How old is Nade Matveeva. Leading All be good Nadezhda Matveeva about divorce and adult son: exclusive interview with Viva! - And that, never gave up


The host of the women's TV magazine "Everything will be kind" and the TV show "Everything will be delicious!" at STB, Nadezhda Matveeva is one of the most recognizable and pleasant people to the viewer. We decided to talk to Nadezhda personally and learn about the secrets of her beauty and life rules.

Ivetta: It is difficult to surprise the host of a women's TV magazine with some beauty tricks. But still, which of the beauty procedures that the guests of your studio talked about surprised you the most?
The most amazing piece of advice I've heard at the Be Good Studio is about starch. I had no idea that potato or cornstarch could be used as a face mask - except perhaps as talcum powder. But it turned out that it has an effective lifting effect, but for me it is important. Therefore, I periodically make a mask of starch, which tightens and soothes the skin.

Ivetta: In general, do you use many of the tips from the air or do you prefer the old proven ways to take care of yourself?
Both. Since childhood, I have known about a hair mask with yolk, burdock oil, honey and cognac - mix everything and apply to your hair. As a child, I had long curls, and my mother once a month made me such a mask. It would seem that in childhood there are no problems with hair - but it was a very cool preventive procedure, even from my grandmother.

From time to time, our experts talk about this recipe, and something new: the same recipe for a mask with starch or with kelp, which I also did not know about before. I use all this with pleasure.

Ivetta: Let's continue with the topic of hair. The screen image cannot be changed at will, but would you like to straighten your hair, for example?
In this sense, I'm probably a little bit different from the majority of women. (laughs). I really like that I have the same hairstyle for many years. You know, I really appreciate my curls, although in my youth, like every girl, there were moments when it seemed that my hair should be different. Many do not like their own and it seems that it will be more interesting in a different way! This period has passed, and now I am doing my best to save what is left of the curls. If you start straightening your hair, then they lose their structure and turn out to be neither straight nor curly, but it is not clear what, some kind of tow!

Therefore, I am against such experiments - although several times at the very beginning in the program “Everything will be delicious!” I had straight hair. There is even a photo session where I have straight hair.

As for purely professional nuances, since the program is daily (we are filming a column from one issue today, tomorrow from another), it turns out that it is even more correct from a visual point of view - that I have the same hairstyle. Then it does not need to be redone often during the shooting day. It turns out that such a production need coincided with my deep desire and conviction that hair should be touched less!

You know, in fact, in everyday life I go with a screen hairstyle. She suits me perfectly. And I hope it stays that way for many more years.

Ivetta: You will probably be recognized at every turn. Are you trying to disguise yourself?
It’s not like it’s always… Literally today I was riding the subway, then I walked down the street in the center for a long time, and it seems to me that they never recognized me. I don't disguise myself in terms of "put on glasses and pull on a hat." I once thought that if I went to the store without makeup, they would not recognize me, but it turned out that they would recognize me anyway (laughs)! And when they identified me without makeup several times, I realized that it’s better not to rely on incognito, you just need to always look good. Of course, I don’t dress or make up so brightly that it is noticeable that I am a “woman from the TV”. That's why I'm on the subject of recognition. If they recognize it's good, if they don't recognize it, it's also good. (laughs).

Ivetta: When planning a vacation, what kind of vacation do you choose?
I love to travel, but not far. I really like Hungary - there are thermal springs, and the country is close. Once, having visited the Carpathians, she discovered thermal springs there. This is a pleasant relaxing type of holiday, optimal for me. I don’t know how to ski, but where the water is, it’s also warm - I like that. It is also important for me to be able to walk a lot. Sometimes on vacation I develop routes so that I can spend the whole day on my feet. I love being tired at the end of the day.

Ivetta: Abroad, all women at least once, but go shopping. What do you buy when you travel overseas?
I don't like shopping! Especially when there are a lot of people. If it's a weekend sale, you'll never see me in the store. Not because they will recognize me, but because I prefer to calmly look and choose a product. Abroad I try to buy only what I need, and if it is in a certain country, it is cheaper than here.

For example, in Austria, locals told me that they have really good discounts on quality shoes. By the way, it is not so easy to find the right pair of shoes. When I was in Italy, I hardly bought something digestible. They just went with a friend in search of not returning empty-handed. Therefore, it is normal for me to go somewhere and not buy anything.

Ivetta: Even sellers from God are not able to "suck" you a product that they did not plan to buy?
Frankly speaking, I mainly plan shopping during sales because it seems to me that clothes or shoes without discounts are always sold at a clearly overpriced price. But seeing the discount, I still ask myself the question, do I need it or not? I'm not a fan of shopping.

