The legend of Slovenia and Rus and the city of Slovensk. Did the city of Slovensk exist?


3.3. "The Tale of Slovenia and Rus"

History of the "Tale of Slovene and Rus".“The Tale of Slovena and Rus and the city of Slovenska”, also known as the story “On the history of the hedgehog about the beginning of the Russian land and the creation of Novagrad”, exists in more than 100 copies of the 17th and 18th centuries; the oldest one dates back to 1630. Most belong to the second half of the 17th century, including lists in the Chronicle of Patriarch Nikon, the Chronograph of 1679, and the Novgorod III Chronicle. Modern editions are usually based on a list from the Chronograph of 1679.

The content of the "Tale of Slovene and Rus". The story begins with Noah dividing the land between his sons. Japheth gets the north and west. The great-grandchildren of Japheth, Scyth and Zardan, left their brothers and their family in Western countries and settled in Exinopont (Black Sea). Their descendants multiplied and named the country by the name of their ancestor Great Scythia. Due to the large number of people, civil strife ensued among them. The princes of the Scythians then were the brothers Sloven, Rus, Bolgar, Koman and Ister. Sloven and Rus began to think together with their subjects and said to them: “... listen to our advice, let us leave this enmity and disagreement far from us ... and we go from this earth and from our kind, and we will go through the universe of light ... where happiness and blessing will lead us our blessed forefather Afet and will give us a good-fruited land to inhabit us and our kind. The people liked the speech of the princes, and they decided to follow their advice.

In the summer of 3099 from the creation of the world (2409 BC), Sloven and Rus with their families left the shores of the Black Sea and after 14 years reached the large lake Moysko; Sloven named him Ilmer after his sister Ilmera. Sorcery ordered them to settle here. The elder Sloven, with his family, sat down on the Mutnaya River, named Volkhov by him in the name of his eldest son. They erected a city and named it after the prince - Slovensk the Great. He got up one and a half fields [miles] from the source of the river from the lake. Since that time, the aliens Scythians began to be called Slavs. The river that flowed into the Ilmer was named Shelon by the name of Sloven's wife. The youngest son, Volkhovets, gave the name to the Volkhov sleeve.

The eldest son of Sloven Volkh is a devil-pleaser and a sorcerer, with demonic tricks "transforming into the image of a fierce beast korkodil, and lying in that river Volkhov, the water path, and those who do not worship it, devour it, but twist and drown it." People called him a god, Thunder or Perun. He, the accursed sorcerer, for the sake of night magic and demonic gatherings, set up a small town with the idol of Perun. The ignoramuses praised the Magus and his idols as gods. But the Christian true word is stronger. The cursed sorcerer was strangled in the river by demons. By spells of demons, his body was carried up the Volkhov and washed ashore near the town of Peryn. The ignoramuses with great lamentation buried the accursed one and celebrated the foul feast. They made a high grave. But after three days the earth sank and devoured the vile body. The grave fell with him to the bottom of hell. A bottomless, unfilled pit is a sign of his grave.

Rus settled fifty stadia from Slovensk. Created hail between two rivers. He called him by his own name - Rusa, which is now called Rusa Staraya. And many other towns put Sloven and Rus. From that time, Slavs and Rus began to be called by the names of princes and cities. From the creation of the world to the flood - 2242 years; from the flood to the separation of languages ​​- 530 years; from the separation of languages ​​to the beginning of Slovensk and Rusa - 327 years. From the creation of the world to the beginning of the Slovenian - 3099 years. It turns out that Slovensk was founded in 2409 BC. e. The author lost when counting 14 years of the Slavs walking from Exinopont to Lake Moisko.

Sloven and Rus took possession of many countries. Sons and grandsons descended from them. With sword and bow they gained fame and fortune. Possessed northern countries to the limits of the Arctic Ocean. They had lands around the Yellow-shaped waters and beyond the impenetrable stone mountains in the country of Skyr along the great Ob River to the mouth of the White-shaped River. We went to the "Egyptian" countries to fight and showed a lot of courage. The autocrat of the universe, Alexander the Great, learned about the Slovenes and Rus, decided that it was too far to conquer them, and sent a letter signed by the royal hand. He granted the Slovenian people, the Russian tribe, to forever own the lands from the Varangian Sea to the Khvalynsky Sea, and not to enter other limits. The princes hung the most honorable epistle in the goddess on the right hand of the idol of Veles and worshiped her.

Many years later. From the kind of Slavs came the princes Laloch and Lachern. The possessions of Greece fought. They came under the reigning city, and there the brave Lachern was killed. Prince Laloh, wounded, returned home with many riches. They continued to live filthy, like cattle, had no law. The blessed Apostle Andrew the First-Called testifies to this. But the righteous wrath of God came to the Slovenian land. People died out in all cities and towns, there was no one to bury the dead. Those who survived fled to distant lands. Slovensk and Rusa were deserted. Wild animals inhabited them. Then the Slavs came from the Danube, together with the Bulgarians, and began to inhabit the cities of Slovensk and Rusa, but the White Ugrians attacked and put the Slovenian land in complete desolation.

The Scythian inhabitants heard about the land of their great-grandfathers, which lies empty. They were saddened and began to think how to inherit their fatherland. Many of them came from the Danube. They put the city along the Volkhov in the field from the old Slovenian and called Veliky Novgorod. They elected Prince Gostomysl as the oldest. And Rusa was put in the old place. And other cities have been updated. Each parted with his family. Some were called Polans, now Poles, others Polochans, Mazovshans, Buzhans, Dregovichi, Krivichi, Chud, Merya and other peoples. The son of Prince Gostomysl was called Young Sloven. He left his father for Chud and built the holy city of Slovensk over the river. He reigned there for three years and then died. His son Izbor renamed the city Izborsk. But he was bitten by a snake and died.

Gostomysl reached a ripe old age and could no longer avoid rebellious bloodshed. And then the wise man called all the rulers of the Russians and told them that after death they should send ambassadors across the sea to the land of Prussia and pray there for themselves a prince from the family of Caesar Augustus. So the elders did. When Gostomysl died, they sent ambassadors to the Prussian land, and they found a prince there, named Rurik from the family of Augustus. And he went to Rus' with two brothers Truvor and Sineus. And Rurik sat in Novgorod, and Sineus on Belozero, and Truvor in Izborsk. According to the prophecy of the Novgorodians, more by the grace of God, the noble descendants of Rurik still reign over them. As before, in wickedness, they were obeyed until St. Vladimir, now, having known the true God and received holy baptism, they are ruled by Vladimir's noble offspring from generation to generation.

Sources of the Tale of Slovenia and Rus. The Tale uses early written sources. The location of the ancestral home of the Slavs - the Scythians in the Danube region, corresponds to the annals - PVL and the "Great Poland Chronicle". "Great Scythia" in the ancient and Byzantine world was called the lands of the Northern Black Sea region. In the Laurentian and Gustin chronicles under 907 there is an entry about "Great Scythia". Some late antique and Byzantine authors called the Slavs Scythians. The names of the brothers - Sloven, Rus, Bolgar, Koman and Ister and the name of their relative "kagan raw-eater" combine ancient and medieval onomastics. Ister is Istres, the ancient name for the Danube. Bolgar and Koman - Bulgarians and Cumans (Polovtsians). The “raw-eating kagan”, about whom “Greek history will later explain”, combines the features of the anthropophagus (cannibal) Herodotus with the Turkic supreme title - kagan. The names Sloven and Rus are clearly derived from the Ilmen Slovenes and Russ. There is no reason to derive them from a Persian work of the twelfth century. "Mojmal at-tawarikh" ("Collection of stories"). There are brothers there - Rus and Khazar, but Rus fights with the Slav, and the plot is not at all like the "Legend".

The wanderings of the Scythians - the "ancestors" of the Slavs - from the Danube to the Black Sea, and then to the shores of Lake Moisko, most likely, were invented by the author of the Tale himself. They are accepted only by fans of alternative history (enthusiasts even drew maps with the routes of the campaign of Sloven and Rus). No modern linguist will agree that the Scythian-Sarmatian languages ​​gave rise to the languages ​​of the Slavs. The Slavs appeared in Priilmenye 3000 years later than the legendary Slovenes and Rus. And they did not come from the Black Sea region, but from the West Slavic lands - from the territory of Poland. Ilmen Slovenes - carriers hill cultures, began to develop the Southern Priilmenye in the VI-VII centuries. The earliest Slavic settlement, Gorodok na Mayat, contains separate finds of the 5th century BC.

The campaigns of the Slavs in the "Egyptian" countries reflected the messages of Byzantine authors about the onslaught of the Slavs on the Byzantine Empire in the 6th-7th centuries. The exploits of the princes Laloch and Lachern under the walls of the royal city may be an echo of the siege of Constantinople by the Avars and Slavs in 626 or the campaigns of Russia against Constantinople in 860. Alexander to the “enlightened Slavic family” for the right to own lands from midnight to midday Italian lands from the “Czech Chronicle” by Vaclav Gaek (1541).

The plot with the sorcerer Volkh, who lay down in the river in the form of a “korkodil” and devoured the recalcitrant, but then strangled by demons and carried out by the river opposite the temple of Peryn, was studied by A.B. Rybakov. In his opinion, an archaic layer about a water deity “located in the Volkhov River” and a layer associated with annalistic information about the establishment of the cult of Perun are combined here. It is known that the cult of Perun as the main deity was introduced by Prince Vladimir in 980, and at his direction a sanctuary was erected in Peryn. The Peryn tract is located at the source of the Volkhov near Ilmen. Conducted by V.V. Sedov excavations revealed the sanctuary of Perun and, in addition, traces of two more temples on the sides of the temple of Perun. Sedov established that the temple of Perun was preceded by three sanctuaries of the 9th century, built in the same system. Rybakov believes that the triple temple was dedicated to Rod and women in labor - Lada and Lelya. He also found an explanation for the “korkodil”: in Slavic mythology, the lizard is an ancient and yet unsolved ruler of the underground and underwater world. Rybakov notes the magical force that carried the body of the "corcodile" up the river against the current, but does not explain it. Meanwhile, it is known that sometimes in the Volkhov there is a reverse current. This is due to the backwater of the flow by the waters of the tributaries and happens at a low water level in Ilmen.

"Tale" reports that Novgorod was built in the field(about 1.5 km) from old Slovenska. The city is really new in comparison with Gorodishche, located 2 km from it, which received from local historians of the 19th century. Nickname "Rurikovo". Excavations have shown that Novgorod was founded at the beginning of the 10th century, while the Settlement, the residence of the Novgorod princes, flourished in the middle of the 9th century, and arose even earlier. Most likely, Gorodishche is the legendary Slovensk. Staraya Ladoga was founded even earlier - in the middle of the 8th century. , but Ladoga is located 210 km from Novgorod. 14 km from Lake Ilmen, downstream of the Volkhov, there was a fortified settlement of Kholopy Gorodok. Gorodok arose at the end of the 8th - beginning of the 9th century. , but there is no reason to see Slovensk in it. The town is located 12 km from Novgorod and is strategically inferior to Staraya Ladoga (the center of Ladoga trade, which opened the way up the Volkhov) and Gorodishche (which stood at the source of the Volkhov and controlled the Ilmenye).

"Rurikov" the town could originally be called Slovensk. Ibn Haukal, an Arab geographer of the 10th century, wrote in the Book of Ways and Countries: “And there are three groups of Rus. The (first) group closest to the Bulgar, and their king in the city called Kuyaba (Kyiv. - K.R.), and it is larger than Bulgar. And the group of the highest (main) of them, they call as-Slaviyya, and their king in the city of Salau, (the third) group of them, called al-Arsaniyya ... "The name of the city" Salau "is deciphered in the work of al-Idrisi" by Regions" (1154), representing a compilation of early authors: "Rusov three groups. One group of them is called Rus, and their king lives in the city of Kuyaba. Another group of them is called as-Slaviya. And their king is in the city of Glory, and this city is on the top of the mountain ... ”The city of Glory on the top of the mountain does not fit plain Novgorod, but it corresponds to the Gorodishche located on the hill.

After the construction of Novgorod the Great, Gostomysl ruled the Novgorodians. The name Gostomysl is not found in the early chronicles and was first mentioned in the Novgorod-Sofia code of the beginning of the 15th century. Gostomysl's advice to call the prince from Prussia is in the Resurrection Chronicle of the 16th century. Even earlier, the legend that derived Rurik from Prus, the brother of “August Caesar of Rome”, appeared in the work of the elder Spiridon “The Message of Monomakh’s Crown” (circa 1503). The essay states that Augustus gave Prus a kingdom by the sea on the banks of the Vistula and the Neman: "... and henceforth ... the Prussian land is called." It also describes the invitation by Gostomysl with the Novgorodians from the Prussian land of Prince Rurik "from the family of the Roman king Augustus."

The “Tale” ends with the statement of the inextricable connection between the Novgorodians who were baptized and their rulers - the noble descendants of St. Vladimir and Rurik. Here lies the clue to the name of the author, the time and purpose of writing the Tale.

Authorship of "The Tale of Slovene and Rus". Historians A.V. Lavrentiev, D.M. Bulanin, A.A. Turilov, E.S. Galkin believe that the "Tale" was compiled by a prominent church figure of the first third of the 17th century. Metropolitan of Novgorod Cyprian Starorushanin (Starorusenkov). At the same time, S.V. Alekseev believes that the "Tale" was compiled by a cleric of low rank, perhaps even a simple monk, not very well educated. In fact, there is not much contradiction here. The Metropolitan of Novgorod Cyprian could well have entrusted one or several monks with preparing the Tale, and then, after reviewing and approving it, give it to the scribes. In fact, it does not matter whether Cyprian compiled the "Tale" himself or with the help of subordinates; the main thing is that he had the opportunity to create a chronicle story.

Cyprian - Archimandrite of the Khutyn Monastery (since 1611) - in 1620 was sent to Siberia as the primate of the Tobolsk diocese. In 1624 he was summoned to Moscow and elevated to the rank of Metropolitan of Krutitsky. Cyprian became the right hand of Patriarch Filaret. In 1627 he took the metropolitan see in Novgorod. Eight years of metropolitanship in Novgorod (up to the year of his death in 1635) Cyprian affirmed Novgorod holiness. The Metropolitan used a miracle: on January 14, 1627 in Novgorod, at night, near the dome of the church of St. Demetrius of Thessalonica, a ringing began to be heard and miraculous singing was heard. The singing was repeated on 29 January. Having asked Philaret's permission, Cyprian instituted in Novgorod an annual celebration of Saint Demetrius of Thessalonica. Then the legend about this miracle was compiled. Most likely, the “Legend of Slovenia and Rus” was also created in these years. It is unlikely that the story was created during the period of Cyprian's abbotship in the Khutynsky monastery (1611-1619) - too turbulent events then fell upon him: the capture of Novgorod by the Swedes (1611), a trip on a diplomatic mission to Sweden, arrest by the Swedes and imprisonment until 1613. After leaving Swedes from Novgorod in 1617. Cyprian was engaged in the arrangement of the devastated city.

"The Tale of Slovenia and Rus" as an affirmative myth. The purpose of writing the Tale is patriotic and ecclesiastical instructive. The author is characterized by local, Novgorod and sovereign, monarchist patriotism. The author is undoubtedly a native of the Russian North-West (Kiprian was born in Staraya Russa). The events of the Troubles, the capture of Novgorod by the Swedes and attempts to impose the power of the Swedish king on the Novgorodians showed the vulnerability of the Novgorod region, the danger of its rejection from the Muscovite state. Hence the pathos of the Tale, emphasizing the idea that Slovensk-Novgorod is not one of the Russian lands, but the beginning of beginnings, the place where the Russian land came from. To give up Novgorod means to give up one's past. All-Russian ideas were reflected in the charter of Alexander the Great, who granted the Slovene people, the Russian tribe, the right to own land from the Varangian Sea to the Khvalynsky Sea- this is not one Novgorod region, but Mother Russia. In the final lines, sovereignty is combined with the idea of ​​the God-givenness of the dynasty of St. Vladimir. The fact that the Romanovs were not Rurikovich did not matter: in the eyes of the Russian people they were royal roots after the marriage of Ivan Vasilyevich with Anastasia Romanova. « The Legend of Slovenia and Rus” was created as affirming historical myth. The story was a great success with readers of the 17th century. Under her influence, another work of the 17th century was written. - "Joachim's Chronicle".

Criticism of the Tale by historians. The implausibility of the Tale, its archaism, proximity to the legendary stories of the early 16th century. - "The Epistle of the Monomakh's Crown" and "Tales of the Princes of Vladimir" - gave rise to disbelief. Already in the 17th century, Yuri Krizhanich criticized the Tale: he was outraged by the removal of the Slavs from the Scythians, he ridiculed Alexander's letter and did not believe that Rurik was a descendant of Augustus. Attempts by P.N. Krekshin to introduce the "Tale" into historical use were not accepted by V.N. Tatishchev. In The History of Russia (1739), he cites extracts from the Tale (then known as the preface to the Novgorod Power Book) and scolds the author: “What kind of a storyteller, or rather a liar, is worthy of trust, I will not interpret now ... " In his opinion, the writer distorted the chronicle of Joachim: “I think that he had the legend of Joachim as a basis, but without understanding he wanted to fill in and explain the darkness of it, but there was not so much mind.”

