How old are Sedokova and Anatoly Tsoi. Biography of Anatoly Tsoi MBAND: creative path, family, personal life, photo


Anatoly Tsoi: biography Anatoly Vasilyevich Tsoi was born on July 28, 1989 in Kazakhstan, Taldykorgan. Anatoly is the winner of the show “I want to Meladze”, currently he is the soloist of the MBAND boy band. In Kazakhstan, Anatoly Tsoi is known as a participant in the SuperStar KZ - 4 show. Also, the artist was a finalist of the very first season of "X-Factor" in Kazakhstan, where he performed in a duet with Talgat Kenzhebulatov, their creative union was called "National". As the artist himself analyzed, he could not win in Kazakhstani shows, because the audience was not ready for the style of his music. Some time after the end of Kazakhstani projects, Anatoly Tsoi was the lead singer of the local SugarBeat group. In addition, he is the owner of a bronze medal in the "Variety Vocal" nomination, which he received at the Second World Delphic Games. Anatoly Tsoi: “I want to go to Meladze” After a while, Anatoly Tsoi decided to go to Moscow. The singer passed the casting at once in three well-known shows: “I want to Meladze”, “Voice” and “Artist”. Obviously, Choi could not physically take part in three projects at once, so he chose the first one. The pre-casting of the project took place in Almaty. It was attended by all the mentors, including Konstantin Meladze himself, and already at this preliminary stage, the young singer received an approving review from the master himself. Other equally popular performers from Kazakhstan also took part in the casting. Many, even Tsoi himself, believed that the young man would not pass. As Anatoly later admitted, from the very first stage, the singer expected to be removed from the project. In addition, Tsoi initially wanted to become a member of a boy band led by Meladze, despite the fact that before that he preferred to be a solo artist. The artist told reporters that even in case of failure, he planned to stay in Moscow anyway and break into show business. The level of media in Kazakhstan is certainly much lower: if a performer works in Russia, he is known throughout the CIS. Tsoi always dreamed of singing on the same level with the biggest stars. While the singer participated in "I want to Meladze", he already received offers for further work, but was bound by a contract. On the project, Anatoly Tsoi talked with other participants, who, unfortunately, came and went without stopping on the transfer. Initially, the singer was in the group of Anna Sedokova, but then moved to Sergei Lazarev. In 2015, Anatoly Tsoi's group MBAND was nominated for 4 positions at once. The group won the Kid`s Choice Awards in the Russian Musical Breakthrough of the Year category. The group was also nominated for RU.TV awards in the Real Parish, Fan or Layman categories, as well as for the Muz-TV award in the Breakthrough of the Year category. Anatoly Tsoi: personal life The main woman for Anatoly has always been his mother, and his father has always been a real critic of the singer. As for romantic relationships, for a long time the press wrote that Anatoly Tsoi had a stormy romance with mentor Anna Sedokova. However, Anatoly debunked all the rumors. In fact, the singer has a lady of the heart (although the performer does not disclose her name), but there is very little time for a relationship. Anatoly tries not to mix his creativity and personal life

Anatoly Tsoi is not a relative of the legendary soloist of the Kino group. He's just his namesake. Although very talented. Do you know who Anatoly Tsoi is? Do you know the biography of this guy? If not, then we recommend reading the article.

Anatoly Tsoi: biography, family

He was born on July 28, 1989 in the Kazakh city of Taldykorgan. The father and mother of our hero are not related to the stage and music. But they always knew that they had a gifted child. From an early age, Tolik showed interest in art. He liked to draw, dance and sing. The boy regularly arranged home concerts. The audience was his parents, grandparents, and neighbors.


When did Anatoly Tsoi start studying music? Biography indicates that this happened at the age of 5. Parents decided to help their son in creative development. They enrolled the boy in the nearest music school.

From the age of 14, our hero began to earn money by speaking at corporate parties, weddings and other holidays. The public always greeted him with a bang. The guy gave some of the money to his mom and dad, and saved some for the future.

