Girl's skeleton pencil drawing. Skeleton with a pencil in stages, professional tips


Many will agree that drawing a person's face is not an easy task. However, among some artists there is an opinion that drawing a hand is even more difficult. What is more difficult to draw - the face or the hands - I can't say. Probably, for whom. But, what can be stated quite definitely is that it is really difficult to draw hands and fingers correctly. But this is possible if you understand the basics of plastic anatomy and know the proportions. To do this, I prepared a series of drawings with visual diagrams. They will help you understand the key points that you need to learn to pay attention to in the process of drawing hands.

1. Brush size

The size of the hands is approximately equal to the face (not the head). If measured from the wrist to the tip of the middle finger, then this segment will be equal to the distance from the chin to the upper border of the forehead. This is the size of an adult's hand. The younger the person, the smaller the hand will be relative to his face. In young children, the palms are equal to the distance from the chin to the eyebrows.

2. Skeleton and muscles

The shape of the fingers and the entire hand depends on the shape of the bones and muscles. You can verify this by looking at the given anatomical drawings of the hands.

3. Middle of the brush

In the process of drawing, it is important to compare distances and check proportions. A good starting point for this would be a line corresponding to the middle of the brush. Having outlined it, it will be much easier to avoid mistakes in the future. Therefore, at the very beginning of the drawing, you should not immediately draw fingers and details. It is better to outline the general outline of the brush, similar to a mitten. Then determine the middle. And then you can proceed to the details.

4. Middle of fingers

In order for the fingers in the drawing not to turn out to be crooked, it is necessary to correctly determine the length of each phalanx that makes up the fingers: proximal, middle and distal. The following schematic drawing will help with this, in which the middle of the fingers is easily visible. Having determined the middle of each finger, further comparison of proportions will be much easier.

5. Thumb length

The thumb will end at 2/3 of the proximal phalanx of the index finger.

6. The length of the index finger and ring finger

The length of the index finger is equal to the length of the ring finger. However, this ratio may vary slightly from person to person.

7. Little finger length

The tip of the little finger is at the level of the joint between the distal and middle phalanges of the ring finger. By comparing the length of the little finger with this level, it is easy to check your drawing for errors.

8. Length of nails

The length of the nail of each finger is 1/2 the length of the distal phalanx of the corresponding finger.

9. Location of the metacarpophalangeal joint of the thumb

When a person looks at the hand, he sees just some bumps and depressions. But an artist who studies plastic anatomy sees joints, ligaments, bones, muscles behind each such “tubercle” ... On our hands (more precisely, hands) there are three key joints, “tubercles”, which are important for determining the size and further marking the picture. If these three points are determined at the beginning, then the further drawing will be much easier, since it will be possible to build on these points. Therefore, to draw the thumb, it is better to start with its metacarpophalangeal joint (point 2). And to determine its location, you need to remember that it is located approximately in the middle between the metacarpophalangeal joint of the middle finger (1 point) and the head of the ulna (3 point).

10. The hand fits into a circle

The hand fits easily into the circle. Therefore, you can draw hands using a circle as an auxiliary line.

11. Concave shape of the brush

On the inner, palmar side, the hand has a concave shape, repeating the shape of a ball. The hand is not flat.

12. The fingers are slightly curved towards the center.

The fingers have a subtle bend. They are curved towards the middle of the brush. The fingers are not completely straight.

13. The bends of the fingers on the palmar and outer sides of the hand are at different levels.

The phalangeal joints of the fingers form skin folds. These folds on the palmar and outer sides of the hand are located at different levels.

14. At the heart of the form are geometric shapes

From the above figure, it can be seen that by dividing the hand into geometric shapes, it will be easier to understand its shape.

15. Hand model corresponding to the main anatomical features

To learn how to draw hands, you need to be able to see the basic shape among the many little things. Be able to see the nature of the form. To do this, you can imagine the hand in the form of three-dimensional geometric shapes. As in the drawing of the head, artists use a model called “cutting”, so in the drawing of the hand, you can use the above diagram. Such a conditionally schematic representation corresponds to the main anatomical features. It will help novice artists understand the essence, and therefore draw hands more confidently.