M.V. Lomonosov was more lenient towards the Tale (known to him as the Novgorod Chronicler). He admitted the reality of Slovensk: “Although at first the Novgorod chronicler is filled with many incredible fictions, I find no reason to stubbornly argue that the city of Slavensk had never been built and ruined much before Rurik.” Although the names of Sloven and Rus are fictitious, however, the described cases of the Slavs "are not contrary to the truth." He also found an explanation for the “corcodile”: “About Slavenov’s son Volkhva, from whom Volkhov bears the name, he writes that in this river he turned into a crocodile and devoured the swimmers. This should be understood that the aforementioned prince on Lake Ladoga and on the Volkhov, or Mutnaya River then called, robbed and, by his ferocity, from his likeness was nicknamed a carnivorous animal. Lomonosov recognized the calling of Rurik from Prussia, but doubted his origin from Augustus: “I can’t deny the probabilities; I don't see the truth."

"Tale" in the study of pagan traditions. N.M. Karamzin did not honor the "Legend" with a place in the text of the "History of the Russian State", but wrote about it in the comments. Karamzin refers it to the number of "fairy tales" "composed for the most part in the 17th century and included in the annals by the ignoramuses." After Karamzin, historians did not consider The Tale of Slovenia and Ruse as a chronicle source. The writers used separate plots of the Tale. V.A. Lyovshin wrote on its basis the fairy tale "The Tale of the Bogatyr Bulat" (1780-1783). At the end of the XIX century. "The Tale" became interested as a source of legends about the beliefs of the ancient Slavs. Writer and literary critic F.A. Gilyarov considered them in the book Traditions of the Russian Primary Chronicle (1877). The same trend continued in the 20th century: B.A. Rybakov in the monograph "Paganism of Ancient Rus'" (1987) dwells in detail on the pagan myths of the "Tale" and their connection with common Slavic mythology. It seemed that "The Tale of Slovenia and Ruse" found a worthy place as an object of study of ancient Russian and ancient Slavic pagan myths. The situation changed when the Soviet Union collapsed - "The Tale" fell into the hands of the creators of folk-history.

In the year from the creation of the world 2244 (5508 - 2244 = 3264 BC), in the second year, after the flood, with the blessing of Noah the forefather, the whole universe was divided into three parts by his three sons, Shem, Ham and Afet. Overthrown from negligence, Ham from the blessing of his father Noah, drunk with wine. And then Noah was sobered from wine, and in his mind, create him a younger son, Ham, and say: "Cursed be the boy Ham, and let him be his brother's servant." And bless Noah your two sons, Shem and Afet, who already covered the nakedness of their father, opaque seeing, but you did not see his nakedness. And bless Seth, the son of Arfaxad, that he may dwell within the boundaries of Canaan. Afetu, with the blessing of her father Noah, poured out on the western and northern countries even until midnight. In a little while, the great-grandchildren of Afetov, Scyth and Zardan, departed from their brothers and from their kind from the western countries, and touched the noon countries, and settled in Exinopont, and lived there for many years, and from these sons and grandchildren were born and multiplied zealously, and was called by the name of his great-grandfather Scythian Scythia the Great. And there was a strife and civil strife between them and sedition and a lot of tightness for the sake of a place. The bosses, then, the parents of their princes of a single father, sons of the heel of the bloodline, they have the same names: 1) Sloven, 2) Rus, 3) Bolgar, 4) Koman, 5) Easter. From the same tribe during the last time, the kagan, a raw-eater, escaped, and Greek history will later explain about him. We will return to the present, the Prince of the Scythian Sloven and Rus, wisdom and courage in his kind, surpassing all, and starting to think with our neighbors wiser, saying to the mother: "Or only a fraction of the entire universe, which is now under us? There is no food in the lot of the forefather Are our Afet still parts of the earth good and pleasing to human settlement? Hearing from his ancestors, how our forefather Noah blessed our great-grandfather Afet with a part of the earth of all the western and northern and midnight winds, and now, brothers and friends, listen to our advice, let's leave far from us this enmity and disagreement, now for the sake of tightness is being created in us, and let us move forward, and we go from the sowing land and from our kind, and we will go through the universe of light that exists in the lot of our great-grandfather, where the happiness and blessing of our forefather will lead us blessed Afeta and will give us a fertile land to inhabit us and our kind." And this speech of Slovenov and Rusov was loved by all people, and as if the mouths were united, deciding: "The advice of our princes is good and the speech is good and pleasing to the wise holders."

And in the summer from the creation of the world 3099 (5508 - 3099 \u003d 2409 BC), Sloven and Rus with their families departed from Exinopont, and went from their family and from their brethren, and I walk around the countries of the universe, like sharp-crowned eagles I fly through the desert many, going to the settlement of the place is beneficial. And in many places I rest, dreaming, but nowhere then I found the dwelling according to my heart. 14 years (2409 - 14 \u003d 2395 BC) I went around the empty countries, until the lake of a certain great mountain, Moiks called Moix, was reached, after that Ilmer was named after Slovene in the name of their sister Ilmera. And then sorcery commanded them to be an inhabitant of that place.

And the oldest, Sloven, with his family and with everyone, even under his hand, sitting on the river, then call Mutnaya, then Volkhov was named in the name of the oldest son of Slovenov, Volkhov's call. The beginning of the Slovenian city, and after that, Novgorod the Great was named. And you put up a city, and named it after the name of your prince Slovenesk the Great, the same now Novgrad, from the mouth of the great lake Ilmer down the great river, with the name Volkhov, one and a half fields. And from that time, the newcomers of Scythia began to be called Slavs, and a certain river, which fell into Ilmer, was called in the name of the wife of Slovenov Sheloni. In the name of the younger son of Slovenov Volkhovets, it was renamed the werewolf channel, which flows from the great Volkhov rivers and turns into it again. The greater son of this prince Sloven Volkhv is a demon and a sorcerer and fierce in people then, and creating many dreams with demonic contrivances, and transforming into the image of a fierce beast korkodil, and lying in that river Volkhov, the water path, and those who do not worship him are devoured, ovyh same profiling and drowning. For this sake, people, then unfamiliar, calling the accursed god and his Thunder, or Perun, rekosha, the thunder of Perun is called the Russian language. Put it, the accursed sorcerer, for the nightly dreams and gathering of the demonic city, a small town on a certain place, called Perynya, where the idol of Perunov stood. And the unfamiliar sorcerer will speak fables about this, speaking, transforming into the gods of the villages the accursed. Our Christian true word, with an unfalse test, is much-tested news of this accursed sorcerer and Volkhov, as if evil was broken and strangled from demons in the Volkhov River and by demonic dreams the accursed body was carried up the river Volkhov and cast out onto the bank against his Volkhov city, idea but now it is called Perynya. And with much weeping from the infidels, the accursed one was buried with the great feast of the filthy, and the grave was poured over him very high, as the custom is to eat filthy. And after three days of the accursed feast, the earth sagged and devoured the vile body of Korkodil, and his grave waking up with him into the depths of hell, even to this day, as they say, the sign of that pit is not filled. The other son of the Slovenes, the small Volkhovets, lives with his father in his great city of Slovenes. And the son of Zhilotug was born to Volkhovets, and the canal was named in his name Zhilotug, in it there is still a detesk in that utopia.

The other brother of the Slovenes Rus settled in the place of some distant Slovensk Velikago, like 50 stages from a salty student, and created a city between the two rivers, and called it Rusa in his name, and is still called Rusa Staraya. I called the river that existing one in the name of my wife Porusia, the other river Imenanov in the name of my daughter Polista. And many Slovenes and Rus have installed inii gradki. And from that time on, by the name of their princes and their cities, I began to call these people Slavs and Russ. From the creation of the world to the flood, 2242 years, and from the flood to the division of the language, 530 years, and from the division of the language to the beginning of the creation of Slovenian the Great, which is now Veliky Novgorod, 327 years. And all the years from the creation of the world to the beginning of the Slovenian 3099 years (the time of the exodus from the south is indicated, without 14 years of walking).

Rus is also a Slovenian, living among themselves in great love, and prince tamo, and having taken possession of many countries of the local lands. So for them, their sons and grandchildren to the prince to their knees and piled on themselves eternal glory and many riches with their sword and bow. Possessing the northern countries, and throughout Pomorie, even to the limit of the Arctic Sea, and around the Yellow-shaped waters, and along the great rivers Pechera and Vym, and beyond the high and impassable stone mountains in the country, the Skyr River, along the great river Obve, and to the mouth of the Belovodnaya River, its water is white, like a milk. There, take the beasts on the way, recomago melon, that is, sable. I also go to the Egyptian countries to fight, and much courage is showing in the Hellenic and barbarian countries, great fear from these then lies.

Leaders in Slovenia during the time of Alexander the Great of Macedon. The most senior then in the Slovenes and Rusek were the princes of the former, they are also the names: the first Velikosan, the second Asan, the third Aveskhasan. These same byahu with courage and wisdom surpassed many. The whole universe was then the autocrat of the many-fortunate Alexander, the son of Philip of Macedon. About the above-mentioned Slovenes and Russ from all countries, the rumor is pitiful and the autocrat himself will thunder in the ears. The wise autocrat and the all-bright tsar began to think with his subjects: “What should be done with these raw-eaters? mountains". But both sends many gifts to them and the scripture, adorned with all sorts of praises, and the tsar himself signed the writings with a high-power right hand with golden feathers. Scripture is named after the image of chintzes:
Epistle of Alexander the Great of Macedon.

"Alexander, the king of the king and the scourge of God over the kings, the presumptive knight, the owner of the whole world and everyone, even under the sun, a formidable ruler, a merciful savior to me that is obedient, a furious sword to the disobedient, fear of the whole world, honest over the most honest, in far-reaching and to your unknown land, from our majesty, honor and peace and mercy to you and for you to the brave-hearted people of Slovenia, the richest knee of the Russian grand duke and owner from the Varangian Sea to the Khvalimsky Sea, to the brave and dear to me brave Velikosan, wise Asan, happy Avehasan, I congratulate you forever, as I kindly kiss you face to face, I cordially accept as friends after my heart and the most honored subjects of our majesty, and I give this mercy to your dominion. you are subject to eternal work, but your foot will by no means set foot in other limits.This meritorious deed is closed by this our leaf and signed by our tsar's high-power rule and hung behind our natural sovereign gold-plated coat of arms. Given to your honesty for eternity in the place of our work in Great Alexandria by the will of the great gods March and Jupiter, and the goddess Ververa, and Venus of the month of primos of the beginning day. the kings of the scourge, the son of the great gods Jupiter and Venus in the sky, Zemsky Philip, the strong king and the Olympiad queen, established our high-power ruler forever. honor velmi and obesisha to my goddess in the right country of the idol of Veles and honestly bow to her, and the holiday is honorable to the creator on the first day of the primos of the month.

According to these many summers that have passed, two princes, Laloch and Lachern, have risen from this kind in the language of Slovenia, and these packs fight the cup of the land of the Greek scepter. Come under the same reigning city and create a lot of evil and bloodshed to the scepter of the Greek kingdom. And the brave prince Lachern was killed near the sea under the reigning city, the place is still called Lachernovo, on it the monastery was honestly rewarded in the name of the Most Pure Mother of God, and then many countless Russian howls fell under the walls of the city. Prince Laloch, yazven velmi, with the rest, return to their own with much wealth. But living in filth is by no means, like cattle, not having a law. The Blessed Apostle Andrew the First-Called testifies to them in his walking, as if the filthy besha were not at all familiar then. In Sindereh, then, there were two brothers to the prince, one named Diyulel, and the other Didiyadakh, then their gods did not know the name of the prince because the bees had climbed on them and had built the top of the trees. In a little while, the righteous wrath of God sent to the land of Slovenia came, rotting people without number in all cities and towns, as if there was no one to bury the dead. The people who left the void for the sake of escaping from cities to distant lands, ovii to the White Waters, which is now called Belo Lake, ovii on the Tinn Lake, and called the whole, and in other countries and was nicknamed by various names. Ovii packs on the Dunav to his former family, returning to the old-timer countries.
The first desolation of Slovenska. And the great Slovenesk and Rusa were devastated to the end for many years, like a wild beast to dwell and be fruitful in them. At some time, the Slovenes and the sub-Yasha-Scythians of the Bulgarians came with them a lot, and they began to populate the cities of Slovenesk and Rusa. And the white Ugrians came to them, and fought them to the end, and dug up their castles, and laid the Slovenian land in final desolation.

The second desolation of Slovenska. After a lot of time of this desolation, the Scythian inhabitants hear about the fugitives of Slovenia about the lands of their forefathers, as if it lies empty and not taken care of by anyone, and about this zhalishasi velmi and began to think in themselves how they would inherit the land of their fathers. And packs came from the Danube, many of them without number, with them the Scythians and Bulgarians and foreigners went to the land of Slovene and Russian, and sedosha packs near Lake Ilmerya and renewed the city in a new place, from old Slovenian down the Volkhov, like a field and more, and called Novgorod the Great. And he appointed an elder and a prince from his own family in the name of Gostomysl. Similarly, you put Rusu in the old place, and you renovated many other cities. And each and every one of them spread out with his family across the breadth of the earth, and ovia gray-haired in the fields and swamped the clearing, that is, Poles, ovi Polochans of the river for the sake of Polota, ovi mazovshan, ovi zhmutyanya, and other buzhans along the river Bug, ovi dregovichi, ovi krivichi, ovi chud , ini Merya, ini the Drevlyans, and inii Morava, Serbs, Bulgarians of the same generation, and inii the north, and inii lopi, and inii zhn Mordovians, and inii the same murama, and in various names I was nicknamed.
And so the country began to expand, it is great, but by the common name it is nicknamed. The son of the oldest prince of Novgorod, Gostomysl, called the young Sloven, this departed from his father to Chud and there put a city in your name over the river in the place called Khodnitsa, and named the city the name Slovenesk, and reigned in it for three years, and died. His son Izbor, this prename the name of his city and called Izborsk. This same prince Izbor died like a serpent. The Russian land then threw off the robes of mourning and put on packs in purple and fine linen, and besides, it was no longer a widow, lower than complaining, but packs for the same reason the children grew rich and rested for many years with the wise Gostomysl. When these people come into deep old age and can no longer reason, lower than to own such numerous peoples, lower to calm down the many rebellious internecine bloodshed in their kind, then he is wise, gray-haired in mind and hair, calls to himself all the rulers of Russia, and Izh under him , and he spoke to them with a grinning face: “O husband and brother, sons of a consanguineous blood, now I have already grown old, my strength is disappearing and my mind is retreating, but only death. for the sake of this, the rebellion is great and unceasing in you, and the civil strife of evil. I pray you, listen to my advice, like a river to you. After my death, go across the sea to the Prussian land and pray to the autocrats living there, who will give birth to Caesar Augustus , bloodlines exist, may princes come to you and rule over you, there is no shame for you to submit to such and be in subjection to these beings. And you will love all the speech of the elders, and when this one dies, then honestly spend all the hail to the grave, to the place called Volotovo, go and bury him. After the death of this Gostomysl, he sent his ambassadors to the Prussian land to the whole Russian land. They went and found there an elector or a great prince, by the name of Rurik, the kind of being August, and praying this, let there be a prince to them. And Prince Rurik was begged, and went to Rus' with his two brothers, with Truvor and with Sineus.

And gray-haired Rurik in Novegrad, and Sineus on Beleozero, and Struvor in Zborets. And after two years, Sineus died, then Struvor, and Rurik was sovereign, over all the Russian land he reigned for 17 years. under the single yoke of a sovereign possessor. From this Rurik and from his kind, our autocracy will not only be abolished by him, but we will also be their servants. Then Rurik kill a certain brave Novgorodian named Vadim and many other Novgorodians and his advisers. Even then, the Novgorodians were wicked, but both according to their prophecy, moreover, by the grace of God, a noble perversion still reigns over them from Rurik's seed. As before, in wickedness, obeying them and before blessed Vladimir, they were also honored to know the existing God and enlighten the former with holy baptism and shine with piety, motionless and relentless, holding the faith of Christ and will certainly possess Vladimir's noble children and grandchildren in childbirth and childbirth.


…….and settled in Exinopont, and lived there for many years, and from these sons and grandchildren were born and multiplied greatly, and called by the name of her great-grandfather Scythian Scythia the Great. And there was a strife and civil strife between them and sedition and a lot of tightness for the sake of a place. The bosses, then, the parents of their princes of a single father, sons of the heel of the bloodline, they have the same names: 1) Sloven, 2) Rus, 3) Bolgar, 4) Koman, 5) Easter. From the same tribe during the last time, the kagan, a raw-eater, escaped, and Greek history will later explain about him. We will return to the present, the Prince of Scythian Slovene and Rus, wisdom and courage in his kind, surpassed all, ......

And the oldest, Sloven, with his family and with everyone, even under his hand, sitting on the river, then call Mutnaya, then Volkhov was named in the name of the oldest son of Slovenov, Volkhov's call. The beginning of the Slovenian city, and after that, Novgorod the Great was named.

