Too married taxi driver dobronravov. Buy tickets for the play "Too Married Taxi Driver"


Performance Too Married Taxi Driver theater of satire. After reading the title of this performance of the Theater of Satire, you probably thought that a stylistic mistake had crept into it. By linguistic rules, you can't be "a little married," "well married," or, as the play's author Ray Cooney argues, "too married." In language - no, but in life, it turns out, you can.

This production by Alexander Shirvindt was especially fond of the audience, because the performance was created in one of the most popular stage and “cine” genres today: sitcom, or situation comedy. The story of the protagonist does not make theater-goers think about life values ​​and does not raise deep philosophical problems: it looks like one big anecdote, the hero of which is an ordinary person.

London taxi driver Joe Smith, if we consider his life from the point of view of the Criminal Code, the very place in prison. He is bisexual. His wives are women diametrically opposed in character and habits. The first is extravagant, sensual, sexually attractive - in general, the dream of any man. The second is a stern, practical and quarrelsome lady, who has long eaten baldness not only to Joe himself, but also to his neighbors. Of course, neither the first nor the second wife even realizes that she has a rival. So the hardest thing in this situation is poor Smith: she is forced to rush between two family hearths and two women, dividing her life into two equal halves.

And everything would be fine, because a person gets used to not such inconveniences. Yes, His Majesty intervenes Chance - in the face of an old woman who uses her purse as a weapon and, with all her strength, hits Joe on the top of her head. The taxi driver ends up in the hospital, where he miraculously avoids publicity and the inevitable meeting of his two halves. However, the police are keenly interested in his person, and throughout the rest of the performance, the hero has to make titanic efforts to keep the secret. But the secret, as you know, inexorably becomes clear. And so it happens, and, ironically, both spouses and the police are the last to know.

Why are sitcoms so popular? Probably because in our generally gloomy and busy life, it is much easier to be puzzled by something than to laugh sincerely at something. The task of the comedian is much more difficult than that of the tragic. But laughter is very important - scientists have proven that it increases life expectancy. And watching a person who is currently much worse than us has truly healing properties. Alexander Shirvindt is a wonderful comedian and no less talented director of comic genre plays. Book tickets for "Too Married Taxi Driver" - and you will see for yourself.
On our site you can always buy tickets to the performance Too Married Taxi Driver to the Satire Theater, ticket delivery is free, call for details.

"Too Married Taxi Driver" is a light comedy play based on the play by Ray Cooney, which was written back in 1983. It reveals the double life of a simple taxi driver John Smith, who has to work in different shifts. But his bigamy would have remained a secret if, by chance, he had not got into trouble, after which he ended up in a hospital bed. At this time, his two lovers Barbara and Mary begin to call the police, describing their spouse in the same way, confusing the police. The highlight of the scenes played is that the women themselves and the policeman do not know the secret of the taxi driver, it is only revealed before the eyes of the viewer, despite the fact that the characters have to unravel this unusual story throughout the production. The performance is distinguished by an abundance of funny scenes with sharp jokes, unusual plots and unforeseen plot twists, which will not let the viewer get bored who buy tickets for the play "Too Married Taxi Driver" at the Satire Theater. This play is staged on platforms of different theaters of the world. So in the capital there was an opportunity to watch this performance and enjoy a pleasant pastime with unceasing laughter throughout the performance.

The play "Too Married Taxi Driver" at the Satire Theater

A dizzying sitcom. A random accident knocks John Smith out of his life schedule and starts a series of ridiculous situations that turn into one big absurdity by the end. An ordinary taxi driver is actually not so simple. He has two houses and two wives who do not even know about the existence of each other. The hero married the fighting Mary in the city hall, and married the infantile Barbara in the church. He comes to one after the day shift, to the other after the night shift. He lives according to a clear coded plan, which he has never violated until this moment. After the accident, he mistakenly gives two different home addresses, and at the same time, two women report their spouses missing to the police, both taxi drivers with the common name John Smith. Balancing between investigators, journalists and wives, the hero tries to get out of this situation. But the more he lies, the more the situation heats up. The dynamic plot does not slow down until the very end, the lies multiply, bringing the comic situation to its limit.