Summarizing the above, we can add that beginners should accustom themselves to pay attention to the proportions indicated in this article. If you constantly compare values, compare sizes, then the drawing will be easier and will become much more competent.

Despite the fact that the proportions of the hands may differ depending on the individual characteristics of a person, these differences are unprincipled and insignificant (for example, the length of the index and ring fingers may vary). Therefore, the proportions and features indicated in this article generally

    Very interesting options have already been proposed, so I will propose to draw such a skeleton, in just four stages it is drawn !!

    If you follow the drawing sequence, then quite a good skeleton will come out !!

    To draw a human skeleton, we need a detailed and accurate picture if you want to get a good result and get the correct skeleton scheme.

    I recommend starting with the head of the skeleton. We draw an oval figure, add eye sockets, jaws, teeth. Next, draw the rest of the skeleton: neck, chest, pelvic bones, arms and legs. Coloring is not necessary, as the skeleton is already white. More detailed instructions in the video, which I will add below.

    Drawing a human skeleton as it is in full growth is incredibly difficult. due to the large variety of complex bones that need to be drawn clearly as they are in order to get a realistic skeleton.

    I propose to draw a perky dancing skeleton, which is perfect for drawings on the holiday of wickedness and magic Halloween.

    Master - class on the phased drawing of the skeleton.

    The skull is especially difficult to draw, so I will separately attach the same video on how to draw a human skull step by step.

    The most simplified options for how to draw a skeleton on a note.

    I can tell you from my own experience that drawing a skeleton is very difficult. When drawing it, you need to take into account a bunch of nuances. Here is a picture, looking at which you can draw a skeleton.

    I will try to explain how this can be done.

    So, we draw a circle, divide it into 4 equal parts cross by cross. We draw a line that defines the length of the body. Next, we define the length of the limbs with lines, indicating where the knees will be, and where the elbows.

    The next step is drawing the skull. We make out the eyes, mouth (or rather teeth), cheekbones, outlines of the chin.

    Now we draw the chest part, drawing the braids and ribs.

    So, the turn has come to the hands. We outline everything to the smallest detail.

    In conclusion, we outline the hip bones, bones of the lower leg and foot.

    Of course, to draw a skeleton you need to know the structure of a person, observe the proportions of the body and much more that is very complex, but you can do without it if you follow in detail all the steps below. The result is a real human skeleton:

    Here is the finished drawing after coloring, of course, you can not paint over it, or choose other colors.

    In order to draw the skeleton correctly, you need to know the anatomy of all human bones well:

    Start with the head (I think this is the hardest one, because the cranial bones have different specific features):

    then draw the bones of the chest and spine (i.e. the ribs and vertebrae), and then draw the bones of the upper and lower extremities, and the bones of the pelvis.

    Here are videos for help:

    First of all, we draw a circle for the base of the head of the future skeleton. Thin strokes indicate the location of the eye sockets and jaw. Then we work on the shape of the skull - we draw the eye sockets, the collapse of the nose, we draw the cheekbones and teeth. Next, draw the body of the skeleton: vertebrae, pelvis, arms and legs. At the end, you can decorate the drawing.

    To begin with, we must designate all the locations of all parts in the human body so that it is not so difficult for us to depict the skeleton.

    Then we have to select and draw all the bones of the skeleton in this drawing.

    Then we will need to draw the ribs of the skeleton, we need to be careful about the image of their number, shape and location. We then depict the skull.

    Then we will have to delete all the guide lines in the drawing and we will definitely need to add some hatching as well as shadows. And it will look like this.

    And in this way, everything in the end should work out for us. For work, you will need paper, as well as a pencil and an eraser.

    Before Halloween - drawing a skeleton is a hot topic. Unfortunately, you did not specify whose skeleton (drawing) you need - a person, a bird, an animal, a mythical character (say, a dragon), a snake ... In any case, drawing it is not very difficult, since in fact it is just bones, but it is important to draw them all and proportionately correct.

    This is how the human skeleton is drawn.