For some time Tolik lived in the capital of Kyrgyzstan - Bishkek. He was the soloist of the MKD group. This team was popular in their city. However, after a few the group ceased to exist.

Participation in SuperStar.KZ and X-factor projects

In 2007, the guy returned to his native Kazakhstan. Tolya did not sit idle. He went to the casting of the fourth season of the show SuperStar.KZ. Tsoi was noticed and missed in the second round. Our hero was able to reach the final of the project.

After success in SuperStar.KZ, Anatoly Tsoi and Talgat Kenzhebulatov decided to create a group called National. For a long time, the guys worked on recording songs and choreography. In 2011, they went to the music show "X-factor" (Kazakh version). Friends wanted to be winners. However, luck did not smile on them.

"I want to Meladze"

For some time, nothing was heard about Anatoly Tsoi. But in 2014, the guy appeared in the project "I want to Meladze." The first pre-casting took place in the city of Almaty. The competition was high. Our hero was confident. And this attitude allowed him to go further. A native of Kazakhstan went to Moscow to consolidate his success.

Anatoly Tsoi, whose biography we are considering, performed the Naughty Boy song "La la" during a blind audition. The professional jury highly appreciated Tolya's vocal abilities. Many also noted his ability to move beautifully on stage.

What team did Anatoly Tsoi get into? The biography says that Anna Sedokova took up the promotion of the Korean guy. Under her leadership, the guy successfully reached the final. Then Tolik was transferred to the team of Sergei Lazarev. Tsoi teamed up with Vlad Ramm, Artem Pindyura and the Guys created a male quartet, calling it MBAND. Especially for them, Konstantin Meladze wrote the song "She will return." The band performed this composition in the final of the show.

According to the results of the audience voting, the MBAND group received 53% of the votes. This meant one thing: the wards of Sergei Lazarev became the winners of the show “I want to Meladze”. The well-known producer congratulated the guys on their success. Later, the parties signed a mutually beneficial contract.

Continuing a career

In 2014, the video of the MBAND group for the song "She will return" appeared in the rotation of the largest music channels in Russia. The director of the video is Sergey Solodkiy. For 6 months, the official clip has gained over 10 million views on YouTube. Not every representative of Russian show business can boast of such results.

In 2015, the MBAND team was nominated for 4 positions. As a result, Anatoly Tsoi and his friends received the Kid`s Choice Awards. They won in the nomination "Musical Breakthrough of the Year".

The guys were also nominated for MUZ-TV and RU.TV awards. Unfortunately, in both cases, the guys did not receive the coveted statuettes.

Biography of Anatoly Tsoi: personal life

In his youth, our hero was not popular with the opposite sex. In high school, Anatoly had music to help the guy get out of his depressive state.

After Tolik began to participate in various television projects, the number of his fans increased dramatically. However, Tsoi understands that they are interested in him as a media person, and not as a potential husband and father of children.

While participating in the show “I want to Meladze”, Anatoly was credited with an affair with his mentor, Anya Sedokova. Such rumors make our hero only smile.

Many Tsoi fans want to know if the sweet-voiced singer's heart is free. We have to upset them. For several years now, he has been dating a girl. Perhaps they will get married soon. The name, surname of the chosen one, as well as the type of her activity were not disclosed. The winner of the show "I want to Meladze" carefully protects his personal life from outside interference. And this is the correct position.


The article contains comprehensive information about who Anatoly Tsoi is (biography). How old is the singer you now also know. We wish him creative success and great love!

- Anatoly, how do you like your first experience as a TV presenter?

This is my old dream, so I was very happy to receive an offer from the CTC Love channel. I immediately spoke with our producer Konstantin Meladze - he was not opposed to me trying myself in a new capacity. I am happy, although not everything was as easy as I would like.

