Download presentation chronicle in the 16th century. Chronicle of the 16th century


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Chronicle in Russian literature of the 16th century.

In Russian literature of the 16th century, chronicle writing continued to be its most widespread genre. Literature of the 16th century in Russia developed, like the whole country, moved forward. Therefore, there have been some changes in this literary genre.

Chroniclers began to see their task not only in fixing the facts of ongoing events, but also in substantiating events, in characterizing historical figures. In Russian literature of the 16th century, a wonderful work “The Steppe Book” appeared. It contained portraits - descriptions of the great princes and metropolitans from Vladimir to Ivan IV, the book asserted the inviolability of the union of church and state.

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Russian literature of the 16th century was also marked by such work as the Chronicler of the Beginning of the Kingdom, the book told about the first years of the reign of Ivan the Terrible, spoke of the need for strong royal power. The Nicholas Chronicle became a kind of historical encyclopedia in Russian literature of the 16th century. This is a unique book, one of the lists of this book contained about 16 thousand magnificent miniatures, and was called the facial vault. Publicistic and historical works were widely spread in Russian literature of the 16th century. "Chronograph", "The Tale of the Babylonian Kingdom", "The Tale of the Beginning of Moscow", these books exalted the power of the grand duke and affirmed the role of Russia in world history.

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  • Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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    Description of the slide:

    Literature of the 14th-16th centuries Prepared by Shchur I.A., teacher of the Russian language and literature of the Mayskaya Gymnasium of the Belgorod region of the Belgorod region

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    Description of the slide:

    Plan 1. The first libraries. Literacy education. 2. Typography 3. Epic epic 4. Military tale. 5. Tver merchant Afanasy Nikitin 6. All-Russian chronicle

    3 slide

    Description of the slide:

    From the 14th century, paper began to be imported from abroad to Rus'; earlier, birch bark and parchment were used for writing. Paper was cheaper, so there were a lot more books, they became more accessible. The largest book centers in Rus' were monasteries, which housed book-writing workshops and libraries containing dozens and sometimes hundreds of books. Since the need for literate people is growing, at the Stoglavy Cathedral in 1551 a decision was made to open schools at churches and monasteries in large cities, where priests were supposed to teach Christian children writing and literacy.

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    In 1564, in Moscow, at the Printing House, the clerk Ivan Fedorov, a highly educated person, and his assistant Peter Mstislavets printed the first Russian book, The Apostle, thereby creating Russian book printing. In 1565, they also published the Book of Hours, a book for teaching literacy. Typography was of great importance for Rus' - printed books were much cheaper than handwritten ones, and, therefore, more accessible to the general population.

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    Description of the slide:

    In the 14-16 centuries, the heroic epic epic, usually addressed to the times of Kievan Rus, reached its peak in Rus'. The heroes of the epics were Prince Vladimir the Red Sun, the heroes Svyatogor, Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich, the plowman Mikula Selyaninovich and so on. The Novgorod cycle of epics stands apart in the Russian epic. The plots of these legends are based on incidents from the life of the inhabitants of Veliky Novgorod, and the favorite characters are Sadko and the merchant Vasily Buslaev. At the same time, a new genre of folk art appeared - historical songs. Their heroes were not heroes, but simple, often real people who accomplished one or another feat in the struggle against the conquerors (for example, songs about Avdotya Ryazanochka or Shchelkan Dudentevich). In the 16th century, many songs were composed about Ivan the Terrible, in particular, about the capture of Kazan or the campaign against Novgorod. Separate historical songs were dedicated to Yermak, his annexation of Siberia and his heroic death.

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    Description of the slide:

    In the 14th-15th centuries, such a genre as the military story spread in Russian literature. These works were based on specific historical facts, events and people. The main motive of the military story was patriotic. One can name such outstanding literary monuments as “The Tale of the Devastation of Ryazan by Batu” by an unknown author, the glorification of the Battle of Kulikovo by Safony Ryazan in the poem “Zadonshchina”, “The Tale of the Battle of Mamaev”, created by an unknown author. All these works are imbued with a sense of admiration for the feat and fighting spirit of Russian soldiers.

