Print bedtime stories. Short fairy tales for children


One of my readers' favorite stories. She was born spontaneously, on the go, when I put my daughter to bed. I did not expect at all that this tale would be so loved by readers, and even fall into. It turned out that both children and their parents are very fond of such fairy tales at night. Therefore, I share with you two more evening tales.

The Tale of the Rhino Who Couldn't Sleep

Once upon a time there was a Rhinoceros, he was gray and thick-skinned, with a large horn on his nose. Cute, such, Rhinoceros. Once the Rhinoceros began to prepare for bed. He drank a glass of milk and cookies, washed his face, brushed his teeth, put on his pajamas and went to bed.

Everything is as usual. Only that evening the Rhino could not sleep at all. He tossed and turned in bed, but sleep did not come. First, he decided to think of something pleasant. He always did that when he couldn't sleep. The rhinoceros remembered the colored butterflies fluttering in the sky, then he thought about the juicy fresh grass. Delicious ... But the dream did not come.

And then a wonderful idea came to the Rhino! He thought he couldn't sleep because he forgot to do something before going to bed. Probably something very important. What exactly? He thought carefully and remembered! It turned out that Rhino forgot to put away his toys. That's what was the matter! He even felt ashamed.

Rhino got out of bed and cleaned up all the toys that were strewn across the floor. Then he lay back on the bed, closed his eyes and immediately fell asleep.

Good night Rhino!

Meditative sea tale

Imagine that you are sitting on the back of a blue dolphin. It has nice slippery sides. You firmly hold on to him with your hands, and he carries you forward along the playful waves. Funny sea turtles swim next to you, a baby octopus waves its tentacle in greeting, and seahorses swim with you in a race. The sea is kind and gentle, the breeze is warm and playful. Already ahead is the very rock to which you are swimming, your girlfriend, the little mermaid, is sitting on its edge. She is impatiently waiting for you. She has a green scaly tail and her eyes are the color of the sea. She laughs happily when she sees you and dives into the water. Loud splash, splash. And now you are already rushing forward together to the magical island. Friends are waiting for you there: a cheerful monkey, a clumsy hippo and a noisy motley parrot. Finally, you are already with them. Everyone sits down on the shore, a dolphin in the water, a little mermaid on the rocks. Everyone is waiting with bated breath. And then she begins to tell you extraordinary fairy tales. Tales about seas and oceans, about pirates, about treasures, about beautiful princesses. Fairy tales are so wonderful that you do not notice how the sun sets and night descends on the earth. It's time to sleep. The little mermaid says goodbye to everyone, the dolphin takes you on his back to take you home to a warm bed, and the little animals say goodbye to you, already yawning a little. Night, night has come. It's time to sleep, it's time to close your eyes to see in your dreams the beautiful tales told by the little mermaid.

A huge role in the development of the child is played by instructive, the most interesting fairy tale stories for children with pictures. Fairy tales should be read to children from an early age. They should always interest the child, should attract him, both with their content and appearance. Initially, the book should be beautifully and brightly designed, and then contain any information that can intrigue the young reader. Children's short stories read online to a child at night will help him develop his imagination and analyze all the good and bad that can be taken out of the book.

Russian folk tales for kids are interesting adventures in which you can feel like a hero of events, a fairy-tale character, make your fantasies and dreams come true. A fairy tale in itself suggests some kind of magical and very unreal situation, but it is in a fairy tale that a child can be liberated and give free rein to his childish emotions. Parents will help to make sense and useful information further.

Childhood is one of the most wonderful and magical periods in the life of every child, and of course in the life of his parents. There are a lot of components to this happiness and you can list them for hours and give each one your own assessment, but we will talk now about the moral education and development of our children, about how you can put into the child and his consciousness, certain tendencies and principles of life in healthy society.

Reading fairy tales has a positive effect on the psyche of the child. It is Russian fairy tales that carry that positive note in teaching a child to read and listen. This is facilitated by the fact that only such a genre as a fairy tale can be re-read many times, exaggerate or diminish certain events described in the book, add and invent something of your own when retelling. This factor is very important for young listeners. Children learn to listen, fantasize, retell what they hear.
In psychology, for example, such a field of activity as “fairy tale therapy” occupies a separate place. Fairy tale therapy at night is able to reveal the hidden talents of the individual, through stories you can solve any personal problems and help find a solution for them in real life.

