Fairy tales in the preparatory group for fgos. List of recommended reading for children in the preparatory group


This planning was developed for children of the preparatory group, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard under the Rainbow program

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"Prospective planning for reading fiction in the preparatory group"

MKDOU "Zolotukhinsky kindergarten of a combined type, second category"

Perspective planning for reading fiction in the preparatory group.


Zolotareva N.V.




Dal V.I. old man yearling

Aksakov S.P. The Scarlet Flower

3.Natural literature. Smart books.

Prishvin M. "Forest floors"

Nekrasov N.A. Before the rain


Silly Ivan


Topelius S. Three rye spikelets (Translated from Swedish by A. Lyubarskaya)

Ershok P.P. The Little Humpbacked Horse

Sladkov N. Healing herbs

Barto A.L. I thought adults didn't lie.

5. Folklore

When the sun comes up.


Skrebitsky G.A. Everyone in every way

Dragunskaya K.V. The cure for obedience

3. Natural history literature. Smart books.

Paustovsky K. Cat - thief

Black S. Before bed

5. Folklore

Shot down, knocked together - that's the wheel


Aimé M. Kraski (Translated from French by I. Kuznetsova)

Pushkin A.S. The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs

3. Natural history literature. Smart books.

Charushin E. In our yard

Voloshin M.A. autumn

5. Folklore

Fedul, what pouted his lips?



Anderson G. Ugly Duckling

Remizov A.M. Swan geese

3. Natural history literature. Smart books.

Onegov A. In a forest clearing

Vladimirov Yu.D. Orchestra

5. Folklore

Did you eat the pie?


How a dog found its owner (Bashkir fairy tale)

“A boy with a finger”, from the fairy tales of Ch. Perrault, trans. from French B. Dekhtereva.

3. Natural history literature. Smart books.

Bianchi.V. Who lives where?

Moshkovskaya E.E. They ran until the evening

5. Folklore

Where jelly is there and sat down


Sokolov-Mikitov I.S. Salt of the earth

N. Nosov. Bobik visiting Barbos

3. Natural history literature. Smart books.

Voronin S. Coward

Moshkovskaya E.E. What are the gifts

5. Folklore

You guys listen


Perro C. Puss in Boots (Translated from French by T. Gabbe)

K.D. Ushinsky. blind horse

3. Natural history literature. Smart books.

Paustovsky K. Disheveled Sparrow

Tokmakova I.P., I'm sad

5. Folklore

Yermoshka is rich



RNS "Princess - frog"

3. Natural history literature. Smart books.

E. Shim "Very harmful nettle"

E. Trutneva "Autumn".

5. Folklore

“I knocked down, knocked together - here is the wheel ...”


D. Mamin - Siberian "Grey Neck"

N. Nosov "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends"

3. Natural history literature. Smart books.

Y. Taits "Obediant rain"

“Already the sky was breathing in autumn ...” A.S. Pushkin

5. Folklore

"Where is the jelly - here he sat down ..."


RNS "Nikita Kozhemyaka"

"Great Travelers" M. Zoshchenko

3. Natural history literature. Smart books.

L. Tolstoy "Oak and hazel"

“Better there is no native land” P. Voronko

5. Folklore

"Brothers, brothers! .."


"Flower-Semitsvetik" A. Kataev

A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of Tsar Saltan"

3. Natural history literature. Smart books.

A.K. Tolstoy "Autumn! Our poor garden is sprinkled

"Winter! Peasant, triumphant ... "A.S. Pushkin

5. Folklore




"Seven Simeons - seven workers", arr. I. Karnaukhova

A. S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel"

3. Natural history literature. Smart books.

V. Bianchi "Bathing cubs"

I. Bunin "First Snow"

5. Folklore

"The fox was walking ..."


“Synko-Filipko”, retelling by E. Polenova

K. Chukovsky "Fedorino grief"

3. Natural history literature. Smart books.

E. Charushin "Wolf cub" (Volchishko).

E. Mikhailova "What is the New Year"

5. Folklore

"Pussy, pussy, pussy, scat."


"Wonderful Apple", arr. L. Eliseeva

K. Chukovsky "Barmaley"

3. Natural history literature. Smart books.

G. Snegirev "Trace of a deer"

E. Uspensky "If I were a girl"

5. Folklore

"Bye-bye, bye-bye."


"Wolf and Fox", arr. I. Sokolova-Mikitova

3. Natural history literature. Smart books.

N. Sladkov "How the bear scared himself"

D. Kharms "Ivan Toropyshkin"

5. Folklore

"Winter has come"



Korney Chukovsky "Aibolit"

N. Nosov "Cog, Shpuntik and vacuum cleaner"

3. Natural history literature. Smart books.

R.s.s. "Zayushkina's hut"

I. Tokmakova "I'm sad"

5. Folklore

"Like our cat."


Fly-Tsokotuha Korney Chukovsky

3. Natural history literature. Smart books.

A.K. Tolstoy "Squirrel and Wolf"

E. Moshkovskaya Sly old women»

5. Folklore

“Come on, cat under the bridge. ,".



Brothers Grimm "Sweet Porridge"

A. Tolstoy "The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio"

3. Natural history literature. Smart books.

V.M. Garshin "The Traveler Frog"

B. Zakhoder "Cooks"

5. Folklore

"Shrovetide, Maslenitsa"


RNS Sivka-Burka

A. Tolstoy "The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio"

3. Natural history literature. Smart books.

I.S. Nikitin "Meeting of winter"

L. Fadeeva. "Mirror in the window"

5. Folklore

"Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word…"


RNS "Magic pipe"

A. Tolstoy "The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio"

3. Natural history literature. Smart books.

I. Sokolov - Mikitov "Capercaillie", "Black grouse"

N. Rubtsov. "About a hare"

5. Folklore

"Humpty Dumpty", English, arr. S. Marshak


V. Odoevsky "Moroz Ivanovich"

A. Tolstoy "The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio"

3. Natural history literature. Smart books.

A.A. Block "Snow and snow all around"

N. Matveeva. "Confusion"

5. Folklore

"Fingers", German, trans. L. Yakhnina



Brothers Grimm "Lady Blizzard"

A. Tolstoy "The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio"

3. Natural history literature. Smart books.

B. Zhitkov "About the elephant"

S. Yesenin "Birch"

5. Folklore

"Fish", "Ducklings", French, arr.N. Gernet and S. Gippius


Brothers Grimm "Golden Goose"

A. Tolstoy "The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio"

3. Natural history literature. Smart books.

L.N. Tolstoy "Shark"

S. Marshak "The young month is melting"

5. Folklore

Songs. "Like thin ice."


RNS Shepherd's pipe

E. Uspensky "Uncle Fedor, a dog and a cat"

3. Natural history literature. Smart books.

E. Trutneva "Bell"

A. Pleshcheev "Spring"

5. Folklore

"I'm amusing the pegs."


P.P.Bazhov "Fragile twig"

I, Ekholm "Ludwig the Fourteenth, Tutta Carlson the first and only"

3. Natural history literature. Smart books.

M. Poznanskaya "Dandelion"

I. Tokmakova "Ship"

5. Folklore




RNS "Havroshechka"

V. Kataev "Pipe and jug"

3. Natural history literature. Smart books.

N. Sladkov "A lover of flowers"

N. Zabolotsky. "On the river"

5. Folklore

“You, little bird, you are stray.”


RNS "The Tale of Rejuvenating Apples and Living Water"

B. Zhitkov "How I caught little men"

3. Natural history literature. Smart books.

E. Serova "Lily of the valley", "Carnation", "Forget-me-nots"

A. Vvedensky. "Song of the Rain"

5. Folklore



RNS "By Pike"

G. H. Andersen "The Shepherdess and the Chimney Sweep"

3. Natural history literature. Smart books.

E. Blaginina "Dandelion", "Bird cherry"

A. Fet. “The willow is all fluffy” (excerpt

5. Folklore

“You knock on the oak tree, a blue siskin arrives.”


Charles Perrault "Cinderella"

G. H. Andersen "The King's New Outfit"

3. Natural history literature. Smart books.

L. N. Tolstoy "The Old Man and the Apple Trees", "Bone"

F. Tyutchev. "Spring Waters"

5. Folklore

"Rain, rain, more fun."


The Tale of the Glorious and Mighty Bogatyr Yeruslan Lazarevich

A. Volkov "The Wizard of the Emerald City"

3. Natural history literature. Smart books.

V. Kataev "Mushrooms"

A. Pushkin "For the spring, the beauty of nature ..." (from the poem "Gypsies")

5. Folklore



Maxim Gorky About Ivanushka the Fool

A. Volkov "The Wizard of the Emerald City"

3. Natural history literature. Smart books.

L.N. Tolstoy "Bird"

M. Lermontov. "In the Wild North"

5. Folklore

"The House That Jack Built", "The Old Lady", English, trans. S. Marshak


G. H. Andersen "Wild Swans"

3. Natural history literature. Smart books.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky "Shameful in front of the Nightingale"

D. Kharms. "Cheerful old man"

5. Folklore

"About the little mouse who was a cat, a dog and a tiger", ind., trans. N. Hodzy


RNS "Magic Ring"

D. Mamin - Siberian "The parable of milk, oatmeal and gray cat Murka"

3. Natural history literature. Smart books.

    V. Oseeva "Ezhinka"

P. Solovyov. "Day and night"

5. Folklore

"Tin-tin-ka! .."

Communication. Reading fiction

Direction "Cognitive and speech development"

Explanatory note

Long-term planning is carried out according to the Basic general educational program of preschool education in groups of a general developmental orientation with the priority implementation of activities for the development of children in the physical direction. The program corresponds to the modern tasks of preschool education, provides for the comprehensive development of the child based on his age capabilities and individual characteristics.

The program is developed, approved and implemented in an educational institution on the basis of: the Law "On Education" of the Russian Federation; UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, 1989; World Declaration on the Survival, Protection and Development of Children, 1990; concepts of preschool education; declaration of the rights of the child, 1959; Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 655 dated November 23, 2009 "On the approval and implementation of Federal state requirements for the structure of the main general educational program of preschool education", sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the working regime in preschool organizations - SanPiN ; Charter MKDOU.

The organization of the educational process is carried out in accordance with educational programs. Educational programs are implemented taking into account age and individual characteristics.

Educational area "Reading fiction"

is aimed at achieving the goal of forming interest and the need for reading perception) of books through the solution of the following tasks:

Formation of a holistic picture of the world, including primary value


Development of literary speech;

Introduction to verbal art, including the development of artistic

perception and aesthetic taste".*

Formation of interest and need for reading

Continue to develop children's interest in fiction and educational literature. Draw their attention to expressive means (figurative words and expressions, epithets, comparisons); help to feel the beauty and expressiveness of the language of the work; to instill sensitivity to the poetic word.

To replenish literary baggage with fairy tales, stories, poems, riddles, counting rhymes, tongue twisters.

To educate a reader who is able to experience compassion and sympathy for the heroes of the book, to identify himself with his favorite character. Develop a sense of humor in children.

Continue to improve the artistic and speech performing skills of children when reading poems, in dramatizations (emotionality of performance, natural behavior, the ability to convey their attitude to the content of a literary phrase with intonation, gesture, facial expressions).

Help children explain the main differences between literary genres: a fairy tale, a story, a poem.

Continue to acquaint children with illustrations by famous artists.

Literature Gerbova V.V. Classes on the development of speech in the kindergarten preparatory group for school. M.: Mosaic-synthesis, 2011

Zatulina G.Ya. Summaries of comprehensive classes on the development of speech (preparatory group). M.: 2009

Final results:

1. Distinguishes between genres of literary works;

2. Names favorite fairy tales, stories; knows by heart 2-3 favorite poems, 2-3 rhymes, 2-3 riddles;

4. Expressively reads a poem, retells an excerpt from a fairy tale, story.

1 Preparatory

Purpose: To talk with the children about what their group is now called and why, to find out if they want to become students. Help children to form sentences correctly.

The course of Gerbov V.V. page 14

2 What are poems for?

Purpose: to talk with children about why people compose, read and recite poetry. Find out which program poems they remember.

The course of Gerbov V.V. page 18

3 Retelling of the Italian fairy tale "How the donkey stopped singing"

Purpose: to introduce children to the Italian fairy tale “How the donkey stopped singing” (arranged by G. Rodari). Help children retell short texts without significant gaps and repetitions.

The course of Gerbov V.V. page 19

4 Conversation about A. Pushkin

Purpose: to tell children about the great Russian poet; cause a feeling of joy from the perception of his poems and a desire to hear other works of the poet

The course of Gerbov V.V. page 21

5 Memorizing A. Fet's poem "The swallows are gone ..."

Purpose: to help children remember A. Fet's poems "The swallows are gone ..."

The course of Gerbov V.V. page 22

6 Russian folk tales.

Purpose: to find out if children know Russian folk tales

The course of Gerbov V.V. page 26

7 Reading A. Remizov's fairy tale "Bread Voice". Didactic game "I-to you, you-to me"

Purpose: to introduce children to A. Remizov's fairy tale "Bread Voice", to find out if they agree with the ending of the work. To improve the ability of children to produce a sequence of words in a sentence.

The course of Gerbov V.V. page 28

8 Fables - changelings

The course of Gerbov V.V. page 29

9 It's so bright all around today!

Purpose: to introduce children to poems about autumn, introducing them to poetic speech.

The course of Gerbov V.V. page 31

10 Retelling of the story by V. Sukhomlinsky "Apple with dawn"

Purpose: to improve the ability to retell and draw up a retelling plan.

The course of Gerbov V.V. page 34

11 Reading the fairy tale by K. Paustovsky "Warm bread"

Purpose: to introduce children to the literary tale of K. Paustovsky "Warm Bread"

The course of Gerbov V.V. page 37

12 First snow. Memorizing the poem by A. Fet “Mom! Look out the window…”

Purpose: to develop the ability of children to perceive poetic speech. Help memorize the poem by A. Fet “Mom! Look out the window…”

The course of Gerbov V.V. page 38

13 Work with illustrated editions of fairy tales.

Purpose: to teach children to look at pictures in books with interest, to activate children's speech.

The course of Gerbov V.V. p.41

14 Reading the story of L. Tolstoy "Jump"

Purpose: to tell children about the writer, to help them remember the stories of L. Tolstoy known to them and to introduce them to the story "Jump"

The course of Gerbov V.V. p.43

15 Reading the fairy tale by K. Ushinsky "The Blind Horse"

Purpose: to introduce children to the fairy tale by K. Ushinsky "The Blind Horse".

The course of Gerbov V.V. page 45

16 Repetition of the poem by S. Marshak “The young month is melting”

Purpose: to repeat favorite poems with children.

The course of Gerbov V.V. page 47

17 Works by N. Nosov

Purpose: to remember with children the stories of N. Nosov, favorite episodes from the book "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends"

The course of Gerbov V.V. page 50

18 Hello winter guest!

Purpose: to introduce children to poems about winter

The course of Gerbov V.V. page 52

19session Reading the fairy tale by S. Marshak "Twelve months"

Purpose: to introduce children to the fairy tale by S. Marshak "Twelve months"

The course of Gerbov V.V. page 54

20 Reading the Russian folk tale "Nikita Kozhemyak"

Purpose: to remember Russian folk tales with children. To acquaint with the Russian folk tale "Nikita Kozhemyaka". Help identify fairy tale episodes.

The course of Gerbov V.V. page 54

21 Reading the epic "Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber"

Purpose: to acquaint children with the epic, with its unusual way of speech, with the image of the epic hero Ilya Muromets.

The course of Gerbov V.V. page 57

22 Retelling of the story by V. Bianchi "Musician"

Purpose: to improve the ability of children to retell the story.

The course of Gerbov V.V. page 50

23 Reading the story of E. Vorobyov "A piece of wire"

Purpose: to enrich the literary baggage of children. Help to feel the unusualness of the situation described in the story.

The course of Gerbov V.V. page 59

24 Reading the epic "Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin Zmeevich"

Purpose: to introduce children to the epic epic, to the epic warehouse of speech

The course of Gerbov V.V. page 60

25 Reading the fairy tale by V. Dahl "The old man-year-old"

Purpose: to improve the dialogic speech of children.

The course of Gerbov V.V. page 62

26 Memorizing a poem by P. Solovyova "Day and Night"

Purpose: to introduce children to P. Solovyova's poem "Day and Night"; practice reading a poem

The course of Gerbov V.V. page 63

27 reading the epic "Sadko"

Purpose: to introduce children to the epic "Sadko"

The course of Gerbov V.V. page 68

28 Writing a Cinderella Story

Purpose: To help children write creative stories

The course of Gerbov V.V. page 70

29 Retelling of the fairy tale "The Fox and the Goat"

Purpose: to improve the ability of children to retell the tale "in faces".

The course of Gerbov V.V. page 72

30 Fairy tales by G.H. Andersen

Purpose: to help children remember the fairy tales of G.Kh. Andersen known to them

The course of Gerbov V.V. page 73

31 Memorizing the poem by Z. Alexandrova "Motherland"

Purpose: to help children understand the meaning of the poem (“The motherland is different, but it is the same for everyone”), remember the work

The course of Gerbov V.V. page 74

32 Spring Poems

Purpose: to help children feel the amazing originality of poems about spring

The course of Gerbov V.V. page 77

33 Talk about book illustrations. Reading the story of V. Bianchi "May"

Purpose: to teach children to perceive book illustrations as a value in itself and a source of information. With the help of V. Bianchi's story, introduce children to the signs of May - the last month of spring.

The course of Gerbov V.V. page 77

34 Retelling of the story by E. Shim "Very harmful nettle"

Purpose: To continue to improve the ability of children to retell simple texts, to build sentences correctly.

The course of Gerbov V.V. page 79

35 Memorizing S. Yesenin's poem "Bird cherry"

Purpose: To introduce children to a new poem, to learn it by heart. Develop intonation expressiveness of speech.

Move. G.Ya. Zatulina s153

36 Reading N. Nekrasov "Grandfather Mazai and hares"

Purpose: To introduce children to a new work, to arouse sympathy for animals, to cultivate a sense of good humor.

