Scrub from coffee grounds at home. What are the benefits of coffee scrub? How to make coffee scrub at home


Coffee is a strong, fragrant and incredibly invigorating drink, without which we cannot imagine our awakening. It is known not only for its tonic properties, but also for its ability to break down fat. Everyone knows the advice of nutritionists: a cup of coffee after a fatty dinner - and no extra pounds.

Such beneficial properties could not go unnoticed by cosmetologists. If the skin can breathe and absorb useful ingredients, why not invigorate it and get rid of excess subcutaneous fat with the help of such a simple remedy as a coffee body scrub.

Until recently, organic miracle scrubs were only available in high-end beauty salons, and their composition was kept secret. The thirst to have velvety skin forced women to part with considerable sums. Now anyone can make a coffee body scrub at home and pamper their skin with an exclusive organic cleansing treatment.

War on Cellulite with Coffee Flavor

One of the most common cosmetic problems for women is "orange peel" on the surface of the thighs and buttocks. Cellulite can be caused by hormonal fluctuations, resulting in an excessive accumulation of subcutaneous fat.

One of the most effective remedies to get rid of such a problem is a coffee body scrub. The anti-cellulite effect is achieved due to the effect of caffeine on subcutaneous fat and intensive massage manipulations that help restore blood circulation. 87% of women who have tried this remedy note that the first results are observed after two weeks of use. The surface of the skin becomes more even and velvety, and the orange peel is less pronounced. But to achieve the maximum effect, cosmetologists recommend completing a monthly course and repeating it at intervals of 5-6 weeks during the year.

Consider what is included in the miracle scrub. The basis, of course, are coffee beans, ground to a medium-dispersed powder. Next, sea salt, which also has proven itself as a deliverer from unnecessary fat. The crushed peel of an orange and a lemon in equal proportions will not only add an excellent aroma, but also perform a tonic function. We mix all the ingredients, add some mineral water and get a magical coffee body scrub. Anti-cellulite effect is guaranteed.

Coffee and honey nutrition

Honey itself is a unique product that has a rejuvenating and regenerating effect on the skin. No wonder this sweet product was used to create a firming body scrub. Honey, coffee, a little olive and shea butter - everything you need for perfect skin condition. Mix the ingredients and apply a thin layer on the surface of the body. After half an hour, wash off the mixture with warm water. It is not necessary to apply a cream, since the oils that make up the scrub have already performed a nourishing and moisturizing function.

Scrub "Latte" for skin nutrition

In the spring, the skin, however, like the whole body, suffers from beriberi. As a result, excessive dryness and peeling are observed. You can correct the situation by using an invigorating and nutritious remedy - a body scrub made from coffee and cream. Take 3-4 tbsp. l. ground coffee and dilute it with 20% fat cream. You can add some honey. Apply all over the body and leave on for 20-30 minutes. After the procedure, the skin is soft and well hydrated.

Sweet coffee peel

One of the most popular cleansers is the Brazilian Coffee Body Scrub. Its composition is extremely simple, and the effect on the skin is simply fantastic. To create a scrub, you need to take equal proportions of finely ground coffee beans, cane sugar and organic cocoa butter. Apply a fragrant consistency to previously cleansed skin and distribute it over its surface with massage movements. Leave for 5-10 minutes. Scrubbing particles rid the epithelium of dead cells, and cocoa butter has a rejuvenating effect. And the skin becomes velvety, like a baby's.

Symphony of essential oils

Owners of oily skin often face the problem of clogged pores and acne rashes. This unpleasant moment can be eliminated by including a body scrub made from coffee and olive oil with the addition of essential oils in your care products.
To prepare the product, you can take freshly ground coffee, or you can use coffee grounds. The second option is more economical - you can first enjoy the pleasant aroma and taste of the drink, and use the rest for cosmetic purposes. The usefulness of the component will not suffer from this.