I don’t understand household appliances and I won’t go to buy it myself, I’ll take a person with me who can tell me. I always trust sellers, and I can not only be deceived, but convinced (laughs). The main thing is that the seller is not intrusive.

Ivetta: Do you like to sleep on vacation or are you an early bird?
I try to get up early. At sea, I set an alarm for 6 in the morning or even at 5.45 to meet the dawn and enjoy the morning sun. These are the most pleasant hours, and it is foolish to sleep at this time.

Ivetta: What time does your day at home start?
At home I sleep until 8-9 in the morning. To say that I can oversleep for half a day is most likely not. Then I feel that I miss the good hours when you can walk or do something.

Ivetta: The experts of "Everything will be kind" often talk about the benefits of breakfast. Do you cook them or snack on the go?
Yes, I'm cooking. I knew about the benefits of breakfast before, and experts reinforced my knowledge. It’s like a law for me: no matter what time I wake up, I definitely have breakfast! For example, today I ate scrambled eggs and carrot salad. If I have time in the morning, I like to cook cheesecakes. 20 minutes is enough for me, I have already filled my hand. Cottage cheese casserole, porridge ... And I really like to drink a cup of coffee in the morning.

Ivetta: In the frame, you do the exercises almost on an equal footing with the trainer. Is it a montage or is your physical preparation that good?
Thanks for the point of view, I appreciate it. When filming the first sports headings “Everything will be kind”, the coaches and the film crew were somewhat surprised at how easily I do everything. But let's start with the fact that our coaches can give more complex exercises, and those that an unprepared spectator can perform. After all, the most important thing is not to show off some difficult exercises, but to show that everyone can do it. And my role is to convince that a person without special training is able to perform the exercise if he tries.

And it also helps me that almost from early school age I always went to some section: dancing, aerobics, basketball. It wasn't an achievement sport, but I did go to the gym nonetheless. When my son was born, after a month or two I was looking for where I could study.

To my shame, now I don't go to the gym. I told you, and now I will be ashamed (laughs)! Somehow I relaxed ... Maybe because of the thought that I was training at work? I will take matters into my own hands!

One of those workouts that isn't a montage!

Ivetta: I would like to ask you more about my son. What is it like to be a young mother of an adult son?
When he was little, there was no grief about the fact that he was growing up. Many girlfriends said, “If only my baby could stay so small in a stroller a little longer.” And I liked all periods, and thanks to my son that even in adolescence he did not give me problems. Now he is 23 years old, and I am happy with him. Maybe he does not achieve the successes that he sets for himself, but as a mother, I am calm. We have a trusting relationship, although I do not presume to advise something directly. Maybe with a daughter it would be different, but the son says: “Don’t, mom.” (laughs).

Nadezhda Matveeva with her son

Ivetta: The children of famous parents are usually either shy or show off. How does your son feel about your popularity?
At first he had pride, but now for us it's just life. I don't think he's bragging about it, but he's not shy either. Probably because I myself in no way believe that working on television makes me a person who needs to be treated in a special way.

Ivetta: What would you advise our readers from the height of your rich life experience - how to remain cheerful, young and energetic at any age?
First: to make life more pleasant, you need to drink water. Yes! Wake up - drink water! I have been doing this for a long time and I understand that it really has a positive effect on health.

Secondly, I really want all women, and men too, to have the opportunity to do something pleasant for themselves. For some, as for me, this is a walk, for others - an extra hour of sleep. You need to listen to yourself and understand what brings joy. Maybe just watch a video with kittens! Every day you need to find time for yourself.

And the third is to do daily physical exercises. At least some, at least somehow, at least a little, but do it! These three simple moments make life sweeter and more pleasant, charge you with energy and strength.

We have already begun to follow the advice of Nadezhda, and you?

Photo: STB TV channel press service

Matveeva was born in the Crimean resort town of Kerch on November 15, 1968. The girl was easily able to study in high school, which she graduated with a gold medal. Since childhood, she had big life plans, so after school the girl went to study in Moscow.

After graduating with a degree in energy engineering, she moves to Kremenchug. This act was facilitated by an acquaintance with a man who later became her first husband, from whom she has a son, Vladislav.

There Nadezhda continues to study, already at the local economic university. Having tried herself as a housewife and office worker, she decides to completely change the scope of her professional activity.

Career Matveeva

The beginning of Nadezhda's creative career can be considered a work as a DJ on the radio. After that, the girl becomes the host on the local TV channel of the city of Kremenchug, works in the editorial office in the town of Cherkasy. And, having moved to Kyiv, he starts working at Russian Radio.

In 2012, Matveeva was invited to audition for the TV program "Everything will be kind." The former radio host quickly becomes a TV star and wins the love of millions of viewers.