Move. G.Ya. Zatulin from 136

37 Repetition

Purpose: Repetition of the material (at the choice of the teacher)

The course of Gerbov V.V. page 80

for reading to children in the preparatory group

Russian folklore Songs.“The fox was crying ...”, “Chigariki-chok-chigarok ...”, “Mother-spring is coming ...”, “Here the red summer has come ...”, “When the sun rises, dew will fall on the ground ...", "Winter has come". Calendar ritual songs. "Kolyada! Kolyada! And sometimes carols .. ”“ Carols, carols, give me a pie ...”, “How carols went”, “Like on Shrovetide week ...”, “Ting-tin-ka! ..”, “Shrovetide, Shrovetide ". Game folklore. jokes: “Where is the jelly - here he sat down ...”, “Stupid Ivan ...”, “Brothers, brothers! ..”, “Fedul, what did he puff out his lips? ..”, “He knocked down, knocked together - here is the wheel .. .", "Did you eat the pie?". Fables. “Listen, guys ...”, “Yermoshka is rich”. Tales and epics. “Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber” (recording by A. Hilferding, excerpt); "Sadko" (recorded by P. Rybnikov, excerpt); "Dobrynya and the Serpent", retelling by N. Kolmakova; "Snow Maiden" (according to folk stories); "Vasilisa the Beautiful", "White Duck" (from the collection of fairy tales by A. N. Afanasyev); "Seven Simeons - seven workers", arr. I. Karnaukhova "Synko-Filipko", retelling by E. Polenova; “Don’t spit in the well - it’s useful to drink water”, arr. K. Ushinsky; "Wonderful apple", arr. L. Eliseeva; "Wolf and Fox", arr. I. Sokolova-Mikitova. Folklore of the peoples of the world Songs. “Oh, why are you, lark ...”, Ukrainian, arr. G. Litvak; "Snail" Mold., arr. I. Tokmakova; "What I saw", "Three revelers", trans. with Francis I. Gernet and S. Gippius; "Gloves", "Ship", trans. from English. S. Marshak “We went through the spruce forest”, trans. from the Swedish I. Tokmakova. Fairy tales: "Ayoga" Nanaisk., arr. D. Nagishkin; “To each his own”, tone, arr. M. Bulatova; "Blue bird", Turkmen, arr. A. Alexandrova M. Tuberovsky; "Jack the Giant Slayer" Welsh, trans. K. Chukovsky; "White and Rose", German, trans. L. Kohn; from the fairy tales of Ch. Perro (French): “Boy-with-finger”, trans. B. Dekhtereva, "Puss in Boots", trans. T. Gabbe; "The most beautiful outfit in the world", Japanese, trans. V. Markova. Works of poets and writers of Russia Poetry. A. Blok. “The wind brought from afar” (abbreviated), “In the meadow”; M. Voloshin. "Autumn"; S. Gorodetsky. "First Snow", "Spring Song"; S. Yesenin. "Powder"; V. Zhukovsky. "Lark" (abbreviated); M. Lermontov "In the Wild North", "Mountain Peaks" (from Goethe); N. Nekrasov. "Before the rain" (abbreviated); A. Pushkin. "Bird", "Behind the spring, the beauty of nature ..." (from the poem "Gypsies"), "Winter! Peasant, triumphant ... "(from "Eugene Onegin" A. Remizov. "A fox has a ball", "Kalechina-Malechin"; P. Solovyova. "Night Day"; F. Tyutchev. "Spring Waters"; A. Fet "The willow is all fluffy" (excerpt), "What an evening ..." (abbreviated); S. Cherny. "Before going to bed", "The Magician"; V. Berestov. "Dragon"; A. Vvedensky. "Song about the rain"; Y. Vladimirov "Orchestra"; N. Zabolotsky "On the river"; N. Matveeva "Confusion"; E. Moshkovskaya "What are the gifts", "Cunning old women", "Resentment" N. Rubtsov. About the Hare"; G. Sapgir "Counting, tongue twisters"; I. Tokmakova "I'm sad ..."; E. Uspensky "A terrible story", "Memory"; L. Fadeeva "Mirror in the window"; D. Kharms "Cheerful old man”, “Ivan Toropyshkin”. Prose. K. Korovin "Squirrel" (abbreviated); A. Kuprin "Elephant"; D. Mamin-Sibiryak "Medvedko"; N. Teleshov "Ear" (abbreviated). S. Alekseev "The First Night Ram"; E. Vorobyov "A Piece of Wire"; M. Zoshchenko "Great Travelers "; Y. Koval "Stozhok", "Shot", "Rusachok-herbalist"; E. Nosov "Thirty grains", "Like a crow on the roof got lost"; M. Prishvin "Chicken on poles"; A. Raskin "Like dad threw the ball under the car", "How dad tamed the dog", S. Romanovsky "At the dance". Literaryfairy tales. V. Dahl. "Old man-year-old"; P. Ershov "Konek-Gor-bunok"; A. Pushkin "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs"; A. Remizov "Geese-Swans", "Bread Voice"; I. Sokolov-Mikitov "The Salt of the Earth"; K. Ushinsky "The Blind Horse", K. Dragunskaya "The cure for obedience"; N. Nosov "Bobik visiting Barbos"; K. Paustovsky "Warm bread"; G. Skrebitsky "Everyone in his own way"; A. Usachev "About the smart dog Sonya" (chapters). Works of poets and writers from different countries Poetry. B. Brecht "Winter conversation through the window", trans. with him. K. Oreshina; M. Valek "Wise Men", trans. from Slovak R. Sefa; L. Stanchev "Autumn Gamma", trans. from Bulgarian I. Tokmakova; E. Lear. Limericky ("Once upon a time there was an old man from Hong Kong..."; "Once upon a time there was an old man from Winchester...", . from English. G. Kruzhkova. literary tales. X. K. Andersen "The Ugly Duckling", "Thumbelina", trans. from dates A Hansen; F. Salten "Bambi" (chapters), trans. with him. Yu. Nagibina; A. Lindgren "The Princess Who Didn't Want to Play with Dolls", trans. from the Swedish E. Solovieva; M. Matsutani. "The Adventures of Tarot in the Land of the Mountains" (chapters), trans. from Japanese. G. Ronskoy; S. Topelius "Three rye ears", trans. from the Swedish A. Lyubarskaya; B.Potter. "The Tale of Jemima Nyrnivluzh", trans. from English. I. Tokmakova; G. Fallada "Stories from Bedokuria" (chapter "The story of the day when everything went topsy-turvy"), trans. with him. L. Tsyvyan; M. Aime "Paints", trans. from French I. Kuznetsova. To learn by heart I. Akim "April"; P. Voronko “There is no better native land”, trans. from Ukrainian S. Marshak; E. Blaginina "Overcoat"; N. Gernet and D. Kharms "Very, very tasty pie"; S. Yesenin "Birch"; S. Marshak "The young month is melting ..."; E. Moshkovskaya "We ran until the evening"; V. Orlov "You fly to us, skvorush-ka ..."; A. Pushkin “Already the sky was breathing in autumn ...” (from “Eugene Onegin”); N. Rubtsov "About the hare"; I. Surikov "Winter"; P. Solovyov. "Snowdrop"; F. Tyutchev "Winter is angry for a reason." To read in faces K. Aksakov "Lizochek"; A. Freudenberg "The Giant and the Mouse", trans. with him. Y. Korintsa; D. Samoilov. "Elephant has a birthday" (excerpts); L.Levin "Chest"; S. Marshak "Cat's House" (excerpts).

Card file of GCD abstracts in the senior group of the preschool educational institution. Educational area "Reading fiction"

Department of Education of the Administration of the Balashovsky Municipal District of the Saratov Region

Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution "Kindergarten of the combined type "Ivushka" city ​​of Balashov, Saratov region.

Speech development (Reading fiction)

Speech therapy group "Droplet" .

Card Theme: "Flower - seven-flower" Program tasks:

1. Clarify and enrich the knowledge of children about oral folk art, about

works of Russian writers.

2. Teach children to associate the content of artworks with a certain color.

3. Enrich the vocabulary of children with expressions of verbal politeness.


1. Exercise in the ability to guess fairy tales, riddles, remember the order

the appearance of heroes in fairy tales.

2. Exercise in the selection of adjectives with the opposite meaning to the noun.

3. Develop speech, imagination, fantasy, thinking, the ability to act in concert.


1. Raise interest in Russian culture and love for oral folk art.


Flannelgraph with a scheme for a fairy tale "Kolobok" , chest, ball with a letter, seven-color flower (on the counter), petals of a seven-flower flower, a fox cap, a basket, illustrations for fairy tales, cards depicting fairy-tale characters, petals for evaluating children's activities, gifts for children.

Lesson progress:

The children enter the room. Sit on chairs

Teacher: Hello guys! Today we have an occupation not ordinary, but fabulous.

The children were waiting for the story

The children invited the fairy tale to visit!

The fairy tale is already here friends

The story is here again!

Guys, we got a letter. (is reading). I'll read it to you now:

"Dear Guys! I am a brownie Kuzya! I live in your kindergarten, I guard it at night. And during the day I really like to listen to you sing good songs, listen to fairy tales! So I decided to give you a present.

My gift lies at the bottom

In my magic chest

Open the chest will help, children,

Magic flower-seven-flower.

As you collect the leaves, you will immediately take my gift!

That's it, brownie Kuzya! Give us a riddle! The chest is standing, the castle weighs on it. And the castle is really not easy - it's the middle of the flower. So, if we find the petals of a seven-colored flower, we can open the chest. Are you ready to travel? But where are we going on our journey? We have no car, no train, no ship. But we have top-top-tobus!

speech game "Along the Forest Path"

Along the forest path (walking after each other)

We are going to a fairy tale.


Let's pick it up quickly.

birch twigs (shaking hands)

They rustle gently.

Forest of miracles and fairy tales,

Take guys! (bow)

Where are you, petal (looks alternately from under the right and left hands) Let's find you, friend!

Help pick a flower

Solve all the riddles! (clap hands).

Educator: We came with you to a fairy tale. Look, a seven-flower flower has blossomed here. He will tell us what color the petal needs to be found. Let's start with this petal. What colour is he?

Children: Yellow

Educator: Guys, what season does this color resemble?

Children: Autumn. Educator: Of course! Yellow color reminds the beauty of autumn. What do people do in the autumn in the garden?

Children: In autumn, people in the garden harvest.

Educator: Look, what an incomprehensible picture. What is shown on it? Maybe a fairy tale?

Children: Fairy tale "Kolobok" .


Educator: Which of the characters is shown in the diagram?

Children: Grandfather, grandmother, gingerbread man, hare, wolf, bear, fox

Educator: Well done, you completed the task, and you get a yellow petal.

Educator: What color petal will we look for next.

Children: Blue.

Educator: Blue color, like an endless sea. In what fairy tales is the sea found?

Children: A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish"

Educator: We will now turn into sea waves and play a game "The sea is worried!"

The sea is worried - time!

The sea is worried - two!

The sea is worried - three!

Marine figure freeze!

Educator: Guys, here is the blue petal. Well done!

Educator: Tell me, what color will the sheet be next?

Children: Orange.

Educator: What is another name for orange?

Children: Red.

Educator: Who is the most famous red-haired hero in Russian folk tales?

Children: Lisa.

Educator: What are the fairy tales in which we meet the fox?

Children: Tales "Kolobok" , "Zayushkina's hut" , "The Fox and the Jug" , "Teremok" , "Fox with a rock" , "Mitten"

Educator: Do you know the riddles about the fox?

1 child:

Cunning cheat, redhead

Fluffy tail - beauty

And her name is (fox)

2 child:

Fluffy tail, golden fur

Lives in the forest, steals chickens in the village

3rd child:

Which of the animals

Tail fluffy and long?

Children, a fox came to us today (child) to play with us.

(children play with Lisa "Flying scarf" )

Educator: Chanterelle, what did you bring us in the basket?

Fox: Orange petal.

Educator: Thank you, fox. Now we have an orange petal.

What color petal will be next?

Children: Green.

Educator: Guess, guys, my new riddle: “And the arrow of Ivan Tsarevich hit the very swamp ...” What story are you listening to now?

Children: An excerpt from a Russian folk tale "Princess Frog" .

Educator: Can this fairy tale be called green? Why?

Children: The main character is a frog, she lives in a green swamp.

Educator: Guys, do you want to turn into funny frogs?

Teacher: Then let's play a game "The Frogs and the Heron"

(Children perform movements in accordance with the text).

Educator: I will give the frogs a green petal,

So that you quickly collect your flower!

What color petal is next?

Children: Purple.

Educator: Guys, look, the purple arrows lead here (to the screen) So, there is a purple petal hidden here. Let's play a game

"Choose a Word" . In this fairy tale (show):

  1. Serpent Gorynych is evil, and Mashenka (good).
  2. The hare is cowardly, and the fox (sly).
  3. The bull and the bear are cowardly, but the rooster (brave).
  4. Teremok is small, but the Bear (big).

You have guessed all the stories

And they called comparisons.

And for the correct answer

Purple is your color.

Guys, what color is the petal next?

Children: Black.

What a strange color - black. What do you think he represents?

good or bad

Children: Evil

Educator: Let's play a game: I will make riddles, if the answer to the riddle is a positive character, then you will clap your hands, and if it is negative, you will stomp.

Knocked on our door

Unusual miracle beast -

He's in a brown shirt

Wide open saucer ears. CHEBURASHKA

  • His life lies in a casket

And that casket in the palace,

And the palace is in the dense forest,

The forest grows on a black cloud. KOSHCHEY IMMORTAL

  • I flew on a broomstick yesterday

Fell from a great height.

Hey, hut, chicken legs,

Rush to grandma along the path. BABA YAGA

  • Wearing a red cap

He brings pies with him.

The wolf sits behind the bushes

And the girl is watching. LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD

Well done, guys, correctly guessed all the riddles. You get a black petal.

What color will the petal be next?

Children: Red.

Educator: Name the fairy tale by Ch. Perrault in the clothes of the hero whom

there is red.

Children: Puss in Boots

Teacher: Now we are going to play a game. "Pick a Pair" and help Puss in Boots and other heroes of fairy tales find their mate. While the music is playing, we will walk along the rug, the music will stop - we form a pair of pictures.

You guys had so much fun playing, get a red petal. You are great! They worked hard and collected all the petals of a flower - a seven-flower. Now the lock on the chest opens, and there are gifts for children in it. (Children receive gifts).

Teacher: What did we do in class today? (children's answers) Look, I have multi-colored petals. Come on (child's name) and choose a petal of the color you like best. Now the boys will go to evaluate the lesson, and then the girls. This is where our lesson ended.


Topic: "Russian folk tale "Havroshechka"

Purpose: development of fantasy, imaginative thinking, imagination through theatrical activities. Creating a positive atmosphere to relieve the emotional and physical stress of children.


  • Awaken the imagination and imaginative thinking of children through a journey through a fairy tale "Havroshechka" .
  • Exercise children in the ability to use sketches to depict the state of a person in different life situations, to understand the moral side of the actions of others.
  • Teaching children emotionally discharged, relieve clamps, "win back" hidden deep in the subconscious fear, anxiety, anxiety. By participating in a fairy tale, balance the psyche of children, relieve emotional and bodily tension. To form the ability to regulate the processes of excitation and inhibition: to develop the ability to quickly switch from active to passive activity and vice versa.
  • Continue to activate and enrich the children's vocabulary. Develop the ability to listen carefully to a fairy tale, answer questions from an adult, express your thoughts when answering questions.
  • Develop coordination of movements, the ability to listen to music, independently change movements in accordance with the changing nature of the music and quickly respond to tempo changes.
  • Develop imagination, memory, attention, the ability to concentrate as much as possible on what is happening.

Lesson progress

Org moment: children with a teacher are standing on the carpet, smiling at each other

Look how wonderful the weather is today, the sun is shining, everyone is in a great mood.

All the children gathered in a circle

I am your friend and you are my friend

Let's hold hands tightly and smile at each other.

Entry into a fairy tale

- Guys, today we will have an unusual meeting. Look, a cow came to visit us (soft toy).

What do you know about the cow?

D.Korova is a pet. A man is taking care of her. It benefits: milk, meat. She mumbles and butts. Cow is a herbivore. The cow has a calf.

- Do you want to get acquainted with the fairy tale from which she came to us?

And to get into a fairy tale, you need to join hands and clearly repeat the magic words after me:

“Ra-ra-ra - it’s time for us to go to a fairy tale.

Gi-gi-gi - help us, cow, help.

Children sit on chairs. Music sounds.

There are good people in the world, and there are those who are not ashamed of their brother. Tiny-Khavroshechka got to such and such. She was left an orphan, these people took her in, fed her and starved her to work: she spins, she cleans, she is responsible for everything.

Exercise 1. "Cleaning the Pot"

- Guys, Tiny-Khavroshechka also had to clean the pans. Show how she held a large pot with one hand, with the other, tensely, with force, cleaned the walls and bottom of the pan.

During the performance of the game task, the teacher draws attention to the tension of the muscles of the children's hands during the exercise.

Children rest after "purges" , shake their hands, slightly leaning forward with the whole body. Change hands and perform the exercise again.

Exercise 2. "Cleaning the floor"

- Imagine and portray as Khavroshechka "dipped a rag in a bucket" and with strength "squeezed" her.

The children are doing the exercise.

- Guys, in which part of the hands do you feel the most tired, the most stressed? Let `s have some rest.

Children "throw" rag on the floor, shaking with brushes. (Finger gymnastics)

Give milk Burenushka

Even a drop on the bottom

Kittens are waiting for me

little guys

Give them a spoonful of cream

A little bit of cottage cheese

Butter, curdled milk,

Milk for porridge

Gives health to all

The owner had three daughters. The older one is One-Eyed, the middle one is Two-Eyed, and the smaller one is Three-Eyed. The daughters only knew that they were sitting at the gate, looking out into the street, and Tiny-Khavroshechka worked for them: she sewed them, spun and wove for them - and never heard a kind word. It used to be that Tiny-Khavroshechka would come out into the field, hug her pockmarked cow, lie on her neck and tell how hard it was for her to live and live.

