Courage and cowardice in the story Prisoner of the Caucasus. Composition on the topic: Zhilin and Kostylin in captivity in the story Prisoner of the Caucasus, Tolstoy


The story of Leo Tolstoy is based on real events that took place in the Caucasus during the war between the Russians and the highlanders. The information for this story was the events from the life of himself in the Caucasus and the memories of soldiers and officers who fought during that war and were captured.

Composition based on the work "Prisoner of the Caucasus"

Option 1

Zhilin and Kostylin served as officers in the Caucasus. The first was from an impoverished landlord family, and the second from a rich one. Zhilin did not have great physical data: he was not tall, but he was strong, smart, and daring. Kostylin is a heavy, plump and weak-willed man.

The story shows the relationship of people of different nations, genders and ages. Here human vices are revealed: cowardice, greed, betrayal, arrogance, cruelty, revenge. But love, friendship, trust, courage, kindness, perseverance and resourcefulness win and lead to a happy ending.

In captivity, Zhilin tried to look closely at people, tried to get to know them better, kept himself busy all the time, even “healed” sick enemies. All this paid off - he met the girl Dina. The characters of Zhilin and Tatar Dina are similar: kind, caring, sparkling and courageous. A little girl and an adult man quickly found a common language, and in response to the unpretentious toys presented by Zhilin, Dina brought him either a piece of fried lamb, or cakes or milk, and most importantly, she saved his life.

Throughout the work, Kostylin showed himself on the negative side. This is cowardice and betrayal when meeting with enemies. At that moment, when Zhilin and Kostylin saw the Tatars, he immediately threw down his gun and sent his horse away, without even thinking about his comrade; inactivity and isolation in captivity, he did not even have the thought of escaping. He did not talk with the Tatars, because he considered himself superior to them, did not communicate with the inhabitants of the village, he simply waited for a ransom; selfishness and indifference towards Zhilin manifested itself both at the moment when they met the Tatars, and in the first escape, when Kostylin refused to go and groaned and moaned all the time, which allowed the Tatars to find them.

After the failed escape, the life of the captives worsened even more. But even in these conditions, the brave Zhilin did not fold his hands and continued to dream of escaping. And at that moment, something seemed to wake up in Kostylin, and he committed the first and only noble act throughout the entire work - he refused to go on the second escape, so as not to become a burden to Zhilin.

After all the difficulties, Zhilin successfully escaped from captivity, "and Kostylin, barely alive, was brought only a month later." The main idea of ​​the story is the senselessness of war. The outcome of a war between peoples and states is always sad: huge sacrifices and losses. And friendship is eternal!

Option 2

At the end of the 19th century, the great Russian writer L. N. Tolstoy wrote the story “The Prisoner of the Caucasus”, in which he partially retold the story of how he himself was captured by the Tatars during his service in the Caucasus.

One of the main characters of the story is officer Zhilin, who comes from poor nobles. His elderly mother asked to visit her, and for this he left the garrison, going along with the convoy.

On the way, the hero was captured by the Tatars. This happened due to the fact that his comrade by the name of Kostylin left him, galloping away with a gun. Zhilin was taken to the village, chained in stocks and locked in a barn. In the morning he was sold to Abdul. The owner ordered his daughter Dina to give the prisoner bread and water, and that is how they met the girl. Despite the fact that the foreigner alarmed Dina, he simultaneously aroused her interest. After some time they became friends. Zhilin entertained the girl by modeling clay dolls for her, and she secretly brought him delicious food (cakes and meat). In captivity, he nevertheless met with Kostylin, he was also caught and sold to the same owner.

Over time, the hero got along with the Tatars, helped them in every possible way, and Abdul locked him in the barn only for the night. But he still remained a prisoner and dreamed of escaping. To do this, he dug a tunnel for a long time. And one of the nights, Zhilin, together with Kostylin, made an attempt to escape, but, unfortunately, unsuccessful. They were caught and brought back to the village. There, the fugitives were again chained and thrown into a pit. But the daughter of the owner again came to the aid of Zhilin. She helped him escape without caring about her own fate. The hero has to overcome a long distance with blocks on his feet, but he gets out.

The story was very interesting and instructive. It is written simply, without embellishment. I think the author wanted to say that you should never give up. You can find a way out of any situation if you want it strongly enough and make an effort.

Option 3

I read the story of Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy "Prisoner of the Caucasus" with great pleasure. In general, I love books about the war and about the adventures of real heroes, but I especially liked this one. The author described the events very realistically. He probably succeeded because he himself participated in the war, which he tells readers about.

There are three main characters in Tolstoy's work. These are the officers of the Russian army Zhilin and Kostylin, and also the girl Dina, the daughter of a Tatar. The events take place at the end of the 19th century, when Russia was at war with the highlanders in the Caucasus. Zhilin is a positive hero. He is brave, strong, honest, hardworking, determined and very purposeful. This is what I think a man and a real soldier should be like. “But how then did this warrior end up in captivity?” - you ask. And Kostylin was to blame for everything, because of whose cowardice the comrades were caught by the Tatars. This Kostylin is not at all like Zhilin. It is hardly possible to take an example from him. He is lazy, cowardly and irresponsible - he wants other people to do everything for him. And Kostylin is always whining and complaining instead of acting.

When the officers were captured, the Tatars demanded a ransom for them. They wanted to get five thousand for each. Kostylin was waiting for this money to be given for him and wrote a letter to his relatives. But Zhilin is a completely different matter. He was not going to upset his sick mother and decided that he would get out of the trap himself. In the meantime, he kept an eye on the Tatars and even managed to make friends with them. Zhilin was especially liked by his owner's daughter Dina. She took pity on the officer and brought him something to eat. She can also be attributed to goodies, because the girl was very risky, helping the prisoner. And so, the first attempt to escape was accomplished. Zhilin did not want to leave his comrade alone and persuaded him to go too. And again, because of Kostylin, everything failed! He rubbed his shoes and he refused to go further. He whined and complained all the way until Zhilin carried him on his back. And despite the fact that he was much thinner than a fat friend!

Due to the vagaries of Kostylin, it was not possible to go far, and the Tatars caught the soldier. It was the most exciting moment for me. I was very worried about Zhilin, who did so much to escape ... And now he was threatened with certain death. The officers returned to the same Tatar. And the girl Dina again began to feed them. Conditions were terrible - much worse than the first time. And, probably, if it were not for her care, the captives would have starved to death. And then Dina helped Zhilin escape again. She brought him a high pole, and he was able to get out of a deep hole. But Kostylin refused to escape. He remained to wait for the ransom.

After reading the story, I realized: if you are brave, determined and purposeful, you will succeed. The dream will surely come true for those who stubbornly go to it and do not hide from danger in the bushes!

"Prisoner of the Caucasus" - an essay according to the plan (Grade 5)

Option 1

  1. Zhilin and Kostylin
  2. Characteristics of prisoners of war
  3. My opinion

L.N. Tolstoy is a great Russian writer. The heroes of his story "Prisoner of the Caucasus": Zhilin and Kostylin.

