Scorpion from mortal kombat in pencil. How to draw Scorpion (Scorpion) from Mortal Kombat


Hello dear artists! Today we continue to draw the heroes of Mortal Kombat, this super popular game franchise. And the character that we will draw today will be a mysterious and dangerous warrior who was present at the very beginning of the story. This ninja is a very secretive, plastic and incredibly formidable servant of Shang Tsung, in many games he has a human figure, and the skin and facial features of a lizard.

I think everyone has already guessed that today's lesson will be devoted to. The Reptile will look according to its appearance in the film “Mortal Kombat”, beloved by our editors. Note that, as is the case with other major ninjas - and, Reptile looks different in different games, films and series of the franchise.

In some games, like Mortal Kombat 3: Ultimate, Reptile is a man in a green ninja suit. In later games, the human form is lost, and our hero takes on a creepy, scaly face. Well, now we will draw a classic Reptile!

Step 1

Let's start with a stickman - a man made of sticks and circles, which we draw in order to convey the main proportions of the character, his pose and position on a piece of paper. We see Reptile a little from above, and he himself is significantly bent in the body and crouched a little. In addition, the Reptile stands sideways to us with its head turned. All this must be reflected in the stickman. Please note that at this stage the head should be disproportionately large, but do not overdo it.

Step 2

A very short step, in it we will mark the face with two perpendicular (that is, forming a right angle) lines. The first will indicate the line of vertical symmetry, and the second - the line of the eyes. With the vertical line, everything is clear, it just has to divide the face into two halves, but there is an interesting point about the horizontal one - it should be slightly curved to convey the tilt of the head and the look from under the brows.

Step 3

In the previous step, we started to draw a little head, in this we go a little lower and draw the silhouettes of the arms and torso. The hand closest to us is very clearly visually divided into the shoulder, forearm and hand; note that the silhouettes of the arms should convey the type of sleeves that hide them - this part of the suit fits the arms a little (although the suit is not as tight as, for example, u or). The reptile costume is quite dense, but nevertheless, there should not be a lot of excess fabric here.

Step 4

Now it's up to the lower body and legs. It is easiest to draw these parts of the body, representing them in the form of geometric shapes - the belt and inguinal region in the form of a triangle, the femoral parts of the legs in the form of large cylinders. The calf of the leg closest to us also looks like a cylinder, but the same area on the leg farthest from us is slightly different - it is turned sideways, and we can see a characteristic thickening upward from the foot to the knee. The feet themselves are also turned to the side.

Step 5

The silhouette is ready, and now we can begin the detailed drawing of our mysterious Mortal Kombat character. Just one point - if you doubt the correct proportions or posture, it seems to you that the head is too big or too small, the legs are unnaturally apart, or something else, use the proven method. Hold your sketch up to a mirror and look at its reflection. In it, all the wrong proportions and errors in the construction of the pose will be very noticeable and will immediately catch your eye.

After everything is fixed, we begin the detailing. As always, we start from the head and move from top to bottom. And in this step, we will outline two parts of the costume that hide the heads - the upper one, which fits the head from the forehead to the back of the head, and the lower one, which will later become a beautiful voluminous mask.

Step 6

Now, along the line outlined in the second stage, draw the eyes. They have a narrow almond-shaped cut, and the pupils look almost like vertical lines (our character has an almost completely human appearance, but it is the eyes and especially the pupils that should betray his bestial essence). Draw eyebrows with two lines slightly thickening towards the nose, outline the beginning of the nose itself and sketch a couple of lines located almost perpendicular to the eyebrows - these will be wrinkles, they should convey tension and aggression in the look.

In general, it will look like this:

Step 7

Let's draw the mask itself. With lines of medium thickness we denote the horizontal parts of the mask - 4 on each side, and in the center there should be an empty area for the next step. Give the edges of this area the necessary volume, denoting them in several lines, as in our sample. Then draw wrinkles to represent the bags under the eyes and apply a small but thick shadow around the cheekbones.

Now let's take a look at the overall plan:

Step 8

This step will be short and simple - in a small area that forms the center of the mask and is located in place of the mouth, draw a pattern in the form of teeth and straight vertical lines.

Well, the general plan:

Step 9

With the mask finished, now let's go a little lower and detail the torso. The angle in our drawing is very unusual, because of it the lower part of the torso is practically invisible - which means that the main part of the work will touch the upper one. With a wide strip we denote the part of the vest that covers the shoulder. We draw the inner parts of the vest, which are next to the stomach and back.

