Boredom at work what to do. What to do at work if you're bored? Physical exercises, gymnastics, when there is nothing to do at work


What to do at work when there is nothing to do? Oh, this question is probably on the minds of many people. It often happens that there is simply nothing to do at work or at home. We sit in front of the TV, computer monitor, staring blankly at them, thinking about something incomprehensible.


You can enthusiastically do the same thing for several days in a row. For example, download a computer toy that will really captivate you. However, a couple of days pass, the game no longer seems so interesting, and then sadness sets in. I don't want to do absolutely anything. It's worse if this happens in the office. So what do you do at work when you have nothing to do? Let's try to answer this question.


This should probably initially sound contradictory. It would seem, how? You are at work, you should be doing it, and not looking for some alternative options! In reality, things are somewhat different. It is possible that the matter has already been agreed upon with the customer, the report has been submitted, and the meeting has been scheduled. All letters have been reviewed and the necessary responses have been provided. There are no clients, but the work schedule has not changed. That's why he has a schedule, that everyone has to come and leave at a certain time.

At such moments, you involuntarily wonder what to do at work when there is nothing to do. How can you pass the time, what to do with your loved one? First of all, you can think about your future life. And not in the philosophical sense of the word, no. Imagine what you would like to do in the next week or month. You can plan your affairs. You can simultaneously write a list of goals and tasks that you dream of achieving and want to accomplish in the very near future.

A little about misconceptions

Perhaps this pastime will seem pointless to some. However, this is a misconception. Setting goals for yourself will not only answer the question of what to do at work when there is nothing to do. This way, you will be able to identify the primary path that will need to be taken, and in your free time, after some time, with a fresh mind, think about your intended goals and decide which of the tasks really need to be completed, and which have become just a momentary desire. It turns out to be a kind of “two in one” mix - something pleasant with something useful. On the one hand, they reduced the time at work, on the other, they outlined what needs to be achieved or what needs to be accomplished.

Schedule and complete tasks consistently

You can do this kind of thing at work (not to the detriment of yourself, of course) more than once. Repeat, each time note what you really achieved, which of the tasks set last time you solved. This will help you start believing in yourself more and more. This will be a clear example of your, without exaggeration, limitless possibilities that just need to be developed. You just have to believe in what you are doing, and then with each new time you will notice that old goals that previously seemed unattainable have already been achieved by you, and new tasks are just as solvable as their predecessors.

2 in 1

In addition, it will be nice to know that you still found the strength to solve problems, met your goals, and achieved what you originally wanted. Thus, you will not only discover new opportunities for yourself, believe in your own strengths, become more successful or successful, but you will also be able to take your mind off the depression that often arises at such moments. Depression, according to surveys by sociologists, is a fairly common reason why people wonder what to do when there is nothing to do at work or at home.

Previously, we talked about what you can do in the office. But we were talking about what to do at work when there is nothing to do and no Internet. What can you do if it exists? You can use your browser to watch new movies that have arrived in cinema rentals. It will be interesting to see live concerts of your favorite musical group or singer/singer. This will also be useful, because after watching it at work in your free time (we are talking about the repertoire in the cinema or theater), you will no longer have to do it another time, but can immediately go to the cinema to see the film of your choice.

Immerse yourself in good memories to motivate yourself to work

All of these listed methods are the answer to the question of what to do at work when there is nothing to do. Taking photos will also be good fun. You can look at your photos with children from events in which you participated. In general, from all the pleasant events for you. This will help you immerse yourself in the atmosphere that reigned earlier. It is possible that this will also give you an incentive and push you to work.

If you need to buy this or that product in the near future, but you doubt it or choose one of several offers at once, then a great way to kill time would be to compare products at work. This will allow you to spend time productively, since, as in the case of a cinema, you will not have to do it at home. Thus, choosing a product to purchase will not only answer the question of what to do when there is nothing to do, but will also save money. How? But the point is this: knowing what exactly you need in the store, you will not give consultants a reason to subtly persuade you to buy an absolutely unnecessary product.


Generally speaking, what you choose to do to pass the time at work depends on whether you are allowed to use the Internet for personal purposes at work. If so, then you can, without a twinge of conscience, devote a little time to being on social networks or communicating with a loved one via email.

