Michael Jackson's death from what he died. Michael Jackson died bald and extremely emaciated - media


Michael Jackson was born on August 29, 1958 in Indiana (Gary, USA). The talented boy became the seventh son in a family of nine children. When Michael was five years old, his enterprising father created a family ensemble called the Five Jacksons, which included Michael's four older brothers and himself. Over time, it became clear that young Jackson had outstanding musical abilities, thanks to which the ensemble was noticed by well-known producers who offered the lucky Jacksons a serious contract.

The band continued to tour successfully for several years, releasing six hit singles during that time.

However, Michael's ambition suddenly stood in the way of the mega-popularity of the ensemble, who grew up and wanted to become an independent performer, earning money for himself, and not for his father. Continuing to work in the ensemble, he records his first solo album, which falls into the hands of the legendary producer Quincy Jones. He takes Michael under his wing and together they create the great album of the singer "Off the Wall", which quickly scattered in the amount of 10 million copies worldwide. So Michael Jackson becomes an adult superstar and finally leaves the family ensemble.

Michael's Star Trek, his death and funeral arrangements

After a taste of fame, Michael surpasses himself with the release of Thriller, which has sold over 40 million copies and made it the best-selling album of all time. The record plate was even listed in the Guinness Book of Records. Working with Quincy Jones, Michael Jackson received 8 Grammy awards and the worldwide love of music critics, after which he received 11 more Grammys.

As a solo artist and member of the Five Jacksons, Michael Jackson has been inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame twice.

Having become the king of pop, the eccentric Michael was repeatedly attacked for his appearance and behavior on stage, but this made him an even more successful and popular musician. Unfortunately, as is often the case with such bright stars, Michael could not stand the fame and everything that accompanies it - on June 25, 2009, the singer died in Los Angeles from cardiac arrest caused by an overdose of drugs. The world famous Jackson was only 50 years old. Before burying the singer, his friends organized a large-scale and colorful show in memory of the King of Pop.


  • Is Michael Jackson dead? No, he is ALIVE! The whole truth about the king

Advice 2: Shirley Jackson: biography, creativity, career, personal life

American writer Shirley Jackson is rightfully considered a master of the gothic novel. Horror, mysteries, ghosts, houses coming to life, murders and ghost predictions can all be found in her novels and short stories. During her short life, Shirley managed to create a whole world where the characters experience mental anguish, fears and suffer from inner demons.


Shirley Hardy Jackson was born on January 14, 1916 in San Francisco, USA. Together with her parents - Leslie and Geraldine Jackson - she lived in Burlingame in California. The family was middle-class and lived in a small suburb. Later, the town will be reflected in the work of Shirley. Shirley attended high school already in the state of New York, as her family moved to Rochester. In 1934, Jackson graduated from Brighton High School and entered the University of Rochester. After dropping out of her studies there, Shirley chose the journalism department at Syracuse University. She received her diploma in 1940.

While still a student, Shirley ran the campus literary magazine. During this period, she met her future husband, Stanley Edgar Heyman. Subsequently, husband Jackson became a famous literary critic. Shirley shared little about her private life. However, from her biography it is known that together with her husband they settled in the countryside, in Vermont. Remoteness from the noisy city and solitude contributed to the creative work of the spouses. They had four children: Lawrence, Joanna, Sarah and Barry. Shirley didn't like the fact that her husband was younger than her. Therefore, in some sources, a later date of her birth appears - 1919. However, biographer Judy Oppenheimer has proven that Shirley Jackson was born in 1916.

Shirley, Stanley and their children later moved to North Bennington, a city in Vermont. The husband of the famous writer received a professorship at Bennington College. The Heyman family was hospitable and surrounded themselves with talented writers. Shirley and Stanley were very fond of reading and possessed an impressive library, which numbered many thousands of books.

Shirley Jackson died on August 8, 1965 due to cardiac arrest. She was only 49 years old. During her life she experienced many neuroses and psychosomatic diseases. In the end, her subtle, creative, sensitive nature could not stand it.