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    Slides captions:

    The architecture of the work of architects - representatives of the Italian Renaissance, in fact, the entire architecture of the 16th century is under the sign of an increasing assimilation of the features of Italian architecture.

    Archangel Cathedral of Moscow Kremlin architect Aleviz Novy

    Bell tower of Ivan the Great architect Bon Fryazin

    Cathedral of the Intercession on the Moat (St. Basil's Cathedral)

    Decorative decoration of the church - patterned

    Church of the Ascension in Kolomenskoye

    architect Fyodor Kon walls of the White City in Moscow fortress walls in Smolensk

    Iconography depiction of theological concepts in visible images; complex plot; complication of the conceptual apparatus of icon-painting art; the desire to reflect in one work many specific events and ideas

    fresco mosaic

    Four-part icon, 1547

    Andrey Rublev Trinity

    Dionysius Our Lady Hodegetria Frescoes from the Ferapontov Monastery


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    Slides captions:

    The presentation was prepared by a teacher of history and social studies of the MOU secondary school No. 3 of Komsomolsk-on-Amur Safonova Olga Vyacheslavovna Culture of Russia of the 16th century


    Printing around 1553 - the initial stage in the development of Russian printing; in 1563 the printing house of Ivan Fedorov was opened

    Literature Records of oral-poetic folk art of this time have not been preserved. But some literary works, documents, for example, Stoglav, cathedral messages, etc., mention folk songs and games. The events of that era were reflected in fairy tales. The genre of historical song flourishes

    Folklore. Tales In “The Tale of Borma-Yaryzhka” its hero, a simple Russian man, obtains for Tsar Ivan the Terrible signs of royal dignity in Babylon City. A similar plot developed in The Tale of the Babylonian Kingdom, but it deals with regalia for the Byzantine emperor.

    Folklore. Proverbs In proverbs and songs, sayings and riddles, words and teachings, the living folk speech, apt and sharp, was reflected. Such, for example, are the proverbs that Tsar the Terrible wrote in his message to the elders of the Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery: “The tsar favors, but the kennel does not favor”, “give free rein to the tsar, foreign and kennel”.

    "Face Chronicle" - a story about Russian history from the time of the first princes to the reign of Ivan the Terrible

    "Domostroy" - home economics (reflections on raising children and family life, household tips)

    Correspondence between Ivan the Terrible and Prince A.M. Kurbsky A.M. Kurbsky accused the tsar of cruelty and despotism; about the responsibility of the sovereign to the people, Ivan the Terrible defended his autocratic rights; not the king should serve the people, but the people should serve the king. “You are free to grant your lackeys, but you are free to execute them”

    Great Reading Menaion, Metropolitan Macarius, the Readings - books for reading the Menaion - collections where the works are arranged according to the days when they are recommended to be read

    Science and technology The heyday of foundry - Andrey Chokhov's school of foundry skills

    Inventions - boyar serf Nikita made large wooden wings

    Medicine - doctors (healers), the first pharmacy for the royal family, pharmacy order

    Used materials from Internet resources http:// 5af8fc56bb0d.jpg Mitr_Makarij.jpg http :// Smolensk fortress wall | Code of Peter's monuments

    Age of Reason and Enlightenment. The main stages in the development of Russian literature in the 16th-17th centuries.


    teacher of Russian language and literature

    MBOU "Secondary School No. 29"


    Solodkova Irina Nikolaevna

    • Basil III annexes

    to the kingdom of Moscow Pskov,

    Smolensk, Ryazan.

    • Ivan VI (Ivan the Terrible) announces

    himself the first Russian tsar

    • Russia becomes a centralized state
    • The emergence of printing in Rus'

    • Serfdom legalized
    • Impostors of False Dmitry are rushing to power
    • There are wars and popular uprisings
    • The period of the Middle Ages ends and the transition to a new stage begins
    • The destruction of the church worldview and in understanding the role of man as such, outside the idea of ​​his divine "predestination"

    This era is famous for:

    • Minin and Pozharsky
    • Patriarch Nikon and Archpriest Avvakum
    • Rebels Ivan Bolotnikov and Stepan Razin
    • Writers Simeon Polotsky and Karion Istomin

    First quarter xviii

    • Russia completes the transition from the Middle Ages to the New Age, the Age of Enlightenment
    • A secularization of culture is taking place
    • The victory of the idea of ​​rationalism
    • The Church gradually submits to the power of the monarch
    • Russian nobility is actively mastering Western culture
    • An original national culture of the New Age is being created
    • Schools for noble children and children of the clergy open
    • The first print newspaper, Vedomosti, begins publication
    • Organized regular mail
    • A new capital is being built - St. Petersburg
    • The Academy of Sciences opens (in 1725)

    Peter I and Catherine I, born two years before their marriage.

