging the student to strive for objective control, and not to hide his ignorance and inability, to form the need for adequate and constructive self-assessment.

The following forms of assessment are accepted at the school:

Grade 1 - unmarked training.

From grade 2 - 5-point scale of marks:

"5" - - excellent;

"4" - good;

"3" - satisfactory;

"2" - unsatisfactory;

"1" - the absence of at least some satisfactory performance of the work.

Mark "5" - the student receives if his oral answer, written work, practical activity fully corresponds to the curriculum, one defect is allowed, the volume of ZUNs is 90-100% of the content (the correct complete answer, which is a coherent, logically consistent message on a certain topic, the ability to apply definitions, rules in specific cases.

The student substantiates his judgments, applies knowledge in practice, gives his own examples).

Mark "4" - the student receives if his oral answer, written work, practical activity or its results generally meet the requirements of the curriculum, but there are one or two minor errors, or three shortcomings and the volume of ZUN is 70-90% of the content (correct , but not a completely accurate answer).

Mark "3" - the student receives if his oral answer, written work, practical activities and its results basically meet the requirements of the program, but there are: 1 gross error and 2 shortcomings, or 1 gross error and 1 non-gross, or 2-3 gross errors, or 1 minor error and 3 shortcomings, or 4-5 shortcomings. The student owns ZUNs in the amount of 50-70% of the content (correct, but not complete answer, inaccuracies are allowed in the definition of concepts or the formulation of rules, the student substantiates his judgments insufficiently deeply and convincingly, does not know how to give examples, presents the material inconsistently).

Mark "2" - the student receives if his oral answer, written work, practical activities and its results partially meet the requirements of the program, there are significant shortcomings and gross errors, the volume of the student's ZUN is 20-50% of the content (wrong answer).

Types of marks:

The current grades are set by the teacher on a weekly basis according to the goals of the students' activities set for the lesson.

Marks of the subjects of the compulsory part of the curriculum are set in quarters in a 5-point system. The annual mark is set on the basis of marks for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th quarter, the final complex work, and the accumulative assessment system.

The rights and obligations of students upon receipt of a mark:

When conducting thematic control, a mark is placed on all students, since everyone must show how he has mastered the knowledge and skills of the topic.

In case of receiving an unsatisfactory mark, the student has the right to retake and correct the "deuce".

In case of absence of a student for a good reason on the day of the thematic control, ZUNov “n” is put up in the class journal, and the student is obliged to pass this topic and receive a mark within 7 days after the release. A mark is placed next to the letter "n" on the day when the work was carried out.

Advantages of the Portfolio as a method of assessing student achievement:

focused on the procedural control of the new priorities of modern education, which are UUD (universal learning activities);

Portfolio sections (Portrait, Working materials, Collector, Achievements) are a generally accepted model in the world pedagogical practice;

takes into account the peculiarities of the development of students' critical thinking through the use of three stages: challenge (problem situation) - comprehension - reflection;

helps students to define their own learning objectives, actively appropriate information, and reflect on what they have learned.


After analyzing the literature, it can be noted that the practical use of the quality assessment system of the IEO is built in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO, the legislative acts of the Russian Federation, the school, which regulate the implementation of procedures for monitoring and assessing the quality of education.

school council;

primary education assessment quality


1 Technology for assessing the quality of educational achievements of a student general educational institution

Approbation of the technology for assessing the quality of educational achievements of a student of a general education institution was carried out on the basis of ...

The approbation was attended by: 25 students of the 3rd grade.

Of these, 13 girls and 12 boys. Age of participants: from 9 to 10 years.

Purpose: monitoring tools at intermediate stages of education should take into account the features of the educational program of a general education institution, curriculum, textbooks and methods used in the educational process.

To achieve the goals of monitoring, it is necessary to implement the following tasks:

· determine the composition of the toolkit for monitoring the training of students;

· develop tools for testing the preparation of students in specific academic subjects;

· to develop a system of universal quantitative indicators that characterize the state of training of students in a subject and allow to identify the dynamics of its change, as well as to compare the achievements of students in different academic subjects;

· to develop questionnaires that allow obtaining the information necessary to identify the factors that influence the state of training of students;

· develop a unified plan for assessing the educational achievements of students in basic academic subjects for a certain period, necessary for the manifestation of trends in its change;

Tools for assessing the educational achievements of students.

To obtain information about the educational achievements of schoolchildren in academic subjects, specially designed test papers are used, which make it possible to obtain sufficiently complete and objective information about the state of preparation of students in academic subjects. At the same time, it is important to ensure that students receive information about the achievement of students at the following levels:

· compulsory training, which will make it possible to judge the fulfillment of the requirements of the standard for each academic subject;

· provide information on the achievement of an advanced level of training.

For this purpose, verification works have been developed, which consist of two parts with different purposes. The first part is intended to identify students who have reached the level of basic (compulsory) training in the subject, the second part - to identify students who have reached the level of advanced training.

In accordance with its purpose, the task of the first part of the work checks the ability of students to use knowledge in familiar situations. This part of the work is developed in accordance with the principles of creating criterion-oriented tests, the main purpose of which is to fix the presence or absence of any quality in students.