Then we will impose a few folds on the vest, and also draw a little of its edges. Immediately under the vest we draw a belt, on which we also apply a few folds and make a border at the edges, as well as on the vest. We complete the stage and draw literally a couple of folds on the neck of our ninja. By the way, the piece of clothing that we conventionally call the “vest” is actually called the “kataginu” - this is a part of the costume that the creators of the Mortal Kombat universe slightly modified to put their own in it.

Step 9

Let's draw a hand. Before that, we suggest taking a breath and watching a very cool compilation of finishing moves from Reptile from various games in the series.

Probably, many were overwhelmed by nostalgia for funny fatalities from early Mortal Kombat games. And now it's time to move on and become cool artists!

So, we draw the Reptile's hand closest to us - it will not be difficult at all, since it is hidden by the sleeve of a tight suit. Let's erase the guide lines from the previous steps and slightly adjust the silhouette of the hand to be like in our sample. Let's put some folds on the shoulder, draw the armor that hides the forearm (pay attention to the border located on the edges of this armor). Usually drawing fingers is quite difficult, but today's hero is an exception. Give the fingers the correct shape, placing them at about the same distance from each other.

Step 10

Let's draw the hand farthest from us. It will not be difficult at all, given that only the forearm, dressed in armor and a brush, is visible. Also in this step, draw the lower part of the katagina, which hangs from the waist to about the level of the knees.

Step 11

Our drawing lesson dedicated to the next hero of the Mortal Kombat game series is coming to an end, it remains only to draw the legs. At this stage, we will deal with the one that is closer to us. Let's give it the desired shape, outline the places of the folds in the area of ​​the knee joint and erase the extra lines from the previous stages.

Let's draw an elastic fabric, which is tied crosswise around the lower part of the lower leg, and also draw a short line that divides the foot into two parts. In general, drawing Reptile's legs is not difficult at all, because his costume includes rather spacious pants that do not fit his legs, and, accordingly, do not require the drawing of muscles and joints.

Step 12

We draw the second leg by analogy with the previous step, except that the foot will be turned completely to the side, and the folds in the knee area will look like checkmarks.

Step 13

The final step, in which we have to work a little with the shadows and paint over the dark part of the suit. The light falls on the Reptile from the back, that is, to the right of us, which means that the opposite side should be shaded especially densely. An interesting point - in the suit of our warrior there is quite a lot of black fabric, we must also shade it. Just remember to leave a streak of light from the illuminated edge.

Cover the dark parts of the costume with hatching in several layers crosswise. Adjust the intensity of coloring in different parts of the suit by selecting the desired number of layers. Do not forget to shade the shoulder part of the katagina (the shadow is cast by the head), as well as the lower part hanging down to the knees (the shadow is cast by the body).

It was an article on the Mortal Kombat universe, in which we told you about how to draw a Reptile. After such a difficult job, you can relax and enjoy the well-filmed duel between Liu Kang and Reptile from the 1995 movie Mortal Kombat. The special effects still look quite watchable, and for its time it was a real breakthrough and the pinnacle of technology, coupled with a sense of taste and a high level of skill of the film crew.

And our team says goodbye to you to prepare even more step-by-step drawing lessons for you! As usual, we invite you to unsubscribe in the comments about which movie / game / book hero you are waiting for in our step-by-step lessons. All the best and stay healthy!

Hi all! Finally, the work related to setting up the appearance of our site is over, now we can focus on the step-by-step drawing lessons. Today's hero of the tutorial is Scorpio from the Mortal Kombat universe.

Probably, one way or another, almost all people on the planet have heard about the Mortal Kombat game, but the most old-school evil warriors, Scorpio, are probably the most recognizable characters in this franchise.

In numerous TV shows, films and games, Scorpio looked different, he was wearing capes, hoods, raincoats, skull-shaped masks and much more, but we will try to draw exactly the classic Scorpio, which appeared before the audience in excellent and by modern standards movie "Mortal Kombat" 1995.

It should be noted that the filmmakers retained the appearance of this infernal warrior from the very first computer games of the legendary series. So, let's start the lesson on that!

Step 1

As always, we start with a stickman (a figure of sticks and circles, which will give us a pose, initial proportions and position on). Although our drawing is not very technically difficult at first glance, you should still try harder at this stage than at others, because it will be very difficult to correct the mistakes made here in the subsequent stages.