    The era of the reign of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna:

    • Mikhail Lomonosov opens the first university in Russia
    • The foundation of a new literature is being laid, thanks to the reforms of versification and the poetic searches of A.D. Kantemira, V.K. Trediakovsky, M.V. Lomonosov

    Catherine II Alekseevna the Great(nee Sophia Augusta Frederica

    Empress of All Russia from 1762 to 1796. Daughter of Prince Anhalt

    Zerbstsky, Catherine came to power during a palace coup,

    who overthrew her unpopular husband Peter III. Catherine's

    era was marked by the maximum enslavement of the peasants and

    comprehensive expansion of the privileges of the nobility.

    Second half of the 18th century (reign of Catherine II):

    • The uprising led by Pugachev
    • The rise of culture and education:

    1. A school education project has been developed

    2. A system of closed educational institutions has been created

    3. The Smolny Institute was founded (women's education began in Russia)

    The 18th century ends with the birth in 1799

    year of Alexander Pushkin, the genius of the Russian


    Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

    (1799-1837) - Russian poet, playwright and prose writer.

    Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin has a reputation

    great or greatest Russian poet. Also

    Pushkin is regarded as the creator

    modern Russian literary language

    Culture of Rus' in the 16th century. Lesson Plan

    • Painting of the 16th century
    • 16th century architecture
    • Literature of the 16th century
    • Fundamentals of scientific knowledge in the 16th century.
    • Enlightenment in the 16th century
    1. Painting of the 16th century
    • Late 15th - early 16th century in Russian icon painting, this is the time of Dionysius. A brilliant artist, he not only continued the traditions of Andrei Rublev, but also created his own artistic method, which in many respects remains a mystery even to researchers. The icons of Dionysius are distinguished by their special festivity.
    • Fresco of the Cathedral of the Ferapontov Monastery (Dionysius, 1502).
    1. Painting of the 16th century
    • Works by Dionysius of different years
    1. Painting of the 16th century
    • From the middle of the 16th century, control over the observance of the canons of icon painting intensified, at the same time, motives for glorifying the state were introduced into church painting. The decorativeness of painting is intensifying, its composition is becoming more complicated. The most famous masters - Procopius Chirin, Istoma Savin.
    • Works by Procopius Chirin
    1. Painting of the 16th century
    • Secular painting also becomes noticeable: the murals of the Golden Chamber in the Kremlin (1552); not preserved frescoes of the Faceted Chamber (allegorical scenes based on the biblical story of Joseph the Beautiful, elevating Boris Godunov).
    • Golden Queen's Chamber
    2. Architecture of the 16th century
    • The unification of Russian lands led to the mass construction of cities and fortresses throughout the state. Church architecture in the 16th century the construction of tented temples was approved. Masterpieces of Russian national architecture - the Church of the Ascension in Kolomenskoye (1532), built in honor of the birth of Ivan IV, the Intercession Cathedral (St. Basil's Cathedral), built in honor of the capture of Kazan (authors Barma and Postnik).
    2. Architecture of the 16th century
    • In the XVI century. many Russian cities and monasteries were decorated with five-domed churches, built on the model of the Kremlin Assumption Cathedral. These are the Assumption Cathedral in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, the Smolensky Cathedral in the Novodevichy Convent, cathedrals in large cities: Suzdal, Tula, etc.
    • Smolensky Cathedral in the Novodevichy Convent
    2. Architecture of the 16th century
    • Moscow grew: handicraft and trade settlements, merchant and boyar estates appeared around the Kremlin, a characteristic radial Moscow building gradually took shape, the Kitaigorod wall was built to protect the settlements adjacent to Red Square; white stone walls of the White City (modern boulevard ring); Earthen City (modern Garden Ring).
    • Fragment of the Kitaygorod wall. Photo of the beginning of the 20th century
    2. Architecture of the 16th century
    • From 1505 to 1508 Ivanovskaya bell tower was built in the Kremlin. It was erected on the site of the old church of John of the Ladder by the Italian architect Bon Fryazin.