The development of a criterion-oriented work includes a description of the elements that make up the content of the check. In the case of assessing the mandatory training of students, such elements are specific mandatory knowledge and skills, which are then used to meaningfully characterize the results of the assessment. For each knowledge or skill included in this list, a set of tasks is compiled, the fulfillment of which should sufficiently fully characterize the mastery of this element at a mandatory level. The set of tasks for all elements forms a bank of work tasks. At the same time, tasks of a mandatory level are used, which are familiar to students, and were worked out in the course of the educational process.

The main requirement in the preparation of the verification work is to ensure the completeness of the verification of the state of the quality being studied.

When working out the tasks of the first part, an indicator of its implementation (criteria score) is set. If the results of the student are not lower than this indicator, then it is concluded that the students have reached the level of compulsory training, if it is lower than it, then the absence of this quality is recorded. Repeated use of such work will reveal the dynamics of changes in the state of compulsory training of students.

The second part of the work contains tasks of an advanced level, which vary significantly in complexity. Some of them require students to apply their knowledge in a changed situation, using the approaches, techniques, methods known to them from the school course. The rest require the use of knowledge in a new situation for students. To perform these tasks, it is necessary to integrate knowledge from different topics, sections of the subject, to develop independently approaches, ways to solve the problem. Completing the tasks of the second part allows for a more subtle differentiation of students according to the state of preparation for the subject being tested.

Job types.

In the verification work, tasks of various types were used: with a choice of an answer, with a short free answer (in the form of a number, a word, etc.), with a detailed answer (a complete record of the answer with an appropriate explanation or justification, a complete record of the solution of a mathematical problem, etc. .).

In cases where knowledge and skills are tested, especially at the basic level of assimilation, in most cases it is not required to give a detailed answer in order to judge the possession of this knowledge in a standard situation. To make such a judgment allows students to receive the correct answer. Therefore, it is appropriate to use tasks with a choice of answers or with a short answer, in which it is not required to provide an explanation or justification for the answer received (all subjects).

It is advisable to test the ability to apply knowledge in changed situations, build procedures, combining various studied simple operations or techniques, using tasks that require an independent recording of the answer (short or detailed).

To test the most complex skills (analyze the situation, draw conclusions, conduct logically competent reasoning, justification, evidence of one’s actions and correctly write them down), it is necessary to use only one type of tasks - with a detailed answer (Russian language, mathematics).

Determination of a system of indicators for assessing the educational achievements of students.

According to the goals of assessing educational achievements, the indicators should provide information that characterizes the state of educational achievements of the surveyed population of students, the dynamics of educational achievements in the course of the experiment, and the influence of factors on these achievements.

These metrics are:

correspond to the main goals and planned results of education;

complement each other and do not contradict each other.

An indicator of the quality of education is those of its essential characteristics that allow it to be assessed.

The indicator of the quality of education is the transmitters of social information, containing comprehensive characteristics of the quality of education, by which one can judge its development.

An indicator of the quality of education is its characteristic that determines the relationship between its unobservable and observable characteristics (unobservable - ability, observable - ZUN).

The criteria for assessing the quality of education are criteria that combine calculation methods, an assessment scale and decision-making rules on determining the level of education quality. It is the criteria that serve as the final basis for fixing the level of education quality.

Each criterion consists of an evaluation indicator and a corresponding scale. The presence of only an indicator without an evaluation scale does not set a criterion. But the same indicator can have different rating scales, that is, different criteria.

Criteria requirements:

· solidity, i.e. reflect the essence, the most important aspects of the processes and objects under study;

· certainty, i.e., the possibility of expressing them in specific, measurable indicators;

· stability, in the sense that the "slices" carried out on the basis of the criteria are comparable;

· relativity, since absolutely accurate and reliable methods for measuring socio-pedagogical phenomena do not yet exist, each method gives results that need to be rechecked.

The quality of education is considered as an integral characteristic of the education system, reflecting the degree of compliance of real achieved educational results with regulatory requirements, social and personal expectations.

Quality is defined as a set of characteristics of an object related to its ability to satisfy stated and implied needs.

The category of quality embodies the result of education as social competence: the ability to study and reflect on social norms and act to change them, use the project method in one's work, report one's results, substantiate, prove using appropriate techniques.

Education is interpreted as a set of learning, upbringing and development processes in specially organized gymnasium conditions.

Assessment of educational achievements of students is carried out in accordance with the selected criteria at each level of education.

Primary school - starting. The success of his further education largely depends on how much the child loves and learns to learn during this period. Therefore, the main goal of the educational process is to create favorable conditions for the development of educational opportunities for children. The implementation of this idea is incorporated in the program for assessing the educational achievements of students. The purpose of this program is to identify the state of the educational process in the primary grades. The objects of observation are indicators, which are divided into three modules.

The target guidelines for the educational activities of the school is the formation of social competence, then monitoring should be aimed at tracking, assessing the characteristics included in this competence, which includes social competence - the level of education and / or experience sufficient for the successful implementation of a particular social or professional function.