It has always been difficult for me to do several things at the same time, and this is what a TV presenter needs to be able to do. He must listen to people in the studio, hear the “voice in the ear”, which constantly corrects and prompts, reacts instantly and at the same time does not forget that he is always in the frame. You have to be beautiful and natural, not make a stupid face, not get lost.

The first day was very difficult, at some point I even thought: “Why did I agree?” But it is always interesting to plunge into something new, because all my life I have been doing only one thing - music: I have been singing since I was 5 years old. On the second day I came already with a fighting spirit, I was ready for the tests. But every day the load increased. We filmed at a crazy pace, which was helped by a sense of responsibility and good physical fitness. Although one day I just passed out from fatigue. After the seventh program, I had to change clothes, I went into the dressing room, fell on the sofa and fell asleep instantly. They woke me up for about fifteen minutes, because the shooting did not stop - the whole studio was waiting, but I was not. Barely woke up and brought to life.

- I never looked up to anyone, but I really like the style of Justin Timberlake. Photo: Julia Khanina

- In the show "Sarankhe" participants share their personal. Are you an open person yourself?

I am a gambler, I love all kinds of games, but I’m definitely not ready to share the details of my personal life. Perhaps I am the most closed person in our team. Although I am an artist, I definitely won’t “create hype” in my life. We're lucky to have such a great producer who doesn't welcome this kind of policy. They themselves and their brother Valera always avoided the hype around their persons. Everything is real with us, and Kostya approves that we hide our personal life, separating it from the profession. That's why your personal life is beautiful, that in the family, next to your loved ones, you can abstract yourself from all the pretense, take a break from the hype. After all, my parents do not perceive me as an artist, I am primarily a child for them. When I arrive, my mother pampers me with pies and other goodies just as she did in childhood. Dad gives advice, instructions.

- The premiere of the show took place on Valentine's Day, but is this holiday significant for you?

Since childhood, for me this is one of the most important days of the year, when we gather with the whole family. But it's not about Saint Valentine, it's about the fact that February 14th is my mom's birthday. And this year I was able to give her another gift - she saw the show with me as the host. This is in addition to the new phone (laughs) that we gave her. Mom is very happy with my victories, she and dad were even on the set of the program. Then they just very successfully flew to visit me from Kazakhstan and were the first to evaluate me in a new role. They were satisfied, praised and, probably for the first time in my life, did not give me any advice.

- Artists tend to follow fashion and style, but can you be called a fashionista?

Some people call me that, but I don't think of myself as such. If you compare me with my bandmates, then I'm more of an anti-fashionista. I'm not really worried about clothes, because I had it when I was a child. Until the age of 13, he wore clothes for his older brother and sometimes was offended when new things were bought for him, but not for me. But it was a good incentive: I became independent very early, having decided that I should start earning. And at 14 he was already working and was financially independent from his parents.

- I, perhaps, the most closed person in our collective. Although I am an artist, I definitely won’t “create hype” in my life. Photo: Julia Khanina

And what else should a young man, a schoolboy spend money on, if not on beautiful clothes? At that time, I only wanted female attention, and I spent all my money on clothes. Moreover, I bought things in expensive boutiques, while my peers dressed mainly in the markets. A T-shirt, for example, cost me at least $50, which was very expensive in those days. Until the age of 20, it was extremely important to me how I looked - I had not worn clothes for more than a year, I considered them unfashionable.

- Love for fashion and pushed you to create your own brand - TSOY brand?

I nurtured this idea for several years - after I visited South Korea. I remember walking into the mall there and being delighted. After all, we are all used to the fact that in our stores 90% of things are presented for the fair half and only 10%, somewhere in the corner, are men's outfits. So, in Korea, the opposite is true: 90% of things for men and only 10% for women. When I flew to Korea, I took with me the brightest things, as I thought. And he was a real gray crow! All the men there are incredibly fashionable.

