Sl. Pleshcheev; "Bunny", music


Tatiana Tumanina
Summary of directly educational activities in music for children of middle preschool age "A bunny has come to us"

Target: development musicality of children through musical and gaming activities

Tasks educational field« Music» :

1. Develop listening skills musical work to the end

2. Continue to teach to perform movements with objects

3. Develop emotional responsiveness, sense of rhythm, practice singing skills

Tasks of integrable educational areas:

"Health"- protection and strengthening of physical and mental health children

"Communication"- development of free communication with adults and children (help children express their point of view)

"Knowledge"- expanding horizons in the field means of expressive music

"Artistic Creativity"- keep developing figurative representations, imagination.

Kinds activities: game, musical and artistic, cognitive, communicative

Forms of joint organization activities: listening, performance, outdoor games (With musical accompaniment)

Material for GCD: toy « Bunny» , basket, musical tools - wooden spoons, ribbons.

Subsequence direct educational activities

M. R. Hello guys.

Children: Hello.

M. R. Today we will meet a very good and small guest. Look, the guest does not come to us. What do you think should be done to make it faster? came.

Answers children.

M. R. Well, how are we going to call him? We don't even know who He: what kind of person or animal?

I suggest doing a simple exercise with ribbons. Our guest will hear music, will see multi-colored ribbons and immediately find us.

Rebuilding in a circle.

Performance of an etude-dramatization "Swinging Arms with Ribbons" arr. L. Vishkareva

M. R. That's how fun they danced

And a little tired.

We will go to the chairs

Let's sit down and rest quietly.

Guys, now I'm playing music and you will determine from it who will come to us.

Execution « Bunny» music Y. Matveeva

What do you think, what music happy or sad? Fast or slow? Whom depicts music.

Children: bunny

The teacher shows bunny.

M. R. Hello bunny. Bunny shy and wants to say something in my ear. He greeted you. Guys, at bunny there is a favorite song, but the only trouble is, he forgot it. Let's help him. How can we help? (Correctly remind, sing him a song)

M. R. And before we sing, we will do gymnastics for our mouth so that it sings all the sounds well.

Do gymnastics

M.R. Well done. Guys, what songs do you know?

(Answers children)

M. R. I'll play the intro of the song for you now, and you tell me what it's called.

M. R. That's right, well done. It is called "Lullaby hare» . Let's do it with you.

Perform a song "Lullaby hare»

M. R. And let's listen to how he sings this song and shakes hare Nikita

Called out a few children, they pump the bunny.

M. R. Here our hare fell asleep. In the meantime, we will do finger gymnastics

Finger gymnastics "rabbit"

M. R. Oh, the bunny woke up! And he has a surprise for us. (Pulls out a basket of musical instruments) .

M. R. Oh, what is it? That's right musical instruments - spoons

game on musical instruments.

M. R. Bunny really liked how you play? He asks what can you do?

(Answers children that we still dance well)

Dance "Show me palms»

M. R. Well done. Tell me, what did we do today? And what did you like the most?

Answers children.

M. R. And our bunny liked everything today, both how you sing and how you play musical instruments. And now we need to say goodbye to you, goodbye guys.

kids under music go away

^ Song creativity

Learn to compose a lullaby melody on your own and answer musical questions (“What is your name?”, “What do you want, kitty?”, “Where are you?”). To form the ability to improvise melodies for a given text, to learn to compose a march melody.


Continue to develop in children the skill of rhythmic movement in accordance with the nature of the music, independently change movements in accordance with the two- and three-part form of music. Improve dance movements: straight gallop, spring, circling one by one and in pairs. To teach children the ability to move in pairs in a circle in dances and round dances, put a foot on the toe and on the heel, rhythmically clap their hands, perform the simplest rearrangements (from the circle in all directions and back), jumps. Continue to improve the skills of basic movements (walking: "solemn", calm, "mysterious"; running: easy and swift).

^ Development of dance and game creativity

To promote the development of emotionally figurative performance of musical game exercises (leaves are spinning, snowflakes are falling) and scenes using facial expressions and pantomime (a cheerful and sad bunny, a cunning fox, an angry wolf, a proud cockerel, a busy chicken). Teach staging songs, musical games and staging small musical performances.

^ Playing children's musical instruments

To form the ability to play along with the simplest melodies on wooden spoons, rattles, a drum, a metallophone

The musical development of children is carried out both in the classroom and in everyday life.

^ Music lessons consist of three parts:

1. Introduction. Musical and rhythmic exercises. The goal is to set up children for the lesson and develop the skills of basic dance movements that will be used in dances, dances, round dances.

2. The main part. Listening to music. The goal is to teach the child to listen to the sound of the melody and accompaniment that create an artistic and musical image, and to respond emotionally to them. Singing along and singing. The goal is to develop the child's vocal inclinations, to teach pure intonation of the melody, to sing without tension in the voice, and also to start and finish singing together with the teacher. Song creativity. The goal is to encourage the child to independently compose a lullaby melody and to form the ability to improvise melodies for a given text.

The main part of the lessons also includes musical and didactic games aimed at getting to know children's musical instruments, developing memory and imagination, musical and sensory abilities.

3. Final part. Game or dance. The goal is to deliver emotional pleasure to the child, to cause a feeling of joy from the actions performed, interest in music lessons and a desire to come to them. In the classroom, collective and individual teaching methods are used, an individually differentiated approach is carried out, taking into account the capabilities and characteristics of each child.

^ By the end of the year, children can:

Listen carefully to a piece of music, feel its character, express your feelings in words, drawing, movement;

Recognize songs by melody;

Distinguish sounds by pitch (sing within a seventh)

Sing long, clearly pronounce the words, start and end singing together.


musical material


Knowledge Day

^ Sl:"Jump Rope" by A. Khachaturian; "March" music. I. Dunayevsky

Singing:"Bird and Chicks" by E. Tilicheeva; "Drummer" music. M. Kraseva, Anthem of the kindergarten.

MRD:"March" F. Yarullin, "Kitten-Kitten", rus. nar. Lullaby; "March", music. N. Bogoslovsky; sl. And Barto. "Guess who's singing?" E. Tilicheeva; "Recognize by voice"; “Loudly - quietly”, “March” muses. T. Lomovoi, "Tup-tup-tupybyz" L. Shigabetdinov music, "Springs" Russian folk mel.

Biyular: Parly biyu t.h.k. L. Shikhabetdinova eshk.

"Dance in couples" latv. nar.chalk. sampled by G. Teplitsky.

August 15-September 10


^ Sl:"Yangyr" by I. Yakubov; "Horse" by T. Lomova"

Singing:"Autumn has come" S. Nasaulenko, "Koz" R. Enikeev, "These are the leaves!" S. Nasaulenko, "Droplets" by V. Pavlenko.

MRD:"March" by I. Shamsetdinov, "Drummers" by E. Parlov ("March"); “Lullaby” (fragment), S. Levidov, “Drummers” by D. Kabalevsky, “Rain” arr. T. Popatenko; "Kuyankay" B-Bulgarian music, "Dance in pairs" Latvian, folk m. arr.T.Popatenko; "Cockerel" M. Matveev; "Dance of autumn leaves", music. A. Filippenko, sl. E. Makshantseva; "Guess what I'm playing";

September 11-30

I am a man in the world

^ Sl:"Joke" by V. Semyonov; "Crying doll" T. Popatenko;

Singing:"Leaf fall-leaf fall" T. Popatenko, "Garden-round dance" music. B. Mozhzhevelova, sl. A. Passova;

MRD:"Plasovaya" music E. Semyonova; "Well, guess - ka" muses. E. Tilicheeva; “Dance with Umbrellas” (m.r. k-tion); "Dance of mushrooms" (m.r.k.); "March" by E. Tilicheeva; "Springs" r.n.m. arr.T.Tumanyan "We have fun" Ukrainian nar.mel.