The average level of social competence is calculated by the formula:

where HC is the level of upbringing, LE is the level of education

Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the level of education and the level of upbringing, which are part of the objects of observation.

Module 1. The level of training is determined by using tasks differentiated by the level of difficulty - tests. The calculation of the level of learning is carried out as the arithmetic mean of the level of educational actions (LE) of the student on the test work of the subject of the curriculum, the disclosure of the content of the qualities of knowledge: completeness, depth, awareness, consistency.

UD1, UD2 ... - results of verification work

To determine the level of training, 2 options for work are offered, identical in content, level of complexity and order of tasks. The total time to complete the work is one lesson (40 minutes).

Evaluation of assignments and work in general

For each correctly completed task of the basic and advanced levels, the student receives one point. For completing a high-level task, a student can receive 0, 1 or 2 points. The maximum number of points for completing the work depends on the number of requirements included in the test work.

The performance of the work as a whole shows what level the students have achieved - low, medium, high.

If, as a result of completing the entire test work, the student scored less than 0.7 shares, this is a low level of performance, from 0.7 to 0.89 shares - the average level of verification work, from 0.9 to 1 share - high.

Assignments are checked by a teacher or an expert based on recommendations for checking and grading these assignments.

Analysis of the results of verification work is carried out according to a non-standard scheme.

After writing the work, a matrix is ​​compiled in which the components of the educational standard, the class list and the results of the work are entered.

For each correctly completed task of the basic and advanced levels, the student receives one point, for an incorrect answer - zero. The maximum number of points for completing the work depends on the number of correctly received answers.

We make calculations horizontally. We add up all the points and enter them in the "Sum of points" column. Then we find the share of the fulfilled requirements of the State Standards laid down in this verification work from the total number.

The performance of the work as a whole shows what level each student has achieved - low, medium, high and the class as a whole.

0.9 - high level

89-0.71 - average level

7-0.6 - low level

below 0.6 - training reaches the correctional level.

Then vertical calculations are made. The number of students who have mastered this requirement of the standard is revealed.

Module 2

Diagnostics of upbringing is an evaluation procedure aimed at clarifying the situation, revealing the true level of upbringing. Estimated level data are compared with the original ones; characteristics of upbringing, the difference between them determines the effectiveness of the educational process.

Through diagnostics, the class teacher establishes how the pedagogical tasks are implemented, which of them require further solutions.

Diagnostics has a direct connection with the stages of managing the development of the team and the individual. In accordance with this, three types of diagnostics were identified in the work of the class teacher: initial, corrective (current) and generalizing (final).

The initial diagnosis is related to the planning and management of the class team. Before determining the educational tasks that will be implemented in a given academic quarter, half year or the entire academic year, the class teacher studies the level of upbringing of the student.

But since the process of education is contradictory and spasmodic, continuous and dynamic, the class teacher necessarily has to catch the changes and reflect them when planning his activities.

The completeness and objectivity of information during the initial diagnosis brings the planning of educational tasks to the maximum extent to the real needs of the class and corresponds to the optimal development of children.

The criterion of upbringing is theoretically developed by scientists indicators of the level of formation of various personality traits. We use the author's concept of M.I. Shilova, in which, on the basis of the qualimetric approach, integral diagnostic programs for the study of upbringing were developed. In these programs, the author's criteria for upbringing were expressed through the choice of specific indicators - units of observation.

Arranged in the form of a scale of names. If the degree of manifestation of qualities is assigned a rating, then a comparison can be made and a calculation can be made, expressing the levels of upbringing as a number.

Current diagnostics is carried out in the very process of organizing the activities of student groups, orients the teacher to the changes that occur in students and the team. At the same time, the correctness of previously made decisions is evaluated. The information obtained as a result of the current diagnostics helps to correct their work and improve the style of relations with children, the methodology of educational work.

Current diagnostics performs the role of express information and thus helps to make a quick decision on improving pedagogical activity.

In the system of predicting the results of educational work, a generalizing diagnostic is carried out at the end of each academic year. It provides the basic data for correcting the pedagogical impact during the next academic year.

The study of the team is ongoing. The classroom team as a component of a complex dynamic social system has typical features and specific differences.

The class teacher diagnoses the level of upbringing of students, studying the personality traits that were the object of education, were leading at this stage of their development.

It is almost impossible to diagnose all personality traits. It suffices to clarify the leading tasks and, in accordance with this, to follow their implementation in the process of forming the corresponding properties and qualities of schoolchildren.

The level of upbringing (LC) is determined by the most important behavioral skills and abilities. We assessed the level of formation of social activity (Oa), duty, responsibility (From), frugality (B), discipline (D), responsibility (From), diligence (T), collectivism (K), kindness (Do), honesty (H ), modesty (C). HC is calculated as the arithmetic mean of the levels of formation of all indicators according to the formula:

Oa + From + B + D + From + T + K + To + H + S

The level of upbringing of students was recorded at the end of the 3rd grade. The level of formation of the components of this indicator was determined by three levels.

level is very low

level - low

level - medium

high level

Module 3. The level of education is an indicator of the level of formation of general educational skills and abilities (OUUN).