I liked the clothes of Korean designers so much that I spent all my money on the first day, although I flew in for ten days. Then he brought two suitcases of things. And I asked myself: why in our stores there is nothing that I would like to buy? For men, the choice is minimal - a black and white shirt, a suit, jeans ...

True, the clothes of my brand are unisex - they are in great demand among girls too. I come up with all the models myself, and the artist sketches them. I would characterize our style as a street style - youth clothing for both going out and casual. No, perhaps, only the classics: for this I need to grow up, grow up to suits.

- You are Leo according to the horoscope, usually they love luxury, expensive accessories. Is it about you?

Only at certain specific times. For example, I like to relax "expensively-richly" - this, perhaps, is about me. On vacation, I try not to save money, especially since it happens extremely rarely. And I stopped spending crazy money on jewelry and accessories after my apartment in Kazakhstan was robbed. I collected watches, some of them were very expensive. After that incident, I wear the most ordinary watch that I just like. The most expensive ones cost $3,000, which is not expensive for a watch. But what I really love is sunglasses: I have a large collection. But I do not focus on the price tag - I buy what I like. And probably all my friends have my glasses: I constantly forget, then I just give them. I also love accessories - chains, bracelets - not a single image can do without them.

- I always liked to experiment with hair, but it was not fashion. With my oriental appearance, not everything suits me. Photo: Julia Khanina

- And indelible jewelry - tattoos - how long ago did they appear in your life?

The first, a lion in the form of an Indian, was in 2015, immediately after he won the show “I want to Meladze”. I made it in my homeland, in Kazakhstan. The tattoo gradually grew, each drawing marks some important event in life. The Lion-Indian is, in fact, I am: according to the horoscope I am a Leo, and in my soul I feel like him. And the Indians are also very close to me. So I combined two of my favorite looks. And after that, the lion moved to the logo of my clothes.

- Who created the image in which you perform?

I have always loved experimenting with hair, but it was not following fashion: with my oriental appearance it is quite difficult to follow fashion trends - not everything goes well, it does not grow everywhere. (Laughs) The fact that I have a goatee is very rare, because Koreans have practically no facial hair. One day I woke up and realized that I was craving something new, a change in my image. I called Kostya and said that I want to repaint. Kostya allowed without question.

But again, because of the national specifics, I have such a bright pigment that the color does not stick to my hair at all. I got tired of messing with it very quickly, and I cut everything off, and then grew it again. For the first time in my life, I grew my hair to such an extent that I did not know what to do with it. And a friend suggested braiding dreadlocks, although I could not even imagine such a thing, somehow I treated them with disgust. There were a lot of legends about how they are made and what components are intertwined, but in reality everything turned out to be untrue. You just need to change the usual shampoo for soap to care for dreadlocks - otherwise they will unravel.

- How much is your image in life different from the stage?

When we first created the group, we asked Konstantin Meladze how we would dress. And he replied: “I like everything about you. Stay yourself." So we are the same on stage and in life. Of course, stylists work with us at important events and shootings, there are experiments with designers who create bold, sometimes extraordinary images. But we discussed and chose everything in advance, nothing was forcibly imposed on us.

- In these sneakers, I recorded the song "Be the first" with the legendary boxer Roy Jones Jr. Photo: Julia Khanina

- And who did you look up to when you developed your style?

No one, but I really like the way Justin Timberlake dresses, especially the fact that he always wears suits with sneakers. I have flat feet and wear mostly sneakers: they make up 90% of the shoes in my wardrobe. I bought my first branded crosses from the first salary in a second-hand store. They were a couple of sizes big for me, and thanks to this I carried them for four years.

I brought you today a memorable couple for me. In it, I recorded the song "Be the first" together with the legendary boxer Roy Jones Jr. My task in this clip was to run through the mountains and swim in the lake in ice water. And filmed in December last year. And these shoes survived all the tests with me. Since then, I no longer wear them, I keep them in memory of that meeting.

