How long did the marriage of Buzova and Tarasov last. "I'm in a hurry to go home, where Nastya is waiting for me with dinner"


For a month now, the whole country has been discussing Olga Buzova(30) and Dmitry Tarasov(29), and every day the "heroes" of this story add fuel to the fire.

At first, the couple did not comment on what was happening. It seemed to fans that the couple just had a fight, and there was nothing serious about it. But now it seems Olya And Dima reached such extremes that there is no going back.

First from Instagram Oli And Dima all joint photographs disappeared, then the young people completely unsubscribed from each other. A Buzova started posting sad posts under the photo. Even then, the fans of the couple panicked and even came up with a hashtag #dimavernis. Tarasov he was the first to comment on their relationship, hinting that the reason for the scandal was in his wife: “Olya loves to comment on everything, so ask her.” Then he completely began to humiliate her in his profile and laugh at the comments that Ole without Dima bad and she cries all the time. “Yes, she just got drunk,” taunted Tarasov. Later, rumors began to circulate that he was having an affair with Vice Miss Russia-2014 by Anastasia Kostenko, but all this turned out to be untrue - the girl has a boyfriend. Here the fans raised a real rebellion and worried about the health of the TV presenter: either she seemed to them too thin, then on, then Olya got into an accident, but everything worked out.

“I do not comment on the illegal actions of people. That's what law enforcement agencies are for. I am currently in Berlin for an exclusive interview with Michael Fassbender And Marion Cotillard in support of the film "Assassin's Creed". I don't know what's going on there. They say that my correspondence and iCloud were hacked. It's mean. Cruel. I have been a free woman for three months now. That's all I can say now. Sorry, I have no time - I need to work, ”she told the publication.

Bye Olga support , , and now he pulled himself up and Irakli! True, he is not looking for the right and wrong - the singer composed a song for the "gibberish" and posted the video on Instagram, urging the couple to reconcile and "ride off to the Maldives."

A former participant in the show "Dom-2", and now its presenter, is not only the main blonde of the TV show, but, it seems, of the whole country. Buzova wrote several books, got a job on television, became a fashion designer and married football player Dmitry Tarasov, midfielder and vice-captain of Lokomotiv Moscow ... However, their small family did not last even 5 years.

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Olga Buzova rarely swears and provokes scandals, even now, in a tense period of discord with her husband. However, one day the star's angelic patience came to an end when subscribers criticized her ... because, having been married for several years, she never gave birth to a child! The comments angered Buzova so much that she could not resist making harsh statements and asked the subscribers what place they think.

This event caused a big scandal, and UEFA representatives assessed the athlete's antics as a provocation. Lokomotiv fined Buzova's wife 300 thousand euros (more than 25 million rubles) and was deprived of all February bonuses. In another unpleasant incident, also related to football, Olga Buzova turned out to be the heroine, but this time in the role of the injured party. On April 30, the TV presenter was rooting for her husband during the Spartak - Lokomotiv match.

After the news of the breakup, the "Buzova side" was the first to speak. Olga Buzova’s sister Anna posted a photo on Instagram with words of support: “So much dirt that not everyone can bear, but we can bear it all, my little blood, my little sister.” Following Anna, Olga's friend Rustam Solntsev, a former participant in the reality show Dom-2, spoke out, who, like many Tarabuzikov fans, nevertheless expressed hope for a family reunion: “Olya and Dima have been together for a long time. Maybe, to some extent, their relationship has lost its freshness. At one time they wrote that Dimka could cheat on her - well, it's a young thing. In general, he is quite a rude and ill-mannered person. But I love Olya and I hope that they will overcome this crisis. But only if they really need it, otherwise it's not worth even trying ... "

Have a Conversation with Them: Anti-Divorce Petition

The most desperate fans of the couple do not doubt that the spouses really need to make peace. The day after the announcement of the divorce, fans created a petition sent to Federation Council member Elena Mizulina to help save the marriage of the TV presenter and football player. “Dear Elena Borisovna! You, like no one else, will be able to influence the decision of our beloved Olga Buzova and her husband Dmitry Tarasov. For us, fans of this beautiful couple, they are an example of an ideal relationship, family values ​​and mutual love. We do not know what happened to them, but we are sure that their marriage can be saved. Please have a conversation with Olga and Dmitry!” - bluntly wrote the fans. To their chagrin, there was no reaction from Mizulina ...

Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov have been one of the most discussed couples in the media for more than six months. For a long time, the spouses did not make people aware of what was happening in the house, and the fans hoped to the last that Olga and Dmitry would be able to improve relations, but the miracle did not happen.