^ Development of pitch hearing: . "Birds and chicks"; "Recognize by voice" music. E. Tilicheeva.

October 1-15

My city, my country.

^ Sl:"Our Motherland - Russia" music. S. Nasaulenko, "Oh, you are a birch" Russian folk melody.

Singing:"Autumn", music by I. Kishko; “Leaves are spinning” music by S. Nasaulenko, “Autumn” music. Y. Chichkova.

MRD:“We are building a house” by M. Krasev; "Train" music. E. Tilicheeva; "Balalar yardem ite" Z. Khabibullin; "Bear", "Bull", "Horse", "March", music. And Grechaninova, "The Hen and the Cockerel", music. G. Frida; "Know Your Instrument" "The play" by V. Rebikov; "Ecossaise"I. Hummel; "Springs" under Russian. nar. the melody "The girls sowed flax";

October 16-November 15

New Year's celebration

^ Sl:"Waltz of Snow Flakes" by P. Tchaikovskyth, "Music box" music. G. Sviridova

Singing:"Herringbone-naughty" S. Nasaulenko, "Chyrshy yanynda" I. Shemsetdinov music. S. Uraysky suzl., "Christmas Tree", S. Nasaulenko, "We came to visit the Christmas tree" S. Nasaulenko, "Father Frost" V. Vitlin.

MRD:"Gray cat" V. Vitlin; "Dance of the Dwarves" (m.r.k.); "Hares and the Bear" (music by N. R-Korsakov "Hares." In Rebikov's "Bear") "Santa Claus's game with snowballs", music. P. Tchaikovsky, "Snowflakes" music. O.Berta, "Dance of parsley" music by Serov, "Clap - clap - clap" Est.nar.mel. arr. A. Roomer.

November 15-December 31


^ Sl:"First Waltz" music by D.Kabalevsky; "Sad mood" by A. Steinvil, "Bunny" music by Y. Matveev.

Singing:"Sled" music. M. Kraseva, "Snowflakes" music. O. Berta, "Gray cat" V. Vitlin, "Zimushka - Winter" music. S. Nasaulenko.

MRD:"Fox and hares" A. Maykapar. “Polka” by M. Glinka, “A Bear Walks” by K. Cherny, “Hare, Come Out” by E. Tilicheeva; “Snowflakes” music. O. Berta, rev. N. Metlova; "What do you want, kitty?", music. G. Singer, sl. A. Shibitskaya.

MDI:"Echo", "Accordion", music. E. Tilicheeva, sl. M. Dolinova, (development of pitch hearing)

January 1-31

Defender of the Fatherland Day

^ Sl:"Tugan tel" t.h.k. G. Tukay suzl., “Brave rider” music by R. Schumann, “Well done guys” by L. Vakhrusheva.

Singing:"Steam locomotive" Z. Kompaneytsa; "Drummer" M. Krasev; "Budenovets" music. V.Rasulskaya.

MRD:“Drummers” (“March” by T. Parlov, “Lullaby” by S. Levidov, “Drummers by D. Kabalevsky), “Polka”, music. A. Zhilinsky; "March", music. I. Berkovich, "Gata" N. Bakiyev M. Zhiganshina ashk. (drum); "We go with flags", "Gray cat" V. Vitlin, "Un chypchyk" A. Klyucharev music; "Dance with spoons" p .n.m.;

MDI: “Quieter-louder in the tambourine beat” (dynamic perception), “Guess what I play” (timbre perception)

February 1-23

March 8

^ Sl:“The bells are ringing” by W. Mozart;"Yaz kilde" S. Seydeshev mus. R. Enikey suzl., "Mother" music. P. Tchaikovsky.

Singing: " Golden Mom "S. Nasaulenko; “About Grandma” by S. Nasaulenko, “I love Mommy very much” by L. Starchenko. “Gifts for Moms” music by I. Smirnov.

MRD:“Vaska the cat” by G. Lobachev; “Dance with handkerchiefs”, Russian. nar. melody; "Dance with flowers";

February 24-March 8

Acquaintance with folk culture and traditions.

^ Sl: " We are walking around the city" muses. A. Ostrovsky;

Singing:"A hare ran through the swamp"; "Daewoo eniem" by E. Bakirov, "Bulegem" by F. Sheimardanov, "Yaz kile" by L. Kheyretdinov. "Yaz kilde" S. Seydeshev mus. R.Enikei suzl., "Sparrow" mus. V.Gerchik.

MRD:“Waltz” by A. Zhilin, “Tugan tel” by T.H.C. G. Tukay suzl., "If you are good" B. Saveliev, "Enise" M. Mozaffarov eshk.; “Gray cat” by V. Vitlin; “Counting”, music. V. Gerchik; "Epipe" (tatar biyu);

MDI:"Know the tool"; "Musical hammers" music by E. Tilicheeva (development of pitch hearing)

March 9-31


^ Sl:"Vesnyanka" Ukrainian folk song arr. G. Lobacheva, "Pieska" music. R. Schuman.

Singing:"Winter has passed" music. N. Metlova; "Forty-forty", Russian. nar. joke, "Sparrows" music. M. Kraseva, “The snow is melting” by A. Filippenko, “Spring” by S. Nasaulenko, “Rain” r.n.p. arr.T.Popatenko; exclamations: “Oh, waders! Spring sings! and "Larks, fly in";

MRD:"Zilem-zileyle" so-and-so; "Helpers" (m.r.k.); "Take a house"; “Who is walking?”; “Doll”, music. M. Starokadomsky; "Jumping along the path", music. A. Filippenko; "Tyshta yaz" L. Shigabetdinova music., Popatenko; "Drip-drip ...", rum. nar. song, arr. T. Popatenko;

April 1-15

Victory Day

^ Sl:"Victory will come" M, Sidorova

Singing:"Budenovets" by R. Rasulskaya; "White peakless cap" music. From Kiselyov, “Well done guys” by L. Vakhrusheva

MRD:"Dance with me, my friend"; "Funny balls", music. M. Satulina; "Airplanes", music. M. Magidenko; “Polka” by R. Khamitov-sikereshle atlam, “Sawyers” by O. Boromykova “Dance with handkerchiefs” Ukrainian folk mel. arr. G. Teplitsky “Dance with spoons” Russian folk chalk, “Parly Biyu” t.x .To. L. Shigabetdinov, "Traps" Russian folk mel. arr. A. Sidelnikova.

April 16-May 9


^ Sl:"Butterfly" music. E. Grieg. "The Lark" by M. Glinka.

Singing:"Friendship" by V.Shainsky, "Sabantuye" by L.Batyr-Bulgari music. G.Zeyneshev suzl. "Smile" music. V. Shainsky, “Bears” music by M. Krasev;

MRD:“March” by L.Kheiretdinov (Birdem atlau), “The Hen and the Cockerel” by G. Frida, “Find Yourself a Pair” by T. Lomova, “Pipe-Duda” by Y. Slonov “Cheburashka” (A. Burenina), “Merry Travelers” (A. Burenina);

May 10-31

^ Cultural leisure activities in the middle group


Objectives: to create an environment of emotional well-being, to provide children with the opportunity to relax and get new experiences. To develop interest in educational entertainment that introduces the traditions and customs of the Russian people, the origins of Russian culture. Involve children in the process of preparing various types of entertainment; to form a desire to participate in a puppet show, musical and literary compositions, concerts. Organize sports and gaming competitions, etc. In the process of organizing and conducting entertainment, take care of the formation of the need to engage in an interesting and meaningful business.