Exercise 3 "The Sorrow of Tiny-Khavroshechka"

- Guys, was it hard for Khavroshechka? What feelings did she experience? (sadness, grief, annoyance, resentment, etc.) Try to portray how Khavroshechka cried? (covered her face with her hands, wiped her tears, etc.)

- And how can you feel sorry for Khavroshechka? What can you say or do to her?

- Let us take pity on Khavroshechka and say kind words to her.

The cow said to Khavroshechka:

“Red maiden, fit into one ear of me, and crawl out into the other—everything will work out.”

And so it happened. Khavroshechka will fit into a cow in one ear, will come out of the other: it is woven, and whitewashed, and rolled into pipes.

She will take the canvases to the hostess. She will look, grunt, hide in a chest, and Tiny-Khavroshechka will ask even more work.

The hostess got angry, called her daughter One-eye and said to her:

- My daughter is good, my daughter is handsome, go and see who helps the orphan: she weaves, and spins, and rolls into pipes.

One-eye went with Khavroshka into the forest, went with her into the field, and forgot her mother's order and fell asleep.

Exercise 4 "Dance of the Meadow Flowers"

- There were many different flowers in the clearing, it smelled of herbs. Let's do the flower dance in the meadow. Our flowers move to the music smoothly, softly, beautifully. Now let's sit quietly on the rug and fall asleep.

One-eye sleeps, and Khavroshechka says:

- Sleep, peephole, sleep, peephole!

Eye at One-eye and fell asleep. While One-Eye was sleeping, the cow wove everything, and whitened it, and rolled it into pipes. So the hostess did not know anything.

She sent her second daughter Dvuhglazka. She went with Khavroshka and forgot her mother's orders. She got baked in the sun, lay down on the grass and fell asleep. The cow wove, whitened, rolled into pipes. And Two-Eyes was still asleep.

Exercise 5 "Treasured Words"

Children repeat the words from which Two-eyed fell asleep "Sleep peephole, sleep another" (gymnastics for the eyes)

The old woman got angry and sent a third daughter, and gave the orphan even more work to do. Tri-eye jumped, jumped, got tired in the sun and fell on the grass.

Khavroshechka sings:

- Sleep, peephole, sleep, other! And I forgot about the third eye.

Two eyes of Triglazka fell asleep, and the third eye looks and sees everything: how Khavroshechka climbed into one ear of a cow, crawled out into the other and picked up the finished canvases.

Triglazka returned home and told her mother everything.

The old woman was delighted, the next day she came to her husband:

- Cut the pockmarked cow!

Nothing to do. The old man began to sharpen his knife. Khavroshechka realized this, ran into the field, hugged the pockmarked cow and said:

- Mother cow! They want to cut you. And the cow answers her:

“But you, red maiden, don’t eat my meat, but gather my bones, tie them in a handkerchief, bury them in the garden and never forget me. Khavroshechka did everything that the cow bequeathed.

And the apple tree grew, but what a! The apples hang on it in bulk, the leaves rustle golden, the silver twigs bend. Whoever rides past - stops, whoever passes close - looks in. How much time has passed, you never know - One-eye, Two-eye and Three-eye walked once in the garden.

Exercise 6 "Dance in the Garden"

Imagine how the sisters had fun in the garden. And picture them dancing. To do this, you can take handkerchiefs.

At that time, a strong man was driving past - rich, curly-haired, young. I saw bulk apples in the garden, began to ask the girls:

- The beautiful girl, whichever of you brings me an apple, she will marry me.

Three sisters rushed one in front of the other to the apple tree. The sisters wanted to knock down - the leaves of the eye fall asleep, they wanted to pluck - the knots of the braids unravel. No matter how they fought, or rushed about, they tore their hands, but they could not get it.

Exercise 7 "Picture dissatisfaction"

- What feelings did the sisters experience when they failed to pick apples? (evil, envy, discontent, chagrin, etc.)

- Guys, what do you think, when a person is jealous, what kind of face does he have? (evil, rude, tense, ugly). That's right, because when a person is angry, envious, shows discontent, impatience, then this state is reflected in the movements and on the face. Let's portray their displeasure.

– And now we omit the remnants of anger, rudeness, tension. We breathe calmly, softly. We become beautiful, kind and listen to the fairy tale further.

Khavroshechka came up - the twigs bowed to her, and the apples fell to her. She treated that strong man, and he married her. And she began to live well. It's hard not to know.


And so our journey through the fairy tale ended.

What fairy tale did you meet today?

Name the main characters of the story

Who helped Khavroshechka?

How does the hostess treat Khavroshechka; and to your daughters?

Why did the mistress order the cow to be slaughtered?

Which character in the story do you like and why?

What was Khavroshechka like?

What is the name of a person who likes to work?

How did the fairy tale end?

What has this story taught you?

It's time for the kids to go back to kindergarten. Let's get up and repeat the magic words

"Ra-ra-ra - it's time for us to return"

And in memory of today's journey, Khavroshechka sent you treats - apples from her magical apple tree.


Topic: "Visiting the writer S. Ya. Marshak."

Goals and objectives: To summarize the knowledge of children about the writer, his works. Continue to teach children to memorize poems. To develop intonational expressiveness of speech, artistic abilities of preschoolers.

To cultivate interest in literature, the desire to get acquainted with the work of Marshak.

Equipment: books by S. Ya. Marshak, illustrations for his works, a portrait of the writer, attributes of costumes for reading and dramatizing poetry, schematic drawings for memorizing, origami crafts, colored pencils.

Preliminary work:

Reading to children and listening to audio recordings of the works of S.Ya. Marshak. Word games and exercises for the development of tempo, timbre, melody of speech and logical stress. Learning by heart excerpts from the poems “Mustache - striped”, “That's how absent-minded”, “Luggage”, “Lesson of politeness” and their staging. Making origami “cat” crafts with children

Lesson progress

Today we will go to visit the writer and poet S. Ya. Marshak. Take a look at his portrait. He lived a long life - 77 years. You, your mothers, fathers and even grandparents know his books.

Now the children of our group will perform in front of you. And you look, listen and remember the names of these works.

1) The girl began to teach the kitten to speak:

- Kitty, say: a ball.

And he says meow!

- Say horse.

And he says meow!

- Say e-lek-three-thing.

And he says meow meow!

All "meow" yes "meow"!

What a stupid kitty!

2) He sat down on the bed in the morning,

Started putting on a shirt.

Put his hands in the sleeves

It turned out they were pants.

He went to the buffet

Buy yourself a ticket.

And then rushed to the cashier

Buy a bottle of kvass.

3) Issued to a lady at the station

Four green receipts

About the baggage received:

Sofa, suitcase, bag,

Painting, basket, cardboard

And a little dog.

4) A bear of five or six years

Learned how to behave

- Away, bear

You can't roar

You can not be rude and swagger.

Acquaintances must bow

Take off your hat to them

Don't step on the paw.

Now take a look at these illustrations. Do you know what fairy tales or poems they are drawn to?

Fizminutka: “Poodle”

One day an old lady (Walking in place)

Went to the forest.

Comes back, (Turns left-right with

And the poodle disappeared. shoulder lift)

The old woman was looking for (Shaking her head,

Fourteen days, wrapping my arms around her)

And the poodle around the room (Jumping in place,

Ran after her. arms folded in front of chest

Guys, you know, it turns out that Marshak studied in England at the University of London and traveled a lot around the country. During these trips, he learned various English poems, nursery rhymes and translated them into Russian for us.

Today we will memorize a small poem called "Conversation"

Aunt Trot and the cat

Sat by the window

Sat next to each other in the evening

Chat a little.

Trot asked: Kitty-kitty,

Can you catch rats?

“Murr,” said the cat,

After a little silence.

Text parsing. Sample questions for children.

  1. Name the main characters of the poem.
  2. What do you think Aunt Trot is like as a mistress for her cat? Describe her character.
  3. How does Aunt Trot talk to a cat?
  4. What is the intonation in her voice?
  5. What do you think of a cat? Tell me about her.
  6. What do you think the cat wanted to say with her “murr”?

Consider schematic drawings that will help you learn this poem.

Children voluntarily recite a poem according to the scheme with the help of a teacher, and then on their own.

At the end of our lesson, I suggest painting the origami “cats” that we made with you in advance. Let your cat have its own special color and character.


Theme: "In the Fairy Yard".

Goals and objectives: Recall with children the meaning of the word “fairy tale”. Summarize children's knowledge of familiar fairy tales. Teaching kids about creative storytelling to link selected objects into a single storyline, to form the ability to compose a fabulous text. To teach children, on the basis of a familiar plot of a fairy tale, to invent a new fairy tale, to tell it meaningfully and emotionally, using expressive means, traditions of the beginning of a fairy tale and ending. To develop the speech creativity of preschoolers. To cultivate interest in literature, love for the book, a friendly and correct attitude towards each other.

Equipment: a set of plane figures of fairy-tale heroes, multimedia equipment (projector, screen).

Lesson progress

Guys, today we will talk about fairy tales. What is a fairy tale? How do you think?

(children's answers)

Who invents fairy tales?

If a fairy tale knocks on the door,

You quickly let her in

Because a fairy tale is a bird

You scare a little - and you won’t find it.

I suggest you play with fairy tales.

Let's collect a bunch of fairy tales you know and love. Name fairy tales and carefully look at the screen.

Interactive game “Bouquet of fairy tales”

- And now I will check how well you know fairy tales.

Listen carefully and guess what this fairy tale is:

Interactive game “Guess the fairy tale”

He left his grandfather

He left his grandmother.

Round itself, ruddy side,

And it's called... (Kolobok)

Only behind the goat the door closed,

There is already a hungry beast here ...

Each of the guys knows a fairy tale:

This … (Seven kids)

Emelya lay on the stove,

For a long time he suffered from idleness.

And then the luck came

All … (By pike command)

He's not low, he's not high

And not locked up

All from logs, from boards

Standing in a field... (Teremok)

Where and when did this happen?

The mouse broke the golden egg.

Grandfather was grieving. And the grandmother was sad ...

Just clucked... (Hen Ryaba)

Grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter pull,

Pulls a little bug,

The cat and mouse pull hard...

Guessed? This … (Turnip)

Fabulous physical minute "Pinocchio"

Pinocchio stretched,

Once stooped, twice stooped,

Raised hands to the sides,

Apparently the key was not found.

To get us the key

You have to get on your toes.

Guys, do you like to write fairy tales? Try to do it yourself now. I think you will succeed.

I suggest you divide into three groups according to the color of your badges. Each group goes to their table. Characters from which fairy tales came to visit you? (Ryaba Hen, Gingerbread Man, Three Bears). But pay attention, among the fairy-tale heroes you know, there are also new characters. Now try to compose a fairy tale in a new way, at the same time, so that the plot is preserved, but the end has changed. What would happen in your fairy tale if there were new characters in it?

Your fairy tale should be small, complete. Remember, in a fairy tale, good always triumphs over evil.

(Work in small groups with fairy tales)

Now let's listen to your stories. (listening to fairy tales)

Guys, what good fellows you are! You have turned out interesting, unusual, not similar fairy tales. A little later, in your free time, you can draw pictures for your new fairy tales.


Topic: “Journey through the fairy tales of K. I. Chukovsky”.

Goals and objectives: To summarize the knowledge of children about the writer, his works. To form the ability to determine the content of literary works from excerpts from books and illustrations. Develop imagination, speech creativity in children. Cultivate interest in literature, love of books and reading.

Equipment: Books by K. I. Chukovsky, a portrait of the writer, illustrations for his works, attributes of costumes for reading - dramatization of poems, drawings based on fairy tales by K. I. Chukovsky.

Preliminary work: Reading to children and listening to audio recordings of Chukovsky's works. Excursion to the city library. Exhibition of drawings by children and parents “My friends from Chukovsky's books.

Lesson progress

Educator. Today we will go on a journey. And where - guess for yourself. What poem are these lines from, and who is the author?

Like ours at the gate

The miracle tree grows

Miracle miracle, miracle, miracle


Not a leaf on it

Not a flower on it.

And stockings and shoes,

Like apples!

Masha will go through the garden,

Masha will pluck from the tree

Shoes, boots,

New galoshes.

And for Murochka such

tiny blue

knitted shoes,

And with pom poms

Here is such a tree!

Children: “Wonder Tree” by K.I. Chukovsky.

Educator: Right. (The phone rings, the teacher picks up the phone.) My phone rang. Who is speaking?

Children: Elephant.

Educator. Where?

Children. From a camel.

Educator. What do you need?

Children. chocolate.

Educator. And how do you know all this?

Children. From the book by K.I. Chukovsky "Telephone"

Educator. That's right, these poems were written by K.I. Chukovsky.

Look at his portrait. Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky lived a long time ago, when your grandparents were as small as you are now. He had four children: two daughters and two sons. He loved them very much, often played hide-and-seek with them, tag, swam with them, rode them in a boat, read books to them. But one day an accident happened. His little son became seriously ill. The boy had a high temperature, he could not sleep, he was crying. Chukovsky was very sorry for his son, he wanted to calm him down, and on the go he began to invent and tell him a fairy tale. The boy liked the story, he stopped crying, listened attentively and finally fell asleep, and after a few days he completely recovered. After this incident, Chukovsky began to compose fairy tales. And I came up with a lot of them.

- Do you like fairy tales?

Our children have prepared a surprise for you. They will tell you excerpts from the works of Korney Chukovsky, and you try to guess the name.

1 child:

Jump, yes jump

Yes chirp chirp

Chicky ricky chirp chirp!

He took and pecked the cockroach,

There is no Giant.

Serve the giant got it,

And his mustache was gone. ("Cockroach")

2 child:

Oh you, my poor orphans,

Irons and frying pans are mine!

You go home, unwashed,

I will wash you with water,

I will sand you

I'll douse you with boiling water,

And you will again

The sun shine. (“Fedorino grief”)

4 child:

I killed the villain!

I freed you!

And now, soul girl,

I want to marry you! ("Fly Tsokotukha")

5 child:

I'm telling you villain

Spit out the sun soon!

And not that, look - I'll catch it,

I'll break it in half.

Will you, ignoramus, know

Steal our sun! ("Stolen Sun")

- What characters do these fabulous names belong to?

Aibolit - (doctor)

Barmaley - (robber)

Fedora - (grandmother)

Doodle - (shark)

Moidodyr - (wash basin)

Totoshka, Kokoshka - (crocodiles)

Tsokotuha - (fly)


Reading the story of N. Nosov "Dreamers"

Program content:

1. Educational tasks:

  • Continue to acquaint preschoolers with the work of the children's writer N. Nosov;
  • To form the ability to give short and detailed answers to questions on the text;
  • Improve reasoning skills, compose short fantastic stories;

2. Educational tasks:

  • Raise interest in works of fiction;

3. Developmental tasks:

  • Develop a sense of humor, creative image.

Methodological techniques: game motivation (arrival of Dunno); di "Learn a story by subject" ; reading the story of N. Nosov "Dreamers" ; teacher questions; physical education minute "Fantastic" ; lesson analysis; homework "My fantasies" .

Preliminary work: Reading the stories of N. Nosov at the choice of the educator, examining and drawing illustrations for the stories; reading a poem by B. Zakhoder "My imagination" , discussions on the topic "Fantasy" .

Materials and equipment:

  1. Dunno doll;
  2. Collection of stories by N. Nosov;
  3. Illustrations for the story;
  4. Demonstration board;
  5. Wonderful bag;
  6. Items for the stories of N. Nosov: a hat, a cucumber, a pistol, a typewriter, a lollipop, a telephone, a saucepan.

Individually differentiated approach:

  1. To teach children with a high level of development to give detailed answers to the questions of the educator, substantiating their answers with logical conclusions;
  2. Children with an average level of development are taught to give complete answers to the questions of the educator, retelling certain passages of the text;
  3. Encourage children with a low level of development to answer the proposed questions, lead them to the correct conclusions.

Lesson progress

Educator: Guys, do you like to fantasize?

Children: Yes, we love.

Educator: Why do you think people fantasize?

Children: To cheer up the other person. To please him.

Knock on the door.

Educator: Guys, listen, someone is knocking. A fairy tale hero came to visit us, who loves to fantasize, invent, compose. And who is he, I think you will answer in chorus, in rhyme:

Naughty, funny boy,

He is an artist and a poet.

He is a funny little guy

Hi from him to all of you!

You know him now!

A hero has arrived... (Dunno)

Who came up with Dunno and all his friends? (N. N. Nosov)

Educator: Guys, Dunno knows a lot of Nosov's stories and loves them very much. He collected various items from his favorite stories, but accidentally confused which item was from which story. Can we help him figure it out?

Children: Help

D/Game "Learn the story of N. Nosov on the subject" :

Telephone - "Telephone" , hat - "Living Hat" , saucepan and ladle - "Mishkina porridge" , rowan brush - "Knock-Knock" , cucumber - "Cucumbers" , sand - "On the Hill" , shovel - "Gardeners" , pants with a patch - "Patch" .

Educator: Well done, guys, helped Dunno figure it out. You see, Dunno, our children also know a lot of Nosov's stories and love them, have you read the story "Dreamers" ?

Dunno: Yes, I myself am a good Dreamer! But I haven’t read such a story, I would like to know what kind of dreamers there are.

Educator: Well, then listen with the guys to another story by Nikolai Nosov "Dreamers"

Reading the story of N. Nosov "Dreamers"

Text questions:

  1. Did you like this story by N. Nosov?
  2. . What is it called?
  3. Why do you think the story is called "Dreamers" ?
  4. Which of the heroes can be safely called dreamers, why?
  5. Did all the boys tell fictional stories?
  6. And how did Igor's story differ from the stories of Mishutka and Stasik?
  7. What story did he tell them?
  8. Why didn't the guys want to be friends with Igor?
  9. How can you tell lies from fantasy?

Fizkultminutka. Now we will rest. Let's have a fantastic exercise.

