Fairy tale blue puppy. Audio fairy tale blue puppy listen online


"Blue Puppy", audio fairy tale. Musical Fairy tale by Yuri Entin; music by G. Gladkov; Host, puppy - A. Freindlich; Cat - A. Mironov; Pirate - M. Boyarsky; Sailor, sawfish - A. Gradsky; Director - E. Hamburg; Quartet "Smile"; Male quartet Instrumental ensemble "Melody" conducted by G. Garanyan; "Melody", 1977 year. Listen baby audio fairy tales And audiobooks mp3 in good quality online, for free and without registering on our website. The content of the audio fairy tale

We can say that the poet Yuri Entin and the composer Gennady Gladkov rushed to us on horseback on cheerful songs and fairy tales, as on dashing horses; joint work on the famous Bremen Town Musicians, witty, temperamental and ingenuous, immediately brought the authors the widest and most deserved success.

They have a lot in common and they complement each other very well. Y. Zntin is in love with the possibilities of the word, his poems are always witty in sound and already musical in themselves. He loves to "play" on the word, like on a musical instrument, in this sense he is a real virtuoso and juggler.

Oh, it's early
The guard is up!

G. Gladkov in his music, in unexpected decisions, in the arrangement of his works, has achieved such expressiveness that sometimes it seems that musical instruments are about to start talking and the music will turn into a living word. They are, as it were, halfway to each other and form a single whole. Both of them are united by common passions for everything cheerful, joyful, elegant, technically perfect. They seek their way in simplicity and clarity and arrive at depth and poetry.

Today, the fairy tale has given shelter to many genres. She became a haven for comedic eccentricities, bright entertainment, and festivity. Artists began to turn to the fairy tale, loving to boldly fantasize, to look for the incredible, striving to ensure that their works were similar not only to life, but at the same time, necessarily, to art. In fabulousness and festivity, in the fusion of music and plasticity, extraordinary opportunities were revealed for revealing poetic thought: from the most playful to the most complex.

"Blue Puppy" - another success of G. Gladkov and Y. Entin. Funny, unsophisticated and unpretentious adventures of the puppy itself, the pirate, the black cat and other heroes of the fairy tale turn into a high lyrical meaning: if there are blue puppies in the world (and this fact has become pure artistic truth among our authors), the dream of beauty and tenderness will live forever! ..

There is something else that distinguishes our authors from many others. They are always heard. And not at all because they shout louder than others, but because they have their own voice, speak clearly, and their speech always makes sense. Therefore, they are invariably accompanied by the most genuine and massive success with our viewer and listener.

The Blue Puppy disc has excellent performers: Alexander Gradsky, Andrey Mironov, Mikhail Boyarsky, and the magnificent Alisa Freindlikh, who accurately captured the poetry of a fairy tale and easily found harmony in her music and poetry. The blue puppy came to us from the same place where the famous musicians come from - from the city of Bremen, he followed his famous company and, we hope, will surely find a way to human hearts.

Rolan Bykov

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Audio fairy tale The Blue Puppy is a work by Gyula Urban. The story can be listened to online or downloaded. The audiobook "Blue Puppy" is presented in mp3 format.

Audio fairy tale Blue Puppy content:

The audio tale Blue Puppy appeared on the same island where animals lived - cats, dogs, birds and others.

All of them were the most ordinary, and only one puppy stood out among all with its strange appearance - it was blue. Of course, everyone laughed at him.

Then a cannon rumbled over the island - it was a pirate ship approaching. Everyone hid in their homes, but no one wanted to let the blue puppy in.

An evil pirate descended from the ship. At the last minute, the puppy was invited to his place by a black cat, who then betrayed him and gave him as a prisoner to the pirates. The ship of the villains went to sea, and soon a white schooner appeared in the distance - a good sailor was sailing on it.

The inhabitants of the island jumped out of their houses and began to complain to the sailor about the pirates, and the cat, feigning a sigh, told that the pirate had deprived him of his best friend. The sailor listened to him and decided to save the puppy by rushing after the pirate.

The pirate had an assistant - a sawfish, which the villain sent to saw through a white schooner. Before the ship went to the bottom, the cat moved to the pirate ship and together with the villain they caught the sailor with nets, threw him into the hold and began to celebrate the victory.

When the bandits fell asleep, the most crucial moment in our online audio fairy tale came - the puppy saved the sailor! Suddenly the cat woke up and a fierce battle began.

Of course, the sailor and the blue puppy won the victory! And all the inhabitants of the island began to be proud that an unusual puppy lives on their island.

Unusual audio tale The Blue Puppy is a musical production with bright songs and an exciting storyline. Voiced by professional actors.