Shirley Jackson is the author of many novels, short stories, works for children, and memoirs. Her first novel, The Road Through the Wall, was written in 1948. The work was created on the basis of childhood memories of a famous writer. Shirley admits that partly through the book she wanted to take revenge on her parents for their narrow-mindedness and greed. The book tells about life in a suburban area of ​​California. The action takes place in 1936. The characters in Jackson's first novel have a narrow outlook and consider themselves good citizens. The suburbanites ignore the Jewish family and the single mother. Once their seclusion and the usual order of things is violated, and the life of society changes. Critics noted Shirley's talent for describing ordinary things in an interesting way.

The next book, the novel The Hanger, was published in 1951. The action takes place in a higher humanitarian school, the main character is a novice among students. The work turned out to be deeply psychological. It got its name from one of the ancient ballads. The third novel, The Bird's Nest, was written by Jackson in 1954. The book was not easy for her. During its creation, Shirley suffered from insomnia and various pains, as well as paranoia. The set of symptoms coincided with those observed in one of the characters. Jackson even had to take a break from his work on the book. She conceived an interesting composition of the novel - each chapter is dedicated to a specific hero. Among them is a shy girl with a split personality and a hypnotist doctor.

Sundial was published in 1958. He talks about a family whose head was killed. Different inhabitants of the rich estate have their own versions of what happened to the owner. One of the suspects is the house itself. The novel is full of mysticism, ghosts and mysteries. The Gothic horror novel The Haunting of Hill House, written in 1959, is based on the relationship between the mysterious events in the house and the mental state of its inhabitants. For him, Jackson received the "National Literary Award". The plot of the novel was taken as the basis for several adaptations. The book was translated into many languages ​​​​of the world and brought the writer wide fame.

The 1962 book We Have Always Lived in a Castle was her last novel. Jackson dedicated her work to the publisher Pascal Covici. The story is told on behalf of the girl Mary Katherine Blackwood. She lives with her sister and uncle on a Vermont estate. A tragedy breaks into the life of the family, which separates them from the inhabitants of the surrounding area. The novel is rightfully considered a masterpiece and was filmed.


Shirley Jackson has created 4 collections of short stories. The first of these, published in 1949, is called The Lottery and Other Stories. It contains 25 stories. This is the only collection published during Jackson's lifetime. The first title of the book was The Lottery or The Adventures of James Harris. A character with this name appears in the stories "The Demon Lover", "As Mother Did", "Elizabeth", and "Sure".

The next collection, The Magic of Shirley Jackson, was released in 1966. After 2 years, the collection "Come with me" was released. It included an unfinished novel of the same name, 3 lectures and 16 gothic short stories. Stanley Hyman wrote the preface to the edition. The book was included in the New York Times Book Review as the best work of fiction of 1968.

The collection "Just an Ordinary Day" was released in 1995. Here are stories of psychological anguish and humorous family sketches that the writer's children discovered after her untimely death.

Advice 3: Joseph Jackson: biography, creativity, career, personal life

Joseph Jackson is an American cult music manager, founder of the Jackson 5 ensemble. Father of celebrities such as Michael, La Toya and Janet Jackson. And, of course, - a bright and extraordinary personality. Thanks to the fortitude and determination, Joseph realized all his dreams of fame and creativity, pulled his family out of poverty and helped his children make a brilliant career.


Joseph Jackson (07/26/1928-06/27/2018) was born in a small town in the state of Arkansas. After a difficult divorce of his parents, Joseph leaves for Auckland with his father. After graduating from education, the young man did not immediately devote himself to musical activity. Creativity has not yet attracted the young man, his interest was boxing. But a career in the sports field failed - Joseph's mother soon fell ill, and for a while he had to move to West Chicago, Indiana. It was there that he met with Katherine Skruse, his future wife.

Personal life and family of Joseph Jackson

Joseph's first marriage was short-lived and childless. Some time later, fate brought him to the young and beautiful Katherine. The wedding was not far off.

A caring husband and father of many children, Joseph struggled for many years trying to feed his large family. Joseph and Katherine had ten children. All of them, with the exception of Brandon, who died as soon as he was born, contributed to the history of musical art to varying degrees.

Joseph also has an illegitimate daughter, Jo Voni Jackson, after his affair with Sherrill Terepp. Relations with Sherrill and the birth of their common child significantly undermined the marriage of Joseph and Catherine.

In the meantime, while the children were growing up, Joseph worked furiously and tried not to prevent hard work from devoting proper time to his family. For his children, he was not only the head of the family, but also a mentor and ideological inspirer.