After analyzing our activities in the formation of general educational skills and abilities in children, we determined the level of their formation among students in the following areas: (in accordance with the State Educational Standard) Educational and organizational

ur. - the child uses knowledge about the method of activity, creatively introduces his own elements

ur. masters the relevant elements

ur. performs work, imitating the teacher or following the modelEducational - intellectual

ur. - uses skills correctly, confidently

ur. - makes mistakes, uses operations incompletely

ur. - does not own the formed intellectual skill Educational and communicative

ur. - the main types of monologue speech are formed

ur. - skills are partially formed, the child is included in the dialogue

ur. - skills are formed at a low level, the child poorly manages his own attention Educational and informational

ur. - knows how to work with a textbook, works with additional literature

ur. - works with the textbook insufficiently independently and confidently

ur. - finds it difficult to work with the plan, theses, does not refer to additional literature.

The obtained data on the level of education and the level of upbringing made it possible to calculate a single integral indicator of the level of education. Below are the data obtained during the approbation of the technology for assessing the quality of educational achievements of a student of a general education institution (see Table 1)

Table 1. The average level of social competence is a single integral indicator of the level of education of students

Last name First name Level of education Level of upbringing Level of competence 64,74,64,654,54,74,64,34,54,44,84,34,5554,84,94,53,94,733,83,44,73,94,33,33,744,54,14,34, 74.44.5544.14.05544.5544. by class4,4164,2524,382 2.2 Guidelines for organizing internal monitoring of the quality of education in an educational institution

Significant changes in priorities in school education in the world in recent years (reorientation to a competency-based approach, continuous self-education, mastering new information technologies, the ability to cooperate and work in groups, etc.) are reflected in the renewal of the content and structure of education - the development of methods adequate to modern requirements and means of assessing the educational achievements of students.

Modern scientific and methodological foundations of the educational process, based on them, methods for assessing the educational achievements of students give the teacher a wide range of opportunities for local assessment of the various qualities of the student, developed and acquired in the educational process. At the same time, there is a problem of selecting methods and their optimal combination, taking into account the specifics of the educational situation in a particular educational institution and giving a systematic idea of ​​both the individual development of the student and the student team as a whole.

Along with the implementation of methods for assessing the educational achievements of students, the teacher today needs knowledge and competent application of specific methods for assessing the educational achievements of students, ensuring continuous monitoring of the development of the latter and timely correction of the educational process in case of undesirable development trends.

Thus, the need to introduce these methods is due to a number of objective factors, among them the limited content and technological capabilities of the traditional system for assessing the quality of education, which is mainly focused on assessing the result of mastering the content of academic disciplines by students.

The system for assessing the educational achievements of students should be based on understanding the result of education as social competence. It is within the framework of this concept that one can describe what properties a person should have in order to be able to withstand the difficulties of modern society and cope with the requirements of a dynamic, developing, largely contradictory and aggressive social environment. At present, social competence is becoming more and more important in all spheres of human social life, and is recognized as an integrative characteristic of a modern person (Krokinskaya O.K., Baranova L.A., Kunitsyna V.N., etc.). The very quality of social competence characterizes a person who has successfully passed socialization and is capable of adaptation and self-realization in the conditions of modern society.

The objectives of the education quality assessment system are:

· formation of a unified system for diagnosing and monitoring the state of education, which ensures the identification of factors and the timely identification of changes that affect the quality of education in educational institutions;

· obtaining objective information about the state of the quality of education in educational institutions, trends in its change and the reasons that affect its level;

· increasing the level of awareness of consumers of educational services about the quality in making decisions related to education;

· ensuring the objectivity and fairness of education in admission to educational institutions.

In accordance with the goals set, the following tasks were defined:

· formation of a system of indicators that allows to effectively implement the main goals of assessing the quality of education;

· assessment of the level of individual educational achievements of students;

· assessment of the state and effectiveness of the activities of an educational institution, regional and municipal educational systems;

· assessment of the quality of educational programs of educational institutions, taking into account the needs of the main consumers of educational services;

· identification of factors affecting the quality of the educational process and educational results;

· development of educational and methodological materials for the training of specialists in assessing various aspects of the quality of education;

· assistance in improving the qualifications of employees of the education system participating in the procedures for assessing the quality of education.

The basis of the system for assessing the quality of education in educational institutions is the following principles:

· objectivity, reliability, completeness and consistency of information about education;

· the realism of the requirements, norms and indicators of the quality of education, their social and personal significance;

· openness, transparency of procedures for assessing the quality of education;

· the optimality of the use of primary data sources to determine indicators of the quality and effectiveness of education (taking into account the possibility of their multiple use and economic feasibility);

· optimization of the number of indicators, taking into account the needs of different levels of management of the education system;

· the instrumentality and manufacturability of the indicators used (taking into account the existing possibilities for data collection, measurement methods, analysis and interpretation of data, consumer preparedness for their perception);

· comparability of the system of indicators with federal and international counterparts;

· availability of information on the state and quality of education of gymnasium students for various consumer groups.

