How long did the Buzova marriage last. From "tarabuziks" to "tarakostiks"


He is a football player, vice-captain of the Moscow Lokomotiv, she is a TV presenter, a business woman and just a beauty! It would seem that a more perfect couple could not be imagined. We find out how Buzova and Tarasova came to treason and the division of property.

“You are my ocean, my most important goal,” Tarasov wrote about his beloved. “I love you with my love,” answered Buzova.

It seems that the candy-bouquet period for this couple did not end on a stamp in the passport ... Every year the relationship became more and more tender. Rumors about the impending divorce of Olga and Dmitry struck like a bolt from the blue. Nobody wanted to believe until the last. When screenshots of the correspondence between Buzova and Tarasov appeared on the Internet, it became clear: the separation of the strongest, as everyone thought, couples in showbiz could not be avoided.

On December 2, the main blonde of Doma-2 filed for divorce. Olga Buzova left the application and all the necessary documents in the Meshchansky department of the registry office in Moscow, writes Starhit. Olga and Dmitry still do not comment on the breakup, but the official representatives of the star persons confirm the information.

The Lokomotiv player and the host of Doma-2 met with friends five years ago.

“I was in Moscow, the team was at the training camp. I went to a restaurant to have dinner with friends, and there we met. And it started spinning ... ”the football player recalls.

Further - meetings in a cafe, conversations until the morning, armfuls of roses. And in a month, Olya will buy a ticket to Stuttgart and fly to the athlete to support him during a difficult operation. They will return from Germany as a couple. But Dmitry still has to explain himself to his last family. After all, at the time of their acquaintance, he is married and has a 2-year-old daughter.

The deceived wife Tarasova could not forgive her husband for an affair on the side, and when she found out that her rival was also a blonde, she even changed her hair color out of annoyance.

Adultery, formalized in court four months after meeting the TV presenter, cost Tarasov almost 2 million rubles: monthly for three years, the athlete paid his ex-wife Oksana and daughter Angelina 50 thousand rubles as alimony. But less than a year later, Dmitry again tried on a tuxedo and went to the altar.

wedding liner

The lovers celebrated their wedding on the ship. Olya dreamed of throwing a magnificent celebration and convening “the whole wide world” for the ceremony, but the closer the cherished date approached, the less she wanted this window dressing. As a result, only the closest were at the celebration: the parents of Olya and Dima, the old-timers of "Doma-2" and football players from the groom's side.

"Wedding liner" sailed through the picturesque places of the Moscow River. Snow-white dress with long train, wedding march…

There was also the first surprise from Tarasov, which marked the beginning of their unusual congratulations. Dima asked to make a stop at the Novospassky bridge. Floating under it, Olya saw red balloons on the bridge, with which a declaration of love was laid out.

But there was no honeymoon. The next morning, Tarasov flew off to the training camp, and Olga went to lead the TV set.

“It didn't upset me at all. I understood that I was marrying a football player, ”said Buzova.

Ideal relationship

And Olya proved this more than once. She became an assistant and support for Dima in any situation.

Almost immediately after the wedding, Tarasov's father died. The wife supported in this situation not only her husband, but also her mother-in-law, with whom, by the way, she was able to build a wonderful relationship.

Buzova managed to find a balance between work and family. The telediva has repeatedly shared in an interview that she is ready to stand at the stove all night, even if Dima does not touch anything.

And there were legends about the surprises with which the spouses pleased each other. Once Olya rented the entire Luzhniki to congratulate her husband on his birthday in an original way.

Tarasov generously thanked his beloved. He sang songs for her, showered her with flowers and gifts. In addition, it was Dmitry who gave his beloved Yorkshire terrier named Eva, and then, so that she would not be bored, the owners brought in another fur ball - the Chelsea Pomeranian.

The couple seemed perfect. If on vacation, then together. If the premiere, then only by the hand.

For four years Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov have been the most romantic and emotional couple in the domestic show business. Surprisingly, over the years, lovers have not ceased to please each other with beautiful surprises. Both Olga and Dmitry try to use every free day to surprise and please each other.