The thorny path to the stars

Years passed, but hard work and routine could not kill Joseph's main dream - glory in the musical field. First, the aspiring manager founded the Falcons, a rhythm and blues band. But the team fell apart very quickly.

It did not take long to despair: Joseph suddenly noticed how well his sons sing when they play and fool around with each other. This discovery inspired the head of the family to create the musical family ensemble the Jackson 5. The youngest son, the famous Michael Jackson, was a creative leader in this team.

Big daddy's organizational skills help to quickly promote the ensemble and, quite soon, the guys became world-famous idols.

Joseph led the group with a very hard hand, unforgiving of breaches of discipline. Only thanks to the firmness of the leader, even some despotism, the popularity of the Jacksons reached such a stunning level. The unconditional authority of the father was never disputed, all requirements were strictly followed.

Completion of the path

Joseph Jackson died at an advanced age (89 years) after a long illness. For a long time, during his lifetime and after his death, the press severely criticized his methods of raising children. Did the achievement of the great goal justify the severity and tyranny of the father? Only his descendants can judge this.

“If we take the imitation of the singer’s death as the main version, then a lot becomes clear. For the participants in this performance, it is important to throw into the agenda as many versions and reservations as possible, so that any assumptions can be made. The main thing in such a case is not to accidentally make a reservation, not to blurt out something that can lead to a real trail.

Why could Michael Jackson be killed? - an article with this title was posted on our website on June 30. Two weeks have passed since then, but the circumstances and causes of Michael Jackson's death have been, and remain, very dark. And the more "irrefutable" evidence of Jackson's death appears, the more doubt they cause, the more reason to think that "something is unclean here"!

Trying to focus on the most important points that should have finally dotted all the “i”, we were more and more convinced that we had to deal with much more questions than answers to them.

Judging by the publications and discussions in the Internet environment, print and electronic media, in recent days there has been a growing number of supporters of the version that Michael Jackson, with the help of interested friends, relatives and business associates, falsified the act of his death (regardless of whether he is going to officially "resurrect" or not). And if we consider the situation from this angle, then a lot of things begin to fall into place.


Since the publication of the article Why could Michael Jackson be killed?” arrived in the regiment of conspiracy theorists. In early July, the magazine "Secrets of the Stars" (No. 28 of 07/08/2009) published an interview with the producer of a Russian singer named Dima Bilan - Yana Rudkovskaya. The essence of the interview is that Rudkovskaya is sure: Michael Jackson is alive. Regardless of who and how may relate to Rudkovskaya, there are reasons in her considerations. In particular, she said the following:

“When Jackson's death was announced, I remembered how I talked with a Western music manager. It just became known that Jackson announced a 50-show tour. And this manager told me: “There will be no concerts. On the eve of them, Michael will disappear. And the whole world will shudder at the biggest scam of the century!” »

When asked who benefits from Jackson's death, Rudkovskaya also answers quite logically: “First of all, Jackson's death is beneficial to him! It's no secret that in recent years, the life of a star has gone downhill. Debts, persecution in the press, stagnation in creativity... […]. Immediately after the announcement of death around the world, Michael's songs soared to the first lines of the charts, and his CDs swept out of stores in one day […]. He also dreamed of being left alone, stopped following every step. Michael also wanted to get out of debt. And the best way out would be to make everyone think that he died. "Death" would solve all Michael's problems. No need to work off a tedious concert tour and think about how to pay off debts.

Rudkovskaya also logically argues that Jackson’s “death” would be extremely beneficial for his business partners: “The organizers of Jackson’s tour break a huge jackpot: it is unlikely that people will go to return already purchased tickets. They are more likely to keep them as a keepsake. Plus, the tour was insured. In the global music scene […] everyone knows very well that Jackson is a fantastically creative artist and the most inventive PR person. He didn't think of that! And the version that he just played his death is finding more and more confirmation.

There is one strange phenomenon that has already been noticed by many attentive observers who are, so to speak, on both sides of the ocean. We are talking about rehearsals for Jackson's new show This Is It.

Almost on the day of Jackson's death, June 26, his spokesman - Brian Oxman - said that recently the musician took powerful painkillers in order to cope with pain in his back and leg. Moreover, according to Oxman, shortly before his death, Jackson injured his back and broke his leg as a result of a fall during the rehearsal of the concert, which was to begin his triumphant return to the stage.

