The Tale of Vasilisa the Wise. Russian fairy tale - the secrets of Vasilisa the Wise


In a certain kingdom there lived a merchant. He lived in marriage for twelve years and had only one daughter, Vasilisa the Beautiful. When her mother died, the girl was eight years old. Dying, the merchant's wife called her daughter to her, took the doll out from under the blanket, gave it to her and said:

Listen, Vasiliska! Remember and fulfill my last words. I am dying and together with my parents' blessing I leave you this doll. Take care of her always with you and do not show anyone, and when what grief happens to you, give her food and ask her for advice. She will eat and tell you how to help misfortune.
Mother kissed her daughter and died.

After the death of his wife, the merchant grieve, and then began to think about how to marry again. One widow came to his liking. She was already in years, had her two daughters, almost the same age as Vasilisa - therefore, she was both a mistress and an experienced mother. The merchant married a widow, but was deceived by her. Vasilisa was the first beauty in the whole village; here her stepmother and sisters envied her beauty, tormented her with all kinds of work, so that she would lose weight from labors, and turn black from the wind and sun!

Vasilisa endured everything without a murmur and grew prettier every day, but meanwhile her stepmother and her daughters grew thinner and uglier with anger. How was it done? Vasilisa was helped by her doll. Without her, where would a girl cope with all the work! On the other hand, Vasilisa herself would not eat, and even leave the doll the tidbit, and in the evening, when everyone had settled down, she would lock herself in the closet where she lived, and regale her, saying:

Here, doll, eat, listen to my grief! I live in the father's house, I do not see any joy; the evil stepmother drives me from the white world. Teach me how to be and live and what to do?

The doll eats, then gives advice and comforts in grief, and in the morning she does all the work for Vasilisa, she only rests in the cold-daughter and picks flowers, and she already has weeded ridges, and watered cabbage, and applied water, and bake melted out. It was good for her to live with a doll. Several years have passed. Vasilisa grew up and became a bride. All suitors in the city woo Vasilisa, no one looks at the stepmother's daughters. The stepmother is more angry than ever and answers all the suitors:

I will not give out the younger one before the older ones! - And when he sees off the suitors, he takes out the evil on Vasilisa with beatings.

Once a merchant had to leave home for a long time on business. The stepmother moved to live in another house, and near this house there was a dense forest. In that forest, in a clearing, there was a hut, Baba Yaga lived in it, she ate people like chickens. The merchant's wife now and then sent the hated Vasilisa into the forest for something, but she always returned home safely: the doll showed her the way.

Autumn came. The stepmother gave all three girls evening work: weaving lace for one, knitting stockings for the other, and spinning for Vasilisa. She put out the fire in the whole house, left only one candle where the girls worked, and went to bed herself. Here is burned on a candle; one of the stepmother's daughters took tongs to straighten the lamp, but instead, on her mother's orders, as if by accident, she put out the candle.

What are we to do now? the girls say. - There is no fire in the whole house, and our work is not over. We must run for fire to Baba Yaga!

I'm light from the pins! said the one who wove the lace. - I will not go.

And I won’t go,” said the one who knitted the stocking. - I'm light from the spokes!

You go after the fire, both shouted. - Go to Baba Yaga! - And they pushed Vasilisa out of the room.

Vasilisa went to her closet, placed the prepared supper in front of the doll, and said:

Here, doll, eat and listen to my grief: they send me for fire to Baba Yaga.

The doll ate, and her eyes shone like two candles.

Don't be afraid, Vasilisushka! - she said. “Go where they send you, but always keep me with you.” With me, nothing will happen to you at Baba Yaga.
Vasilisa got ready, put her doll in her pocket and, crossing herself, went into the dense forest. He walks and trembles. Suddenly a rider gallops past her: he is white, dressed in white, the horse under him is white, and the harness on the horse is white - it began to dawn in the yard. She goes on, as another rider gallops: he is red, dressed in red and on a red horse, - the sun began to rise.

Vasilisa walked all night and all day, only towards the next evening she came to a clearing where Baba Yaga's hut stood. The fence around the hut is made of human bones, human skulls with eyes stick out on the fence; instead of doors at the gate - human legs, instead of locks - hands, instead of a lock - a mouth with sharp teeth. Vasilisa and became rooted to the spot. Suddenly a rider rides again: he is black himself, dressed in all black and on a black horse; he galloped to the gates of Baba Yaga and disappeared, as if he had fallen through the earth - night had come. Then the eyes of all the skulls on the fence lit up, and it became as bright as day in the clearing.

Soon a terrible noise was heard in the forest: Baba Yaga left the forest - she rides in a mortar, drives with a pestle, sweeps the trail with a broom. She drove up to the gate, stopped and shouted:

Fu, fu! It smells of Russian spirit! Who is there?

Vasilisa approached the old woman fearfully and, bowing low, said:

It's me, grandma! Stepmother's daughters sent me for fire to you.

I know them, - said Baba Yaga, - you live and work for me, then I will give you fire, and if not, then I will eat you! - Then she turned to the gate and shouted:

Hey, my strong locks, unlock, my wide gates, open!

The gates opened, Baba Yaga rode in, Vasilisa came in behind her, and then everything was locked again.

Entering the upper room, Baba Yaga says to Vasilisa:

Give me what's in the oven: I'm hungry.

Vasilisa lit a torch from those skulls that were on the fence, and began to serve the yaga food, and the food was cooked up for ten people, she brought kvass, honey, beer and wine from the cellar. The old woman ate everything, drank everything, Vasilisa left only a little cabbage, a crust of bread and a piece of pig meat. Baba Yaga began to go to bed and says:

When I leave tomorrow, you look - clean the yard, sweep the hut, cook dinner, prepare linen and go to the bin, take a quarter of the wheat and clean it of the black. Yes, so that everything is done, otherwise I will eat you!

Then Baba Yaga began to snore, and Vasilisa placed the old woman's leftovers in front of the doll and said:
- On, doll, eat, listen to my grief! Baba Yaga gave me a hard job and threatens to eat me if I don’t do everything; help me!
The doll answered her:

Don't be afraid, Vasilisa the Beautiful! Have dinner, pray and go to bed; The morning is wiser than the evening!

Vasilisa woke up early, and Baba Yaga was already up. She looked out the window: the eyes of the skulls go out, then a white horseman flashed - and it was completely dawn. Baba Yaga went out into the yard, whistled - a mortar with a pestle and a broom appeared in front of her. The red rider flashed by - the sun rose. Baba Yaga got into the mortar and left the yard. Vasilisa was left alone, looked around the house of Baba Yaga, marveled at the abundance and stopped in thought: what kind of work should she take up first of all. Looks, and all the work has already been done - the chrysalis was choosing the last grains of nigella from the wheat.

Oh, my deliverer! Vasilisa said to the doll. You saved me from trouble.

You only have to cook dinner, - the doll answers, climbing into Vasilisa's pocket. - Cook yes and have a rest on health!

By the evening, Vasilisa has gathered on the table and is waiting for Baba Yaga. It was beginning to get dark, a black rider flashed past the gate - and it got completely dark, only the eyes of the skulls shone. Trees crackled, leaves crunched - Baba Yaga is coming. Vasilisa met her.

Is everything done? - Yaga asks.

Let's see for yourself, grandma! Vasilisa said.

Baba Yaga examined everything, was annoyed that there was nothing to be angry about, and said:

OK then! - Then she shouted: - My faithful servants, my hearty friends, grind my wheat!

Three pairs of hands came, grabbed the wheat and carried it away. Baba Yaga ate, began to go to bed and again ordered Vasilisa:

Tomorrow you do the same as today, and besides that, take a poppy from the bin and clean it from the earth grain by grain, you see, someone, out of the malice of the earth, mixed it into it!

The old woman began to snore, and Vasilisa began to feed her doll. The doll ate and said to her in the yesterday's way:

Pray to God and go to bed: the morning is wiser than the evening!

The next morning, Baba Yaga again left the yard in a mortar, and Vasilisa and the doll immediately completed all the work. The old woman came back, looked around, and shouted:

My faithful servants, my hearty friends, squeeze the oil out of poppy seeds!

Three pairs of hands appeared, grabbed the poppy and carried it away. Baba Yaga sat down to dine; oya eats, and Vasilisa stands in silence.

Why don't you say anything to me? Baba Yaga said. - Are you standing like a dumb?

You didn’t dare,” answered Vasilisa, “and if you will allow me, I would like to ask you something.

Ask, but not every question leads to good: you will know a lot, you will soon grow old!

I want to ask you, grandmother, only about what I saw: when I was walking towards you, I was overtaken by a rider on a white horse, himself white and in white clothes: who is he?

This is my clear day, - answered Baba Yaga.

Then another rider on a red horse overtook me, he himself is red and dressed in red, who is this?

This is my red sun! Baba Yaga answered.

And what does the black horseman mean, who overtook me at your very gates, grandmother?
- This is my dark night - all my faithful servants!

Vasilisa remembered the three pairs of hands, but said nothing.

Why don't you ask? - said Baba Yaga.

It will be from me and this, you yourself, grandmother, said that you will learn a lot - you will grow old.

Well, - said Baba Yaga, - that you ask only about what you saw outside the yard, and not in the yard! I do not like to have rubbish taken out of my hut, and I eat too curious! Now I'll ask you: how do you manage to do the work that I'm asking you?

My mother's blessing helps me, Vasilisa answered.

So that's it! Get away from me, blessed daughter!

She pushed Vasilisa out of the gate, removed one skull with burning eyes from the fence, and, pointing at a stick, gave it to her:

Here's a fire for your stepmother's daughters, take it, they sent you here for this.
Vasilisa set off at a run by the light of the skull, and by the evening of the next day she reached her house. Approaching the gate, she wanted to throw the skull: “It’s true, at home,” she thinks, “they don’t need fire anymore.” But suddenly she heard a dull voice from the skull:

Don't leave me, take me to your stepmother!
She glanced at her stepmother's house and, not seeing a light in any window, decided to go there with the skull. For the first time they greeted her affectionately and said that since she left, they had not had a fire in the house: they themselves could not carve, and the fire that was brought from the neighbors went out as soon as they entered the upper room with it.

Perhaps your fire will hold on! - said the stepmother. They brought the skull into the chamber, and the eyes from the skull look at the stepmother and her daughters, they burn! They had to hide, but wherever they rush, eyes everywhere follow them. By morning, they were completely burned to coal, Vasilisa alone was not touched.

In the morning, Vasilisa buried the skull in the ground, locked the house, went to the city and asked to live with an old woman. He lives for himself and waits for his father. Here is how the old woman says:

It's boring for me to sit idle, grandmother! Go buy the best linen; At least I'll spin.