The other brother of the Slovenes Rus settled in the place of some distant Slovensk Velikago, like 50 stages from a salty student, and created a city between the two rivers, and called it Rusa in his name, and is still called Rusa Staraya.

Wikipedia: Historians A. V. Lavrentiev and E. S. Galkina suggest that the "Tale ..." was compiled by the founder of the Siberian chronicle, Metropolitan Cyprian (1626-1634), although the versions about the migratory movements of Slovene and Rus, their relationship are known long before XVII century. So, Arab-Persian authors from the 12th century cited legends about the Rus and Slavs with the mention of the eponyms Rus and Slavyanin, sometimes medieval authors retrospectively connected the Rus with earlier events until the 7th century. Since the XIV century, Czech, Lech and Rus (Fur) have appeared in the West Slavic epic, the Byzantine author Simeon Logofet mentions Rus as the ancestor of the Russian people in the X century.

I want to doubt the legend a little. Bolgar is mentioned, although Mauro Orbini, using earlier sources, cites the etymology of the word Bolgar in the history of the kings of Dalmatia and neighboring lands since 495 ...... Vladan, following in the footsteps of his father, peacefully ruled the kingdom and had a son named Radmir, who from a young age was distinguished willfulness and arrogance. Under him, from the great river Volga (Volcha) came a great multitude of people who took their name from the said river, and to this day from the Volga they are called Volgars Vulgari, or Bulgarians Bulgari.

Staraya Rusa

For the first time in the annals, Staraya Russa is mentioned under 1167, but the city at the confluence of the Polist and Porusya rivers in the Southern Priilmenie appeared earlier. Birch bark No. 526, found in Novgorod in 1975, confirms the existence of Rusa in the middle of the 11th century: “On Boyan in Rous, gr (i) vna, on Zhitob (o) ud in Rous 13 koun and gr (i) vna truth ...”.

In 1565, Ivan the Terrible singled out Staraya Rusa as part of the oprichnina lands, which saved her from the oprichnina terror. The rich salt mines remained the basis of the city's economy. Mauro Orbini: In 1226, the Master of the Teutonic Order attacked the Prussian Slavs. After defeating them in battle, Christianity was first introduced in Prussia along with the German language, while the language of the Prussian Slavs was soon suppressed. Having nothing more to say about the Prussians, let us now pass on to the Slavs of Rus', whom everyone now calls Muscovites. Those. we note two periods: pre-Moscow Rus' and when the Moscow principality began to collect lands around itself ......

You also need to pay attention to the translation, for example; Aelius Spartian and Kapitolin in the biography of Antoninus Pius and Flavius ​​​​Vopiscus in the biography and Avrelin call them Roxolans, Pliny - Toxolans (Tossolani), Ptolemy - Troxolans (Trossolani), Strabo - Raxans (Rhassnali) and Roxans (Rhossani), Jacob Mayer - Slavic Russians ( Russi Slaui), Raphael of Voltaire, and many other authors call them rutens, but now their common name is “Russians” (Russi), i.e. scattered (Rosseia).

Tale of Bygone Years

Rus' is the historical name of the lands of the Eastern Slavs. For the first time it is used as the name of the state in the text of the Russian-Byzantine treaty of 911, earlier evidence deals with the ethnonym Rus (that is, Rus as the name of the people)

In another place of the Manasseh chronicle (in the Middle Bulgarian translation) there is an expression "ships of the Taurus Scythians" with the gloss "winds of russh". from where, according to I. Duychev, it is quite clear that the ships of the Taurus Scythians are the ships of the Rus 29. This news is reminiscent of the story of the ancient Russian chronograph (as amended in 1512), which is based on a number of Byzantine sources about the multitude of Tauro-Scythians, allies of the Scythian kagan, who sailed on ships - wooden boats 30 .

The mention of the attack of the Rus on Constantinople in 626 is also preserved in some handwritten Byzantine materials: in the Typica of the Great Constantinople Church (church charter of the 9th-10th centuries) according to the Patmos manuscript of the 10th century. 42 and in the chronograph of the Greek Anonymous of the 18th century, which, according to K. Safa and A. Kirpichnikov, the news of
The participation of the Rus in the siege of Constantinople was taken from ancient sources unknown to us 43 .
Thus, a review of all known sources (Byzantine, Old Slavonic and Old Georgian) allows us to conclude that the likely participants in the siege of Constantinople in 626 were the Eastern Slavs (Rus) from the Middle Dnieper region, who came to Tsargrad by sea on one-tree boats. It was one of the first campaigns of Rus' against Constantinople 44 .
As you know, Byzantine authors called the Rus Scythians and Taurus-Scythians. Patriarch Photius (a witness to the attack of Rus' on Constantinople in 860) called the Rus a Scythian people, a numerous and steppe people 31 . According to I. Duychev, this is explained by the fact that “the Russians inhabited the region, the konto were known as the homeland on the Scythian from antiquity” 32 .

In the old days there were names Chervonnaya Rus, Black Rus, White Rus, Great Rus, Lesser Rus. What did these names mean and where did they come from?

In Kievan Rus, by the middle of the 12th century, there were approximately 15 lands and principalities, by the beginning of the 13th century - 50, in the 14th century - 250. All these territories had their own names, tells where the names of some of them came from.

According to one version, the name could come from the East Asian color analogy to the cardinal points. It is one of the three “colored” Russian lands: Black Rus' (that is, “northern”), Chervonnaya Rus' (“southern”) and White Russia (“western”) (cf., for example, Blue Horde (“eastern”), White Horde ("Western"), etc.). For the first time, the entire trio of “colored” Russian lands (White Rus' is adjacent to the White Lake, and Black Rus' is located between it and Red (Chervonnaya) Russia) appeared on the famous map of the monk Fra Mauro in 1459. My opinion, and this proves the document; the letter of Alexei Mikhailovich, given to the Cossacks, lists the Russias that the Tsar owns: Great Russia, White Russia and Little Russia.

Among historians, there is another hypothesis of origin: the name “White Rus'” passed to that part of Western Rus' where Christianity was already spread, and the territory of the modern Grodno region remained pagan for a long time and therefore could be designated by its neighbors as “Black Rus'”.

Little Russia and Great Russia

Little Russia (Little Rus') - the name that appeared at the beginning of the XIV century. After the Tatar-Mongol enslavement of the Russian lands, only two regions remained free in Rus': Galicia-Volyn and Vladimir-Suzdal, which actively maintained relations with the Patriarchate of Constantinople. After the Metropolitan of Kiev left his residence in 1300, the Galician princes began to seek the creation of their own separate metropolis. In 1305, the Galician metropolis was created, independent of the Kyiv one. In order to distinguish one Rus' from another, a practice was established in Constantinople to call the departed part of the territory of the Galicia-Volyn lands - Little Russia, or Little Russia.

The concepts of Little and Great Rus' came into official use in 1361: when two metropolises were formed - one in Great Rus' with a center in Vladimir and Kiev, and the second in Little Rus' with a center in Novgorod and Galicia.

"Little Rus'" included 6 dioceses of the Galicia-Volyn principality. The remaining 12 dioceses, including Kyiv, began to be called Great Russia. By the name of the territory "Little Rus'" ("Little Russia"), local residents began to be called Little Russians.


Belarus ("Belaya Rus") is a historical region of Rus'. In the XII-XVII centuries, "Belaya Rus" served as the name of the lands of North-Eastern Rus'. Since the 16th century, "White Russia" has been called the lands of the Dvina and Dnieper regions.

In relation to the modern territory of Belarus, the use of the term "Belaya Rus" was first recorded in the 13th century.

Some historians associate the origin of the name with the hair color of local residents and the clothes of the inhabitants of these lands, others believe that “white” in this case is a synonym for the words “great”, “independent” and “free”. The third version proceeds from the fact that ancient territory was called white in ancient times, and the fourth suggests that "White Russia" was called the lands whose population was Christian, as opposed to Black Rus' - Russian lands that were under the rule of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Commonwealth. So, on the world map of 1459, Novgorod-Moscow Rus' is called White Russia (Rossia Biancha), the territory in the Dnieper region is called Red Russia (Rossia Rossa), and the northwestern part of Russian lands is called Black Russia (Rossia Negra).

In the modern sense, the term "Belarus" extends to the lands of historical White Rus' (Belarusian Dvina and Dnieper), Black Rus' (regions of Novogrudok), Zawileyskaya Lithuania (regions of Grodno and Smorgon), Polissya (regions of Brest, Pinsk and Mozyr), as well as Severshchina ( region of Gomel, Chechersk and Rogachev).

The modern Belarusian state bears the official name "Republic of Belarus". In 1991, the Supreme Council of the Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic decreed that the new independent republic should be called Belarus (Belarus) in Russian and in all other language transcriptions of its name. The change was made to reflect the language form of the name in Belarusian.

Red Rus'

Krasnaya Rus (Chervona Rus) - a historical region in the 15th-18th centuries in the west of modern Ukraine and the east and southeast of modern Poland - the region of Galicia (Galicia) or the Cherven cities, which Prince Vladimir the Great annexed to Kievan Rus. In 1018 Poland took possession of them, and in 1031 they were again returned to the Old Russian state. In 1349, the Polish king Casimir III captured Galicia, and Red Rus became part of Poland, in which it remained as a Russian province until the 18th century. In the XVIII-XIX centuries, Russia again returned these lands to the Russian Empire.

The name comes from the city of Cherven - the largest of the Cherven cities.

According to Moscow historian Mikhail Tikhomirov, the name of the city of Cherven comes from the word "cherven", which means dark red fabric, or from the word "worm", meaning purple or crimson paint, in a figurative sense could mean a beautiful city, or a city in a beautiful area.

Black Rus'

In the 13th-14th centuries, Black Russia was the name given to the regions lying in the basin of the upper reaches of the Neman with the cities of Gorodno (Grodno), Novgorod, Slonim, Volkovsky, Nesvizh, Turiysky (Turets), Zditovo.

The name comes from the dense and dark forests and forests that once covered the vast expanses of this region.

Until the 13th century, Black Rus' was part of the Principality of Polotsk. In the 1240s, Black Rus' was captured by the Lithuanian prince Mindovg. In the XIV century, Black Rus', together with the Lithuanian lands, was part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The Poles in the 16th century called the whole of Belarus Black Russia, and Great Russia - White.


Novorossiya (New Rus') was called the Novorossiysk province. It was the historical name of the territory of the northern Black Sea region, annexed to the Russian Empire as a result of the Russian-Turkish wars in the second half of the 18th century.

The territory of Novorossia included Kherson, Yekaterinoslav, Tauride, Bessarabia, Stavropol provinces, as well as the Kuban region and the Region of the Don Cossacks. The name was used until the beginning of the 20th century.

From the middle of the 20th century, the geographical definition “Northern Black Sea region” was used to designate this territory, and in the second half of the 20th century, the territory of Novorossia within the Ukrainian SSR began to be designated as “Southern Ukraine”.


The name of Rus' comes from the annalistic tribe Rus, which founded the Old Russian state. In some sources dating back to the 11th-12th centuries, the use of the concepts of Rus or the Russian land is limited only to the Kievan principality as a collective possession of the Rurik princes and the location of the Grand Duke's throne. From the 12th century, the name gradually passed to all specific principalities. In historiography, the term Rus has been extended to the entire territory of the Old Russian state since its foundation in 862. As a result of the political division of Rus', clarifying terms arose, such as Little Rus', Great Rus', as well as late medieval divisions according to the color scheme. In the titles of monarchs and representatives of the clergy, who claimed all-Russian legitimacy, the prefix "all Rus'" was traditionally used. From the end of the 15th century, in the works of Orthodox scribes, Rus' began to appear in the Hellenized form of Russia (s)iya, which later became official in the Russian state. The concept of Rus' is widespread in folklore and poetry - Holy Rus', Rus' epic, Mother Rus'.

In Western medieval sources, the word Rus is found in the forms Russia, Ruthenia, Roxolania, Ruscia or Ruzzia. According to the Polish-Lithuanian historical and journalistic tradition, only the lands of South-Western Rus' subject to their own monarchs were called the term Rus, thereby rejecting the claims of the Moscow sovereigns to them. The Poles considered Lviv, the capital of the Russian province, to be the main city of Rus'. Despite the fact that such terminology, together with the term Muscovy for the lands of North-Eastern Rus', was often adopted by Western sources, many of them continued to call all the lands of historical Rus' with the term Russiya.

The existence in Western European sources (mainly of the 12th-13th centuries) of ethnonyms and horonyms similar to the word "Rus" sounding: Rut(h)eni (Rut(h)enia), Rugi (Rugia), as well as the name of Fr. Rügen. The basis for deriving the word "Rus" from them was the frequent use of the names Rut (h) enia and Rugia to designate Rus', as well as the Slavic population of Fr. Rügen (for the last list of texts, see: Trukhachev N.S. An attempt to localize Baltic Rus based on the reports of contemporaries in Western European and Arabic sources of the 10th-13th centuries. // Ancient states on the territory of the USSR, 1980. M., 1982. P. 159 -175).


A) The correlation of horonyms and ethnonyms of different times and different origins with the common first syllable ru- (Rutheni, Rugi, Ruzzi, Russi) has not been convincingly substantiated. Use in the sources of the XI-XIII centuries. Rut(h)eni and Rut(h)enia testify not at all to its relevance at that time, but to the orientation towards the ancient chorographic tradition, characteristic of medieval geography, which led - and often - to the identification of similar-sounding names modern to the author and ancient ones that had lost historical content (cf .: Dacia and Dania, Galatia and Galich Rus. See for more details: Chekin L.S. Traditional and new information in Western European geography of the XII-XIII centuries. // Ancient states on the territory of the USSR, 1985 M., 1986. S. 157-163). Proponents of this hypothesis have not offered a convincing argument for the possibility of alternating rug- / rus-.

5) "Indo-Aryan" etymology nominated by O.N. Trubachev as a result of studies of the Indo-European languages ​​of the period immediately following the collapse of the Indo-Iranian linguistic community (Trubachev O.N. Linguistic periphery of the ancient Slavs // Problems of linguistics. 1977. N 6. P. 13-29).


A) The word "Rus" is a reflection of the regional tradition of naming the Northern Black Sea region as the "White, Bright Side". This tradition, according to the author, is still pre-Slavic and pre-Turkic, and therefore he elevates the word "Rus" to the local non-suffix variant of Old Indus. ruksa-, assuming as a hypothesis a specific Indo-Aryan assimilation *eng-.


A) see criticism of the Middle Dnieper etymology, + criticism from linguists-“Indo-Europeanists” (Schramm G. Die Herkunft. S. 31-33.)

7) "Scandinavian" etymology in the version of E.A. Melnikova and V.Ya. Petrukhin(see Melnikova E.A., Petrukhin V.Ya. THE NAME "RUS" IN THE ETHNOCULTURAL HISTORY OF THE OLD RUSSIAN STATE (IX-X centuries) // Questions of History. No. 8. 1989. p. 24-38)


A) Historical comments: The word "Rus" was considered by the authors of ancient Russian sources NOT AS an ethnonym, but originally denoted a social group. “Rus” is an older word than “Varangians”: the first is reflected in the sources of the 9th century, the second is found for the first time in the Byzantine chronicle under 1034. The original meaning of the word Varangian is “a mercenary who swore an oath of allegiance”: this name distinguished mercenaries from “ Rus'” - the princely squad - and spread in the Russian tradition from the 11th century. on all overseas Scandinavians. The people "Rus" did not exist among the Scandinavian peoples - this was the name of the Scandinavian squads of "rowers" ( *roþs-), participants in rowing boat trips that penetrated Eastern Europe, which received the name “Rus” in the Slavic environment, which spread to the lands and people of the new Russian state. The spread was happening in several stages, during which the meaning of the term changed, which is reflected in the sources.

At the first stage interaction of the Scandinavian and East Slavic worlds (until the middle of the 9th century), the name "Rus" is borrowed as an ethno-social term with a dominant ethnic meaning ("Rus" = "Scandinavians, Swedes"). The penetration of the Scandinavians south of the Ladoga region until the second half of the 9th century. was episodic and associated with the release of individual expeditions to the Black Sea.

At the second stage, in the second half of the 9th - the first half of the 10th century, when the Old Russian early feudal state was formed, its main consolidating force was the grand ducal squad, which included the Scandinavians. The term acquires a social meaning (“Rus” = squad, predominantly Scandinavian). The spread of the name "Rus" to polyethnic squads led to a rapid erosion of its original ethnic confinement to the Scandinavians.

By the middle of the tenth century. throughout the territory of the settlement of the Eastern Slavs from Kyiv to Ladoga, retinue antiquities spread, a “retinue culture” is formed, absorbing and fusing elements of diverse ethnic origin into a single whole. Thus, the names “Rus”, “Russian” are no longer associated with the Scandinavians, and all territories subordinate to the Grand Duke, although inhabited by diverse ethnic peoples, are called “Russian Land” (“every prince and all people of the Russian land”). Thus, in the process of consolidating multi-ethnic territories under the auspices of the grand duke's power, an expanding geographic and political concept of "Rus" and "Russian land" arises.