And the president of AEG Live, which arranged a series of 50 London concerts for the singer, Randy Philips, in his own words, attended Jackson's rehearsals, and last saw the artist on stage the day before the tragedy. Michael then danced for three hours straight and was in great shape. Phillips's words were repeatedly quoted in a number of media outlets: “He danced as well or even better than the twenty-year-old dancers that we gave him as backup dancers. He drew attention to himself. And I thought this show was going to be the greatest show ever. He looked amazing."

Yana Rudkovskaya offers her own explanation for this: “People who were present at the last rehearsal of Jackson's new show assure: on stage, Michael did not look like a deeply ill, exhausted person. But a couple of months ago, he did not get up from a wheelchair, and he met his 50th birthday in it! And suddenly such a surge of strength! […] It is believed that on that day at the rehearsal was not Jackson himself, but his double“Jackson had a lot of them. And he used them when he did not want to go out. Therefore, they say that there was a double at the rehearsal! The man on stage never sang a single line live! But he danced well. Because Jackson's dance can be faked, but vocals can't! It's too "branded". This rehearsal was arranged specifically to provide the world with "the latest photos of Jackson." On them he looks not old and healthy. This is how Jackson would like to remain in the memory of people. To then return in a completely different way and again shock everyone.

Assuming how such a world-famous person as Michael Jackson could have disappeared without a trace and unnoticed, Yana Rudkovskaya gives quite logical arguments: “How do people know exactly what he looks like now? In recent years, Michael covered his face with glasses and scarves. It is possible that he changed his appearance a long time ago [...]. Doctors could well have mistaken any of his doubles for a singer! Jackson could also negotiate with doctors. But the strangest thing in this whole story seems to me personally the behavior of his relatives […]. On TV[…] showed a brother who didn't look heartbroken at all! Already in the first hours after Michael's death, the brother made some statements, gave interviews ... People do not behave like this in the first hours of the death of a loved one. [And Jackson for a while] will live somewhere in a godforsaken place, rest, gain strength. At this time, there will be huge income from the sale of his unreleased songs, and there are more than 200 of them. Plus - books dedicated to him. There will be a huge demand for all this in the world all year round. And in a couple of years, Michael can return. And make the biggest splash in the history of music!” .


Rudkovskaya is not alone in her assumptions. On July 9, The Sun newspaper reported that the "King of Pop" Michael Jackson faked his death to get rid of debt and pressure from the press. The arguments of the journalists of the British weekly tabloid are practically identical to those cited by Yana Rudkovskaya.

Moreover, some newspaper sources suggested that the pop artist had been planning his "escape" for almost a year, and now he is hiding in one of the countries of Eastern Europe, and the man depicted in his last pictures is a double who has been working for him for a long time.

The website www.michaeljacksonsightings.com has an open discussion of theories regarding the staging of his death. Some even claim that after death they saw the artist at the airport in another country. Moreover, the site published a photo, which, according to the public, depicts a “alive and healthy” pop king. From ourselves, we note that the photo is very small, and therefore it is extremely difficult to say whether Jackson or not is depicted in his background. In addition, the exact dating of this photo, I think, is generally impossible to carry out.

In addition, on July 9, the Internet resource Z avtra.com.ua, with a link to www.michaeljacksonsightings.com , told about the message of a man who works on the US-Mexico border. This citizen claims to have seen the artist on the day of his death: "I didn't know he was dead said the border guard. “I would never confuse him with anyone else. He was a little alarmed as he crossed the border. When an hour later I learned from the news about his death, I just laughed.

…When a certain famous person dies for one reason or another, this event, you see, is accompanied by quite understandable actions. The verdict of doctors on the causes of death is announced. For those wishing to say goodbye, the opportunity to pay the last debt is organized. The funeral process is underway. The text of the official will of the deceased is announced. If there is no will, the property and assets of the deceased are distributed among the heirs in accordance with applicable law. Everything is sad, but quite understandable, there are no mysteries and conspiracy theories.

In the case of Jackson's death, things are completely different! But if you try to look at the situation from the point of view that the death of Michael Jackson can be staged, many mysteries get a completely understandable explanation.