So, we take coffee grounds from 4-5 servings, add 2 tsp. olive oil, 2-3 drops of orange, rosemary and tea tree oils. Massage the body with this mixture and leave for 10-12 minutes. Coffee has a scrubbing effect and activates the flow of blood to the cells, essential oils act as an antiseptic, and olive oil provides all the necessary vitamins. This product has received a lot of good reviews from consumers, noting a beneficial effect on the skin in general, eliminating or reducing cosmetic problems such as enlarged pores, acne and excessive oiliness.

English breakfast for skin

A coffee body scrub is a universal remedy that, depending on the added components, affects a particular cosmetic problem. For inflamed oily skin, it is recommended to use oatmeal in the recipe, crushed and infused with a decoction of calendula flowers. Add coffee grounds to the finished gruel and apply on the face, avoiding pressure. The inflamed skin is already traumatized, so it should not be subjected to additional stress. The procedure should be carried out for 15-20 minutes 2 times a week.

Tea and coffee - a tandem for beautiful skin

It would seem that competing drinks will never be able to get along in one composition, but in cosmetology everything is possible. A unique body scrub made from coffee and tea transforms the skin, making it smooth, elastic, tones and eliminates acne rashes. In addition, it has a tightening lifting effect. The basis for such a scrub is clay: white - for whitening, black - for acne, green - against aging, and blue - to improve blood microcirculation in the upper skin. We add coffee grounds and a strong infusion of green tea to the selected type of base. Apply to the face or the whole body, after 10-15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Nourishing dessert for aging skin

After 30 years, metabolic processes slow down in the skin, as a result of which it loses its former elasticity, becomes flabby, and the first wrinkles appear. With the first signs of aging, a coffee body scrub will help fight. At home, you can create a real cosmetic masterpiece using only natural ingredients.

To combat the first signs of aging, the following ingredients are suitable: coffee grounds, egg yolk, aloe juice, high-fat cream and nori seaweed.

  • Coffee exfoliates dead cells and provides a young layer of skin with active nutrition due to blood flow.
  • Aloe juice has an anti-inflammatory effect, moisturizes well and gives elasticity. This component is indispensable for combination skin, which shows the first signs of fading, but is still prone to acne breakouts.
  • Egg yolk is a valuable source of nutrients. The surface of the body is saturated with vitamins and radiates health.
  • Cream properly moisturizes the skin, making it velvety.
  • Nori seaweed, which is an integral part of sushi, has long been popular in the East as a rejuvenating agent. With the popularization of Chinese culture, a unique ingredient has become available to us. Algae helps to smooth out fine lines, giving the skin a new youth. Due to the activation of metabolic processes in the epithelium, the cells receive all the necessary nutrients. As a result, the skin has a healthy color and a smooth surface. In addition, the high iodine content has an antimicrobial and protective effect.

Every woman knows firsthand the importance of peeling, because this procedure allows you to remove impurities and dead cells, in addition, it is aimed at maintaining the health and beauty of the skin. Coffee scrub has won the greatest demand among care products, which allows you to make the skin velvety and elastic.

What kind of coffee should I use to make a coffee scrub?

In order for a coffee scrub to bring tangible benefits, you need to choose the right coffee and, having selected a good recipe, make a composition based on it.

There are many varieties of coffee, but for cosmetic purposes, raw coffee is of the greatest value. The composition of such a product contains substances especially valuable for the skin. It is the composition of the product on the positive side that affects the beauty of the skin and provides reliable care.

It should be noted that such coffee is so enriched with useful substances and vitamins that it allows you to get rid of cellulite, prevent the formation and get rid of existing wrinkles.

Ground coffee can also be used to prepare the mass, but it should only be borne in mind that after using it, the skin may acquire a dark shade.

When preparing a scrub at home, you can add coffee grounds left over from the brewed drink. When cooking, do not add sugar, spices and other additives. The liquid must be drained directly, but the sediment should be used for body care. Coffee scrub at home, or rather its preparation, requires special care, because it is important to add the ingredients correctly and observe the proportions.

For the care of the face, neck and décolleté area, the finest grinding is ideal.

Main indications and contraindications for the procedure

Such an effective cosmetic product, like any other, has a number of indications and contraindications, therefore, before proceeding with the treatment course, you need to decide who can apply the composition for daily use?