By using the Internet, you can solve some personal problems, which relate, for example, to the need for some household appliances. The fact that time can be devoted to a detailed analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of each model, and then choosing the optimal option based on this, was discussed earlier.

What to do at work when there is nothing to do on the Internet? There was also a conversation about this. For example, you can start compiling a list that will outline goals that need to be achieved in a certain near future. People involved in sports may also want to consider their workout schedule. And hardware lovers who devote their free time to sports and gyms, fitness clubs and fitness centers can also write down for themselves what exercises and in what quantity they would like to do, outline the dynamics of their exercises, think about nutrition and etc. In general, everything is in your hands. It is only worth noting that outside activities in this case should not come at the expense of work. Otherwise, you may have problems with your superiors. You should only go about your business there if the work has actually been done. Otherwise, you should look for motivation that encourages you to return to a capable state. But this is a slightly different topic, so we will not consider it in this article, but the answer to the question of what to do when there is nothing to do at work has been given.

When it's boring at work, workdays turn into a painful wait for the end of the working day. Of course, it is difficult to call work entertainment, but interest in work activity is an important aspect of psychological well-being.

When we are forced to do something we don't want to do, or want to do something certain but are told not to, boredom sets in. This opinion is shared by the German psychoanalyst Otto Fenichel. Don't think that only slackers suffer from boredom - in fact, boredom comes as an emotional wake-up call, designed to draw attention to the circumstances in life. Therefore, even a hardworking person can become bored at work, and the worst thing that can be done in this situation is to slide into judgment: “Yes, everything is fine with me, why be bored?” Boredom cannot be overcome by condemnation and encouragement. Let's understand its reasons in order to regain interest in work and enjoy it.

1. There is no individual development plan and prospects

The American companies IBM and Hewlett-Packard pay great attention to the development of employees: they have the opportunity to learn and grow within the company. 67% of Russian companies, according to a HeadHunter survey, also train employees. A third of them accept applications for training and use them to select or organize courses within the company or from external providers. In this case, the career path becomes more transparent and clearer. Unfortunately, not all organizations create individual career growth plans. But this does not mean that development is impossible.

Working in a company with vague prospects is a dubious pleasure, so the fog needs to be dispelled. What steps should I take?

Clarify your development needs

If the company doesn't develop you from the top, don't wait for instructions. It is important to understand what exactly you want. For example, change your position, work on a different schedule, improve your qualifications - something that you think will make you feel good at work.

Compare needs with company capabilities

Can the company provide opportunities to fulfill your career aspirations? It's time to contact management or HR. Modern companies find it more profitable to develop employees than to pay salaries to those who are bored. Find out how the company can help you grow.

Make an action plan

Surely, to make changes, you need to do something: for example, undergo additional training or internship in another department, switch to other tasks, come up with a new solution to the problems facing the company. When you understand what you are doing and why, where you are going and what awaits you, work will become interesting again.

2. Everything, even new things, comes out quickly and easily

The first months of work were interesting and great, but then the interest began to wane? You shouldn’t think that this is the norm: the norm, on the contrary, is to constantly work for your own pleasure, otherwise the meaning of work is lost.

The Austrian psychologist Viktor Frankl, famous for his works on the meaning of life, wrote about those people who, not seeing a high purpose in their activities, consider their lives meaningless. Frankl states that in this situation it is important to understand: the profession itself does not mean anything. “The decisive thing is how he works, whether he corresponds to the place in which he finds himself,” writes the psychologist in his book “Man’s Search for Meaning.” In other words, look around: how do you really feel about the company that hired you? Perhaps you can still prove yourself here? Or did the novelty wear off in the first three months and the tasks began to seem meaningless?

The people who experience the most difficulties are those who simply cannot cope with their responsibilities. Those who cope with them too easily and begin to get bored should reconsider their usual work patterns and do not hesitate to talk about it with management:

  • offer help with other projects;
  • voice new ideas for implementation;
  • ask to be given new tasks.

Surely the company will only be delighted to be able to regularly supply you with important projects, and at the same time you will be able to maintain your work drive. And grow your career, by the way.

3. Lack of challenging and strategic tasks

In an ordinary position, melancholy often sets in - it seems like it’s time to grow and you want something more complex: more responsibility, tasks at a different level... But it’s scary to decide to talk with management.