As announced in a number of media outlets, on July 1, the singer's will was submitted to the court. This document is dated July 7, 2002. According to the text of the will, the entire state of the singer should go to the Jackson Family Foundation. At that time, the assets of Michael Jackson were estimated at about $ 500 million. According to information circulated in early July 2009 by the Associated Press, financial documents dated June 2007 indicate that Michael Jackson's assets as of March 31, 2007 amounted to $ 567.6 million. These included Jackson's then-owned Neverland estate, a stake in Sony/ATV Music Publishing's publishing rights catalog, a selection of cars, collectibles, and art. The singer's debts at that time amounted to $ 331 million.

At the end of June, American and English tabloids reported that, according to the will, not a cent was left to Michael's father, 79-year-old Joe Jackson, due to the very tense relationship between father and son. Referring to the CNN channel, the Interfax news agency reported on June 30 that the singer's property would be transferred to his mother, Katherine, and three children, and part of the money would go to charity.

On Tuesday, June 30, the British Daily Mail reported that the 2002 will was drawn up by Michael Jackson's former lawyer, John Branca. However, the singer's current attorney, Londell McMillan, said he knew nothing about Jackson's 2002 will. Jackson's parents spoke in the same vein, believing that their son had died without leaving a will.

Not found, apparently, and direct instructions from Jackson about who will be left in the care of his three children - 12-year-old Prince Michael, 11-year-old Paris Michael Katherine, and 7-year-old Prince Michael II. The singer's mother, Katherine, expressed before the court her readiness to become the permanent guardian of her son's children.

What in the above set of messages is surprising? Yes, almost everything!

It is known that Michael Jackson - no matter what they say about him! - He was very kind to his children. It is not difficult to assume that Jackson would not be indifferent to the fate of his two sons and daughter. Feeling sick, so to speak, on the edge of the grave, he would certainly have left a legally competent and unambiguous order regarding the future of his children. But for some reason, Jackson didn't.

Of course, this contradiction could be attributed to the machinations of his greedy "friends" who coveted Jackson's assets. And for whom, in this situation, it would even be beneficial for Jackson's children to have as little money and property left as possible. But in this case, the lack of a clear expression of Jackson's will would just create an opportunity for additional litigation, to determine the size of the singer's fortune, to determine the amount of monetary and property assets that would be assigned to his two sons and daughter.

The uncertainty about the text of Jackson's will is in the same category of mysteries. The presence of a legally well-formed expression of the will of the singer, whatever one may say, would be beneficial to all participants in the "event". And his relatives, and friends, and enemies. We see the opposite picture.

If we assume that all the assets of Michael Jackson have already been transferred to a third party, then everything more or less falls into place. And when Jackson "resurrects", he will be quite a wealthy man. Who, in fact, was before his death.


As you know, the funeral ceremony of farewell to Michael Jackson was held on July 7 at the Staples Center sports complex, where the singer was preparing for a series of concerts "This Is It". The ceremony was attended by relatives, friends and relatives of Jackson, as well as thousands of his fans; the broadcast of the farewell ceremony with the singer was watched on television by about 31 million Americans.

After that, there were reports in the media that relatives took away the remains of the pop king in an "unknown direction." About a week later, by July 13, it turned out that the singer's coffin was where it should be, according to the published death certificate of Michael Jackson. It names Forest Lawn Memorial Cemetery in the Hollywood Hills in Los Angeles as the site of a "temporary" burial. Now the coffin is in the crypt, which belongs to the head and founder of the famous record company "Motown" Berry Gordy (Michael Jackson began his musical career with this company in the early 1970s). Moreover, the coffin with the body of Jackson, according to The New York Post, was secretly transported to the crypt, and will remain there until the family of the singer, who died on June 25, determines the place of burial.

Moreover, according to the publication, Gordy himself turned to Jackson's relatives with a proposal to place the body of the "king of pop" in the tomb. Sources close to the Jackson family told The New York Post that the singer's father and one of his brothers, Jermaine, would like to bury the singer at his California ranch, Neverland. However, Jackson's mother, Katherine, strongly opposed the proposal. She stated that after the hearings on Jackson's charge of molesting minors ended, the "king of pop" promised himself that he would never return to the Neverland estate, and she intends to fulfill his will.