Indications for use:

Since coffee is a unique product that contains antioxidants that have a rejuvenating effect, such a care product will be used by owners of aging skin.

The product contains carotenoids, which help to get rid of the pale color of the skin, allow you to return the matte shade.


The main contraindications are:

  • severe skin diseases;
  • An allergic reaction to the product has been identified;
  • Negatively affected skin

The above list of contraindications ends here. In other cases, it should be noted that such a product does not harm the body, so it is effective and harmless. The addition of oils and other useful ingredients that are indicated in the recipe to the composition allows you to increase the effectiveness of the scrub and get rid of problem areas in a short period of time.

How to make a coffee scrub at home?

Preparing a coffee scrub does not require much effort, because you can prepare a mass even without special knowledge - you just need to choose the right coffee scrub recipe and bring it to life.

As a peeling agent, a coffee-based scrub is suitable for all skin types, but in order for the result to meet all expectations, some excipients can be added to the mass during preparation, which will improve the effect of the procedure, for example, nourishing oils.

Scrub recipes for dry skin

Recipe #1

In equal proportions, it is necessary to combine pre-prepared grounds, honey or almond or coconut oil. With a scrub prepared according to this recipe, you need to gently rub the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body and leave the composition to be absorbed for 15 minutes, and then eliminate the remnants with water.

Recipe #2

In equal proportions, it is necessary to mix the thick with fatty cottage cheese and apply the composition on the body with massaging movements for about 10 minutes. After the scrub should be held on the body for about 10 minutes. Rinse off with warm water only.

Recipe #3

In a container, you need to mix 1 tbsp. l. thick and 1 tsp. cinnamon and salt and 1.5 tsp. granulated sugar. All dry ingredients must be gently mixed with 3-4 tablespoons and almond, coconut or olive oil. It is required to use the mass without delay, but immediately, since the product dissolves quickly and as the crystals dissolve, the effectiveness of the composition disappears, because the grains scrub the skin.

Recipes for oily skin types

When preparing a composition for oily skin care, you should not abuse oils and fats, since in this case the recipe may become ineffective.

Recipe #1

The simplest and most effective recipe that does not even require special preparations: dry coffee in a shower gel used for taking a shower.

Recipe #2

In one glass of yogurt add 1 tbsp. l. thick and 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice (you can buy ready-made or squeeze it yourself). The composition should put 1 tsp. olive oils.

Recipe #3

You will need to mix thoroughly 1 tbsp. l. coffee with 2 tbsp. l. pulp of apples or grapes. You can take grapefruit, avocado, kiwi, here you already need to take into account the product that is at hand, for which there is no allergy, or which can be found in the store. Owners of non-greasy skin are allowed to use finely chopped vegetables and fruits. As abrasive components in coffee, it is required to put grape seeds in small form or grated dried orange peel.

Recipes with anti-cellulite effect

Coffee is the bosom enemy of cellulite, and therefore the main ally of man, so it can be used to defeat the orange peel.

Recipe #1

In a container, you need to mix half a glass of oat flakes, 2 tbsp. l. ground coffee and 2 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt. To add effectiveness, it is advisable to drip a couple of drops of essential oils. Scrub is required to be applied to the affected areas and massage the skin with it for 15 minutes.

Recipe #3

You will need to mix 100 gr. salt and sugar and 1 tbsp. l. ground coffee. Before applying the mass, you need to combine all the ingredients with honey - 2 tbsp. l., 5 drops of citrus oil and the same amount of fennel oil. Such a scrub has a serious effect on the skin affected by cellulite. You need to apply the mass with light movements, without doing strong rubbing, since it is possible to harm the epidermis.

It is necessary to massage the area with a mass of 3 minutes and then wash off the composition using a contrast shower.

When using a scrub, you can not press too hard and rub the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body on which cellulite has formed.

Facial scrubs

The skin on the face is soft and for this reason it is daily exposed to external negative influences, therefore it needs special care, since one careless pressure movement can cause significant harm. So how do you make a coffee face scrub?