First of all, you need to understand: no one obliges you to constantly be in one position. Career growth is a desirable process for almost every employee, isn’t it?

In the study, which was conducted as part of the international project “Understanding Careers,” respondents were asked what a career depends on. And 92% of HR managers surveyed are convinced that a career depends on a person’s personal and business qualities. Only 24% believe that career growth depends on senior management. In other words, moving up the career ladder is in your hands, and it is inevitably accompanied by an expansion of responsibilities and powers. Therefore, if you are bored in your current position, it’s time to assess your readiness for growth.

If you are ready for greater responsibility to the business, then you are already potentially a more valuable employee for the company. Management will appreciate your desire to solve more complex problems and get involved in making strategically important decisions for the business - go for it!

4. Tired of monotonous work

Perhaps most often, those who are forced to engage in monotonous activities suffer from boredom at work. Monotonous work with numbers and documents, as well as work in production, require serious endurance. Surely you have it, if you are doing something like this, most likely, perseverance is your strong point!

And to combat boredom during monotonous work, a number of measures should be taken, which are suggested by specialists in the psychology of work activity.


Sometimes part of the monotonous work can be automated, freeing yourself from the burden. Is there such an opportunity in your work? Are there tools or software that can make your job easier? Discuss these issues with management to ensure the company does not fall behind in technology.


Prolonged motor or information load does not benefit your well-being, so it is important to take breaks, even if it seems that you are getting excited and are ready to “plow” for a couple more hours. Add break reminders to your smartphone, leave your workplace for a while - move, look at the landscape outside the window, drink water.


For monotonous work, activity that maintains motivation is extremely important. And if your work involves monotonous work, then your daily routine should be stricter: try to go to bed earlier and get up earlier, don’t ignore exercise, eat several times a day.

5. You have to create the appearance of activity

An excellent option for the lazy and unbearable for the hardworking: you need to “sit out” working hours, only occasionally performing any tasks. You can become a solitaire champion, but it is unlikely that this will really benefit your career. The choice is yours: create the image of a business person (which is really boring) or truly develop. Find out why you are in a situation where you have little to do at work.

Lack of motivation

You are not forced to work, but you yourself do not show initiative - and they turn a blind eye to this. It looks like you need to look for new meaning in your work life: remember why you took this job and what you would like to achieve in your career path. If the situation can be improved where it is, it's time to become more visible and do something meaningful for the business.

Fear of responsibility

Surely the thought has crossed your mind at least once that initiative is punishable. In fact, the ability to take responsibility for the ideas put forward and their further implementation is the shortest path to promotion and salary growth. You can start with small tasks.

Defensive reaction

Sometimes the appearance of work performs an important protective function: when you can come to the office and “hide” from life, waiting for “better times.” Enlist the support of your loved ones to understand what stage of your personal journey you are at now, and then start asking career questions.

If there are no reasons for boredom, but there is boredom, perhaps this work really cannot be enjoyable. Test "Career Guidance" just for such cases: it helps you figure out which areas of activity are suitable, and suggests 15 professions that are worth thinking about.

If you think that at work you can only work, then you are mistaken. The boss went on a business trip, and the end of the month and the preparation of reports is still far away. You’ve already drunk coffee, and you’ve already discussed all the latest news with your colleagues during a smoke break. What's next, what to do with yourself? You will learn about what to do in the workplace other than work in this article.

1. Get a manicure. There are no bosses, and therefore you can devote time to yourself for your loved one. Of course, you should have nail polish, nail file and nail polish remover with you. It’s better if you sit alone in the office or with your female colleagues, since men may be indignant, because they cannot stand the smell of acetone. By doing a manicure at work, you save your free time.

2. Solve puzzles. It can be very interesting and funny - the whole team can solve incredible and absurd puzzles. Men especially love to show off their intelligence. Therefore, give them difficult puzzles.

3. Play Mafia. Surely there is a round table for negotiations in your office. This is the best fit for this game. During this fun, you will be able to get to know your colleagues better and finally figure out who they are and what they are like.

4. Finish the book you started. Surely you have something to read. There is simply never enough time for this. Well, during the absence of your bosses, you have a chance to read the book you started. If you have cameras in your office, it is better to read from a computer monitor.

5. Cross stitch. This activity is very calming and relaxing. But for an office worker it is very important to maintain balance and adequacy. You can not only embroider, but also, for example, knit or draw. This is a kind of therapy that can even replace a psychologist.