Zhilin in the story is a positive hero. He is strong, honest, with a good soul and is ready to go forward, no matter what. He is a very good soldier. However, he is captured by the Tatars. And all why? The answer is simple: because of the cowardice of his comrade. Kostylin, on the other hand, is endowed with completely opposite character traits - cowardly, lazy and not responsible. He is pathetic, constantly whining and wants other people to do everything for him. It is hardly possible to take an example from him.

The Tatars captured them for ransom. Kostylin wrote a letter home, sat and waited for a ransom to be given for him. But Zhilin is quite the opposite - he did not want to upset his sick mother and decides to get out himself. He would have succeeded if it were not for the comrade who let him down the second time.

The story ends with the fact that Zhilin still chooses on his own. And Kostylin was waiting for his freedom for a long time. This instructive work is not in vain included in the school curriculum. It teaches children to be honest and achieve everything on their own, as Kostylin did. When trouble happens, you need to think not only about yourself, but also about loved ones.

Option 2

  1. Friendship of Dina and Zhilin
  2. My opinion

The work of L.N. Tolstoy's "Prisoner of the Caucasus" tells about the everyday life of people, about their qualities, about kindness and honor. The described story is based on real events that took place in the Caucasus. But it's about the girl Dean. Dina is the daughter of a Tatar who was sold to Zhilin and Kostylin. The father ordered his daughter to give bread and water to Zhilin, so they met. This man interested, because he was a stranger, and at the same time frightened Dina.

After a while they became friends. Zhilin made clay toys for her and other children. And she, in gratitude for this, secretly brought him delicious food, meat and cakes. The girl was imbued with kindness and sympathy for the captive, because he, to the best of his ability, tried to do good. After an unsuccessful escape, the soldiers are thrown into the pit. Only raw dough was brought from food, but even here the girl comes to the rescue, and also furtively brings them food. When Ivan was about to run away for the second time, Dina helped him in this. The thirteen-year-old girl dared and lowered a long stick into the pit, along which Zhilin got out.

In the story, kindness is expressed through the main character, Dina. This girl is very kind to everyone who treats her well. At the same time, she is very brave. She saved the life of an officer, and is worthy of admiration. The girl was not afraid of her father, she fought for the life of a man who gave her goodness and a piece of happiness.

Option 3

  1. Heroes of the story
  2. Everyone's choice
  3. My opinion

The story "Prisoner of the Caucasus" was written by the great writer Leo Tolstoy. The story is about war, about human kindness, about the stubborn desire to find a way out in a difficult life situation. The main characters are Zhilin, Kostylin and Dina. Zhilin goes to visit his sick mother. On the way home he meets his friend. However, they are captured, through the fault of Kostylin.

While in captivity, the officers behave differently: Kostylin is waiting for a ransom for him and is constantly afraid. Doesn't want to do anything. But Zhilin, on the contrary, he remains strong and does not lose his composure. Ivan seeks to escape by all possible means. In captivity, he meets Dina, the daughter of a Tatar. He makes clay dolls for a girl, and she secretly feeds him for this. They became friends. After the first unsuccessful escape, the prisoners were thrown into the pit. When Zhilin tries to escape a second time, she helps him get out of the pit.

So what does the story teach? First, never give up. Zhilin tried to escape, he succeeded. He didn't lose heart. And secondly, it is love for people. Dina helped a complete stranger, one might say an enemy. He did good and was loved in the village. So, each hero got his own.

The composition "Zhilin and Kostylin: a comparative description of the heroes"

Option 1

  1. Introduction
  2. Main part
  • How do heroes behave in a situation of mortal danger? (Meeting with the Tatars when the heroes are taken prisoner)
  • How do heroes behave when a ransom is demanded from them?
  • How do heroes behave in captivity?
  • How do the heroes behave during the escape?
  • How did the fate of the heroes?
  1. Conclusion.
  • How to cultivate qualities worthy of respect?

When Zhilin met the Tatars, he shouted to Kostylin: "Bring a gun!" But Kostylin was not there, he fled like the last coward. Then Zhilin thought: “Although I am alone, I will fight to the last! I won't give myself up alive!"

In captivity, they behave differently. Zhilin made dolls, repaired things and thought about how to escape. Kostylin slept and did nothing. Zhilin did not immediately write a letter so as not to upset his relatives, but Kostylin quickly wrote a letter and waited for the ransom.

Zhilin tried to find a way to escape, and Kostylin lowered his hands and waited for them to be rescued. Residents of the village treat Zhilin with respect. The attitude towards Zhilin is much better than towards Kostylin, because Zhilin helped everyone, repaired things, made dolls, treated people, and did not lie and sleep.

The characters of these characters are completely different. Zhilin is stubborn, always achieves his goal and wins, he wanted to escape - he escaped first, and Kostylin was bought out barely alive. I would imitate Zhilin, as he is brave, worthy of respect, stubborn.

People, getting into the same circumstances, behave differently because they have different characters. Some command respect, because even in a difficult situation they do not lose pride and dignity.

It is necessary from childhood to accustom yourself to dignity in order to act in a difficult situation in the same way as Zhilin.

Option 2

Why do people behave differently when placed in the same circumstances? Why do some command our respect, while others - contempt? The story of L.N. Tolstoy "Prisoner of the Caucasus".

“Two officers served in the Caucasus: Zhilin and Kostylin,” this is how the story begins.

One day they left the fortress, accompanied by soldiers. It was a hot summer then, and the convoy was moving very slowly. Kostylin offered Zhilin to go alone, because he had a gun.

Having driven into the gorge, they saw the Tatars. Kostylin immediately forgot about his friend and about the gun and rushed headlong into the fortress. He did not think that Zhilin was in great danger. Kostylin did not even want to try to help his comrade. When Zhilin realized that he could not get away from the chase, he decided that he would not give up so easily and would cut at least one Tatar with a saber.

Zhilin was still captured. He had been in the village for several days. The Tatars immediately began to demand a ransom. Soon Kostylin was also brought to the village. It turns out that he had already written a letter home to send a ransom - five thousand rubles. Zhilin is bargaining because he thinks about his mother, who will not be able to find that kind of money. And he writes the address on the letter incorrectly, as he decided to escape from captivity on his own.

In captivity, Zhilin did not become limp. He made dolls for Dina and other children, repaired watches, “healed” or walked around the village. Zhilin was looking for a way to escape. Did a dig in the barn. And Kostylin “only slept or spent whole days sitting in the shed and counting the days when the letter would arrive.” He did nothing to save himself.

And so they fled. Kostlin constantly complained of pain in his legs, shortness of breath, he did not think about caution, shouted, although he knew that a Tatar had recently passed by them. Zhilin behaved like a man. He did not escape from captivity alone, but called Kostylin. He put on his shoulders Kostylin, who was aching from pain in his legs and fatigue, although he himself was not in the best shape. This attempt to escape still failed due to the behavior of Kostylin.

In the end, Zhilin escaped from captivity. Dina helped him in this. Kostylin, a month later, was bought out a little alive.