In January 2014, Dmitry Tarasov got a tattoo on his wrist, forming the initials of his name and the name of Olga Buzova, and the date of their wedding was filled below. Such a gift touched the host of "House-2" to the core.

At that moment, Buzova published a photograph showing her husband's hand with a secret drawing, and signed it like this: "My husband's act moved me to tears yesterday. Not a single person dedicated a tattoo to me! I really appreciate it ... I love you, dear. Together forever" . For a long time, the TV presenter created the image of an exemplary family on social networks, although in reality everything turned out to be not so romantic and, after a while, fans of the famous spouses noticed that the lovers stopped having joint photos. Later, Dmitry did not come to support his wife at the presentation of the award for the best "instagrams", having gone at that time with friends to one of the capital's bars. The last straw in the overflowing cup was the athlete's act: once again in the hospital ward, Tarasov thanked his mother for support, and not at all his wife, who had always been his main support.

And already on November 29, the host of Doma-2 put an end to it and filed for divorce from football player Dmitry Tarasov. The family idyll of the famous TV presenter failed. As it became known, Olga Buzova and her husband Dmitry Tarasov divorced after four years of family life. The separation of the spouses was accompanied by a mass of scandalous details.

According to the friends of the couple, the footballer initially did not want to marry Olga, because the day before he had undergone a divorce process. The main reason why Tarasov nevertheless inclined to marry was the condition by which Buzova would give birth to children for him. However, the TV star did not give her husband the promised offspring.

Dmitry Tarasov and Olga Buzova: assumptions of disagreement in a couple

In the course of discussions on the Internet, several versions were put forward. They said that Tarasov was cheating on Buzova, and her patience finally snapped. Others claimed that Dmitry dreamed of a family, but Olga did not want to give birth to a child, but was exclusively engaged in a career. And here the patience of the football player has already burst.

Someone whispered to reporters that the host of the infamous reality show "Dom-2" had health problems, so she could not give birth. Olga herself indirectly confirmed the information about ill health. Some are sure that Olga Buzova is simply promoting her marriage like Ksenia Borodina, who forgave her husband after publicly admitting his betrayals.

And after a while, new interesting details from the personal lives of the stars were revealed. It turns out that the TV presenter and the athlete had a marriage contract, according to which each, in the event of a break, remains, as they say, with his own.

However, Tarasov himself insists that the reason for the divorce was the exposure of relations to the public and ... money! As it turned out, all property acquired in marriage will be divided in half. “There is a marriage contract. She gets half of our property ... The car was my gift for her ... ”Dmitry said in an interview.

The athlete is disappointed by the inevitable circumstance that he will have to share with Olga a country house, the construction of which they have been intensively engaged in lately: “The result of my work, all sorts of training ... And she needs to return half. For what? I do not understand such moments, such people. Money is the main reason for our disagreements!” In addition, Tarasov also said that his former lover has completely different views on life.

Fans of the ex-couple watched Olga Buzova sob and hysteria because of the breakup, and came to the conclusion that Dmitry Tarasov is currently completely satisfied with life, but the footballer says the opposite, arguing that he simply does not consider it necessary to advertise his real emotions.

The main reason for the separation of the "gibberish"

As previously reported by the media, the high-profile divorce of the Moscow Lokomotiv footballer Dmitry Tarasov and Olga Buzova provoked many reasons, but the main one was the betrayal of his wife. From the correspondence, which became public, we can conclude that Buzova, being married to a football player, cheated on him with showman Dmitry Nagiyev.

This is evidenced not only by messages of a provocative nature, but also by a video of a naked TV presenter that she sent to a colleague. Buzova herself considers the hacker trick a cruel and vile act towards her. But Tarasov said that he was shocked by the news of his wife's betrayal, although he had long anticipated this. Tarasov also says that he noticed the indecent and immoral behavior of his wife a long time ago, but then no one believed him, since his words looked like an excuse against the background of Buzova's statements. Now the athlete has finally declared that he can officially be considered a free man.

. "Tarasovs. Write whatever you want, we don't care. We are happy, ”wrote the ex-husband of Olga Buzova, posting the first wedding photo. Buzova's fans had no doubt that the star would react in social networks to the news of her ex's marriage, and Olga did not keep herself waiting for a long time. At night, a picture appeared in the teledivy's microblog, in which the host of Dom a-2 ”reads Dostoevsky’s book “Idiot” in bed. The photo was accompanied by a scathing post.