And although sometimes their sudden surprises seem naive, they bribe numerous fans of couples with their sincerity.

Olga Buzova in search of her happiness

Being at the age of 18 on the television project "Dom-2", Olga Buzova honestly tried to find her love and build a serious relationship. And she almost succeeded: on the reality show, it was Olga who at that time managed to build the strongest relationship. Her couple with Roman Tretyakov lasted the longest in the show.

After Tretyakov left the project, relations began to deteriorate, and soon the young man began dating another girl, whom he soon married. Parting was given to Olga very hard, but she managed to pull herself together and completely change her life.

From that moment on, Buzova has been actively pursuing a career, pushing her personal life into the background. It is worth saying that the performance of a TV star can only be envied. The girl releases two books, starred in several sitcoms (albeit in episodic roles), takes her first steps in the fashion industry.

Already in 2008, Buzova was invited to the role of the host of "House-2", which she remains to this day.

Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov - an accidental acquaintance that ended in a wedding

There was a lot of talk around the acquaintance of Olga and Dmitry. Olga herself in February 2016 frankly told in her blog how it all happened. It turns out that Olga saw her future husband for the first time on February 3, 2011, when she came to visit her friend. Buzova at that moment did not know anything about the young man, but the very next day Olga realized that she wanted to see yesterday's acquaintance again.

Unable to fight the surging feelings, Buzova decided to rely on the will of fate:

Sleepless nights, talking until 7 in the morning on the phone ... we met every evening in a cafe, and then we talked on the phone until the morning ... I didn’t know what was happening ... I just surrendered to my feeling, and allowed me to do whatever I wanted to do with myself ... exactly a month later, on March 3, you are flying to Stuttgart for an operation, and I understand that I can’t live without you ... and I’m flying to you ... I already knew then that I love you, but I was afraid to say, so I wrote a letter ...

Secret wedding of Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov

The relationship between Buzova and Tarasov lasted about a year. Olga was not even embarrassed by the fact that her lover was married. Moreover, a daughter grew up in the family of a football player.

The couple hid their romance until Dmitry divorced his wife. Soon, the lovers officially announced their relationship, but the couple was silent about the fact that they were going to get married soon.

Shortly before the wedding, a clip by Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov “Everything for You” appeared on the Internet. And, although there were many who criticized the vocal data of the TV presenter, the clip captivates with its sincerity and tenderness:

The wedding celebration took place in June 2012. It was not a magnificent feast for the whole world: only the closest newlyweds were present in the registry office.

The banquet was held on the ship "Swallow", where there were also no "extra" guests.

By the way, during the official registration, Olga took her husband's surname, so the surname "Buzova" remained with the TV presenter only for show business.

Already during the wedding, Dmitry made a lot of surprises for his bride. So, during the wedding evening, the footballer sang the song “Heavens are crying” for his young wife, which touched all the guests. And when the ship sailed under one of the bridges, all those present saw an inscription from red balloons “Olya, I love you!”.

Oksana, ex-wife of Dmitry Tarasov

In the biography of Dmitry Tarasov, marriage with Olga became the second. Dmitry also met his first wife by chance - the girl was catching a taxi, and the athlete stopped to give her a lift. To get Oksana's phone number, the football player had to try:

I stopped, I liked it. But to get her number, I had to go to the trick. I said that I lost my phone somewhere in the car and asked Oksana to dial me. And then everything turned around.

It soon became clear that Oksana became pregnant. Dmitry, according to his friends at the football club, did not want to get married, however, his parents insisted: he made a child - be a man.

Tarasov obeyed his parents, which he later regretted more than once. At 22, Dmitry became a father. Young parents named their daughter Angelina.

Dmitry was not ready either for family relationships or for the role of a father. The guy wanted to spend time with friends, go to clubs. Quarrels and scandals broke out more and more often in the house of Oksana and Dmitry. At some point, Tarasov could not stand it and moved to his parents.

The football player assures that at the time of the meeting with Olga Buzova, he had not lived with his legal wife for three months, so the TV presenter has nothing to do with the breakup of the athlete's family. After the divorce, the ex-wife of Dmitry Tarasov received a good compensation - 1.8 million rubles.

Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov: latest news and photos from Instagram

Olga Buzova's husband, like herself, is an active blogger. The latest news about what is happening at home with Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov, the couple herself reports on her instagram. Fans of spouses often witness how they touchingly confess their love to each other.

Dmitry Tarasov told the whole truth about parting with Olga Buzova, and how not just he sought the heart of Anastasia Kostenko.

Dmitry Tarasov gave a frank interview about how his romance with Anastasia Kostenko began. The football player, despite the statements of eyewitnesses, denies that he cheated on his ex-wife Olga Buzova. According to his version, acquaintance with Kostenko happened only in December last year, and the second date did take place in January. This recognition is contrary to rumors, because the scandal with the "mistress of Buzova's husband" began on the Web in November last year. Friends of the couple assured that by the time the TV presenter found out about her husband's betrayal, Tarasov had been having an affair with Kostenko for about three months.

Tarasov voices another version. He met Kostenko in the company of mutual friends. He really liked the girl, and he got her phone number. According to Tarasov, relations with Olga at that time were already over. Then he spent a lot of effort to win the heart of Anastasia. Dmitry literally climbed out of his skin to win the heart of the "impregnable" beauty.

“Nastya was impregnable, like a fortress, and I can understand her. I knew that anyone who was close to me would pour out a tub of slop. And then there were rumors that I had a harem of mistresses, ”said Dmitry. Kostenko admits that the footballer made a good impression on her. “I immediately warned that you can’t buy me with gifts,” the model added. - The most valuable thing is attention. Dima knows how to look after: he gives flowers, takes him to restaurants and cinema. My aunt lives in Moscow, who always warned: “Be careful. In the capital, men are spoiled.” I avoided communication with the representatives of the stronger sex, I lived with my sister. But Dima turned out to be different - caring and homely. And when I saw his reverent attitude towards children, I realized - this is my man!

Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov

He surrounded her with care and in March persuaded her to move into his apartment. Soon Tarasov introduced her to his family, who really liked Kostenko. So, protecting his beloved from the "bad fame" that fell upon her, Tarasov began a new life after a divorce. Now the couple lives a quiet family life in Tarasov's country house, the construction of which began while still married to Buzova. Dmitry and Anastasia dream of a wedding and children, but they don’t want to rush into such serious things. Kostenko said that she really wants to give birth to a child to Dmitry, but this will not happen in the next year. “I nursed two sisters and a brother. At some point, I realized that I myself did not want to become a mother yet. But when she met Dima, she changed her mind. I see him as the father of my children. Perhaps I will give birth earlier than I planned, but not in the next year! ”, Starhit quotes Kostenko.

"Congrats sis. We are happy," football player Alexei Miranchuk wrote in the comments to a photo from the registry office posted on Instagram by the newly-made wife of Dmitry Tarasov, model Anastasia Kostenko.


The phrase seems to be quite harmless and even pleasant. But the fans quickly translated it from English into Russian, it turned out: "Congratulations, sister. We are happy." Here, many saw a caustic hairpin, moreover, thrown towards the ex-wife of midfielder Olga Buzova.

“Miranchuk writes “we are happy.” Well, this is the motto of “House -2”. Is he trolling Olya so subtly or something?” One of the subscribers asked. Others immediately took up the idea. “Ahaha, how subtle”, “Poor Buz, she is sad now without ridicule” (the spelling and punctuation of the authors are preserved - ed.).

As the site wrote, Dmitry Tarasov and Anastasia Kostenko signed at the Kutuzovsky registry office of the capital on January 9. The newlyweds immediately informed the public about the joyful event by posting a photo from the celebration on the social network.

Dmitry and Anastasia met in 2016. Soon the football player left his wife Olga Buzova and filed for divorce. After that, the lovers began to live together. In December last year, Tarasov took Kostenko to the Maldives, where he proposed to her. Nastya agreed without hesitation. Less than a month later, it became known that the beloved footballer was expecting a baby.

Note that for Dmitry this marriage was already the third in a row, he is raising a daughter from his first wife. But Anastasia got married and is preparing to become a mother for the first time.