Recipe #1

In a container you need to mix 1 tsp. thick, 1/2 tsp. cream, a pinch of cinnamon and a drop of orange oil.

Recipe #2

You will need to mix 1 tsp. thick, 1 tbsp. l. kefir or yogurt and a couple of drops of lemon juice.

Recipe #3

For combination skin: combine 1 tsp. thick, 1 tbsp. l. banana pulp and 1 tsp. apple pulp.

Recipe #4

The recipe is suitable for bleaching: mix a pinch of grounds, 1 tsp. lemon juice and 1 tsp. cream.

Recipe number 5

The recipe will be the perfect remedy for wrinkles. In a container, mix 1 tsp. thick, 1 tsp honey, 1 tsp sour cream and 1 egg. With the composition, you need to perform massaging movements for 15 minutes and remove the remnants of the mass.

When applying the composition to the face, it is necessary to avoid the area around the eyes.

Rules for using coffee scrub

Of course, the use of such a scrub for cosmetic purposes does not imply special knowledge, but still, before using it, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic rules:

  1. Before applying the composition, it is required to clean, in other words, it is necessary to wash off all cosmetic and care products, while washing lotions should not be used, but it is best to use soap and water.
  2. Before the procedure, you will need to steam the skin, for example, you can visit the bathroom, where you can perform water procedures before the session.
  3. Careful attention should be paid to areas with rough skin, but just do not rub them too hard.
  4. It is necessary to apply the mass on the body with careful, massaging movements. It is strictly forbidden to make pressure movements.
  5. It is also strictly forbidden to apply the mass to the affected areas.
  6. For dry skin, use a natural coffee scrub once every 10 days, and for oily skin, use it twice every 7 days.
  7. If at the end of the procedure there is a feeling of discomfort, it is necessary to choose another recipe, since most likely an allergic reaction was detected on one of the ingredients.
  8. At the end of the procedure, it is required to apply a high-quality nourishing cream (if possible, you can prepare it yourself).

Coffee is not just a delicious drink, but also an excellent antidepressant, regular use of which will help get rid of cellulite and stretch marks, in addition, it will help keep the skin beautiful and healthy.

In modern beauty salons, coffee has long been a part of popular beauty treatments for the face and body. Wraps and masks based on this fragrant product are successfully used to combat excess weight, stretch marks, cellulite, to activate skin renewal processes and remove dead cells from its surface. In addition to the proven effectiveness, coffee scrubs have another advantage - they can be easily prepared by yourself.

Benefits of coffee for the body

In addition to caffeine, natural coffee contains a lot of other substances, including vitamins, useful minerals, polysaccharides necessary for a person, and essential oils. These elements contribute to the breakdown of the subcutaneous fat layer and help to remove toxins and toxins from the body. Therefore, coffee body scrub is considered an indispensable tool for:

  • cleansing the body;
  • restoration of metabolic processes;
  • combating the manifestations of cellulite;
  • flaccid and flabby skin;
  • weight loss;
  • recovery after childbirth or sudden weight loss.

Ground coffee or grounds remaining after its preparation have the following effect on the skin:

  • remove the layer of dead cells;
  • stimulate blood circulation in various layers of the epidermis;
  • improve drainage and remove swelling;
  • help to burn body fat;
  • nourish, moisturize and tone the skin;
  • restore its firmness and elasticity.

Coffee Scrub Recipes

To make your own homemade coffee scrub, you do not need to have any special skills. Just choose the most suitable mixture recipe for yourself and follow the simple rules for its preparation and use.

The simplest scrub with coffee and cellulite salt

Promotes the resorption of subcutaneous fat, smoothes the orange peel, removes excess fluid, softens the skin, makes it even and elastic.

Ground coffee - 3 tbsp. l.
Sea salt - 2 tbsp. l.
Olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.

1. Mix all the ingredients. We get a thick mass of sour cream consistency. If the mixture is too thick, add more oil.
2. With massage movements, apply the scrub to all problem areas: thighs, abdomen, buttocks.
3. We wrap the treated areas of the body with cling film, wrap ourselves in a warm blanket and rest.
4. After 50 minutes, wash off the scrub with warm water and apply a moisturizer.

