Word with the suffix "chik": spelling rules and examples. Suffixes


What words with the suffix -chik-, -schik- do you know? Almost everyone can answer this question. Although there are people who get confused in the formulation of these morphemes. In this regard, we decided to devote this article to this topic.

General information

With the suffix -chik- are often used in writing with such a morpheme as -schik-. It should be noted that this is a gross mistake. After all, there is a strict rule in the Russian language, which directly indicates in which case the letter "h" should be written, and in which - "u".

Suffix Features

How should you write and say: "scribe" or "copist"? Not everyone knows the correct answer to this question. However, experts say that such a lexical unit has the suffix -chik-. Therefore, it is required to write "scriber" correctly. Although during pronunciation it is necessary to use only the first option.

Basic rule

As you can see, the suffix -chik-, as well as the suffix -schik- can quite easily cause a lot of doubt about their spelling in the text. That is why experts recommend remembering the rule of the Russian language that explains the choice of a particular morpheme. For those who don't know him, let's introduce him right now.

If the stem ends in such consonants as “t”, “g”, “d”, “s” and “z”, then only the suffix -chik- is required after them. In order to make this rule more understandable, here are some illustrative examples:

As you can see, most of the presented words denote certain professions. With the suffix -chik-, such lexical units are also used that form the names of persons according to their belonging to a certain place of residence and nationality.

Important to remember

Now you know what words in Russian with the suffix -chik- were presented above). However, for the correct spelling of the mentioned lexical units, one should know not only the rule described above. After all, a fairly large number of people make mistakes such as:

  • distribution + suffix -chik- will be "distributor";
  • tavern + suffix -chik- will be "tavern";
  • prey + suffix -chik- will be “getter”, and so on.

It should be emphasized that this is an incorrect word formation. However, in this regard, the Russian language has a separate rule, which sounds as follows: before the suffix -chik, such letters as “ts”, “k” and “h” are replaced by the letter “t”. Let's take an illustrative example:

In what cases is the suffix -shchik- used?

Now you know about the cases in which you should write a word with the suffix -chik-. However, in the Russian language there are often such lexical units in which the morpheme -shchik- is used. As in the previous case, such a suffix can be placed in nouns that form the names of male persons who have a particular profession, are engaged in a certain occupation, and also belong to a particular nationality or place of residence.

Also, the morpheme -shchik- is written if the stem of the noun ends with other consonants other than those presented above (“t”, “g”, “d”, “s” and “h”). Let's take an illustrative example:

foreign words

As mentioned above, a word with the suffix -chik- is written if the stem of the noun ends in the following letters: “t”, “g”, “d”, “s” and “z”. Then the question arises as to why the morpheme -shchik- is used in some lexical units, even if its stem has the letter “t” at the end. It should be especially noted that these are not exception words, but only foreign language forms.

Thus, some lexical units that have passed into Russian from a foreign language can be formed using the suffix -shchik-, even if the letter “t” is at the end of the noun. But this is only if the foreign word ends in 2 consonants. Let's take an illustrative example:

  • percentage - percent;

Should I put a "soft sign"?

About when a word is written with the suffix -chik-, and when with the suffix -schik-, we found out. However, when writing such nouns, the following question often arises: is it required to put -shchik- before the morpheme? Indeed, a fairly large number of people often write the presented words as follows:

  • instigator;
  • concrete worker;
  • herder;
  • lamplighter, etc.

What is it connected with? The fact is that the consonant "u" is a soft letter, and it often softens the sound so much that some people write "u" in front of it. However, this is wrong. After all, the Russian language has its own rule on this matter. It says that the soft sign should be written in nouns only after "l". Let's take an illustrative example:

  • roofer;
  • glazier;
  • payer;
  • spinner;
  • sawyer;
  • driller;
  • porter;
  • collier;
  • roofer;
  • planer, etc.