The pose of Scorpio is quite characteristic for us - he has taken a fighting stance and is preparing to release the harpoon from his hand (get over here!). Scorpio's legs are slightly bent, and the arms are bent very much, so now it may seem that they are shorter than necessary. But just try to copy our stickman as accurately as possible and move on. By the way, on our website there is a lesson dedicated to drawing a prototype of our today's hero -.

Step 2

Now we sketch out the outlines of the body and limbs of the Scorpion using the stickman drawn in the last step. In this step, we give a kind of volume to our character. Circles indicate the places of the elbows and knees.

We outline the feet and palm (the second is not visible, because the elbow closes it). Fans of modern games of the Mortal Kombat franchise are probably accustomed to the powerful, chiseled physique of Scorpion, however, we draw this character in rather wide clothing that hides the entire body, so this step should not be difficult.

Step 3

In this step, we will start detailing the figure and draw the clothes, but first we will erase the auxiliary lines and sketches from the previous steps that we will no longer need.

Here we denote the elements of the costume on the forearms of the warrior, and also draw wide strips of fabric on his torso (a kind of "kataginu" - capes). Another important part of the stage is drawing the longitudinal line of facial symmetry and the horizontal line of the eyes, these two lines must be perpendicular.

Step 4

Let's outline the mask of Scorpio and the eyes. Also in this step we apply small folds to the suit. Pay attention to the folds of the parts of the suit that run along the torso - it is these folds that show the bent position of the arms and the slightly unfolded body. Next, draw the folds of clothing on the legs, since the pants are quite loose, then the fabric will gather at the folds.

Step 5

Left a little. This step is dedicated to drawing and detailing the Scorpion. Let's start with the head - let's work on empty, dead eyes (don't forget, in the story this guy spends most of umm ... life in hell) and a wide exquisite mask that hides the entire lower part of the face.

Then we will add a little folds of fabric under the mask itself and proceed to the hands - here we need to draw the palm and the elements of the costume that hide the warrior's forearms. The torso is almost completely drawn in the last step, so sketch out all the strokes that are present in our sample (to make the costume look more realistic, draw stripes of seams on the "vest"). We finally draw the character's feet and the ropes washing the lower leg.

Step 6

The point is small - to mark with hatching the dark fabric of the suit as well as the shadows cast by parts of the Scorpion's body and folds of clothing. The end result should be something like this:

If everything worked out for you and Scorpio looks realistic - this is Flawless Victory. See you on the pages of our site, we have prepared a lot of interesting things for you!

This lesson fell into the category of easy, which means that in theory even a small child can repeat it. Naturally, parents can also help young children draw Mortal Kombat. And if you consider yourself a more advanced artist, then I can recommend the lesson "" - it will require more perseverance from you, although it will be no less interesting.

What you need

In order to draw Mortal Kombat we may need:

  • Paper. It is better to take medium-grained special paper: it will be much more pleasant for novice artists to draw on this particular paper.
  • Sharpened pencils. I advise you to take several degrees of hardness, each must be used for different purposes.
  • Eraser.
  • Stick for rubbing hatching. You can use plain paper rolled into a cone. She will rub the shading, turning it into a monotonous color.
  • A little patience.
  • Good mood.

Step by step lesson

It may seem that simple geometric shapes are very easy to draw, but this is an erroneous point of view. To draw Mortal Kombat correctly, you need to try very hard. I recommend drawing from life. This is how you can see exactly where the light falls, how and where the figure casts a shadow. Photography in this case is not the best assistant ...

By the way, in addition to this lesson, I advise you to turn your attention to the lesson "". It will help improve your mastery or just give you a little pleasure.

Simple drawings are created using paths. It will be enough for you to repeat that, and only that, that is shown in the lesson to get an acceptable result, but if you want to achieve something more, then try to imagine that. that you draw in the form of simple geometric bodies. Try to sketch not with contours, but with rectangles, triangles and circles. After some time, with the constant use of this technology, you will see that it becomes easier to draw.

Tip: sketch with as light strokes as possible. The thicker the strokes of the sketch, the more difficult it will be to erase them later.

The first step, or rather zero, is always to mark a sheet of paper. This will give you an idea of ​​where exactly the drawing will be. If you place the drawing on half of the sheet, you can use the other half for another drawing. Here is an example of a sheet layout in the center:

Start drawing with two lines as shown in the picture.

Now draw the lower part of the dragon.

Now draw the back of the dragon's neck.

Draw the neck as shown in the picture.

Draw a big circle.

It remains now to draw the symbol of Mortal Kombat and you're done.