Reading this article:

Dmitry and met quite banally - in the circle of mutual friends.

It was 2011, she had already become the host of a scandalous television project, and he was still thundering as a famous football player.

Sympathy between them appeared instantly, and the TV presenter herself admits that she fell under the spell of a famous athlete immediately and to the fullest. Relations developed rapidly, but at the same time very romantic.

Due to a busy schedule, the lovers could not meet often., but they had endless nights and phone calls at their disposal.

After a while, the star couple admitted that at that moment each of them felt like a teenager in love.

Moreover, later Olga was perplexed - as soon as they had enough strength for such a format of relations, because the schedule of the football player and TV presenter was always more than tense and sleepless nights did not fit into it.

True, there was one fact that overshadowed the life of lovers - this is a stamp in Tarasov's passport.

It should be noted that Dmitry Tarasov himself and Olga Buzova said more than once that at that time this marriage was already considered formal, the athlete did not live with his wife and kept the external side of the relationship for the sake of his little daughter.

Whether this is true or whether Buzova is a real homemaker - only the participants in those events themselves know.

But dry facts suggest that Dmitry began the divorce proceedings after meeting with Olga, and as soon as he brought it to the end, he went down the aisle with her.

Their large-scale, cheerful and, admittedly, expensive the wedding of Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov took place on June 26, 2012.

The entire subsequent life of a married couple became public. Moreover, Olga and Dmitry never hid from the paparazzi, but rather willingly gave them reasons for reporting.

The couple actively posted photos of their family life, talked about their joint vacation or other events that they attended. Buzova even came up with a number of hashtags (#gibberish, #moyamoy, #husband), with which she and her husband subsequently accompanied all their posts on social networks.

The life of the guys seemed cloudless, although in fact it was far from it.

First, Dmitry was seriously injured and underwent a complex operation, then he was severely punished for going to an international match in a T-shirt with the image of the President of Russia.

We must pay tribute to Olga - she was always there. She could be seen both in the hospital ward and at parties in support of Tarasov's outrageous act.

In parallel with this, the guys constantly pleased each other in small things and big things - Dmitry dedicated his favorite song, Olga arranged enchanting holidays for him, he gave her bouquets, and she dedicated frank posts on the network to him.

The guys were also preparing their own family nest - it was supposed to be a mansion in the suburbs, which the couple acquired ... for 100 million rubles!

The only thing that the spouses lacked, at least in the opinion of others, was children.

But Tarabuziki have always emphasized that everything has its time I, they will definitely come to the decision to have a child, but for now, all their efforts are aimed at developing a career and raising two charming dogs of the Yorkshire terrier breed.

But it turned out that happiness for show cannot be eternal. The first news about the discord in the family of Dmitry Tarasov and Olga Buzova appeared in the fall of 2016.

For the first time in 5 years, the TV presenter's Instagram stopped replenishing with joint photos, and the pictures of pleasant surprises, trifles, and bouquets that she received from her husband disappeared.

Then Olga from post to post began to complain about the lack of understanding of the closest people and total loneliness. At the end of October, the discord became noticeable not only on social networks, because Buzova came alone to present her with the prestigious Insta Awards and did not want to communicate with the press.

And very soon, from one of Dmitry's messages, it became clear that for the first time his wife did not support him during the next operation. The finale of this sad story was that the couple took off their wedding rings.

What caused such a fatal discord? Some sources say that the essence lies in the financial issue - it seems that Dmitry decided to issue their joint mansion to his mother, thereby depriving Olga of any rights to it.

After a quarrel Dmitry took the car donated to them from Olga.

Others close to the star couple say that the reason is Tarasov's behavior - allegedly he has been seen cheating more than once and is now seriously carried away by someone. There are those who accuse the couple of ... PR!

Allegedly, there is no divorce at all, and all the hype was created only in order to stir up public interest in Buzova's solo song, which she released at about the same time.

Most likely, a little time will pass and everyone will find out the true reasons for the separation of this beautiful couple, but for now you just need to note that there are no more Tarabuzikov.

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