Further more. “She is very upset that Michael is still not buried. It seems that this dispute will never end. This is terribly unfair. Michael's father and brother want to make money on him even after death, ”the source of The New York Post noted. As it turned out, disputes over the place of burial began shortly after the farewell ceremony with Jackson, which, let me remind you, was held in Los Angeles on July 7.

Moreover, already on July 8, the American TV channel FOX NEWS and a number of other foreign sources began to say that the coffin, which was supposed to contain the body of the pop king Michael Jackson, was empty. For example, British tabloids claim that the body of Jackson, who died suddenly on June 25, was buried earlier, without undue hype, in a place inaccessible to fans, and the “wooden vale” that stood on the stage during the long funeral ceremony and farewell to the idol was empty initially. And in order not to embarrass the fans, the coffin was not made of transparent plastic, as previously mentioned.

Other sources, while supporting the idea of ​​an initially empty sarcophagus on stage, however, believe that Jackson's body is still not interred, but is in a secret place. They argue that only after the excitement around the funeral of the "king" subsides, he will be buried.

Like it or not, we observe a great number of riddles, innuendos, attempts to lead on the wrong track. A man is dead, bury him. Perhaps they don’t want to bury Jackson’s body with a wide announcement of the place of burial in case of a completely possible exhumation of the body, which can be carried out at the request of the most unexpected applicants (for example, the singer’s creditors who showed up)? Then it turns out that there is a body in the grave, but it does not belong to Michael Jackson? Otherwise - why all these evasions and omissions?


53-year-old sister of Michael Jackson - La Toya - gave interviews to several British newspapers, which were published on Sunday, July 12. She stated that her brother fell victim to a conspiracy by his shady entourage. La Toya said that she knew who was behind her brother's death and vowed to prove that it was not accidental and that several people were involved in the conspiracy.

On the eve of death

King of Pop Michael Jackson was in high spirits on the eve of his death. He rehearsed his numbers in Los Angeles before the world tour and in particular before the concerts in London, which were supposed to mark the return of the singer to the stage. Ken Ehrlich, an executive producer for the Emmy Awards, said he practiced with show ballet for several hours a day. On June 24, just one day before Jackson's death, the producer came to him for a business meeting. He was amazed at the performance of the singer.
“It was the best time for him. He definitely wanted to do something special. It was probably one of the best meetings that I ever had with him. He was very laid-back and talked a lot,” said Erlich . Jackson died the day after they met, June 25, at the age of 50. What led to the death of the king of pop, experts could not find out even after a secondary autopsy, the results of which shocked experienced pathologists. The singer had many scars on his body, from at least 13 plastic surgeries, including surgery to remove skin cancer on his chest. Several broken ribs, multiple bruises and 4 cardiac injection marks were found. In the stomach of the emaciated singer there was nothing but pills. With a height of 178 cm, he weighed about 51 kilograms. One can only wonder where the singer had the strength to rehearse.
The organizers of the 50 concerts for which Jackson was preparing promise to fully compensate for the cost of tickets, RIA Novosti reports. At the same time, the organizers note that the amount of compensation paid will not include service costs. A series of grandiose shows was supposed to start in the British capital in July and last until next spring. Now, after the unexpected death of the singer, the organizers could lose up to 300 million pounds.
The death of Michael Jackson could be the most beautiful departure of a star in the history of world music and show business. Before his death at the London O2 arena, in the presence of thousands of spectators and hundreds of video cameras, the king of pop music did not live 18 days. It was officially announced that the triumphant return of Michael Jackson will take place on July 13. The whole world was waiting so much that Michael would somehow miraculously get out of his wheelchair, recover from all diseases and once again give a grand show - with crazy energy, trapeze flights and a moonwalk - that the tickets were sold out in a matter of minutes. Instead of 10 concerts, the organizers promised to arrange 50. But of course, the sick king could not survive either 10 or 50 concerts. The performances of the legendary singer were honestly called the "farewell" tour. Jackson was dying. All sorts of diagnoses were not heard in the media: emphysema, chronic gastrointestinal bleeding, alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency, skin cancer, vitiligo, staphylococcus infection, dependence on painkillers ... Even with half of these diseases, concert loads would be obvious suicide. The singer's health was also doubted by insurance companies, which, according to media reports, refused to insure all 50 concerts in London.
Why then was this tour organized? Certainly not to pay off creditors. Michael Jackson loved bright shows, extravagant costumes, provocative performances. His death was to be the continuation of his spectacular life. And what could be more spectacular than death on stage, in front of thousands of fans? Such a death would forever go down in show business history, just as Jackson's life has. Isn't it the best ending for someone who lived on the stage to die on it? Oleg Yankovsky, like many other terminally ill artists, played until the moment he could still play.
The death of an artist is also part of the show. And, as you know, it must go on. Sometimes it is the tragic or scandalous death of a star that excites the maximum interest in her work in society, increases sales and creates a myth around her name that will then live on for many years to come. Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Presley, Kurt Cobain - their mysterious death is no less interesting than their lives. It is unlikely that Michael Jackson was going to give these 50 concerts. But was it a deliberate deception of the fans? Of course not. It was goodbye. Farewell to the king. It is a pity that it did not take place.