The old woman bought good flax. Vasilisa sat down to work, the work burns with her, and the yarn comes out smooth and thin, like a hair. So much yarn has accumulated, it's time to
and to be taken for weaving, but such birds * will not be found to be suitable for Vasilisa's yarn. She began to ask her doll, she says:

Bring me some old reed, and an old canoe, and a horse's mane, I'll make everything for you.

Vasilisa got everything she needed and went to bed, and the doll made a glorious camp overnight. By the end of winter, the fabric was woven, so thin that it could be threaded through a needle instead of a thread. In the spring the canvas was bleached, and Vasilisa said to the old woman:
- Sell, grandmother, this canvas, and take the money for yourself.

The old woman looked at the goods and gasped:

No, child! There is no one to wear such a canvas, except for the king, I will carry it to the palace.

The old woman went to the royal chambers. The king saw and asked:

What do you want, old lady?

Your royal majesty, - the old woman answers, - I brought an outlandish product. I don't want to show it to anyone but you.

The king ordered to let the old woman in, and when he saw the canvas, he was indignant.

What do you want for it? the king asked.

He has no price, the king-father! I brought it to you as a gift.

The king thanked and sent the old woman with gifts.

They tailored shirts for the king from that linen, but nowhere could they find a seamstress who would undertake to sew them. The king called the old woman and said:
- You knew how to strain and weave such a cloth, know how to sew shirts out of it.

It was not I, sir, who spun and wove the cloth, - said the old woman, - this is the work of my adopted son - the girl.

Well, let her sew!

The old woman returned home and told Vasilisa about everything.

I knew, - Vasilisa tells her, - that this work will not pass by my hands.
She locked herself in her room, set to work, and soon a dozen shirts were ready. The old woman carried the shirts to the king, and Vasilisa washed, combed her hair, dressed and sat under the window. He sits and waits to see what will happen. He sees: a royal servant is going to the old woman's yard. He entered the chamber and said:

The king-sovereign wants to see the artisan who sewed him shirts, and reward her from his royal hands.

Vasilisa went and appeared before the eyes of the king. As the king saw Vasilisa the Beautiful, he fell in love with her without memory.

No, he says, my beauty! I will not part with you, you will be my wife.

The king took Vasilisa by the white hands, seated her beside him, and there they played a wedding. Vasilisa's father soon returned, rejoiced and stayed with his daughter. She took the old woman Vasilisa to her place, and she always carried the doll - a gift from her mother - in her pocket.

As we remember from childhood, Vasilisa the Wise is one of the characters in Russian fairy tales, a girl endowed with wisdom and prudence. This is one of the most attractive heroines, especially since, in addition to these unchanging traits of her character, she is characterized by purity of soul, kindness and modesty. We will give a more detailed description of Vasilisa the Wise in this article.

What is the story of Vasilisa the Wise?

Perhaps the most famous fairy tale about Vasilisa the Wise is The Frog Princess. There, the heroine appears as a sorceress, who was bewitched by her own father Koschei the Immortal, since her daughter surpassed him in the skill of magic (according to other versions, Vasilisa refused to marry him, and she was bewitched for this). By chance, she becomes the bride of Ivan Tsarevich, and after passing the test - and his wife. As we remember, she uses her gift, following the orders of the king - to weave a carpet, bake bread. When the king arranges a feast, she temporarily sheds her frog skin and appears before the guests in her true form - a written beauty.

Ivan, seeing what his wife really is, of course, wants her to remain in this form forever and burns her skin. But it turns out that he should not have done this in any case, since Vasilisa is forced to return to Koshchei. After numerous difficulties that Ivan Tsarevich had to face in search of his wife, he finally finds her and fights with Koshchei the Immortal, defeating him, thereby saving Vasilisa from evil spells.

A couple of words about the name

The name Vasilisa, by the way, may be an indication of her high origin, since one of the translations of this word from Greek sounds like “royal”. So, the image of Vasilisa the Wise is decorated with additional meanings.

Another version of the tale with Vasilisa the Wise

In another tale, where the main character is Vasilisa the Wise (in other versions, Vasilisa the Beautiful, but this epithet is much less common, in fact, it has no direct relation to the meaning of this tale), she is a young girl who is an evil stepmother and no less evil sisters are sent to the forest to serve Baba Yaga. Contrary to their expectations, the sorceress does not eat Vasilisa instantly, but leaves her with her.

When the girl correctly and on time fulfills all the instructions of Baba Yaga (in fact, the heroine is helped by a magic doll inherited from her mother), she, surprised that the girl succeeds so well, finds out that she is helped by her mother's blessing and lets her go, giving her her goodbye pole with a skull at the end. His eyes glow - so as not to get lost on the way home. When Vasilisa returns home, the eyes of the skull begin to shine even more and incinerate her stepmother and sisters. The subtext of this tale is analyzed in detail in "Running with the Wolves" by Clarissa Pinkola Estes, a well-known researcher of fairy tales. Therefore, in order to read a more detailed description of Vasilisa the Wise, it is worth referring to this work.

Appearance of Vasilisa the Wise

In order to give a brief description of Vasilisa the Wise, it is worth mentioning her appearance. However, as in most fairy tales, almost not a word is said about the appearance of the heroine - only at the royal feast Vasilisa looks like a written beauty, but this is a rather vague definition. From this it becomes clear that the main thing is not the appearance of the character, but the traits of his character - the inner meaning that he carries in himself.

In The Frog Princess, where Vasilisa first wears the skin of a frog, this is expressed as accurately as possible, as well as the fact that the epithet after the name of the heroine indicates, first of all, not beauty, but her wisdom. But, in essence, appearance is not important, and for one more reason - Vasilisa is not so much a person as a function - a prize that Ivan Tsarevich will receive after he passes the required tests. Therefore, here Vasilisa is rather a collective female image.

In another fairy tale, appearance, in principle, does not really matter, since attention is really concentrated on the life line of the heroine (which, according to researchers, is an image of female initiation, the transformation of a girl into a woman by receiving wisdom from an older one in age and experience).

Characteristics of Vasilisa the Wise: her personality

In The Frog Princess, her mind, majesty and at the same time simplicity come to the fore. In Vasilisa the Wise, the girl appears brave, steadfast, also obedient to her elders and restrained. And finally, in both tales, the heroine has the ability to make decisions and maintain peace of mind in any circumstances.

In fact, many heroines of magical Russian fairy tales have similar features, including the ability to reincarnate and other magical properties, which makes it possible to identify them - and Marya Morevna, and Vasilisa the Wise, and Marya the Princess, and Elena the Beautiful. However, we can characterize Vasilisa the Wise and other similar heroines, based only on the words and deeds that belong to them.

Fairy tales have been an integral part of the culture and creativity of any nation since ancient times. Each country has its own stories for them, their good and evil characters. For us, one of our favorite heroines is Vasilisa the Wise from the fairy tale "The Frog Princess". For many generations of children, she has become a symbol of kindness and intelligence, caring and modesty. The description of Vasilisa the Wise is accompanied by many vivid epithets and is a glorification of the beauty and grandeur of the primordially Russian female character.

Fairy tale "The Frog Princess" and its main character

The plot of the fairy tale "The Frog Princess" is known to everyone from an early age. Vasilisa the Wise is a sorceress bewitched by her father for surpassing him in the art of witchcraft. In a fairy tale, she becomes the bride, and then the wife of Ivan Tsarevich. As the plot develops, the girl shows her skill by following the orders of the king: she bakes bread, skillfully weaves a silk carpet (or, in other versions, a shirt). The description of Vasilisa the Wise at the feast is also impressive, where she turns into a fabulous beauty and astonishes the guests with her magical art.

Ivan, wanting his wife to always remain in the guise of a princess, burns the frog's skin. After that, Vasilisa disappears. In order to regain his love, the prince has to go through many dangers and, most importantly, fight with his wife's father, Koshchei the Immortal. The fairy tale has a happy ending - Ivan and Vasilisa overcome all difficulties and find themselves together forever.

Why is Vasilisa the Wise so attractive? The Russian folk tale is not only a figment of fantasy, but also a reflection of the real life of people. Keeping this in mind, one can trace in the image of Vasilisa the most valuable female qualities for the Russian people.

The appearance of the main character Vasilisa the Wise

Interestingly, almost nothing is said about the appearance of the main character in the fairy tale. is given to the reader by characterizing her actions and words. Only at the royal ball the heroine is portrayed as a written beauty. But even this description is quite typical of most fairy tales.

This once again confirms that the image of Vasilisa the Wise is collective, generalizing. Moreover, for a fairy tale, the depiction of not the external, but the internal virtues of the heroine turns out to be much more important.

Character traits of Vasilisa the Wise

Not because of her beauty, but because of her character, Vasilisa the Wise is loved. The tale emphasizes that it is not the bright appearance (it would seem that it could be uglier than a frog) and not wealth (“the girl’s competitors” in the palace were the boyar and merchant’s daughters) that leads the heroes to happiness. And understanding and desire to be together.

The characterization of Vasilisa the Wise from a fairy tale is given through her actions. The way she comforts Ivan Tsarevich, with what skill she performs the tasks of the king, how she behaves during the feast, speaks of her better than any description. Her character combines at the same time a deep mind and the majestic simplicity of the Russian soul, pride in herself and modesty.

Many people ask why Vasilisa is called Wise? In fact, this epithet suits her perfectly. The fact is that she perfectly mastered the magical wisdom and even surpassed her father, a powerful sorcerer, in this. It is also characteristic that in the fairy tale she is called so in those moments when she works, shows her skill as a needlewoman, housewife or sorceress. In addition, the heroine has the ability to remain calm and make the right decision even in the most difficult trials.

Why was Vasilisa turned into a frog?

The question often arises as to why Vasilisa the Wise was turned into a frog by Koshchei the Immortal. The tale does not give a direct answer to it. However, different researchers offer their own options.

For example, one can recall that one of the leading artistic devices in a fairy tale is antithesis, opposition (for example, good and evil, day and night, living and dead water, beauty and ugliness). Already the name of the heroine - Vasilisa - speaks for itself. From Greek it can be translated as regal, sublime. On the other hand, what could be more unattractive and mundane than a frog living in a swamp.

The image of Vasilisa in other Russian fairy tales

The description of Vasilisa the Wise can be found not only in the tale of the frog princess. She is depicted in other works of the Russian people. For example, you can recall the tale of Vasilisa and Baba Yaga. A similar image appears under the names of Marya Morevna, Elena the Beautiful and Marya the Princess. All these heroines have wisdom and magical knowledge, in particular the ability to reincarnate. This allows them to be identified.