To cultivate a sense of collectivism, a friendly attitude towards each other and adults. Carry out patriotic and moral education, introduce them to artistic culture, aesthetic and emotional creativity .


Tasks: continue to introduce children to the festive culture of the people of Tatarstan. To cultivate the desire and desire to take part in festive performances. To form a sense of belonging to the events that take place in kindergarten, family, country. Cultivate love for close people, the Motherland. Organize morning performances dedicated to the New Year, March 8, holidays of the national calendar, autumn and spring.

Tasks: to involve children in creative activities, to develop interest and desire to visit aesthetic education and development studios in kindergarten or in creative centers. To promote the development of individual creative abilities and artistic inclinations of the child.
^ Educational area "Music" in the senior group.

Explanatory note
Tasks: continue to develop aesthetic education, interest, love for music, to form a musical culture based on acquaintance with composers, with classical, folk and modern music. Continue to develop the musical abilities of children: pitch, rhythm, timbre, dynamic hearing; emotional responsiveness and creativity. Contribute to the further development of singing skills, movements to music, playing and improvising melodies on children's musical instruments


Learn to distinguish between genres of musical works (march, dance, song). Improve musical memory through the recognition of melodies by individual fragments of the work (introduction, conclusion, musical phrase). To improve the skill of distinguishing sounds in height within a fifth, the sound of a musical instrument (keyboard-percussion and strings: piano, violin, cello, balalaika)


To form singing skills, the ability to sing with a light sound in the range from “re” of the first octave to “do” of the second octave; take a breath before the beginning of the song, between musical phrases, pronounce the words clearly, start and end the song in a timely manner, emotionally convey the nature of the melody, sing moderately, loudly and quietly. To promote the development of solo singing skills, with and without musical accompaniment. To promote the manifestation of independence and the creative performance of songs of a different nature. To create a fund of favorite songs, thereby developing song musical taste.

^ Song creativity

Learn to improvise a melody to a given text. To form the ability to compose melodies of a different nature: an affectionate lullaby, a perky or peppy march, a smooth waltz, a cheerful dance.

^ Musical-rhythmic movements

To develop a sense of rhythm, the ability to convey the character of music, its emotionally figurative content through movements, to freely navigate in space, to perform the simplest rearrangements, to independently move from a moderate to a fast or slow pace, to change movements in accordance with musical phrases. To contribute to the formation of skills in the performance of dance movements (alternately throwing legs forward in a jump; side step with a squat, moving forward, circling; squatting with legs forward). Build dance creativity.

Continue to develop songwriting skills: learn to improvise images of fabulous animals and birds (horse, goat, fox, bear, hare, crane, raven, etc.) in different game situations. To acquaint with the Russian round dance, dance, as well as with the dances of other peoples.

Hearing:"Lullaby", music. A. Grechaninova; "March", music. L. Shulgina, “Oh, you birch”, Russian. nar. song; "Autumn Song", music. D. Vasilyeva-Buglaya, sl. A. Pleshcheeva; "Bunny", music. Yu. Matveeva, sl. A. Blok; "Mom's caresses", music. A. Grechaninova; "Music box" (from "Album of plays for children" by G. Sviridov); "Waltz of the Snow Flakes" from the ballet "The Nutcracker", music. P. Tchaikovsky; "Italian Polka", music. S. Rachmaninov; “The cat fell ill”, “The cat recovered”, music. A. Grechaninova; “Like ours at the gate”, Rus. nar. melody; "Mom", music. P. Tchaikovsky; "Vesnyanka", Ukrainian nar. song, edit G. Lobacheva, sl. O. Vysotskaya; "Butterfly", music. E. Grieg; "Brave Rider" (from "Album for Youth" by R. Schumann); "Lark", music. M. Glinka; "March", music. S. Prokofiev; "New Doll", "Doll's Disease" (from "Children's Album" by P. Tchaikovsky); "Pieska" (from "Album for Youth" by R. Schumann); as well as favorite works of children that they listened to during the year.

Singing: Exercises for the development of hearing and voice. "Two black grouse", music. M. Shcheglova, sl. folk; "Beetle", music. N. Potolovsky, sl. folk; "Lullaby Bunny", music. V. Karaseva, sl. N. Frenkel; "Chicks", music. E. Tilicheeva, sl. M. Dolinova; "Confusion", joke song; music E. Tilicheeva, sl. K. Chukovsky; "Cuckoo", Russian. nar. song, edit I. Arseeva; "Spider" and "Kisonka-Murysonka", Russian. nar. songs; cries: “Oh, waders! Spring sings! and "Larks, fly in!"; "Where have you been, Ivanushka", Russian. nar. song; "Geese", Russian. nar. song; "Shepherd", music. N. Preobrazhenskaya, sl. folk. Songs. "Autumn", music. Yu. Chichkova, sl. I. Maznina; "Bai-bye", music. M. Krasina, sl. M. Chernoy; "Autumn", music. I. Kishko, sl. T. Volgina; "Autumn", Russian. nar. melody, processing I. Kishko, sl. I. Plakidy; "Kitty", music. V. Vitlin, sl. N. Naydenova; "Snowflakes", music. O. Berta, rev. N. Metlova, sl. V. Antonova; "Sled", music. M. Kraseva, sl. O. Vysotskaya; “Winter has passed”, music. N. Metlova, sl. M. Klokova; "Gift for Mom", music. A. Filippenko, sl. T. Volgina; carols: "Hello", "Happy New Year"; "Sparrow", music. V. Gerchik, sl. A. Cheltsova; "Vesnyanka", Ukrainian. nar. song; "Rain", music. M. Kraseva, sl. N. Frenkel; "Bunny", music. M. Starokadomsky, sl. M. Klokova; "Horse", music. T. Lomovoi, sl. M. Evensen; "Steam locomotive", music. Z. Kompaneytsa, sl. O. Vysotskaya. Songs from children's cartoons. "Smile", music. V. Shainsky, sl. M. Plyatskovsky (cartoon "Little Raccoon"); “Song about a grasshopper”, music. V. Shainsky, sl. N. Nosova (cartoon "Adventures of the Grasshopper"); “If you are kind”, music. B. Savelyeva, sl. M. Plyatskovsky (cartoon "Birthday of the Cat Leopold"); as well as favorite songs learned earlier.