One two three four five

We start playing!

All eyes closed (cover eyes with hands)

And lowered their heads (squat)

And when we open our eyes (get up)

Let's get into stories, fairy tales, (raise hands up)

The story will give us a rest.

Let's take a break and get back on the road!

Malvina advises us:

There will be an aspen waist,

If we bend

Left - right 10 times, (tilts left - right)

Here are the Thumbelina words:

  • To keep your back straight

Get up on your toes

It's like reaching for flowers. (Rise on toes, hands up)

One two three four five

Repeat again:

One two three four five, (repeat)

Little Red Riding Hood Tip:

If you jump, run,

You will live for many years.

One two three four five, (jumping in place)

Repeat again:

One two three four five, (repeat)

Gave us a fairy tale to rest!

Have a rest? On the road again!

Close your eyes quickly (close eyes with hands, squat)

We're back in kindergarten! (Stand up, hands up)

Educator: Well, Dunno, did you like our trip?

Dunno: I liked it very much, and you guys?

Educator: And what did you like and remember the most?

Children: Game, fantastic physical education.

Dunno: And guys, I really liked the stories of Mishutka and Stasik! I'll be back, today in the Sunny City to my friends, and together we compose such stories! It's a pity that the time has come to say goodbye to you. Goodbye, guys!

Children: Goodbye, Dunno!

Educator: Guys, today we learned what kind of dreamers the heroes of our story are. And I suggest that tonight you also dream up with moms and dads, come up with your own stories, and tomorrow tell them to each other in kindergarten.


Subject: "Silver Hoof" . Abstract of a lesson on reading fiction

Program content:

Cultivate love for art, interest in folklore. Cultivate sensitivity.

Learn to distinguish fairy tales from epics. Learn to see and understand the beauty of literary works.

To acquaint with the writer P. P. Bazhov, his tales.

Develop a sense of empathy and support, communication skills.


P. P. Bazhov "Ural Tales" , With. 233

Lesson progress


Remember and say what folklore is?

What language did this word come from?

What works are folklore?

Name epics? Main characters?

“Today I would like to introduce you to a writer who was very fond of oral folk art and called his literary works tales.

"Skaz" - a word very similar to the word "fairy tale" . Indeed, a tale is an oral tradition in which a fairy tale is intricately intertwined with real life. In these tales, the characters are ordinary earthly people. And next to them - fabulous.

These are the tales that the writer Pavel Petrovich Bazhov wrote. This man became a writer at a very mature age. When his first work was published, he was 57 years old. Pavel Petrovich Bazhov was born in 1879 (150 years ago, in the family of a master who worked at a mining plant near Yekaterinburg (a city in the Urals). The boy was lucky with the teacher of Russian language and literature. The teacher loved Russian literature and passed on his love to his students. At the age of nine, Bazhov knew entire collections of poems by Russian poets by heart. Pavel Bazhov could become a priest - he graduated from the Perm Theological Seminary. But he became a teacher of the Russian language, taught first in Yekaterinburg, then in Kamyshlov. During the war (civilian) fought in the Red Army, was captured, and after escaping - in a detachment of red partisans. After the war he took up journalism. From his youth, Bazhov was interested in folklore, studied folk wisdom. In his tales, Bazhov talks about hard work at mining plants, about the joy of creativity, about caring for nature. The writer said: "Russian man does not live without a rainbow" . Bazhov collected all his stories and published a book "Malachite Box" . Today we will get acquainted with the tale from this book. And he is called "Silver Hoof" .

Reading a tale "Silver Hoof"


Give the name of the story.

Who is the main character of this work?

What was the girl's name?

Why did she end up at Kokovani's?

How do you imagine Darenka? Kokovan?

What story did the old man tell the girl?

Is there a fairytale moment in the story? Which?

Name ordinary heroes and fabulous ones?

Why did Silverhoof give the girl gems?

Did you like the story? Why?

Emotion exercise

"Sorry, let's do good"

Physical education minute "Christmas Trees"


Which writer did we meet in class?

How did he name his literary works?

What's happened "tale" ?

Name the characters in the story?

What story did you learn in class?


Subject: "Introduction to the Russian folk tale "The Frog Princess"

Purpose: to form an interest and need for reading books (fairy tales)

Tasks: To form in children the concept of the genre "fairy tale" ,; to consolidate the ability to use sentences of different types in speech (on your own and with the help of an adult); cultivate cognitive interest; develop speech, attention, memory, cultivate a sense of camaraderie, the ability to yield to each other.

Integration of educational areas: "Reading Fiction, "Communication" , "Knowledge" , "Artistic Creativity"

Activity progress

1. -Look who came to visit us today? Yes, this is a familiar storyteller of fairy tales. So where are we going today? Right.

Today we will continue our journey through the Land of Fairy Tales. Want to?

Let's remember what a fairy tale is?

What are fairy tales?

Well done! Today we will also go to a fairy tale. Which one you will find out by guessing the riddle.

An arrow flew and hit the swamp,

And in this swamp someone raised it.

Who, having said goodbye to green skin,

Did you instantly become beautiful, comely?

That's right, this is the fairy tale The Frog Princess.

2. -Do you want to know what happened in this fairy tale? (Yes)

Then assume the position of a listener. (reading a fairy tale)

3. Conversation after reading:

Did you like the fairy tale? How?

What features of the folk tale can you name?

Name the main characters. Which of them did you like the most?

What is Ivan Tsarevich in a fairy tale? And Vasilisa the Wise?

Why is Vasilisa called Wise?

What magic did you notice in the fairy tale?

Why are miracles needed in fairy tales?

What type of fairy tale is it?

Why is the story called "Princess Frog" ?

Physical education minute "Two Frogs" .

We see them jumping along the edge

(Turns sideways.)

Two green frogs.

(Half squats left and right.)

Jump-jump, jump-jump,

(Stepping from toe to heel.)

Jump from heel to toe.

Two girlfriends in the swamp

Two green frogs

(Hands on the belt, half-squats to the right and left.)

Washed early in the morning

Rubbed with a towel.

(Perform movements in accordance with the text.)

They stamped their feet,

Hands clapped.

Leaning to the right

Tilt to the left.

Here is the secret of health

(Walking in place.)

Physical education friends!

4. The sorceress from the land of fairy tales has sent questions for you and wants to check whether you have listened carefully to the fairy tale.

Viewing a presentation.

  • -Well done boys. What does this tale teach?

5. -You answered all the questions, and the storyteller invites you to find out which fairy tale we will go to next time. You will know if you put the puzzles together correctly. (Children put together a puzzle)

What fairy tale awaits us next time? (Fox and crane)

Summary of activities

What fairy tale did you meet today? What is this fairy tale? What does she teach?

What did you like the most today?

In the evening you can draw illustrations for this tale.


Subject:. Memorizing a poem by E. Blaginina "Let's sit in silence"


  1. To teach children to memorize a poem, to read loudly enough, with expression. Develop memory, expand children's cognitive interests. Raise interest in fiction of different genres
  2. Involve children in conversation while looking at pictures, objects. Repetition of interesting passages
  3. Develop free communication with adults. Listen and answer questions asked. Expand and vocabulary of children
  4. Keep children healthy
  5. Learn to listen to music
  6. Bring joy to children.
  7. Consolidate memorization of poems
  8. To form the ability to expressively read a poem, express emotions intonation


A board on which printed pictures are placed corresponding to the lines of the poem. mirror.


Preliminary work: I will read to the children a poem by G. Vieru "Mother's day"

Introductory part: Children sit in a semicircle on chairs. I take a mirror and point the sunbeam at one child, then another, and so on. (Children look at the sunbeam)

Then I show the children the pictures on the board. Children remember that in the morning they read a poem by G. Vieru "Mother's day" (Children look at the pictures)

I invite children to listen to a poem by E. Blaginina Let's sit in silence "

Main part

I read a poem

(Children sit on

chairs in a semicircle)

Mom is sleeping, she is tired ...

Well, I didn't play!

I don't start a top

And I sit down and sit.

My toys don't make noise

Quiet in an empty room.

And on my mother's pillow

The beam is stealing golden.

And I said to the beam:

I want to move too!

I would like a lot:

I would sing a song

I could laugh

Whatever I want!

But my mother is sleeping, and I am silent.

The beam darted along the wall,

And then slithered towards me.

"Nothing," he whispered,

Let's sit in silence.

I ask questions to the children: - Did you like the poem (liked) Why didn't the girl play? (mom is sleeping, she is tired)

Whom the girl does not turn on (top)

Who does not make noise in the room (toys)

Who sneaks on my mother's pillow (Ray)

What did the girl say to the beam (I want to move too)

What would the girl do if mom did not sleep (I would like to read a lot, roll a ball, sing, laugh)

(Several children look at the picture and read a poem)

I read it again, then I turn to the children:

I have a mirror, who wants to post a sunbeam like it's a ray? Go Leila (I give the girl a mirror in her hands and help to point the beam at the children. Leila looks at the cortinki and reads a poem, during difficulties I help and prompt her.

mobile game "Catch the Bunny"

I turn on the music at the time when it sounds on the lena, a sunbeam flashes, the music ends, the music the bunny disappears, the next one who starts the sunbeam wakes up the most active child (the game continues 5-6 times)

I tell the children that we can play this game on a walk

(Children get up and catch a sunbeam on the wall)

Final part

What is the name of the poem (Let's sit in silence, who wrote (E. Blaginina, what we played today (caught a sunny bunny (Remember to answer questions)

Subsequent work


Play a game with the children. Remember the poem and pronounce it.

(All the children frolic on the veranda)

Individual work with Sasha, pronounce with her a few lines that are difficult for her to understand


Conversation on the Nanai fairy tale "Ayoga"

Purpose: to continue to acquaint children with the work of the small peoples of the North; cultivate respect for the culture of other peoples; continue to introduce emotional-evaluative vocabulary into speech; improve artistic and speech performing skills; to cultivate the ability to experience compassion, sympathy; to form qualities: responsiveness, kindness, sympathy.

Equipment: drawings depicting Nanai girls, masks, recording of music. passages

Lesson progress

Guys, stand in a circle, holding hands with your friends. Smile at each other. Listen to the beating of the heart.

How can you say about the heart? (kind, indifferent)

Speaking of the heart, we are talking about the person himself, about his character.

Now we will read a Nanai fairy tale and get acquainted with two girls

(show pictures)

One kind, affectionate, the other indifferent, cold.

The tale is called "Ayoga"

Reading a fairy tale


Which picture shows Ayoga, right or left?

How did you guess?

Tell me, what was Ayoga? (proud, angry)

Who is in the other picture? (next door girl)

Tell about her.

They say: “A person is beautiful not by his face, but by his actions” .

How do you understand it?

This proverb fits the story "Ayoga" ?

What actions of Ayogi did you not like?

What happened to Ayoga?


Try to imagine yourself in Ayogi's place.

Turn into geese. (flew)

-Remember how Ayoga waves her arms, stretched her neck:

"I don't need anything"


Yes, Ayoga was offended, her mother did not give her a cake.

I gave it to the girl next door.

Why did she do this?

For a long time mother asked Ayoga to go get some water. Let's remember how it was, Tanya, Lisa, Anya will help us.

Dramatization of an excerpt from a fairy tale

Who would you like to be like?

What did you like about the girl?

What good deeds are you doing? (we sweep the floor, wash the dishes)

Now you will hear two muses. excerpt.

Determine which melody reflects the character of Ayogi, and which suits the girl next door?

(listening to the tune)

What girl did you introduce?

What is the nature of the music? (gentle, affectionate)

Depict the character of the girls with movements.

Musical improvisation

Guys, today we met with a fairy tale "Ayoga" .

What is her mood like? (sad)

What does Ayoga have to become in order to turn back into a girl? (kind)

Do you believe Ayoga will change?

Do you want the story to end differently?

Tomorrow we will come up with a continuation of the fairy tale with a happy ending.


Subject: "Telling the Russian folk tale "Sivka-burka"

Program content:

educational goals

To teach children to understand the meaning of a fairy tale, the moral contained in it.

To consolidate knowledge about the genre features of a fairy tale;

Development goals

To develop sensitivity to the figurative structure of the language of a fairy tale, the ability to reproduce and understand figurative expressions;


To educate in children emotional susceptibility to the figurative content of a fairy tale, the ability to empathize with characters;

Preliminary work.

Visit to the exhibition "city of masters" , examining the layouts of various fairy tales.

Examination of illustrations depicting various heroes of Russian folk tales.

A conversation about what kind of children know fairy tales, where different animals help the main characters.

Organization of a group exhibition of books brought by children "My favorite stories"

Equipment and materials.

Fairy tale books "By magic" , "Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf" , "Sivka-burka" , "The Little Humpbacked Horse" P. Ershova, illustrations for fairy tales.

Course progress.

1. Introduction

Visiting a book exhibition organized in a group, conversation:

Guys, I invite you to the opening of our exhibition "My favorite stories" . Let's look at the books you brought.

(2, 3 children talk about their books)

Remember the names of these stories. (Russian national). And why are they called that? (they do not have an author, fairy tales have long been composed by the people and passed from mouth to mouth)

Guys, name some of the main characters of these fairy tales? (Emelya, Ivan Tsarevich, etc.)

In all these fairy tales, different animals helped the main characters: in the fairy tale about Emelya. (pike, in a fairy tale about Ivan Tsarevich. (gray wolf).

And in every fairy tale, the heroes knew the cherished word to call their friend in difficult times. Remember what words Emelya said?

("At the pike's command, at my will" )

2. Reading a fairy tale

-Now you will hear a Russian folk tale "Sivka-burka" , in which the main character is also helped by an animal, but which one, you must find out for yourself by listening to this poem:

Gallant steed

Well, gallop!

You fly, horse, soon, soon,

Through the rivers, through the mountains!

All the same, at a gallop - gop-hop!


Trot, dear friend!

After all, it will be strength to hold back.

Trot, trot, my dear horse!


Don't stumble, my friend!

That's right guys. In a fairy tale "Sivka-burka" , the horse will help the main character, listen carefully and remember what cherished word Ivanushka will call the horse and how the horse will help him.

(The teacher reads a fairy tale)

3. Conversation on the content of the fairy tale

Who are the main characters of the story "Sivka-burka" ? Which of the characters would you call positive and which negative?

Why did you decide so.

Tell us how the friendship between Ivanushka and the horse began? What proverb could you use to describe this? (There would be no happiness, but misfortune helped.) Why this proverb?

How is Sivka-Burka described in a fairy tale, is it different from ordinary horses (description using exact phrases from the fairy tale)

What cherished word did Ivanushka call Sivka-burka? As the fairy tale says, how did he call the horse?

(“It will go out into the open field, whistle, hark…” )

In Russian fairy tales, all important events usually happen three times, are repeated three times. What happened three times in a fairy tale "Sivka-burka" ?

(“Three nights, three brothers, went to the city three times, called the horse three times” )

4. Telling a tale

Guys, now we will try to tell a fairy tale ourselves "Sivka-burka" .

We tell expressively so that we understand how the characters feel, so that the fairy tale comes to life. Who would like to start?

(All children tell, according to a small passage, the teacher makes sure that the text is as close as possible to the original, the same verbal turns, figurative expressions are used)

5. Final part

Examining illustrations with access to productive activities

Guys, did you like how you told the story?

Look at the board, what do you see? These are illustrations for a fairy tale. "Sivka-burka" and other Russian folk tales.

What do you feel when you look at these illustrations? You can feel the character and mood of the hero.

You each have your own favorite fairy tale, I suggest you draw your favorite fairy tale character, and we will decorate our group with your drawings, make an exhibition "Favorite fairy tale characters" .


Subject: "Reading to children the literary work" Gray Star " B. Zakhoder.

Purpose: to introduce children to fiction.

Type: reading to children.

Theme: reading the fairy tale by Boris Zakhoder "Grey Star" .

Program content:

  1. Educational and cognitive tasks: to convey the ideological content of the work to children: ugly does not mean bad and useless. To expand children's knowledge about the features of the life of toads. Be motivated to relate to the actions of the heroes, to characterize the heroes.
  2. Speech task: continue to teach children to speak coherently, clearly, consistently.
  3. vocabulary task:
  • Enrich: slug, caterpillar.
  • Clarify, fix: trees, bushes, flowers.
  • Activate: asterisk, butterfly, toad, starling, thorns.

4. Educational task: to cultivate interest in the work of Boris Zakhoder.

5. Developmental task: to develop memory, attention, perception, thinking.

6. Corrective tasks: develop an active vocabulary; learn to correctly change words in gender, number, case; learn to link words in a sentence; learn to use the correct pace, speech breathing.

Preparing children: getting to know other works by B. Zakhoder (fairy tale "Rusachok" , poem "Letter "I" ) .

Preparation of the educator: picked up a work, visibility; made a summary.

Equipment: magnetic board, illustrations for the work, magnets.

The logic of directly educational activities:

I part. Introductory.

Guys, today we have a very interesting lesson, but before I tell you which one, I will make riddles for you. Well, they are very simple, so you can quickly guess them. Ready?

1. Under the pines, under the trees

There is a bag of needles. (Hedgehog.)

How did you guess?

2. Not a beast, not a bird,

Everyone is afraid

Catch flies -

And splash into the water! (Toad.)

How did you guess?

3. On a pole - a palace,

In the palace - a singer,

And his name is... (Starling.)

How did you guess?

II part. Main.

1. What good fellows you are! Guys, now I will read you a work about a toad, about a learned starling, about hedgehogs and much more about that. And it's called "Grey star" and wrote this work Boris Zakhoder.

  • Guys, what do you know about hedgehogs? What are they?
  • And the toad? How do you imagine a toad? I start reading the work and at the same time I put pictures according to the plot on a magnetic board.
  • And what are pansies, daisies, roses, bluebells, Ivan - yes - Marya, asters? What do all these flowers have?

Well done, you know a lot. Well, now sit back, I'm starting to read. Listen carefully, after reading I will ask questions and understand how well you remember and how carefully you listened. (Reading the work.)