Finally, from the middle of the tenth century, when, in the course of strengthening the ancient Russian statehood, the ancient Russian early medieval nationality was formed, the conditions of ethnic mixing in the main centers of Rus', where the squad played a leading role, were favorable for the spread of the name "Rus" both ethnically and territorially to the vast territory subject to Kiev, as integration the original bearers of this name into the composition of the East Slavic society. Ethnically neutral, not associated with any of the tribal ethnonyms, which was especially important in the era of the struggle against tribal separatism, the name "Rus" turned out to be the most acceptable for the new East Slavic ethno-cultural community.

B) Archaeological arguments: Contacts of the populations of Scandinavia, Finland and the South-East Baltic have been traced by archaeologists since the Bronze and Early Iron Ages. They become more intense from the middle of the 1st millennium, during the era of the Great Migration of Peoples, and continue into the Vendel period (VI-VIII centuries) and into the Viking era. At the same time, the Scandinavians, judging by the funerary monuments, from the middle of the 1st millennium penetrated into neighboring western Finland (typically Vendel burials in the boat were found here), to the Aland Islands, where a kind of mestizo Finno-Scandinavian culture was formed, as well as to the East Baltic coast, where there are burial complexes close to the Scandinavian ones. They testify to the constant contacts of the Scandinavian and Baltic-Finnish tribes already in pre-Viking times and in the Viking era.

The appearance of the Scandinavians among the Finnish tribes of Eastern Europe (from the Ladoga region to the Upper Volga region) by the end of the 1st millennium AD. coincided with the Slavic colonization of this region. Early contacts of all three ethnic components in Ladoga are likely (the appearance of the Normans here dates back to the middle of the 8th century: Ryabinin E.A. Scandinavian production complex of the 8th century from Staraya Ladoga // SkSb. 1980. Issue XXV. P. 161-178; Petrenko V P. Finno-Ugric elements in the culture of medieval Ladoga // New in the archeology of the USSR and Finland. L., 1984. P. 83-90). The mixed character of the settlement of Scandinavians, Finno-Ugric peoples, Balts and Slavs, who do not form compact ethnic massifs in Ladoga, is indicative (Kirpichnikov A.N. Early medieval Ladoga (results of archaeological research) // Medieval Ladoga. L., 1985. P. 17-19) , Finno-Slavic-Scandinavian contacts were also noted in Novgorod (after 862, according to chronicle dating), at the end of the 8th - beginning of the 9th century. on the Meryansk Sarsk settlement near Rostov (Leontiev A.E. Scandinavian things in the collection of the Sarsk settlement // SkSb. 1981. Issue XXVI. P. 141-149) and, apparently, in the Yaroslavl Volga region. It is in the North-West, in this contact zone, that there are a few toponyms - derivatives of the root rus-.


Works by V.A. Nazarenko(See, for example, Nazarenko V.A. The name "Rus" in the ancient Western European linguistic tradition (IX-XII centuries) // Nazarenko V.A. Ancient Rus' on international routes. M., 2001. S. 11-51)

A) The absence (unknown) of the exact Old Norse prototype of the Finnish form.

B) The appearance already in the first half of the 9th century. forms Ruzzi, Ruzamarcha in the Latin monuments of the Carolingian Empire (Bavarian geographer, letter of Louis the German to the Niederalteich monastery), and linguistically these forms are constructed in such a way that they clearly arose “as a result of direct contacts with carriers” (merchants on the Upper Danube). Those. “bearers of the name “Rus” (even if of Scandinavian origin or Scandinavian as well) already in the first half of the 9th century. used the SLAVIC self-name "(other Russian. "Rus").

Ruskolan- one of the largest state formations of the Slavs in the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov, which existed 16 centuries ago, whose history is completely forgotten thanks to the German professors who wrote Russian history for Peter I.

The Ruskolan state was located beyond the ridges of the Ciscaucasia, on the territory that later became part of the Great Budgaria of Kurbat: from the Kuban and the Terek, a pasture plain, cut by wide river valleys and ravines, gradually rises to the Peredovoi ridge. The forest rises along them almost to the foot of Elbrus. In the valleys there are dozens of ancient settlements where the archaeologist's shovel did not ring. On the banks of the Etoko River, the grave of the legendary prince Ruskolani Bus Beloyar has been preserved.

The word "Ruskolan" contains the syllable "lan", present in the words "hand", "valley" and meaning: space, territory, place, region. Subsequently, the syllable "lan" was transformed into land. Sergei Lesnoy in his book "Where are you from, Rus?" says the following: "With regard to the word" Ruskolun "it should be noted that there is also a variant" Ruskolan ". If the latter option is more correct, then you can understand the word differently:" Russian (th) fallow deer. Lan - field. The whole expression: "Russian field". In addition, Lesnoy makes an assumption that there was a word "cleaver", which probably meant some kind of space. It also occurs in a different verbal environment.

The ruler of Ruskolani was Bus from the Beloyar clan. In the Gothic and Yaartian epic, he is mentioned under the name of Baksaka (Bus-Busan-Baksan), in the Byzantine chronicles - God.

Caucasian legends say that Bus was the eldest son. In addition, his father had seven sons and one daughter.

According to various signs that were at the birth of Bus, the Magi predicted that he would complete the Svarog Circle.

Bus was born, just like Kolyada and Kryshen. At his birth, a new star also appeared - a comet. This is mentioned in the ancient Slavic manuscript of the 4th century "Boyanov Hymn", which tells about the star Chigir - eel (Halley's comet), according to which, at the birth of the prince, astrologers predicted his great future:

About Busa - the father of the young sorcerer,
about how he fought, hitting enemies,
sang the sorcerer Zlatogor.
Zlatogorov hymns -
you are really good!
He sang like Chegir-star
flew in the fire like a dragon,
shining with green light.
And forty magicians-sorcerers,
looking into stozhary, they saw the light,
that the sword of Yar Bus is glorious to Kyiv!

Ovsen-Tausen paved the bridge,
not a simple bridge with a railing -
star bridge between Yavu and Navu.
Three towers will ride
among the stars on the bridge.
The first is the roof-god,
and the second - Kolyada,
The third will be - Bus Beloyar.
"The Book of Kolyada", X d

The fact that there was once a large city in the Pyatigorsk region is evidenced by two thousand mounds and the remains of temples at the foot of Mount Beshtau. The monument was discovered in the 18th century and back in the 19th century on the barrow one could see a statue of Bus with ancient words written on it:

Oh oh hi! Wake up! Sar!
Believe! Sar Yar Bus - Gods Bus!
Bus - Wake up God's Rus'! -
God Bus! Yar Bus!
5875, 31 lutes.

Now the statue is in the storerooms of the Historical Museum in Moscow, and now no one says that it belongs to Bus (although many scientists spoke about this in the last century). No one dares to translate the runic inscription...

The wife of Bus, in order to perpetuate the memory of Bus, ordered to rename the Altud River to Baksan (Bus River).

The transfiguration of Bus was forty days later on Faf-mountain, or the White Mountain of Alatyr. And so Bus Beloyar, like Kryshen and Kolyada, ascended on the fortieth day to the White Mountain (Elbrus) and became the Pobud of God's Rus', sat down at the throne of the Most High.

Gothic maidens at the edge
The blue seas live.
Playing with Russian gold
Time Busovo sing.
"The Tale of Igor's Campaign"

V.A. Chudinov about Yariyah and Falconers. And his series of Sokolovians-Skolovians-Slavs-Slavs.

Mauro Orbini; Pietro Marcello, in The Origin of the Barbarians, calls them Silani and says that these are the peoples who are now called Sclavons (Schiauoni). In the past, this name, of course, was subject to strong distortion and was written in different ways. The Greeks, not understanding the meaning of the word "Slavs", or "Slavins", distorted it into "sklavins", the Italians - into "sklavs". This error has surreptitiously entered into some copies of Procopius of Caesarea, Jordanes, and Biondo. I believe that it was introduced by the Italians, who, as Marcin writes, in an effort to speak more softly and avoid harshness in pronunciation, often pronounce i instead of 1 (they say fiato instead of flato, piace instead of place). Also, instead of Slauo, they say Siauo. Since for them the words siauo and sciauo, which differ in the letter C, are almost indistinguishable by ear, then, not being versed in the language of the Slavs, when translating into Latin, they began to write not Slauo, but Sclauo. I also think that this can be explained by the hostility of the Italians, especially those who live on the Adriatic coast, since they suffered greatly from the Slavs in the past and were almost completely ruined by them. According to Jan Dubraviy, the Slavs, or Slovins, got their name from “Slouo”, which means “word” among the Sarmatians, since all the Sarmatian peoples, being scattered over large expanses of the earth, but, nevertheless, speaking the same dialect and using almost the same words, they forced everyone to call themselves "slovins". Marcin Kromer also asserts the same, saying that “from Slouo the words were called, as if they were called truthful and faithful to the word given by them.

Leaving aside, however, the above interpretations of the name of the Slavs, I dare to assert that it came from nothing but glory, since the Slav, or Slavon, means nothing more than "glorious."

Filled with pride at such frequent triumphs over enemies, as evidenced by the huge number of conquered kingdoms and countries, this illustrious tribe appropriated the name of glory for themselves, making "Slaua", which means "glory", the end of the name of their noble and noble husbands, such as Stanislav, Wenceslas, Ladislav, Dobroslav, Radoslav, Boleslav and other similar names. This is recognized by many authoritative authors, among whom is Reinery Reinectius. In his Treatise on the Genetic Tribes, he notes that the Slavs got their name from the "glory" in which they wanted to surpass all other peoples. The opinion of Reinecci is shared by Eremey the Russian (Geremia Russo), who wrote the Russian Chronicles (Annali di Russia) in 1227. Narrating one of the clashes that took place on the borders of Rus' in 1118, he writes: “When Rus' suffered from civil strife, Krunoslav (Crunoslau) came to our borders with a strong army of Slavs and, having fought with our army, he won.

Krunoslav himself, however, died with one of his sons and was buried near the citadel called Voicha.

Thus, this valiant people had to be called nothing other than the Slavs, and such pundits as Helmold Presbyter, Arnold Abbot, Geopr Werner, Sigismund Herberstein, Georgy Kedrin, Jan Herburt, Alexander Gvagnini, Robert Hagen, proved their right to do so. Johann Leunclavius, Gilbert Genebrard, David Hitreus and Hugo Fuluonio, who in their writings refer to him as Slavs.

If this name is new, then the glory won by weapons and blood is inherent in them by nature and inherited from ancestors who have won glorious victories in the past in Asia, Europe and Africa. They were Vandals, Burgundians, Goths, Ostrogoths, Visigoths, Gepids, Getae, Alans, Werls, or Geryls, Avars, Skirrs, Girrs, Melanchlens, Bastarns, Pevkins, Dacians, Swedes (Svedi), Normans, Fens, or Finns, Ukry , Marcomanni, Quadi, Thracians and Illyrians were all Slavs and spoke the same language.

M. Adam (M. Adamo) in the II book of "Church History" says that the Slavs are those who were formerly vandals. Pierfrancesco Giambulari writes in book 1: “Varnefrid, Jordan, Methodius and Irenicus in several places claim that in their ancient root the Vandals were Goths, even if later they became extremely hostile to them, examples of which history knows a lot; and that they lived in that part of Germany which is now Moravia, Silesia, Bohemia, Poland and Rus', from the German Ocean in the north to Istria and Slavonia in the south. In proof of this they adduce the persuasive argument that the same language is spoken in all these lands." The same is stated by Albert Krantz in the preface to "Saxony" and Suffrid Petri (II), the latter writing: "The ancient Boii were expelled by the Marcomanni, that is, the Vandals, who to this day rule Bohemia, therefore the Bohemians are Vandals. The ancient name of the country has been preserved, and now those who were formerly Marcomanni, or, more generally, Vandals, are called Boii. At the same time, the unity of their origin confirms the unity of the language.

Further in the same book, he writes: “The Westphals and Ostfals were Vandals, who were also called Fals (Vali), since the Vandals had not one special name, but several different ones, namely: Vandals, Wends, Wends, Genets, Venets , Vinites, Slavs and, finally, halyards according to Saxo Grammar, Helmold, Enea Silvio, Kranz, Irenicus, Reinecki, Latius and many others. All their numerous and varied special names, which need not be mentioned here, can be found in the authors listed. From what has been said, it is clear that not one of the peoples of Germany was as great as the Vandals, who spread their colonies in Asia, Africa and Europe over a vast area.

In Europe, they settled all the way from north to south, from the German Sea to the Mediterranean. Therefore, the Muscovites, Russians, Poles, Czechs (Boemi), Cherkasy, Dalmatians, Istrians, Bosnians, Croats, Bulgarians, Rashans (Rassiani) and many other peoples, although they differ in their special names, are nonetheless Vandals. This also proves their language and dialect, which they all have in common. So writes Suffrid. Albert Krantz, wanting to show that the Slavs are of the same root as the Vandals, calls the Slavs nothing more than Vandals, as can be seen from his books Vandalia and Saxony. Convincing confirmation of this is also given by Sigismund Herberstein in his Muscovy. He says that it is written in the Russian chronicles that when the Russians began to strife over the choice of a new sovereign, they sent to call on the rulers from the most famous in the past Vandal city of Wagria, located in the region of the same name, bordering Lubeck and the Holstein Duchy. The Vandals, who at that time were very powerful and had the same dialect, customs and faith as the Russians, sent to them three brothers from among the most eminent and influential among them. Their names were Rurik, Sineus and Truvor.

Next, Mauro compares the language Vandal - Slavic - Russian, there is almost no difference, except for the alphabet. I also want to draw your attention to the Latin text and translation. The Kingdom of Raska is REX RASSIAE, even with a strong desire, this word is easier to read, like Russia. (In the future, an empire that no one knows about).

Therefore, in 1319, which was (according to some) the eighth year of his reign, he installed a silver altar in the church of St. Nicholas of Baria in Apulia. The memory of this has survived to this day: in the mentioned temple there is an inscription that reads:















(The summer of the Lord, June 1319, the month of the VIth indiction, Urosh, the king of Raska, as well as Dukla, Albania, Bulgaria and the entire Primorye from the Adriatic Gulf and the sea to the great Danube River, ordered to make an altar, a large silver icon, censers and large chandeliers from silver in the glory of God and the blessed Nicholas through his heir son Desislav, faithful and experienced, sent from Kotor by the aforementioned king, and we, the senior master Rugeriy [son] Invilia and master Robert [son] Barulla, began all the above work in the month of June mentioned and in March month of the next year with Christ's help completed exactly and completely.)

Well, at the end of the review, I want to dig a little deeper:

Dionysius of Halicarnassus on the origin of the Etruscans:

It seems to me that those who declare that this people did not come from anywhere, but are native, are closer to the truth, because this people is very ancient and does not resemble any other tribe in terms of language and way of life. And nothing prevents the Hellenes from calling him by the name that he bears, both for dwelling in the towers and for the husband-ruler. However, the Romans apply other names to it. So, according to the country in which they once lived, by the name of Etruria, they call these people Etruscans, and according to their experience in worship, in which they differ from others, they call Tusks - this is now completely incomprehensible, but before the Romans knew them for sure name, like the Hellenes, and called them "Tyuosci". They themselves designate themselves, after the name of some leader Rasenna, also Rasenna.

Now the reader himself can draw conclusions or completely abandon them. However, first, I want to remind you that the Arab and Greek sources of the region of the 10-11th centuries, in the majority, divided the Rus and the Slavs. Even Athanasius in Journey beyond the Three Seas, listing fellow travelers, separately names Russ, Muscovites, Tverichans. Although this may be the usual enumeration of citizens by the name of their place of residence. I also want to note that the city, Rusa, now Staraya Rusa, at that time was the second richest and brought huge money to the treasury at that time (second on the list after Moscow, if I’m not mistaken), since there were salt springs, which later dried up and brought the city to the state that we are seeing now.

Tale of Bygone Years:

....... And the Slavic people and the Russian are one, after all, they were nicknamed Rus from the Varangians, and before there were Slavs; although they were called glades, but the speech was Slavic. The glades were nicknamed because they were sitting in the field, and the language was common to them - Slavic.

…….. In the year 6452 (944). Igor gathered many warriors: Varangians, Rus, and Polyans, and Slovenes, and Krivichi, and Tivertsy, and hired the Pechenegs, and took hostages from them, and went to the Greeks in boats and on horses, trying to avenge himself.

……… In the year 6477 (969). Svyatoslav said to his mother and his boyars: “I don’t like to sit in Kiev, I want to live in Pereyaslavets on the Danube - for there is the middle of my land, all good things flow there: from the Greek land - gold, curtains, wines, various fruits, from the Czech Republic and from Hungary silver and horses, from Russia furs and wax, honey and slaves.

……. He also took many gifts and returned to Pereyaslavets with great glory, Seeing that he had few squads, he said to himself: “If only they had killed my squad and me with some cunning.” as many died in battle. And he said: “I will go to Rus', I will bring more squads.”

Russ are mentioned in historical sources long before the "calling of the Varangians" and even long before Kievan Rus, which took this name from the North. The Greek traveler Pythia reported about the Rus in the 4th century BC. BC.