I also love ripped jeans. The very first ones I made myself. Then they sold only ordinary wide jeans, which seemed completely ugly to me. And what I did: I cut the bottom, tucked it, then I took a nail file from my older sister and sawed jeans - until the fibers diverged and white threads appeared. If you just cut it, then the threads will not hang. And my dad taught me this, who at one time was still that fashionista. In the days of his youth in the USSR, there was no concept of worn jeans at all, and fashionistas scrubbed them with bricks to create scuffs.

Show "Saranhe" at 22:00 Monday-Thursday on STS Love TV channel

Member of SuperStar KZ, former soloist of SugarBeat, winner of the popular TV show I Want to Meladze, finalist of the first season of the Kazakh X-Factor.

Winner of the show "I want to Meladze" Anatoly Tsoi

The guy is really gifted and bright, as evidenced by at least the fact that, having arrived in Moscow from Kazakhstan, he went through the most difficult casting at once in 3 popular projects: “Voice”, “Artist” and “I want to Meladze”.

Childhood and youth

Anatoly Tsoi is a Korean by nationality, born in July 1989 in Taldykorgan. This is a city located in the center of the Almaty region of Kazakhstan, which until 1993 was called Taldy-Kurgan. Tolya grew up in a simple family, where there were no artists or musicians. But the parents discovered the talent for singing and ear for music early in their son, so they immediately decided to support and develop him. Anatoly admits that he has been singing all his adult life, as long as he can remember himself.

Choi began to work and help his parents early. Life taught him to be purposeful and make every effort to achieve his goal.

At the age of 14, the teenager was already earning money. The talent for singing made the young man in demand at corporate parties and city holidays. But the main encouragement for Tsoi was not money, but the praise of the pope. He was a strict and even harsh man, but fair at the same time. Therefore, to get encouraging words from his father was an incredible joy for Tolya, and for this he spared neither effort nor time.

Anatoly Tsoi and Talgat Kenzhebulatov at the X-Factor project

At a young age, Anatoly Tsoi won 2nd place at the Delphic Games, becoming the winner in the "Pop Vocal" nomination. The guy got to the 1st season of the X-Factor project in Kazakhstan, where he managed to reach the final. He performed with Talgat Kenzhebulatov in a duet called "National". But Anatoly Tsoi could not win in Kazakh shows because, as he believes, the audience was not ready for the style of his performance.

However, participation in projects made the guy recognizable and brought the first popularity. Anatoly Tsoi, for some time after the end of Kazakhstani projects, was the soloist of the local SugarBeat group.

Music and TV projects

Anatoly's creative biography developed in ascending order, but not at all as rapidly as the guy wanted. Therefore, he went to Moscow, hoping that there would be more "advanced" listeners and connoisseurs of his talent here. The vocalist's calculation turned out to be correct: Tsoi was cast in 3 rating shows at once, choosing from them, in his opinion, the brightest and most prestigious - "I want to Meladze."

Anatoly Tsoi on the project "I want to Meladze"

Throughout the fall of 2014, viewers of the NTV channel watched how Meladze's new project was being created. Participants were selected at "Blind Auditions" by an experienced jury. According to the rules of the project, the female half of the mentors in the face, and saw the incendiary performances of the contestants, but did not hear them. At the same time, the strong half, represented by and, did not see the contestants, hearing them.

It is noteworthy that the pre-casting of the project Anatoly Tsoi took place in Almaty. It was attended by all the mentors, including himself, and already at this preliminary stage, the young singer received an approving review from the master himself. At the qualifying round, the vocalist was remembered by the audience with the Naughty Boy song "La la la".

Other equally popular performers from Kazakhstan also participated in the casting. Many, even Tsoi himself, believed that the young man would not pass: his performance turned out to be very “non-standard”. As Tolya later admitted, from the first stage he expected to be removed from the project. In addition, Choi initially wanted to become a member of a boy band led by Meladze, despite the fact that before that he preferred to be a solo artist.