Goals and objectives of the educational process in educational institutions

The main educational goal of the school is to identify and develop the giftedness of the child, to create conditions for the realization of the individual educational needs of the subjects of education.

Unfortunately, even today in the psychological and pedagogical literature there is a scatter of opinions regarding the very concept of "children's giftedness". There are terms like "genetically safe" children, "advanced students", etc. Thus, the expression "gifted children" is largely conditional.

Characteristics of approaches to diagnosing the results of the educational process

Monitoring of education is a system for collecting, storing, processing and disseminating information about the educational system or individual elements, which is focused on information support for management, allows you to judge the state of the object at any time and can provide a forecast of its development. (Mayorov N.A.)

Monitoring of education performs the following functions:

· preparatory

· diagnostic,


· prognostic.

The system of assessment, control and accounting of knowledge that has developed in the gymnasium provides information not only about the effectiveness of the creative potential of the individual, which provides not only lessons, but also the observance of certain rules and conditions of work at school.

The school is characterized by all the main functions of the educational process: educational, educational, developing. Control and evaluation are aimed at completeness and comprehensiveness, systematicity and objectivity to the level of knowledge and skills of students, at the system of basic elements of educational material provided by the program for each subject, testing not only subject knowledge, but also the assimilation of special and general educational skills and abilities.

When organizing control and accounting for learning outcomes, the teaching staff proceeds from the multifunctionality of control, which in turn ensures the effectiveness of training . Journals are checked by the Deputy Director for Educational Work at least twice a quarter. When assessing the knowledge and skills of students, a four-point system is used. In all subjects, methods of oral and written control and assessment are used.

Since 1995, testing based on the basic level of knowledge and skills of students in all subjects has been widely introduced into the practice of organizing control and evaluation. Tasks in tests of this kind are grouped according to the method of mental activity and the method of learning activity, which gives the teacher a wide choice of testing options, taking into account the specifics of the classes (profile training, in-depth study of individual subjects, etc.). Each methodological association has its own data bank for all types of control and evaluation activities.

The level of development of education is carried out according to international and author's methods provided by the laboratory of "Creative Giftedness" of the Pedagogical Institute of the Russian Academy of Education.

When creating monitoring in the gymnasium, the following approaches were reflected.

) Management of the quality of education according to its final result. The monitoring system in this case is determined by the following areas:

· training of students;

· upbringing of students;

· the readiness of gymnasium graduates to continue their education;

· social adaptation of students and graduates of the gymnasium to life in society;

· maintaining the health of children.

) Factors affecting the quality of the final results:

the quality of teaching and the level of professional development of teachers;

the level of organization and efficiency of pedagogical and student work in the gymnasium;

the level of physical culture and medical care for children;

the degree of educational and methodological support for the process of standardization of school education.

In the structure of the system for assessing the educational achievements of the school, the following subjects are distinguished:

MOU administration, teaching staff, parent community, school council, methodological council

develop and implement an educational program of an educational institution, including a system for assessing the quality of educational achievements of students;

participate in the development of a system of indicators characterizing the state and dynamics of the development of an educational institution, the municipal education system;

ensure, on the basis of the educational program, control and evaluation procedures, monitoring and other studies on the quality of education in the educational institution;


a system for monitoring the quality of education in an educational institution, collect, process, store and present information on the state and dynamics of the development of an educational institution, analyze the results of an assessment of the quality of education at the level of an educational institution;

studying and providing information at the request of the main users of the education quality assessment system of an educational institution;


provision of information in accordance with the regulations for information exchange on the quality of the educational process;

development of a system for assessing the quality of the educational process of an institution based on an educational program;

By educational activity, we understand the joint activity of all subjects of the pedagogical process: students, teachers, parents and administration of the lyceum, in order to achieve high quality and evaluate the training of graduates.

In this regard, the subjects of control and evaluation are:

students receiving educational services and skills for the necessary social adaptation in the transition from one to another educational level;

parents of children expressing the social order and the level of satisfaction (or dissatisfaction) with the quality of the provision of educational services of the gymnasium;

teachers providing the necessary educational services to their students;

the administration, represented by the director and his deputies, contributing to the creation of the conditions necessary to achieve a high quality of graduate training that corresponds to the gymnasium level of the education standard.

In turn, education is interpreted by us as a set of processes of training and education of students in specially organized conditions of the pedagogical system of the gymnasium. Therefore, the objects of control and evaluation are:

the process and result of the formation of knowledge, general educational skills and abilities of students in the course of educational and cognitive activities;

the process and result of the formation of general behavioral skills and abilities of students in the course of educational activities;

teaching and educational activities of teachers as a process that ensures the high performance necessary for the development of children;

managerial activity of the administration as a process aimed at achieving target targets by the teaching staff (predicted result)

Criteria and indicators for assessing the educational achievements of students.

The procedure, as an element of the quality system in the school, can be defined as a kind of algorithm; an established, formed sequence of actions, operations and influences in relation to factors and conditions that affect the quality of education.

Procedures (methods) - their main purpose is to coordinate various activities that affect the quality of the educational process, by determining their goals and the order of implementation.