2. Conversation on the content of what was read. I ask the children questions:

  • Guys, what is this piece about? (About the Gray Star (a toad that everyone loved and which benefited flowers.)
  • What do you remember the most? (That the flowers loved her just the way she was.)
  • Who wrote this work? (The work was written by Boris Zakhoder.)
  • Why did everyone love the Gray Star? (For the fact that she protected flowers and bushes from enemies - slugs and caterpillars.)
  • Why did the Silly Boy throw stones at the Gray Star? (Because he thought she was poisonous.)
  • Did the stupid boy do the right thing? (No.)
  • Do you think Gray Star did a good job? (Yes, it protected plants from enemies.)
  • Did you like this piece? (Yes.)
  • And what does it teach? (The fact that you cannot look only at external signs, you need to see the essence.)

Guys, we all stayed too long, let's get up for a physical minute.

(We walk in place.)

(We clap our hands.)

We can also rest.

(Jumping in place.)

Put your hands behind your back

(Hands behind back.)

Let's raise our heads higher

(Raise your head up.)

And let's breathe easy.

(Deep inhale-exhale.)

Pull up on your toes -

So many times

Exactly as many as fingers

(They showed how many fingers are on the hands.)

On your hand.

(Rise on toes 10 times.)

3. Re-reading excerpts from the work.

4. Conclusions. I ask the children questions:

  • So what did the author want to tell us? (That toads are actually not bad, even though they are ugly. They are useful.)

III part. Final.

Now let's play a game. It's called "Name the first sound" . I will say the word and take turns throwing the ball at you. You will have to name the first sound in the word and throw the ball to me. You can’t tell, be patient, you all take part in the game.

Purpose of the game: to consolidate the ability to name the first sound in a word.

I give a general analysis of the lesson: the guys, you actively answered the questions, were attentive, especially Tanya, Katya, Misha, because when I read, they were not distracted and listened to me very carefully.


Subject: V. Bianchi's story "Forest houses" .

Program content:

Communication. Reading fiction.

  1. To acquaint children with the work of Vitaly Bianchi.
  2. Expand the idea that each bird builds a special nest for itself and why.
  3. Introduce children to proverbs that reflect a person's love for his home.

Dictionary enrichment: plover, grebe.

Activation: swallow, falcon, plover, dove, oriole, warbler.

Display material: Illustrations, postcards and other images of birds: swallow, falcon, plover, pigeon, oriole, warbler, grebe.

1. Acquaintance with the work of Vitaly Bianchi.

Educator: Guys, today I want to introduce you to the stories and fairy tales of the wonderful writer Vitaly Bianchi.

(Consideration of the portrait of the writer)

You and I have already read a lot of stories by V. Bianchi, for example: stories about the forest, animals. V. Bianchi went on his first forest journey when he was five years old. Since then, the forest has become a magical land for him. Bianchi considered his father to be his main forest teacher. It was he who taught his son to write down his observations. After many years, they were transformed into fascinating stories and fairy tales. Bianchi himself called his works "fairy tales" . They don't have "magic wand" , or something that does not happen, but, reading them, we seem to live together with birds and animals, listen to their conversations, participate in their adventures.

2. Reading a story "Forest houses"

Educator: today I invite you to listen to a story called: "Forest houses"

3. Conversation on the content of the story.

Educator: And now, I propose to answer the questions.

Who was the main character in this story (children answer)-swallow - shore.

How did it happen that Beregovushka lost her home? (a fragment of a retelling of events by one of the children who wishes)

Whom did Beregovushka meet first? (a little yellow bird with a black tie around his neck named Plover.)

Tell us what kind of conversation they had. (fragment of retelling)

What kind of house did Zuyk have and could Beregovushka spend the night in it?

Did Beregovushka like the pigeon's house? Tell me what was he like?

What birds did the swallow visit? Tell us about their houses.

(At Ivolga, the house is made of stems, hairs, wool, and birch peel: it hangs on a branch and sways. At Penochka, there is a hut made of dry grass, twisted right on the ground. At Chemga, there is a floating island of dry reed.

Why was Penochka uncomfortable in these nests?

And what kind of homes do swallows have? (Like holes on a steep bank of a river, like minks.)

What interesting things have we learned from this story? (Each bird has its own house, not like the others.)

4. Looking at pictures of different bird nests.

(looking at pictures)

Why do you think the shore swallow liked her own house the most? (Because her mother was there, her warm bed of grass and feathers was there.)

5. Acquaintance with proverbs about the house.

Educator: Every person loves his home more than anything in the world, the place where he was born, where he lives.

I suggest you listen to proverbs about your home, for example: "It's good to be away, but home is better" , "Where one was born, there he came in handy" . The teacher invites the children to explain the meaning of proverbs.


Why do you think birds have such different houses, what does it depend on? (Each bird builds its nest where it lives: in the grass, on the branches of trees, on the water, etc. Moreover, it tries to make it invisible to prying eyes)

The teacher gives an objective assessment of the activities of the children in the classroom, as an option, asks to evaluate their comrades, themselves.


Retelling of Ukrainian folk tale "Spikelet"

Theme: Retelling of the Ukrainian folk tale "Spikelet".

Objectives: 1. To teach children to retell a fairy tale on their own, to convey the characters of the characters with intonation, their attitude to the characters; learn to tell faces (changing voice, intonation); learn to understand the figurative content and meaning of proverbs.

2. develop the ability to come up with various options for new episodes of a fairy tale; develop imagination, fantasy; coherent speech of children; continue to develop attention.

3. cultivate friendly relations, interest in the lesson.

Material: book with illustrations; staging attributes.

Lesson progress:

You are well aware of the proverb "Who does not work, he does not eat."

What does she mean?

(children's answers)

Now I will read you the Ukrainian folk tale "Spikelet".

Reading a fairy tale.

How does the fairy tale reveal the meaning of the proverb "Who does not work, he does not eat"?

Guys, think about what kind of mice? What words can be said about them? How did you get it?

What cockerel? What words can be used to describe it?

Tell me how the cockerel worked. What did he do with the spikelet?

What were the mice doing during this time? How did the cockerel teach us a lesson? What did he tell them?

Listen to this story again. After that you will retell it.

Retelling a fairy tale by children (individually, collective retelling)

Guys, the fairy tale says: "And the mice only knew that they were jumping and dancing." Think about how the mice had fun, and when you retell the tale, tell about it.

Analysis of children's stories. Reward in the form of praise.

Fairy tale dramatization using paraphernalia.


Subject: Retelling the story of L. N. Tolstoy "Bone"

PROGRAM TASKS: To develop monologue speech, the ability to meaningfully and expressively retell a literary text, grammatically correct construction of sentences. Activate the dictionary on a lexical topic. Develop auditory perception; exercise in distinguishing non-speech sounds, voice timbre. Enrich the dictionary with figurative expressions of the language. Develop literary speech; to attach to verbal art, including the development of artistic perception and aesthetic taste. Develop memory, logical thinking, arbitrary attention. To cultivate sensitivity, justice, the ability to admit a mistake.

DICTIONARY: upper room, blushed like a cancer, considered, turned pale.

METHODS AND TECHNIQUES: reading a story, conversation, questions, encouragement.

EQUIPMENT: fruit bowl; portrait of Leo Tolstoy; subject pictures depicting boiled crayfish, upper room; tape recorder, recording the noises of autumn.

I Introduction

Children enter the group to the musical work of A. Vivaldi "Autumn" .

Guys, did you like this piece of music?

What mood did it evoke in you?

What time of year is this music best for?

Yes, indeed, autumn is so different and only in autumn there is such a riot of colors. That's all and showed the famous Italian composer Antonio Vivaldi, in his musical work "Autumn" , an excerpt of which we have now listened to.

Composers compose music about all seasons, artists paint pictures, poets dedicate poems. Let's remember an excerpt from a poem by A. S. Pushkin "Autumn" .

Reading a poem to a child.

A big crop ripens in autumn. What?

Vegetables, fruits, cereals (rye, wheat)

Look, what is the harvest on my table?

Fruit harvest.

What fruit? (peaches, apricots, plums)

Where do fruits grow?

In the garden with fruit trees.

I know that you all love fruits very much. And why? What is inside each fruit?

Each fruit has a seed inside.

What is the right way to eat fruit?

They must be washed so that there are no germs. Throw the bone in the trash can.

Well done boys.


Today I will introduce you to the true story of Leo Tolstoy "bone" (portrait display)


  1. Reading a story
  2. Content Conversation

Teacher: What did mom buy?

Children: Mom bought plums.

Educator: How did Vanya behave?

Children: Vanya walked around the plums and smelled them all.

Educator: Why were they interested in Vanya?

Children: He really liked them, he never ate plums.

Educator: How did Vanya behave when he was left alone in the room?

Children: Vanya could not resist, grabbed one plum and ate it.

Educator: Who noticed that one plum was gone?

Children: Mom counted the plums and noticed that one was missing.

Educator: Did Vanya confess his act?

Children: The children answered that they did not eat plums and Vanya also said that he did not eat plums.

Educator: Why was dad worried?

Children: He said that if one of the children ate a plum, it is not good; but the trouble is that there are stones in plums, and if someone swallows a stone, he will die in a day.

Educator: What did Vanya answer?

Children: Vanya said that he threw the bone out the window. Educator: Why did Vanya cry?

Children: Vanya cried because he was ashamed of his act.

Educator: And what would you do in Vanya's place?

Children: I would wait until my mother gives a drain herself. If I had eaten a plum without asking, I would have admitted it myself.

Educator: There is a proverb "The secret always becomes clear" . How do you understand it?

Children: You must immediately admit that you have done a bad deed, because they will find out about it anyway.

3. Vocabulary work

There is this expression in the story: "blushed like cancer" what does it mean?

Children: From shame, it turned red, like boiled cancer.

Educator: And what is the upper room?

Children: Bright, beautiful room.

Educator: How do you understand the word "considered" ?

Children: I counted.

Educator: Turned pale?

Children: Became white, pale with fright.

Guys, you said that fruits grow in the garden on a fruit tree. Let's try to get them.

4. Speech with movement "On a branch"

Here on a branch - an apricot, Stretch your hands up,

He grew up in the sun! Extend your arms to the sides

You reach for him, reach, Rise on your toes, stretch your arms up,

But look, do not stumble! crouch quickly

5. Re-reading the story with a mindset for retelling

Educator: Now I will read the story to you again, and you listen carefully and you will retell it. (Rereading the story)

6. Retelling the story by children

Educator: Tell the story about the boy Vanya. (children's dramatization of the story)

And now we will complicate the task and try to retell this story in person. Then a retelling on behalf of mom and on behalf of dad, on behalf of the bone.

Sh. Final part

Bottom line, assessment:

What is the name of the story you are telling? Who is its author in his musical work? Whose story did you like best and why?

What is the name of the piece of music that we listened to? Who is the composer?

I liked all your stories, you tried to retell close to the text. Well done!

Do not forget to tell the story about the boy Vanya to parents, sisters and brothers at home.


Subject: "Reading the Nenets folk tale" Cuckoo "

Purpose: understanding the moral of the tale

Tasks: to teach to understand the moral of a fairy tale, to expand children's ideas about fairy tales of different peoples, about the traditions and customs of the peoples of the north. Develop attention, thinking, memory, attention. Cultivate the ability to sympathy, responsiveness, respect for the mother.

Vocabulary: chum, malitsa, pima, tundra.

Equipment: illustrations: plague, malitsy, pimov, casket, golden key, thimble, colored stripes (blue, red, yellow) for each child, a little book - a fairy tale "Cuckoo", a rebus.

Lesson progress

1. Game moment. "Key, golden key!

Open a new story! "

Who can read the title of the story? Who do you think this story is about? Who is this cuckoo? What do you know about her? The prepared child answers. (The cuckoo is a migratory bird. It does not build a nest; it lays its eggs in other people's nests. Never take care of your offspring.)

What are fairy tales? (about animals, magical, household) What fairy tales do you know? (Russian, Kazakh, Ukrainian, etc.)

"Cuckoo" is a Nenets folk tale. Who are the Nenets? The prepared child answers. (The Nenets are residents of the north. They are engaged in reindeer herding. In the north, the winter is very long and cold, so people wear warm clothes made of fur and deer skins.)

2. "Workshop of words"

There is something in the box. (illustrations) What is chum? A prepared child: a chum is a dwelling of the northern peoples, covered with deer skins, similar in shape to a hut. What is a malitsa? Prepared child: malitsa is a garment made of deer skins with a hood with fur inside. What are pims? A prepared child: pimy are fur boots among the northern peoples.

3. Telling a fairy tale by a teacher.

4. Physical Minute. (teacher reads, children show actions)

There lived a poor woman on earth. The children will wet their clothes, and the woman will dry them. They will drag the snow, and take the mother away. And she fished in the river. From a difficult life, his mother fell ill. She lies in the plague, asks to bring her water. Mother stood up in the middle of the plague, puts on a malitsa. Mother takes the board, it turns into a tail. Wings grew instead of arms. The mother turned into a bird, flew out of the plague.

5. Individual task. (5 children guess the rebus by the first letters of subject pictures. Each has one word.)

6. Fairy tale conversation: Why did the mother turn into a bird and leave her home? How do you feel about your moms? How do you help your family and friends? What words do you say to your mothers when they are tired?

7. Proverbs and sayings. What proverbs and sayings about mother do you know? ("It's warm in the sun, good in a mother", "There is no such friend as a mother", "A mother's affection knows no end") What do they mean?

The children solved the puzzle. Name your words. ("A mother's heart warms better than the sun") Who can repeat the proverb? How to understand?

8. Bottom line. Reflection. What is the name of the fairy tale? Who is its author? What is this fairy tale? Did you like the end of the story? What ending would you suggest for the story? Choose two of the three colored stripes: the first is your mood at the beginning of the fairy tale, and the second is your mood at the end of the fairy tale. What stripes did you choose? Why? I chose three stripes: at the beginning of the fairy tale I had a calm mood, therefore a yellow strip, a blue one in the middle, because the mother fell ill and the children did not give her water, a red strip at the end of the fairy tale because the mother flew away and the children were left alone.


Subject: "Telling the Russian folk tale" Hare - braggart " .

Purpose: Recall with children the names of Russian folk tales and introduce them to a new work: a fairy tale "Hare - braggart" . To form the ability to retell a fairy tale using a diagram close to the text. Expansion of vocabulary through the words: barn, sheaf, brag.

Course progress.

Children sit in a semicircle in front of the teacher. The teacher has a hare from the BI-BA-BO theater on his arm.

Educator: Guys, let's remember what kind of hare happens in fairy tales?

Children: cowardly, oblique, with a mustache and long ears.

Educator: Today I will tell you a fairy tale called “The hare is a bouncer, listen carefully, then we will retell it with you.

The teacher reads a story. After reading the story, the teacher asks questions.

Educator: Why was the hare called a bouncer?

Children: Because the hare boasted.

Educator: How did the hare boast?

Children: I don’t have a mustache, but mustache. Not paws, but paws. Not teeth, but teeth.

Educator: Where did the hare live, and how did he live? (Answers).

Where did the hare go in winter? (Answers. The teacher explains the meaning of the words: barn, sheaf).

What did the hares tell their aunt - the crow? (Answers).

How did the crow punish the hare? (Answers).

What happened to the crow? (answers).

Who helped her? (Answers).

What did the crow say to the hare?

Children: You are great! Not boasting, but brave!

Educator: Let's remember and depict how the hare boasted in front of other hares.

A game is being played - a dramatization of this passage. The teacher puts on a mask for the hare. Assesses the intonational expressiveness of the performance.

Educator: And now we will retell this tale. To make it easier for you to retell, we will now draw a diagram.

The teacher draws a diagram of a fairy tale on a piece of paper, telling it again, and asking the children the questions “What happened next? What did the hare say? How do we draw a mustache? Etc. When the scheme is ready, the teacher asks the children: Who wants to tell a fairy tale?

The wishing child tells a fairy tale according to the scheme.

Educator: Well done! Guys, what if you and I couldn't draw? What could help us in retelling the tale? (Answers). There is such a game "Magic Circles" . (The teacher takes out a box with the game). The white circle is a hare, the black one is a crow, the light brown ones are dogs. Anyone want to try telling a story with circles?

The wishing child tells a story. The teacher helps if the child has difficulties. Then the teacher asks 1 or 2 more children.

Educator: We told a fairy tale, and now let's play. The game is called "Homeless Bunny" .

Educator: Our main character today was a hare. Now we will make a hare for a table theater, with which you will later play.


Subject: (based on the work of N. N. Nosov "Living Hat" )

Purpose: Formation of a holistic picture of the world through introducing children to the work of N. Nosov.


Develop the ability to naturally expressively retell passages from the story of N. Nosov "Living Hat" .

To promote the development of sensitivity to the expressive means of artistic speech, the ability to reproduce these means in their stories.

To consolidate the ability to decorate finished items, using various materials to decorate hats, developing aesthetic taste, accuracy, attention.

Form an idea of ​​the composition.

Cultivate interest and love for fiction.

Types of children's activities: communicative, labor, cognitive and research.

Integration of educational areas: communication, artistic creativity, work, security, socialization, music, reading fiction.

Planned results and development of integrative qualities: the child shows curiosity, interest in the information that he receives in the process of communication, knows how to maintain a conversation, expresses his point of view, agrees or disagrees with the answer of a friend, is able to reason. The child has developed the skills necessary for work. Takes a lively, interested part in the educational process. Proficient in monologue speech and constructive ways of interacting with children and adults.

Materials for the lesson: portrait of N. N. Nosov, schemes based on the story of N. Nosov "Living Hat" , pictograms, carpet, game hat, decoration hats, jewelry blanks, glue, stapler, adhesive tape, audio recording of musical accompaniment.

Children in a group play on their own. Addressing children:

Guys, do you want to play with me? Then I invite you on a journey to the city of Masters.

Children stand in a circle, I read a poem:

In a wide circle I see

All my friends got up.

We'll go right now

Now let's go to the left

Gather in the center of the circle

And we will all return to our place.

Let's smile, wink

Let's start traveling.