Now we will have a lesson on anatomical drawing. We will learn how to draw a human skeleton. To do this, you must have a minimum of biological knowledge, at least from the course of the school curriculum. Everyone knows that the skeleton is like a frame of the human body. It is made up of bones that are connected to each other by ligaments and joints. And muscles are attached to bones.

All this makes up the musculoskeletal system of a person and forms his appearance. There are a lot of bones in the human skeleton. All of them have their own Latin and Russian names. And each bone has its purpose. Models of human skeletons can be seen in biology classrooms in schools and medical institutions. Let's start drawing this difficult object.

Stage 1. We draw the skeleton on the entire sheet of paper. The estimated lumbar line will be in the middle of the sheet. Therefore, above the middle, we sketch preliminary auxiliary lines of the upper part of the skeleton. And under the middle of the sheet - the same lines of the lower part of the skeleton. So, in the upper part we sketch out two ovals, larger and smaller, and one slightly curved curved line. In a small oval, draw the contours of the skull of the head. We make its frontal part large, show the zygomatic protrusions. The lower jaw is attached to the upper. Next, draw the spinal column. And already under the head we show the first three cervical vertebrae on the spine.

Stage 2. Draw the processes of the vertebrae, on both sides of it. We also show two symmetrically located scapular bones - scapulae. They are drawn under the curve. Next, we make out the chest. On a large oval, draw ribs in both directions. They converge to the central straight spine.

Stage 3. Now draw the pelvic bones. In general, the pelvis is formed by three pairs of pelvic bones that fuse together. We draw the sides of the pelvis on both sides of the lower part of the spinal column. They look like open wings of a butterfly. Then, you need to draw the bones of the limbs. Draw the shoulder and forearm along the lines. This is the skeleton of the arm. And from the pelvis, also in straight lines on both sides, draw the thigh and lower leg. This is the skeleton of a leg. The largest are the femurs.

Stage 4. At this stage, in an enlarged view, the windows show different elements of the skeleton, which still need to be completed more accurately. This is the chest. Here we finish drawing the sternum and the ribs attached to it. And below you need to add a few strokes to the image of the pelvis.

Stage 6. Add the phalanges of the fingers in the skeleton of the hands. On the skull we show the eye sockets, nasal cavity and mouth.

Stage 7. Well, you have completed this difficult lesson! The result was an image of a human skeleton with almost all the details.

This section focuses on the aspects of human anatomy that you will need to learn to draw a person. You don't need to know every single muscle and every internal organ, but you do need to know everything that affects the shape and surface of the body. This knowledge should include: the skeletal structure, the major muscle groups that hold up the body, and the distribution of body fat under the skin.

If you would like to explore this issue in more detail, there is a lot of literature available on anatomy for artists, which contain comprehensive information on this topic. But I believe that the artist needs only a small fund of basic anatomical knowledge for his needs, so here we will consider only the basic components of the structure of the body and the simple mechanics of its work.

It should be emphasized that a good drawing human figures has little to do with the anatomical scheme. However, if you don't know the basics, your drawings will be more convincing.


The normal human skeleton consists of 206 bones, providing a mobile support structure for the body and protection for vital organs. There are also sesamoid bones, which form in tendons and are not directly connected to others. They are not taken into account in total (206) and we will not take them into account and discuss them here. The bones are connected to each other by rigid, flexible ligaments. At a joint, each articulatory bone is covered with a thin layer of cartilage that bears the brunt of wear and tear. The entire joint is encased in a connective tissue capsule that secretes synovial fluid to provide lubrication.

Central location in the human skeletal system spine- a flexible column, consisting of 33 vertebrae, supporting the skull, shoulder girdle, chest and pelvis. The arms are connected to the shoulder girdle, and the legs are connected to the pelvis.

Shoulder girdle includes clavicles and shoulder blades. The humerus fits into a small socket in the shoulder blade, allowing for a wide range of arm movement at the shoulder.

Rib cage forms a barrel-shaped flexible framework that protects the heart, lungs, esophagus and other structures.