Distinguish suffixes

A word with the suffix -chik- should be written only if the stem of the noun ends with letters such as "t", "g", "d", "s" and "z". But how then to explain the spelling of such lexical units as a ball, a sofa, a brick, a key, a boy, a finger, a cucumber, a chair, a ball, etc.? The fact is that in all the presented words, the suffix is ​​not -chik-, but -ik-. As for the letter "h", it is either a separate suffix or is included in the root. That is why such lexical units do not fall under the rules described above. Moreover, this morpheme is alternating (-ik-/-ek-). And to check its spelling, you should decline the main word. Thus, the suffix -ek- is placed in those lexical units, in the declension of which the vowel "e" drops out. Here's an example:

As for the suffix -ik-, it is written in those words in the declension of which the letter “and” is preserved. Here's an example:

  • sofa - sofa;
  • boy - boy;
  • kalachik - kalachik;
  • cucumber - cucumber;
  • brick - brick;
  • key - key;
  • high chair - high chair;
  • finger - finger;
  • face - face;
  • ball - ball and so on.

- (lat. suffixum, add from suffigere). A syllable added in the middle of a word and giving it the meaning of one or another part of speech, or some other etymological. forms, in contrast to the inflections of the endings of declensions and conjugations. Dictionary of foreign words, ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

suffix- a, m. suffixe m. lat. suffix attached. Part of the word between the root and the ending, giving the word a different meaning compared to other words with the same root. magnifying suffix. ALS 1. The Russian language, with its extraordinary plasticity, ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

SUFFIX- [suffix] and (colloquial) SUFFIX, suffix, male. (from lat. suffixus substituted) (ling.). A word-forming element is a part of a word that is between the root and the ending (inflection) and gives a certain meaning to the word in comparison with others ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

suffix- morpheme, affix Dictionary of Russian synonyms. suffix noun, number of synonyms: 2 affix (9) morpheme ... Synonym dictionary

Suffix- SUFFIX. The affix (see) after the base: water, you lead, old man, small, etc. In Indo-European languages, the formation of words with the help of S. is one of the most common ways of forming words. There can be several S in one word. (See ... Dictionary of literary terms

suffix- and the obsolete suffix... Dictionary of pronunciation and stress difficulties in modern Russian

SUFFIX- (lat. suffixus attached) a kind of affix, a morpheme following the root (in Russian, house ik) or stem (in Russian latitudes) and preceding the ending ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

SUFFIX- SUFFIX, a, husband. In grammar: a morpheme between a root and an ending. Derivational s. (e.g. read a y, arrow to a, loud k y). Inflectional s. (e.g. read la, reading, fast). | adj. suffix, oh, oh. Explanatory ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

suffix- (from lat. suffixus nailed, nailed). An auxiliary morpheme that is located after the root (directly or after another suffix) and serves to form new words or their non-syntactic forms. Suffix derivational (word-forming) ... Dictionary of linguistic terms

suffix- one of the affixes, a morpheme that follows the root and expresses grammatical (infinitive suffix - ь) or word-building meanings (personal suffixes - ist, -tel, -chik, -schik). There are more than 500 suffixes in Russian. Literature and language. ... ... Literary Encyclopedia


  • Workbook 1 in Russian. Word composition. 5-9 grade. View VIII, Galunchikova N.G.. Think, my friend, what will be discussed in this book. Of course, about the building material from which the words of our language are created. Everything in the world consists of something: a forest - from trees, ... Buy for 441 UAH (only Ukraine)
  • Russian language. Workbook 1. The composition of the word. Grades 5-9 (for students with intellectual disabilities). GEF HVD, Galunchikova N.G. Think, my friend, what will be discussed in this book. Of course, about the “building material” from which the words of our language are created. Everything in the world consists of something: the forest is made of trees, ...

- (lat. suffixum, add from suffigere). A syllable added in the middle of a word and giving it the meaning of one or another part of speech, or some other etymological. forms, in contrast to the inflections of the endings of declensions and conjugations. Dictionary of foreign words, ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

suffix- a, m. suffixe m. lat. suffix attached. Part of the word between the root and the ending, giving the word a different meaning compared to other words with the same root. magnifying suffix. ALS 1. The Russian language, with its extraordinary plasticity, ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

- [suffix] and (colloquial) SUFFIX, suffix, male. (from lat. suffixus substituted) (ling.). A word-forming element is a part of a word that is between the root and the ending (inflection) and gives a certain meaning to the word in comparison with others ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

Morpheme, affix Dictionary of Russian synonyms. suffix noun, number of synonyms: 2 affix (9) morpheme ... Synonym dictionary

Suffix- SUFFIX. The affix (see) after the base: water, you lead, old man, small, etc. In Indo-European languages, the formation of words with the help of S. is one of the most common ways of forming words. There can be several S in one word. (See ... Dictionary of literary terms

suffix- and the obsolete suffix... Dictionary of pronunciation and stress difficulties in modern Russian