Before starting the lesson, it will be useful to watch this video:

In connection with the update of the Green Willow website, there was a need for new logos for emoticons, one of the updated series was a series of emoticons - "Mortal Kombat". This series uses only Mortal Kombat 3 Ultimate ninjas, so the logo needed one of the ninja fighters that were used in the series. My choice fell on Scorpio. This is a fighter using Japanese melee weapons "kunai". However, it is more often positioned using a “snake”, while the kunai has become an example of the transformation of fantasy into “reality”.

So, first of all, I start drawing with contours, to implement my idea, I found a lot of pictures on the Internet, and thanks to them I tried to implement it. The first lines look like this:

Each ninja in Mortal Kombat has a different color. In Scorpio, this color is yellow, in a sense, only because of the color and you can distinguish "who is who" from them.

Therefore, the next step was to draw the yellow elements of the form. I also draw contours now.

Despite the fact that Scorpio was brought back to life from the world of the dead, he still has a human appearance (unlike Reptile or Noob Saibot, for example), and therefore the final touch on the issue of contours is also to designate bodily areas.

The next step will be to "revitalize" our Scorpio, looking at the contours of the body, looking worse than a mannequin, this is very dull, and therefore it would be great to put them in order. Started with the face, without stopping, finished with the hands. Scorpio is a "resurrected" fighter, and therefore, in all storylines, he either has no pupils, or they always "merge" with his eyes. His eyes are depicted as "white" or "colorless" at all, and therefore I simply did not draw them at all.

Against the background of everything else, the yellow elements of clothing now stand out very much, I think it's time to add shadows and light to them too.

The scorpion was killed and brought back to life by the sorcerer Quan Chi, and therefore his world is the world of the "dead", it is not uncommon for his costume to be decorated with skulls. That's why I decided to add them too. Most of all, I don’t like drawing small details, here, for example, each skull is also not pleasant to draw, but on the other hand, my drawing began to look better, at least it seems to me. I also added a few details to the costume, and also painted a shadow.

In general, we can say that the drawing is ready, however. Yes, yes, the fighter is drawn, but something is missing. And what is missing is his “secret weapon” – “kunai”, which I wrote about at the beginning of the lesson. I don’t want reality, I still want it to be what Scorpio had a beginning with - “a snake from the hand.” That is why I will draw a snake, not a kunai.

Again, it all starts with contours.

Hi all! Today's drawing lesson is again done at the request of our readers, and the main character of this lesson will be Smoke - the lord of smoke, a mysterious gray ninja, who later turned into a soulless killer cyborg.
This is one of the characters of the legendary game universe Mortal Kombat, and we have already drawn his colleagues before:, and. This trinity of classic characters has been known since the very beginning of the history of Mortal Kombat, Smoke appeared a little later, like, for example, Ermak and Rain. If you are interested in new characters of this universe, or completely exotic characters, like Freddy Krueger - let us know in the comments, and we will make a lesson according to your request. Well, today we will tell you about how to draw smoke!

Step 1

Let's start with a stickman - a man made of sticks and circles, which we draw to indicate the position of the character on a piece of paper, as well as its proportions and pose. Note that today we are drawing Smoke in his human form, which means that he will have proportions like that of the most ordinary person - more precisely, not the most ordinary, but like with a physique.
Recall the basic rules of proportions - the main unit of vertical measurement of the body is the head, and the average height of a person standing in a straightened static position is seven heads. The three upper heads are approximately equal to the distance from the top of the head to the waist, the rest falls on the legs - however, this depends on the height of the person, the length of his legs and build.
The width of the torso, taking into account the shoulders, is approximately equal to the widths of three heads, and the arms, extended at the seams, reach the middle of the distance from the waist to the knee joint.
However, back to growth - here it will be slightly less than seven goals due to the fact that our Smoke crouches on slightly bent knees.
Now about the head - it has an elongated ovoid shape and tapers from top to bottom. Do not forget in this step to outline the vertical line of facial symmetry - note that it is shifted to the left of us and slightly curved. This position of the line of facial symmetry is due to the turn of the head.