Remedy for stretch marks with coffee and vinegar

Helps to discolor or completely remove stretch marks after pregnancy or sudden weight loss, softens the skin and improves its appearance.

Ground coffee - 1 tbsp. l.
Apple cider vinegar - 5 tbsp. l.

1. Combine natural coffee with 5% apple cider vinegar.
2. Apply the mass to the places with stretch marks and massage for 2-3 minutes.
3. We wrap the areas of the body with a vinegar-coffee mask with cling film for 15-20 minutes.
4. Wash off the mixture with water and apply a cream for stretch marks for a greater effect.

Coffee curd scrub for oily skin

Scrub is suitable for cleansing oily skin, tightens pores, removes residual sebum and dead skin cells.

Coffee - 2 tbsp. l.
Cottage cheese - 2 tbsp. l.
Protein - 1 pc.

1. Take an egg and separate the protein from the yolk.
2. Grind protein with low-fat cottage cheese.
3. Add natural ground coffee or coffee grounds.
4. Apply the mass on wet skin and massage for about 10 minutes.
5. Keep the mask for another 15 minutes until the protein hardens, and rinse thoroughly.

Scrub with coffee and sour cream for dry skin

The product is used to moisturize, nourish and cleanse dry skin, helps to make it soft and supple.

Coffee - 2 tbsp. l.
Sour cream - 4 tbsp. l.
Sugar - 4 tsp
Cinnamon - 2 tsp

1. Grind coffee with granulated sugar and add fat sour cream.
2. Pour a little crust and mix all the ingredients thoroughly.
3. Apply the mixture to wet skin and massage for no more than 10 minutes.
4. Take a warm shower and gently pat your skin dry with a towel.

Scrub-mask with coffee and clay for problem skin

The mask has a bactericidal effect, helps to remove acne, relieves inflammation, strengthens the walls of capillaries, nourishes and smoothes the skin.

Coffee - 2 tbsp. l.
Clay - 2 tsp
Aloe (juice) - 4 tsp
Grape seed oil - 1 tsp.

1. We prepare biostimulated aloe juice in advance. If it is not possible to use this ingredient, then you can take an infusion of chamomile, celandine, mint or nettle.
2. Mix blue clay and ground coffee, add aloe juice or any herbal decoction to them.
3. Apply the mixture to the skin and gently rub for about 5 minutes, then leave for another quarter of an hour.
4. After the procedure, you need to take a shower and lubricate the skin with grape seed oil.

Nourishing honey coffee scrub

The scrub perfectly moisturizes and saturates the skin with nutrients, cleanses dead skin particles from its surface and fights cellulite.

Coffee - 2 tbsp. l.
Water - 2 tbsp. l.
Honey - 2 tbsp. l.
Olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.

1. Dilute coffee with a small amount of water until a thick porridge is formed.
2. Add olive oil and slightly warmed liquid honey, mix everything. If the mixture is too thick, you can add more water.
3. After taking a shower, apply the scrub on clean, damp skin, massaging the problem areas especially carefully for 8-10 minutes.
4. After the massage, keep the mixture for the same amount of time and rinse off.

Burning coffee scrub with pepper

The mask has a pronounced anti-cellulite effect, improves blood circulation and metabolism in tissues, helps to burn and remove subcutaneous fat.

Coffee - 2 tbsp. l.
Water - 2 tbsp. l.
Olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.
Black pepper - ½ tsp
Red pepper - ⅓ tsp

1. We dilute natural coffee or the thick remaining from its preparation with hot water to a mushy state.
2. Pour olive oil into the coffee mass and pour in the pepper mixture. Before use, we check the scrub on the wrist and, if the mixture turned out to be too hot, then add more oil, which will soften the effect of the peppers.
3. Apply scrub to areas of the body with "orange peel" and hold for no more than 10 minutes.
4. Wash off the mask with cool water and apply a nourishing cream.

Video: Recipe for making an anti-cellulite scrub with coffee and honey.