The procedure includes the development of criteria and indicators.

Evaluation of educational achievements of students is an important part of the evaluation of the entire educational process. Information about the state of preparation of students in academic subjects is one of the indicators characterizing the effectiveness of the educational process.

The monitoring of educational achievements should be based on the following provisions:

· openness and accessibility of information on the state of evaluation of educational achievements of students;

· development and use of standardized tools that provide reliable data;

· the results obtained should serve as the basis for making informed decisions in the management of the education system;

· the norms and indicators of the quality of education used should be socially and personally significant. Therefore, for example, one of the indicators is the achievement of a basic level of assimilation of educational material;

· tracking the achievement by students of the level of compulsory training that meets the requirements of the standard for subjects of the federal cycle; identification of trends characterizing the state of this training;

· identification of factors influencing the achievement of mandatory requirements presented in state regulations;

· evaluation of educational achievements is carried out at various stages of education: input, intermediate, final.

In conclusion, I would like to note that in order to obtain the information necessary for making informed decisions, monitoring should be carried out using a single toolkit.


The purpose of this work was to develop guidelines for organizing internal monitoring of the quality of education in an educational institution.

In the theoretical part of the work, an analysis of the literature on the research topic was carried out, as a result of which a number of conclusions and generalizations were made.

The practical use of the IEO quality assessment system is built in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO, the legislative acts of the Russian Federation, the school, which regulate the implementation of procedures for monitoring and assessing the quality of education.

The quality of education is an integral characteristic of the education system, reflecting the degree of compliance of resource support, the educational process, educational results with regulatory requirements, social and personal expectations,

Evaluation of the quality of education - determination, with the help of diagnostic and evaluation procedures, of the degree of compliance of resource provision, the educational process, educational results, regulatory requirements, social and personal expectations.

The system for assessing the quality of primary general education is a set of organizational and functional structures, norms and rules, diagnostic and evaluation procedures that provide, on a unified basis, the assessment of the general educational achievements of students, the effectiveness of the school, taking into account the requests of the main users of the results of the education quality assessment system.

The main users of the results of the system for assessing the quality of primary general education:

students and their parents (legal representatives);

school administration, founder;

school council;

public organizations interested in assessing the quality of education.

Approbation of the technology for assessing the quality of educational achievements of a student of a general education institution was carried out on the basis of a municipal educational budgetary institution - ...

The approbation was attended by: 25 students of the 3rd grade.

Of these, 13 girls and 12 boys. Age of participants: from 9 to 10 years.

To obtain information about the educational achievements of schoolchildren in academic subjects, specially designed test papers were used, which made it possible to obtain sufficiently complete and objective information about the state of preparation of students in academic subjects.

The level of upbringing (LC) was determined by the most important behavioral skills and was assessed using several indicators according to the formula.

The obtained data on the level of education and the level of upbringing made it possible to calculate a single integral indicator of the level of education.

The data obtained during testing showed that the average level of education of students in the given group is quite high (4.4 points).

Thus, we can conclude that the developed guidelines for organizing internal monitoring of the quality of education in an educational institution will contribute to the qualitative assessment of education.


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To date, many countries of the world (Russia is no exception) have formed the main policy directions regarding the assessment of education. They began to create certain standards that should be applied in the process of developing educational programs. Thus, these norms served as the main tool for determining the target areas of education and the formation of an educational space.

The concept of quality

This article fully examines the concept of education quality, its essence and fundamental features. To begin with, it is necessary to define what the concept of quality means in the general sense of the word. The quality of education is what's happened?

The most striking interpretation of this term is the definition of quality as a combination of a number of properties, characteristics, features of products, certain categories of goods, services, materials or works that fully serve as a determining factor in relation to their ability to meet the needs and demands of society and suitability for their own purpose. as well as the requirements. The considered measure of compliance is formed on the basis of specific standards, contracts or agreements. It is important to note that the creation of this measure can also take place in close connection with the needs of the population or its specific segments. How to correlate this concept with the educational category?

The quality of education

The quality of education is the most important component of the social sphere, which absolutely accurately determines the state, as well as the effectiveness of the educational process in society, the degree of its compliance with the needs and even expectations of the society (and its various groups, in particular) in terms of the development and creation of both civil and professional competencies of a person as personality. It is important to note that the indicator under consideration, in the process of detailed analysis, is divided into smaller ones, each of which is able to fully characterize one of the aspects of the educational activities of an educational institution. Among these, the main ones are:

  • The content of the educational process.
  • Methodology developed in relation to the norms of training.
  • Forms of education.
  • Material and technical base.
  • The composition of the personnel structure.

Absolute and relative concept of quality

It is important to note that the concept of quality ( the quality of education is a very important indicator) are often assigned various, as a rule, contradictory meanings. The fact is that the analysis can be carried out both in absolute and in relative order. Thus, the absolute concept implies a demonstration of superiority and a certain status, which, of course, has a beneficial effect on the image of an educational institution.