Guys, how can you travel? (children's answers). And on what we will go on a trip, you will understand by guessing the riddle.

“This vehicle is rectangular in shape,

flies through the air, happens only in fairy tales " (Magic carpet).

And here is the carpet - the plane. (I spread it, the children stand on the carpet close to each other.) Stand closer to each other, snuggle up so that everyone fits on it. Remember the saying about tightness?

The kids are talking "In crowded but not mad"

Space music sounds.

You, carpet, carpet, fly

Roll us across the sky

Higher, higher rise

Hush, hush, don't swing.

Don't scare my guys

Well they are worth it.

Here we are in the city of Masters. See how many different hats there are.

What material did the craftsmen use to make these hats? (fabric, cardboard, artificial fiber). What are they? Who wears hats today? (men, women, children)

Music sounds, I offer children a game "Hat" . The hat is passed to the music in a circle, when the music stops, the child who has the hat at the moment calls any kind of headdress.

What you just listed in the game, call it in one word. (hats) Interviewing multiple children

Tell me, are there living hats? (Children talk) Why do you think so? Who wrote the story about the living hat? (N. Nosov) What is it called? ("Living Hat" ) .

Guys, let's remember the story of the living hat together. And geometric shapes will help us.

- Who are the main characters in the story? (boys - Vovka and Vadik and kitten Vaska). What geometric figure can replace the main characters

Vadik and Vovka? (oval) Cat Vaska? (circle)

Do you remember what items were in the story? (chest of drawers, hat, table, poker, potatoes).

What geometric figure can replace a chest of drawers? (table, potatoes, poker, hat).

Who wants to talk about the first scheme?

Schemes of excerpts from the story are set alternately in accordance with the sequence of actions of the characters. (1- how the hat fell, 2- how the hat came to life and the boys got scared, 3- fight with the hat with a poker, 4- the secret was revealed). I call the children a plan for the sequence of the story using diagrams. I expose the first diagram and invite the children to tell based on it. And so on for all schemes.

Guys, what do you think, everything is told in this passage, or something can be added. (Praise for the well and detailed retold passages)

N. Nosov is a wonderful children's writer, he understood children so well, and so accurately and colorfully described their feelings in different life situations, that we could easily imagine them in our imagination. These feelings that Vadik and Vovka experienced throughout the story are called emotions, which we display on pictograms.

What did Vova and Vadik feel when the hat crawled? (fear)

Show how scared they are. (children pretend to be scared).

I propose to show the desired icon. Children show, and one child places his pictogram under the diagram of the corresponding episode.

What feeling did the guys have when they found a cat under the hat.? (astonishment).

What feeling has replaced the surprise? (joy).

Describe how the children expressed their joy. (work with pictograms and diagrams.)

Guys, today we are in the city of masters and played and remembered the story of N. Nosov "Living Hat" but where are the masters?

I take the children to the hat workshop.

Where do you think we came from? (children's answers).

This is a workshop for making fashionable hats. Who works here? (Craftswomen). Let's turn to the masters, let them tell you what they can do?

Craftswoman: “We, in this workshop, make hats and hats for ladies and gentlemen. Everyone should be beautiful and fashionable. Do you want to learn how to decorate hats? Will you help us?"

Children and craftswomen decorate hats together, using materials and decorations prepared on the tables. The work is done while standing. Children put on hats and walk in a circle to the music, showing off their elegant headdresses. Children say goodbye to craftswomen, get up on the carpet, space music sounds,

You, carpet, carpet, fly

Roll us across the sky

Higher, higher rise

Hush, hush, don't swing.

Don't scare my guys

Well they are worth it.

So we returned to our group.

I propose to continue the games started earlier, hats remain in use by children at their request.


Subject: “Reading the fairy tale by N. Teleshov “Krupenichka”

Purpose: To introduce children to a new fairy tale, with the author - N. D. Teleshov.


Educational: Raise interest in fairy tales, in Russian traditions.

Developing: To develop an active vocabulary of children, coherent speech, attention, memory, thinking, imagination.

Educational: Continue to teach children to tune in to listening to a fairy tale, to be able to express their emotions: surprise, joy, experience.

Expected result: Expresses positive emotions (surprise, admiration) while listening to the fairy tale by N. Teleshova "Krupenichka" ; knows how to conduct a conversation on the content of the work, actively and benevolently interacts with the teacher and peers.

Methods and techniques: reading, questions, conversation,

Visual teaching aids: book by N. Teleshov "Krupenichka" , buckwheat, portrait of a woman - Yaga (several options, porridge, book "Tales of Baba Yaga" .

Preliminary work: Reading Russian folk tales, looking at illustrations, talking about economic cultures, d / i "Cereals"

GCD structure

I. Org. moment (consideration of an exhibition on the topic "Russian folk tales" ) .

II. Main part.

  1. Looking at portraits of Baba Yaga and talking about her.
  2. Reading a fairy tale, talking about the content.

I. Children come to the exhibition and look at the books.

II. 1) Do you like fairy tales?

2) Why do you love them?

3) Guys, we know a lot of fairy tales.

4) And what fairy-tale hero is found in fairy tales most often?

Well, of course, - Baba Yaga?

In different tales, B. Yaga is different. Now we are going to see our exhibition. Here B. Yagi (grandmothers) put on a competition. Take a closer look at them and tell me, are they all the same or different?

Yes, all B. Yagas are different, there are good ones, there are both evil and furious ones.

Let's remember the fairy tales, where B. Yaga lives and what she is like. (children's answers)

  1. Geese - swans - evil?
  2. Princess - frog - kind?
  3. Are sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka evil?
  4. Masha and B. Yaga - kind?
  5. Tsar - maiden - B. Yagi?

Well, today, guys, I will introduce you to a new fairy tale, N. D. Teleshov wrote it. It's called a fairy tale "Krupenichka" , and why it is called so, you will now understand.

The teacher reads the story and asks questions after reading.

  1. Who is Krupenichka?
  2. What happened to her?
  3. Who helped Krupenichka out of trouble?

Guys, do you want to know why the princess has such a name?

He was given to her by chance, that was the name of a simple woman who met her father. What happened to Krupenichka next - you know. And where she turned from a simple grain into a girl again. pink small flowers grow, grains appear from them. In honor of the girl - the princess, these grains were called groats, Krupenichka. They make a very tasty porridge, (show grains).

And then they treat each other with porridge, sing songs so that the beautiful princess hears and helps to grow a good harvest of buckwheat.

And after eating this porridge, people said: “Buckwheat porridge is our breadwinner!”

III. What story are we talking about today?

What fairy tales are there?

What did you like about her?

And now I invite you to the table to try real porridge - "krupenichka" .


Topic: Memorizing an excerpt from a poem by I. Surikov "Childhood" .

Tasks: Activate vocabulary with words "multi-storey" , "one-story" , "fun" ; to strengthen the child's experience in the formation of the exaggerated meaning of adjectives; learn to select signs for given nouns; develop the child's ability to form single-root words without naming the term. Cultivate a love of literature.

Lesson progress

Illustrations depicting houses are hung in front of the children.

Teacher: What do you see in these pictures?

Children at home

Educator: What are these houses? Compare!

Children: High and low.

Educator: Where are high houses built? Where are the low ones?

Children: High houses are built in the city, low houses in the village.

Educator: There are many floors in a tall house. It's called multi-storey. A low house is called one-story.

Educator: Who lives in houses?

Children: People.

3. Educator: And now let's play a game "Good Kind" . We will find out what kind of people live in houses. For example: I say the word kind, and you add at the beginning of the word - pre. Pre means very.

kind - kind

Evil - evil

Cheerful - cheerful

cunning - cunning

Handsome - beautiful

Sloppy - sloppy

brave - brave

4. Children also live in houses. All children love one season, and which one, a riddle will help you solve.

I have a lot to do -

I am a white blanket

I cover all the earth

I clean the rivers in the ice,

I whitewash the fields, at home.

My name is…

Children: Winter.

Educator: What do children like to do in winter?

Children: Run, jump, ride ice skating, make a snowman.

Educator: How can you call all this in one word? (Fun).

What is fun? (These are jokes, fun games, entertainment, interesting activities)

5. About one of these funs, I will now read you an excerpt from a poem by I. Surikov "Childhood" .

The teacher reads:

Here is my village

Here is my home

Here I am on a sled

Uphill steep.

Here the sled rolled up

And I'm on my side - bang!

I roll head over heels

Downhill into a snowdrift.

And friends are boys

standing over me

merrily laugh

Over my trouble.

All face and hands

Made me snow

I'm in a snowdrift grief,

And the guys laugh.

Teacher: Now, listen to the passage again. Listen carefully, we will memorize it.

To easily memorize a poem, symbols will help us.

(The teacher reads the poem, discussing the designations with the children).

(Then 2-3 children read)

Physical education minute "Fun"

It's easy fun

Turns left - right

We all know for a long time

There is a wall, and there is a window.

We squat quickly, deftly

This is where dexterity is needed.

To develop muscles

Gotta sit down a lot

And now walking in place

This is also interesting!

6. Word games

A game "Who is what"

Educator: I name the word, and you name the sign (Which).

Educator: Sledge

Children: Quick

Educator: Boys, slide, house, snowdrift, face, hands, laughter.

(Children name adjectives for these words)

A game "Who's doing what"

Educator: I name the subject, and you name the action (what is he doing)

Educator: Sledge

Children: go





A game "Guess by Action"

Educator: I call the action, and you name the one who can perform this action.

Teacher: Jump

Children: Child, ball, grasshopper




wash their faces

Looked out

A game "Professions"

Educator: Boys and girls have fathers and mothers who work. I will name the profession, and you - what they do at work.

Educator - educates

Chauffeur - chauffeur



Educator: And now I will read the passage again. Did you enjoy today's lesson? There was one interesting task in class today. Which? And there was one easy easy task. Which?


Theme: retelling the story of Leo Tolstoy "Lion and Dog"

Program content: to teach children to retell the text, to improve the intonational expressiveness of speech, to achieve consistency in the presentation of content, to enrich the vocabulary with definitions, adverbs, verbs, anonymous names.

Lesson progress

Guys listen to one of the works of L. Tolstoy "Lion and Dog" (the teacher reads the story).

Guys, what genre do you think this is? Fairy tale, poem, story?

Why? (there is no fairy tale plot, no rhyme).

This is a true story, as it was based on real events that actually happened.

What events happened: sad or funny?

What other words can be called this work, these events? (sad, sad, dreary).

Where are the events taking place? (in the menagerie).

Who is the main character? (lion and dog).

What can you say about a lion? What is he? (majestic, big, powerful, shaggy, king of beasts, beautiful, graceful).

And what kind of dog? (small, cowardly, plaintive, kind, playful, cheerful, friendly).

What was at the beginning? (the dog was thrown into a lion's cage to be eaten).

How did the lion behave when the dog was thrown to him? (the lion sniffed the dog, touched it with his paw, looked at the dog, turning his head from side to side, and did not touch the dog).

How did the dog behave? What did she do? (at first, she tucked her tail and pressed herself into the corner of the cage, then lay on her back, raising her paws, and began to wave her tail, stood on her hind legs in front of the lion).

How did a lion and a dog live in the same cage? (They became friends. When the lion was given a piece of meat, he tore off a piece and left it for the dog. The dog slept with its head on the lion's paw. They ate together, slept together, and sometimes played.)

What happened once? (the master came to the menagerie and, recognizing his dog, wanted to take it back.)

How did the lion behave when they tried to take the dog out of the cage? (The lion bristled and roared).

How long did a lion and a dog live in the same cage? (A whole year.)

What happened next? (the dog got sick and died).

How did the lion behave after the death of the dog? (He stopped eating, sniffed, licked the dog, touched it with his paw. He was sad, sad, rebelled, growled).

When another live dog was thrown into the lion's cage, what did the lion do?

(I immediately tore it to pieces. He hugged his dog in his paws and lay like that for five days)

What happened to the lion? (He died.).

Guys, why do you think the lion died? (He died of grief, longing, pain, sadness.).

How would you call this story? ("Sad story" , "Incident in the Menagerie" , "How the lion fell in love with the dog" , "Dog and Lion" .) .

Guys, would you like the end of this story to be different?

How do you think this story could end?

Now I will read you the story of L. Tolstoy "Lion and Dog" again; listen carefully and remember.

I read the text.

Guys, when retelling, do not forget that you need to speak clearly, clearly, clearly, loudly, consistently and expressively.

Retelling of the story.


Subject: “Memorizing the poem by I. Belousov “Spring Guest”

Program content: to cultivate love for the native nature, to form an interest in poetry. Learn to listen carefully, memorize, answer questions, read the poem expressively. Develop memory, perception, creativity.

Material: illustrations depicting spring, migratory birds, sketchbooks, colored pencils.

1. Introductory conversation:

- What season is it in the yard?

What kind of birds flew to us?

Displaying a picture of a swallow

Who is this?

2. Post subject.

Expressive reading of a poem by I. Belousov "Spring Guest" educator without setting for memorization.

3. Verification of perception.

What did you mentally imagine as if you saw during my reading?

What mood did you get? Why?

4. Conversation on the content of the poem and how it should be read.

5. Repeated reading of the poem by the educator with the installation of memorization.

6. Reading a poem by children.

7. Final reading by the teacher.

Physical education minute

Offer to draw a picture for a poem

Summary of the lesson


Subject: “Memorizing the poem by E. Trutneva “Autumn”

Program tasks:

Correctional and educational:

  1. Activate the use of verbs;
  2. To consolidate the skill of sound, syllabic analysis of words.
  3. Activate and expand vocabulary by topic "Autumn" ,
  4. continue to develop children's poetic ear: the ability to feel, understand and reproduce the figurative language of the poem;
  5. exercise in the selection of epithets, comparisons, metaphors to describe autumn landscapes;
  6. continue to develop children's poetic ear;
  7. Teaching children to expressively recite a poem "Autumn" - conveying intonation calm, sadness, autumn nature.


  1. Develop fine finger movements and coordination.
  2. Develop attention, memory, logical thinking and creative imagination.
  3. To develop and encourage cognitive activity in children, interest in learning new things.
  4. Develop logical thinking, the ability to draw conclusions.
  5. Develop the ability to build statements such as reasoning.

Correctional and educational:

  1. To form the skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, initiative, responsibility.
  2. Develop the ability to defend your opinion, to prove your case.
  3. To form knowledge about the relationship of all living things in nature.

Equipment: Children's drawings on the topic: "Birch in golden autumn decoration" , leaves of poplar, birch, linden, oak, maple.

Types of activity: gaming, communicative, motor, productive.

Preliminary work:

  1. Looking at illustrations of trees, leaves;
  2. Reading "children's encyclopedia about animals" ,
  3. Listening to an audio recording "Noise of the Forest" ; photo quiz "Learn by leaflet" .

Form of GCD: group.

Total duration of educational activity: 30 minutes

The course of directly educational activities

Main part:

Poem by E. Trutneva "Autumn"

It suddenly became twice as bright,

Yard in sunshine

This dress is golden

At the birch on the shoulders

In the morning we go to the yard

Leaves fall like rain

Rustle underfoot

And they fly ... they fly. are flying

Gossamer webs fly

With spiders in the middle.

And high from the ground

The cranes flew by.

Everything flies! It must be

Our summer is flying by.

Educator: Guys, what period of autumn is this poem about? (Gold autumn)

Teacher: How did you understand it? Why did it become twice as bright in the yard? (The trees turned golden.)

Educator: Remember what is said about the autumn decoration of the birch. (“This dress is golden at the birch on the shoulders” ) .

Educator: And indeed, a birch, like a girl in a golden dress, stands a fashionista, she wore a green dress in summer, and gold in autumn. Or maybe it's better to say "In a golden coat" ? Why not better?

Educator: The wind cuts off the leaves, and what do they do? (Flying, falling, rustling.)

Educator: The poem says: leaves fall like rain. Think about why the poetess said so? (Leaf fall).

The teacher rereads the poem.

Educator: From the end of summer until the very fall of the leaves, the spiders weave a cobweb, as if they want to hold the leaves on the trees, but the wind blows the spiders along with the leaves. Remember what the poem says about it.

Physical culture minute with leaves.

Teacher: I will read the poem again. Try to remember it. Notice how I'm going to read. And now you will read the poem yourself.

Children read the poem from memory, if there is a difficulty, the teacher helps.

After reading the poem, the teacher approaches the drawings.

Teacher: Look at your drawings. Find in them what is said in the poem.

Educator: the poem talks about a golden outfit, but autumn has other colors. What trees are in autumn? Colorful, multicolored. …

Educator: What do autumn leaves look like? Choose comparisons for the word leaves. Leaves fly like... (birds, parachutes, as if dancing). Maple leaf looks like (asterisk, on a horse, acacia leaf on (coin, birch leaf on (golden heart). What are the leaves doing? They fly, they fly around, they break, they rustle, they fly, they are carried away.

Educator: And if we want to say that this has already happened to the leaves, then how do we say?: (turned yellow, flew around).

Educator: Well done, everyone did a good job


Topic: Reading a fairy tale by V. Kataev "Flower - seven-flower" .

Let's smile at each other. I am glad to see your faces, smiles. Let's play a game "I will start and you will continue..." .

(children stand in a semicircle on the carpet).

On the magnetic board: portrait - V. Kataev; drawing - girl Zhenya; drawing - "Flower - seven-flower" .

Didactic game "I will start and you will continue..." creating motivation to work.

Rule of the game: I will start, and the one I point to will continue ...

Are you familiar with these words:

Fly, fly, petal,

Through the west to the east

Through the north, through the south,

Come back, make a circle,

As soon as you touch the ground

To be in my opinion!

Who said those magic words? (girl Zhenya)

From what fairy tale? ("Flower - seven-flower" )

Who wrote this tale? (V. Kataev, showing a portrait of the writer)

(children move to the second zone)

motor exercise "We are walking" .

We walk along the paths

We walk along the paths.

Walked along the path

And found a flower.

(children sit on chairs)

Working with the magic flower model.

On the easel "Flower - seven-flower" with missing petals.