The early medieval Western European epic narrates about the "knights from the Rus". The ethnonym "Rus" is found in the "Song of the Nibelungs". The fearless Rus warriors who fought the Huns are mentioned in the Elder Edda (the saga of Dietrich of Bern), Russ are mentioned in the "Song of Roland". The hero of Slavic legends Odoacer, who overthrew in 476. the last Roman emperor, is mentioned in Austrian sources, which refers to the tombstone of St. maxim, on which is inscribed in Latin: "The Year of the Lord 477. Odoacer, the leader of the Rusyns, raging against the Church of God, Maximus and his 50 associates threw off the cliff, and devastated the province of Norik with fire and sword."

Referring to the chronicles of the 2nd and 3rd centuries, medieval Western historians report about the people "Rus": Magnus, Saxo Grammatik, Torfey, etc.

RUSSIAN, i.e. Blonde hair. The oldest meaning of the words Rus', RUSSIAN is LIGHT, LIGHT.

"Rus" is a common Slavic, Proto-Slavic root, going into the deepest archaism. Philologists testify that this root is widespread in the Indo-European languages, where its original meaning is the same: "light". The Slavs preserved this common Indo-European root and immortalized it, choosing it as their venerable name.

V. I. Dal wrote down a folk saying: "The Russian people are the fair-haired people." And to this day, a certain hair color in Rus' is called blond, i.e. light chestnut.

The color of skin and hair has since ancient times been considered the most distinct characteristic feature of a race. Tylor, in his famous Anthropology, writes: "In the history of the world, color has often been a sign by which nations that considered themselves more noble distinguished inferior peoples. The Sanskrit word for caste is varna, which means "color," and this shows How did their distinction between higher and lower castes come into being?

The Indian Aryans in the most ancient Vedas pride themselves on being blond. Sanskrit "Arias" means "bright", "noble". One-root Greek concept - "aristocrats".

In Hellas and Rome, blond hair was considered especially noble and beautiful; the wives of Roman patricians were often painted in golden colors. According to Homer, Hera is blond, Odysseus is a blond hair and a russobeard, Menelaus is a rusokudr, Achilles has golden curls. The blond hair and blue eyes of the Thracian Orpheus are his pride and dignity. In ancient mythology, Venus is golden-haired, like her son, the radiant Cupid. Roman poets sang of the blue eyes and blond hair of northern maidens and praised the golden hair of Lucretia.

In the Siberian hinterland, there are expressions; go to Rus', bring something to Rus', which means; to a bright, sunny place.

There is a small objection here: let's say Belarus, such as White Light? On the other hand, several centuries ago, the concept of white and light brown could differ, since light brown is light chestnut, the color of the sun is possible. If we take into account that the early spelling of Belorussia is Belarus, then everything falls into place.

One can endlessly give examples and arguments, but from the above, one thing is clear to me personally; Ruses are always Slavic roots, but Slavs are not always Russ. The numerous pantheon of Slavic tribes does not have self-names Rus, Russ, Ruthenians. And even here we can argue, since historians call the Slavic tribes by toponyms and hydronyms, and how they called themselves often eluded, and even more often did not interest historians.

Therefore, I propose: 1. To exclude the Latin reading of the Slavic Rus, Rusich, as an adjective Russian, not a sandwich, however, I think everyone understands why.

3. The word Rusich, Rus, Rus, should be used only for peoples and countries that called themselves that way, or at least that's what their contemporaries called them. Unless proven otherwise. For example, Chudinov's version of inscriptions on the megaliths of Yarovaya Rus and in general about inscriptions under increased contrast does not stand up to criticism, although it does exist and needs to be taken (checked) into account.

Also, in the Rigveda and Avesta, the lands of the Volga-Oka-Don basin are called the Sacred Land or the land of Rusai (Rusa in Sanskrit Light), and the people living in this “Ok Forest” are called either Rusyan or Rasyane (People of the Race). Under the word "Race", in the Rig Veda, the river Oka was also identified (as the cradle of the birth of the Great Family of the White Race).

In April 2002, the media briefly reported on the celebrations in the "Eternal City", dedicated to the next "fifth anniversary" of Rome. For more than a thousand years, several centuries before the “birth of Christ”, in the civilized world, time was counted from the epic formation of Rome - 753 BC. But the educated Romans themselves argued that the Scythians were even more civilized than the Egyptians. And allegedly 2800 years before the founding of Rome, they achieved dominance in Europe and Asia.

According to the “Legends of Slovene and Rus and the city of Slovensk”, the Russian cities of Slovensk and Staraya Rusa were founded in 3113 years from the creation of the world, i.e. in 2395 BC Unfortunately, now these dates are forgotten and are hardly studied in history lessons.

From Chronograph 1679

The Scythian princes Sloven and Rus, who surpassed everyone in their kind with wisdom and courage, and began to think with their neighbors wisely: sowing and from our kind, and we will go through the universe of light that exists in the lot of our great-grandfather, where the happiness and blessing of our blessed forefather Aphet will lead us and give us a good-fruited land to inhabit us and our kind. And this speech of Slovenov and Rusov was loved by all people, and as if they were one mouth, deciding: “The advice of our princes is good and the speech is good and pleasing to the wise holders.”

And in the summer from the creation of the world 3099, Sloven and Rus departed from Exinopont from their families, and went from their family and from their brethren, and I walk around the countries of the universe, like sharp-crowned eagles, I fly through the desert many, going to settle in a place that is beneficial. And in many places I rest, dreaming, but nowhere then I found the dwelling according to my heart. For 14 years I have been going around the empty country, until the lake of some great one came, Moiks called, after that Ilmer was named after Slovene in the name of their sister Ilmera. And then sorcery commanded them to be an inhabitant of that place.

And the oldest, Sloven, with his family and with everyone, even under his hand, sitting on the river, then call Mutnaya, then Volkhov was named in the name of the oldest son of Slovenov, Volkhov's call. The beginning of the Slovenian city, and after that, Novgorod the Great was named. And you put up a city, and named it after the name of your prince Slovenesk the Great, the same now Novgrad, from the mouth of the great lake Ilmer down the great river, with the name Volkhov, one and a half fields. And from that time, the newcomers of Scythia began to be called Slavs, and a certain river, which fell into Ilmer, was called in the name of the wife of Slovenov Sheloni. In the name of the younger son of Slovenov Volkhovets, it was renamed the werewolf channel, which flows from the great Volkhov rivers and turns into it again. The greater son of this prince Sloven Volkhv is a demon and a sorcerer and fierce in people then, and creating many dreams with demonic contrivances, and transforming into the image of a fierce beast korkodil, and lying in that river Volkhov, the water path, and those who do not worship him are devoured, ovyh same profiling and drowning. For this sake, people, then unfamiliar, calling the accursed god and his Thunder, or Perun, rekosha, the thunder of Perun is called the Russian language. Put it, the accursed sorcerer, for the nightly dreams and gathering of the demonic city, a small town on a certain place, called Perynya, where the idol of Perunov stood. And the unfamiliar sorcerer will speak fables about this, speaking, transforming into the gods of the villages the accursed. Our Christian true word, with an unfalse test, is much-tested news of this accursed sorcerer and Volkhov, as if evil was broken and strangled from demons in the Volkhov River and by demonic dreams the accursed body was carried up the river Volkhov and cast out onto the bank against his Volkhov city, idea but now it is called Perynya. And with much weeping from the infidels, the accursed one was buried with the great feast of the filthy, and the grave was poured over him very high, as the custom is to eat filthy. And after three days of the accursed feast, the earth sagged and devoured the vile body of Korkodil, and his grave waking up with him into the depths of hell, even to this day, as they say, the sign of that pit is not filled. The other son of the Slovenes, the small Volkhovets, lives with his father in his great city of Slovenes. And the son of Zhilotug was born to Volkhovets, and the canal was named in his name Zhilotug, in it there is still a detesk in that utopia.

The other brother of the Slovenes Rus settled in the place of some distant Slovensk Velikago, like 50 stages from a salty student, and created a city between the two rivers, and called it Rusa in his name, and is still called Rusa Staraya. I called the river that existing one in the name of my wife Porusia, the other river Imenanov in the name of my daughter Polista. And many Slovenes and Rus have installed inii gradki. And from that time on, by the name of their princes and their cities, I began to call these people Slavs and Russ. From the creation of the world to the flood, 2242 years, and from the flood to the division of the language, 530 years, and from the division of the language to the beginning of the creation of Slovenian the Great, which is now Veliky Novgorod, 327 years. And all the years from the creation of the world to the beginning of the Slovenian 3099 years. Rus is also a Slovenian, living among themselves in great love, and prince tamo, and having taken possession of many countries of the local lands. So for them, their sons and grandchildren to the prince to their knees and piled on themselves eternal glory and many riches with their sword and bow. Possessing the northern countries, and throughout Pomorie, even to the limit of the Arctic Sea, and around the Yellow-shaped waters, and along the great rivers Pechera and Vym, and beyond the high and impassable stone mountains in the country, the Skyr River, along the great river Obve, and to the mouth of the Belovodnaya River, its water is white, like a milk. There, take the beasts on the way, recomago melon, that is, sable. I also go to the Egyptian countries to fight, and much courage is showing in the Hellenic and barbarian countries, great fear from these then lies.

Leaders in Slovenia during the time of Alexander the Great of Macedon. The most senior then in the Slovenes and Rusek were the princes of the former, they are also the names: the first Velikosan, the second Asan, the third Aveskhasan. These same byahu with courage and wisdom surpassed many. The whole universe was then the autocrat of the many-fortunate Alexander, the son of Philip of Macedon. About the above-mentioned Slovenes and Russ from all countries, the rumor is pitiful and the autocrat himself will thunder in the ears. The wise autocrat and the all-bright tsar began to think with his subjects: “What is to be done with these raw-eaters? Shall they take up arms with many and beat them up and subdue them into eternal work? But it’s inconvenient for this to be nothing greener for the sake of a long distance, empty and inconvenient sea waters and high mountains. But both sends many gifts to them and the scripture, adorned with all sorts of praises, and the tsar himself signed the writings with a high-power right hand with golden feathers. Scripture is named after the image of chintzes:

Epistle of Alexander the Great of Macedon.

“Alexander, the king of the king and the scourge of God over the kings, the presumptive knight, the owner of the whole world and everyone, even under the sun, a formidable ruler, a merciful savior to me that is obedient, a furious sword to the disobedient, fear of the whole world, honest over the honest, in far-reaching and to your unknown land, from our majesty, honor and peace and mercy to you and for you to the brave-hearted people of Slovenia, the richest knee of the Russian grand duke and owner from the Varangian Sea to the Khvalimsky Sea, to the brave and dear to me brave Velikosan, wise Asan, happy Avehasan, I congratulate you forever, as if I kindly kiss you face to face, I cordially accept as friends after my heart and the most honored subjects of our majesty, and I give this mercy to your dominion. If any people settle within the borders of your principality from the Varangian Sea and even to the Khvalim Sea, may they be subject to eternal work for you and your descendant, your foot will by no means enter into other limits. This meritorious deed is closed by this sheet of ours and signed by our tsarist high-power ruler and hung behind our natural sovereign gold-plated coat of arms. Given to your honesty for eternity in the place of our work in Great Alexandria, by the will of the great gods March and Jupiter, and the goddess Ververa, and Venus of the month of primos of the beginning day. And pinning the royal hands on top of the lines with golden-feathered letters is written to the sitse: “We are Alexander, the king of the king and over the kings of the scourge, the son of the great gods Jupiter and Venus in the sky, Zemstvo Philip, the strong king and queen of the Olympiad, our high-power ruler has established forever.” These are the princes of Slovene-Rustia, and such a high honor, having been honored from all that sovereign that autocrat, to accept this most honorable epistle honored Velma and obesish me in my goddess in the right country of the idol Veles and honestly worship her, and the holiday is honorable to the creators on the first day of the primos of the month ” .

According to these many summers that have passed, two princes, Laloch and Lachern, have risen from this kind in the language of Slovenia, and these packs fight the cup of the land of the Greek scepter. Come under the same reigning city and create a lot of evil and bloodshed to the scepter of the Greek kingdom. And the brave prince Lachern was killed near the sea under the reigning city, the place is still called Lachernovo, on it the monastery was honestly rewarded in the name of the Most Pure Mother of God, and then many countless Russian howls fell under the walls of the city. Prince Laloch, yazven velmi, with the rest, return to their own with much wealth. But living in filth is by no means, like cattle, not having a law. The Blessed Apostle Andrew the First-Called testifies to them in his walking, as if the filthy besha were not at all familiar then. In Sindereh, then, there were two brothers to the prince, one named Diyulel, and the other Didiyadakh, then their gods did not know the name of the prince because the bees had climbed on them and had built the top of the trees. In a little while, the righteous wrath of God sent to the land of Slovenia came, rotting people without number in all cities and towns, as if there was no one to bury the dead. The people who left the void for the sake of escaping from cities to distant lands, ovii to the White Waters, which is now called Belo Lake, ovii on the Tinn Lake, and called the whole, and in other countries and was nicknamed by various names. Ovii packs on the Dunav to his former family, returning to the old-timer countries.

The first desolation of Slovenska. And the great Slovenesk and Rusa were devastated to the end for many years, like a wild beast to dwell and be fruitful in them. At some time, the Slovenes and the sub-Yasha-Scythians of the Bulgarians came with them a lot, and they began to populate the cities of Slovenesk and Rusa. And the white Ugrians came to them, and fought them to the end, and dug up their castles, and laid the Slovenian land in final desolation.

The second desolation of Slovenska. After a lot of time of this desolation, the Scythian inhabitants hear about the fugitives of Slovenia about the lands of their forefathers, as if it lies empty and not taken care of by anyone, and about this zhalishasi velmi and began to think in themselves how they would inherit the land of their fathers. And packs came from the Danube, many of them without number, with them the Scythians and Bulgarians and foreigners went to the land of Slovene and Russian, and sedosha packs near Lake Ilmerya and renewed the city in a new place, from old Slovenian down the Volkhov, like a field and more, and called Novgorod the Great. And he appointed an elder and a prince from his own family in the name of Gostomysl. Similarly, you put Rusu in the old place, and you renovated many other cities. And each and every one of them spread out with his family across the breadth of the earth, and ovia gray-haired in the fields and swamped the clearing, that is, Poles, ovi Polochans of the river for the sake of Polota, ovi mazovshan, ovi zhmutyanya, and other buzhans along the river Bug, ovi dregovichi, ovi krivichi, ovi chud , ini Merya, ini the Drevlyans, and inii Morava, Serbs, Bulgarians of the same generation, and inii the north, and inii lopi, and inii zhn Mordovians, and inii the same murama, and in various names I was nicknamed.

And so the country began to expand, it is great, but by the common name it is nicknamed. The son of the oldest prince of Novgorod, Gostomysl, called the young Sloven, this departed from his father to Chud and there put a city in your name over the river in the place called Khodnitsa, and named the city the name Slovenesk, and reigned in it for three years, and died. His son Izbor, this prename the name of his city and called Izborsk. This same prince Izbor died like a serpent. The Russian land then threw off the robes of mourning and put on packs in purple and fine linen, and besides, it was no longer a widow, lower than complaining, but packs for the same reason the children grew rich and rested for many years with the wise Gostomysl. When these people come into deep old age and can no longer reason, lower than to own such numerous peoples, lower to calm down the many rebellious internecine bloodshed in their kind, then he is wise, gray-haired in mind and hair, calls to himself all the rulers of Russia, and Izh under him , and he spoke to them with a grinning face: “O husband and brother, sons of a consanguineous woman, now I have already grown old, my strength is disappearing and my mind is retreating, but only death. And now I see that our land is good and abundant with all the good, but not to have a ruler of power from the royal family. For this reason, the rebellion in you is great and unquenchable, and the internecine strife of evil. I pray you, listen to my advice, like a river to you. After my death, go across the sea to the Prussian land and pray there to the autocrats living there, even give birth to Caesar Augustus, the blood of the real, let the princes come to you and rule over you, there is no shame for you to submit to such and be in subjection to these being. And you will love all the speech of the elders, and when this one dies, then honestly spend all the hail to the grave, to the place called Volotovo, go and bury him. After the death of this Gostomysl, he sent his ambassadors to the Prussian land to the whole Russian land. They went and found there an elector or a great prince, by the name of Rurik, the kind of being August, and praying this, let there be a prince to them. And Prince Rurik was begged, and went to Rus' with his two brothers, with Truvor and with Sineus.

And gray-haired Rurik in Novegrad, and Sineus on Beleozero, and Struvor in Zborets. And in two years Sineus died, then Struvor, and Rurik was autocratic, over all the Russian land of sovereignty for 17 years. under the single yoke of a sovereign possessor. From this Rurik and from his kind, our autocracy will not only be abolished by him, but we will also be their servants. Then Rurik kill a certain brave Novgorodian named Vadim and many other Novgorodians and his advisers. Even then, the Novgorodians were wicked, but both according to their prophecy, moreover, by the grace of God, a noble perversion still reigns over them from Rurik's seed. As before, in wickedness, obeying them and before blessed Vladimir, they were also honored to know the existing God and enlighten the former with holy baptism and shine with piety, motionless and relentless, holding the faith of Christ and will certainly possess Vladimir's noble children and grandchildren in childbirth and childbirth.