A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it

Maxim Gorky called Vasilisa one of the most perfect female images created by the imagination of the Russian people. How many wonderful qualities she combines in herself, educating and advising all new rising generations. But remember that initially fairy tales were not written for children at all, but for adults. Not an exception and those in which there is Vasilisa the Wise. The Russian folk tale, with its inherent wisdom and poetry, reminds us of what the true role of a woman in a family is to be an assistant and support to her husband.

We will also learn what qualities have long been valued in Rus'. Mind and modesty, caring and kindness, the skill of a needlewoman and a keeper of the hearth, uniting, give rise to true wisdom and beauty. And the image of Vasilisa the Wise fully combines all these wonderful qualities.

The name Vasilisa, which means “king’s wife” or “queen” in Greek, came to Rus' from Byzantium no later than the 13th century. In the Tale of Bygone Years, dated to the beginning of the 12th century, this name was never mentioned. And the first known Vasilises were the daughter of the Rostov prince Vasilisa Dmitrievna, who lived at the turn of the 13th-14th centuries, as well as another Rostov princess, Vasilisa Konstantinovna, who lived in the 14th century.

Probably, it came to this name after it was firmly entrenched in everyday life. But the heroine herself and the stories with her participation existed thousands of years before that. Experts attribute the time of the appearance of a fairy tale to the era of the decomposition of the primitive communal system, when the main source of food was not hunting, but agriculture.

In fairy tales, or the Beautiful is just one of the names of the hero’s bride, who can be called differently: Elena the Beautiful, Mary the Princess, the Tsar Maiden, Nastasya the Queen, Varvara the Beauty, and so on. The function of the character-bride in Russian fairy tales does not depend on the name. For example, in the well-known collection of fairy tales by Alexander Afanasiev, there are different plots and roles associated with the name of Vasilisa. The main character of "Vasilisa the Beautiful" is not a princess at all, but a poor stepdaughter who is sent for fire to Baba Yaga's hut. In the fairy tale "The Firebird and Vasilisa the Tsarevna", Vasilisa is caught by a young archer on behalf of the king. At first glance, the princess wishes her captor death: “I won’t go,” he says to the king, “to marry you until you tell the young archer to bathe in hot water”. The magic horse of the archer speaks water, and the hero comes out of the cauldron more beautiful than before. In the finale, as it should be in a fairy tale, the old king dies, following the example of an archer, taking a dip in boiling water, and the main character gets a wife and a kingdom in addition. In the plot "The Sea King and Vasilisa the Wise" Vasilisa is the daughter of the Vodyany, the assistant of the hero-tsarevich. In different versions of the well-known fairy tale “The Frog Princess”, the main character is called either Elena the Beautiful, or Vasilisa the Wise, which confirms that the name of the heroine is not so important - only the function is important.

Philologist-folklorist Vladimir Propp proved that the genre is rooted in the era of the primitive community, when men underwent "magic" rites and received special powers, power over the animal world, in order to hunt more successfully. The passage of the ceremony was a kind of journey into the other world, where a man was subjected to severe trials: his fingers could be cut off, he could be tortured with fire, and so on. Later, when the hunting society was replaced by an agricultural one, these traditions gradually died out, but their veiled descriptions remained in fairy tales.

That is why in many fairy tales Vasilisa tests a potential groom in the strangest and even frightening ways, such as jumping into a cauldron of boiling water: such plots are an echo of the times of the most ancient matriarchy, when a woman was “the holder of the clan and totemic magic.”

At the time of this story, Muscovite Vasilisa was 27 years old. Her surname was simple, average, but all friends, friends and friends of male friends called her Beautiful, because they considered her very beautiful. Well, my mom thought so too, of course.

Despite her seemingly proven beauty, Vasilisa sweated a lot before she found her betrothed and, finally, went with him to the registry office one fine Moscow day.

She had as many as three real suitors, just like in Russian fairy tales, where the trinity was always revered. And like in fairy tales, the third option turned out to be the final one!

And that's how it was.

Vasilisa loved sports and was extremely active in this sense. Therefore, it was not surprising that Vasilisa, or Vasya for short, became a fitness instructor.

Not only her work was related to sports, but also a hobby - she often participated in all sorts of races, marathons, fit crosses, quests and all sorts of other healthy lifestyle events.

And it is quite natural that she was surrounded by like-minded people who communicated with each other in a popular group on VK. And since, after all, women are in the minority in sports, and even more beautiful women, Vasya immediately became a very popular person among classmates.

For a while, she tinkered with boyfriends, and then, finally, she gave the go-ahead to Sergei, a positive guy from a wealthy Moscow family.

Serezha was a worthy advocate of a healthy lifestyle, he also pedaled a sports bike in Moscow parks, was a participant in the Race of Heroes, went on difficult hikes with a heavy backpack in hiking boots with pleasure!

But Vasilisa felt tangible disappointment in her boyfriend at the moment when he rather indifferently reacted to the breakdown of Vasya's bicycle, in which, by the way, he himself was to blame, inadvertently exceeding the speed limit and colliding with her on one of the walks. Instead of, firstly: to apologize for such an incident, to show the due regret, secondly: to assure that he will independently and voluntarily eliminate this breakdown, thirdly: it is even desirable to somehow make some kind of compensation in the form of a pleasant evening in a restaurant or, at worst, to give a bouquet of wildflowers, Sergey dragged Vaskin's bike to her entrance and left, leaving her with broken equipment almost on the street!

Vasya, as a sober and mentally healthy girl, saw in this act a complete neglect of her and, alas, her low significance for Sergey.

She looked after his retreating figure and already called herself "former." So Sergey got his resignation.

Vasilisa stepped up her sports activity so as not to get stuck on unpleasant feelings about Seryozha, and at that moment Zhenya, an intelligent guy from their common party, fell in love with her. Zhenya was athletic, but not so much as to break other people's bicycles, but, on the contrary, he was more of a romantic.

Vasya immediately began to receive cute postcards from him with poems of his own composition, in the evenings she began to linger on romantic evenings with candles and roses. Zhenya was a novice architect - a creative and emotional person, which Vasilisa liked, who had previously encountered romanticism only in books.

All this "vanilla" from the side was observed by Sergey, forgotten by Vasya. Having discovered that he was replaced rather quickly and in cold blood, he, having missed a couple of nights, radically revised his behavior, and one morning he realized that Vasya was underestimated and disliked by him. Moreover, this slobbering Zhenya was annoying, with admiring eyes and sighs in the direction of Vasya.

Vasya saw very well that her wife was completely captivated by her and was filled with calm female confidence that on one of the next romantic evenings with glasses of good wine and to the song of Beyoncé she would be presented with a box with a coveted ring. She had already imagined several times how she would post it on Instagram when her euphoria was broken by the "Former", that is, Sergey.

And it was in the winter, when Vasilisa and Evgeny with a small group of friends went to the Moscow region, to the Ski Club of Leonid Tyagachev to drive on snowboards.

Sergei was also in this company, although it was not planned. The relationship between two guys of one girl was civilized. Before Vasya, they knew each other just visually, but now each of them made an indifferent face when they met, but inside both of them everything was bubbling!

And how unlucky Vasya was on the slope - she fell unsuccessfully and twisted her leg badly! Her oohs and aahs were heard by both of her suitors and rushed to help. But instead of providing this very help, a rather curious and even funny “cock” fight took place between them. Sergei suddenly pushed Zhenya, who was bending over Vasya, and rudely shouted: "Get your hands off my girlfriend! Get out!" Zhenya was dumbfounded, but then tried to resist: "This is my girlfriend, you must have mixed something up!" Then Seryozha struck the intelligent Zhenya's face with his fist. The nose was bleeding. Zhenya was horrified and retreated.

Sergey, taking advantage of the pause that had arisen, took Vaska in his arms and, with the air of a winner, carried her to the first-aid post! And Vasya looked at the drooping Zhenya with such sadness, and it hurt her for the second time. Eh, Zhenya, why are you so ... And she called him "former" to herself.

And Sergei worked to restore relations. The man has changed almost completely and all this for the sake of Vasilisa!

Relations developed rapidly thanks to Vasya's injury - the bruise turned out to be difficult and Sergey took advantage of the fact that Vasya needed constant help, which he offered. Without asking her opinion, he moved his things to Vasya's rented apartment and settled with her. Vasya, of course, was bribed by his decisiveness, in which love was visible, so she could not object to this march of his. Sergey surrounded her with such care and care that Vaska was lost in feelings. If earlier it seemed to her that her heart belongs to the architect Zhenya, then after the powerful onslaught of the former "former", she realized that they were mirages, but here, with Serezha, there is love.

Seryozha introduced Vasya to his parents, and it immediately became clear that Vasya's father approved, but his mother did not. It turned out that the level of Sergeyev's parents is higher than the level of Vasya's divorced mother, albeit a wealthy lady. If it was all the same to Serezha, Vasya, and Serezha's dad, then here is MOM - she pursed her lips and hid.

Vasya reflected the displeased future mother-in-law clearly and also tensed up. Then youth and girlish forgetfulness took their toll, and Vasya relaxed, just like last time, looking forward to receiving the coveted ring in the near future. She shared her expectations with her mom and girlfriends and scripted a glitter ring video ahead of time, which she would immediately post to Instagram using the Boomerang app.

Once Vasilisa overheard a conversation between Sergei and the manager of an online store, from which she realized that they were buying an engagement ring for her. Vasya smiled inside herself and calmed down even more. Before going to bed, she thought dreamily at what moment Seryozha would give her this ring and suggested that perhaps it would be on her birthday, which would come in two weeks. And maybe even earlier!

Vasya began to wait. Two weeks flew by quickly, during this time Vasya did not receive a ring. Then Vasya began to wait for him on his birthday, when they celebrated this event in a large crowd on a pleasure boat. How romantic it would be to see Seryozha on his knees and handing over a velvet box against the sunset background of evening Moscow!

But none of this happened. She was given a bunch of unnecessary gifts, but the ring never appeared. Everyone got drunk, ate, danced a little and dispersed. Seryozha was very pleased, but Vasya was not.

And so, three months passed one after another, and it seemed to Vasya that she was terribly mistaken. Sergey's overheard conversation about buying a piece of jewelry turned out to be an auditory hallucination - it is not clear what and to whom Seryozha bought her then, perhaps to her mother - a chain. He loved his mother very much and obeyed. And mommy, when meeting with Vasya, also pursed her lips.

And somehow Vasilisa felt sad and it seemed to her that the moment was coming when she had to make a decision and again assign to Serezha the status of "former" he had lost.

On one of these sad days, Vasya found herself face to face with an old friend from a common party, a good soulful guy, also an athlete and also Vasily. They have been friends for a long time. Vasily was a witness to Vaska's turbulent personal life and knew the two previous applicants very well. And so they sat down in some cafe and each ate a vegetarian dish, and began to open their hearts to each other. So Vasya found out that Vasily was also among her admirers, and for a long time, according to his confession ... And for some reason she thought that he had a girlfriend. And he replied that yes, there was, but now no, because no one can replace the image of Vasilisa in his heart, so beautiful that Vasily has not been sleeping well for a month, seeing that Vasya is clearly not getting enough from Seryozha, and she deserves much more. And he hopes that, perhaps, soon she will be free and he will have a chance ...