  1. petal -
  2. petal -
  3. petal -
  4. petal -
  5. petal - orange,
  6. petal - purple
  7. petal is blue.

What happened to the magic flower? (children's answers)

What petals are missing? (yellow, red, blue, green)

Where did the petals go? (children's answers: fulfilled Zhenya's wishes)

(pictures from a fairy tale are on the table "Flower-seven-flower" )

Task: remember the color of the petal and the desire of the girl.

Yellow - Tell me to be at home with bagels!

Red - Command that mother's favorite vase become whole!

Blue - Tell me to be at the North Pole now!

Green - Tell me to immediately find myself again in our yard!

Difficulty in a game situation.

"Fairy tale mazes game" (TRIZ)

Guys, do you want the Seven-color Flower to fulfill your desire? (children's answers)

Well, he will fulfill your desire on the condition that you get to a desert island and be alone there.

Will you take advantage of the desire?

How will you get out of a desert island if you get tired of being alone? (children's answers)

motor exercise "Let's run" .

Let's run, let's run

Only the legs wobbled.

A path leads through the forest

Here is a birch, here is a mountain ash.

They ran to the meadow

And there they were having fun.

(stop on signal "beat of a tambourine" )

(children sit on chairs)

The discovery of new knowledge or skill.

Guys, do you want to know what desires the magic flower fulfilled for Zhenya "Flower - seven-flower" ? (children's answers)

A fairy tale invites us to a magical world, so that the miracles of children

surprise and amuse and teach something.

Reading new text with stops.

(the main methods of reading this text are joint pronunciation and agreement)

She tore off an orange petal, threw it and said: (Fly, fly...)

Zhenya on the stairs - (toys behind her)

Zhenya on the balcony - (toys behind her)

Zhenya in the attic - (toys behind her)

She tore off a purple petal and said: (Fly, fly...)

She tore off the last petal - blue ...... ... (and sang in a thin voice, trembling with happiness: Fly, fly ...)

A conversation about reading

Which of the girl's wishes was the best?

(healing a sick boy)

Why did the fulfillment of other desires not bring Zhenya great joy? (children's answers)

Reproduction of the new in a typical situation.

There is a picture on the easel: a girl Zhenya surrounded by toys.

Let's try "revive" fairy tale heroes.

(masks and toys on the table)

Music sounds.

"Revitalization" Pictures.

Repetition and development tasks.

(children take seats at the tables)

On the easel: a picture - a girl in a Russian folk sundress; picture - a girl in a children's dress.

The girls are different at first glance, but I'll tell you a secret that they are somewhat similar to each other. Want to know... Help!

A game "Confusion" .

(pictures from fairy tales are on the tables)

Task: which of the girls owns these things?

Comparison of fairy tales "Like…"

Girls are capricious: one - I don’t want, the other - I want!

Journey: Geese - swans, dog.

Assistant: hedgehog, magic flower.

Action: saving his brother, healing the boy Vitya.

Predicting the topic of future reading.

On a magnetic board: a drawing of a girl from a fairy tale "Ayoga" .

Next time we'll read a fairy tale "Ayoga" and learn a lot of interesting and instructive things.

Summary of the lesson.

Why is it important to do good?

What good deeds can you do yourself without relying on magic? (be kind, honest, attentive to others)

I wish you to always be kind and sympathetic, attentive and honest, so that Tsvetik - the seven-colored one does not have to correct your mistakes.

After all, magic happens only in fairy tales!


Subject: "Reading the fairy tale "Moroz Ivanovich" (V. Odoevsky)»

Program tasks:

  1. Introduce children to a new fairy tale, teach them to express their opinion about the actions of heroes.
  2. To consolidate the ability to fully answer questions on the content of the text.
  3. Dictionary: needlewoman, sloth, affectionate, rude, fair.
  4. Raise interest and love for Russian folk tales.
  5. The development of theatrical and artistic skills.

Preliminary work:

Reading fairy tales, looking at illustrations, talking about the heroes of fairy tales.

Materials and equipment:

Prepare paper and markers for drawing. Envelope with a letter, costumes of Moroz Ivanovich, Sloth and Needlewoman. Phonogram of the song "Father Frost"

Course progress.

1 part. Introductory:

Organizing time:

I seat the children in chairs.

Create Lead:

Educator. Guys, look at some envelope on the table. The teacher opens the envelope and takes out a note. Is reading. “Children, do you want to receive a gift from me? Then you must make envelopes, write the address and put a picture of the gift that you want to teach in the envelope.

Your Santa Claus.

Children, what a kind Santa Claus! He wants to do a good deed for everyone. Does he do good deeds for everyone? Listen to the story about Santa Claus, and from it you will learn about it.

2 part. Main:

The teacher reads a story.

Educator. What is the name of the fairy tale? This is a Russian folk tale.

What were the girls called in the fairy tale? - Needlewoman and Sloth.

Why was one girl called a needlewoman? - She knew how to do everything: sweep, cook, embroider.

Educator. Why was Lenivitsa different? - She was lazy and did not want to do anything and did not know how to do anything.

What girl was good? - A needlewoman, because she was also kind, affectionate and patient. Whatever Santa Claus asked her, she did everything.

And the other one? - Sloth was bad: lazy, rude.

Who and how did Santa Claus reward with gifts, tell us. The children are talking.

Why in this tale is not just Santa Claus, but Moroz Ivanovich? - He is kind and fair.

Such people are respected and respectfully called by name and patronymic. The teacher reads passages at the request of the children.

Physical education:

Educator. Let's sing a song about him. Children stand in a round dance, sing and make movements (Father Frost)

And now we will see a scene in the forest, when Moroz Ivanovich is talking with the Needlewoman, and then with Sloth.

The teacher assigns roles, and the children play.

Final part:

Well, that's the end of our lesson. What new and interesting things did you learn from the fairy tale? What did you like the most? Now all the guys will help their parents and teachers, in our group there will be only Needlewomen, and not Sloths. And at home, together with your parents, glue the envelope and write a letter to Grandfather Frost, this will be your homework.


Subject: “Memorizing the poem by S. Yesenin “Birch”

Tasks: to continue to improve the artistic and speech performance skills of children when reading a poem, intonation conveying tenderness, admiring the picture of winter nature. Continue to develop children's interest in fiction. Use expressive means (figurative words and expressions, comparisons). Help to feel the beauty and expressiveness of the language of the work. Develop children's productive activities. To cultivate love for native nature by means of fine arts. Help children explain the main differences between literary genres: a fairy tale, a story, a poem.

Representative work: observations on a walk behind a birch, looking at illustrations, an excursion to the library, drawing a birch, sculpting a tree.

Vocabulary activation: border, brushes, silver, fringe, feeling, artist, poet, composer.

Individual work: to improve artistic and speech performance skills when reading a poem.

Demonstration material: reproductions of paintings about the nature of Russian artists, a portrait of S. Yesenin, CD - recording of P. I. Tchaikovsky "The Seasons", border, fringe.

Handout: colored cardboard, gouache, brushes, plasticine, napkins, nail polish.

Children, we are in an art mini-gallery, where reproductions of paintings are exhibited.

Who paints pictures?

The artist Isaac Ilyich Levitan painted the painting "Spring. Big water."

Igor Grabar depicted a birch in February, and the famous artist I. Shishkin "Birch Grove".

Did you like these pictures? What did you like?

What mood do these pictures evoke in you? What unites them all?

It was no coincidence that the artists depicted Russian birch in their paintings. Birch is a symbol of Russian nature.

Now I will read the work of Sergei Yesenin "Birch".

In this work, the words border, fringe are found, as the author compares brushes, birch decoration. (The teacher examines the border and fringe with the children). Reading.

Questions for children:

What literary genre does the work of S. Yesenin "Birch" belong to?

What is the difference between a poem and a story? And from a fairy tale?

What is this poem about?

Did you like it?

Read the poem again.

White birch

Under my window

What covered the white birch?

covered with snow,

Exactly silver.

To what does the poet compare snow?

On which branches did the brushes bloom?

On fluffy branches

snow border,

brushes unfurled,

White fringe.

In what silence does the birch stand?

And there is a birch

In sleepy silence

And the snowflakes are burning

In golden fire

And the dawn is lazy

Walking around.

sprinkles branches,

New silver.

What would you compare snowflakes to?

Insert your words into the poem. Got a rhyme?

Sergei Yesenin picked up the words of rhyme

And the snowflakes are burning

In golden fire

Reading a poem to children (whole, pair, chain)

Nature has always been a source of inspiration for poets, writers, artists, composers. And now you will be little creators when creating New Year's cards.

The teacher offers children a choice of colored cardboard, gouache, plasticine, brushes for productive activities.

During the work, the music of P. I. Tchaikovsky "The Seasons" sounds.

What is your birch?

What words from Sergei Yesenin's poem can be said about your birch?


Subject: "Fairy tale" Frosty "


To form the ability to distinguish fairy tales from other genres.

Develop the ability to talk about your perception of a particular act of a literary character.

Encourage them to determine their attitude to the situation of the dispute, to explain their point of view.

To form the ability to model a fairy tale using geometric shapes, retell it using an algorithm.

To develop the ability to understand a fairy tale, the ability to retell it using models.

Materials: homemade baby books, geometric shapes made of adhesive paper, multi-colored circles for self-esteem, Su-Jok balls for finger gymnastics.

1. Organizational moment

Where can you see miracles?

Everywhere! You enter the forest, look at the heavens.

Nature gives us its secrets.

Just take a good look around you.

Where are the animals like people say?

And good wizards work miracles there?

You will answer without prompting.

Well, of course it is... (Fairy tales)

2. Guessing riddles.

As you may have guessed, today we will talk about a fairy tale, and what it is called will help you understand the riddles.

Draws without hands

Biting without teeth (freezing)

Not fire, but burning (freezing)

So that autumn does not get wet,

Not sour from water

He turned puddles into glass

Made the gardens snow (freezing)

Who builds bridges without logs? (freezing)

– You correctly guessed that the answer to all these riddles is the same – Frost. And our fairy tale is called "Morozko" .

We got up together


We are birches

We woke up.

Our branches swayed

The sun has gained strength

Now it's time for us to sit down.

You, friends, have questions.

3. Fairy tale conversation

Guys, most recently we met Morozko's fairy tale.

Did you like the fairy tale? (Yes)

Why is this work classified as a fairy tale? (Because it has fairy-tale characters Morozko, Baba Yaga, the old man Lesovichok, a talking dog, a magic road).

- Let's compare the stepdaughter and the native daughter from the fairy tale. Their attitude to other people, to work, their intelligence and modesty.

- What are the qualities inherent in the stepdaughter? (Kind, hardworking, modest, respectful of elders).

- And the woman's own daughter? (Lazy, angry, shows disrespect to elders).

- Who do you want to be like? (To Nastenka)

- Clarify the heroes of the fairy tale "Morozko"

Which character do you like the most and why?

How was the old man's daughter? (Badly)

Why did the old man take his daughter to the forest? (stepmother ordered)

- Why did Morozko feel sorry for Nastenka? (Because she is kind, humble and treated him with respect).

Why did the old woman send her daughter to the forest? (Out of greed, she wanted Morozko to give her daughter a chest of silver too).

What does a fairy tale teach us? (The fairy tale teaches us kindness, resourcefulness, respect for elders, hard work. It ridicules bad character traits. It teaches us not to judge a person by appearance, to look deeper, to evaluate people by their spiritual virtues, their deeds.)

Guys, now I suggest you play a little, do you agree?

4. Outdoor game.

On the path, on the path

We jump on the right leg,

And along this path,

We jump on the left leg.

Let's run along the path

Let's run to the lawn.

On the lawn, on the lawn

We jump like bunnies.

Stop. Let's get some rest

Let's continue the story. (Perform movements on the text).

5. Problem situation

You can't believe in a fairy tale

The story can be verified

The story may be true

The story must not be forgotten.

And so that we would not forget her, I made little picture books so that we could look at and remember the plot of the fairy tale. But that all the pictures from my fairy tale disappeared, it's probably Baba Yaga who stole all the pictures. Now what to do, what to do? (can be drawn).

You can, but it will take a long time.

What can replace pictures? (They can be replaced by models of geometric shapes).

6. Conspiracy to model a fairy tale.

To model a fairy tale, we will use geometric shapes made of adhesive paper: a circle, a triangle, a square.

Guys, in our fairy tale there are both positive and negative characters. Let's point this out too. Who knows how this can be done?

Let's remember and name the positive characters. (Nastenka, Morozko, old Lesovichok).

negative characters. (Stepmother, Marfusha, Baba Yaga, old man).

We will designate negative heroes from a fairy tale with black geometric shapes, and positive heroes with red or blue.

7. Failure situation.

8. Finger gymnastics

Guys, before starting the task, I suggest stretching our fingers and playing with our hedgehog. Do you agree?

There lived a prickly hedgehog in the forest,

It was a ball and without legs.

The hedgehog is prickly, but not evil!

hedgehog, prickly hedgehog

Hide your needles.

Once, and there are no needles!

Start making books.

9. Modeling a fairy tale (Independent work of children).

10. Retelling a fairy tale based on an algorithm.

Guys, did everything work out for you, what did you think?

Was it difficult to compose the plot of a fairy tale with the help of models?

Now we will check it. With the help of your book, you will retell the tale. You will tell one page from the book, passing it to each other. (Retelling of the fairy tale by children based on the algorithm).

11. Reflection

You tried, you mastered, it was hard not to get tired! Work hard, all the work is good!

Why are we making these books? (In order not to forget the fairy tale).

Why shouldn't this story be forgotten?

What does she teach us? (Kindness, resourcefulness, respect for elders, diligence, do not judge a person by appearance, look deeper, evaluate people by their spiritual virtues, their deeds).


Theme: Russian folk tale "Havroshechka"

Purpose: Formation of an emotional attitude to a literary work


Develop children's interest in fiction.

To draw the attention of children to the design of books, to illustrations

To form the ability to listen carefully and with interest to fairy tales.

To form an emotional attitude to literary works.

Develop conversational skills.

Improve the dialogic form of speech.

Develop speech as a means of communication.

Improve the ability to convey images of characters in fairy tales.

Equipment: Book and illustrations; mystery; a toy cow with a bell around its neck; fairy tale "Havroshechka"; colour pencils; album sheet A4.

Previous work. In the morning I put the book "Khavroshechka" in the book corner, if possible - separately drawings by artists based on this work. Children, looking at the illustrations, try to determine what kind of book it is, what it is about. At the beginning of GCD, I ask the children about their assumptions.

Course progress.

Introductory part.

I give the children a riddle:

There are hooves and horns

In the summer he goes to the meadows.

To keep everyone healthy

They give milk. (cows)

That's right guys. Look, a cow came to visit us. -Do you want to get acquainted with the fairy tale from which she came to us? Children: Yes. -To do this, you need to touch her, ring the bell that is on her neck, and then we will be transported to a fairy tale with you. Ready? Children: Yes. -Close your eyes and wait for my touch. Whom I touched, he will immediately find himself in a fairy tale called "Havroshechka".

Main part. I read a fairy tale, periodically showing illustrations. Unfamiliar words and expressions (bored, froze, greet, lure, hard, tomorrow, take a look, spit out, didn’t find out, close, fell, bequeathed, leaves, curly, touched, dashing not to know) I replace with synonyms without interrupting reading.

Guys, did you like the story? Children: Yes. - What is it called? Children: Khavroshechka. - What kind of people did Tiny-Havroshechka get to? Sonya: To the evil stepmother and her lazy daughters. - How many daughters were there and what were their names? Masha: The stepmother had three daughters - One-eyed, Two-eyed, Three-eyed. - And what were they? Rita : They were lazy. - And what did Khavroshechka do? Oleg: She worked for them. - Who helped Khavroshechka? Nastya: The cow helped her. - What did she help her do? Varya: The cow helped to do all the work. - What did she say at the same time Borya: Get in one ear, get out the other and everything will be ready. - How did the hostess find out who was helping Khavroshechka? Alina: The hostess sent her daughters to find out everything. - And which of the daughters told everything to her stepmother? Zakhar: Triglazka told her mother everything. - What happened next? Rita: The stepmother ordered to slaughter the cow. - And what did Khavroshechka do? Dasha: She collected all the bones and planted them. - What grew in the place where Khavroshechka planted the bones? Oleg: In that place an apple tree has grown with pouring apples - Who drove past the garden, and what happened next? Vika: A gentleman drove past the garden and asked to be treated to an apple. - Why couldn't the stepmother's daughters treat the master? Masha: Because the apple tree began to beat them and whip them with branches. - And who treated the master? Maxim: Tiny - Khavroshechka. - How did the story end? Grisha: The master married her. - Well done, children.

Guys, let's get some rest. Get in a circle. Let's do some exercise:

One, two, three, four, five Let's play! All eyes closed (cover eyes with hands) And lowered their heads (squat) And when we open our eyes (get up) Let's get into stories, fairy tales (raise hands up) The story will give us a rest. Let's take a break and get back on the road.

Final part.

Guys, who do you like in this fairy tale and why? Rita: I liked Khavroshechka, she was very kind and hardworking. What were the stepmother and her daughters like? Masha: They were evil and envious. What does this story teach us? Children (in order): A fairy tale teaches us to be kind, hardworking, help each other, love each other.

(I take the bell and ring)

The fairy tale ended, the bell rang and the fairy tale took us back to our group. - Look around, you see, in memory of today's lesson, Khavroshechka sent you treats - apples from her magical apple tree. - Guys, our lesson is over, all the good fellows, listened carefully and actively answered questions.


Synopsis of the integrated GCD for OO "Speech Development" (fiction)

Subject: Your protectors. Reading and retelling the story of L. Kassil "Air"

Purpose: To continue to acquaint children with the defenders of the Russian army. Develop interest in fiction through the story of Lev Kassil "Air" from book "Your Defenders"



  • Introduce children to the story of Lev Kassil "Air" from book "Your Defenders"
  • Learn to understand the content of the work.


  • Develop the ability to answer questions using complex and complex sentences.
  • Develop the ability to retell a story based on diagrams (joint paraphrase), listen to comrades, do not interrupt, do not repeat.