6. Educate yourself. For example, learn English. You’ll spend your time profitably, and you won’t be bored at work. Self-education can also be done in the presence of the boss, of course, if there are no cameras.

7. Play cards. Playing cards at will is very fun. And just counting - it’s also fun to play, especially if everyone doesn’t want to concede and strives to come out of the game as a winner.

8. Throw a party. Order beer and pizza to the office, take care of cool music - and you can celebrate. You can celebrate anything: a boss’s business trip, his divorce, the end of the work week, the delivery of a quarterly report, and more.

9. Take a nap. If you are bored at work and have nothing to do, you can think about rest. You can sleep either in your chair or on office sofas, if you have them.

10. Take up poetry. Someone can start from the first line, while others can continue. This process is a lot of fun and you can end up with a real office masterpiece.

11. Go shopping. If you usually buy clothes in large shopping centers, you can go to the websites of your favorite stores. You can choose and look closely for a long time, because you have plenty of time. And you can order everything you choose directly to your office.

12. Have a chair competition. Everyone loves to spin around in their office chairs, even if they don't admit it. You can have a real competition. Whoever makes the most circles while the chair is spinning is the winner.

13. Make a cartoon. Draw a friendly cartoon or caricature of all the most interesting and strange employees in your office. This is suitable for those who know how to draw at least a little. You can give the drawings to those you drew or keep them for yourself.

14. Internet. VKontakte, Facebook and other social networks will come to your aid if you are bored at work. You can start looking at friends' photos or simply looking for classmates you don't already have as friends.

15. Watch the movie. Put on your headphones and you can safely watch a premiere or your favorite TV series. This, of course, is only possible if the boss and colleagues who can give you away are not in the office.

While Russian economists are looking for a way to increase labor productivity in the country (in terms of its level, we are noticeably behind almost all countries in Europe and Asia), American psychologists seem to have been able to explain one of the reasons for the rapid decline in this indicator. And this reason is boredom.

No matter how banal and pseudoscientific this conclusion may seem, however, multiple studies have shown that it is boredom that overcomes both ordinary workers and highly qualified professionals that can lead to the failure of plans and projects, the cancellation of deals, meetings and important negotiations, and the shifting of tasks against less competent workers and even industrial sabotage. These observations made American HRs (personnel management specialists) think: is boredom really worse than stress?

“As soon as a person gets bored at work, he “turns off” from the work process partially or completely, that is, he seems to forget about what and how he should do,” says neuropsychologist Richard Chaifetz, specializing in human resources and motivation programs. “The consequences of this could be literally catastrophic.” From a drop in overall performance to critical errors and even accidents.

Happiness is not in bonuses

According to a 2011 Gallup study, 71% of working Americans were either uninterested in or disliked their jobs. At the same time, people with higher education and between the ages of 35 and 50 showed the least enthusiasm for work.

“The issue of motivation in this case is quite controversial, because the main thing is that a person does what he loves,” says editor-in-chief of the portal Alexandra Gross. - No insurance or additional nutrition - in general, no, even the most sophisticated social package - will “cover” your damage from the fact that you are doing something that, in fact, you hate. I myself had to deal with applicants who worked in very highly paid positions, but at the same time felt like deeply unhappy people and dreamed of leaving somewhere.

Research conducted by the Graduate School of Business at the University of Arizona (ASU) also showed that money and material bonuses have virtually no effect on employee engagement in the work process. As told in an interview with Forbes ASU Professor Angelo Kinicki, pathological boredom can overcome absolutely any employee, regardless of his position, competence, size of his personal account or salary. Basically, the reasons are as follows:

“Firstly, these people do not see the meaning and any ultimate goal of what they do,” says Kinicki, “and secondly, their daily responsibilities are too monotonous. The constant repetition of the same thing puts a person in a state of dullness and apathy - even if he is a taxi driver or a general director.

Another “killer” of enthusiasm is, oddly enough, excessive freedom and lack of control. According to Kinitski, when an employee feels a complete lack of attention from his superiors - both to his mistakes and to his exploits - he is less and less afraid to make the first and less and less tries to commit the second, that is, he works “carelessly.”