Archaeological monuments, limited only to the Middle Ages, are informationally incomplete without taking into account the monuments of the Stone Age and subsequent eras.

Slovenian Great

Our Middle Ages are good. The epic depths of the fatherland are even better. And for a full understanding of history, they are extremely important for every Novgorodian. We must remember about Slovensk the Great - the epic ancestor of Novgorod the Great.

People who knew how to speak well (who also had a strong oral memory) lived in villages on the lands at the source of the Volkhov from Ilmen in the Paleolithic (presumably) and the Mesolithic. Then in the Neolithic (exactly) and the Eneolithic, in antiquity and the Middle Ages, in modern times and in the current latest. Kolomtsy, Rakomo, Peryn, Forgive me, even Rurikovo Settlement - all this and traces of the residence of our fellow countrymen 6 - 5 thousand years ago.

Slavs, Balts, Germans, Finno-Ugric peoples or any other peoples were the first to inhabit the region - the issue is still debatable. Ptolemy in the district of the Rip mountains (now part of the Valdai Mountains) about 19 centuries ago called quite specific ethnic groups. They should also be indicated, which was done by late antique and early medieval authors. Rip indicated Agathyrs, Aorses, Kareots, Alans, Borusks, Stavans ...

The Nervii, partly included in the Don Huns, then reminded of themselves at least by the Nerevsky end of Veliky Novgorod.

The legend about Slovensk (or Slovene and Ruse) should remain basic in the historical education of the inhabitants of Novgorod and the region. Archaeological monuments, limited only to the Middle Ages, are informationally incomplete without taking into account the monuments of the Stone Age and subsequent eras. It is impossible to talk about the origins of the Slavic languages ​​without knowledge of the works of S. B. Bernstein, O. N. Trubachev and other Slavic scholars, with access to the works of Academician A. A. Zaliznyak.

Legends of Slaven and Rus

Domestic literary texts in ancient Greek and other transmissions are known long before our era. The epics of different peoples long before our era are filled with ethnegenetic legends. Almost 25 centuries ago, Herodotus retold the legend of the origin of the Skolots (Scythians), who themselves led their ancestors from Zeus (a bull-tour) and a mermaid (Borisfen's daughter: the Dnieper). Then the father of history cited "The Tale of the War of the Cimmerian Kings and People", "The Tale of the War of Scythia with Darius the Great" and other works of the northerners.

Unfortunately, these texts seem to exist in "reverse translations". Educated northerners successfully used Greek and Latin. The Sea of ​​Azov and the Northern Black Sea region gave archaeologists thousands of evidence of ancient writing. They are summarized in the Corpus of Bosporan Inscriptions (1965) and other similar publications. There is a lot of evidence of the ancient writing of the ancestors-countrymen of the Russians.

Almost 21 centuries ago, Diodorus Siculus, based on local Scythian legends, gave new versions of the legend about the origin of the Scythians, where the Scythian bets Pal and Nap appear. Their descendants "subjugated a vast country" from the Don to Thrace (Bulgaria) and from the Caucasus "spread their dominion to the Egyptian Nile River" (VDI. 1947. No. 4. P. 250). There are other interesting texts as well. For example, about the walks of the Apostle Andrew through the lands of the future Rus' (almost 20 centuries ago, records about 10-12 centuries ago).

At the beginning of the Middle Ages, legends appeared about the origin of the Huns from the Don witches and evil spirits (16 centuries ago), about the Azov king Kubrat and his sons, including Boyan. They are known from Byzantine and other sources from the 6th-8th centuries. n. e. (Collection of the oldest written news about the Slavs. T. II. M., 1995. S. 229, 275, 277; note.).

These domestic texts continue with the annalistic tradition of describing “Slovenes” and “Rus” (literally opposed to each other). Fragments of these traditions are visible when mentioning the first post-Flood time, the events of 862, 898, 907 and some other years. Traditions are reflected in Arabic and some other sources. Here is a translation of the Persian "Collected Histories" of 1126:

“... And the Slav came to Rus to settle there. Rus answered him that this place is cramped (for the two of us). The same answer was given by Kimari and Khazar. A quarrel and a battle began between them, and the Slav fled and reached the place where the land of the Slavs is now. Then he said: “I will settle here and easily take revenge on them (the plot is similar to the plots about the sons of Kubrat).

(Slavs) make dwellings underground, so that the hotod that happens above does not get them. And he (Slav) ordered that they bring a lot of firewood, stones and coal, and these stones were thrown into the fire and water was poured on them until steam went out and it became warm under the ground. And now they do the same in winter. And that land is plentiful. And they do a lot of trade ... ".

Similar motives for humiliating the Skolots (Scythians) are known in the versions of Diodorus and Herodotus. The description of the northern steam baths goes back to the time of Herodotus, which, understandably, has changed over the centuries. The baths of the Novgorodians are well reflected in the legend of the Apostle Andrew, the baths of the Slavs were mentioned by sources at the beginning of the Middle Ages, already in the time of Attila of Priazov more than 15 centuries ago.

Unfortunately, the “purely Russian texts” of the legend about Slovene and Rus (although there are more than a hundred of these texts) have survived mainly from the 17th century. They are Christianized, usually portraying the Scythian princes Sloven and Rus as brothers. But it is worth noting - older by a century or more, for example, records of Russian epics.

It is curious that there are still no relatively complete translations of the legend into modern Russian, the inclusion of this fundamental legend in anthologies and school courses of Russian literature, history, Novgorod, etc. Let's give a translation:

“The beginning of Slovenska, which is now called Veliky Novgorod.

In the year from the creation of the world 2244 (3264 BC), in the second year after the flood, Noah the righteous - our forefather, the second ancestor (after God or Adam), divided the whole universe to his three sons: Shem, Ham and Afet . But he refused to bless Ham, who made fun of the nakedness of his sleeping father... He blessed Shem and his son Arfaxad to settle Canaan (in the Middle Ages, the Semites called the Russians "Canaanites"). Aphetu, by the blessing of Noah, departed the western and northern countries even before midnight.

Years later, the great-grandchildren of Afet - Scythian (according to the Bible: Askenaz, son of Homer, grandson of Afet) and Zardan - separated from their brethren and their family in Western countries (the reverse wave of Indo-European migrations is reflected). Touched the midday (southern) countries. And they settled near Exenopont (Black Sea). They lived there for many years, and sons and grandsons were born from them. They multiplied greatly and were called by the name of their great-grandfather Scythian. After all, Scythia the Great was nicknamed from Scythian, the great-grandson of Afetov.

And strife and civil strife arose between them, a lot of sedition because of the tightness of the villages and the lack of land. Then Rus, Sloven, Bolgar, Koman, Ister and their relative Meshekh reigned. Of these tribes, the kagan Syroyadets (androphage-cannibal in Herodotus) was a degenerate.

The Scythian princes Sloven and Rus excelled everyone in the local clans in wisdom and courage. They began to meditate wisely with their subjects. And said this:

“Or is it only the whole universe that is under us now? Is it really not in the lot of our forefather Afet another part of the good earth and pleasing to human settlement? We heard from our fathers how our forefather Noah blessed our great-grandfather Afet with the land of all the western and northern and midnight winds. And now, brothers and friends, listen to our advice. Let us leave far from us the enmity and disagreement that are created in us because of the tightness. Let us move up and leave this land. Let's go through the universe of the light of existence, into the lot of our great-grandfathers (a hint at the possibility of the initial settlement of their ancestors and the northern lands). Wherever the happiness and blessing of our forefather Aphet will lead us, he will give us a fertile land for us and our descendants to inhabit.

Lyuba was the speech of this Slovena and Rusa to all their people. And all, as one, decided: "The good advice of our princes, their speech is good, and wise instructions are pleasing."

And in the summer of the creation of the world 3099 (2409 BC), Sloven and Rus with their families separated from Exinopont and left their families and brothers. They went around the countries of the universe, like many sharp-winged eagles flew over the deserts. They were looking for favorable lands for settlement. In many places they fell asleep with a dream of a happy land, but nowhere did they find peace in their hearts.

Fourteen years (not 40, like Moses) went around the uninhabited countries. Finally (in 2395), they came to the great lake, which the brothers called Moisko, and then Ilmer - in the name of their sister Irmeri. Magi commanded them to be residents of these places. The elder brother Sloven, with his family and subjects, settled near the river, named Mutnaya, and then Volkhov. They erected a city and named it after the prince - Slovensk the Great. He got up one and a half fields (versts) from the source of the river from the lake. Then much later it was called Novgorod the Great.

And from that time, the newcomers, the Scythians, began to be called Slavs. And now they are called Slavs, although before there were Scythians (chipped).

A certain river that flowed into Ilmer was called Shelon - in the name of Sloven's wife. The river flowing out - Volkhov, in the name of the eldest son. The youngest son, Volkhovets, gave the name to the Volkhov sleeve. And three centuries earlier, one of the distant rivers in honor of Mosokh was named Moscow. Mosokh then renamed Scythia into Muscovy ...

Volkhov was a demon and a fierce sorcerer. With demonic tricks, he took on the image of a fierce beast (kitovras), even a crocodile. He lay down in the river and devoured the disobedient to him, and dragged others into the water and drowned.

Under the sorcerers, people called all the accursed being 6ogs. They honored Grom or Perun (the cult can be traced to the depths of the Mesolithic). The accursed sorcerers Volkhov, for the sake of night dreams and demonic gatherings (the Scythians in the 5th century BC also accused Tsar Skil of this), set up a small town with the idol of Perun. The ignoramuses praised the Magus and his idols as gods.

Our Christian true word is stronger. The accursed sorcerer was defeated and strangled in the river by the demons themselves. With demonic spells, his body was carried up the Volkhov, washed ashore near the town of Perynya (the variant of the reverse flow of the Volkhov was also played out in Christian legends). The ignorant with great lamentation buried the accursed one and celebrated a great feast in the trash. Ilo, filthy customs were also filled with a high grave (the rite has been known to Indo-Europeans for about 5 thousand years). But three days after the feast, the earth sank and devoured the beast. His grave fell with him to the bottom of hell. A bottomless, unfillable pit is a sign of his grave (probable manifestations of the Priilmenye karst).

Volkhovets lived in the city of his father. He had his son Zhilodukh, who drowned in the canal, which was his name.

Rus, Sloven's brother, settled fifty stades (more precisely, versts) from Slovensk near Salt Student (source of salt). Created hail between two rivers. He called him by his own name - Rusa, which is now called Rusa Staraya. He named one river in the name of his wife - Porusya. Another in the name of her daughter - Polist. And many other towns put Sloven and Rus. And from that time on the names of their princes and cities began to be called people Slavs and Russ.

From the creation of the world to the flood of 2242, from the flood to the separation of languages ​​- 530 years, from the separation of languages ​​​​to the beginning of Slovensk and Rusa - 327 years. A total of 3099 years comes out (2409 BC, 14 years of walking are not taken into account; there are similar errors in the annals).

Sloven and Rus lived among themselves in love and reigned there, but in the local area they took possession of many countries. Their sons and grandsons sent from them to reign according to their tribes. They gained eternal glory, many riches with their sword and bow. They possessed the northern countries throughout the sea, even to the limits of the Arctic Ocean. They had lands around the Yellow-shaped waters and the Green-shaped waters. And along the great rivers Pechera and Vyma. And behind the high and impassable mountains in the country called Skir. And along the great river Ob and to the mouth of the White River. Its water is white as milk. There they took animals expensive in furs, especially sables (an assessment of the reality of the plot in the book by I.Ya. Froyanov "Rebellious Novgorod").

They also went to the Egyptian countries to fight, and showed a lot of courage in the Jerusalem and Barbarian countries, instilled great fear (this is confirmed by ancient legends about Plin and Skolopit, Pal and Napa, and other northern heroes).

In the time of Alexander, the king of Macedon, Velikosan, Asan and Aveskhan reigned among the Slovenes and Rus. They surpassed many in courage and wisdom. Alexander, son of Philip of Macedon, was the autocrat of the entire universe. But about Slovenes and Russians in all countries complained to him. The wise autocrat and all-bright king began to meditate with his subjects. He said: “What should be done with these raw-eaters (cannibals, etc.)? Is it possible to take up arms with a large army and smash, subdue into eternal work? But very long journeys, inconvenient seas for hiking and high mountains interfere ... ".

I thought. And instead of the troops, he sent many gifts to the princes of the Slovene-Russians, writings decorated with all sorts of praises and the king himself a golden letter, signed by a high-power right hand. The message of Alexander the Great read (variants of the letter are known about 9-10 centuries ago):

“Alexander is the king of kings and the scourge of God over the kings, the owner of the whole world and the formidable ruler of all under the sun, to the rebellious furious sword, the fear of the whole world, the most honest over the most honest.

In your distant and unknown land from our majesty, honor and peace and mercy to you and for you to the brave-hearted people of Slorensky, the most glorious and noble Russian tribe, princes and owners of lands from the Varangian Sea to the Khvalynsky Sea (Caspian).

Bold and dear to my brave Velikosan, wise Asan and lucky Aveskhan.

Forever congratulations, heartily kiss your faces. I welcome you as my hearty friends. And this grace I grant to your dominion. If any nation settles within the borders of your principality from the Varangian Sea to the Khvalynsky Sea, let it be for you and the offspring of your kind to be subject to eternal work. But your foot will by no means enter into other limits.

This meritorious deed is confirmed by our signs, signed by the tsarist high-power rule and sealed by our state gold-forged coat of arms-seal. Given to your honor in eternity from great Alexandria, by the will of the great gods Mars and Jupiter and the goddesses Minerva (Athena - Sophia) and Venus, the month of primos of the beginning day (the period of Shrovetide).

Over the lines of the golden-feathered writings is attributed in the royal hand:

“Alexander is the king of kings and a scourge over the kings, the son of the great gods Jupiter and Venus in the sky, and on the land of Philip the strong king and Queen Olympiad, I forever affirm our high-power ruler.” (Sedov. Slavs... (1994), p. 51, 47, 9, 10, 13, 15).

These Slovene-Russian princes, bestowed with great honor from the all-powerful autocrat, greatly revered this most honorable epistolium. They hung her in their shrine on the right side of the idol of Veles and honestly worshiped her, annually celebrating the initial day of the primos of the month (the shrine of the "Altars of Alexander" near the Rip Mountains was indicated by ancient science).

Many years later. Princes Laloch and Alakhern appeared from the kind of pagan Slavs (the Alaric near Azov took Rome in 410). They began to quarrel with the possessions of the Greek land. They reached Tsargrad itself. Much evil and bloodshed was done to the scepter of the Greek kingdom. The brave prince Alakhern, under the reigning city, was killed by the sea. The place is now called Lachernovo. On it the monastery was honestly erected in the name of the Most Pure Mother of God. Many Russian soldiers then fell under the walls of the city.

Prince Laloh (or Lah), having received many wounds, was able to return with the remaining soldiers, having a lot of wealth. But they continued to live filthy, like cattle, they had no law. Andrew the First-Called also testified to them by his walking.

In Sindik (Anapa) then reigned two brothers. One name is Valadak. To another, Sindirekh. Their pagan gods were then blamed for the fact that wild bees arranged their boards (beehives) in wooden idols.

Then the righteous wrath of God came to the Slavic land. People died out in all cities and towns, and there was no one to bury the dead. The last of the remaining fled to distant lands (this period of 15-17 centuries ago, indeed, is poor archaeologically near Novgorod) to White Waters, which is now called White Lake. On Lake Talnoe, which is called Vagi. And in other countries, getting different names. Even on the Danube, they returned to their former families in the old-timers countries (there is already a lot of archaeological evidence for this).

Great Slovensk and Rusa were completely empty for many years. Wild animals inhabited them and bred in them. After some time, the Slavs came from the Danube, raising with them a lot of Scythians and Bulgarians, and began to inhabit the cities of Slovensk and Rusa again. And the White Ugrians attacked them, fought them to the end, and razed the castles to the ground.

Slovenian land lay in complete desolation. It's been a long time. The Scythian inhabitants heard about the Slovenian fugitives and about the land of their great-grandfathers, which lay empty and was not guarded by anyone. They were very sad about that. They began to think about how to inherit their fatherland.

And from the Danube many of them without number went, with them Scythians, and Bulgarians, and foreigners. They came to the land of Slovenian and Russian, sat down by Lake Irmerya. They called Novgorod that they put down the Volkhov from the place of old Slovenska. Great. They elected the oldest (archon) prince from his family named Gostomysl. Then Rusa was put in the old place. And many other cities have been updated.

And each with his own family dispersed across the latitudes of the earth. Some settled in the fields and were called glades, now Poles. Other polo-chans - along the Polota River ...

So the great country began to revive and expand. The son of the oldest prince of Novgorod Gostomysl was called Young Sloven. He left his father for Chud and built there the holy city of Slovensk over the river in the place, the naritsasm of Khodnitsa. He reigned there for three years and then died. His son Izbor (the Aspar family was famous in Byzantium more than 15 centuries ago) renamed the city Izborsk. But he was bitten by a snake and died.

The Russian land threw off the veil of lamentation, began to look for heirs to the prince, who could be clothed in purple. For many years she got used to the wise Gostomysl.