- (lat. suffixus attached) a kind of affix, a morpheme following the root (in Russian, house ik) or stem (in Russian latitudes) and preceding the ending ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

SUFFIX, a, husband. In grammar: a morpheme between a root and an ending. Derivational s. (e.g. read a y, arrow to a, loud k y). Inflectional s. (e.g. read la, reading, fast). | adj. suffix, oh, oh. Explanatory ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

- (from lat. suffixus nailed, nailed). An auxiliary morpheme that is located after the root (directly or after another suffix) and serves to form new words or their non-syntactic forms. Suffix derivational (word-forming) ... Dictionary of linguistic terms

One of the affixes, a morpheme following the root and expressing grammatical (infinitive suffix - ь) or word-building meanings (personal suffixes - ist, -tel, -chik, -schik). There are more than 500 suffixes in Russian. Literature and language. ... ... Literary Encyclopedia


  • Workbook 1 in Russian. Word composition. 5-9 grade. View VIII, Galunchikova N.G.. Think, my friend, what will be discussed in this book. Of course, about the building material from which the words of our language are created. Everything in the world consists of something: the forest is made of trees, ...
  • Russian language. Workbook 1. The composition of the word. Grades 5-9 (for students with intellectual disabilities). GEF HVD, Galunchikova N.G. Think, my friend, what will be discussed in this book. Of course, about the “building material” from which the words of our language are created. Everything in the world consists of something: the forest is made of trees, ...

We have all been in school for a long time and have forgotten a lot. But sometimes it is useful to recall school knowledge, especially from the field of the Russian language. In this article, we will recall what a word suffix is.

The suffix is ​​the modified part of the word that is located after the root. The suffix is ​​marked with a ^. The zero suffix is ​​allocated 0 (zero). What is the suffix for? Suffixes serve to form new words and various word forms.

What are the suffixes

Types of suffixes:

  • Suffixes -ek and –ik. If the vowel "e" falls out during the declension of the word, you need to write the suffix -ek. If words retain the sound "and" when declension, then you need to write the suffix -ik. Examples: son -ek; kalach -ik.
  • The letters "h" and "u" in the suffixes -chik and -schik. If these suffixes are after the letters "d", "t", "z", "s" and "g", you need to write the letter "h". In all other cases, "u" is written. Examples: storyteller, driller.
  • Letters "o" and "e" after q and hissing adverbs, nouns and adjectives in suffixes. If the suffix of a noun, adjective and adverb is under stress, you need to write the letter "u", without stress - write "e". Examples: mesh-ok; bag-ek. There is an exception to this rule - the word "cheap".
  • One and two letters "n" in those adjectives that are formed from nouns.

Two letters "n" will be written in adjectives that are formed from the following words:

  1. From nouns whose stem ends in "n".
  2. From a noun with the suffixes -onn and -enn.

There is an exception to this rule - this is the word "windy".

One letter "n" is written:

  1. In suffixes -an and -yang in adjectives that are formed from nouns. There are exceptions, these are the words tin, glass, wood.
  2. In short adjectives, except for masculine forms.

Suffixes -sk and -k in adjectives. If adjectives have a short form or are formed from nouns whose stem ends with "h", "k", "c", you need to write the suffix -k. In other cases -

How to find a suffix in a word

Knowing that the suffix is ​​located between the ending and the root of the word, we can easily find it.

    • First you need to select these morphemes.
    • In order to determine the ending, the word must be conjugated or declined. The modified part at the end of the word will be its ending. It needs to be squared.
    • Next, you need to choose the same-root words for the word. This will make it possible to determine the root. It will be an invariable part and a common part for all cognate words. The root is denoted by an arc.
    • The part that remains between the root and the ending is the suffix. It is indicated by a triangle - ^. A word can have more than one suffix.

Typical mistakes when highlighting suffixes

  • The final letters of a suffix are often confused with the ending.
  • The suffix can also include part of the root or part of the previous suffix.
  • They may not distinguish between individual suffixes and the sum of suffixes, for example, "literacy-n-ost".
  • With a missing suffix, a part of the root of the word can be separated into a suffix.

We remembered what a suffix is ​​and how to find it.

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