Here Vasya smiled a dazzling smile and even laughed, and then said that yes, there might be a chance. At that moment, she firmly decided to say goodbye to Sergei!

She came home that evening and told Serezha, who was lying on the sofa, that everything between them was over, and she asked him to leave her premises.

Seryozha was shocked, because he, too, was calmly confident as a man that Vaska had become his home chicken and was hanging on his hook, dreaming of a box with a ring! And then Vasilisa, with sporting firmness, gave him a lapel-turn for the SECOND time! Only male pride stopped Seryozha from falling at Vaska's feet and begging him to change his mind. His face was frozen like a stone mask. He silently gathered a bag with things and left the apartment, slamming the door all the same.

Vasilisa withstood a week-long pause and called Vasily. The chance was given. Vasily used the chance. The third and final fiance Vasya did the only right thing in this situation - he hurried to a jewelry store and purchased an inexpensive, according to his financial situation, white gold engagement ring with a 0.10 carat diamond and 5/6 characteristics. He also bought a very nice little shiny box and put the jewel in it.

A week after the start of a new relationship, Vasily invited Vasilisa to a restaurant and to the sound of champagne glasses and to the song of the Mushrooms group "The ice is melting between us", presented her with such a coveted ring in a box !!!

And then Vasya unexpectedly burst into tears. Finally, this damn moment took place! Then she remembered that there was no need to cry, otherwise there would be ugly eyes in such an important selfie, which she undoubtedly should take at this fateful moment.

10 minutes after the events described, a thousand of Vaska's Instagram followers and more than 10,000 members of the Vkontakte group already knew that Vasya and Vasya were the bride and groom!

The public was dumbfounded. Not only did everyone follow with curiosity the developments in the series "Personal Life of Vasilisa the Beautiful within the same group of athletes", but now everyone has come to the conclusion that such a scenario would not have been pulled by even the coolest Hollywood screenwriter - on stage, like a real joker, Vasily appeared, while all eyes were on completely different characters!

Serious unrest began in society and Vasily received a couple of hard-hitting statements from mutual friends - like, recaptured the girl from a friend in sports. To this, Vasily coolly retorted: "It was her decision."

Two retired suitors frustratedly huddled against the wall and quietly wept a stingy male tear. Zhenya published on his wall in VK a farewell verse dedicated to the final loss of Vasilisa, regretted that he could not show healthy masculine firmness and perseverance during an important moment, and fell into depressive romanticism instead of just hitting back.

Serezha generally went into unconsciousness. For a week, even his mother with pursed lips and the confused father were not seen. Both parents called Vasya and tried to get some details from her. But then Vasya, who had been freed from Serezha, suddenly became unexpectedly vindictive and in all her glory recalled all the insults caused to her by Serezha's mother, and rather dryly dismissed her failed relatives - she does not know what happened to their son, they are no longer together and she is marrying another!

Seryozha appeared 10 days later and immediately posted a sad, sad photo with the addition "What we have - we do not store, having lost it by crying." Later, the truth about the story with the ring that he supposedly bought in an online store came out. He came to Vasya's apartment for the remaining things and put an already unnecessary box into her hand with the words: "I bought this for you, take it for yourself in memory of me." To which the proud Vasya said: "A good spoon for dinner" and put the box back into his pocket. Why he did not give this ring when he was very much expected is not known for certain, but Vasya suspected the influence of Serezha's disgruntled mother. Well, Seryozha, everyone pays for their mistakes.

A month later, the wedding of Vasilisa and Vasily took place. The wedding was purely youth and sports, with active games and acrobatic numbers. The invited friends of the newlyweds somehow managed to find the right line of conduct, because all four participants in the previous events are mutual friends and acquaintances. Go and understand which of them to smile, and to wipe their tears, and even so that the other would not be offended!

A year later, the young couple had their first child - Maksimka, also a future athlete! After all, while still in his mother's stomach, he took part in a charity run to protect animals!

Once Vasya showed her mother a group photo of all their friends, taken at the finals of the Race of Heroes, in which they all took part. And my mother, with quiet horror, noticed Zhenya in one corner of the photograph, and Seryozha in the other. Both of them had quite happy faces. Mom pointed her finger at the guys and asked: "And they are here! How can you all exist together? How is this even possible, Vasya?"

"Yes, everything is fine, mom, we are all friends ...", Vaska answered.

"High relationship," Mom sighed and shook her head.

This is the story that happened to the girl Vasilisa, nicknamed the Beautiful. I don't know how fabulous. Nevertheless, as in Russian fairy tales, some kind of moral must be deduced at the end. In my opinion, everything here is clear as daylight - morality applies to guys - IF YOU LOVE A GIRL - IMMEDIATELY HAND THE RING AND LEAD TO THE REGISTRY OFFICE.

Vasilisa the Beautiful and Wise

It's about the main character's fiancee. Whether he is Ivan Tsarevich or Ivan the Fool, he will certainly find Vasilisa the Wise or Vasilisa the Beautiful. The girl is supposed to be saved first, and then to marry - all honor by honor. It's just that the girl is not easy. She can hide in the form of a frog, have some kind of witchcraft and abilities, be able to speak with animals, the sun, wind and moon ...

Vasilisa the Wise is a character in Russian folk fairy tales. In most of them, Vasilisa the Wise is the daughter of the sea king, endowed with wisdom and the ability to transform. The same female image appears under the name of Marya the Princess, Marya Morevna, Elena the Beautiful. Maxim Gorky called Vasilisa the Wise one of the most perfect images created by folk fantasy. Another by nature is a destitute orphan - Vasilisa the Beautiful in the unique text of Afanasyev.

Name"Vasilisa"hints at a high origin, it can be translated from Greek as "royal". And this royal maiden (sometimes in fairy tales she is called the Tsar Maiden) begins to put the hero to the test. That is, sometimes it is not she who does this, but some fabulous villain like Koshchei the Immortal or the Serpent Gorynych, who kidnapped the princess and keeps her captive (at best) or is going to devour her (at worst).

Sometimes the father of a potential bride acts as a villain. In the fairy tale, where Vasilisa appears as the daughter of the water king, the lord of the sea creates obstacles for the hero in order to destroy him, but loses, because the enemy suddenly turns out to be dear to the heart of his daughter, and no witchcraft can overcome him. But here everything is more or less clear: there is some kind of evil force (a dragon, a sorcerer or the girl's evil parents), and the hero must fight the enemy. In fact, that's how he becomes a hero. And the princess, princess or princess (it doesn’t matter) is a reward for the hero.

It also happens that Ivan Tsarevich or Ivan the Fool or some other central fairy-tale character is forced to undergo trials not because of dragons or sorcerers - he is tormented by the bride herself. Either the hero needs to jump on horseback to the windows of her room and kiss the beauty on the lips of sugar, then recognize the girl among twelve friends who look exactly like her, then you need to catch the fugitive - or demonstrate enviable cunning to hide from the princess so that she did not find him. At worst, the hero is invited to solve riddles, and Vasilisa will check him.

The merchant's wife dies, leaving him a little daughter. The father decides to marry again. The stepmother has her daughters, and all this new company begins to tyrannize Vasilisa, loading her with overwork. In general, it is very similar to the fairy tale about Cinderella. It seems, but not really, because Cinderella was helped by a fairy godmother, and Vasilisa was helped by a creepy witch from the forest.

It turned out like this. The stepmother and her daughters said that there was no more fire in the house, and they sent Vasilisa to the forest to Baba Yaga, of course, hoping that she would not return. The girl obeyed. Her journey through the dark forest was scary - and strange: she met three riders, one white, one red, and a third black, and they all rode in the direction of Yaga.

When Vasilisa reached her dwelling, she was met by a high fence of stakes, seated with human skulls. Yagi's house turned out to be no less creepy: for example, instead of servants, the witch had three pairs of hands that appeared from nowhere and disappeared from nowhere. But the most terrible creature in this house was Baba Yaga.

The witch, however, accepted Vasilisa favorably and promised that she would give fire if Vasilisa completed all her tasks. Completing difficult tasks is the indispensable path of a hero. Unlike the fairy tales mentioned above, in this one, a woman passes by, and therefore her tasks are female, there are simply too many of them: to clean the yard, and sweep the hut, and wash the linen, and cook dinner, and sort out the grain, and that’s it. - for one day. Of course, if the tasks are performed poorly, Baba Yaga promised to eat Vasilisa.

Vasilisa washed Yaga's clothes, cleans her house, cooked her food, then learned to separate healthy grains from infected ones, and poppies from dirt. After Yaga allowed Vasilisa to ask her a few questions. Vasilisa asked about three mysterious horsemen - white, red and black. The witch replied that it was a clear day, a red sun and a black night, and all of them were her faithful servants. That is, Baba Yaga in this tale is an extremely powerful sorceress.

"In the symbolism of the archetype, clothes correspond to the person, the first impression that we make on others. The person is a kind of camouflage that allows us to show others only what we ourselves want, and no more. But ... the person is not only a mask behind which you can hide, but a presence that overshadows the familiar personality.

Vasilisa sees how and what Yaga eats, how he makes the world revolve around him, and the day, sun and night walk in his servants. And the terrible skull, blazing with fire, which the witch gives to the girl, in this case, is a symbol of the special witchcraft knowledge that she received while she was in Yaga's novices.

The sorceress, by the way, might have continued her studies if Vasilisa had not been a blessed daughter. But it didn't work out. And Vasilisa, armed with power and secret knowledge, went back to the world. In this case, it is clear where Vasilisa's magical skills come from, which are often mentioned in other fairy tales. It is also understandable why she can be both good and evil.

She is still a blessed child, but the school of Baba Yaga is also not going anywhere. Therefore, Vasilisa ceased to be a meek orphan: her enemies died, and she herself married the prince and sat on the throne ...

The tale of the Sea King and Vasilisa the Wise is one of those wise and vivid tales, the impression of which remains for a lifetime. It is presented in an accessible and understandable form for children, gives a lot of positive emotions. With pleasure, the fairy tale will be read online by both children and parents.

Tale of the Sea King and Vasilisa the Wise read

Who is the author of the story

Literary critic A.N. Afanasiev translated the famous Russian folk tale into literary language and included it in his collection of fairy tales.