Musical-rhythmic movements. Game exercises: "Springs" under Russian. nar. melody; walking under the "March", music. I. Berkovich; "Funny balls" (bouncing and running), music. M. Satulina; "Swinging hands with ribbons", Polish. nar. melody, processing L. Vishkareva; English jumping nar. melody "Polly"; easy run under latv. "Polka", music. A. Zhilinsky; "March", music. E. Tilicheeva; "Fox and Hares" to the music. A. Maikapara "In the garden"; "The bear walks" to the music. "Etude" by K. Czerny; jumps to the music of "Polka", music. M. Glinka; "Horsemen", music. V. Vitlin; stomp, circle under the Russian. nar. melodies. "Rooster", music. T. Lomova; "Doll", music. M. Starokadomsky; "Exercises with flowers" to the music. "Waltz" by A. Zhilin; "Beetles", Hung. nar. melody, processing L. Vishkareva. Etudes-dramatizations. "Drummer", music. M. Kraseva; “Dance of autumn leaves”, music. A. Filippenko, sl. E. Makshantseva; "Drummers", music. D. Kabalevsky and S. Levidov; "Counting", "An apple rolled", music. V. Agafonnikova; “Boots are jumping along the path”, music. A. Filippenko, sl. T. Volgina; "Merry Walk", music. P. Tchaikovsky; "What do you want, kitty?", music. G. Singer, sl. A. Shibitskaya; "Hot Horse", music. T. Lomova; “Snowdrop” from the cycle “The Seasons” by P. Tchaikovsky “April”; “A hare ran through the swamp”, music. V. Gerchik; "Picking berries" under Russian. nar. the song "Oh you, birch"; "The Cuckoo is Dancing", music. E. Sigmeister; "The mother hen and chickens", music. T. Lomovoi. Round dances and dances. "Dance in pairs", Latvian. nar. melody; “Along the bridge street”, Russian. nar. melody, processing T. Lomova; "Top and Clap", music. T. Nazarova-Medtner, sl. E. Karganova; "Show your palms", lat. nar. melody “Dance with Spoons” under Russian. nar. melody; "Dance with handkerchiefs", Russian. nar. melody; "Invitation", Ukrainian nar. melody, processing G. Teplitsky; "Dance with Sultans", Ukrainian. nar. melody, processing M. Rauchverger; “Who is good with us?”, music. An. Alexandrova; “Show your palm”, Latvian. nar. melody; Dance "Goodbye", Czech. nar. melody; "Handkerchief", Russian. nar. melody in processing L. Revutsky; "Dudochka-duda", music. Yu. Slonova, sl. folk; "Clap-clap-clap", est. nar. melody, processing A. Roomer; New Year's round dances at the choice of the music director. characteristic dances. "Snowflakes", music. O. Berta, rev. N. Metlov; "Petrushka Dance", music. A. Serov from the opera "Rogneda" (excerpt); "Dance of the Hare" from "Polka" by I. Strauss; "Snowflakes", music. T. Lomova; "Beads" from "Galop" by I. Dunayevsky; repetition of dances learned during the year, as well as for dramatizations and musical games: “Cooking kittens”, music. E. Tilicheeva, sl. M. Evensen; "Goat-dereza", op. folk, music. M. Magidenko. Music Games Games. "Hen and Cockerel", music. G. Frida; "Zhmurki", music. F. Flotova; "The Bear and the Hare", music. V. Rebikov; "Airplanes", music. M. Magidenko; "Santa Claus playing with snowballs", music. P. Tchaikovsky (from the ballet The Sleeping Beauty); "Zhmurki", music. F. Flotova; "Funny balls", music. M. Satulina; "Find yourself a mate", music. T. Lomova; "Take a house", music. M. Magidenko; “Who is more likely to take a toy?”, latv. nar. melody; "Merry Carousel", Russian. nar. melody, processing E. Tilicheeva; "Traps", Russian. nar. melody, processing A. Sidelnikova; games learned during the year. Singing games. "Garden-round dance", music. B. Mozhzhevelova, sl. A. Passova; "Doll", music. Starokadomsky, sl. O. Vysotskaya; "Santa Claus and children", music. I. Kishko, sl. M. Evensen; "Hare", music. M. Kraseva, sl. L. Nekrasova; “Hare, come out”, “Geese, swans and a wolf”, music. E. Tilicheeva, sl. M. Bulatova; “We went to the meadow”, music. A. Filippenko, sl. N. Kuklovskaya; "Fish", music. M. Kraseva; "Handkerchief", Ukrainian nar. song, arr. N. Metlova; "Cheerful girl Tanya", music. A. Filippenko, sl. N. Kuklovskaya and R. Borisova.

Song creativity: "What is your name?"; "What do you want, kitty?"; "March", music. N. Bogoslovsky; "Bear", "Bull", "Horse", music. A. Grechaninov, sl. A. Barto; “Our song is simple”, music. An. Alexandrova, sl. M. Evensen; "Ribushechka Hen", music. G. Lobacheva, sl. folk; “Kitten-cat”, Russian. nar. song. The development of dance and game creativity "Horse", music. N. Potolovsky; "Bunnies", "The Hen and Chickens", "Sparrow", music. T. Lomova; “Oh, my hop, hop”, Rus. nar. melody, arr. M. Rauchverger; "Doll", music. M. Starokadomsky; "Jumping along the path", music. A. Filippenko; come up with the dance of Petrushka to the music of "Petrushka" by I. Brahms; "Bears", music. M. Kraseva, sl. N. Frenkel.

Musical and didactic games. Development of pitch hearing:"Birds and Chicks", "Swing". The development of rhythmic hearing. “Cockerel, hen and chicken”, “Who is walking?”, “Funny pipes”, “Play like me”. Development of timbre and dynamic hearing. "Loud - quiet", "Know your instrument"; "Guess what I'm playing." Genre definition and memory development. “What does the doll do?”, “Recognize and sing a song from the picture”, “Music store”. Playing children's musical instruments. “We are walking with flags”, “Accordion”, “The sky is blue”, “Andrey the Sparrow”, music. E. Tilicheeva, sl. M. Dolinova; "Forty-forty", Russian. nar. joke, arr. T. Popatenko; "Drip-drip-drip ...", Romanian. nar. song, arr. T. Popatenko; "Fox", Russian. nar. joke, arr. V. Popova; playing along with Russian nar. melodies.

4.5. Requirements for the level of preparation of pupils:

Key, music. A. Grechaninova; "Music Box" (from "Album of Pieces for

Children” by G. Sviridov); Snowflake Waltz from The Nutcracker

Muses. P. Tchaikovsky; "Italian Polka", music. S. Rachmaninov; "Co-

Tik fell ill”, “Kit recovered”, music. A. Grechaninova; "Like our

Gate, Russian. nar. melody; "Mom", music. P. Tchaikovsky; "Vesnyanka", Ukrainian

nar. song, edit G. Lobacheva, sl. O. Vysotskaya; "Butterfly", music. E. Grieg;

"Brave Rider" (from "Album for Youth" by R. Schumann); "Zhavo-

Ronok, music. M. Glinka; "March", music. S. Prokofiev; "New Doll"

"The Disease of the Doll" (from the "Children's Album" by P. Tchaikovsky); "Pieska" (from

"Album for Youth" by R. Schumann); as well as favorite works

The children they listened to for a year.


Lova, sl. folk; "Beetle", music. N. Potolovsky, sl. folk; "Co-

A lullaby hare, music. V. Karaseva, sl. N. Frenkel; "Chicks",

Muses. E. Tilicheeva, sl. M. Dolinova; "Confusion", joke song; music

E. Tilicheeva, sl. K. Chukovsky; "Cuckoo", Russian. nar. song, edit

I. Arseeva; "Spider" and "Kisonka-Murysonka", Russian. nar. songs; cry-

ki: “Oh, waders! Spring sings! and "Larks, fly in!"; "Where was

Ivanushka, Russian nar. song; "Geese", Russian. nar. song; "Shepherd", music.

N. Preobrazhenskaya, sl. folk.

Songs. "Autumn", music. Yu. Chichkova, sl. I. Maznina; "Bai-bye", music.