This is how different characters affect the fate of a person. Zhilin makes me respect for his strong character, courage, endurance, ability to stand up for himself and for his comrade, determination. Kostylin is only contempt because of his cowardice, laziness.

It seems to me that qualities worthy of respect should be started to be brought up from small things, because this is how we begin to cultivate in ourselves the qualities that Zhilin possessed!

Option 3

How to cultivate qualities worthy of respect? Why do people behave differently when placed in the same circumstances? Why do some command our respect, while others - contempt? The story of L.N. Tolstoy "Prisoner of the Caucasus".

Zhilin and Kostylin are two officers who served in the Caucasus.

Kostylin, when he saw the Tatars, showed his cowardice and left his comrade in trouble: "But Kostylin, instead of waiting, only saw the Tatars, rolled up to the fortress." Zhilin, unlike Kostylin, showed himself heroically and fought for his freedom to the end: "... I won't give myself up alive."

When they were both taken prisoner and they began to demand a ransom from them, Kostylin was afraid for his life and did everything as the owner told him. Zhilin was not afraid of the threats of the Tatars and did not want to pay the ransom, as he planned to escape.

Kostylin spent whole days sitting in a shed, waiting for money. Zhilin proved himself to be a skilled man and deserving of the trust of the owner. But when Zhilin walked around the village, he tried to come up with an escape plan.

When Zhilin suggested that Kostylin run away, he tried to dissuade him, he was afraid that they would be noticed. Zhilin will know by the stars which way they should go. But Kostylin did not last long, he gives up and tells his friend to leave him. Zhilin was not such a person as Kostylin, and therefore he could not leave a comrade in trouble. They were noticed by the Tatars, "... they seized, tied them up, put them on horses, and took them away."

The life of the heroes became even worse. But Zhilin, even in such a situation, continued to think about escaping. When he suggested this to a friend, Kostylin, it seems to me, committed the only human act. He didn't want to be a burden to his friend. Zhilin successfully got out of captivity, "and Kostylin, barely alive, was brought only a month later."

Each person in the same situation manifests itself differently. It seems to me, because of human qualities. Some people think only about themselves, like Kostylin. Others, such as Zhilin, also think about others: "... it is not good to leave a comrade."

Some people command respect because they think not only about themselves, but also about others. They do not despair, but continue to fight, like Zhilin: "... I will not give myself up alive." Others do whatever they are told. And they abandon their comrades, like Kostylin: "And Kostylin, instead of waiting, only saw the Tatars, rolled up to the fortress."

It seems to me that these qualities are brought up in the family. You have to overcome your fears.

Option 4

Why do people behave differently when placed in the same circumstances? Why do some command our respect, while others - contempt? Zhilin and Kostylin - heroes of the story by L.N. Tolstoy, officers.

Zhilin, when meeting with the Tatars, showed courage, fearlessness and did not want to give up to the end, and Kostylin acted like a coward and a traitor. He left his comrade in trouble, and he fled.

When a ransom was demanded from Zhilin and Kostylin, our heroes behaved differently. Zhilin bargained and did not concede, and besides, he wrote the wrong address. He, like a real man, counted only on his own strength. Kostylin, on the contrary, did not resist and wrote a letter asking him to ransom him for five thousand coins.

In captivity, Zhilin and Kostylin manifest themselves in different ways. Zhilin tried to win over the inhabitants of the village. He was a jack of all trades: he fixed things, made toys for children and much more. Meanwhile, Kostylin did nothing, slept and waited for a ransom. Zhilin believed in himself and hoped for the best, while Kostylin showed his laziness, cowardice and weakness.

During the escape, Zhilin showed courage and devotion towards his comrade. Zhilin was more enduring than Kostylin, although he was tired, he continued to walk. Kostylin was weak and unstable. That's why they were caught.

The fate of our heroes has developed in different ways. Zhilin did not lose hope and made a second escape. This escape was successful. Kostylin was bought out a month later. He was barely alive.

Thus, throughout the story, Zhilin demonstrates his courage and courage, and Kostylin - laziness and cowardice.

People, getting into the same circumstances, behave differently, because not everyone has enough self-control and fortitude ... Someone is stronger, someone is weaker. I think it all depends on the character of the person. Some people earn our respect because they do good and courageous deeds, and others - contempt because they are cowardly and show the bad side of their character. In order to cultivate qualities worthy of respect in oneself, one must try to overcome one's fears and are not afraid to take risks sometimes.

Characteristics of Zhilin from the story “Prisoner of the Caucasus”

Option 1

Zhilin is the main character of the story "Prisoner of the Caucasus".

He is used to doing everything himself. He is quite a charming character and immediately evokes sympathy. He is brave, in captivity behaved boldly and confidently. Zhilina even loved the yard dog because he fed her, this once again proves that Zhilin is a positive character. Throughout the story, Kostylin is opposed to him - the complete opposite of Zhilin. Thus, the author emphasizes the positive qualities of Zhilin. Over time, even the harsh Tatars were imbued with sympathy for him. Zhilin did not abandon Kostylin even during the chase, after which they were caught. Before that, he secured the trust of Dina, who helped him escape. I believe that Zhilin is a vivid example of a person with a real broad Russian soul.

Option 2

The whole story describes to us those events when Tolstoy miraculously managed to escape the chase, but two of his comrades were captured. Something had to be done. These were two Russian officers - Zhilin and Kostylin. Immediately striking is that their names are very consonant, but completely different in meaning.

The characters of both characters are also very different. When Zhilin was driving to his mother, he picked up Kostylin along the way. During the trip they were attacked by the Tatars. Zhilin behaved very bravely and began to defend himself, while Kostylin immediately ran to the fortress. But even such cowardice could not save him.

In captivity, the characters also behave differently. When the Tatars told them about the amount of 5,000 rubles they had to pay, Kostylin immediately wrote a letter home and waited for the money. Zhilin, on the contrary, agreed to only 500 rubles, and sent the letter to a different address, because most of all he did not want his mother to worry. Kostylin was constantly bored while he was waiting for money, he planned to escape to Zhilin, digging a hole at night. Living in captivity, Zhilin often showed himself as a very decent and kind person. He made a clay doll for the owner's daughter, and then repaired the owner's watch himself. Since then, people have been constantly coming to him and asking for help.

So they lived until Zhilin dug a hole. One night they both got free and ran into the mountains. All the way Kostylin was a burden to his friend. HE did not want to take off his worn shoes, which made it painful for him to walk, he was fat and could not climb the mountain on his own and constantly groaned and shouted, which once attracted the attention of a Tatar passing nearby. Zhilin did not abandon his comrade, but picked him up and carried him. Of course, he could not escape with such a load. They were seized again and thrown into the pit.

Being in the pit, they felt very bad. Kostylin was constantly moaning, but Zhilin kept thinking about escaping. Once he was able to persuade the owner's daughter to help them get out. The girl took pity and brought a large pole, but Kostylin did not want to run. So Zhilin had to go alone. He was able to get to his people and began to serve further. As for Kostylin, he lay in a hole until he was bought for 5,000 rubles. They brought him barely alive.