It all starts, as it should be in a sitcom, with a banal accident. A taxi driver, an ordinary man, with an ordinary "mass" name - John Smith (translated into Russian - Vanya Kuznetsov), saves an old woman from hooligans. They fled, and the old woman hit the taxi driver on the head with her purse. At the hospital, he accidentally gives two completely different home addresses. At the same time, two women call the police: each lost her husband, both taxi drivers, both are called John Smith. It turns out that this John Smith is a bigamist. In one house, Mary is waiting for him, with whom he signed at the mayor's office, in the other - Barbara, with whom he married in the church. He comes to one after the night shift, to the other after the day shift. Wives live close by. Both work, so the material side does not particularly bother anyone. The main thing is not to get confused, for which Smith has a coded schedule in his notebook. Almost until the finale, the secret is not known, as usual, only the wives and the police, who are forced to investigate this strange case. The dizzying change of situations reaches the limits of absurdity and is played just as quickly and dizzyingly. The pace helps to keep the unified space of events built by the artist G. Yungvald-Khilkevich. On the left - "Barbara's apartment", on the right - "Mary's house". The situation is different, in the spirit of each of the hostesses, but the worlds are subtly symmetrical. The spirit of the universal standard, in which everything is interchangeable, makes the wives at home almost twins. Actors speak and act at the same time - as the situation requires. And the comic effect is enhanced by the fact that the thoughts, intentions, words, actions of the characters and the results of all this rush in mutually exclusive directions. The multiplying lie creates an impenetrable illusion of substitution of reality.

"Too Married Taxi Driver" is a light comedy play based on the play by Ray Cooney, which was written back in 1983. It reveals the double life of a simple taxi driver John Smith, who has to work in different shifts. But his bigamy would have remained a secret if, by chance, he had not got into trouble, after which he ended up in a hospital bed. At this time, his two lovers Barbara and Mary begin to call the police, describing their spouse in the same way, confusing the police. The highlight of the scenes played is that the women themselves and the policeman do not know the secret of the taxi driver, it is only revealed before the eyes of the viewer, despite the fact that the characters have to unravel this unusual story throughout the production. The performance is distinguished by an abundance of funny scenes with sharp jokes, unusual plots and unforeseen plot twists, which will not let the viewer get bored who buy tickets for the play "Too Married Taxi Driver" at the Satire Theater. This play is staged on platforms of different theaters of the world. So in the capital there was an opportunity to watch this performance and enjoy a pleasant pastime with unceasing laughter throughout the performance.

The play "Too Married Taxi Driver" at the Satire Theater

A dizzying sitcom. A random accident knocks John Smith out of his life schedule and starts a series of ridiculous situations that turn into one big absurdity by the end. An ordinary taxi driver is actually not so simple. He has two houses and two wives who do not even know about the existence of each other. The hero married the fighting Mary in the city hall, and married the infantile Barbara in the church. He comes to one after the day shift, to the other after the night shift. He lives according to a clear coded plan, which he has never violated until this moment. After the accident, he mistakenly gives two different home addresses, and at the same time, two women report their spouses missing to the police, both taxi drivers with the common name John Smith. Balancing between investigators, journalists and wives, the hero tries to get out of this situation. But the more he lies, the more the situation heats up. The dynamic plot does not slow down until the very end, the lies multiply, bringing the comic situation to its limit.

The plot of the play Too Married Taxi Driver begins with a banal accident. A typical person with a common name, John Smith (an analogue of the Russian name Ivan Kuznetsov), beats off an old woman from hooligans, who thanked him with a strong blow of a bag on the head. Once in the hospital, the hero randomly indicates two addresses of his residence. At the same time, both women living at the indicated addresses report the disappearance of her husband John Smith, who works as a taxi driver, to the police. Indeed, John Smith is a bigamist. Only with one he got married in the nearest church, and with another woman he officially signed. And they live next to each other. So the main character faced the task not to get confused and not to spill the beans. John Smith in his assistant - a notebook was a coded schedule of family visits. There were no problems with providing them, everyone was working people. One of the wives meets her husband from the day shift, and the other waits with a difficult night. Yes, but no one knows about it until the end of the final. Both parties involved, together with the police, are investigating this complicated case.

The carousel of dizzying events is famously twisted to the point of absurdity of situations. This is facilitated by a single space of events, when the living conditions of different wives, embodied by the artist G. Jungvald, are simultaneously visible. The different corporate atmosphere of each hostess and at the same time the same spirit of the standard of family life is comical to the point of improbability. Their everyday habits, actions and words are banal and individual at the same time. Add here simultaneous actions, conversations and thoughts that mutually exclude these directions against the backdrop of monstrous lies. The effect of unreal reality is colossal.

Visitors to our site have a unique opportunity to order tickets for the play Too Married Taxi Driver to the Satire Theater, we will deliver your tickets at a convenient time and place for you. Always in stock, different price categories, call us and place an order!

An excerpt from the play

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