She also becomes the host of another popular show called "Everything will be delicious." On the STB channel, Nadezhda becomes a member of the jury in the "Battle of Psychics" program, and also conducts a morning radio broadcast along the way.

Nadezhda's personal life

The TV and radio star met her first husband in her student years, from this marriage Matveeva has a son. The couple, having lived together for 7 years, divorced, but remained on good terms with each other. Nadezhda met her second husband on the radio: a bright office romance broke out among colleagues. With this man, the marriage lasted a little longer - 12 years.

With an adult son who lives separately, Matveeva has an excellent warm relationship. They often appear together in public, and there is no doubt how touching and caring Vladislav treats his beautiful mother.

Curious facts

  • the real name of Nadezhda Matveeva is Lyudmila;
  • Nadezhda's childhood dream is to become a ballerina;
  • the popular presenter is a fan of her work;
  • Matveeva loves cats;
  • The main fear is the fear of heights.

Professional achievements

  1. Radio DJ experience.
  2. TV presenter on the Kremenchug regional channel.
  3. Chief editor in the Cherkasy newspaper.
  4. Host of the morning program "Alarm Clocks in Russian" on "Russian Radio" in Kyiv.
  5. TV presenter of the program "Everything will be kind."
  6. TV presenter of the program "Everything will be delicious."
  7. Member of the jury of the program "Battle of psychics".

Every day, Nadezhda Matveeva invites famous people to her studio to open them to the audience from a new perspective. Viva!, in turn, tried to find out 10 interesting facts about the popular TV presenter.

1. Failed ballerina.“My children's circles began with failure - I was not taken to the ballet. Rather, I was a bit like classes, and then the teacher asked my mother to pick me up from the studio so that I would not suffer. Then I went to folk dances, and danced for seven years. Along the way, I visited the pool, then tennis. There they hit me on the head with a racket, I figured out what would happen next, and decided to go to basketball. There were cutting and sewing courses, a theater group ... "

2. Nadezhda Matveeva is afraid of heights.“When I first went out onto the balcony of the 14th floor, I grabbed the railing and was afraid to move - my head was spinning, and my voice became thin and trembling. Although I’m not afraid to fly on an airplane, I’m afraid to even think about skydiving until I’m ready.”

3. As a child, I wanted to be like Margarita Terekhova in the role of Milady from the movie "D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers".“Her manner of speaking and chic curls seemed irresistible to me. Later, I learned how the actress had to “mock” her hair in order to achieve such an effect. Since then, I have become even more appreciative of my natural curls. They, of course, are not as luxurious as those of the movie Milady, but I like them.

4. At school I sewed panties for my dad.“I know how to sew and knit and theoretically love doing it. But the whole question is time. To be worthy, you need to fully concentrate, delve into the process and its subtleties, pay attention to every detail. And I am focused on the details of another - television - process. In high school, I made most of my own clothes, even my prom dress. Dad - family cowards, sorry for being frank. Then to the son - undershirts, shirts. And she rarely knitted, because in this business my mother is an unsurpassed master!

5. Beats dishes.“When I’m angry, I don’t hit. But I have periods when I accidentally break plates or cups. This happened intermittently, I eventually tried to figure out why this is happening?! And I came to the conclusion that this is how I act in a situation that seems hopeless to me. When I lived with the parents of my first husband, I broke the dishes so often that I was even ashamed. At that time it seemed to me that we would never live separately, and internally, apparently, I resisted this. It’s good that the mother-in-law was a wise and kind woman, she forgave me.”

6. Admire doctors.“Even as a newborn, I suffered lobar pneumonia, being on the verge of life and death. A young doctor, still quite inexperienced, literally took me out, despite the sad forecasts. A doctor from God, low bow to him and endless gratitude.

7. Impatient.“I can’t stand it very well when someone at the checkout in a supermarket unhurriedly stacks the purchased goods, not paying attention to the queue lined up behind him. Perhaps I find myself in such situations to learn patience. I even convince myself: “Imagine that this person bought a dozen more goods, and at that time the cashier punches the check ... Don’t watch him sleep near the checkout, think about good things ... Nadya, you are not in a hurry, you are just standing in the store, enjoying the opportunity to buy everything you need ... "

8. Nadezhda Matveeva loves cats.“Our family has cats, pets. This choice was made by the son, and we fully supported him. In childhood, we lived with a dog, a hedgehog, fish, a hamster, a guinea pig, a talking jackdaw. At different times, of course."

9. Favorite actor -.“He’s just handsome, talented and smart. Over the years, he becomes more and more beautiful, and I, as a woman, cannot be indifferent to him. Moreover, if suddenly, by some miracle, we ended up in the same room, my plan is to quickly run away from there! Firstly, in his presence, I would not have connected two words, and such admirers, I suppose, are already tired of the hell out of him. And secondly, I would not be able to adequately perceive a man whom I consider so beautiful, and would be terribly upset if he were not ideal. I'm almost serious about this."