Each reader has a question why Tolstoy called his story “Prisoner of the Caucasus”, because there were two prisoners. But in fact, there is a very deep thought here. Zhilin was brave, strong, hardworking. He was able to escape from captivity and began to continue to serve and help people. But Kostylin was lazy. Yes, he was ransomed from captivity, but he remained a prisoner of his weaknesses.

At first glance, the same event happened to two people, but if you look at the hearts and spirits of the heroes, then each experienced his own adventure.

The meaning of the title of the story “Prisoner of the Caucasus” (composition)

The story "Prisoner of the Caucasus". This is a realistic work in which the life of the highlanders is vividly and vividly described, the nature of the Caucasus is depicted. It is written in a language accessible to children, close to fairy tale. The story is told from the point of view of the narrator. The main events are grouped around the adventures of the Russian officer Zhilin, who was captured by the highlanders. The plot of the story develops dynamically, the actions of the hero are presented as a series of colorful, expressive paintings. The escape of Zhilin, in a hurry to hide in the dark, is tensely and dramatically depicted: “He is in a hurry, and the month is getting out more and more; the tops of the head were already lit up to the right. He began to approach the forest, a month got out from behind the mountains - white, light just like in the daytime.

The main device of the story is opposition; the prisoners Zhilin and Kostylin are shown in contrast. Even their appearance is depicted in contrast. Zhilin is outwardly energetic and mobile. “There was a master for every kind of needlework”, “Although he was small in stature, he was daring,” the author emphasizes. And in the guise of Kostylin, L. Tolstoy brings to the fore unpleasant features: “the man is heavy, plump, sweaty.” Not only Zhilin and Kostylin are shown in contrast, but also the life, customs, and people of the village. Residents are depicted as Zhilin sees them. In the guise of an old Tatar, cruelty, hatred, malice are emphasized: "the nose is hooked, like a hawk, and the eyes are gray, angry and there are no teeth - only two fangs."

The image of the Tatar girl Dina evokes the warmest sympathy. In Dean, traits of sincerity and spontaneity are noticed. She squatted down, began to turn the stone: “Yes, the little hands are thin, like twigs, there is nothing to be strong. She threw a stone and cried. This little girl, obviously deprived of affection, constantly left unattended, reached out to the kind, paternal attitude towards her Zhilin.

"Prisoner of the Caucasus" is the most poetic and perfect work in Russian Books for Reading. It embodies the unity of aesthetic and pedagogical principles. LN Tolstoy made a significant contribution to the development of children's literature. Works for children are closely connected with the entire creative heritage of the great writer. In Soviet times, the number of editions of Tolstoy's children's stories is growing every year. They come out in almost all languages ​​of our multinational country. The works of L. Tolstoy are included in educational books for elementary and secondary schools. They are included in the preschool education program. Tolstoy's stories for children are published in the series My First Books, Book by Book

What the story “Prisoner of the Caucasus” taught me (composition)

In my opinion, the main idea of ​​the story is to teach people not to give up even in difficult circumstances and situations, to persevere in achieving goals, to be kind, courageous, brave and loyal.

In this story, Kostylin's weakness and passivity are contrasted with Zhilin's activity, steadfastness and humanity. Courage and endurance helped him to run to his own, overcoming all obstacles and barriers.

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy awakens in us good feelings, the desire for justice and beauty.

All the work of Leo Tolstoy is permeated with the ideas of friendship between people and between peoples.

Reading the story "Prisoner of the Caucasus", one feels how wonderful it is to be friends, to love friends, to live for others. Little Dina understood this, although Zhilin was older than her and a stranger by blood. L. N. Tolstoy teaches us the ability to take root in any situation, to survive in any situation, without shifting our troubles onto other people's shoulders.

In the story “The Prisoner of the Caucasus”, L. Tolstoy solves the problem: can people live in peace and friendship, what separates them and what connects them, is it possible to overcome the eternal enmity of people with each other? This leads to the second problem: are there qualities in a person that make it possible for people to unite? Which people have these qualities, and which do not, and why? Both of these problems are not only quite accessible to readers, but are also relevant to them, because in their lives friendship and comradeship begin to occupy an increasing place.

The random and external reasons that connected them in the lower grades (they live in the same house, sit at the same desk) are now being replaced by new relationships, internal attractions play an increasingly important role, a certain code of moral values ​​arises, the most important of which are camaraderie, equality, honesty, courage. The desire for unity with peers becomes the most important life task of a teenager, which makes him think about why everyone loves some of us and is drawn to them, while others do not find friends for themselves, what qualities one must have in order to be a good friend.

"Prisoner of the Caucasus" - a story that is sometimes called a story. Wrote it tells us about a Russian officer who was captured by the highlanders. The story was first published in Zarya magazine in 1872. It is one of the most popular works of the great Russian writer, withstood many reprints. The title of the story is a reference to Pushkin's poem of the same name. In this article, we will produce Zhilin and Kostylin. These are the two main characters, the opposition of whose personalities forms the basis of the work. Description of Zhilin and Kostylin, see below.

The plot of the story

The narrative is based in part on a real event that occurred during Tolstoy's service in the Caucasus (50s of the 19th century). He wrote in his diary in June 1853 that he almost got captured, but behaved well in this case, although and overly sensitive. Lev Nikolaevich, together with his friend, once miraculously escaped the chase. Lieutenant Tolstoy also had to rescue his comrades from captivity.

Ransom letters written by two officers

The story takes place during the period of Zhilin, an officer serving in the Navy. His mother sends her son a letter with a request to visit her, and he leaves the fortress with the convoy. On the way, he overtakes him along with Kostylin and stumbles upon horseback "Tatars" (that is, Muslim highlanders).

They shoot the horse, and the officer himself is taken prisoner (his comrade is running). Zhilin is taken to a mountain village, after which they are sold to Abdul-Murat. "How did Zhilin and Kostylin meet after that?" - you ask. It turned out that by that time Kostylin, a colleague of Zhilin, who was also caught by the Tatars, was already in captivity with Abdul-Murat. Abdul-Murat makes the Russian officers write letters home to get a ransom for them. Zhilin indicates the wrong address on the envelope, realizing that in any case, the mother will not be able to collect the necessary amount.

Zhilin and Kostylin in captivity

Kostylin and Zhilin live in a barn, they put pads on their feet during the day. Zhilin fell in love with local children, especially Dina, the 13-year-old daughter of Abdul-Murat, whom he made dolls for. During walks around the neighborhood and the village, this officer is wondering how to escape to the Russian fortress. He digs in the barn at night. Dina sometimes brings him pieces of lamb or flatbread.

Escape of two officers

When Zhilin learns that the inhabitants of this village are alarmed by the death of a fellow villager who died in battle with the Russians, he finally decides to escape. Together with Kostylin, the officer crawls into the tunnel at night. They want to get to the forest, and then to the fortress. But due to the fact that the obese Kostylin was clumsy, they do not have time to carry out their plans, the Tatars notice the young people and deliver them back. They are now put in a pit and no longer remove the blocks at night. Dina sometimes continues to bring food to the officer.