Which coffee is better to use

For self-preparation of coffee scrubs, you need to use the highest quality products. First of all, it concerns coffee. It should be only natural, in grains or ground. Soluble options or mixtures with additional ingredients will not bring any benefit and may even harm.

Instead of coffee, you can use properly prepared grounds:

  • which remains after brewing a strong natural drink (at least 2 tablespoons per glass of water);
  • during the preparation process, do not add milk or sugar to coffee;
  • it is recommended to boil the drink, and not just pour it with boiling water;
  • storage of grounds in a closed jar is allowed, but not more than 5 days.

How to carry out the procedure correctly

Homemade coffee body scrubs give amazing results if you choose the right recipe and follow the sequence of all actions:

  1. First, it is recommended to take a shower and thoroughly clean the skin.
  2. Then you need to apply the mixture on a wet body or its problem areas.
  3. If necessary, massage some areas with soft circular movements.
  4. If recommended in the recipe, then you can wrap yourself in cling film, a blanket and relax for a while or do housework.
  5. Rinse off with warm water and gently pat your body dry with a towel.
  6. After the procedure, you need to apply a moisturizer or oil to the skin.
  7. Within 2 hours after applying the scrub, it is advisable not to eat anything, only drink water or green tea.
  8. The procedure can be carried out every 2-3 days. The course is designed for 10-12 sessions.
  9. During this time, you should adhere to a light dietary diet and exercise.
  10. To prevent cellulite and maintain a beautiful figure, it is enough to carry out coffee scrub courses 3-4 times a year.

Video: An example of preparing and applying a coffee scrub.

Scrubs are widely used in cosmetology as face and body care products. What is a facial scrub for? It is so arranged by nature that periodically the cells of the upper layer of the skin die off and they must be eliminated so that the face looks fresh, smooth and well-groomed. The active ingredients in the scrub are small solid particles that work like a “brush”, cleansing the face of dead skin cells. Ground coffee beans are ideal as such particles, and a scrub from them is very easy to prepare at home.

Features and benefits of coffee peeling cream:

  1. Coffee contains antioxidants that remove toxic substances from the body.
  2. Caffeine stimulates blood microcirculation, giving the skin a healthy color;
  3. Deeply cleanses the skin.
  4. Stimulates cellular metabolism.
  5. Helps to get rid of pimples, blackheads and blackheads.
  6. Smoothes wrinkles and rejuvenates.
  7. It gives the skin a light golden hue, thereby protecting from ultraviolet radiation.
  8. It has a tonic effect.
  9. Makes skin supple and firm.
  10. Refreshes and relieves fatigue.

Attention! Coffee scrubs are contraindicated for serious skin diseases.

Facial Cleansing Coffee Cream Recipes

There are a wide variety of pure coffee scrub recipes, with and without the addition of additional ingredients. Scrub coffee must be natural, without chemical additives. In no case should you use instant coffee, it will only harm the skin. Consider a wide range of coffee scrubs in more detail.

Important! Coffee must be ground into very small particles so as not to damage the skin.

morning coffee ritual

One of the simplest and most interesting coffee scrub recipes, allows you to turn the whole procedure into an exciting invigorating ritual that charges and uplifts your mood in the morning. To prepare, brew a coffee drink from ground coffee, slowly enjoy it. Apply the remaining thick on the face and rub with soft circular motions, rinse with warm water.

Scrub + nourishment for dry skin

Sour cream or kefir will act as a nutritional component in this recipe. For preparation, coffee grounds are mixed with a fermented milk product. The drier the skin, the more nourishing component in the mixture.

coffee salt mixture

This recipe is great for dry, constantly flaky skin. For the mixture you will need:

  • coffee grounds;
  • salt 5-10 g;
  • sugar 1 teaspoon;
  • cinnamon 8 g;
  • vegetable oil 1 tbsp. spoon.

Mix the wet coffee grounds with the rest of the ingredients until smooth.

Almond peeling

A recipe based on almond oil perfectly cleanses the skin of impurities and eliminates unhealthy yellowness. Suitable for thin and sensitive skin.