New Year's fairy tales should also be present in the life of every family with children. By reading and instilling in your children a love for books, you develop in them a love for beauty, teach them to take care of their neighbors, to do good deeds, to be honest and decent. After all, it is in fairy tales that the main lessons of life are given, which in the future will help your children become a full-fledged personality!

Created on 12/01/2014 04:32 PM Updated on 02/16/2017 10:19 AM

  • "The Fox and the Bear" (Mordovian);
  • "War of mushrooms with berries" - V. Dahl;
  • "Wild Swans" - H.K. Andersen;
  • "Chest-plane" - H.K. Andersen;
  • "Voracious Shoe" - A.N. Tolstoy;
  • "Cat on a Bicycle" - S. Black;
  • “At the seashore, a green oak ...” - A.S. Pushkin;
  • "Humpbacked Horse" - P. Ershov;
  • "The Sleeping Princess" - V. Zhukovsky;
  • "Mr. Au" - H. Myakelya;
  • "The Ugly Duckling" - H.K. Andersen;
  • “Everyone in his own way” - G. Skrebitsky;
  • "Frog - Traveler" - V. Garshin;
  • "Deniska's stories" - V. Dragunsky;
  • "The Tale of Tsar Saltan" - A.S. Pushkin;
  • "Moroz Ivanovich" - V. Odoevsky;
  • "Mrs. Metelitsa" - Br. Grimm;
  • "The Tale of Lost Time" - E. Schwartz;
  • "Golden Key" - A.N. Tolstoy;
  • "Guarantee little men" - E. Uspensky;
  • "Black Chicken, or Underground Inhabitants" - A. Pogorelsky;
  • “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs” - A.S. Pushkin;
  • "Elephant" - R. Kipling;
  • "The Scarlet Flower" - K. Aksakov;
  • "Flower - seven-flower" - V. Kataev;
  • "The cat who could sing" - L. Petrushevsky.

Senior group (5-6 years old)

  • "Winged, hairy and oily" (arr. Karanoukhova);
  • "Princess - frog" (arr. Bulatov);
  • "Bread Ear" - A. Remizov;
  • "Grey neck" D. Mamin-Sibiryak;
  • "Finist - a clear falcon" - r.n. fairy tale;
  • "The Case with Evseika" - M. Gorky;
  • “Twelve months” (translated by S. Marshak);
  • "Silver Hoof" - P. Bazhov;
  • "Doctor Aibolit" - K. Chukovsky;
  • "Bobik visiting Barbos" - N. Nosov;
  • “Boy - with - finger” - C. Perro;
  • "Gullible hedgehog" - S. Kozlov;
  • "Havroshechka" (arr. A.N. Tolstoy);
  • "Princess - an ice floe" - L. Charskaya;
  • "Thumbelina" - H. Andersen;
  • "Flower - semi-light" - V. Kataev;
  • "The Secret of the Third Planet" - K. Bulychev;
  • "The Wizard of the Emerald City" (chapters) - A. Volkov;
  • "Dog's grief" - B. Zahader;
  • "The Tale of Three Pirates" - A. Mityaev.

Middle group (4-5 years old)

  • “About the girl Masha, about the dog, the cockerel and the cat Thread” - A. Vvedensky;
  • "Cheerful cow" - K. Ushinsky;
  • "Zhurka" - M. Prishvin;
  • The Three Little Pigs (translated by S. Marshak);
  • "Chanterelle - sister and wolf" (arr. M. Bulatova);
  • "Wintering" (arr. I. Sokolov-Mikitov);
  • "The Fox and the Goat" (arr. O. Kapitsa;
  • “About Ivanushka the Fool” - M. Gorky;
  • "Telephone" - K. Chukovsky;
  • "Winter's Tale" - S. Kozlova;
  • "Fedorino grief" - K. Chukovsky;
  • "The Bremen Town Musicians" - the Grimm brothers;
  • "The Dog That Couldn't Bark" (translated from Danish by A. Tanzen);
  • "Kolobok - prickly side" - V. Bianchi;
  • "Who said "Meow!"?" - V. Suteev;
  • "The Tale of the Ill-mannered Mouse".