Taz firmly attached to the lower spine, which supports the intestines and other internal organs and transfers the weight of the upper body to the legs. The femurs are connected firmly in a cup-shaped cavity in the pelvis. Although everyone is different, the bones of the average female skeleton are smaller and lighter than those of a male. The chest is narrower and the hips are relatively wider than in men. In addition, the female spine has a more accentuated outward curvature from the waist.

The artist needs to know that there are no perfectly straight bones. If the arms and legs are drawn with perfectly straight bones, they will look inflexible and rigid. The curvature of the bones is very strongly related to the rhythm of the actions of the figure. This will help create the impression of life.


There are just over six hundred voluntary muscles in the human body, but for our purposes it is only necessary to discuss:

  • large superficial muscle groups, which affect the shape of the body and are responsible for the movements of the limbs, as well as
  • much more complex muscles that affect facial movement.

This is all skeletal muscles. Most skeletal muscles are attached at both ends to bones (via tendons) and act like the tension of a spring in that they are able to contract; at the same time, they enable one bone to rotate relative to the other, like a lever. The muscles that give expression to the face connect bone and skin.

A muscle is made up of thousands of fibers, each controlled by a nerve ending. These nerve endings respond to signals from the brain by releasing minute amounts of acetylcholine, which causes the muscle fibers to contract along their length, making them shorter and thicker.

The illustration below shows bicep action on the front of the arm. When it contracts, the arm is bent. Another muscle that straightens the arm is the triceps, which is located on the back of the forearm. To extend the arm, the triceps must contract and the biceps must relax. All the muscles responsible for the movements of the skeleton are paired in such a way that for each muscle that pulls in one direction, there is another located so that it can pull in the opposite direction.

At all the entire complex of muscles is involved for each movement of the bodies a: The arm curl involves many muscles in addition to the biceps and triceps. One set of muscles provides the main driving force, while opposing muscles provide relaxation and lengthening. Meanwhile, other immobilized joints are needed to stabilize the balance of the body.

Muscles are located in the same way in the male and female body, and differentiated fat deposits on the chest and hips cause gender differences in body shape. We will review them later.

The article used materials from the book Ron Tiner "Figure Drawing without a model".

I have long wanted to draw in the classroom something that causes mixed feelings and may even make some plunge into the desire to splash in the powdered sugar of love. Today we will study how to draw love skeletons in love step by step. These skeletal forms are full of poetic feelings and experiences of real sincere lovers, and you can see that they can show it even when looking at each other only through their hollow rosettes instead of eyes. The blood that gives strength to ours is important, but you will learn that the symbol of love is not only hearts, but also a sensual look and a soft hug. This lesson will be easy, because all you have to draw are simple and not the most ideal shape. Either way, it will be a cool drawing to do in your spare time. Good luck friends and let me know how you liked this lesson!

Step 1.

Draw the shapes of each of the skulls and then add the neck and face guide lines for the next steps.

Step 2

Using the basic shape you just made, sketch out the skull making sure the shape for the back is drawn out. Add the bones of the cheekbones on the cheek, then draw a notch for each tooth, which will be made up of many cavities. You also need to draw the shape of the eye socket and nose.

Step 3

Draw and fill in a large hole for the skeleton's eye. We draw teeth, the lower drawing should coincide with the notches of the gums on the upper part. Also add the corners of the eyebrows and eyelashes for decorum.

Step 4

Draw the lower jaw and add a few lines of detail to it as well before moving on.

Step 5

We will start drawing the bones of the spinal column. Let's not bother with the curve of the cervical region and draw its simple shape with characteristic protrusions for our muscles and tendons. We draw an arched humerus. Check if we have drawn all the little pieces of spine bone before we mark this step as complete.

Step 6

Add details for the neck, back and shoulder. Draw the bones for her arm, then add the chest bones - our ribs.

Step 7

Now that the female version of the skeleton is done, you can move on to the male. Start drawing based on the base line of the forehead, then from there you can already draw the rest of the shape of the skull. Draw the shapes and lines we need to form the cheek and the protrusions of the teeth.

Step 8

Draw the eye of the skull, fill it with a solid color. Add an eyebrow, and then draw the upper and lower teeth. Add details on the head.

Step 9

We draw the lower jaw, with the same details as in .

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