Mix 40 grams of coffee with 100 grams of almond oil and a pinch of brown sugar.

Cleansing cream for oily skin

You will need:

  • sour milk 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • wet coffee grounds.

Combine ingredients and mix thoroughly.

Important! Use only cooled coffee grounds, otherwise you may burn your face.

double effect

A mixture for a double effect is prepared on the basis of oatmeal. The fiber contained in it, like coffee, cleanses the skin of dead particles, and also helps to cure acne and get rid of blackheads. To prepare coffee grounds, combine with a tablespoon of sour cream and ground oatmeal.

The mask is great for sensitive and oily skin.

honey recipe

You will need:

  • olive oil 5 g;
  • honey 15 g;
  • clay 20 g;
  • ground coffee 20 g.

Pour coffee into the clay, mix and pour boiling water until a homogeneous thick mixture is formed. Add honey and olive oil to the mass.

coffee ice

Brew a cup of coffee and pour into an ice mold along with grounds. Freeze. Wipe your face with ready-made cubes every morning. Toning and scrubbing effect is guaranteed.

Flour scrub with a smoothing effect

You will need:

  • rye flour 25 g;
  • strong brewed coffee 1 cup.

Cool coffee to a comfortable temperature and sift flour to it. If the mixture is too thin, add a little more than the recipe calls for.

Apple-coffee peeling

Great for oily skin, this recipe is made with applesauce and mixed with wet coffee grounds.

Egg scrub

You will need:

  • thick from under drunk coffee;
  • honey 35 g;
  • sour cream 25 g;
  • egg yolk 1 pc.

Whisk the egg with a fork and combine with the rest of the ingredients. Perfectly smoothes wrinkles, tones the skin and normalizes complexion.

Carefully! A coffee scrub can act as a light self-tanner.

Coffee + shower gel

The name of the recipe speaks for itself, we combine the components and the mixture is ready.

orange mix

You will need:

  • ground coffee 7 g;
  • orange peel;
  • yogurt 2 teaspoons;
  • sugar 10 g.

Grind orange peel and mix with coffee and sugar, add yogurt.

Great for problem skin, helps get rid of pimples, blackheads and blackheads.

Cottage cheese and coffee peeling

Combine a tablespoon of coffee brew with the same amount of fatty cottage cheese. Grind with a fork or scroll in a blender until smooth.

Rice mix

You will need:

  • rice flour 60 g;
  • ground coffee 60g;
  • a little yogurt or milk.

Combine the dry ingredients and, if you have dry skin, add milk, if you have oily skin, add yogurt. The mixture prepared according to this recipe perfectly normalizes the water-salt balance of the skin.

Scrub rules

In order not to inadvertently harm the skin, you must follow certain rules:

  1. Do not perform the procedure on wounded skin.
  2. Do not use very hot mixture.
  3. Do not use a scrub with large particles.
  4. Test the prepared scrub on your wrist before use. This will ensure that the mixture does not irritate you.

How to cleanse properly:

The following tips will help you achieve high efficiency:

  1. Apply the mixture only to clean skin.
  2. Before the procedure, it is recommended that the face be pre-bursted so that the pores expand and it is easier to remove toxins and toxins.
  3. Apply the scrub with light massaging movements. Do this for 1-2 minutes.
  4. During the procedure, avoid the area under the eyes.
  5. Keep the scrub mixture on your face for 10-15 minutes.
  6. At the end of the procedure, wash with warm water.

Important! Before using a coffee scrub, make sure you are not allergic to coffee.

For a permanent effect, cleansing manipulations must be carried out regularly, but not more than 2-3 times a week.

I would like to note that coffee scrubs can be used not only for the face, but also for the whole body: décolleté, neck, back, legs. In addition, coffee blends perfectly help get rid of cellulite and prevent baldness, restores the hair structure. So feel free to use all the recipes for complex body care. The main thing is to choose the right amount of ingredients.