The king hurried home from foreign countries. And it turned out that he swore to the Sea King to give him something that he does not know about in his kingdom. He did not know - he did not know that his long-awaited son was born to him. Having learned the joyful news, the king then realized what a disaster he was inviting on his own child. The son grew up, and the insidious ruler of the kingdom of the sea demanded Ivan Tsarevich to himself. The kind old sorceress revealed to Ivan Tsarevich the whole truth and taught him how to get the ring of Vasilisa, the daughter of the Sea Tsar. The young man did everything as the old woman ordered, the beauty gave her ring to the guy and showed the way to the underwater kingdom. The sea king gave Ivanushka three impossible tasks, only Vasilisa helped the prince to complete them. The Sea King was pleased and offered to choose one of his thirteen daughters as his wife. The young man married Vasilisa and they lived happily ever after. After some time, Ivanushka yearned for his native land and asks Vasilisa to go with him to Holy Rus'. They had to go through many obstacles before they got into their thirtieth kingdom. By cunning and courage of the Sea King, they won. Just ahead of the heroes, another test awaited - for loyalty. His Ivanushka and Vasilisa also passed. And they began to live happily ever after. You can read the story online on our website.

Analysis of the fairy tale The Sea King and Vasilisa the Wise

The theme of a fairy tale is the confrontation between good and evil. The fairy tale gives many life lessons to readers: you need to keep this word, you need to treat people with respect, overcoming difficulties, you get closer to victory, you need to be able to forgive, it is never too late to correct mistakes. The main characters Ivan Tsarevich and Vasilisa the Wise are idealized, and Vasilisa also has magical powers. After passing all the tests, the heroes find happiness. The main idea of ​​the fairy tale The Sea King and Vasilisa the Wise is that in order to overcome life's troubles, one must fight.