Fairy tale blue puppy listen

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The exciting audio fairy tale Blue Puppy will appeal to children and parents. This is a story about hope and true friendship. You can listen to the Blue Puppy tale on this page online.

What does the fairy tale Blue Puppy teach

It is not easy to be a blue puppy when others look standard and do not take on an unusual appearance. The famous fairy tale by Yuri Entin tells about this. Incredible adventures, the clash of good and evil, the victory of good, friendly help - the Blue Puppy audio tale not only captivates, but also teaches important things:

  • Do not think badly of someone because of their dissimilar appearance. A non-standard appearance often hides a brave, kind, selfless personality.
  • Do not give up, even if you are different from everyone else and many do not want to be friends with you. There are true friends in this world for everyone.
  • Open up for new acquaintances, even if one day someone betrayed and greatly offended.
  • To the last look for a solution to the problem and not retreat without a fight.
  • Show courage in a situation where there is no one to help and you need to do everything yourself.
  • Be friends only with those who behave with dignity and do not harm others.
  • Believe that good always triumphs over evil.

You can listen to the Blue Puppy fairy tale at home and at school. Teachers can put it to their students, talking about such concepts as good, evil, friendship, betrayal, hope, courage, ingenuity. The plot is simple, but it is very similar to the stories that happen in life.

Audio Fairy Blue Puppy: a convenient form for getting to know the work

The story about the blue puppy exists in different forms: a poem, an animated film and an audio recording. The last option is great for different cases. The recording can be listened to on the road, before going to bed (so as not to be distracted by the screen), in the classroom, when it is inconvenient for all students to look at one large monitor. The audio fairy tale was voiced by the same artists as in the cartoon. Young listeners will get acquainted with the incomparable voices of Andrei Mironov, Mikhail Boyarsky, Alisa Freindlich, Alexander Gradsky.

The Blue Puppy can be listened to at almost any age. This is a wonderful fairy tale for children of preschool, school age, adults. It will appeal to listeners with its plot, voices, interesting memorable songs. The work is short - just over twenty minutes - so you can easily find time to listen and discuss the story with parents, friends, teachers.

We can say that the poet Yuri Entin and the composer Gennady Gladkov rushed to us on horseback on cheerful songs and fairy tales, as on dashing horses; joint work on the famous Bremen Town Musicians, witty, temperamental and ingenuous, immediately brought the authors the widest and most deserved success.
They have a lot in common and they complement each other very well. Y. Zntin is in love with the possibilities of the word, his poems are always witty in sound and already musical in themselves. He loves to "play" on the word, like on a musical instrument, in this sense he is a real virtuoso and juggler.
Oh, it's early
The guard is up!
G. Gladkov in his music, in unexpected decisions, in the arrangement of his works, has achieved such expressiveness that sometimes it seems that musical instruments are about to start talking and the music will turn into a living word. They are, as it were, halfway to each other and form a single whole. Both of them are united by common passions for everything cheerful, joyful, elegant, technically perfect. They seek their way in simplicity and clarity and arrive at depth and poetry.
Today, the fairy tale has given shelter to many genres. She became a haven for comedic eccentricities, bright entertainment, and festivity. Artists began to turn to the fairy tale, loving to boldly fantasize, to look for the incredible, striving to ensure that their works were similar not only to life, but at the same time, necessarily, to art. In fabulousness and festivity, in the fusion of music and plasticity, extraordinary opportunities were revealed for revealing poetic thought: from the most playful to the most complex.
"Blue Puppy" - another success of G. Gladkov and Y. Entin. Funny, unsophisticated and unpretentious adventures of the puppy itself, the pirate, the black cat and other heroes of the fairy tale turn into a high lyrical meaning: if there are blue puppies in the world (and this fact has become pure artistic truth among our authors), the dream of beauty and tenderness will live forever! ..
There is something else that distinguishes our authors from many others. They are always heard. And not at all because they shout louder than others, but because they have their own voice, speak clearly, and their speech always makes sense. Therefore, they are invariably accompanied by the most genuine and massive success with our viewer and listener.
The Blue Puppy disc has excellent performers: Alexander Gradsky, Andrey Mironov, Mikhail Boyarsky, and the magnificent Alisa Freindlikh, who accurately captured the poetry of a fairy tale and easily found harmony in her music and poetry. The blue puppy came to us from the same place where the famous musicians come from - from the city of Bremen, he followed his famous company and, we hope, will surely find a way to human hearts.
Rolan Bykov

blue puppy
(children's puppet show)
Crow, magpie, blue puppy, cat, pirate, sailor.
(The performance uses the songs of the disc “Blue Puppy with the participation of Mikhail Boyarsky)