Gostomysl reached a ripe old age and could no longer reason sensibly. He did not rule over numerous nations and could not avoid many rebellious bloodsheds in his generation. And then this wise man, gray-haired in mind and hair, called to himself all the Russian rulers who still obeyed him, and said with a mournful face:

“Oh, men, brothers, sons, consanguineous! I am already very old, my fortress is disappearing, my mind is retreating, only death awaits. But I see how our land is good and abundant in every good. But he does not have a sovereign and a sovereign from the royal family. Because of this, the rebellion among you is great and not comforting, the internecine strife of evil. I beg you already, listen to my advice.

After my death, go to the sea to the Prussian land and pray to the autocrats living there that from the kind of Caesar Augustus they are bloodlines to him (the version about the origin of Russian rulers from Roman ones is known more than 5 centuries ago). Yes, let them come to you to reign and rule over you. And you will not be ashamed to submit to them and be their subjects.”

And they loved all the speech of the elder. And when he died, then the whole city was escorted to the grave. To the place called Volotovo, where they buried him (the Volotov hills were torn down by careless excavations in the 19th century).

After the death of Gostomysl, the whole Russian land sent ambassadors to the Prussian land. They found a great prince there, named Rurik from the family of Augustus. And they begged him to go to Rus' to reign. Prince Rurik agreed. And he went to Rus' with his two brothers Truvor and Sineus .. (Here the story-legend turns into well-known chronicle information).

(Complete collection of Russian chronicles. T. 27. Nikanorov Chronicle. M.-L., 1962. S. 137-141, 3-4; Traditions of the Russian Primary Chronicle. Applications of F. Gilyarov. M 1878. S. 15-29 ; Sto Novgorod villages, issue 3. Novgorod, 1991, pp. 139-145; issue 5. H 1993, pp. 165-174; RdR, issue VIII, p. 44; etc.).

Anniversary of Velicegrad

Obviously, the popular texts of the 15th-18th centuries are trying to reconcile the late medieval "Westerners" and "Slavophiles", but still in favor of the "Westerners". As a result, the texts urged not to be afraid of outside power, since worthy candidates are usually not found at home. These brief "historical detective stories" from the time of the first Romanov tsars partly prepared public opinion for the transformations of Peter I.

Lists of the 17th century. summarize the ideas of millennia, traces of very ancient eras are revealed in the texts. Herodotus attributed the appearance of the Scythian king Arpoksai and his brothers to the 2nd millennium BC. e. According to the Bible, Arfaxad is the third son of Shem after Elam and Assur (Assyrian). The Volga, according to the annals, flows precisely to the countries of the Sim. Arfaxad had a son, Salu (Salo), and a grandson, Eber. Eber had two sons, Peleg and Joktan. Peleg had a son, Rahab, who was the great-grandfather of Terah, Abram's father. Christian sources IV-V centuries. n. e claimed that in the III millennium BC. e. Peleg and Raghav went to Scythia, and the doctrine that arose, "Scythianism" (wandering), became one of the first philosophical teachings on earth. Scythian philosophers were well known in antiquity: Zamolksis, Toksaris, Anacharsis, Abaris... They are mentioned by Herodotus.

Russian chronicles for the times of Joktan and Peleg - period around 2650 BC. e. - indicate the participation of "Narets hedgehogs are Slovenes" among the 72 peoples in the construction of the Tower of Babel. From there, the Slavs after a long time moved to the Danube, where the Hungarian and Bulgarian lands then arose. The story-legend about Slovenia and Rus, their descendants, specifies that Arfaxad already inhabited the lands of Canaan. Therefore, these lands were not alien to the descendants of Abraham. According to ancient sources, the Scythians were considered to be older than the Egyptians, they achieved dominance in Europe and Asia even before the flood - in 3553 BC. e. Their 1,500-year domination in Asia allegedly ended in 2054 by the Assyrian king Panin (Nin). So the domestic (Scythian) statehood in 2002 is 5555 years old and it turns out.

Taking into account archaeological, anthropological, linguistic and other data, the appearance of the first Indo-Europeans near Ilmen in the III millennium BC. e., and even earlier, it is quite likely. There are no absolute contraindications to the essence of the epic version. The Indo-Europeans included the linguistic ancestors of the Slovene-Russians. Therefore, as even a school history textbook notes, “in all these observations, the chronicler was not far from the truth” (Sakharov A. N., Buganov V. I. History of Russia from ancient times to the end of the 17th century. M., 1995. P. 16 , 31).

The chronicle legend keeps the memory of the initial times of Indo-Europeanism, the heirs of Japhet (Yaphet, Aphet). It can be used in the sum of the sources as evidence of the real depths of the history of the ancestors of the Slovene-Russians.

Meshekh, Ister (Danube), Koman, Rus - ancient names. Rusa - this is how the kings of Urargu proudly called themselves 28-26 centuries ago. Slovenians and Bulgarians are known only 15-14 centuries ago. However, the self-name of the Scythians was "chipped", and instead of the Bulgarians BC there are "bastarny" (batarny, etc.), according to the Joachim Chronicle - "sons of Slovene". The lists included a set of medieval ononyms.

Based on ceramics and other finds, steady egresses of the population from the Black Sea to the north have been recorded since the 5th-4th millennium BC. e. Sloven and Rus completely fall into one of the waves of resettlement. Lake Moisko is named after Moses (“taken from the water”). Mut-naya - the Egyptian goddess Mut, the queen of darkness and night, the wife of Ra (in antiquity, the Volga also had the name Ra). There are other interesting groups of consonances.

In the collections of "Novgorodik" the reader will find additional explanations and details. The epic prince Rus now always appears at city celebrations in Staraya Russa. I am convinced that the epic prince Sloven would not spoil the city celebrations of Novgorod either. Yes, and would allow the townspeople to be attentive to the very first pages of their native history.

In the days of ancient Egypt and Sumer, they already knew how to count time and distance. So the appearance of numbers in the legend should not irritate, since the Bible is full and radiant with numbers. Il-mer - "God's measure", intertribal cult center. According to the epic of the Greeks, the hero of the Trojan War, Ialmen, controlled the lands from the lower reaches of the Don and above. Shelon resembles Gelon, the brother of Scythian (according to the variants of the ancient epic) and the city of Gelon. Linguists see the development of ononyms such as Volkhov and Moscow since ancient times. The cult of Perun is recorded by archaeologists at a depth of five millennia. Porus and Polist have very ancient roots.

The bow appeared in the Mesolithic. Bronze swords - in the Eneolithic They could gain fame and fortune from the 3rd millennium BC. e., which - for example - is shown by the Fatyanovo archaeological culture and those close to it (The Bronze Age of the forest belt of the USSR. M., 1987. S. 10-105).

Attempts by the troops of Alexander the Great to break through to the north are known in 336, 331 and 329. Asander (almost Asan), the son of Philota, was appointed the Macedonian ruler of Lydia, which from the 7th century. BC e. had multiple connections with Scythia. There is a huge ancient literature about the relationship between the king-god and the peoples of Scythia, continued by Russian medieval novels about Alexander, "Alexandria". (About bastarns - Sedov. 1994, p. 218).

Alakhern - Alaric I, king of the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov, who went over to the service of Theodosius the Great and took Rome in 410. He soon died in preparation for a campaign in Africa, and was buried in the bed of one of the rivers. And in 382, ​​Afanarich, one of the Scythian kings, was magnificently buried in Constantinople, which led to the mutual substitution of names and events in the legend. Lakh (Lakh) - a stable hero of the Slavic epic, more often the ancestor of the Poles.

The time of the Apostle Andrew and pagan customs are abundantly reflected in the annals. Sindika (Gorgippia, Anapa) is one of the centers of the Bosporus kingdom, the future Russian Tmutarakan (Ancient States of the Northern Black Sea Region. M., 1984. P. 82-84). There, archaeologists trace the transition from pagan rites to Christian ones. Names like Vologes and the like are known in antiquity.

The appearance of the White Ugrians in Russian chronicles dates back to the 6th-7th centuries. n. e. Election, Ispor. Aspar - according to other versions of the legend - a hero of the 4th-5th centuries, who brought up the future king of Scythia and Germany, Jaromir (Germanaric). The clan of Alan Aspar from Scythia fundamentally influenced the policies of three Byzantine emperors of the 5th century: Theodosius II the Lesser, Markian and Leo I.

According to the epic, Rurik is the son of Umila, the daughter of Gostomysl. The image of Gostomysl and his probable father Bravlin (Burevoy zdos) is now increasingly accepted by historians as real (I. Ya. Froyanov. Rebellious Novgorod. St. Petersburg .. 1992. S. 25-75) Novgorod had a community of Prussians. Details in the publications of the author.

Unlike the “Russian Vedas... Veles book” (M., 1992; and reprints), dozens of texts of the legend about Slovena and Rus undoubtedly belong to the 17th century, have been preserved and allow for all kinds of analysis. Their academic edition is long overdue. For the paternal self-awareness of Russians, their understanding of the real depths of Russian literature, the legend is of fundamental importance. It has a place in school lessons of history and literature, extracurricular activities, in the forms of circle work, etc., and in classes at universities. Veliky Novgorod should remember the epic Slovenian the Great.

And, for example, when celebrating the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg, the epic Slovenian Great (Velicegrad) can be celebrated, like Staraya Russa - 4400 years old. Derbent celebrated 5,000 years - and no one died from this. But the awareness of the real depth of the ancient history of Great Rus' was only strengthened by this. In the conditions of the information society, the possibilities of the Internet, no one can avoid the recognition of the epic depths of the past of the villages of Priilmenye.

As the glacier retreated, people came to Novgorod land 12-8 thousand years ago, speaking dialects of the Nostratic language (Voprosy istorii. 1995. No. 3, p. 79-89; DGSNO, issue II, p. 1, 2, 4 , 6, 16, 17, 19, 30-33; see: literature in the indicated works). 7-5 thousand years ago, these dialects became the languages ​​of the Finno-Ugric peoples and Indo-Europeans, and the future Slavs, Germans and Balts gradually emerged from the latter (The Bronze Age of the forest zone of the USSR. M .: Nauka, 1987, p. 7, 10-105; versions about linguistic affiliation: pp. 24-28, 37, 42, 57, 75, etc.).

The ancestors of the Slavs - along with the Finno-Ugric peoples and the Balts - between the Baltic, the Volga and the Dnieper since the Mesolithic, undoubtedly, were. One can refer to the works of Georgiev, Bryusov and scientists close to them (p. 75), although anti-Slavic (and eventually anti-Indo-European) versions may also dominate. Already from the III millennium BC. e. in this region, various “Cord Ware cultures” manifested themselves, which “played a decisive role in the ethnogenesis of the Slavs, Balts and Germans as their common basis” (Bronze Age of the forest belt ..., p. 37). Relatively speaking, Sloven and Rus to Moisko (Ilmen) leave in the middle of the III millennium BC. e. could. And their descendants had a chance to remember such an important event in the epic (see: legends about Slovenia, Rus, Borea). And in a language close to the future Slavic - such as ancient Greek, Illyrian, Venedian, Thracian ... (NV ENO, issue 1-2).

The probability of the existence among the Slavs, as well as among many other peoples, of memory from the Neolithic and even the Paleolithic is now recognized scientifically (Rybakov. Paganism of the ancient Slavs. 1994, p. 3-284: an abundance of literature and sources). Opponents of the appearance of the ancestors of the Slavs near Ilmen in the III millennium BC. e. and the probable closeness of their language to the future Slavic, let the data of this literature refute.

It is impossible to prove anything to the “anti-Proto-Slavs”, pro-Westerners - their position has a powerful ideological and material encouragement. Unfortunately, they dominate in science and the media, totally instilled and continue to instill in society views that, in fact, humiliate the ancient past of the Slovene-Russian ancestors. It is necessary to steadily know and propagate what these clans of scientists vehemently hush up and stubbornly refuse to admit. The writing of the Balts and Finno-Ugric peoples appeared later than the Slavic. And all the conjectures about the greater antiquity of the oral speech of the Finno-Ugric peoples and the Balts by Ilmen are eructations of pro-German comparative historical linguistics, which in many respects is becoming obsolete and has created unsolvable problems for itself.

Novgorod Rus did not arise on the lands of the Finno-Ugric peoples, Balts (Lithuanians, Prussians, Latvians) or other peoples ... Historians who prove the opposite and provoke corresponding historical claims (such as “Russians, get out of Finnish land”), at best, are too are fond of Finno-Ugric, Baltic and similar versions. But all scientists (and for a very long time) in the study of history are extremely far from absolute truth. In terms of information, it is criminal to make one version, albeit a dominant one, the basis of big politics. True, big politics is based on horrific crimes. Take the collapse of the USSR and the CMEA, the pogrom of Yugoslavia or the war in Chechnya ...

The Veneds (Proto-Slavs) controlled the coast of the Venedsky Gulf (the entire Eastern Baltic) from the 1st century BC. n. e., and according to some sources - even earlier. The Finns still call Russia Venyamaa, and the Russians - "Venelainen". At the beginning of the era, the Finns were a small people between the Vistula and the Neman, subject to the Wends. Tacitus noted their "striking savagery, miserable squalor" (lack of weapons, horses, permanent shelter over their heads: SNS, V, p. 193). If more developed cultures are traced in the district, such as Fatyanovo (from the 3rd millennium BC), then they are often referred to as the ancestors of the Indo-Europeans (NV ENO, I, pp. 12-15, 17, 22, 24, 29 ). The ancient humiliation of the Finns-Fenns also cannot be accepted as true, but historians should not ignore ancient data either.

Among the first post-glacial population of Novgorod Rus (Priilmenye and its environs) 12-10 thousand years ago, one can find the ancestors of all the ethnic groups living in this region today. "Nostratisms" (the oldest geographical names) have consonances in the ancient languages ​​of these ancestors. Each subsequent language family has justified rights to these "Nostratisms", close to the ancestors of Slovene-Russians.

Finnish writing was formed in the XV-XVI centuries, while the Slavic manifested itself from the IX-XI centuries. The most ancient written monument of the Finnish language was the Novgorod birch-bark charter No. 292 (period 1238-1268), where the Finnish language is rendered in Russian letters. Letter No. 403, a Russian-Finnish dictionary of several words (and again in Russian letters), is inferior to it by almost a century in time. Rus' (Venyamaa) for centuries contributed to the development of the Finno-Ugric peoples.

Anti-Russian linguists, who dominate in world linguistics, are not stopped by the facts of secondary writing of the Finno-Ugric peoples to the writing of Slovene-Russians. A version of the medieval runes is being worked out, but the runes were used by the Scandinavians and the Turks, the Germans and part of the Slavs. The facts are recorded approximately from the II-III centuries. n. e., while the population of southern Russia (including the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov) already from the 7th-5th centuries. BC e. used Greek writing (on the basis of Greek in the Middle Ages, the letter of the Slovene-Russians also developed; the Western Slavs and Finns later adopted Latin). There is clearly no primacy of the Finno-Ugric peoples.

And then comparative-historical linguistics turns on, referring the appearance of the languages ​​of the ancestors of the Finno-Ugric peoples from the Volga to the Urals to the 5th-3rd millennium BC. e. Here, non-specialists have to take the conclusions of linguists simply on faith, since no real evidence - except for agreements within the framework of scientific clans - can be found for such distant pre-literate periods for the Volga and Ural regions.

If we accept as true the version about the origin of the Finno-Ugric language at least to the east of the Volga (this version dominates), then the Finno-Ugric peoples in no way fall into the first population near the upper reaches of the Priilmenye rivers. Here, in the 5th-3rd millennia, there was already a population of its own, which had many ties with the southern regions of the country, including the Black Sea region and the North Caucasus. The Finno-Ugric peoples of the Priilmenye were also filtered, sometimes their communities reached a noticeable size, but for thousands of years they played their role in the northern communities of the ancestors of the Slovene-Russians. The epic about Slovene and Rus partly shows this.

Meta, Ilmen (Ilmer), Valdai and other names used as evidence of the “primacy” of the Finno-Ugric peoples on our land (in the region of the “Nostres”) belong to the Indo-Europeans to no lesser extent. And even epic evidence of this is much more: Mesta, Mistis, Ialmen, Al-dex, Belshasar ... Their written record of the 20-25th centuries, which the Finno-Ugric peoples do not know. (HB 1-2 ENO).

Let's pay attention to the bears of the Novgorod coat of arms - stable in symbolism indicates the depth of patterns. The bear cult, with ritual burials of bear skulls and paws, can be traced in the Northern Black Sea region and the Caucasus up to a hundred thousand years ago. As the glacier retreated, the cult also established itself in the future Novgorod land. B. A. Rybakov draws attention to the observations of V. S. Peredolsky that in the vicinity of Novgorod in the Neolithic layers, “finger bones of a bear’s paw buried in the same hole with human bones” were often found (Rybakov. Paganism of the ancient Slavs. 1994, p. 97 -102). There are abundant traces of the cult in subsequent cultures, up to authentically Slavic ones. The cult turned into the veneration of the god Veles-Beles, also known to medieval Novgorod.