    • Ivan the Great belltower
    3. Literature of the 16th century
    • Chronicle writing continued to be one of the most widespread literary genres. However, the chroniclers of the 16th century saw their task not only in fixing the facts - they compiled chronicle codes in a historical retrospective, trying to substantiate certain ideas important for the state.
    3. Literature of the 16th century
    • The Book of Powers, which contained portraits of descriptions of the great princes and metropolitans from Vladimir to Ivan IV, affirmed the inviolability of the union of church and state. “The chronicler of the beginning of the kingdom”, which tells about the first years of the reign of Ivan the Terrible, substantiated the need to establish royal power.
    3. Literature of the 16th century
    • The Nikon Chronicle became a kind of historical encyclopedia of that time (one of its lists, containing about 16 thousand magnificent miniatures, was called the Facial Code).
    • Illustrations from the Facial Vault
    3. Literature of the 16th century
    • Publicistic and historical works ("Chronograph", "The Tale of the Babylonian Kingdom", "The Tale of the Beginning of Moscow"), which exalted the grand ducal power and affirmed the world role of Russia, were widely disseminated. Among the works dealing with moral issues, the most famous were “The Life of Metropolitan Filaret”, “Cheti-Minei” (a 12-volume collection of the lives of saints and other religious texts) and “Domostroy” - a set of rules and norms of behavior that covers literally all aspects of human life : from moral standards, recommendations for raising children, family relationships, to culinary recipes.
    • Page from "Domostroy"
    4. Fundamentals of scientific knowledge
    • A feature of the scientific knowledge that existed in the 16th century was its applied nature, its connection with the urgent needs of society: the development of crafts required new knowledge and contributed to its accumulation. So, for foundry business (creation of powerful artillery, casting of large bells) and construction, knowledge of the principles of mathematics and physics was required in order to ensure the necessary accuracy of calculations. Chemistry developed due to the needs of medicine, icon painting, and salt production. The beginnings of astronomy, set forth in translated astrological treatises, helped to compile the first calendar tables of church holidays.
    • The first dictionaries of foreign languages ​​also appeared: “Speech of interpretation, “Sense of language”. The accumulation of geographical knowledge took place in scribe and boundary drawings, embassy and discharge books, and notes on various travels. So, in Russia of the XVI century. knew about the sea route to India and China across the Arctic Ocean.
    5. Enlightenment of the 16th century
    • The basis of education in the XVI century. was the Russian Orthodox Church. At the monasteries, book-writing centers, libraries, schools continued to be created, the teachers in which were most often monks and clerks. The disciplines studied usually included: alphabet, reading, writing, arithmetic, "Book of Hours" (a collection of prayers compiled in accordance with the hour of service), "Psalter" (a collection of psalms of the biblical King David).
    • Trinity-Sergius Monastery
    5. Enlightenment of the 16th century
    • For literacy in the XVI century. special textbooks have already been created:
    • for reading - "ABC book";
    • on literacy - “The Beginning of Greek and Russian Literacy” (author Maxim Trek), “A Conversation about Teaching Literacy ...”;
    • on arithmetic - "The book is recommended in Greek arithmetic, in German - Algorism, in Russian - numerical wisdom."
    • 16th century book
    5. Enlightenment of the 16th century
    • The emergence of printing was important for the dissemination of knowledge. The first books without indication of the year and place of publication appeared in the 50s. 16th century After the printing house was founded in 1564 by decree of Ivan the Terrible, the first printer Ivan Fedorov published "Apostle", "Book of Hours" and other books.
    • The book "Apostle" of the 16th century.
    • Monument to Ivan Fedorov
    Blocks of presentations for full courses of social studies, history, MHK you can download at Homework
    • Reports:
    • 16th century architecture
    • The development of science in the 16th century.
    • Education in the 16th century

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