A peasant sowed rye, and it was marvelously born: he could hardly gather it from the field. Here he transported the sheaves home, threshed and poured a full barn with grain; poured and thinks: "Now I'm going to live not to grieve."
A mouse and a sparrow got into the habit of visiting the peasant in the barn; every single day they climb down five times, eat up - and back: the mouse will dash into its kennel, and the sparrow will fly away to its nest. They lived together in such a friendly way for three whole years; all the grain has been eaten, only a little remains in the bin, with a quarter - no more. The mouse sees that the supply is coming to an end, and well, manage to deceive the sparrow and take possession of all the rest of the good. And yet she contrived: she got together on a dark night, gnawed a large hole in the floor and lowered all the rye to a single grain into the underground.
In the morning a sparrow flies to the barn, he wanted to have breakfast; looked - there is nothing. The poor thing flew out hungry and thinks to himself:
"Offended, damned! I'll fly, good fellow, to their king, to the lion, I'll ask for a mouse - let him judge us in truth."
He took off and flew to the lion.
- Lion, the king of beasts, - a sparrow beats him with his brow, - I lived with your beast, a toothy mouse; for three whole years we lived from the same bin, and there was no quarrel between us. And as the supply began to come to an end, she went to a trick: she gnawed a hole in the bin, lowered all the grain underground to herself, and left me, the poor, to starve. Judge us in truth; if you don’t judge, I’ll fly to seek reprisals from my king, the eagle.
- Well, fly with God, - said the lion.
The sparrow rushed with a petition to the eagle, told him all his offense, how the mouse stole, and the lion was her drinker.
The king eagle was very angry at that time and immediately sent a light messenger to the lion: come tomorrow with your animal army to such and such a field, and I will gather all the birds and give you a battle.
There is nothing to do, the lion king sent a call to call, to call the animals to war. They gathered visibly-invisibly, and only they came to an open field - an eagle flies at them with all its winged host, like a cloud of heaven. The great battle has begun. They fought for three hours and three minutes; the king eagle won, he filled up the whole field with animal corpses and sent the birds home, and he himself flew into a dense forest, sat on a tall oak - beaten, wounded, and began to think strong, how to return his former strength back.
It was a long time ago, but then there lived a merchant with a merchant's wife all alone, they did not have a single offspring.
The merchant got up in the morning and said to his wife:
- I had a bad dream: a big bird seemed to impose itself on us, eats a whole bull at once, drinks a full tub; but you can’t get rid of it, you can’t not feed the birds. I'll go to the forest, maybe I'll take a walk.
He grabbed a gun and went into the forest. How long, how short, he wandered through the forest, finally came up to an oak tree, saw an eagle and wants to shoot at it.
- Do not beat me, good fellow, - the eagle proclaimed to him in a human voice, - if you kill, there will be little profit. Take me better to your house and feed me for three years, three months and three days; I will get better with you, grow my wings, gather my strength and pay you good.
"What pay from an eagle to expect?" - the merchant thinks, and took aim another time.
The eagle prophesied the same thing. The merchant took aim at the third vestment, and again the eagle asks:
- Do not beat me, good fellow; feed me for three years, three months, three days; when I get better, I will grow my wings and gather my strength - I will pay you everything in kind.
The merchant took pity, took the eagle bird and carried it home. He immediately killed the bull and poured a full tub of honey full; for a long time, he thinks, enough food for the eagle; and the eagle all at once came and drank. The merchant had a bad time from an uninvited guest, he was completely ruined; the eagle sees that the merchant is impoverished, and says to him:
- Listen, master, go to the open field; there are many different animals beaten, injured. Take off their expensive furs and take them to sell in the city; with that money you will feed yourself and me, there will still be a reserve.
The merchant went to an open field, he sees: there are many beaten, wounded animals on the field; I took off the most expensive furs from them, took them to the city to sell them and sold them for a lot of money.
A year has passed; the eagle tells the owner to take him to the place where the tall oaks stand. The merchant laid the wagon and brought it to that place. The eagle soared up behind the clouds and struck a single tree with its chest; the oak split in two.
- Well, merchant, - says the eagle, - I did not gather with the same strength, feed me all year round.
Another year passed; again the eagle soared behind the dark clouds, scattered from above and hit the tree with its chest, the oak tree split into small pieces.
- You, merchant, good fellow, have to feed me for another whole year; I did not gather with the former strength.
This is how three years, three months and three days passed, the eagle says to the merchant:
- Take me back to that place, to the tall oaks.
The merchant brought him to the tall oaks. The eagle soared higher than before, with a strong whirlwind hit the largest oak from above, crushed it into chips from top to root, and the forest staggered all around.
- Thank you, merchant, good fellow, - said the eagle, - now all my old strength is with me. Throw your horse and sit on my wings; I will carry you to my side and pay you back for all that is good.
The merchant sat on the wings of an eagle; the eagle flew to the blue sea and rose high, high.
- Look, - he says, - at the blue sea, is it big?
- With a wheel, - the merchant answers.
The eagle shook his wings and threw the merchant down, made him aware of mortal fear and picked him up, preventing him from reaching the water. He grabbed it and climbed even higher with him.
- Look at the blue sea, is it big?
- With a chicken egg.
He shook the eagle with its wings, threw the merchant down and, again preventing him from reaching the water, picked him up and rose up, higher than before.
- Look at the blue sea, is it big?
- With a poppy seed.
And for the third time, the eagle shook its wings and threw the merchant from the skies, but again did not allow him to reach the water, picked him up on his wings and asked:
- What, merchant, good fellow, did you recognize - what is mortal fear?
- I realized, - says the merchant, - I thought I would completely disappear.
- Why, I thought the same thing as you aimed a gun at me.
The eagle flew with the merchant across the sea, straight to the copper kingdom.
- This is where my older sister lives; when we are visiting her and she begins to offer gifts, do not take anything, but ask yourself a copper chest.
The eagle said so, hit the damp earth and turned into a good fellow.
They walk in a wide yard. Sister saw and rejoiced:
- Oh, dear brother! How did God bring you? After all, I haven’t seen you for more than three years; I thought it was completely gone. Well, what to treat you, what to regale you with?
- Do not ask me, do not treat me, dear sister, I am my own person. Ask-treat this good fellow, he fed and watered me for three years, did not starve me.
She seated them at the oak tables, at the tablecloths, treated them and regaled them. Then she took her to the pantries, showed the innumerable riches and said to the merchant, a good fellow:
- Here is gold, and silver, and semi-precious stones; take what your heart desires.
The merchant, a good fellow, answers:
- I do not need any gold, or silver, or semi-precious stones; give me a copper casket.
- No matter how! You're wearing the wrong boot, you're putting it on the wrong foot!
The brother got angry for such speeches of his sister, turned into an eagle, a swift bird, picked up the merchant and flew away.
“Brother, darling, come back,” the sister shouts, “I won’t stand even for the casket!”
- You're late, sister.
An eagle flies in the sky.
- Look, merchant, good fellow, what is behind and what is going on ahead?
The merchant looked and said:
- Behind the fire can be seen, in front of the flowers bloom.
- That copper kingdom is burning, and flowers are blooming in the silver kingdom of my middle sister. When we will be her guests and she will give gifts, you do not take anything, but ask for a silver chest.
An eagle flew in, hit the damp ground and turned into a good fellow.
“Ah, dear brother,” his sister says to him, “where did you come from? Where had you been? Why haven't you been visiting for so long? What are you, friend, to regale?
- Do not ask me, do not treat me, dear sister, I am my own person. Ask-treat here is a good fellow, who for three years both fed and watered me, did not starve me.
She seated them at the oak tables, at the tablecloths, treated them, regaled them and led them to the pantries:
- Here is gold, and silver, and semi-precious stones; take, merchant, whatever your heart desires.
- I do not need any gold, or silver, or semi-precious stones; give me one silver box.
- No, good fellow, you grab the wrong piece! It's not even an hour - you'll choke!
The brother eagle got angry, turned into a bird, picked up the merchant and flew away.
- Brother, dear, come back! I won’t even stand for the casket!
- You're late, sister.
Again the eagle flies in the sky:
- Look, merchant, good fellow, what is behind and what is ahead?
A fire is burning behind, flowers are blooming in front.
- Then the silver kingdom burns, and the flowers bloom - in gold, at my little sister's. When we visit her and she begins to give gifts, do not take anything, but ask for a golden chest.
An eagle flew to the golden kingdom and turned into a good fellow.
“Ah, dear brother,” says the sister, “where did you come from? Where had you been? Why haven't you been visiting for so long? Well, what do you want to treat yourself to?
- Do not ask me, do not treat me, I am my own person. Ask-treat this merchant, a good fellow, he gave me water and food for three years, did not starve me.
She seated them at the oak tables, at the tablecloths, treated them, regaled them; she took the merchant to the storerooms, gives him gold, and silver, and semi-precious stones.
- I don't need anything; just give me a golden chest.
- Take it for your luck. After all, you fed and watered my brother for three years, you didn’t starve to death; but for my brother, I don’t feel sorry for anything.
Here he lived, the merchant feasted in the golden kingdom; it's time to part, go on the road.
- Farewell, - the eagle tells him, - do not remember dashingly, but look - do not open the chest until you return home.
The merchant went home; how long, how short he walked, he got tired, and he wanted to rest. He stopped in a strange meadow, on the land of the king of the Unbaptized Forehead, looked and looked at the golden chest, could not stand it and unlocked it. As soon as he opened it, out of nowhere, a large palace spread out before him, all decorated, many servants appeared:
- Anything? What is needed?
The merchant, a good fellow, ate, drank and fell asleep.
Tsar Unbaptized Forehead saw that a large palace was standing on his land, and sent envoys:
- Go and find out what kind of ignoramus appeared, built a palace on my land without asking? To now get out of the way, hello!
As soon as such a formidable word came to the merchant, he began to think and guess how to put the palace back into a chest as before; I thought and thought - no, there's nothing to be done.
- I would be glad to get out, - he says to the ambassadors, - but how, I can’t think of it myself.
The envoys returned and reported everything to Tsar Unbaptized Forehead.
- Let him give me what he does not know at home - I will assemble a palace for him in a golden chest.
There was nothing to be done, the merchant promised with an oath to give away what he did not know at home, and Tsar Unbaptized Forehead immediately gathered the palace into a golden chest. The merchant took the golden chest and set off on the road.
How long, how short, comes home; the merchant meets him:
- Hello world! Where was-disappeared?
- Well, where I was - now I'm not there.
- And the Lord gave us a son without you.
“That’s what I didn’t know at home,” the merchant thinks, and he is deeply depressed, saddened.
- What happened to you? Ali is not happy at home? - the merchant arrives.
- Not that, - says the merchant, and immediately told her about everything that happened to him.
They mourned, wept, and they did not cry for a century. The merchant opened his golden chest, and a large palace, cunningly decorated, lay before him, and he began to live in it with his wife and son, to live, to make good.
A dozen or more years have passed; the merchant's son grew up, grew wiser, prettier and became a fine fellow.
Once in the morning he got up sadly and said to his father:
- Father! I dreamed this night of Tsar Unbaptized Forehead, ordered me to come to him: I’ve been waiting for a long time, it’s time to know the honor.
His father and mother shed tears, gave him their parental blessing and let him go to a foreign side.
He walks the road, walks the wide one, walks through clear fields, wide steppes, and comes to a dense forest. Empty all around, not to see the human soul; only there is a small hut alone, all alone, in front of the forest, to Ivan, the living room's son, behind.
- Hut, hut, - he says, - turn your back to the forest, and front to me!
The hut obeyed and turned its back to the forest, its front to it.
Ivan, the guest son, entered the hut, and there lies a baba-yaga, a bone leg. Baba Yaga saw him and said:
- Before Selev, the Russian spirit could not be heard, it could not be seen, but now the Russian spirit appears with one's own eyes. Where are you going, good fellow, and where are you heading?
- Oh, you old witch! I didn’t feed, I didn’t give a passer-by a drink, let alone ask for news.
Baba Yaga put various drinks and snacks on the table, fed him and put him to bed, and wakes him up early in the morning and let's ask questions. Ivan, the guest son, told her all the ins and outs and asks:
- Teach, grandmother, how to reach the king of the Unbaptized Forehead.
- Well, it’s good that you came to me, otherwise you wouldn’t be alive: Tsar Unbaptized Forehead is very angry with you that he hasn’t been to him for a long time. Listen, follow this path and you will reach a pond, hide behind a tree and wait for the time: three doves will fly there - red maidens, daughters of the king; untie their wings, take off their dresses and start splashing in the pond. One of the wings will be speckled; so you seize a moment and take them to yourself and do not give them back until she agrees to marry you. Then everything will be fine.
Ivan, the guest son, said goodbye to Baba Yaga and went along the indicated path.
He walked and walked, saw a pond and hid behind a thick tree. A little later, three doves flew in, one with colorful wings, hit the ground and turned into red maidens; took off their wings, took off their dress and began to bathe. And Ivan, the guest's son, keeps his eyes open, crawled slowly and dragged off the motley wings. Look: something will happen? The red maidens bathed, came out of the water; two immediately dressed up, attached their wings, turned into doves and flew away, and the third remained to look for the loss.
Looking for, she says:
- Tell me, respond, who took my wings; if an old old man - be my father, if middle-aged - a dear uncle, if a good fellow - I will marry him.
Ivan, the guest's son, came out from behind a tree:
- Here are your wings!
- Well, tell me now, good fellow, betrothed husband, what kind of tribe are you and where are you going?
- I am Ivan, the son of a guest, and I keep the path to your father, Tsar Unbaptized Forehead.
- And my name is Vasilisa the Wise.
And Vasilisa the Wise was the beloved daughter of the king: she took both intelligence and beauty. She showed her fiancé the way to the Tsar Unbaptized Forehead, fluttered like a dove and flew after the sisters.
Ivan, the guest son, came to the Tsar Unbaptized Forehead; the king instructed him to serve in the kitchen, chop wood, carry water. The cook Chumichka disliked him, began to slander him to the king:
- Your Royal Majesty! Ivan, the guest's son, boasts that he can cut down a large dense forest in a single night, stack logs in heaps, dig up roots, and plow the land and sow wheat; compress that wheat, grind it, and grind it into flour; bake pies from that flour, bring your majesty for breakfast.
- Well, - says the king, - call him to me!
Ivan, the guest son, appeared.
- What are you boasting about, that in a single night you can cut down a dense forest, plow the land - like a clean field, and sow wheat; compress that wheat, grind it and turn it into flour; bake pies from that flour, bring me for breakfast. Make sure everything is ready by morning.
No matter how much Ivan, the guest son, denied, nothing helped; the order is given - it is necessary to execute. He comes from the king, and hung his violent head with grief. The royal daughter Vasilisa the Wise saw him and asked:
- Why are you so upset?
- What do you say? After all, you will not help my grief!
- Who knows, maybe I'll help.
Ivan, the son of the guest, told her what service Tsar Unbaptized Forehead ordered him to do.
- Well, what a service! This is a service, the service will be ahead. Go to bed, go to bed; morning is wiser than evening, by morning everything will be done.
Exactly at midnight, Vasilisa the Wise came out onto the red porch, screamed in a loud voice - and in a minute workers gathered from all sides: apparently, invisible of them. Who cuts down trees, who digs roots, and who plows the ground; in one place they sow, and in another they reap and thresh. Dust went up in a column, and by dawn the grain was already ground and the pies were baked. Ivan, the guest son, carried pies for breakfast to Tsar Unbaptized Forehead.
- Well done, - said the king and ordered to reward him from his royal treasury.
The cook Chumichka became more embittered than ever at Ivan, the guest's son, and began to slander again:
- Your Royal Majesty! Ivan, the guest's son, boasts that he can make such a ship in a single night that it will fly through the skies.
- Okay, call him here!
They called Ivan, the guest's son.
- Why are you boasting to my servants that you can make a wonderful ship in one night and that ship will fly in the sky, but you don’t tell me anything. Look at me, so that everything is ripe by morning.
Ivan, the guest's son, hung with grief his lush head below his mighty shoulders, he comes from the king not himself. Vasilisa the Wise saw him:
- What did you grieve about, what did you grieve about?
How can I not be sad? Tsar Unbaptized Lob ordered to build a ship-airplane in a single night.
- What a service! This is a service, the service will be ahead. Go to bed, go to bed; morning is wiser than evening, by morning everything will be done.
At midnight, Vasilisa the Wise came out onto the red porch, screamed in a loud voice - and in a minute carpenters came running from all sides. They began to tap with axes, the work was in full swing, by morning it was completely ready. - Well done, - said the king to Ivan, the living son, - now let's go for a ride.
They sat down together and took the third one with them, the cook Chumichka, and flew through the skies. They fly over the animal yard; the cook bent down to look, and Ivan, the guest's son, in the meantime took and pushed him off the ship. Fierce beasts immediately tore it into small pieces.
- Oh, - shouts Ivan, the guest son, - Chumicka fell down!
- To hell with him, - said the king Unbaptized Forehead, - a dog and death!
They returned to the palace.
“You are cunning, Ivan, the son of a guest,” says the tsar, “here is your third task: go around the unridden stallion so that he can walk under the horseback. If you ride a stallion, I will give my daughter in marriage to you.
"Well, this work is easy," Ivan, the guest's son, thinks; comes from the king, he grins.
Vasilisa the Wise saw him, asked him about everything and said:
- You are not smart, Ivan, guest son. Now you have been assigned a difficult service, a difficult job; after all, the Tsar Unbaptized Forehead himself will be a stallion. He will carry you through the skies above a standing forest, below a walking cloud, and will mark all your bones in an open field. Go quickly to the blacksmiths, order them to make you an iron hammer three pounds; but as soon as you sit on the stallion, hold on tight and with an iron hammer on the head.
The next day, the grooms brought out a stallion that had not been ridden: they were barely holding him. Snores, breaks, rears up. As soon as Ivan, the son of the guest, sat on it, the stallion rose above the standing forest, below the walking cloud, and flew across the sky faster than a strong wind. And the rider holds on tight, but everything upsets him with a hammer on the head. The stallion lost his strength and sank to the damp ground. Ivan, the guest's son, gave the stallion to the grooms, and he himself rested and went to the palace. Tsar Unbaptized Lob meets him with his head tied.
- Traveled a horse, your majesty.
- Well, come tomorrow to choose a bride, but today my head hurts.
In the morning, Vasilisa the Wise says to Ivan, the son of the living room: “Batiushka has three sisters; he will wrap us in mares and force you to choose a bride. Look, note; on my bridle, one sequin will fade. Then he will release us as doves; the sisters will slowly peck at the buckwheat, and no, no, yes, I will flap my wing. The third time he will bring us out as maidens - one to one, both in face, and in height, and in hair; I purposely wave a handkerchief, by that you recognize me.
As it is said, Tsar Unbaptized Forehead brought out three mares - one into one, and put them in a row.
- Choose for yourself any.
Ivan, the guest's son, glanced sharply; sees: on one bridle the sequin has faded, grabbed that bridle and said:
- Here's my fiancee.
- You take a bad one. You can choose better.
Nothing, this one is good for me.
- Choose another time.
The king released three doves - feather to feather, and poured them buckwheat. Ivan, the guest's son, noticed that one of them was shaking her wing, grabbed her by the wing.
- Here's my bride!
- You grab the wrong piece; you'll choke soon. Choose a third time.
The king brought out three maidens - one in one and face, and growth, and hair.
Ivan, the guest's son, saw that one waved her handkerchief, grabbed her by the hand.
- Here's my bride!
There was nothing to do, the king gave the Unbaptized Forehead to Vasilis the Wise for him, and they played a merry wedding.
Not a little, not a lot of time has passed, Ivan, the guest's son, decided to run away with Vasilisa the Wise to his own land. They saddled their horses and rode off in the dark night. In the morning, Tsar Unbaptized Forehead missed and sent a chase after them.
“Lie down on the damp earth,” says Vasilisa the Wise to her husband, “you won’t hear anything.”
He crouched on the damp earth, listened and answered:
- I hear a horse neighing.
Vasilisa the Wise made him a vegetable garden and herself a head of cabbage. The chase returned to the king empty-handed.
- Your Royal Majesty, you can’t see anything in an open field, you only saw one garden, and in that garden a head of cabbage.
- Go, bring me that head of cabbage; because they can do it.
Again the chase galloped, again Ivan, the guest's son, crouched on the damp earth.
- I hear, - he says, - a horse neighing. Vasilisa the Wise became a well, and turned him into a bright falcon; a bright falcon sits on a log house and drinks a hearth.
The chase came to the well - there was no further road, and turned back.
- Your Royal Majesty, do not see anything in the open field; they only saw one well, from that well a bright falcon drinks water.
Tsar Unbaptized Forehead rode to catch up.
“Get down on the damp earth, you won’t hear anything,” Vasilisa the Wise says to her husband.
- Oh, it knocks and rattles more than ever.
- That father is chasing us. I don't know, I don't know what to do.
- I really don't know.
Vasilisa the Wise had three little things: a brush, a comb and a towel; remembered them and said:
- I have a defense against the king of the Unbaptized Forehead. She waved back the brush - and a big dense forest became: you can’t stick your hands in, but you can’t go around in three years. Here the Tsar Unbaptized Forehead gnawed and gnawed the dense forest, paved a path for himself, made his way and again in pursuit. It catches up close, only to grab it with a hand; Vasilisa the Wise waved her comb back - and a big, big mountain became: no way to pass, no way to pass.
Tsar Unbaptized Forehead dug and dug the mountain, paved the path and again chased after them. Then Vasilisa the Wise waved her towel back - and a great, great sea became. The king galloped to the sea, saw that the road was full, and turned back home.
Ivan, the guest's son, began to approach with Vasilisa the Wise to his land and said to her:
- I'll go ahead, inform my father and mother about you, and you wait for me here.
“Look,” Vasilisa the Wise tells him, “when you come home, kiss everyone, don’t kiss only your godmother, otherwise you will forget me.”
Ivan, the guest son, returned home, kissed everyone in joy, kissed his godmother, and forgot about Vasilisa the Wise. She, poor thing, is standing on the road, waiting; waited, waited - Ivan, the guest son, does not follow her; went to the city and hired herself as a worker for an old woman. And Ivan, the guest's son, decided to marry, betrothed himself a bride and started a feast for the whole world.
Vasilisa the Wise found out about that, dressed up as a beggar and went to the merchant's yard to ask for alms.
- Wait, - says the merchant, - I'll bake you a little pie; I will not cut from a big one.
- Thank you for that, mother.
Only the big cake burned, but the small one came out well. The merchant's wife gave her a burnt pie, and she served a small one on the table. They cut that pie - and immediately two doves flew out of it.
“Kiss me,” says the dove to the dove.