“Relationships in the team—both between employees and with management—is one of the most important motivating factors,” says Alexandra Gross. — According to our survey, this factor is somewhere in the top five out of 25-30 similar factors, so attention from management and good, comfortable communication with colleagues often become the only thing that actually makes people work.

Chained to chairs

Among other things, each employee must understand his importance to the team and to the company, adds Kinicki. If the enterprise operates according to the principle “there are no irreplaceables,” the interest and, as it is now fashionable to say, the “corporate spirit” of the team will slowly but surely tend to zero.

“You need to understand that if a person is bored at work, this does not mean that he has nothing to do,” explains Chaifetz. — You can also get bored because your work is too easy or too “mechanical.” The absence of difficult tasks leads to a drop in “involvement” in the same way as excessive workload (in the case of increased stress or “burnout”).

“The saddest thing is that even the best employees - who, in my memory, have always been full of strength and enthusiasm - are gradually becoming frustrated and bored due to the financial crisis,” says

Mark Royal, CEO of Hay Group and author of The Enemy of Enthusiasm

. — Changing and finding a job is becoming an increasingly risky business in an unstable economy, so many are forced to sit in a hated job simply for fear of being left without work. Naturally, this leads to a feeling of hopelessness and helplessness - what kind of work enthusiasm is there?

However, the situation on the Russian labor market looks completely different, Gross believes. According to the expert, the most difficult times of crisis are behind us, which means there is no need to be afraid; and most importantly, do not voluntarily make yourself a hostage to a job that you hate and is not interesting to you.

— Today in Russia there is a candidate’s market. And it didn’t even come last year, but probably at the end of 2010. This means that people are not at all afraid to enter the market; They just don’t quit, but continue to work and at the same time constantly look for other options. The fact that their resumes cannot be found on recruiting portals or in applicant databases does not mean that they are not looking for a new job, says Gross. “They are open, they know that there are other opportunities, they just have to make at least some effort to find them.

Alena Vladimirskaya, founder of the RuNet recruitment agency PRUFFI:

— There is a common belief that you need to change your job every 3 years. Personally, I believe that you should change your job when you feel internally ready for it. Typically, this occurs when you have reached a career impasse that you either cannot or do not want to overcome in your current company. However, to begin with, I would advise you to contact your immediate supervisor and say that you see yourself in such and such a position in six months. Most often, employee departures are due to the fact that their superiors have no idea that they want to grow somewhere.

So, the time has come to reveal the most terrible and intimate secret. Preparation: for the faint of heart, take a sedative, take the children away from screens, close the curtains, and agree with the dog on non-disclosure of secrets. If everything is ready, then here is this enlightening moment: absolutely all people slack off in the workplace when they don’t know what to do at work.

Yes, this happens to everyone - to a worker, to a boss. And even with the boss’s boss. This cannot be changed, but you can spend your free time on something useful. In any case, there will be something to write in the explanatory note.

Improve your physical fitness

Office clerks and anyone involved in sedentary work will be able to restore normal blood flow and increase brain activity with the help of exercises. Training for people who have mobile work will help them evenly distribute the load on different muscle groups. This will reduce the chance of injury or chronic musculoskeletal disease.

Classes are divided into three main groups:

  1. general strengthening;
  2. isometric;
  3. exercises for a specific muscle group.

The first category includes athletics - running, fast walking, jumping. You can also include some static exercises here - plank, handstand, for example. If desired, you can conduct several classes. Another helpful option is stretching. Doing the splits in the office or doing a “bridge” near your foreman is still not a particularly good idea, but simple stretches and turns of the body will come in handy.

Isometric training is resistance exercise. Outwardly, they are similar to static ones, since all you need to do is freeze. In fact, such a complex forces the muscles to tense as much as possible. A few examples:

  • sit on a chair, grab the bottom of the seat and pull up, trying to “lift” the chair and yourself;
  • rest against a heavy (ideally non-lifting) tabletop from below, trying to lift the table off the floor;
  • take a thick belt and try to break it, while changing the position of your hands (over your head, at chest level, etc.).

None of these actions will be possible to complete completely, but the muscle tension and the effect of the training will please you.

The third group of exercises is aimed at maintaining the tone of those muscles that are least used at work. For office workers, for example, this is the hip and back. It is also better not to forget about eye exercises - it is useful for representatives of all professions.