“A wonderful evening in the company of Dostoevsky. I decided to re-read one of the most favorite works of Fyodor Mikhailovich#Idiot about the unfortunate merchant Parfyon and the kept woman Nastasya ... And what do you like about Dostoevsky? - Olga Buzova wrote with a clear allusion to Tarasov and his now wife Anastasia.

Followers are divided into two camps. Some appreciated the star's humor and supported Buzova, reassuring her that Tarasov was not worth her worries. Others laughed at Buzova herself and her predictability, because even more than a year after her divorce from a football player, she cannot calm down and, moreover, publicly demonstrates her emotions about everything that happens in her ex-husband's life.

« Phew, well, why so ... Like in kindergarten. While Olya teases and suffers, people move on and live”, “ Predictability exceeded all possible forecasts, to the delight of all the jitters, and the jitters rightly so. Young fans rejoice at the "humor", mistaking Holguin's deep pain for humor, which has turned into an obsessive state. You just have to accept that someone has every right not to love you. Whether it's a stranger or someone close to you. And do not be deceived by stupid fictitious “my people”, life has clearly shown that there are only a few of them ... In short, today I didn’t get enough sleep and for some reason I was filled with deep pity for Olga, ”subscribers of Buzova’s microblog on Instagram write in the comments.

Dmitry Tarasov and Anastasia Kostenko officially got married

Recall that at the end of December, Dmitry Tarasov, after 11 months of relationship, made an offer to his beloved Anastasia Kostenko. The 30-year-old footballer decided to take a responsible step during the couple's vacation in the Maldives. The 23-year-old model shared the footage of a significant event on her microblog on Instagram. "And I said YES!" - the newly-made bride succinctly signed a series of pictures.

In December 2016, it became known about the divorce of TV presenter Olga Buzova and football player Dmitry Tarasov. The most discussed couple of domestic show business, which everyone (including Olga and Dmitry themselves) called "gibberish", broke up after four years of marriage. The event caused a huge stir. While Buzova was drowning in grief and could not come to terms with the fact that the seemingly perfect marriage collapsed, information appeared in the media about Tarasov's new novel. The chosen one of the 30-year-old football player was the Rostov model and the owner of the title "II Vice-Miss Russia - 2014" Anastasia Kostenko.

Dmitry Tarasov and Olga Buzova

Last week it became known that Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov decided to finally leave. The couple filed for divorce in one of the capital's registry offices. While the TV presenter is actively building a career and interviewing Michael Fassbender, her former lover is rapidly getting rid of everything that reminds her of her soulmate. Recently, a footballer decided to visit the master to kill an old tattoo made during his marriage to Olga.

According to journalists, Tarasov decided to forget forever about the date of the wedding with his former lover. Now on his hand is not a reminder of the day when she married Olga, but a philosophical phrase in Latin.

Recall that Dmitry Tarasov got a tattoo in honor of his wife more than two years ago. In January 2014, Olga shared the good news with fans. The TV presenter was beside herself with happiness. By her own admission, she did not expect this from her husband. “The act of my husband yesterday touched me to tears. Not a single person dedicated a tattoo to me! I really appreciate it... I love you, dear. Together forever ... ”- the presenter shared with the subscribers of her microblog. However, the hopes of the couple were not destined to come true.

In a recent interview, Tarasov claimed that Olga should get half of everything that they had acquired in marriage. He also said that he gave Olga a car, but Olga herself had previously mentioned that she needed a car. As for the couple's chic house in the suburbs, it is recorded in the name of the football player's mother. According to one version, this was the reason for the disagreement between the spouses. Celebrity fans are at a loss as to how they will handle the division of property. The stars themselves did not comment on the numerous speculations of the fans.

By the way, the other day in Moscow, a party was held by football player Alexander Samedov, dedicated to his transition from Lokomotiv to Spartak. Numerous friends of the athlete were invited to the celebration, including Olga Buzova, Dmitry Tarasov, Roman Pavlyuchenko, Dmitry Torbinsky and many others. The ex-lovers preferred to come to the event at different times: first Tarasov visited him, and after about an hour and a half, Olga Buzova, who performed her hit "To the Sound of Kisses."

Apparently, now Tarasov is trying to forget about his former lover as soon as possible, so as not to get into awkward situations in the future. Now his body is adorned with the saying "Omnia fert aetas", which translates as "Time takes away everything." In addition, the athlete wished that an hourglass pattern was filled on his right wrist, reports

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