M. Krasina, sl. M. Chernoy; "Autumn", music. I. Kishko, sl. T. Volgina;

"Autumn", Russian. nar. melody, processing I. Kishko, sl. I. Plakidy; "Koshech-

Ka, music. V. Vitlin, sl. N. Naydenova; "Snowflakes", music. O. Berta,

Processed N. Metlova, sl. V. Antonova; "Sled", music. M. Kraseva, sl. Oh. You-

Sotskaya; “Winter has passed”, music. N. Metlova, sl. M. Klokova; "Present

Mom, music. A. Filippenko, sl. T. Volgina; carols: "Hello"

"Happy New Year"; "Sparrow", music. V. Gerchik, sl. A. Cheltsova; "Spring-

Ka, Ukrainian nar. song; "Rain", music. M. Kraseva, sl. N. Frenkel; "Zai-

Chick, music. M. Starokadomsky, sl. M. Klokova; "Horse", music. T. Lo-

Movoy, sl. M. Evensen; "Steam locomotive", music. Z. Kompaneytsa, sl. O. Vysotskaya.

Songs from children's cartoons. "Smile", music. V. Shainsky, sl.

M. Plyatskovsky (cartoon "Little Raccoon"); "Song about the blacksmith-

Chica, music. V. Shainsky, sl. N. Nosova (cartoon "Adventures

Grasshopper"); “If you are kind”, music. B. Savelyeva, sl. M. Plyatskovsky

(cartoon "Birthday of the cat Leopold"); as well as favorite songs,

previously learned.

Musical-rhythmic movements

Game exercises. "Springs" under Russian. nar. melody; walking

Under "March", music. I. Berkovich; "Funny balls" (bouncing and

Beg), music. M. Satulina; "Swinging hands with ribbons", Polish. nar. melody,

Processed L. Vishkareva; English jumping nar. melody "Polly"; easy

run under latv. "Polka", music. A. Zhilinsky; "March", music. E. Tilicheeva;

"Fox and Hares" to the music. A. Maikapara "In the garden"; "Bear walks" under

music "Etude" by K. Czerny; jumps to the music of "Polka", music. M. Glinka;

"Horsemen", music. V. Vitlin; stomp, circle under the Russian. nar. melo-

Dee. "Rooster", music. T. Lomova; "Doll", music. M. Starokadomsky; "Up-

Anxiety with flowers "to the music. "Waltz" by A. Zhilin; "Beetles", Hung. nar.

Melody, rev. L. Vishkareva.

Etudes-dramatizations. "Drummer", music. M. Kraseva; "Autumn dance"

Them leaves”, music. A. Filippenko, sl. E. Makshantseva; "Drummers-

Key, music. D. Kabalevsky and S. Levidov; "Counting", "An apple rolled",

Muses. V. Agafonnikova; “Boots are jumping along the path”, music. A. Philippen-

Ko, sl. T. Volgina; "Merry Walk", music. P. Tchaikovsky; "What you

Do you want a kitty?”, music. G. Singer, sl. A. Shibitskaya; "Hot Horse"

Muses. T. Lomova; “Snowdrop” from the cycle “The Seasons” by P. Chaikovs-

Who "April"; “A hare ran through the swamp”, music. V. Gerchik; "Picking Berries"

Russian nar. the song "Oh you, birch"; "The Cuckoo is Dancing", music. E. Sigmeister;

"The mother hen and chickens", music. T. Lomovoi.

Round dances and dances. "Dance in pairs", Latvian. nar. melody; "By

Bridge Street, Rus. nar. melody, processing T. Lomova; "Top and Clap", music.

T. Nazarova-Medtner, sl. E. Karganova; "Show your palms", lat. nar. me-


"Lullaby", music. A. Grechaninova; "March", music. L. Shulgina, “Oh you. birch, rus. nar. song; "Autumn Song", music. D. Vasilyeva-Buglaya, sl. A. Pleshcheeva; "Bunny", music. Yu. Matveeva, sl. A. Blok; “Mom's las-muses. A. Grechaninova; "Music box" (from "Album of plays for children" by G. Sviridov); "Waltz of Snowflakes" from the ballet "The Nutcracker", P. Tchaikovsky; "Italian Polka", music. S. Rachmaninov; “Kitty Lel”, “Kotik Recovered”, music. A. Grechaninova; “Like ours at the gate”, nar, melody; "Mom", music. P. Tchaikovsky; "Vesnyanka", Ukrainian nar. song. processed G. Lobacheva, sl. O. Vysotskaya; "Butterfly", music. E. Grieg; “The Bold Rider” (from the “Album for Youth”) by R. Schumann; "Lark", music. M. Glinka; "March", music. S. Prokofiev; "New Doll", "Doll's Disease" (from "Children's Album" by P. Tchaikovsky); "Pieska" from "Album for Youth" by R. Schumann; as well as favorite works of children that they listened to during the year.

Exercises for the development of hearing and voice. "Two black grouse", music. M. Shcheglova, sl. folk; "Beetle", music. N. Potolovsky, sl. folk; "Lullaby Bunny", music. V. Karaseva, sl. N. Frenkel; "Chicks", music. E. Tilicheeva, sl. M. Dolinova; "Confusion" is a joke song; music E. Tilicheeva, sl. K. Chukovsky; "Cuckoo", Russian. nar. song, edit I. Arseeva; "Spider" and "Kisonka-Murysonka", Russian. nar. songs; exclamations: “Oh, waders! Spring sings! and "Larks, fly in"; "Where was Ivanushka", Russian. nar. song; "Geese", Russian, Nar. song; "Shepherd", music. N. Preobrazhenskaya, sl. folk.

Songs. "Autumn", music. Yu. Chichkova, sl. I. Maznina; "Bai-bye", music. M. Krasina, sl. M. Chernoy; "Autumn", music. I. Kishko, sl. T. Volgina; "Autumn", Russian. nar. melody, processing I. Kishko, sl. I. Plakidy; "Kitty", music. V. Vitlin, sl. N. Naydenova; "Snowflakes", music. O. Berta, rev. N. Metlova, sl. V. Antonova; "Sled", music. M. Kraseva, sl. O. Vysogskaya; “Winter has passed”, music. N. Metlova, sl. M. Klokova; "Gift for Mom", music. A.Filippenko, sl. T. Volgina; carols: "Hello", "Happy New Year"; "Sparrow", music. V. Gerchik, sl. A. Cheltsova; "Vesnyanka", Ukrainian folk song; "Rain", music. M. Kraseva, sl. N. Frenkel; "Bunny", music.M. Starokadomsky, sl. M. Klokova; "Horse", music. T. Lomovoi, sl.M. Evensen; "Steam locomotive", music. 3. Companion, sl. O. Vysotskaya.

Songs from children's cartoons. "Smile", music. V. Shainsky, sl. M. Plyatskovsky (cartoon "Little Raccoon"); "Song about a grasshopper", music. V. Shainsky, sl. N. Nosova (cartoon "Adventures of the Grasshopper"); “If you are kind”, music. B. Savelyeva, sl. M. Plyatskovsky (cartoon "Birthday of the Cat Leopold"); as well as favorite songs learned earlier.

musical rhythmic movements

Game exercises. "Springs" under Russian. nar. melody; walking under the "March", music. I. Berkovich; "Funny balls" (bouncing and running), music. M. Satulina; "Swinging hands with ribbons", Polish. nar. melody, processing, L. Vishkareva; English jumping nar. melody "Polly"; easy run under latv. "Polka", music. A. Zhilinsky; "March", music. E. Tilicheeva; "Fox and Hares" to the music. A. Maikapara "In the garden"; "The bear walks" to the music. "Etude" by K. Czerny; jumps to the music of "Polka", music. M. Glinka; "Horsemen", music. B. Vitlin; stomp, circle under the Russian. nar. melodies. "Rooster", music.T. Lomova; "Doll", music. M. Starokadomsky; "Exercises with flowers" half-music. "Waltz" by A. Zhilin; "Beetles", Hung. nar. melody, processing L. Vishkareva.