  • To cultivate patriotic feelings, an emotionally positive attitude towards the defending soldiers.
  • To consolidate the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bchildren about the defenders of the Russian army.
  • "Speech Development" (speech development)
  • To develop coherent speech, memory, thinking in children.

Preliminary work:

  • Conversations about the Russian army, about the Motherland, soldiers;
  • memorizing poems about the military;
  • learning songs for the holiday on February 23;
  • viewing albums, illustrations, which depict the types of troops, military equipment;
  • examination of the picture - V. Vasnetsova "Three heroes" ;
  • epic reading "Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber" ,

stories by L. Kassil from a book about the military "Your Defenders" ,

stories by S. Baruzdin "A soldier was walking down the street"

Educator: Guys, I am now standing in front of you in military uniform, guess who we will talk about today? (About the military, about the defenders of our Motherland)

In the old - old times, in Ancient Rus', stood guard over our Motherland, very strong people - heroes. People composed songs, fairy tales, epics about them. In our time, the defender of the country is the Russian Army. As before, our Motherland is defended by strong, courageous men. Our warriors are distinguished by resourcefulness and endurance.

Guys, what holiday will our country celebrate on February 23? (Defenders of the Fatherland Day)

And what do you think, who are the defenders of the Fatherland? (These are those who protect, protect, defend the Motherland. These are warriors who warn of danger. These are soldiers, officers, military sailors, tankers, paratroopers ...)

What qualities should a defender have? (They must be brave, courageous, courageous, strong, patient, dexterous, courageous. They must be honest, courageous, hardened, hardy, disciplined. They must be able to endure difficulties, know a lot, be able to play sports, shoot well, run fast.)

1. Guess the riddles and name the profession of a defender.

Di: "Guess the profession"

1. The fortress is rushing all in armor.

Carrying a gun

(Tank, profession - tanker)

4. What a brave bird

Rushed across the sky?

Only the path is white

Left from her.

(Aircraft, profession - pilot)

2. There is such a huge house,

He does not stand still.

Do not go into it

After all, he runs on the waves.

(Ship, profession - sailor)

5. Rockets are launched into the air,

And the guns fire loudly,

In battle they are always ready

Launch a projectile at the enemy!


3. Under water, an iron whale,

The whale does not sleep day and night.

No time for that whale,

Day and night on duty

(submarine - submariner)

6. He guards the border,

He knows and knows everything.

In all matters, the soldier is an excellent student

Is it called? (Border guard)

Guys, who were the riddles about. (About the military guarding our Motherland)

2. And what poems do you know about the military. Which of you wants to read.

Children recite poems about the military

border guards

The birds are sleeping on the branches

The stars in the sky do not burn.

A detachment of border guards hid near the border.

Border guards are not asleep at their native border:

Our sea, our land, our sky are guarded. S. Marshak

On the mast is our tricolor flag,

There is a sailor on the deck.

And he knows that the seas of the country,

ocean borders

Both day and night should be -

Under vigilant guard.

N. Ivanova

Everywhere like an all-terrain vehicle,

The tank will pass on tracks

Gun barrel ahead

Dangerous, enemy, stay away!

The tank is heavily armored

And will be able to meet the fight! N. Ivanova


Paratroopers per minute

They descend from heaven.

untangled parachutes,

Comb the dark forest

Ravines, mountains and meadows.

Find a dangerous enemy. N. Ivanova

3. Today I would like to introduce you to the story of Lev Kassil "Air" from his book on the military "Your Defenders"

Lev Kassil "AIR!" (step-by-step reading using diagrams)

1. It used to be like this. Night. People are sleeping. Quiet around. But the enemy does not sleep.

Fascist planes are flying high in the black sky. They want to drop bombs on our houses. But around the city, in the forest and in the field, our defenders hid.

Day and night they are on guard. The bird will fly by - and that will be heard. A star will fall - and it will be noticed.

Guys, what does the text say? (children's answers)

(The enemy does not sleep, but our defenders stand guard over the Motherland)

2. The defenders of the city fell to the auditory tubes. They hear the engines rumble in the air. Not our motors. Fascist. And immediately a call to the head of the city's air defense:

The enemy is flying! Be ready!

Guys, what planes are flying and want to attack our Motherland? (answers)

What did our defenders do?

(The defenders heard the rumbling of fascist aircraft and warned the head of the city's air defense of the danger)

3. Now, on all the streets of the city and in all the houses, the radio spoke loudly:

"Citizens, air raid alert!"

At the same moment the command is given:

Guys, what did the radio inform the residents of the city about!

(That's right, about danger, about air raid alert)

4. And the fighter pilots start the engines of their planes.

And far-sighted searchlights are lit. The enemy wanted to sneak in unnoticed.

It didn't work out. He is already waiting. Defenders of the city on the ground.

Give me a beam!

And all over the sky beams of spotlights sang.

Fire on fascist planes!

And hundreds of yellow stars jumped in the sky. It was hit by anti-aircraft artillery. Anti-aircraft guns shoot high up.

“There is the enemy, beat him!” say the projectors. And direct light beams are chasing fascist planes. Here the rays converged - the fascist plane got entangled in them, like a fly in a web.

How did the defenders of the city begin to defend the city?

(Searchlights aimed yellow beams at enemy planes, and anti-aircraft gunners fired at fascist planes)

5. Now everyone can see it. Anti-aircraft gunners took aim.

Fire! Fire! Once again fire!

Anti-aircraft gunners have a sharp eye, a faithful hand, accurate guns. Spotlights have a strong beam. Do not escape the fascist.

Fire! Fire! Once again fire! - And the anti-aircraft gun shell hit the enemy in the engine itself.

Black smoke billowed from the plane. And the fascist plane crashed to the ground.

The teacher of a preschool educational institution should form an interest in reading fiction among preschool children through games, illustrations and a variety of expressive means and literary genres. In addition, the task of the educator is the development of monologue and dialogic speech of preschoolers, their socialization and preparation for school. To achieve these goals and objectives, it is necessary to correctly plan each lesson.

Goals and tasks of the educator in the classroom for reading fiction

The educator faces important tasks: the upbringing, education and development of children. Fiction is the best assistant in solving problems. Each specific activity must:

  • train attention and memory;
  • develop thinking and speech;
  • cultivate interest in intellectual pursuits.

In addition, all studied works of art are focused on different aspects of a child's life. The most important for children of the preparatory group are:

  • moral education;
  • speech development;
  • artistic and aesthetic development;
  • socio-communicative development;
  • development of independence, self-service.

For example, the fairy tale "Tiny-Khavroshechka" belongs to the field of moral education. The specific goal of the lesson may sound like this: “To cultivate a kind attitude towards each other.” The Russian folk tale "By the Pike's Command" refers to the development of independence. By studying it, the educator can set himself the goal of "Explaining the importance of human labor." Social and communicative development occurs when reading the work of D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak "Medvedko", the purpose of the lesson on this tale: to acquaint with the outside world, with the planet.

Reading in the preparatory school group is given special attention.

Reading fiction, discussion, situational conversation - this is how the goals set are realized in the classroom. The teacher does not explain the meaning of the fairy tale immediately after reading - he gives the children the opportunity to figure it out on their own, helps the children to see and understand the problem described, for example, through conversation.

The use of a question-answer form of communication is the best way to develop verbal thinking in preschoolers.

For example, when studying the fairy tale "Geese-Swans", the following questions can be included in the conversation:

  1. Who is the story about?
  2. Where are mother and father going?
  3. What is the mother asking her daughter for?
  4. How did your daughter behave after her parents left for the city?
  5. What happened to brother?
  6. Who are the swan geese?
  7. What decision does the girl make?
  8. Why did the stove, the apple tree and the milky river not want to help the girl?
  9. Where did the girl run to?
  10. Who did she see in the hut?
  11. How did the girl manage to save her brother?
  12. Why on the way back the stove, the apple tree and the milky river help the girl?
  13. Can it be that the stove, the apple tree and the milky river talk to the girl?
  14. Where can we find talking animals and talking objects?

A series of questions for the conversation should be built logically: first, simple questions (in terms of content), then clarifying, interpretive (“Why ...”), evaluative and creative.

It is important to remember that the lesson has one goal, but several tasks.

The teacher at each lesson solves the following tasks:

  • educational;
  • educational;
  • developing.

For example, when studying the fairy tale "The Scarlet Flower" the following tasks should be solved. Educational: cultivate a good attitude towards each other. Educational: introduce literature, develop coherent speech, form an understanding of the text by ear. Developing: to develop speech hearing, the melodic-intonational side of speech.

Each session should have a unique theme and purpose, and there may be a subtopic in addition to the main one. Using the fairy tale “The Frog Princess” as an example, one can determine the goal: “Develop the cognitive activity of children, teach them to respect other people’s interests”, the topic “Listening to a fairy tale” and the subtopic “Obedience and self-will in a fairy tale ...” (moral education). During the conversation, the children should understand what obedience and self-will are, what is expressed, what follows them, how to behave, and so on. By motivating children to independently understand these issues, the teacher will achieve the goal.

Reading in the preparatory group should be educational. The teacher, developing a cognitive interest, educates a conscious reader who, during his school years, will independently motivate himself and read books with pleasure.

Motivation of preschoolers in the classroom

In pedagogy, there are four types of motivation for older preschoolers:

  1. Game. It will help the child shift the focus from the technical complexities of the reading process. Didactic games: "Reading fables", "The word got lost", "Know the hero".
  2. Help for an adult. It is based on the desire to communicate with an adult, because he will approve and show interest in joint activities. For example: take pictures of the heroes of a fairy tale and ask the children to help you choose or draw outfits (a sundress for a fox, a shirt for a bear).
  3. “Teach me.” The basis is the desire of each pupil to feel smart, capable. For example: if a child knows a fairy tale, tell him that you forgot the sequence of actions or do not understand the actions of the characters. So he will be more confident in discussing the material being studied.
  4. "With my own hands." Inner interest to do something as a gift to yourself or for relatives. Drawings, crafts, postcards - all this can be done in reading classes, but children must voice all their actions.

As a motivating start to a lesson in reading fiction, you can use games, illustrations for a work, riddles, a problem situation. For example, when studying the Russian folk tale "The Fox and the Jug", the teacher can show the children pictures of a fox, a jug, a river, use elements of theatricalization, games to develop intonation (exclamations of a fox).

Questions for conversation:

  1. What is this story about?
  2. How did the fox get into the jar?
  3. How did she first talk to the jug?
  4. What words did she say?
  5. How did the fox start talking?
  6. What words did she say?
  7. How does the fairy tale end?
  8. What kind of fox is shown in this tale and where is this seen from?

To expand and enrich the vocabulary, you need to discuss the words: greed, stupidity, kindness.

Games for the development of intonation:

  • Guess the intonation;
  • Say it kindly;
  • Say angrily.

When studying the story of L. N. Tolstoy "The Bone", you can also use images of the main characters, plums, elements of theatricalization, didactic games ("Cook compote"). Questions to discuss with children: honesty, fighting temptation, love for family, the ability to confess, to tell the truth.

Materials for the introductory stage can be different, it all depends on the interest and imagination of the educator. For example, when studying the fairy tale of the Brothers Grimm "Lady Blizzard", children will be attracted and motivated by music. When studying the Tatar folk tale "Three Daughters", you can use riddles (about mother, sisters, squirrel, bee) to introduce you to the characters and include them in active activities.

  • Who is the cutest person in the world?
    Who do children love the most?
    I will answer the question directly:
    - Ours is cuter than everyone ... (mother).
  • Who loves me and my brother,
    But does she like to dress up more? -
    Very fashionable girl
    My eldest ... (sister).
  • From branch to branch
    Jumping, frolicking
    agile, nimble,
    Not a bird. (Squirrel).
  • Flying over flowers
    Flew over the fields.
    Cheerfully buzzed.
    Got some nectar.
    And took the prey
    Straight to your house ... (bee).

For a lesson on the fairy tale "Puss in Boots" by Ch. Perrault, the teacher can take a cat toy and present it to the children as a guest.

The appearance of such a wonderful guest in class will delight the children.

Lesson structure

Each lesson with children must comply with the structure of the Federal State Educational Standard and consist of the following parts:

  1. Introductory part (creating motivation).
  2. Creation of a problem situation.
  3. Main part.
  4. Activity analysis (after each activity).
  5. Physical education (one or more).
  6. The final part (solution of the problem situation).

When working with children of preschool age, it is necessary to plan the lesson very competently. To make it as productive as possible, it is necessary to alternate different types of activities. In addition to reading fiction, you can use gaming, motor or communication activities.

For example, one of the mandatory elements of each lesson is a physical education minute. It helps children to take a break from vigorous activity, prevent fatigue, improve their emotional state, and so on.

Forms of physical education:

  • general developmental exercises;
  • mobile game;
  • didactic game with movements;
  • dancing;
  • movement to read a poem.

In the classroom for reading fiction, the teacher can use any of the above forms, but most often, movements for reading a poem are used as physical exercises.

An example of a physical education minute for reading a verse

In addition, you need to make a time plan for the lesson. The teacher must remember that classes that last more than thirty minutes are ineffective.

The structure of the reading lesson and the time plan for the senior group.

  1. Introductory part. 1–2 minutes.
  2. Creation of a problem situation. 2–3 minutes.
  3. Main part. 23–25 minutes.
  4. Final part. 2-3 minutes

Topic file

Card indexes of fiction are compiled according to different criteria. For example, on lexical topics: fruits / vegetables, trees, bread, seasons, mushrooms / berries, birds, domestic / wild animals, land / water, etc.

  • D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak "Grey neck";
  • N. Nosov "Cucumbers";
  • G. B. Oster "Kitten named Woof."

Also, a card index can be compiled on moral and patriotic education: homeland, society, family, friendship, holidays, citizen, etc.

  • N. Nosov "Mishkina porridge",
  • D. Gabe "My family",
  • J. Segel "How I was a mother."

The criterion for combining works can also be safety: fires, traffic rules, rules of behavior in nature, and so on.

  • A. Barto "Thunderstorm";
  • O. Smirnov "Steppe Fire";
  • G. Shalaeva "Do not eat unfamiliar berries in the forest."

The card file compiled by E.V. Shcherbakova under the program "From birth to school" ed. NOT. Verax. Criteria: educational areas.

From the field of moral education:

  1. Russian folk tale "Kroshechka-Havroshechka";
  2. Russian folk tale "Hare-bouncer";
  3. Russian folk tale "The Frog Princess";
  4. B. Shergin "Rhymes";
  5. Russian folk tale "Sivka-burka";
  6. Russian folk tale "Finist - a clear falcon";
  7. V. Dragunsky "Friend of childhood", "From top to bottom, obliquely";
  8. S. Mikhalkov "What do you have?";
  9. Nenets fairy tale "Cuckoo";
  10. “Goldilocks” (translated from Czech by K. Paustovsky);
  11. K. Chukovsky "Moydodyr".

The book of K. Chukovsky "Moydodyr" must be studied at the preschool educational institution

Table: summary of K. V. Tovmasyan’s lesson on the topic “Honesty in L. N. Tolstoy’s fairy tale “Bone””

GCD stageStage content
Goal and tasksBuild a sense of honesty.
  • educational: to learn to listen and understand the text by ear, to develop analytical thinking;
  • educational: to cultivate the ability to empathize, to understand the emotional state, to cultivate a love of reading and books;
  • developing: develop speech hearing, expand and enrich vocabulary.
  • fairy tale text;
  • portrait of L.N. Tolstoy;
  • illustrations for a fairy tale;
  • pictures with images of different berries: raspberries, plums, blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, gooseberries.
Introductory partGreetings and work ethic.
- Good afternoon, good hour!
How glad I am to see you.
looked at each other
And everyone quietly sat down.
– How is your mood?
Game "Find the bone"
- Look at these pictures. Here are the berries. Find among them a berry with a stone.
Acquaintance with the portrait of the writer.
- Look at this portrait. It depicts Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy. This is a great Russian writer who gave us a lot of interesting stories, fairy tales, poems and even riddles. He was very fond of children: he opened a school in Yasnaya Polyana (this is an estate in the Tula province), taught them according to the ABC, which he wrote himself.
- Today we will discuss the story of L.N. Tolstoy "Bone". Do you want to know what it is about and why it is called that?
Main partThe teacher reads the story.
Questions for conversation:
What did mom buy?
- How did Vanya behave?
- Who noticed that the plum was gone?
Why did Vanya decide to eat a plum?
Why didn't he confess?
Why was dad worried?
- What should Vanya do?
Physical education minute
The teacher reads the verse to the children and gives instructions on the movements:
  • One two three four five!
  • Let's jump and jump! (jumping in place)
  • The right side bent (tilts of the torso to the left and to the right).
  • One two Three.
  • Leaned left side.
  • One two Three.
  • Now let's raise our hands (hands up).
  • And we'll reach the cloud.
  • Let's sit on the path (sat down on the floor),
  • Let's stretch our legs.
  • Bend the right leg (bend the legs at the knee),
  • One two Three!
  • Let's bend the left leg
  • One two Three.
  • Legs raised high (raised legs up).
  • And they held on a little.
  • Head shake (head movement).
  • And everyone stood up together (stand up).

They say: "Everything secret becomes clear sooner and later." Do you agree with this? Give an example from the story "Bone".
- Tell me, is it necessary to hide something and be dishonest if the truth is found out anyway?
Vocabulary work.
- In the story there was an expression "blushed like a cancer." Look at the illustrations for the story. Do you understand what it means? How else could you describe it?
What does the word "considered" mean? Upper room - what is it?

Final partWhat is the name of the story we discussed today?
- Why is it called that?
- What would you do in Vanya's place?
- You all worked very well today, well done.

The quality work of the educator in planning and in the classroom for reading fiction is the key to the productive work of each child. Poems, riddles, didactic games - all this is necessary in the classroom, regardless of the chosen work. Classes in the preparatory group should be positive and exciting for all children, so the tasks should be selected interesting and varied. This is the only way to instill in children a love of reading and literature.

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