Give time to employees

Usually several people are bored at work, not just one. So you can make an attempt to unite the team. How to do it?

  • Offer a joint game - verbal, logical, or bring a board game with you.
  • Discuss the situation in the company, at production, recent work events.
  • Have a tea party, locking the sleeping boss in the office.
  • Come up with a congratulations for a colleague who is celebrating a birthday, the birth of a child, paying off a mortgage or... being fired. Joke. Who can even pay a mortgage?
  • Support a sad employee, do something nice - take documents in his place, give him something sweet.
  • Suggest an after-work getaway or a fun activity during the holidays.

If the boss is too formidable and does not allow you to talk during the work process, then you can come up with your own code - written or signed. Or learn real sign language. Or lock the boss in his office again.

Exercise your brain

This is a great way to increase your IQ and relieve boredom. Can:

  • take an IQ test;
  • solve a crossword, sudoku or rebus;
  • find the answer to the puzzle;
  • play charades, “Baldu”;
  • download a logic or intellectual game;
  • train memory or attentiveness.

All this can be found on the Internet and keep yourself occupied for several tens of minutes, or even hours. The main problem will no longer be boredom, but an attempt to stop and tune in to work.

If there is no computer or laptop at your workplace/object, and you can only dream of wonderful Wi-Fi on your phone, this is a reason to buy a couple of printed publications in advance. Crosswords, magazines with tests, collections of logic games will help you cope with endlessly dragging time.

To clean up

On the desktop, for example. If not for feng shui, then for the sake of your own physical and mental health. Clutter and clutter cause depression - this is a long-known fact. Dust that accumulates on the surface of an uncleaned table is harmful to the lungs, skin, and eyes. The sad conclusion is that you still have to clean it up.

Wiping the table, laptop monitor, and watering the ficus that dried out last year are top priority tasks. It would also be a good idea to sort business papers, clean out folders on your computer desktop (and, finally, remove incriminating photos from a previous corporate event).

If the table has already been cleaned, then you can start cleaning in:

  • bag, handbag or purse (preferably your own);
  • personal bedside table;
  • a locker with outerwear and replacement shoes;
  • pockets;
  • address book, telephone messages;
  • work and personal mail.

It is still not advisable to clean the entire room by washing the floors and wiping the window sills. Firstly, the cleaning lady will be sad because of the selected bread. Secondly, with special efforts, the boss can demote you. Until the cleaning lady, of course. Thirdly, seriously? Does anyone really want to clean up the office themselves?

Remember the living corner

According to legend, somewhere in the most stuffy and dusty corner of the workroom there is a living corner. There may not be any animals there (luckily for them), but there are plants in pots. If you still have nothing to do, you can go in search of this jungle. Or create them, and not necessarily in that very forgotten corner. How can I do that?

  • Place small cacti near laptops and computers. They perfectly absorb negative radiation.
  • Buy flower pots for the whole office and plant plants on window sills, special stands on the walls or near them.
  • Have a live mascot on your working staff. Or several. A hamster or fish, for example. Dogs are a twofold option. On the one hand, no one will be bored. On the other hand, work too. And it would be somehow wrong to greet clients with a wet, rough tongue and barking.

The beauty of breeding “living animals” is also that it has a positive effect on well-being and performance. Firstly, plants please the eye, purify the air, and animals lift your spirits. Secondly, caring for the “wards” - timely ventilation, moisturizing, exposure to sunlight - has a good effect on the health of the workers themselves.


To prevent your boss from firing you, you can quit yourself. It is better to immediately accept the fact that the world does not revolve around one position. There are hundreds of others - similar, related or radically different. If the thought of boredom creeps in too often at work, this is a sign that it’s time to change something.

The issue becomes especially acute if you get bored at work even when fully loaded. A person who does a boring activity he doesn’t like becomes:

  • depressed, neurotic;
  • chronically tired, in a bad or apathetic mood;
  • more susceptible to diseases;
  • closed, aloof;
  • just miserable.

And in this case, even vines with a flock of puppies will not help. Are you afraid to accept change, afraid of the unknown? The truth is that lost years of happiness and health are much worse and worse than changing positions.

Perhaps trying to decide what to do at work when you're bored won't prevent you from applying on your own, but it will certainly drive away boredom. And then, who knows? Maybe getting fired will be a huge step towards your true purpose and happiness.

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