The relative concept does not perceive quality as an attribute of an educational service and can be considered in two aspects: as compliance with a certain state standard or as compliance with the preferences of service consumers. It should be added that the first aspect reflects the point of view of the manufacturer, and the second is interconnected with consumer views. However, often the opinion of the manufacturer is not equivalent to the opinion of the consumer, therefore, it is customary to consider the issue of the quality of education by one or another educational institution from two sides.

Complex indicator

Monitoring the quality of education indicates that the analyzed indicator is endowed with a complex character. In accordance with this fact, it would be advisable to rewrite its main aspects:

  • Interrelation of the purpose of training and result.
  • Ensuring the absolute satisfaction of society with certain educational services.
  • Decent level of knowledge and skills; beneficial development of the personality - mental, moral and, of course, physical.
  • Providing all the conditions for a healthy self-esteem of the individual, his self-government, as well as self-certification.
  • The formation of a variety of cultural environments for education in terms of political culture, spiritual enrichment and, of course, the readiness of a person to fully live in modern society, and so on.

The concept of monitoring

In accordance with the above aspects, it can be defined as a system of continuous collection of information about its most significant properties, its subsequent qualitative processing, analysis and, of course, interpretation, which is necessary to provide the field of education and society as a whole with reliable, complete and classified by levels. application of information on the compliance of processes, as well as the results of educational activities with certain standards, on current changes and relevant forecasts. The main goal of forming a monitoring system is to improve the quality of educational services.

Education quality management through monitoring has a number of advantages and disadvantages, but in order to eliminate the latter, it is only necessary to provide all the conditions for the effective implementation of this event. The main ones among them are the following:

  • Applying a systematic approach.
  • Collection of quantitative and qualitative methods in one set.
  • Competent interpretation of information obtained as a result of monitoring.
  • Using only high quality tools.
  • Assistance from the administrative bodies in the methodological and, of course, material terms.

Monitoring as the main condition for the quality of education and its types

It is important to note that the classification of monitoring can be based on various factors: the purpose of its implementation, key functions, the scope of information use, and others. The most popular is the division of monitoring types in accordance with their functions. Thus, the quality of education (it the most important component of the social sphere) is regulated by monitoring the following types:

  • Information monitoring.
  • Diagnostic monitoring.
  • Comparative monitoring.
  • predictive monitoring.

It is important to note that the use of the presented types of monitoring in its pure form is quite rare. Thus, today such an event as conducting a comprehensive monitoring, which competently combines all the above elements, has become popular.

Education quality management

The concept of monitoring discussed above is directly related to the management of the quality of education, which should be understood as a certain system of both strategic and operational decisions (and then actions), the implementation of which takes place in a planned manner. It is aimed at full provision, significant improvement, strict control, as well as a competent assessment of the quality of educational processes or services.

It is important to note that in almost every country (Russia is no exception) there is a continuous operation that ensures and controls the implementation of the above operations. This subject of the educational process also deals with additional issues, including, for example, the planning of the educational process and the accompanying assessment of factors that reduce the quality of education. Among these factors, some defects of an internal or external nature can be distinguished.

Quality of education and school

To date quality of education at school determined by the following factors:

  • Mathematization of educational processes.
  • Creation of historical identity.
  • Continuous teaching of the native language and the history of the state.
  • Education of the individual as a patriot of his country (in accordance with the national culture and language).
  • Formation of a real defender of the Fatherland (for guys).
  • The education of absolute respect for work, because labor itself is the main condition for the growth of the individual in a creative way.
  • Installation on the harmonious development of man in relation to creativity.
  • Improving the quality of vocational education.

Quality of education and university

In the system of modern higher education, the main indicators of its impeccable quality are:

  • Absolute compliance of the curriculum structure with the requirements of customers, which may be, for example, the state, business or individual, as well as rooted educational standards.
  • High degree of satisfaction of interested parties (for example, employers or students) with the quality of education.
  • A high degree of satisfaction with their activities of employees of a higher educational institution.
  • A beneficial effect on society, raising the level of culture in the general sense of the word.

Ways to improve the quality of education

Today - the most important task, because the well-being of this or that country depends on the productivity of its implementation. Thus, the most significant conditions for its achievement are the following points:

  • Activation of educational standards of the state, as well as the basic plan of the learning process.
  • Optimization of various types of student load (psychological, physical and, of course, educational).
  • If necessary, provide training according to an individual program.
  • Development of distance education system.
  • State support for schools for gifted individuals.
  • Formation of the state system in relation to the assessment of the quality of the educational process.
  • A significant strengthening of the role of disciplines that can ensure the socialization of students, and so on.

The problem of assessing the quality of education is currently one of the most relevant for the entire education system of the Russian Federation. A common feature of systemic changes in the education system, both at the federal and regional levels, is the focus on ensuring the quality of education, improving the quality assessment system and its compliance with today's requirements of society.

WITH strategy development of education in the Russian Federation, the implementation of the priority national project "Education", the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for the period 2006-2010. provide for the solution of the strategic task of developing a system for ensuring the quality of general education through the implementation of program activities within the framework of regional systems for assessing the quality of education (SOKO).