10. Nadezhda Matveeva believes in horoscopes.“And not only in them, but also in the predictions are different. Only I understand that they may not come true due to circumstances. Therefore, I focus on the positive aspects of the horoscope and act in this direction. And there - how it goes. If it didn’t come true, the horoscope is not to blame.”

The host of the programs "Everything will be kind!" and “Everything will be delicious!” on the STB channel, he is going to celebrate his 45th birthday for several days

Nadezhda Matveeva admits that she is happy to be part of the large team of the STB channel's television family. An invitation to become the host of the project “Everything will be kind! "Coincided with a difficult period in Matveeva's personal life. She broke up with her second husband, deciding to start a new life. She says that she did it perfectly, and her favorite work helped to overcome the mental pain. Now Nadezhda is the host of two popular projects of the channel “Everything will be good!” and “Everything will be delicious! ". She is happy to use the advice she receives from the experts of the two shows. Nadia signed up for a gym, regularly visits a beautician's salon and monitors her diet. The only exception is on birthdays. Nadya is going to celebrate her 45th birthday for several days by arranging home gatherings for relatives and friends.

- As the heroine of Vera Alentova said in the film "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears": "At forty years, life is just beginning" ...

“Now I know it for sure. I am an adult, independent, doing what I love, my son has grown up. I am full of hope and I know for sure that there is something to strive for. Therefore, with full responsibility I can confirm the words of one of my favorite movie heroines.

- They say that you can only succeed at the age of 30, but you broke the stereotypes.

- I had success even at the age of 30, only fewer people knew about them. I gave birth to a son, worked on the radio in Kremenchug, took care of the house. But over time, there was a feeling that she stopped both in the profession and in relationships. She changed her occupation, moving to Cherkasy and becoming the editor-in-chief of an advertising and information newspaper. But due to problems in the family, she left this job and returned with her son to Kremenchug. The next step was regional television, I again comprehended the profession from the basics. It was difficult, but, I must admit, my ex-husbands believed in me. The first spouse sent radio DJs to the casting. And the second husband, when I was leaving for Kyiv, said: “I know that everything will be fine with you there.”

- And what, never gave up?

- I'm quite emotional, in the family I even got the nickname Miss Panic. Small failures I could develop to the size of catastrophes. In this sense, it is good that life provided an opportunity to train endurance, calmness and patience. In the most difficult moments, I remember my mother, who really had a hard time in her life. Because of her father's drunkenness, she literally did not see the white light. At the same time, my mother always managed to be an optimist. I am sure that many of our women have been taught by life not to give up, believe in themselves and move on.

- Directly the words from your program “Everything will be kind!”.

- I remember how worried I was when they called the hosts of the television magazine “Everything will be kind!” on the STB channel. I liked the idea of ​​the project very much, I was delighted to learn that I was approved. A year and a half later, I am already participating in three projects: “Everything will be kind!”, “Everything will be delicious!” and "The Battle of Psychics" (I am present as one of the judges).

— Experts come to visit you every day and share various useful tips. Do you follow them yourself?

- Oh yeah! I radically changed the recipe for syrniki after Alla Kovalchuk's master class. Now I cook them without adding flour. For the winter, I froze greens in foil in the form of sausages. I was approached by a mask-scrub with grape seeds from Lilia Rebrik and a wrap with algae from beautician Olya Metelskaya. Hector Jimenez Bravo taught how to properly peel an avocado, and Taras Shpira showed how to quickly extract the seeds from a pomegranate. The most effective exercises for the press from Anita, and Igor Obukhovsky demonstrated how to get rid of a headache. Better stop me, otherwise I will spend hours listing the tips of our experts that came in handy in life.

- Recently you have also become the host of a culinary project.

— I love to cook, and my relatives praise my cooking. Friends order pilaf and pasties. Now I have expanded my culinary horizons with chocolate-sea buckthorn dessert, bean cake, beef burgundy ... Only one thing is not enough for me to enjoy success in the home culinary field - time.

What gift will you give yourself for your birthday?

- I will give myself a set of spa treatments. I'll relax, absorb the energy and get back to work. For many years in a row I have been thinking about a gift that I would very much like to receive. I love pugs. The cutest dogs in my opinion. But I don't have time to walk my dog. In addition, we have two cats in our family. So this gift is delayed for several years. But the car would be very happy. Although something tells me - not this time.

- But happiness is probably in something else?

“Happiness for me is a conscious movement through life. I learn it, I make mistakes, I keep going...

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