Sketches of dramatization. "Drummer", music. M. Kraseva; "Dance of autumn leaves", music. A. Filippenko, sl. E. Makshantseva; "Drummers", music. D. Kabalevsky and S. Levidov; "Counting", "An apple rolled", music. V. Agafonnikova; “Boots are jumping along the path”, music. A. Filippenko, sl. T. Volgina; "Merry Walk", music. P. Tchaikovsky; "What do you want, kitty?", music. G. Singer, sl. A. Shibitskaya; "Hot Horse", music. T. Lomova; "Snowdrops" from the cycle "The Seasons" by P. Tchaikovsky "April"; “A hare ran through the swamp”, music. V. Gerchik; "Picking berries" under Russian. nar. the song "Oh you, birch"; "The Cuckoo is Dancing", music. E. Sigmeister; "The mother hen and chickens", music. T. Lomovoi.

Round dances and dances. "Dance of Larami", Latvian, Nar. melody; “Along the bridge street”, Russian. nar. melody, processing T. Lomova; "Top and Clap", music. T. Nazarova-Medtner, sl. E. Karganova; "Show your palms", lat. nar. melody "Dance with spoons" under Russian. nar. melody; "Dance with handkerchiefs", Russian. nar. melody; "Invitation", Ukrainian nar. melody, processing G. Teplitsky; "Dance with Sultans", Ukrainian. nar. melody, processing M. Rauchverger; “Who is good with us?”, music. An. Alexandrova, sl. folk; “Show your palm”, Latvian, Nar. melody; Dance "Goodbye", Czech. nar. melody; "Handkerchief", Russian. nar. melody in processing L. Revutsky; "Dudochka-dud a", music. Yu. Slonova, sl. folk; "Clap-clap-clap", z. nar. melody, processing A. Roomer; New Year's round dances at the choice of the music director.

characteristic dances. "Snowflakes", music. O. Berta, rev. N. Metlova; "Petrushka Dance", music. A. Serov from the opera Rogneda (excerpt); "Dance of the Hare" from "Polka" by I. Strauss; "Snowflakes", music. T. Lomova; "Beads" from "Galop" by I. Dunayevsky; repetition of dances learned during the year, as well as for dramatizations and musical games: “Kittens-povoryata”, music. E. Tilicheeva, sl. M. Evensen; "Goat-dereza", op. folk, music M. Magidenko.

Musical games

Games. "Hen and Cockerel", music. G. Frida; "Zhmurki", music. F. Flotova; “The Bear and the Hare”, music. V. Rebikov; "Airplanes", music. M. Magidenko; "Santa Claus playing with snowballs", music. P. Tchaikovsky from the ballet "Sleeping Beauty"); "Zhmurki", music. F. Flotova. "Funny balls", music. M. Satulina; "Find yourself a mate", music. T. Lomova; "Take a house", muses, M. Magidenko; “Who is more likely to take a toy?”, latv. nar. melody; "Merry Carousel", Russian. nar. melody, processing E. Tilicheeva; "Traps", Russian. nar. melody, processing A. Sidelnikova; games learned during the year.

Singing games. "Garden-round dance", music. B, Mozhzhevelova, sl. I, Passovoy; "Doll", muses, Starokadomsky, lyrics. O. Vysotskaya; "Santa Claus and children", music. I. Kishko, sl. M. Evensen; "Hare", music. M. Kraseva, sl. L. Nekrasova; “Hare, come out”, “Geese, swans and a wolf”, music. E. Tilicheeva, sl. M. Bulatova; “We went to the meadow”, music. A. Filippenko, sl. N. Kuklovskaya; "Rybka", muses, M. Kraseva. "Handkerchief", Ukrainian nar. song, arr. N. Metlova; "Cheerful girl Tanya", music. A. Filippenko, sl. N. Kuklovskaya and R. Borisova,

Song creativity

"What is your name?"; "What do you want, kitty"; "March", music. N. Bogoslovsky; "Bear", "Bull", "Horse", music. A. Grechaninov, sl. A. Barto; “Our song is simple”, music. An. Alexandrova, sl. M. Evensen; "Ribushechka Hen", music. G. Lobacheva, sl. folk; "Kitten-Kitten", Russian. nar. song.

Development of dance and game creativity

"Horse", music. N. Potolovsky; "Hares", "Hare and chickens". "Sparrow", music. T. Lomova; “Oh, my hop, hop”, Rus. nar. melody, arr. M. Rauchverger; "Doll", music. M. Starokadomsky; "Jumping along the path", music. A. Filippenko; come up with the dance of Petrushka to the music of "Petrushka" by I. Brahms; "Bears", music. M. Kraseva, sl. N. Frenkel.

musical and didactic games

The development of pitch hearing. "Birds and Chicks", "Swing".

The development of rhythmic hearing. “Cockerel, hen and chicken”, “Kts how is it going?”, “Funny pipes”, “Play like me”.

Development of timbre and dynamic hearing. “Loud-quiet”, “Know your instrument”, “Guess what I play”.

Genre definition and memory development. “What does the doll do?”, “Recognize and sing a song from the picture”, “Music store”.

Playing children's musical instruments. “We are walking with flags”, “Accordion”, “The sky is blue”, “Andrey the Sparrow”, music. E. Tilicheeva, sl. M. Dolinova; "Forty-forty", Russian. nar. joke, arr. T. Popatenkos "Drip-drip-drip ...", Romanian, Nar. song, arr. T. Popatenko; "Fox", Russian. Nar joke, arr. V. Popova; playing along with Russian nar. melodies.

Planned intermediate results

development of the Program

Intermediate results of the development of the Program are formulated in accordance with the Federal State Requirements (FGT) through the disclosure of the dynamics of the formation of the integrative qualities of pupils in each age period of mastering the Program in all areas of development of children.

By the age of five, with the successful development of the Program, the next level of development of the child's integrative qualities is reached.

Integrative quality"Physically developed,

mastered basic cultural and hygienic skills"

Anthropometric parameters (height, weight) are normal.

Owns in accordance with the age of the basic movements. Shows interest in participating in outdoor games and physical exercises.

Uses physical culture equipment outside of class (in his free time).

Independently performs available hygiene procedures. Observes elementary rules of behavior during eating, washing. Familiar with the concepts of "health" and "illness".

He has elementary ideas about some components of a healthy lifestyle: proper nutrition, the benefits of hardening, the need to follow hygiene rules.

Knows about the benefits of morning exercises, physical exercises.

Integrative quality "Inquisitive, active"

Shows interest in the information received in the process of communication.

Shows a steady interest in various types of children's activities: design, fine arts, play.

Shows curiosity, interest in research activities, experimentation.

Integrative Quality "Emotionally Responsive"

Emotionally responds to the experiences of close adults, children, characters of fairy tales and stories, cartoons and feature films, puppet shows.

Understands and uses in his speech words denoting an emotional state (angry, sad), ethical qualities (cunning, kind), aesthetic characteristics (smart, beautiful).

Integrative quality “Having mastered the means of communication

and ways of interacting with adults and peers"

Shows the ability to unite with children for joint games, agree on the theme of the game, distribute roles, act in accordance with the rules and the general plan. Knows how to select items and attributes for role-playing games.

When creating buildings from building material, he can participate in planning actions, negotiate, distribute material, coordinate actions and achieve results through joint efforts. Able to read with the interests of comrades.

Speech, when interacting with peers, is predominantly lunar in nature. The content of communication with an adult goes beyond the pre-la of a specific situation, speech when communicating with an adult becomes extra-situational.