Probably Veles, “Volos is the oldest of all Slavic deities, the roots of ideas about which go back to the bear cult of the Mousterian Neanderthals” (Rybakov., p. 107, 421-431). First of all, it was the Magi who served Veles. There are analogues of the cult among the Finno-Ugric peoples, the Balts and many other peoples. But not everyone left the image of a bear in their emblems, emphasized the Paleolithic depths of their memory.

The summary view of the Novgorod seal - the “fierce beast” (bear - etc.), the “veche degree” (throne, etc.), wands, staffs, Christian fish - belong to the 16th century. and associated with the Novgorod governors of Muscovy (Soboleva N.A. Russian prints. M .: Nauka, 1991, pp. 212-213, 220). But all the elements of the vault are known to the Sea of ​​Azov and the Northern Black Sea region long before our era, they are found on the Black Sea ancient coins. This set of symbols in the XVIII century. became the coat of arms of Novgorod and the province.

On September 27, 1995, the regional Duma adopted the regional law “On the coat of arms of the Novgorod region”, signed by M.M. The coat of arms can be placed on letterheads and seals of local authorities and enterprises, on buildings and official premises, at the entrance to the region, on the products of enterprises.

The historical coat of arms, in fact, personifies the subordination of the region to the central government of Russia (the imperial crown), the Christian faith (the ribbon of the Apostle Andrew and the fish of Jesus), the courage of the people (oak leaves). But the bears on the coat of arms still symbolize the struggle for power. The throne of Novgorod remains attractive for all subsequent power-hungry. But never gets busy for ages. Holmogardians are always free in power. This is the manifestation of the traditions of millennia.

The golden colors of the coat of arms usually symbolize the sun. Gold means power, strength, wealth, constancy, nobility, faith, justice, virtue, mercy, fidelity. This is a symbol of Ra - joy, birth, development.

The silver of the coat of arms is the moon. This is purity, truthfulness, innocence, nobility, frankness, purity, hope.

Blue color - the sign of Jupiter (Zeus) - honesty, chastity, fidelity, impeccability.

Red (symbol of Ra and Russ) - freedom, love, courage, courage, generosity, courage, fearlessness, power.

Black color (Melanchlen-Smolyan of antiquity) - fertile land and darkness of centuries - determines the contours and figures of the colored coat of arms, is the main one in the one-color version. The symbols of the eternal and dense forces of nature, bears, have this color - the color of darkness... Like the ancient Magi, they influence the new power.

In the ancient epic of many peoples, the earth itself rests on large fish. For Christians, fish symbolized Christ and his disciples, the ability to keep Christian secrets. To be "dumb as a fish".

Fish are also an echo of the symbolism of the ancient mountains of Rip, where there was a tower of the god of the north wind Boreas and a channel in which Argonauts passed long before our era. Ri-py even their name is consonant with our "fish". Fish also served as the basis of the wealth of the Novgorod merchant Sadko.

Oak wreaths replaced laurel wreaths for northerners. Oak trees keep their leaves until spring. With a cudgel (club) Russian heroes met uninvited guests. The northern symbol of fortress, heroism and courage is quite appropriate in the Novgorod coat of arms.

For the first time, an Orthodox priest laid the imperial crown on the head of the ruler in 457 in Tsargrad. The emperor was an ignorant commander Leo, who served our fellow countryman, Alan Aspar (Izbor of the Slovene-German epic). Aspar succeeded three Byzantine emperors - Theodosius the Younger, the grandson of Theodosius the Great. Another one of his warriors, Marcian. And then he appointed Leo I. He could have been emperor himself, but he did not want to break with paganism ... In the epic, Aspar has the name Ispor (Izbor). Allegedly, in memory of him, the city of Izborsk near Pskov arose, where in 862 one of the Rurik brothers went to reign.

So the northerners are not alien to the imperial crowns, close to the Monomakh's cap. The appearance of that hat conditionally repeats the Monument to the Millennium of Russia. Like the grandson of Yaroslav the Wise, Vladimir Monomakh, as it were, repeated the policy of his glorious grandfather. The symbolism of the Novgorod coat of arms can be devoted to a whole book, a lot of television programs. Of course, you should not replace real life with any of the most beautiful emblems. But it would be a big mistake not to know and not notice the official coats of arms of the city and the region at all. Starting at least with these mysterious two bears, central in the coats of arms.

But back to the Internet.

Here is the most popular version of the citation of the legend html

The legend of the beginning of Rus'

“The story of the beginning of the Russian land and the creation of Novgorod and where the family of Slavic princes comes from” came to us in manuscripts no earlier than the middle of the 17th century. However, the legend is known from the writings of the Western Slavs much earlier. We use her exposition tied to exact dates, made by the chronicler Isidore Snazin around 1683.


During the Flood, only the family of righteous Noah was saved. In the second year, as the water subsided, Noah bequeathed to his beloved son Afet to rule over all the western and northern countries. So far, there was no one to rule over. However, people again bred, became proud and even began to build a pillar in Babylonia - a tower to the very sky. God had to mix people's languages ​​so that they could not understand each other and become celestials.

130 years after the flood (according to the chronicler's calculations in 3135 BC), the son of Afet Mosoch came with his tribe from Babylon and settled the lands in the Northern Black Sea region and the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov. The great-grandchildren Afeta Scythian and Kazardan founded Great Scythia. Soon their descendants became so prolific that because of the tightness of the place, strife, civil strife and enmity began.

Sloven and Rus, as the wisest and bravest of the princes, were the first to understand that it was not good to live like that. “Is our earth,” they said, “is the whole universe already? Is there really no other land in the heritage of Afet, suitable for human settlement? After all, we heard from the fathers that Noah blessed Aphet with all the land of the western and northern winds! Now, brethren and friends, listen to our counsel. Let us leave the enmity because of crowding. Let's move on from this land, let's go around the world, inherited from our great-grandfathers, where happiness will lead us! Lyuba was the speech of princes to all people. And in 2409 Sloven and Rus with their relatives went away from the Black Sea. They walked through the countries of the universe, like winged eagles, flew over many deserts, looking for a place to settle. In many places they stopped and left them, finding no rest anywhere.

The princes traveled for 14 years until they reached Lake Moiska, which later became known as Ilmen-lake in honor of their sister Irmera. Here witchcraft commanded the travelers to stop. The elder prince Sloven, with his family and everyone who was at his hand, sat down on the river, which was then called Mutnaya - the consequences were marked Volkhov in the name of Sloven's eldest son - the Volkhva.

In 2395 BC. e. Prince Sloven built a city on the Volkhov River and named it after his name Slovensk. Since that time, the newcomers Scythians began to be called Slovenes. After all, they understood each other's words, unlike the Germans who did not know their language, i.e. wordless, mute. Then, having acquired fame all over the world, they got used to being called Slavs, as they are known to this day. Sloven's brother Rus settled at some distance from Slovensk, near Salty Student. Here he created a city between two rivers and named it Rusa. In his honor, the Slavs were also called Rus.

Having settled at Ilmen, the Slavs began to settle down and give names to everything. The river flowing into the Ilmen was named after Sloven's wife Sheloni. And the name of his youngest son Volkhovets was named Reverse - a channel that flows from the Volkhov River and returns to it again.

Magus, the eldest son of Slovenia, was known as a sorcerer. It was said that, pretending to be, for example, a fierce animal crocodile, he lay in wait on the Volkhov River for those who did not submit to him - he ate some, drowned others. People then thought: is it not the thunder god Perun himself who is embodied in the Magus? Indeed, the youngest son prayed to Perun, set up his idol not far from Slovensk, and built a temple around it - a temple. Here Volkhov liked to indulge in dreams and conjure at night.

They talk a lot about the magic that the Magus did, and about how he disappeared. Some say that the demons with whom he fought defeated the Perunov priest. Others believed that he defeated the evil spirit Volkhov - and got bored. Then, according to the epic, he gathered a squad and rushed straight to the kingdom of India: he destroyed the king there and the soldiers, and married the red maidens and wives for himself and his soldiers. Since then, the Slavs with the Indians are similar in temperament and language.

Sloven and Rus mastered the land and built cities, the legend says, but when other peoples were still in savagery and oblivion. Linking mythology and chronology, the chronicler sought to reinforce the idea of ​​his time about the deepest historical roots of the Russian state. Only a few hundred years after the events described above, in the narrative of Isidor Snazin, information about other peoples, gleaned from the Old Testament, appears.

By that time, Sloven and Rus, who lived among themselves in great love, had long since died. After them, sons and grandsons reigned, obtained great wealth with a sword and a bow. They owned the northern countries throughout Pomorie to the limits of the Arctic Ocean, lands along the rivers Pechera, Vym, Ob and beyond. There they took the Sable beast at a price. They also went to the Egyptian countries to fight, showed a lot of courage in the Jerusalem countries and instilled great fear in all the southern lands. In a word, they were not called Slavs for nothing. Alexander the Great himself confirmed this.

Golden letters

2000 years after the founding of Great Slovensk, legend says, the Macedonian king Alexander, the son of Philip, was the autocrat of the entire universe. When a rumor about the Slavs and Russians reached him, Alexander gathered his advisers and said: “What should be done with these barbarians - they will take up arms with many, beat them and subdue them into eternal slavery?”

The king spoke boldly, but such an undertaking seemed to him inconvenient because of the long journey, difficult sea waters and high mountains. But Alexander did not lose his head - that hour he sent rich gifts to the Slavs and inscribed a message with his own high-powered right hand in golden letters:

“Alexander, the king of kings and the scourge of God over kings, a glorious knight, the owner of the whole world and everything under the sun, a formidable ruler, a rebellious furious sword, an autocrat of the whole world - the most honest over the most honest in your distant and unknown land.

From our majesty, honor, peace and mercy to you and to you, the brave people of Slovenia. To the most glorious tribe, Russian princes and owners from the Varangian (Baltic) sea even to the Khvalynsky (Caspian) sea, my dear and dear, brave Velikosan, wise Asan, happy Aveskhan. I congratulate you forever, as if I kiss you face to face and cordially accept you as friends to my heart.

I give this mercy to your majesty: if any people settle within the boundaries of your principality from the Varangian Sea to the Khvalynsky Sea - may you and your family be subject to eternal slavery. But let not your foot enter any other limits.

This meritorious deed is certified by our sheet and signed by the royal high-power rule, and behind our natural state gold-forged coat of arms is given to your honesty forever in the city of our construction, in great Alexandria, by the will of the great gods Mars and Jupiter and the goddess Venus, the month of the first initial day.

The “Slavic-Russian princes”, who were honored to accept such a great honor from the autocrat, the legend says, this message was highly revered, they had fun in their goddess on the right side of the idol of Veles, the god of wealth, worshiping this charter, and they established a holiday in her honor on the first day of the first month.


Many centuries passed until the Slavs, comforted by the Slavic letter, again showed themselves. In 420, two brave princes of Novgorod fought under the very walls of Constantinople, and although one fell, the other returned home with much wealth. At the same time, a terrible plague devastated the Slavic land. Slovensk and Rusa were completely deserted, so that wild animals lived in the city and multiplied. Some people went to the north and east and called themselves all, others returned to the Danube.

As time passed, the Slavs came from the Danube, raising a lot of Scythians and Bulgarians with them, and they began to build those cities again, to inhabit Slovensk and Rusa. But the Huns attacked them, fought and destroyed the cities, completely devastated the Slovenian land.

A lot of time passed until the inhabitants of Scythia heard from the fugitives about the land of their forefathers, which lies empty and neglected. They regretted it very much and began to think about how to inherit the lands of their ancestors again? And again, countless multitudes of Slavs rose from the Danube, and with them Scythians, Bulgarians and foreigners. Slovena and Rus came to the land, sat down again near Lake Irmenya and renewed the city in a new place from the old Slovene down the Volkhov. They named him Novgorod the Great and made him the elder of Gostomysl. The city of Rusu was erected in the old place, therefore it is called Staraya Rusa. Many cities were built by people and widely settled on the earth. Some settled in the fields and called themselves a clearing, others - Polachians - along the Polota River, others - Mazovshans, fourth - Zhmutians, and others - Buzhans - along the Bug River. There were also Smolensk, Chud, Rostov, Drevlyans, Moravians, Serbs, Bulgarians, Northerners, Lop, Mordovians, Muroma. And everyone, the legend says, was called by his nickname.

The son of the oldest prince Gostomysl was called Young Sloven. He went to the lands of the Chud, there he built a city over the river in his name and, having reigned in it for three years, he died. His son Izbor changed the name of that city - to rivers in his honor Izborsk. The Russian land then prospered and for many years rested in peace with the wise Gostomysl.

When Gostomysl came to a ripe old age, he could no longer rule over such numerous peoples and calm the rebellious bloodshed of his kind, he called to himself the rulers of the Russians who were under his rule and with a smile said to them:

“Husbands, brothers and sons! I have become very old, my strength is disappearing and my mind is retreating, I am waiting only for death. I see that our land is good and abundant in everything, only it does not have a king from the royal family. Therefore, the rebellion is great and we will not calm down, and civil strife is evil. I beg you, listen to me and take the advice that I will give you. After my death, go across the seas to the Varangian land and ask the autocrats living there, who belong to the family of the Roman emperor Augustus himself, to come to reign with you. It’s not a shame to submit to you like that!” And everyone loved the speech of Gostomysl. When he died, they escorted him to a place called Volotovo Field, and there they buried him with honor. However, his advice was not fulfilled, indomitably hostile to each other. The tribe went to the tribe, city to city, prince to prince, and there was no agreement within the clans. So it passed, the chronicler calculated about 400 years.

Bogdanov A.P. History of Russia before Petrine times. Moscow. Bustard 1997

Repeated: htm

Or here is Demin V. N. Rus' to Rus' from 06/26/03 Article by V. N. Demin How old is the Russian land? Rus' to Rus'. html This article was published in Literary Russia weekly. 1999.? 47). In the appendix "The Tale of Slovena and Rus and the City of Slovensk" (from the Chronograph of 1679). Published according to the Complete Collection of Russian Chronicles. T. 31. L., 1977). Also published as an Appendix in the book: V.N. Demin. Rus' chronicle. M., 2002. The author used my (P.M. Zolina) title “Rus to Rus” (10 issues since 1990), initially referred to my works, but now, as it were, monopolizes the “foreign brand”. And yet, let's quote a doctor of philosophical sciences, who soundly delved into the essence of the problem:

“Ilya Glazunov’s programmatic painting “Eternal Russia”, which crowds of Muscovites and visitors once flocked to see, was originally called “One Hundred Centuries”. The term is counted from the alleged exodus of the ancient Aryans from their ancestral home, which was the beginning of the collapse of the primary ethnolinguistic community and the emergence of independent peoples and languages ​​(before, the language was common). The symbol of the former Motherland - the polar World Mountain, placed in the upper left corner, opens the visual row on Glazunov's composition.

But is it really a hundred centuries? Or is ten thousand years not the end of the long journey and the thorny history of the Slavic-Russian tribes and other peoples of the earth? After all, even Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov was inclined to agree with a completely different date, far beyond the borders of the most daring fantasy. Four hundred thousand years (more precisely - 399,000) - this is the beginning of the world history, as follows from the calculations of the Babylonian astronomers and the evidence of the Egyptians, recorded by ancient historians (1). According to the reconstructed Tale of Bygone Years, allegedly owned by Nestor, a monk of the Kiev Caves Monastery, the starting point of the initial Russian history is considered to be 862, associated with the calling of Rurik and his brothers to reign. It was from that time that it was customary to build a chronology of the Russian state for a long time. In 1862, the so-called 1000th anniversary of Russia was even celebrated, on the occasion of which an impressive monument was erected in Veliky Novgorod, designed by the sculptor Mikhail Mikeshin, which became almost a symbol of Russian statehood and monarchism.

However, there is another date in the Russian chronicles that is not recognized by official science. This is an ancient Russian work known as "The Tale of Slovene and Rus and the city of Slovensk" (see Appendix to this article) (2), included in many chronographs and annals. Since the 17th century, about a hundred copies of the literary monument have been known. It tells about the forefathers and leaders of the Russian and all Slavic people, who, after long wanderings around the world, appeared on the banks of the Volkhov and Lake Ilmen in the middle of the 3rd millennium BC (!), Founding the cities of Slovensk and Staraya Russa, from where they began military campaigns “on the Egyptian and other barbarian countries” (so it is said in the original source), where they instilled “great fear”. In the Legend, the exact date of the foundation of Slovensk the Great is also named - 2409 BC (or 3099 from the Creation of the world). Three thousand years later, after a double desolation, Novgorod was built on the site of the first capital of the Slovene-Russian state, which was called the “new city” because it was erected on the site of the old, previously existing one, and which also inherited from its predecessor and prefix - Great.

The subsequent history of Slovensk the Great and Rusa is lost in the mists of time. It is only known that Slovensk burned down, and Rusa still stands in the same place. However, there is no doubt that life in these centers of Russian nationality and statehood did not stop for a minute. This is eloquently evidenced at least by the fact of visiting these lands by the Apostle Andrew the First-Called, noted in all chronicles, who in the 1st century of the new era passed through the territory of modern Russia to Ladoga itself, blessed the Russian land and predicted a great future for it.


Zolin P.M. The legend of Slovenia and Rus // "Academy of Trinitarianism", M., El No. 77-6567, publ. 11067, 17.03. 2004

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