1 part.
Against the background of trees, a crow flies and sings a song:
"I'm a crow, I'm a crow,
Karrr. I know how to croak loudly, I will clothe the whole island
Gossip all the per-r-r-grab,
Pr-r-ro of cats and about dogs,
Pr-r-ro quiet and bully.
I am a thief, I am a funnel
Kar-r-r-roar I can loudly.
(magpie appears)
"Oh! Magpie Long-tailed!
Hello, hello!
What are you carrying on
What's the news ma'am?
“Oh, hello Karlina Karlovna.
There is disturbing news. In the area of ​​\u200b\u200bour inhabited island
A pirate schooner appeared. Again this evil pirate will kidnap the one
Who can't hide.
“Evil pirate, vagabond, thief.
You have to fight back against him.
Unite all forces
And defeat the pirate.

Yes, what are you, what are you Karlina Karlovna! In addition to us, the mistresses of the sky, only dogs live on our island, and cats that live like cats with dogs. Yes, I almost forgot. That blue puppy again!
All dogs are like dogs: white, grey, black;
All cats are like cats, all birds are like birds, and this puppy is blue...
Where is it seen? Blue puppy.

Is it blue? It must be like this.
Yes, yes, blue, like our sea dear. And wherever he appears, children stop their games and fun. They don't want to play with this scarecrow. (Children's song is heard)
Yes, scarecrow. And now you hear all the puppies and kittens even composed a song about him. Hear. Apparently he reappeared. (sounds of the song grow) Against the background of the song, the crow and the magpie continue their conversation.
(song fades, screams, noise)

Soroka: Now they will beat his ears like last time and drive him away. So it is. Look, here the blue stuffed animal wanders (the sound of the puppy song starts to sound and grows)

We are flying from here Karlina Karlovna, to see this sight is not very pleasant.
(a puppy appears with a downcast head, the sound of the song grows.

Well, a cannon blast is heard. The island was in turmoil. A pirate ship appeared on the horizon. Everyone is hiding in their homes. The blue puppy is trying to hide in someone's house.

Let me in, don't close the door, open, open....
(a black cat emerges from its hole)

Come here puppy. You know me, a friend of puppies and dogs. I will save you from the evil pirate. With me you will find salvation and comfort, Blue Puppy. By the way, I will treat you to something delicious - a fresh fish, still almost completely alive. I caught it today on the seashore.

Is everything they say about black cats really true? Do they really bring bad luck? How everyone is mistaken. After all, for example, you are black, but you brought me salvation from an evil pirate. (the sound of the pirate's song grows)

A curtain.

The song continues and ends.

My faithful, faithful black cat
He will never let you down
A living gift is waiting for me
And it seems I came. Here!
(goes to the cat's hole and grabs the blue puppy)
Ha, ha! Gotcha blue
You will go to the schooner with me,
You will be a watchdog
You will be a chain dog now.
Thanks cat! And for the price
I will not stand, the price is behind me.

Oh! How is it, how is it?
With a cat, I suddenly got into trouble!
Oh! I don't want to be chained
Because I'm just blue.
(ship sails, music sounds)
Freedom is over.
Well, this cat, what a scoundrel.

(The cat comes out, looks at the sea, looks into the hall)
I hate all dogs
And this blue fool
Well, simpleton, well, bullshit
Let him always sit on the chain
I don't know failure
All because I'm a trickster
I have always loved my craft.
And even wrote a song
(cat sings a song)
But the pirate is generally a fool.
you believe it so
I'm friends with him for money.
I keep different connections.
I'm with a pirate - this is a gang
We did a lot of things
Lies, forgery and smuggling
Evil sat well.
And I have great joy
I did something stupid today.
Silly blue baby
You can't forbid living beautifully.
(looks at the horizon)
What is this white schooner
Does on the horizon.
Is this a seasoned sailor?
It didn't hurt to let him go to the bottom.
All of them simple sailors
The dodger is far from me.
Gotta play the fool, simpleton
Yes, cleverly deceive the sailor.

I will meet him on the boat
He won't know anything.

(The schooner leaves and disappears, and the helm appears on the scene, the cabin and the experienced sailor. The panorama of the island disappears)
(the sailor's song begins, the curtain closes and opens. The song continues. The song ends)
Yes! How beautiful it is to live in the world
And do good day and night.
There is nothing better in the world
Neither gold nor silver.
Kindness and honesty - brother and sister
The basis of friendship, I will not hide.
And it gives me strength
And leads to a joyful goal.
(takes binoculars, looks)
But what is crying and screaming
The brothers are not used to this.
They wave their hands and shout:
The pirate kidnapped the puppy.
And the boat is approaching with a cat.
Be careful out there
Cling on, catch the rope
(throws rope)
Mustachioed guest, I'm glad to see you.
Hello cat:
hello sailor
We're in trouble on the island
Misfortune, grief, yes, yes, yes!
Puppy kidnapped by an evil pirate
On a black and big schooner.
He is dearer to me than my brother
The most dearest friend
Look sailor - there she is
Like my fur is completely black
That is the schooner of a terrible pirate.
That carries a brother into the distance.