In theatrical games, he is able to highlight intonation the speech of certain characters.

Makes attempts to resolve controversial issues and resolve conflicts with the help of speech: to convince, prove, explain.

Can take the initiative in helping comrades, adults.

In relationships with peers, he shows selectivity, which is expressed in the preference for some children over others. There are permanent partners in the games.

Integrative quality “Able to manage one’s behavior and plan one’s actions on the basis of primary value ideas, observing elementary generally accepted norms and rules of behavior”

Separates game and real interactions. Able to plan a sequence of actions.

During the game, he can change roles. Knows how to follow the rules of the game.

Shows a personal attitude to the observance (and violation) of moral norms (strives for justice, feels a sense of shame in unseemly acts).

On his own or after being reminded by an adult, he uses “polite” words in communication with an adult, addresses the kindergarten staff by name and patronymic.

Knows how (on his own or with the help of an adult) to politely express his request, to thank for the service rendered.

He knows not to interfere in the conversation of adults.

Integrative Quality “Capable of solving intellectual

and personal tasks (problems) appropriate for age”

Possesses basic self-service skills.

Oriented in the space of the kindergarten.

Able to play simple board games.

Shows initiative and independence in organizing familiar games with a small group of children.

Shows initiative in choosing a role, plot, means of reincarnation in theatrical games.

Makes attempts to independently examine objects using familiar and new methods, while actively using all the senses (touch, sight, hearing, taste, smell, sensory-motor actions).

Able to design according to his own plan.

Able to use simple schematic images to solve simple problems, build according to the scheme, solve labyrinth problems.

A figurative anticipation begins to appear. Based on the spatial arrangement of objects, he can tell what will happen as a result of their interaction.

Able to independently come up with a short fairy tale on a given topic.

He knows how to find interesting things for himself.

Integrative quality "having primary ideas

about yourself, family, society, state, world and nature"

Knows his first and last name, age, names of his family members. Can talk about his hometown (town, village), name it, knows some public holidays.

He has an idea about the Russian army, its role in the defense of the Motherland. Knows some military professions.

Integrative quality “Having mastered the universal

prerequisites for learning activity"

Performs individual and group assignments.

Shows the prerequisites for a responsible attitude to the assigned task, strives to perform it well.

Able to keep in memory when performing any action a simple condition.

Able to accept a task for memorization, remembers the instruction of an adult; can learn a short poem.

Can describe an object, a picture, compose a story from a picture, smear over the most expressive and dynamic passage from a fairy tale.

Able to act with concentration for 15-20 minutes.

Integrative quality “Having mastered the necessary

skills and abilities"

The child has formed the skills necessary for the implementation of various types of children's activities.

Educational area "Health"

Observes elementary rules of hygiene (if necessary - T hands with soap, uses a comb, handkerchief, covers up when coughing).

Asks for help from adults in case of illness, injury. Observes the elementary rules of eating (correctly uses the left devices, a napkin, rinses his mouth after eating).

Educational area "Physical culture"

Takes the correct starting position when throwing; can throw objects in different ways with the right and left hand; hits the ball on the ground (floor) at least 5 times in a row.

Can catch the ball with his hands from a distance of up to 1.5 m.

Able to build in a column one at a time, in pairs, in a circle, line.

Can slide independently on ice paths (length 5 m).

Skis in a gliding step at a distance of up to 500 m, performs; stepping turn, climbs the hill.

Oriented in space, finds the left and right sides.

Performs exercises, demonstrating expressiveness, grace, plasticity of movements.

Educational area "Socialization"

Uniting in the game with peers, he can take on a role, owns the way of role-playing behavior.

Observes role subordination (seller - buyer) and conducts role-playing dialogues.

Interacting with peers, takes the initiative and suggests new roles or actions, enriches the plot.

In didactic games, he resists difficulties, obeys the rules.

In board-printed games, he can act as a leader, explain the rules of the game to his peers.

Adequately perceives the artistic image in the theater (puppet, drama).

In independent theatrical games, he arranges a place for a game (director's, dramatization), embodied in a role using artistic means of expression (intonation, facial expressions), attributes, props.

Has the simplest ideas about theatrical professions.

Educational area "Labor"

He independently dresses, undresses, folds and puts away clothes, with the help of an adult puts them in order.

Independently performs the duties of a dining room attendant.

Independently prepares his workplace for classes, cleans materials at the end of work.

Educational area "Safety"

Follows elementary rules of behavior in kindergarten.

Complies with elementary rules of conduct on the street and in transport, elementary rules of the road.

Distinguishes and names special types of transport (“Ambulance”, “Fire”, “Police”), explains their purpose.

Understands the meaning of traffic lights. Recognizes and names road signs "Pedestrian crossing", "Children".

Distinguishes between the carriageway, sidewalk, pedestrian underpass, pedestrian crossing "Zebra".

Knows and observes the elementary rules of behavior in nature (ways of safe interaction with plants and animals, respect for the environment).

Educational area "Cognition"

Productive (constructive) activity. Able to use construction details, taking into account their structural properties.

Able to transform buildings in accordance with the task of the teacher.

Able to bend a rectangular sheet of paper in half.

Formation of elementary mathematical representations.

Distinguishes what parts a group of objects is made up of, name their characteristic features (color, size, purpose).

Compares the number of objects in groups based on the count (within 5), as well as by piece-by-piece correlation of objects of two groups (pairing); determine which items are more, less, equal number.

Able to compare two objects in size (more - less, higher - lower, longer - shorter, identical, equal) based on their application to each other or overlap.

Distinguishes and names a circle, square, triangle, ball, cube; knows their characteristic differences.

Determines the position of objects in space in relation to itself | top - bottom, front - back); knows how to move in the right direction, then the signal: forward and backward, up and down (stairs).

Specifies the parts of the day.

Formation of a holistic picture of the world. Names various objects that surround him in the premises, on the site, on the street; knows their purpose.

Names signs and quantity of objects.

Names domestic animals and knows what benefits they bring to a person.

Distinguishes and names some plants of the immediate environment. Name the seasons in the correct order. Knows and observes the elementary rules of behavior in nature.

Educational area "Communication"

Understands and uses antonyms; knows how to form new words by analogy with familiar words (sugar bowl - sugar bowl).

Can identify the first sound in a word.

Tells about the content of the plot picture.

With the help of an adult, he repeats the patterns of the description of the toy.

Educational area "Reading fiction"

Examines illustrated editions of children's books, shows interest in them.

Dramatizes (stages) small fairy tales (excerpts from fairy tales) with the help of an adult.

Educational area "Artistic creativity"

Drawing. Depicts objects by creating distinct forms, matching colors, careful painting, using different materials.

It conveys a simple plot, combining several objects in a drawing.

Highlights the expressive means of Dymkovo and Filimonovo toys. Decorates the silhouettes of toys with elements of Dymkovo and Filimonovo painting.

Modeling. Creates images of various objects and toys, combines them into a collective composition; uses all the variety of learned modeling techniques.

Application. He holds scissors correctly and knows how to cut them in a straight line, diagonally (square and rectangle); cut a circle from a square, an oval from a rectangle, smoothly cut and round the corners.

Accurately pastes images of objects consisting of several parts. Makes patterns from plant forms and geometric shapes.

Educational area "Music"

Recognize songs by melody.

Distinguishes sounds by height (within sixth - seventh).

Can sing long, clearly pronounce words; together with other children, start and finish singing.

Performs movements that correspond to the nature of the music, independently changing them in accordance with the two-part form of the musical work.