The artist told reporters that even in case of failure, he plans to stay in Moscow and break into show business. After all, the level of media in Kazakhstan is, of course, much lower: if a performer works in Russia, he is known throughout the CIS.

Anatoly Tsoi in the group of Anna Sedokova

Anatoly from an early age dreamed of singing on the same level with the biggest stars. While he participated in the project "I want to Meladze", he received a number of proposals for further work. But Tsoi could not agree to them, because he was bound by a contract.

On the project, Anatoly Tsoi talked with other participants, who, unfortunately, came and went without staying for a long time. Initially, the singer was in the group of Anna Sedokova, but then moved to Sergei Lazarev. This moment was the most dramatic for the entire project.

Anatoly Tsoi and the MBAND group - "She will return"

In the final, with a small margin, the boy band of Sergey Lazarev, consisting of Anatoly Tsoi, pulled ahead, and. The guys won the right to enter the MBAND group. Together, young people sang Meladze's new song - "She will return." For the first time the hit sounded in the grand finale of the TV show.

In 2014, a video clip was recorded for the song "She'll Be Back". The director was Sergei Solodky. And here they are - success and glory: in less than six months, the official video scored more than 10 million views on YouTube.

In 2015, Anatoly Tsoi's group MBAND was nominated for 4 awards at once. The team won the Kid`s Choice Awards in the Russian Musical Breakthrough of the Year category. Also, the male band was nominated for the RU.TV awards in the categories "Real Parish", "Fan or layman", as well as for the "Muz-TV" award as "Breakthrough of the Year".

On the eve of 2016, the first solo concert of the quartet took place, which took place in the Moscow club Bud Arena. Then it became known that Vladislav Ramm left the group. This did not reduce the popularity of the vocalists, and six months later the picture “Fix Everything” was released, in which the main characters were played by members of the musical group. In the youth film also appeared. At the same time, the single of the same name appeared in the repertoire of musicians.

Anatoly, along with colleagues, also participates in charity events. The guys created a social and musical video project “Raise your eyes”, which gave the children from orphanages the opportunity to express themselves creatively. Soon, a joint composition with the singer Nyusha “Try ... Feel” and the song “Unbearable” appeared in the repertoire of the boy band.

In 2016, the discography of MBAND members was replenished with two works at once - the albums "Without Filters" and "Acoustics". A year later, the artists became the authors of the song "Life is a cartoon", which was included in the musical accompaniment of the Russian translation of the Ukrainian animated film "Nikita Kozhemyaka". The new singles in the repertoire of Anatoly Tsoi and his friends were the hits "The Right Girl" and "Slow Down".

Personal life

The main woman for Anatoly was always his mother, and his father remained a critic of the singer, to whose words Tsoi listened carefully.

As for romantic relationships, at one time the press wrote that Tsoi had a stormy romance with mentor Anna Sedokova. But the singer debunked these rumors. In fact, he has a girlfriend, whose name the performer does not disclose. But the rising star has little time to develop these relationships, besides, Anatoly tries not to mix creativity and personal life.

Anatoly Tsoi and Anna Sedokova

In one interview, Tsoi opened up and said that his girlfriend had been supporting him for many years. She believed in him even when everyone else doubted the guy's talent. During the difficult trials that the contestant went through at the first stage of the “I want to Meladze” project, my beloved was next to Anatoly in Moscow.

Today, Choi, although single, is not free. True, the rising star with a smile reassures numerous fans, claiming that he is loving, and his love is enough for everyone. He is extremely pleased every day to receive hundreds of letters with declarations of love. Oriental handsome man is in the prime of his life: he is talented and today is popular and famous.

The singer's fans actively subscribe to his personal profile in "Instagram". They are interested in any information from the life of an idol: they know his height (183 cm), weight (79 kg) and age, they know Anatoly’s favorite color (black), the name of the perfume (Shakira Aquamarine) and the movie (“1 + 1. Untouchables” ). Fans cherish the hope of getting to know the idol, because there is still no official wife near him, which means that every beauty has a chance to be noticed by the singer.