Early morning. There is no need to rush to work - today is a day off. You can brew aromatic coffee for yourself and sit quietly in the living room, enjoying a drink ... But your skin also dreams of relaxation. Is it possible to make something useful for the skin from coffee and sugar with your own hands? Yes, you can. For example, fragrant and natural body scrubs. The scrub will be very useful for those who want to cleanse the skin well, and, in addition, it will be useful for those who do not like to take a bath for various reasons. Sugar will clean off dead skin cells, and oil will nourish the skin.

Both coffee and sugar scrubs are very easy to make at home. The ingredients for them can be found in almost every kitchen, and it will take a maximum of half an hour to cook.

sugar scrub

You will need:

For the base
  1. Mixing containers - 3-5 pcs.
  2. Tablespoon - 1 pc.
  3. Sugar (including cane) - 3 tbsp. (minimum).
  4. Vegetable oil (olive, jojoba, avocado, etc.) - 1 tbsp.
  5. Honey - 1 tbsp.
For flavor and color
  1. Essential or aromatic oils - 1 bottle.
  2. Cinnamon - tbsp
  3. Sea buckthorn oil - 1 bottle.

Sugar scrub preparation

1. Put sugar in a container, add vegetable oil and mix. Mineral oils (baby oil, massage oil) are best avoided. Sugar should be saturated with oil.

2. In order to fasten the resulting mass, and to make the scrub convenient to use, put honey. If honey is not enough, you can add it. If it is too much, in your opinion, add sugar to the container. Mix again until a dense mass is obtained, from which you can pinch off a piece and rub it on the skin. The base of the scrub is ready.

3. Now you can scrub. Remember, if you choose essential oils for this, then you need to handle them very carefully, because the oil will remain on the skin, and an overdose can lead to unpleasant consequences. For aromatization, 1-2 drops are enough. If you use cosmetic flavors, then the exact dosage is not required.

4. You have achieved the desired consistency and pleasant aroma. The next step is decorating the scrub. To do this, set aside 1 tbsp. the resulting mass into another container and add cinnamon there. Moistened spice gives the scrub a dark brown color. In order to get an orange tint, you can use sea buckthorn oil. It is very useful for our skin, but do not be zealous, as an excess of color can stain the skin. Dosage: 3-5 drops. Set aside a part again, drip oils and stir the mass to get a uniform color. And if you use cane sugar instead of the usual white sugar, you get a beige scrub.

5. And the final stage. We spread all 4 resulting colors - white, brown, orange and beige - in a jar in layers or waves.

6. Sugar scrub is ready!

When using this, remember that it is applied to clean skin. After its application, it is better not to wipe the skin, excess oil will be absorbed.

The expiration date of a sugar scrub is equal to the expiration date of the oil you use. One of the longest lasting oils is jojoba oil. Sunflower oil spoils the fastest. You can store this cosmetic product at room temperature. All ingredients are edible and safe, so do not be afraid if the scrub is accidentally confused with jam.

Coffee scrub

Let's move on to making a coffee scrub. Coffee beans smell great, cheer us up, which means that coffee scrub will perfectly tone the body in the morning in the shower. And if you use freshly ground coffee, it will also give your skin a tan effect. Coffee scrub can also be made from coffee grounds, but more will need to be collected.

So, you will need:

  1. coffee beans - 3 tbsp.
  2. honey - 1 tbsp.
  3. cane sugar - 1 tbsp.
  4. vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.
  5. essential oil or food flavoring - 1 bottle.

Preparing coffee scrub

1. Grind coffee. Grinding depends on what kind of scrub you want to end up with: coarse or soft.

2. We fasten the resulting powder by adding honey and mix. This will be the base of the scrub.

3. To change the color, sprinkle the resulting porridge with cane sugar and mix again.

4. Now pour in the vegetable oil. This will give the mixture softness, will not allow it to crumble.

5. The aroma of coffee is beautiful in itself, so no additional flavoring is required. For special connoisseurs, it may be advisable to drop a couple of drops of essential oil or food flavoring to add a touch of orange or lemon.

6. Our scrub is ready! It can be poured into a jar.

The composition can also be supplemented with salt or vitamins.

Both of these scrubs moisturize and make it soft and velvety. Stay beautiful!

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