Zhilin's second escape

Realizing that their enslavers are afraid that the Russians may soon come, and therefore they can kill their captives, Zhilin, at nightfall, once asks Dina to get a long stick. With her help, he crawls out of the hole. Kostylin, sagging and ill, remains inside. He tries, including with the help of the girl, to knock the lock off the blocks, but he does not succeed. At dawn, having made his way through the forest, Zhilin goes to the Russian troops. Kostylin subsequently, with his health undermined to the extreme, is redeemed from captivity by his comrades.

Characteristics of the main characters ("Prisoner of the Caucasus", Tolstoy)

Zhilin and Kostylin are Russian officers. They both participate in the war for Zhilina, a letter arrives from her mother, in which she asks her son to visit her before her death to say goodbye. Without thinking twice, he sets out on his journey. But it was dangerous to go alone, since at any time the Tatars could seize and kill him. We went in a group, and therefore very slowly. Then Zhilin and Kostylin decide to go ahead alone. Zhilin was prudent and cautious. After making sure that Kostylin's gun was loaded, and he had a saber in the scabbard, Zhilin decided to see if the Tatars were visible, having climbed the mountain. Climbing higher, he noticed his enemies. The Tatars were very close, and therefore they saw Zhilin.

This brave officer thought that if he managed to run to the gun (which Kostylin had), then the officers would be saved. He shouted to his friend. But the cowardly Kostylin ran away, afraid for his own skin. He did something despicable. In the way Zhilin and Kostylin met, one can see the mockery of fate over the latter. After all, both were eventually captured, and here they met again. The chief Muslim highlander said that a ransom of 5,000 rubles had to be paid, and then they would be released. Kostylin immediately wrote a letter home with a request to get money. And Zhilin answered the highlanders that if they killed him, they would not receive anything at all, and ordered them to wait. He sent his letter intentionally to a different address, because the officer felt sorry for his mother, who was seriously ill, and there was no such money in the family. In addition to his mother, Zhilin had no other relatives.

The comparative characteristics of Zhilin and Kostylin can be supplemented by pointing out how these heroes spent their time in captivity. Zhilin decided that he could and should escape. He dug a tunnel at night, and during the day he made dolls for Dina, who brought food in return.

Kostylin, on the other hand, was idle all day, and slept at night. And now the time has come when the preparations for the escape were completed. The two officers fled. They greatly abraded their legs on the stones, and Zhilin had to carry the weakened Kostylin on himself. Because of this, they were captured. This time the officers were put in a hole, but Dina took out a stick and helped her friend to escape. Kostylin was afraid to flee again and stayed with the highlanders. Zhilin managed to get to his. Kostylin was redeemed only a month later.

As you can see, Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy shows in his story "Prisoner of the Caucasus" the courage and courage of Zhilin and the weakness, cowardice and laziness of his comrade. Comparative characteristics of Zhilin and Kostylin are opposite, but built on contrast. To better convey his idea, the author uses a number of techniques. Read more about them.

Analysis of the title of the story "Prisoner of the Caucasus"

It is interesting to analyze the very title of the story - "Prisoner of the Caucasus". Zhilin and Kostylin are two heroes, but the name is given in the singular. Tolstoy, perhaps, wanted to show by this that only the person who does not give up in the face of the difficulties that have arisen can be a true hero, but actively acts. Passive people become a burden for others in life, not striving for anything and not developing in any way. The author shows, in this way, that not everything in our life directly depends on the circumstances, and each person is the creator of his own destiny.

Names of the main characters

Pay attention also to the names of the heroes, which were not taken by the author by chance, which should also be noted when compiling the comparative characteristics of Zhilin and Kostylin. Starting to read this work, we still do not know the characters of the main characters, but only find out their names. But immediately we get the feeling that Lev Nikolayevich sympathizes more with Zhilin than with Kostylin. The latter, as we think, has a "limping" character, and Zhilin is a strong, "wiry" man, with a strong character. Kostylin, on the other hand, needs the help of outsiders, he is indecisive, dependent. Subsequent events confirm our guesses. The meaning of these rhyming surnames is completely different. So, Zhilin is described as a man of small stature, agile and strong. On the contrary, Kostylin is overweight, heavy on his feet, passive. Throughout the whole work, he only does what prevents a friend from carrying out his plan.


Thus, these two characters are opposite, as evidenced by the description of Zhilin and Kostylin by the author. The main difference between these two officers is that one is a hard-working, active person who believes that one can find a way out of any situation, and the second is a coward, a lazybones, a goof. Zhilin managed to take root in a hostile environment, which helped this officer to get out of captivity. Such a case would unsettle another person, but this officer is not like that. He did not go home after the end of the story, but remained to serve in the Caucasus. And Kostylin, barely alive, was released from captivity for a ransom. Tolstoy did not say what happened to him next. Probably, he did not even consider it necessary to mention the further fate of such a worthless person in his work "Prisoner of the Caucasus". Zhilin and Kostylin are different people, and therefore their fates are different, despite the same life circumstances. It was this idea that Leo Tolstoy wanted to convey to us.

Samuil Marshak noted that the work "Prisoner of the Caucasus" (Tolstoy) is the crown of all books for reading and said that in all world literature it is impossible to find a more perfect example of a story, a small story for children's reading. The description of Zhilin and Kostylin, their characters, helps to educate the younger generation, to develop the personality, because it shows how one should behave in difficult situations. The fate of Zhilin and Kostylin is very instructive.

Mark Twain, a nineteenth-century American writer and journalist, argued that courage is resistance to fear, not its absence. In everyday life or in emergency situations, a person has to overcome dangers, that is, fight his fears, but not everyone is capable of this. After all, courage is not only the ability to soberly assess the situation and one's actions, but also the ability to overcome emotions such as uncertainty, anxiety, fear.

Courageous people are able to resist fear, and cowardly people are not able to deal with the danger that has arisen, therefore they give in to panic and become vulnerable.

The problem of courage and cowardice was touched upon by Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy in his work “Prisoner of the Caucasus”. This story is dedicated to the brave and brave officer Zhilin. He received a letter from his mother, who asked to visit her. Zhilin set off on his journey with a small detachment, in which his comrade Kostylin was. The officers galloped forward and stumbled upon the Tatars, from whom they could have escaped if not for Kostylin, who could not cope with fear shamelessly fled, leaving his comrade in trouble. Both officers were taken prisoner. Being in the same conditions, the characters manifest themselves in different ways: the weak-willed, cowardly, easily panicked Kostylin is just waiting for financial help from home, and the brave, able to cope with his fears, Zhilin, relies only on himself. He immediately began to prepare an escape: he made friends with the girl Dina, examined the area in order to know where to move when escaping, fed the master's dog in order to tame her, dug a hole from the barn. But the escape was unsuccessful because of Kostylin, who at first was tired, wiped off his legs, could not walk, then he was frightened by the noise of hooves and screamed loudly, because of which the Tatars discovered the fugitives and again took them prisoner. But the strong-willed Zhilin did not give up and continued to think about how to get out, while Kostylin completely lost heart. When the men left the village, Dina helped Zhilin get out, and Kostylin could not dare to make another escape. Overcoming pain and fatigue, Zhilin was able to get to his own, and Kostylin, while waiting for the ransom, completely weakened, he was returned barely alive. Such qualities as courage, fortitude, the ability to control oneself in a dangerous situation, help a person overcome danger and save his life.