Michael Jackson's death on June 25, 2009 at 21:26 UTC occurred after he collapsed in a rented house in Los Angeles. As an iconic death for an entire era, it caused a huge backlash from Jackson fans around the world, influenced many major websites, and caused Jackson's album sales to explode. On the morning of June 25, 2009, Michael passed out while in a house he was renting in Holmby Hills, West Los Angeles. Jackson's personal physician, cardiologist Conrad Murray, later reported through his lawyer that he went up to the second floor and found Jackson in bed, no longer breathing, but with a weak pulse in the femoral artery. Murray began performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation. According to Murray's lawyer, after 5-10 minutes, Murray decided to make a phone call, but there was no landline in the bedroom, and Murray did not want to call on a cell phone, because he did not know the address of Jackson's house. While Murray was looking for a security guard to use his phone to call emergency services, 30 minutes passed. At 12:21 local time, a call to 911 was recorded. It was not Murray who called, but an unknown man.
Arriving 3 minutes and 17 seconds after the call, the doctors found Jackson no longer breathing with a cardiac arrest and immediately began cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Efforts to bring Jackson back to life continued along the way and for an hour after arriving at the UCLA Medical Center at 1:14 p.m. The effect was not achieved. Death was declared at 2:26 pm local time and confirmed by the coroner at 4:36 pm.


The coroners were investigating the cause of death. Michael's body was transported by helicopter to Boyle Heights, home of the Los Angeles coroner's office. An autopsy was performed on June 26 in the evening, after which the body was given to the family. However, the cause of death was not established. Additional toxicological tests are required to clarify it, which can take from 6 to 8 weeks. At the same time, the coroner noted that there were no signs of violence or signs of "foul play" during the autopsy. Later, the Jackson family expressed their desire to perform a second autopsy.
Among the possible causes of death that were expressed immediately after the tragedy were the excessive use of painkillers, the consequences of previous plastic surgeries and physical exhaustion. The police wanted to interrogate the doctor Michael Jackson, but for a long time they could not find him.

Causes of death. Three main versions

Version 1
The world is shocked by the sudden death of the king of pop, Michael Jackson. Among the reasons that could cause the singer's cardiac arrest are the excessive use of painkillers, the consequences of previous plastic surgeries and physical exhaustion. The king of pop took the strongest painkillers to relieve pain due to spinal problems and became dependent on them. Jackson family spokesman attorney Brian Oxman says: "It was something I was afraid of and something I warned about. It's a case of drug abuse. There are no other causes of death that I know of. There's no smoke without fire." - he said. And angrily declared: "The people around him allowed him to do this to them." He recalled the sudden death of Anna-Nicole Smith from an overdose of medications. In his opinion, the dose taken by her then is nothing compared to the amount of pain medication that Jackson took constantly, writes Heat World.

Version 2
According to the second version, the singer was ruined by his numerous plastic surgeries. It is reported that after another operation on his nose, Michael became infected with a germ of a dangerous strain of staphylococcus aureus, which destroyed his body. Another version, which is also associated with the artist's repeatedly operated nose, is oxygen deficiency caused by a decrease in nasal passages. As the maxillofacial surgeon Tamara Chkadua said in an interview with RIA Novosti, this could cause chronic hypoxia, which, in turn, often even leads to sudden cardiac arrest - apnea. The doctor explained that sleep apnea usually occurs at night, during sleep, when a person does not control his breathing. Plastic surgeries by themselves cannot become a direct cause of a person's death, but their health is greatly undermined by their consequences - frequent stays under general anesthesia, taking drugs in the postoperative period.