II junior group (3-4 years)

  • "Wolf and goats" (arr. A.N. Tolstoy);
  • “Goby - black barrel, white hoof” (arr. M. Bulatov);
  • “Fear has big eyes” (arr. M. Serova);
  • "Visiting the sun" (Slovak fairy tale);
  • "Two Greedy Little Bears" (Hungarian fairy tale);
  • "Chicken" - K. Chukovsky;
  • "Fox, hare, rooster" - r.n. fairy tale;
  • "Rukovichka" (Ukrainian, arr. N. Blagina);
  • “Cockerel and bean seed” - (arr. O. Kapitsa);
  • "Three Brothers" - (Khakassian, translated by V. Gurov);
  • “About a chicken, the sun and a bear cub” - K. Chukovsky;
  • “a fairy tale about a brave Hare - long ears, slanting eyes, a short tail” - S. Kozlov;
  • "Teremok" (arr. E. Charushina);
  • "Fox-bass" (arr. V. Dahl);
  • "Cunning Fox" (Koryak, translated by G. Menovshchikov);
  • "Cat, rooster and fox" (arr. Bogolyubskaya);
  • "Geese - swans" (arr. M. Bulatova);
  • "Gloves" - S. Marshak;
  • "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" - A. Pushkin.
  • < Назад

Psychologists have long proved that a fairy tale is a special kind of communication and transmission of love from parents to a child. A book read by mom, dad, grandma or grandpa helps form basic values, develops fantasy, makes the child calm down and get ready for sleep. Fairy tales can be read not only classical, but also modern. The Night of Kindness website presents the best modern works that are popular with parents. Only here you will find short and instructive tales about Peppa Pig, Luntik, Paw Patrol, Nina Turtles, Vince and other cartoon characters. This will captivate the attention of the baby and allow him to spend even more time with his favorite characters. Parents happy baby will be incredibly grateful.

How to organize such a ritual as putting a child to bed?
It is not recommended to eat before bed. The last meal should be two hours before meals.
You can drink a glass of warm milk.
Remember to remind your child to go to the bathroom and brush their teeth.

All the needs have been met, the procedures have been carried out, now you can read the fairy tale for children with a clear conscience. The kid will not be distracted, nothing will bother him. You need to read a fairy tale before going to bed in a calm voice. Psychologists advise choosing not combat and adventure works, but calmer ones that would set you up for sleep, lull you to sleep. To attract attention, you can sit next to the child, show him pictures from the book. Or sit down at the feet, so that the baby fantasizes more and imagines the characters on his own.
Remember, a child's psyche is unable to concentrate for more than six minutes. Attention will be dissipated if you delay reading for a long time. The optimal duration of reading a fairy tale for children is 5-10 minutes.

It is important to read fairy tales every day. This is not just a habit, but a kind of tradition. It is she who helps the baby to create supports and know that his world is stable. At the same time, in a bad mental state, it is better not to read a fairy tale. Ask to replace you or explain to the child that you do not feel well. Otherwise, the baby can “get infected” with a bad mood without realizing it.

It is important to choose the right fairy tale for the child. After all, it carries morality. If the fairy tale is evil, cruel, then the child may form an incorrect vision of reality. For example, the fairy tale The Little Mermaid tells that true love is cruel and generally leads to death. Cinderella teaches you to wait for the prince. Very receptive children can get wrong attitudes into the subconscious, which then have to be treated with a psychiatrist. We invite you to find a fairy tale right now and read it for your beloved baby.

In this section, we have collected short folk and author's tales from all over the world. These small instructive and kind stories will help children calm down after a stormy day and tune in to sleep.
In bedtime stories, you will not find cruelty and frightening characters. Only light plots and pleasant characters.
At the bottom of every story there is clue, for what age it is intended, as well as other tags. Be sure to pay attention to them when choosing a product! You do not have to spend time reading a fairy tale to find out if it suits your child or not. We have already read and sorted everything.
Enjoy reading and good dreams :)

short bedtime stories to read

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