Mikhail Vasilievich Isakovsky, a Soviet poet of the twentieth century, in his poem "Russian Woman" noted that during the war years an immense burden fell on women's shoulders. The women were left alone, seeing off their husbands or sons to the front, or they themselves went to the front voluntarily to fight the enemies. In the story “The Dawns Here Are Quiet…” Boris Vasiliev spoke about the fate of five selfless girls during the Great Patriotic War, about the difficulties they had to face. Sergeant Major Fedot Evgrafovich Vaskov, the commander of an anti-aircraft battery, received an order to stop the German saboteurs who were heading for the railroad. Since Vaskov's unit consisted of only girls, he took five with him - Rita Osyanina, Galya Chetvertak, Zhenya Komelkova, Lisa Brichkina and Sonya Gurevich. Having reached the lake, Vaskov discovered that there were not two Germans, as he had expected, but sixteen. He realized that the girls could not cope with so many fascists, and sent Liza for reinforcements, who died while crossing the swamp. Brave and courageous girls, trying to frighten off the Germans, pretended that lumberjacks were working in the forest: they talked and laughed loudly, lit fires and even decided to swim in the lake - and all this at gunpoint from enemy machine guns. Vaskov with the girls moved to a new place. Sonya Gurvich volunteered to bring a pouch that Vaskov had forgotten in the old place, but she stumbled upon the Germans, who killed her. Because of the death of Sonya, the girls realized the full horror of the war, this death made a terrible impression on Galya Chetvertak. When Vaskov went on reconnaissance, he took Galya with him. Hiding with her in an ambush, Vaskov was ready to shoot the Germans who appeared. But in battle those are most exposed to danger who are most obsessed with fear. Galya, unlike other girls, unable to cope with the fear of death, succumbed to panic, unconsciously jumped out of the ambush

and ran, but was shot dead. This work shows how hard and scary a woman is in the war.

Everyone experiences fear, but only the brave can, in a dangerous situation, not succumb to panic and fight fears.

Updated: 2018-01-15

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In the 5th grade, we begin to learn how to write essays. The first work in the genre of comparative characteristics is "Zhilin and Kostylin" (based on the story of L.N. Tolstoy "Prisoner of the Caucasus"). Together with the guys we make a plan and write the introduction together. I present some of the most successful work of fifth graders.


Zhilin and Kostylin: comparative characteristics of the heroes

(according to the story of L.N. Tolstoy "Prisoner of the Caucasus")


1. Introduction

2. Main body

2.1. How do heroes behave in a situation of mortal danger? (Meeting with the Tatars when the heroes are taken prisoner)

2.2. How do heroes behave when a ransom is demanded from them?

2.3. How do heroes behave in captivity?

2.4. How do the heroes behave during the escape?

2.5. How did the fate of the heroes?

3. Conclusion.

3.1. How to cultivate qualities worthy of respect?

Leo Tolstoy's story "Prisoner of the Caucasus" makes one think about these questions.

When Zhilin met the Tatars, he shouted to Kostylin: "Bring a gun!" But Kostylin was not there, he fled like the last coward. Then Zhilin thought: “Although I am alone, I will fight to the last! I won't give myself up alive!"

In captivity, they behave differently. Zhilin made dolls, repaired things and thought about how to escape. Kostylin slept and did nothing.

Zhilin did not immediately write a letter so as not to upset his relatives, but Kostylin quickly wrote a letter and waited for the ransom.

Zhilin tried to find a way to escape, and Kostylin lowered his hands and waited for them to be rescued. Residents of the village treat Zhilin with respect. The attitude towards Zhilin is much better than towards Kostylin, because Zhilin helped everyone, repaired things, made dolls, treated people, and did not lie and sleep.

The characters of these characters are completely different. Zhilin is stubborn, always achieves his goal and wins, he wanted to escape - he was the first to escape, and Kostylin was bought out barely alive. I would imitate Zhilin, as he is brave, worthy of respect, stubborn.

It was not very pleasant for me to read about Kostylin, he was always procrastinating, lazy, but I was pleased to read about Zhilin: he was captured again because of Kostylin, but even the second time he offers to run away with him, does not leave him.

People, getting into the same circumstances, behave differently because they have different characters. Some command respect, because even in a difficult situation they do not lose pride and dignity.

It is necessary from childhood to accustom yourself to dignity in order to act in a difficult situation in the same way as Zhilin.

Chugunova Sofia, 5"A" class

Why do people behave differently when placed in the same circumstances? Why do some command our respect, while others - contempt? The story of L.N. Tolstoy "Prisoner of the Caucasus".

“Two officers served in the Caucasus: Zhilin and Kostylin,” this is how the story begins.

One day they left the fortress, accompanied by soldiers. It was a hot summer then, and the convoy was moving very slowly. Kostylin offered Zhilin to go alone, because he had a gun.

Having driven into the gorge, they saw the Tatars. Kostylin immediately forgot about his friend and about the gun and rushed headlong into the fortress. He did not think that Zhilin was in great danger. Kostylin did not even want to try to help his comrade. When Zhilin realized that he could not get away from the chase, he decided that he would not give up so easily and would cut at least one Tatar with a saber.

Zhilin was still captured. He had been in the village for several days. The Tatars immediately began to demand a ransom. Soon Kostylin was also brought to the village. It turns out that he has already written a letter home to send a ransom - five thousand rubles. Zhilin is bargaining because he thinks about his mother, who will not be able to find that kind of money. And he writes the address on the letter incorrectly, as he decided to escape from captivity on his own.

In captivity, Zhilin did not become limp. He made dolls for Dina and other children, repaired watches, “healed” or walked around the village. Zhilin was looking for a way to escape. Did a dig in the barn. And Kostylin "only slept or spent whole days sitting in the shed and counting the days when the letter would arrive." He did nothing to save himself.

And so they fled. Kostlin constantly complained of pain in his legs, shortness of breath, he did not think about caution, shouted, although he knew that a Tatar had recently passed by them. Zhilin behaved like a man. He did not escape from captivity alone, but called Kostylin. He put on his shoulders Kostylin, who was aching from pain in his legs and fatigue, although he himself was not in the best shape. This attempt to escape still failed due to the behavior of Kostylin.

In the end, Zhilin escaped from captivity. Dina helped him in this. Kostylin, a month later, was bought out a little alive.

This is how different characters affect the fate of a person. Zhilin makes me respect for his strong character, courage, endurance, ability to stand up for himself and for his comrade, determination. Kostylin is only contempt because of his cowardice, laziness.