In October 2015, there was a small scandal, which, however, confirmed the veracity of Tsoi's words about his love of love. The paparazzi photographed the guy in one of the Sochi clubs, where he was relaxing with colleagues from the boy band. The guys arrived at the opening of the New Wave festival and decided to have a full rest in the evening. Anatoly noticed a bright blonde and danced with her until the morning, while the couple gently hugged and kissed, not embarrassed by the presence of hundreds of eyes.

In 2017, the singer's fans again raised the topic of an affair with Sedokova. On August 3, Anna posted a joint photo with Anatoly and her son Hector. The followers of both stars have long discussed the possible paternity of Anatoly.

A few days earlier, on Tsoi's birthday, Sedokova published a touching congratulation, accompanied by a tender photo:

“I love you very, very much!!! Congratulations and I love you very much. You are unique, never forget that. Happy birthday, Anatoly Tsoi.

Anna Sedokova and Anatoly Tsoi

In the picture, the then pregnant Anna was in Tsoi's arms.

Anna Sedokova and Anatoly Tsoi did not comment on the relationship at that time, continuing to stir up public interest with similar publications on social networks.

Anatoly Tsoi now

As a member of the MBAND group, Anatoly became the performer of the single "Thread", which was included in the track list of the new album "Rough Age". Later, the guys pleased with the new joint performance of the hit “Mom, don’t cry!” with Valery Meladze.

MBAND group and Valery Meladze - “Mom, don’t cry!” (premiere 2018)

Now, in addition to music, Choi is developing a career as a showman. At the beginning of 2018, the musician became the TV presenter of the Saranhe project, a new show on the CTC Love channel. Couples in love are invited to participate in the program, who play for money by answering questions about each other. In the summer, the singer was awarded the TEFI nomination as the Best Prime Time Entertainment TV Host, and the project itself received a statuette as the Best Talk Show.

Also, Anatoly Tsoi and his childhood friend Valentin Li became TV presenters of the One and a Half Korean project. Blog releases are broadcast on the RU.TV channel and on social networks.

The popularity of the show allowed its authors to launch the broadcast of the 2nd season. In one of the programs, Anna Sedokova became a guest of bloggers, with whom Anatoly promised to finally sort things out. Also in the program there is a section of a charity TV auction, during which bloggers collect money to help disabled children.


  • 2016 - "No Filters"
  • 2016 - "Acoustics"
  • 2018 - "Rough Age"

Anatoly Tsoi was born in the Kazakh city of Taldykorgan in 1989. His parents did not have a musical education, but they immediately noticed their son's talent and began to develop it in every possible way. It should be noted that Anatoly is a Korean by nationality, and it is customary for this people to anxiously take care of children.

The main authority for Anatoly was and still is his father. Elder Tsoi is extremely strict both to people and to his own son in particular, so his praise is worth a lot. And Anatoly works also for the sake of this praise.

The musician himself recalls that he began to sing, barely learning to stand on his feet. Or maybe even earlier. The guy has an amazing sense of rhythm and a unique, unmatched manner of sound production. Because of this uniqueness, Anatoly was not immediately understood and accepted in his native Kazakhstan.

Nevertheless, from the age of fourteen, Anatoly was already earning his living. And he was good at it. He was a sought-after host of events in his hometown. In addition, Choi played in a local music group. But soon the young talent became crowded in his native country, and therefore he went to conquer Moscow.

Participation in TV competitions

Moscow greeted the guy warmly. He passed the casting at once in several musical projects on television. Among them are "X-factor" and "I want to Meladze." The last competition became a landmark for the musician and made him popular not only in Kazakhstan, but also in Russia. The singer took first place in the project along with the newly created group "MBAND", consisting of four guys. The most famous work of the group was the song "She will return", which for some time occupied the first lines in the charts.