And the second and third time the dove said to the dove:
- Kiss Me!
- No, you will forget me, as Ivan, the guest son, forgot Vasilisa the Wise.
Ivan, the guest son, came to his senses, found out who the beggar was, and said to his father, mother and guests:
- Here's my wife!
- Well, if you have a wife, then live with her.
The new bride was richly gifted and sent home, and Ivan, the guest son, began to live with Vasilisa the Wise, and to make good, to get rid of dashing.


The Sea King and Vasilisa the Wise - Russian folk tale

The Sea Tsar and Vasilisa the Wise - a fairy tale about how Vasilisa the Wise helps Ivan Tsarevich to cope with all the tasks of the Sea Tsar and return to his home ... (A.N. Afanassia, v.2)

The Sea King and Vasilisa the Wise read

He lived at distant lands, in a thirtieth state - there was a king with a queen; they had no children. The king went to foreign lands, to distant lands, he did not go home for a long time; at that time the queen bore him a son, Ivan - a prince, and the king does not know about it.

He began to keep his way to his state, began to drive up to his land, and the day - it was hot - hot, the sun was so hot! And a great thirst fell upon him; whatever to give, just to drink water! He looked around and saw a large lake not far off; rode up to the lake, dismounted from the horse, lay down on the ground and let's swallow the icy water. Drinks and does not smell trouble; and the king of the sea seized him by the beard.

Let it go! - asks the king.

I won't let you in, don't you dare drink without my knowledge!

Whatever you want, take a ransom - just let go!

Let's do something you don't know at home.

The king thought - thought ... What does he not know at home? It seems that he knows everything, he knows everything, - and he agreed. I tried a beard - no one holds it; got up from the ground, got on his horse and rode home.

Here he comes home, the queen meets him with the prince, so joyful, and as soon as he found out about his dear brainchild, he burst into bitter tears. He told the queen how and what happened to him, they cried together, but there’s nothing to do, you can’t fix things with tears.

They began to live in the old way; and the prince grows for himself and grows, like dough on dough, - not by the day, but by the hour, - and he has grown big.

“No matter how much you keep with you,” the tsar thinks, “but you have to give it back: it’s inevitable!” He took Ivan the Tsarevich by the hand and led him straight to the lake.

Look here, - he says, - my ring; I accidentally dropped it yesterday.

He left one prince, and he turned home. The prince began to look for a ring, he was walking along the shore, and an old woman came across to meet him.

Where are you going, Ivan the Tsarevich?

Get off, don't bother, you old witch! And it's boring without you.

Well, stay with God!

And the old woman went to the side.

... And Ivan - Tsarevich thought about it: “Why did I scold the old woman? Let me turn her back; old people are cunning and quick-witted! Perhaps he will say something good. ” And he began to turn the old woman:

Come back, grandmother, forgive my stupid word! After all, I said out of annoyance: my father made me look for a ring, I go - I look out, but there is no ring!

You are not here for a ring: your father gave you to the sea king; the sea king will come out and take you with him to the underwater kingdom.

The prince wept bitterly.

Do not grieve, Ivan - Tsarevich! There will be a holiday on your street; just listen to me, old woman. Hide behind that currant bush and hide quietly. Twelve doves will fly here - all red maidens, and after them the thirteenth; will bathe in the lake; meanwhile, take away the shirt from the last one and don’t give it back until she gives you her little ring. If you fail to do this, you are lost forever; near the sea king, around the whole palace, there is a high palisade, for as much as ten versts, and on each spoke a head is stuck; only one empty, do not please get on it!

Ivan - Tsarevich thanked the old woman, hid behind a currant bush and waits for the time - time.

Suddenly twelve pigeons fly in; hit the damp earth and turned into red maidens, all to a single beauty indescribable: neither think, nor guess, nor write with a pen! They threw off their dresses and set off into the lake: they play, splash, laugh, sing songs.

They were followed by the thirteenth dove; hit the ground on the cheese, turned into a red maiden, threw off her shirt from her white body and went to bathe; and she was prettier than all, prettier than all!

For a long time, Ivan the Tsarevich could not take his eyes off, looked at her for a long time and remembered what the old woman had told him, crept quietly and took away the shirt.

A red maiden came out of the water, missed - no shirt, someone carried it away; everyone rushed to look; searched, searched - not to be seen anywhere.

Look no further, dear sisters! Fly home; I myself am to blame - I overlooked it, I myself will answer. Sisters - red maidens hit the damp ground, became doves, flapped their wings and flew away. Only one girl remained, looked around and said:

Whoever it is who has my shirt, come out here; if you are an old man, you will be my dear father, if you are middle-aged, you will be my beloved brother, if you are equal to me, you will be a dear friend!

As soon as she said the last word, Ivan appeared - Tsarevich. She gave him a golden ring and said:

Ah, Ivan the Tsarevich! Why haven't you come for a long time? The sea king is angry with you. Here is the road that leads to the underwater kingdom; step on it boldly! You will find me there too; because I am the daughter of the sea king, Vasilisa the Wise.

Vasilisa the Wise turned into a dove and flew away from the prince.

And Ivan - Tsarevich went to the underwater kingdom; sees - and there the light is the same as ours; and there are fields, and meadows, and green groves, and the sun is warm.

He comes to the sea king. The sea king shouted at him:

Why haven't you been there for so long? For your guilt, here is your service: I have a wasteland thirty miles long and across - only ditches, gullies and a sharp stone! So that by tomorrow it would be smooth as a palm there, and the rye would be sown, and by early morning it would grow so high that a jackdaw could be buried in it. If you don't, your head is off your shoulders!

Ivan is coming - the prince from the sea king, he is shedding tears. Vasilisa the Wise saw him through the window from her towering tower and asked:

Hello, Ivan the Tsarevich! Why are you shedding tears?

How can I not cry? - answers the prince. - The king of the sea made me level ditches, gullies and sharp stones in one night and sow rye, so that by morning it would grow and a jackdaw could hide in it.

It's not a problem, there will be trouble ahead. Go to bed with God, the morning is wiser than the evening, everything will be ready!

Tsarevich Ivan went to bed, and Vasilisa the Wise went out onto the porch and shouted in a loud voice:

Gay you, my faithful servants! Level deep ditches, demolish sharp stones, sow spiked rye, so that it will ripen by morning.

Ivan the Tsarevich woke up at dawn, looked - everything is ready: there are no ditches, no gullies, there is a field as smooth as a palm, and rye flaunts on it - so high that a jackdaw will be buried.

I went to the sea king with a report.

Thank you, - says the sea king, - that you managed to serve. Here's another job for you: I have three hundred stacks, in each stack there are three hundred kopecks - all white wheat; thresh for me by tomorrow all the wheat clean - clean, to a single grain, but do not break the stacks and do not break the sheaves. If you don't, your head is off your shoulders!

Listen, Your Majesty! - said Ivan - Tsarevich; again he walks around the yard and sheds tears.

What are you crying about? Vasilisa the Wise asks him.

How can I not cry? The king of the sea ordered me to thresh all the stacks in one night, not to drop the grain, but not to break the stacks and not to break the sheaves.

It's not a problem, trouble is ahead! Go to bed with God; The morning is wiser than the evening.

The prince went to bed, and Vasilisa the Wise went out onto the porch and shouted in a loud voice:

Hey you creepy ants! No matter how many of you there are in the whole wide world - all crawl here and pick out the grain from the father's stacks cleanly - cleanly.

In the morning, the sea king calls Ivan the Tsarevich:

Did he serve?

Served, Your Majesty!

Let's go see.

They came to the threshing floor - all the stacks are untouched, they came to the granaries - all the bins are full of grain.

Thank you brother! - said the sea king.