It seems to me that qualities worthy of respect should be started to be brought up from small things, because this is how we begin to cultivate in ourselves the qualities that Zhilin possessed!

Osipova Elizaveta, 5"A" class

How to cultivate qualities worthy of respect? Why do people behave differently when placed in the same circumstances? Why do some command our respect, while others - contempt? Leo Tolstoy's story "Prisoner of the Caucasus" makes one think about these questions.

Zhilin and Kostylin are two officers who served in the Caucasus.

Kostylin, when he saw the Tatars, showed his cowardice and left his comrade in trouble: "But Kostylin, instead of waiting, only saw the Tatars, rolled up to the fortress." Zhilin, unlike Kostylin, showed himself heroically and fought for his freedom to the end: "... I won't give myself up alive."

When they were both taken prisoner and they began to demand a ransom from them, Kostylin was afraid for his life and did everything as the owner told him. Zhilin was not afraid of the threats of the Tatars and did not want to pay the ransom, as he planned to escape.

Kostylin spent whole days sitting in a shed, waiting for money. Zhilin proved himself to be a skilled man and deserving of the trust of the owner. But when Zhilin walked around the village, he tried to come up with an escape plan.

When Zhilin suggested that Kostylin run away, he tried to dissuade him, he was afraid that they would be noticed. Zhilin will know by the stars which way they should go. But Kostylin did not last long, he gives up and tells his friend to leave him. Zhilin was not such a person as Kostylin, and therefore he could not leave a comrade in trouble. They were noticed by the Tatars, "... they seized, tied them up, put them on horses, and took them away."

The life of the heroes became even worse. But Zhilin, even in such a situation, continued to think about escaping. When he suggested this to a friend, Kostylin, it seems to me, committed the only human act. He didn't want to be a burden to his friend. Zhilin successfully got out of captivity, "and Kostylin, barely alive, was brought only a month later."

Each person in the same situation manifests itself differently. It seems to me, because of human qualities. Some people think only about themselves, like Kostylin. Others, such as Zhilin, also think about others: "... it is not good to leave a comrade."

Some people command respect because they think not only about themselves, but also about others. They do not despair, but continue to fight, like Zhilin: "... I won't give myself up alive." Others do whatever they are told. And they abandon their comrades, like Kostylin: "And Kostylin, instead of waiting, only saw the Tatars, rolled up to the fortress."

It seems to me that these qualities are brought up in the family. You have to overcome your fears.

Volkov Pavel, 5"A" class

Why do people behave differently when placed in the same circumstances? Why do some command our respect, while others - contempt? Zhilin and Kostylin - heroes of the story by L.N. Tolstoy, officers.

Zhilin, when meeting with the Tatars, showed courage, fearlessness and did not want to give up to the end, and Kostylin acted like a coward and a traitor. He left his comrade in trouble, and he fled.

When a ransom was demanded from Zhilin and Kostylin, our heroes behaved differently. Zhilin bargained and did not concede, and besides, he wrote the wrong address. He, like a real man, counted only on his own strength. Kostylin, on the contrary, did not resist and wrote a letter asking him to ransom him for five thousand coins.

In captivity, Zhilin and Kostylin manifest themselves in different ways. Zhilin tried to win over the inhabitants of the village. He was a jack of all trades: he fixed things, made toys for children and much more. Meanwhile, Kostylin did nothing, slept and waited for a ransom. Zhilin believed in himself and hoped for the best, while Kostylin showed his laziness, cowardice and weakness.

During the escape, Zhilin showed courage and devotion towards his comrade. Zhilin was more enduring than Kostylin, although he was tired, he continued to walk. Kostylin was weak and unstable. That's why they were caught.

The fate of our heroes has developed in different ways. Zhilin did not lose hope and made a second escape. This escape was successful. Kostylin was bought out a month later. He was barely alive.

Thus, throughout the story, Zhilin demonstrates his courage and courage, and Kostylin - laziness and cowardice.

People, getting into the same circumstances, behave differently, because not everyone has enough self-control and fortitude ... Someone is stronger, someone is weaker. I think it all depends on the character of the person. Some people earn our respect because they do good and courageous deeds, while others - contempt because they are cowardly and show the bad side of their character. In order to cultivate qualities worthy of respect in oneself, one must try to overcome one's fears and are not afraid to take risks sometimes.

Galkina Tatiana, 5"A" class

There have been many terrible and bloody wars in the history of our country. One of them was the Caucasian War, which went from 1817 to 1864. Many writers and poets mentioned it in their works. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy did not bypass this topic either. In his story "Prisoner of the Caucasus" he talks about a Russian officer who was captured by the Caucasians. The writer himself took part in these hostilities, was in the thick of all the events, so his work is literally saturated with the reality and reliability of the described ups and downs. The wise Litrekon offers you a detailed analysis of this story.

The story was first published in the second issue of the Zarya magazine in 1872. The plot is based to some extent on a real incident that happened to Tolstoy during his service in the Caucasus in 1853. The writer, along with his friend and colleague, the Chechen Sado, were in danger. They were overtaken by opponents and intended to be taken prisoner. Although the writer had a strong and young horse, on which he could easily break away from the chase, he did not leave his friend alone in trouble. Sado had a gun, but it was not loaded. He still did not lose his head and menacingly aimed at the enemies, trying to intimidate them. The Caucasians did not shoot at the Russian soldiers, because they wanted to take them alive. They managed to get closer to the fortress, where the Cossacks saw them and rushed to the rescue.

The story was also based on "Memoirs of a Caucasian officer" by Baron F.F. Tornau. The colonel's memoirs tell about his experience of being a prisoner of the mountaineers, about his friendship with an Abkhazian girl named Aslan-Koz and her attempts to help him, about his first unsuccessful attempt to escape, and his subsequent release from captivity.

Genre, direction

The Prisoner of the Caucasus, although sometimes called a story, is still a story. This is evidenced by a small volume, a limited number of characters, one storyline and a first-person narrative.

The story is written in the direction of realism. All the work of Lev Nikolayevich was built on this literary direction, and "Prisoner of the Caucasus" is no exception. This is confirmed by the fact that the work is based on real events. The author in the story depicts real life, without embellishment and romanticization of the described actions.

Essence: about what?

The plot of the story is the story of the officer Ivan Zhilin, who participated in the hostilities in the Caucasus. One day he received a letter from his mother. In it, she said that she had already become completely ill, asked him to come home, see him for the last time and say goodbye. The officer without thinking twice went on vacation home.

The convoy was going too slowly, so Zhilin, together with another officer Kostylin, decided to go ahead. Unfortunately, they run into mountaineers and are captured. They are given as a debt to Abdul-Murat. The new "owner" is now demanding a ransom for them. Zhilin, feeling sorry for his mother, realizing that she does not have that kind of money, sends a letter to the wrong address.