Personal life

The personal life of the artist has recently been under the scrutiny of the audience. Information about this is very contradictory. Anatoly Tsoi himself declares that he is not yet ready to start a family, although he has a girlfriend in his homeland who gives him her love and supports him in everything.

But there is another interested party in this case. This is Anna Sedokova, a former member of the Viagra group and one of the mentors of the I Want to Meladze project. The girl very clearly hints on the pages of her social networks about her close relationship with a Korean guy. In addition, Anna recently became a mother, and many suspect Anatoly Tsoi of paternity. At least on the Internet, joint photographs of Anna in an interesting position and caring Anatoly are walking around.

Anatoly himself refuses to comment on this situation, and his friends say that the guy is "tired of the lustful mother." Let's hope that this ugly situation will soon be resolved, and all the links in the chain will unite into one.

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Advice 2: Nikita Kiosse (MBand): biography, creative path

The MBAND boy band is today one of the most popular musical groups in the post-Soviet space. One of its participants 4 years ago was Nikita Kiosse. By the way, Nikita is the youngest member of the team. Before being among the most successful people in show business, the young man had to go through a lot, including through the bitterness of defeat.


Nikita Kiosse was born on April 13, 1998 in the city of Ryazan. Even when Nikita was very young, his parents divorced. His mother again managed to meet her love and get married. Nikita's stepfather works as a football coach, and his mother is a doctor. The boy was not the only child in the family, he has a younger sister. However, despite this, parents paid special attention to each of the children.

From early childhood, the guy tried to reveal himself in various directions. These were both theatrical circles and sports sections. But he could not stop at one thing, because nothing attracted him so strongly. In the end, even from his mother's offer to go to study at a music school, the boy flatly refused. The fact that Nikita had been looking for himself for a long time did not upset his parents at all, since they supported their son in any endeavor.

When Nikita was barely 7 years old, the whole family moved to the Ukrainian city of Cherkasy. At the new place of residence, the boy is given to the local musical theater "Constellation of Good". Of course, at first Kiosse studied there with great reluctance, but the theater gave him much more than he expected. During the time that the boy spent there, he was imbued with a love for art and revealed the talent of an artist in himself. Successful performances at various vocal festivals instilled in him even more confidence in his abilities. From that moment on, he already knew exactly what he wanted to become.

Carier start

As you know, a talented person is talented in everything. Thanks to his perseverance, the guy learned to dance well. This contributed to the fact that he was invited to work in Mosoperetta, where for 2 years Nikita played in the musical The Count of Monte Cristo.

After working in the theater, the boy continued to sing. He took part in the "Children's new wave" and in the qualifying round for the "Junior Eurovision". However, he did not succeed in winning any of these competitions. Soon the family moves to the capital of Ukraine, the city of Kyiv, where Kiosse becomes one of the participants in the show “Voice. Child. Under the guidance of his experienced mentor, he reached the final, where again he was not lucky.

Nikita had to receive school education externally. After graduating from 9 classes, he leaves for Moscow to go to college at the Oleg Tabakov Theater. In parallel with his studies in the theater, he participates in various shows as a backup dancer.

One step away from a dream

In 2014, Kiosse passed the casting and became a contestant on the show "I want to Meladze." The main prize of the transfer was a contract with Konstantin Meladze. For Nikita, this was a real chance to become famous and make a career as a musician.

After going through many difficulties and ambiguous situations, the guy became one of the winners of this popular show. Thus, he and three other members made up the newly minted MBAND group, which was produced by the elder Meladze.

The day after the final, Kiosse, as they say, woke up famous. Since then, his long-awaited career in music began.

Personal life

Little is known about the personal life of a 20-year-old boy. Although he often gets photographed with various beauties, Kiosse himself tries not to talk about his relationship with the fair sex. Perhaps this is part of the contractual obligations, or maybe the guy just has not yet met the one with whom he would like to live his life.

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