Make me another church of pure wax, ready for dawn; this will be your last service.

Ivan is walking again - the prince is walking around the yard and washing himself with tears.

What are you crying about? Vasilisa the Wise asks him from the high tower.

How can I not cry, good fellow? The sea king ordered to make a church out of pure wax in one night.

Well, it's not a problem yet, the trouble is ahead. Go to sleep; The morning is wiser than the evening.

The prince went to bed, and Vasilisa the Wise went out onto the porch and shouted in a loud voice:

Gay you hard-working bees! No matter how many of you there are in the world, you all fly in flocks and mold the church of God from pure wax, so that by morning it will be ready.

In the morning, Ivan, the prince, got up, looked - there was a church made of pure wax, and went to the sea king with a report.

Thank you, Ivan - Tsarevich! Whatever servants I have had, no one has been able to please like you. Therefore, be my heir, the saver of the whole kingdom, choose any of my thirteen daughters as your wife.

Ivan - Tsarevich chose Vasilisa the Wise; they were immediately married and feasted with joy for three whole days.

Not much time has passed, Ivan the Tsarevich yearned for his parents, he wanted to go to Holy Rus'.

What is so sad, Ivan - Tsarevich?

Ah, Vasilisa the Wise, she felt sad for her father, for her mother, she wanted to go to Holy Rus'.

Here comes the trouble! If we leave, there will be a great chase after us; the sea king will be angry and put us to death. Gotta be smart!

Vasilisa the Wise spat in three corners, locked the doors in her chamber and ran with Ivan the Tsarevich to Holy Rus'.

The next day, messengers from the sea king come early - to raise the young, to call the king to the palace. Knocking on the door:

Wake up, wake up! Father is calling you.

It's still early, we didn't get enough sleep: come after! - answers one saliva.

So the messengers left, waited an hour or two, and knocked again:

It's not time - time to sleep, it's time - time to get up!

Wait a bit: get up, get dressed! - answers the second saliva.

The third time the messengers come:

The Tsar-de-Marine is angry, why are they cooling off for so long.

Now we will! - answers the third saliva.

They waited - the messengers waited and let's knock again: no response, no response! They broke down the doors, but the tower is empty.

They reported to give, the young ran away for tea; he became angry and sent a great chase after them.

And Vasilisa the Wise and Ivan the Tsarevich are already far, far away! They ride greyhound horses without stopping, without rest.

Come on, Ivan - Tsarevich, crouch down on the damp earth and listen, is there a chase from the sea king?

Ivan - Tsarevich jumped off his horse, put his ear to the damp earth and said:

I hear people's talk and horse top!

They are after us! - said Vasilisa the Wise and immediately turned the horses into a green meadow, Ivan - Tsarevich - an old shepherd, and she herself became a meek sheep.

The chase is on:

Hey old man! Didn't you see - didn't a good fellow ride here with a red maiden?

No, good people, I haven’t seen it, - replies Ivan the Tsarevich, - for forty years I’ve been grazing in this place, - not a single bird has flown by, not a single beast has roamed past!

The chase is back:

Your royal majesty! They didn’t run into anyone on the way, they only saw: the shepherd is grazing a sheep.

What was missing? After all, they were! - shouted the sea king and sent a new pursuit.

And Ivan the Tsarevich and Vasilisa the Wise have been riding greyhound horses for a long time.

Well, Ivan - Tsarevich, crouch down on the damp earth and listen, is there a chase from the sea king?

Ivan - Tsarevich got off his horse, put his ear to the damp earth and said:

I hear people's talk and a horse top.

They are after us! - said Vasilisa the Wise; she herself became a church, turned Ivan the Tsarevich into an old priest, and horses into trees.

The chase is on:

Hey dad! Did you not see if a shepherd with a sheep passed by here?

No, people: kind, I haven’t seen it; I have been working in this church for forty years - not a single bird has flown by, not a single beast has roamed past.

Turned the chase back:

Your royal majesty! Nowhere did they find a shepherd with a sheep; only on the way they saw that the church and the priest - the old man.

Why didn’t you break the church, didn’t capture the priest? After all, they were the ones! - shouted the sea king and he himself galloped in pursuit of Ivan the Tsarevich and Vasilisa the Wise.

And they have gone far.

Vasilisa the Wise again says:

Ivan Tsarevich! Lie down on the damp earth - do not hear the chase?

Tears Ivan - Tsarevich from the horse, dropped his ear to the damp earth and says:

I hear people's talk and horse top more than ever.

This is the king himself riding.

Vasilisa the Wise turned the horses into a lake, Ivan the Tsarevich into a drake, and she herself became a duck.

The king of the sea galloped to the lake, immediately guessed who the duck and drake were; hit the ground and turned into an eagle. The eagle wants to kill them to death, but not here - it was: that it does not scatter from above ... that's - that's a drake will hit, and a drake will dive into the water; here - here the duck will hit, and the duck will dive into the water! He fought, fought, so he could not do anything. The king of the sea galloped into his underwater kingdom, and Vasilisa the Wise with Ivan the Tsarevich waited a good time and went to holy Rus'.

How long, how short, they arrived in the thirtieth kingdom.

Wait for me in this forest, - says Ivan - Tsarevich Vasilisa the Wise, - I will go and report in advance to my father, mother.

You will forget me, Ivan the Tsarevich!

No, I won't forget.

No, Ivan - Tsarevich, do not say, you will forget! Remember me even when two doves start beating at the windows!

Ivan - Tsarevich came to the palace; his parents saw him, threw themselves on his neck and began to kiss - pardon him; in joy, Ivan the Tsarevich forgot about Vasilisa the Wise.

He lives a day and another with his father, with his mother, and on the third he decided to marry some princess.

Vasilisa the Wise went to the city and hired herself as a worker for a prosvirna. They began to cook prosvira; she took two pieces of dough, molded a pair of doves and put them in the oven.

Guess, mistress, what will become of these doves?

And what will happen? Let's eat them - that's all!

No, I didn't guess!

Vasilisa the Wise opened the stove, opened the window - and at that very moment the doves started up, flew straight into the palace and began to beat at the windows; no matter how hard the tsar's servants tried, they could not drive away.

It was only then that Ivan the Tsarevich remembered Vasilisa the Wise, sent messengers in all directions to question and search for her, and found her at the mallow; took the white hands, kissed the sugar lips, brought him to his father, to his mother, and they all began to live together and live and make good.

(Illustrated by V. Sluzhaev)

Published: Mishkoy 25.10.2017 15:43 24.05.2019

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  • Kulik - Russian folk tale

    The Tale of Ivanushka the Fool and the Magical Bird - Sandpiper. Ivan took pity on the bird and did not kill it. For this, she gave him a self-assembled tablecloth, a marvelous horse and magic tongs. Through simplicity and stupidity, Ivan almost lost his ...

  • Petrified Kingdom - Russian folk tale

    The Petrified Kingdom is a Russian folk tale about a brave soldier. In the royal garden he shot a magic bird, and he found himself in an enchanted underworld. For three terrible nights, the soldier read a magic book, disenchanted the city and married ...

    • Inside Out Questions - Gianni Rodari

      A story about a boy who asked questions that people didn't know how to answer. And why this happened to him, you will find out by reading the story ... Read questions inside out Once upon a time there was a boy who was very fond of asking questions. …

    • The Serpent Queen - German folk tale

      One day, hordes of snakes swept over one lovely island. They were everywhere, under every bush, and many people died from their bites. One wise old man who lived on the island said that the queen of snakes settled here and so far ...

    • How Khoma laughed - Ivanov A.A.

      A tale about how Khoma carried five large pods home. At first he carried them whole, then he thought that he should clean the pods and carry the peas behind his cheeks. So he did, but everything went wrong, ...

    Sunny Hare and Bear cub

    Kozlov S.G.

    One morning the Little Bear woke up and saw a big Sunny Hare. The morning was beautiful and together they made the bed, washed, did exercises and had breakfast. Sunny Hare and Teddy Bear read The Teddy Bear woke up, opened one eye and saw that ...

    Extraordinary spring

    Kozlov S.G.

    A fairy tale about the most unusual spring in the life of the Hedgehog. The weather was wonderful and everything around was blooming and blooming, even birch leaves appeared on the stool. Unusual spring read It was the most unusual spring of all that I remembered ...

    Whose hill is this?

    Kozlov S.G.

    The story of how the Mole dug up the whole hill while he was making many apartments for himself, and the Hedgehog and the Bear cub told him to close up all the holes. Then the sun illuminated the hill well and the frost on it sparkled beautifully. This is whose…

    hedgehog violin

    Kozlov S.G.

    Once the Hedgehog made himself a violin. He wanted the violin to play like the sound of a pine tree and a breath of wind. But he got the buzz of a bee, and he decided that it would be noon, because at that time the bees fly ...

    Adventures of Tolya Klyukvin

    Audio fairy tale Nosova N.N.

    Listen to the fairy tale "The Adventures of Tolya Klyukvin" by N.N. Nosov. online on the website of Mishkin's books. A story about a boy, Tolya, who went to visit his friend, but a black cat ran in front of him.

    Charushin E.I.

    The story describes the cubs of various forest animals: a wolf, a lynx, a fox and a deer. Soon they will become big handsome beasts. In the meantime, they play and play pranks, charming, like any kids. Volchishko A little wolf lived in the forest with his mother. Gone...

    Who lives like

    Charushin E.I.

    The story describes the life of a variety of animals and birds: a squirrel and a hare, a fox and a wolf, a lion and an elephant. A grouse with grouse cubs A grouse walks through the clearing, protecting the chickens. And they are roaming, looking for food. Not flying yet...

    Ragged Ear


    A story about Molly the rabbit and her son, who was nicknamed Ragged Ear after being attacked by a snake. Mom taught him the wisdom of survival in nature and her lessons were not in vain. Ragged ear read Next to the edge ...

    What is everyone's favorite holiday? Of course, New Year! On this magical night, a miracle descends to earth, everything sparkles with lights, laughter is heard, and Santa Claus brings long-awaited gifts. A huge number of poems are dedicated to the New Year. IN …

    In this section of the site you will find a selection of poems about the main wizard and friend of all children - Santa Claus. Many poems have been written about the kind grandfather, but we have selected the most suitable for children aged 5,6,7. Poems about...

    Winter has come, and with it fluffy snow, blizzards, patterns on the windows, frosty air. The guys rejoice at the white flakes of snow, get skates and sleds from the far corners. Work is in full swing in the yard: they are building a snow fortress, an ice hill, sculpting ...

    A selection of short and memorable poems about winter and the New Year, Santa Claus, snowflakes, a Christmas tree for the younger group of kindergarten. Read and learn short poems with children 3-4 years old for matinees and New Year's holidays. Here …

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