Zhilin and his comrade have been in captivity for a month now. During this time, Zhilin was able to win sympathy by making clay toys for children and repairing things from some residents of the village, including the owner and his daughter Dina, who secretly brings him food and milk in gratitude. Kostylin is still waiting for an answer from home, hoping for a ransom. The main character, in turn, does not fly in the clouds and relies only on himself. At night he digs a tunnel.

One night, Zhilin still decides to run away. Taking advantage of the moment, they, together with Kostylin, get out of the barn with the help of a tunnel. Trying to find the way to the fortress, the officers rub their feet badly. Kostylin could not stand it, so Zhilin decided to carry it on himself. Thus, they did not manage to go far, the Tatars caught them and returned them back to the village, where they placed them in a deep pit and threatened to kill them if a ransom did not come for them within two weeks.

Kostylin's health in the pit is getting worse and worse. Zhilin came up with a new escape plan. He persuaded Dean to bring him a long stick, on which he would climb out of the hole and be free. He wants to take a comrade with him, but he does not have any strength left for this, so the main character escapes alone. He walked all night towards the fortress and, already approaching it, ran into the Tatars. With the last of his strength, he ran towards the Cossacks, shouting to them for help. They, fortunately, heard him and arrived in time to help. Kostylin still waited for the ransom only a month later and returned to the fortress very weakened and literally barely alive.

Main characters and their characteristics

When writing the story, L. N. Tolstoy used the antithesis technique. He contrasted Zhilin and Kostylin with each other to give greater contrast to the work. Thanks to such an antithesis, the problems and questions raised by the author in the story become more obvious. Most people in the ruling class are like Kostylin: they are lazy, weak, cowardly, and helpless without their money. Therefore, the nobility should look up to the inventive, courageous and strong Zhilin, who will find a way out in any situation. Only such men can the country rely on in difficult times.

The wise Litrecon offers you a table with a comparative characteristic of Zhilin and Kostylin:

heroes of the story "Prisoner of the Caucasus" characteristic
Ivan Zhilin Russian poor nobleman. he is stubborn and principled. when the Tatars forced him to write a letter to his mother asking him to send 3,000 rubles for him, he stood his ground, saying that no one would send such money, and in the end, they gave in and agreed to his price. he is lively and brave, does not give up in difficult situations. he does not expect a miracle or help from others, but hopes only for himself. Zhilin is very hardy, despite his bloody legs, he still helps his comrade and carries him on himself. this also suggests that he is a good and reliable comrade who will not give offense and will not betray. he has a very strong self-esteem: even being in captivity, the hero demands respect for himself. Ivan is a master of all trades, he sculpts dolls, repairs watches and guns, and weaves wickerwork. the hero is very smart, he knows how to navigate by the stars: climbing a mountain he easily determines where his fortress is and how to get there, and being among the Tatars, the hero quickly begins to understand their language and even speak it a little. for his character he deserves the respect of the Tatars.
kostylin wealthy nobleman. is the exact opposite of Ivan. he is overweight, full and clumsy. the hero is too pampered by a carefree life, he is not used to facing any difficulties, so being in captivity is very difficult for him. unlike the protagonist, he is an unreliable comrade. seeing opponents, he headlong throws a vein of one, showing his meanness and cowardice. once in captivity, the hero simply resigns himself to his fate as a prisoner, is not going to take any action and only waits for a ransom from the house. he is constantly in despair. he doubts the idea of ​​Zhilin's escape, he is sure that they will not succeed. and when they nevertheless ran and both of them rubbed their legs badly, unlike the main character, Kostylin begins to whine and complain. it was because of him that they couldn't escape the first time.

Topics and issues

  1. Lev Nikolayevich, in his short story, was able to raise many important topics, one of which is friendship theme. As mentioned earlier, Zhilin shows himself to be a true friend who will not leave a comrade in trouble, will help even when he himself needs help. Kostylin is the complete antipode of the protagonist. In critical situations, he brings him down, throws him to the will of fate, thinking first of all only about himself.
  2. The author also reveals theme of kindness and mercy. Despite the fact that she was brought up in an environment where Russians are considered enemies, the girl is still imbued with sympathy for Ivan. Dina has a huge pure childish soul, she sincerely does not understand the cruelty and hostility on the part of her fellow countrymen. Zhilin's nationality is not important to her, she evaluates the hero according to his words, character and actions.
  3. Ivan Zhilin himself is the personification courage, courage and perseverance. He with dignity endures many trials that stand in his way of life. Being, it would seem, at a dead end, he still does not give up, continues to act, not being afraid of a huge risk to his life. The hero takes care of his elderly mother, helps his comrade in every possible way, steadfastly endures captivity, gains respect from his opponents and, as a result, turns out to be the winner who escaped from captivity. In contrast, the cowardly and lack of initiative Kostylin is shown, who, having fallen into captivity, simply surrenders and waits for a ransom.
  4. The main and central problem of the story "Prisoner of the Caucasus", of course, is the problem of war. Years of hatred and aggression between the two nations did not lead to anything good. The peoples who wanted independence were forced to defend it in bloody battles. Many soldiers who were only pawns in the games of the Russian emperor died. Tolstoy shows that there are no right and wrong in war. He does not portray the highlanders as a wild and ferocious people. They only wanted to protect their lands, and this determines their behavior and mood.
  5. The problem of betrayal also affects the author in the story. At the beginning of the work, when the Tatars began chasing Zhilin, Kostylin, as soon as he saw them, immediately turned around and rushed away, although he knew that the main character was unarmed, and he himself had a loaded gun. Despite this, the main character forgives his comrade, but he remains just as cowardly and vile and brings Zhilin many more problems.

the main idea

With his story, the author wanted to show that under any circumstances it is necessary to remain a man, to show his best qualities and not to be inactive. His main idea was to depict, by contrasting two completely different characters, what this or that behavior of a person can lead to. Zhilin, who sees no obstacles, continues to fight and act, in the end, achieves freedom, and the passive and eternally despondent Kostylin, who only creates even more difficulties, barely survives in this situation.

The meaning of the story "Prisoner of the Caucasus" is that a kind, steadfast and brave person can cope with any trials that await him on his life path. The main character Zhilin survived precisely because of these qualities. On the example of Kostylin, we realize that money, titles and ranks will not be able to help you in the captivity of the enemy, and cowardice, meanness and desperation will only aggravate the situation.

What does it teach?

L. N. Tolstoy in The Prisoner of the Caucasus made readers think about many things. The main moral of the story is never give up. This is exactly what the main character did. The author is a supporter of the idea that hopeless situations overtake only those people who give up and do not take any decisions and actions.

Another rather important conclusion of the story "Prisoner of the Caucasus" is the idea that wars and interethnic skirmishes will never lead to anything good. We are all human, and capturing or killing someone because of their ethnicity is not something that is meaningless - it is terrible, cruel and inhuman. We must always remember that regardless of gender, skin color, nationality, religion, every human life is priceless.

What does this story make you think? Unfortunately, the problems shown and revealed in the "Prisoner of the Caucasus" are relevant to this day. Such works as this story are necessary so that people, reading them, understand all the consequences of such actions and learn from the mistakes of the past.

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