It's time to save! Forward, forward
A black cat is with me.
We will help the puppy in trouble
After all, good will win everywhere.
Yes…! That brutally evil pirate
He is happy to harm anyone.
(the cat gives signals to the pirate behind the back of the sailor)
We are chasing the black flag.
Catching up with a pirate is not a trifle.
But what is.? Miracles!
He raised the sails higher
And quickly he rushed forward
As if he knew our purpose.
But nothing. The ship is mine
Any brig will catch up with the sea.
(the second verse of the sailor's song sounds. The scenery changes
Can I do it again - what would be good to do this?)
(curtain closes, music pause)
The deck of a pirate ship.

Thank you faithful black cat.
How did he get on board?
Signaled me on time
Now Experienced lagged behind.
Caramba! What would you drown
And ended up among the sharks.
Experienced is my sworn enemy.
I remember from port fights
He always protected the weak
And he fed the poorest.
(looks at the horizon)
He catches up, how to be?
Will have to use the tool.
I will destroy all ships
I will reload all the money in the hold.
I'll plunder, I'll accumulate
And I will drown in the sea.
No! Better in a copper chest
I'll bury it in the attic.
Amba - caramba, hala, mahala.
Come quickly to me saw-fish.
(a sawfish appears, the song of a sawfish sounds)
Well, the tooth cutter appeared
With your muzzle only in the forest
I could cut everything
Yes, there is no time to joke now.
You see this schooner there
Cut in half.
Just don't rush
Let the cat escape first.
(again the song, a small piece and the sound of sawn wood)

So-so! Come on, come on!
Black cat jump do not yawn.
Caramba, amba, well done.
Hold the net, catch the end.
Hold sailor, grab
Wrap your hands tight
Tighten your legs tight
Will not tear out strong belts.

Caramba, amba, damn it
It is strong, like steel.

You are a black rogue and a scoundrel
Then drink on yourself.

He whines and mumbles something.
Pirate: (pushing a sailor into the hold)

Let the rats tickle your heels.
One day will blather
And then sell them into slavery.

We lock the hold.
On the key. Hang it on your side.
After the victorious defeat
A glass of rum would be nice.

Yes, I dreamed about him for a long time
Hold your dark glass
For our friendship we drink to the bottom
And sing the song of Satan.
About our friendship about pirate
And about our hellish work.
I love your voice
(pouring a glass, drinking)
Yes, sing black, I command.

Listen, okay the evil song
But you sing along with me.
(a song sounds, glasses clink, the snoring of a pirate and a cat is heard under the fading song)

(At this time, a puppy appears. He is trembling with fear)

The bandits are sleeping soundly
Cabin filled with wine
I see the treasured key
This key is my destiny
I have to save a friend
Carry the key to the hold.
I'll take the key to the hold
And I'll chew the belts.
(disappears in the hold and returns with the sailor)
You saved me, you are my good
Like the sky, the sea is blue
You gnawed through my straps
They rubbed my hands.

Get up soon!
Key.! Oh oh!
Caramba, amba is a fight.
Pistoli! Sabers naked.
Evil always helps us.
Well sailor, well sailor
Now you are on a barbecue
We will tear to pieces
Bypassing it, squeeze it in a vise.
(battle, sailor and puppy come out of it as winners)
(island. Crow and magpie)

I am a vorrron, I am a vorrron
I can croak loudly
I will clothe the whole island
I will intercept all gossip
About cats and dogs
About quiet and bully
Glory, glory to the blue
Glory to our puppy
He will help anyone in a moment,
How did he help the sailor.
(song appears)

Mustachioed Pirate Defeated
Together with the vile dodger
And on the island guys
Songs only sing about him.
(song intensifies)
We are proud of the magpie
Our blue puppy
Together with him we are not afraid
Rush into battle with any enemy.
(A schooner appears on the horizon. A sailor approaches the island in it.
The schooner is black and the sail is white. On the deck, a cabin, a cannon. The melody of the song grows. Next to the experienced sailor is a blue puppy)

We raised a new sail
My best friend, blue.

And they even gave the sea
We don't care about you.

You are now a brave hero
Everyone in the world knows this
Always be by my side
Mine is like a blue sea.
The song grows and plays in full force)

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