Under quality of education is understood as an integral characteristic of the education system, reflecting the degree of compliance of the actual educational results achieved with regulatory requirements, social and personal expectations.

Assessment of the quality of education implies an assessment of the quality of educational achievements of students and an assessment of the quality of the educational process.

To the main tasks education quality assessment systems relate:

  1. Assessment of the level of educational achievements of students of educational institutions for their final certification and selection for admission to the next level of education.
  2. Evaluation of the quality of education at various levels of education in the framework of monitoring studies of the quality of education (federal and international).
  3. Formation of a system of meters for various users, which allows to effectively implement the main goals of the system for assessing the quality of education.

At the moment, as part of the implementation of a comprehensive program for the modernization of education in the Sverdlovsk region, a regional system for assessing the quality of education is being developed. The regulatory document governing this process is Regulations on the system for assessing the quality of education in the Sverdlovsk region, which defines the scope of authority of various structural units. In particular, the activities of the educational institution in this area should be as follows:

Educational institutions:

1) develop and implement the educational program of the educational institution, including the system for assessing the quality of education of the educational institution;

2) participate in the development of a system of indicators characterizing the state and dynamics of the development of an educational institution, the municipal education system and the education system of the Sverdlovsk region;

3) provide on the basis of the educational program, conducting in an educational institution control and evaluation procedures, monitoring and other studies on the quality of education;

4) organize:

  • a system for monitoring the quality of education in an educational institution, collect, process, store and present information on the state and dynamics of the development of an educational institution, analyze the results of an assessment of the quality of education at the level of an educational institution;
  • studying and providing information at the request of the main users of the education quality assessment system of an educational institution;

5) provide:

  • provision of information in accordance with the regulations on the information exchange on the quality of education, including for making a decision on the distribution of an incentive salary allowance for employees of an educational institution;
  • development of a system for assessing the quality of education of an educational institution based on an educational program;
  • informing the population through the provision of an annual public report on the state of education in an educational institution.

Our educational institution has experience in creating a comprehensive system for assessing the quality of education.

The main document that defines the system for assessing the quality of education of an educational institution is the educational program. An integral part of this program is a comprehensive program education quality management, which has the following structure:

Section 1. Information and analytical substantiation of the program.

Section 2. Scientific and theoretical foundations of quality management.

Section 3. The main directions of the program.

Section 6. Stages of implementation of the integrated program "Quality".

In more detail, you should dwell on sections 3, 4, 5.

Section 3. Main directions of the program: (Appendix)

Regulatory direction

Organizational and content direction

Scientific and methodological direction

Expert-analytical direction

Section 4. The structure of education quality management. The mechanism of education quality management.

Education quality management mechanism

Collecting information from potential social customers

Formation of social order

Defining the mission of the school

The ratio of the chosen option to the available options

Choice of type of control (per process or per result)

Determining the parameters for assessing educational outcomes

Diagnostics of the personality of students

Forecasting the results of education of students

The ratio of the desired results with the existing results and the mode of life of the school

Identification of factors, preparation and implementation of the school development program

Comparison of the obtained results of education with the set goals

Defining the quality of education
Compliance of the quality of education with the goal

This mechanism corresponds to the scientific and theoretical provisions in the development of the definition of quality and is based on the approaches and principles described above. The quality management mechanism is universal, it allows you to determine the quality of education at all levels of the educational process from the student to the administration of the educational institution.

Section 5. Technological map of monitoring.

For effective management, making informed decisions on quality management, it is necessary to have reliable and reliable information about the course of the educational process, the activities of the management system, etc. Obtaining such information is possible during monitoring.

Educational monitoring is a form of organizing, collecting, storing, processing and disseminating information about the activities of the pedagogical system, which ensures continuous monitoring of its state and forecasting its development.

Evaluation of the quality of education by the dynamics of changes in its results is a very productive method that requires systematic monitoring of results. Thus, the fundamental basis of the mechanism for managing the quality of education is psychological and pedagogical, medical, social monitoring, and the essence of the process of managing the development of the quality of education is a reflexive approach both in the development of the object itself (educational process) and its management.

This block of the program “Quality” is based on the application of a technological approach. The specificity of the technological approach lies in the fact that it guarantees the achievement of the goals of education by all participants in the educational process. It is based on the interdependence of goals, objectives, means to achieve them and the results achieved. Monitoring the quality of education acts as a mechanism through which all students have not only the required level of knowledge, skills and abilities in accordance with the SES, but also the optimal (individual) level of education for each, expressed in its (education) quality.

Technological monitoring map (Appendix 2) defines:

Subjects of management;


Control objects;


Information sources;



Method of collecting, storing information;

Exit, management decision.

This block of the program “Quality” is based on the application of a technological approach. The specificity of the technological approach lies in the fact that it guarantees the achievement of the goals of education by all participants in the educational process. It is based on the interdependence of goals, objectives, means to achieve them and the results achieved.

Monitoring the quality of education acts as a mechanism through which all students have not only the required level of knowledge, skills and abilities in accordance with the SES, but also the optimal (individual) level of education for each, expressed in its (education) quality.

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