Knows how to perform dance movements: spring, jumps, movement in pairs in a circle, circling one by one and in pairs. Can perform movements with objects (with dolls, toys, ribbons).

Able to play the simplest melodies on a metallophone on one sound.

Senior group

(from 5 to 6 years old)

Age features of children

Children of the sixth year of life can already distribute roles before the start of the game, build your behavior, adhering to the role. Game interaction is accompanied by speech, corresponding both in content and intonation to the role taken. The speech that accompanies the real relationship of children differs from role-playing speech. Children begin to master social relations and understand the subordination of positions in various activities of adults, some roles become more attractive to them than others. When distributing roles, conflicts may arise related to the subordination of role behavior. The organization of the playing space is observed, in which the semantic "center" and "periphery" are distinguished. In the game "Hospital" such a center turns out to be a doctor's office, in the game "Barbershop" - a haircutting room, and the waiting room acts as the periphery of the playing space.) The actions of children in games become diverse.

The visual activity of children develops. This is the age of the most active drawing. During the year, children are able to create up to two thousand drawings. Drawings can be very different in content: these are life impressions of children, and imaginary situations, and illustrations for films and books. Usually, the drawings are schematic representations of various objects, but they can differ in the originality of the compositional solution, convey static and dynamic relationships. The drawings acquire a plot character; quite often there are repeatedly repeated plots with small or, on the contrary, significant changes. The image of a person becomes more detailed and proportional. According to the drawing, one can judge the gender and emotional state of the depicted person.

Designing is characterized by the ability to analyze the conditions in which this activity takes place. Children use and name different parts of the wooden construction set. They can replace building parts depending on the material available. Master the generalized method of examination sample. Children are able to highlight the main parts of the proposed building. Constructive activity can be carried out on the basis of a scheme, by design and by conditions. Design appears in the course of joint activity.

Children can construct from paper by folding it several times (two, four, six folds); from natural material. They master two ways of designing: 1) from natural material to an artistic image (in this case, the child "finishes" the natural material to a complete image, supplementing it with various details); 2) from an artistic image to natural material (in this case, the child selects the necessary material in order to embody the image).

The perception of color, shape and size, the structure of objects continues to improve; children's ideas are systematized. They name not only the primary colors and their shades, but also intermediate color shades; the shape of rectangles, ovals, triangles. Perceive the size of objects, easily line up - in ascending or descending order - up to 10 different objects.

However, children may experience difficulty in analyzing the spatial position of objects if they encounter a mismatch between the shape and their spatial arrangement. This indicates that in various situations, perception presents certain difficulties for preschoolers, especially if they must simultaneously take into account several different and at the same time opposite signs.

At the senior preschool age figurative thinking continues to develop. Children are able not only to solve the problem in a visual way, but also to perform transformations of the object, indicate in what sequence the objects will interact, etc. However, such decisions will turn out to be correct only if children use adequate mental means. Among them, one can distinguish schematized representations that arise in the process of visual modeling; complex representations that reflect children's ideas about the system of features that objects may have, as well as ideas that reflect the stages of transformation of various objects and phenomena (representations of the cyclical changes): ideas about the change of seasons, day and night, about increasing and decreasing objects - in as a result of various influences, ideas about development, etc. In addition, generalizations continue to improve, which is the basis of verbal logical thinking. At preschool age, children still lack ideas about classes of objects. Children group objects according to features that can change, but the operations of logical addition and multiplication of classes begin to take shape. So, for example, older preschoolers, when grouping objects, can take into account two features: color and shape (material), etc.

As studies by domestic psychologists have shown, children of older preschool age are able to reason and give adequate causal explanations if the analyzed relationships do not go beyond their visual experience.

The development of imagination at this age allows children to compose quite original and consistently unfolding stories. Imagination will actively develop only if special work is carried out to activate it.

Stability, distribution, switching of attention continue to develop. There is a transition from involuntary to voluntary attention.

Speech continues to improve, including its sound side. Children can correctly reproduce hissing, whistling and sonorous sounds. Phonemic hearing, intonational expressiveness of speech develop when reading poetry in a role-playing game and in everyday life.

The grammatical structure of speech is improved. Children use almost all parts of speech, are actively engaged in word creation. Vocabulary becomes richer: synonyms and antonyms are actively used.

Connected speech develops. Children can retell, tell from the picture, conveying not only the main thing, but also the details.

Achievements of this age are characterized by the distribution of the roles of play activity; structuring the playing space; further development of pictorial activity, which is characterized by high productivity; application in the design of a generalized method for examining a sample; the assimilation of generalized ways of depicting objects of the same shape.

Perception at this age is characterized by the analysis of complex forms of objects; the development of thinking is accompanied by the development of mental means (schematized representations, complex representations, ideas about the cyclical nature of changes); the ability to speak, causal thinking, imagination, voluntary attention, speech, the image of the Self develop.

Organization of life and upbringing of children

Sample routine of the day

The daily routine is designed with the expectation of a 12-hour stay of the child in the i-kindergarten.

The mode can be adjusted taking into account the work of a particular satisfied institution (the contingent of children, the climate in the region, the presence of a swimming pool, season, daylight hours, etc.). When implementing routine moments, it is also necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the child (duration of sleep, taste preferences, character, etc.),

In the presented daily routine, a special time is allocated for reading to children. This is not an obligatory element of the daily routine, and reading can be replaced by children's independent activities, however, for the effective solution of program tasks, daily reading is highly desirable. For children 5-6 years old, the duration of reading with a discussion of what has been read is recommended up to 15-20 minutes.

Sample routine of the day

At home
Rise, morning toilet 6.30-7.30
In a preschool
Reception and inspection, games, duty, morning exercises 7.00-8.30
Preparing for breakfast, breakfast 8.30-8.55
Games, independent activity 8.55-9.00
Organized educational activities 9.00-9.25 9.35-10.00 10.10-10.35
Games, preparation for a walk, walk (games, observations, work) 10.35-12.25
Dinner preparation, lunch 12.40-13.10
Sleep preparation, naps 13.10-15.00
Gradual rise, air, water procedures 15,00-15.25
Preparing for afternoon tea 15.25-15.40
Games, independent activities of children 15.40-16.205
Reading fiction 16.20-16.40
Preparing for a walk 16.40-18.00
Return from a walk, play 18.00-18.20
Preparing for dinner, dinner 18.20-18.45
Games, leaving children home 18.45-19.00
At home
Walk 19.00-20.15
Return from a walk, calm games, hygiene procedures 20.15-20.45
Laying down, night sleep 20.45-6.30 (7.30)

The teacher independently doses the volume of the educational load. i while exceeding the maximum load allowed by the sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations.

According to the current SanPiN for children aged 5 to 6 years, I plan no more than 13 lessons per week lasting no more than 25 minutes. (SanPiN

An indicative list of the main types

organized educational activities

(when working on a five-day week

One of the three physical education classes with children aged 5-7 years should be held outdoors all year round.

Exemplary integrated thematic planning

The integrated thematic planning proposed in the Program should be regarded as exemplary. A preschool educational institution, in order to introduce a regional and cultural component, to take into account the characteristics of its preschool educational institution, has the right, at its discretion, to partially or completely change the topics or titles of topics, the content of the work, the time period.

One topic should be given at least one week. The optimal period is 2-3 weeks. The theme should be reflected in the selection of materials located in the group and development corners.

The thematic principle of building the educational process makes it easy to introduce regional and ethno-cultural components, to take into account the specifics of a preschool institution.

Approximate integrated thematic planning

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