Step 2

The human body is a very complex, perfect mechanism, but it can be schematically depicted as a set of regularly arranged geometric shapes - cylinders, rectangles, balls and triangles. This is what we will do, because in this step we need to add volume to the stickman.
Directly under the head, mark a strip of the neck, draw the balls of the deltoid muscles at the upper corners of the body and connect them to the neck with smooth lines of the trapezius muscles. Then - hands. The shoulder part of the right hand from us is almost invisible, we denote it literally with one line. But we see the shoulder of our left hand in its entirety - it is powerful and voluminous due to well-developed shoulder muscles: biceps (the inner part of the shoulder from our angle) and triceps (the outer part of the shoulder). We will not draw the forearms and hands for now, designate them in the form of rectangles and cylinders, as in our sample.
Designate the body of the body tapering downwards, designate the inguinal region with triangles and move on to the legs.
Smoke's legs are also powerful and muscular, so the cylinders with which we outline the thigh muscles should be quite voluminous. Next - the balls of the knee joints, diamond-shaped calves and angular silhouettes of the feet.
Oops, we missed something important - the horizontal line of the eyes on the oval of the face. It should be located approximately in the middle of the oval. Please note that this line has the form of an arc specifically so that in future stages it would be easier for us to convey the downward tilt of the head.

Step 3

The last step was quite difficult, so we recommend that you take a break and watch Smoke's Fatality compilation video:

The silhouette is ready, let's start detailing it. Like increasing the volume of a skinny stickman, we will do this from top to bottom. Therefore, let's start with the head. Draw the contours of the hair blowing in the wind, outline the furrowed eyebrows and outline the mask that hides the entire lower part of the face, including the nose.

Then we will draw the vest of our mysterious warrior (its real prototype is called haori) - pay attention to its position relative to the lines of the stickman, focus on the lines between the shoulder and head, and also on the central line of the torso. Please note that the lines of the vest are not parallel to the lines of the body, because it is quite voluminous and spacious. Observe all the necessary deviations from the lines of the stickman, and if you have drawn everything correctly, proceed to outline the contour of the lower hanging part of the samurai robe. Pay attention to its location relative to the triangle of the inguinal region.

Step 4

Draw the face of Smoke. As we have already noted, most of the face is hidden by a mask, so we will have to convey all the tension of a warrior through his gaze. Small wrinkles and large skin folds will help us with this. The most noticeable of them are a pair of folds coming from the mask and sharply narrowing at a conditional point, which is located in the center of the face just above the eyes. Light wrinkles are above the eyebrows, between the eyes and under them.
Draw a mask along the outline outlined earlier, paying attention to the curves of the horizontal dark lines and the barely noticeable vertical strokes in the area.
In the same step, draw the hair with smooth, slightly wavy lines, not forgetting to mark the parting. An important point - the hair should be drawn in the direction from the roots to the tips. Here's what it looks like in close-up:

And the traditional general plan:

Step 5

Erase the extra guide lines from Smoke's torso and outline all the plates of his vest. Pay attention to the anatomical shape of this clothing - the plates follow the contours of the pectoral muscles and abdominal muscles, but, nevertheless, the vest should look free and spacious, there should not be an effect of a snug fit to the body.
Another detail is a border on the edges of the shoulder plate left from us. The same borders are present on some plates in the abdomen.

Step 6

Let's draw a hand to the left of us, focusing on the previously outlined lines. Emphasize the large ball of the deltoid muscle with a few smooth lines in the upper part of the shoulder, denote a massive biceps. Let's draw the contours of the gloves that rise above the elbow, the pattern in the forearm area and the brush. Pay attention to evenly elongated fingers (they are all straightened, the phalanges do not even differ) and to the outer side of the palm, which is covered with a glove.

Step 7

With our right hand, it’s even easier - due to the strong bend in the elbow, we see only part of the deltoid muscle, triceps, forearm and a slightly raised palm with straightened fingers. For your convenience, we decided to make a close-up:

And here's what it looks like in general terms:

Step 8

The penultimate step - we draw the leg left from us and the groin area. Let's erase the extra guide lines, outline the silhouette of the hanging part of the vest and outline several folds in the area where the legs connect to the torso. Next, we outline the leg and draw the armor, which is located on the lower part of the leg from the knee to the foot. By the way, about the foot - do not forget to designate the shoes of our warrior, in the front of which there is a single seam. This seam visually divides the foot into two parts and makes it look a bit like a paw.

Step 9

Now we will carry out exactly the same actions, but already on the right leg from us - we will denote the kneecap, leggings fastened with belts and the foot, visually divided into two parts by special shoes.

In this lesson we have told you about how to draw Smoke. This lesson was made at the request of our reader - if you also want your favorite character of games / movies / comics / everything else to be decomposed into understandable drawing stages - feel free to write your wishes in the comments directly to this post. And we say goodbye until the next lesson on the pages of the site Drawingforall, goodbye!

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