Version 3
The third version of the death of the singer was expressed by his lawyer. In his opinion, the death of the king of pop music could be a consequence of the pressure exerted on the singer by the obligation to perform in July at a multimillion-dollar concert venue in London, writes the British newspaper Evening Standard. According to him, "intermediaries" are to blame for Jackson's death, forcing the singer to endure excessive physical exertion in preparation for the anniversary concert.

Impact on the Internet

The world's leading providers noted a sharp decrease in data transfer speeds on the Internet after it became known that Michael Jackson had died. Obviously, people all over the world turned on their computers at almost the same time to find out the details. According to a Google official, this search engine not only failed to cope with the influx of users for almost an hour, but also perceived some of them as hackers. “Within 40 minutes, some users of the Google news section received an error message when prompted. In addition, in some cases, people received a warning that their request was recognized as an attempt to hack the system, ”said Gabriel Stikera, a spokesman for the company.
The social network Twitter also had problems processing requests for the pop singer. This site for the first time since the inauguration of the President of the United States recorded a rapid increase in the popularity of the topic "Michael Jackson". The query rose to the top of the charts in record time, and on Thursday night, Twitter recorded that the singer's name was being typed into the search bar 100,000 times an hour.

Fan reaction

At least 12 fans of Michael Jackson committed suicide after the news of the death of an idol, said the head of the largest fan club of Jackson Gary Taylor. Taylor told reporters that Michael Jackson would not want his fans to commit suicide. The head of the fan club expressed fears that even more serious depression will begin among the fans of the artist after his funeral, when they realize that Jackson will not return.
Jackson fans around the world were upset by the death of the performer, who was set to return to the stage in July. His records returned to the top of the charts. In addition, the singer's managers promised to publish more than a hundred songs of Michael Jackson previously unknown to listeners.


It turned out that the king of pop Michael Jackson made a will back in 2002. The singer's parents believe that their son died without leaving any will. Michael Jackson's mother Katherine has already petitioned the California Supreme Court to become her son's business manager. But it turned out that the influential daily American business newspaper The Wall Street Journal has a copy of the document, which says that Michael Jackson divided the money between his mother, three children and one or more charitable organizations. The executor did not mention his father, Joseph Jackson, in the will. The parents of the king of pop have not yet seen this document. On July 2, Jackson's lawyer will read the will of the singer, who died on June 25, in a Los Angeles court. Jackson wanted lawyer John Branca and music producer John McLane to be his attorneys after his death. As already mentioned, the assets of Michael Jackson in total amount to 1 billion 360 million dollars. The most valuable of the assets is the singer's share in the music catalog, which owns the rights to more than 200 songs by popular artists, including The Beatles, the best works of Bob Dylan and hits by Joni Mitchell, and Stevie Nicks. The share of Michael Jackson in this catalog is estimated, according to experts, at 1.15 billion dollars. At the same time, Jackson left behind a lot of debt. According to estimates, they are equal to 331 million dollars. The legendary singer took care of the future of his children in advance. He secretly created 200 new songs and donated the rights to these recordings to a fund created specifically for his children. Jackson's creditors will not be able to access the proceeds from the sale of these songs, as they are protected by a special status. This collection is tentatively valued at 100 million.


The body of the world legend will be delivered to his Neverland ranch, where fans will be able to see the idol on his last journey.
The funeral of the King of Pop Michael Jackson will be held next Sunday, July 5, in the state of California, near the Neverland estate, SkyNews reports. It is known that fans of Michael Jackson's work will be able to come and say goodbye there. At the same time, while the details of the ceremony are discussed by the relatives of the singer and composer with the state authorities.

Michael Jackson, without a doubt, became an idol for millions of people who started their lives in the last century. His voice was a sign of the times. Sign of the coming time. That is why, despite all the tricks of the media, we are sorry for the departure of this brilliant singer. In memory of Michael Jackson, we offer you to watch the video for his song, which most of all reflects the work of the greatest singer of our time.

In May, Jackson underwent a full medical test and was found to be in good health.

Ambulance delivered michael jackson to a Los Angeles hospital with a diagnosis of cardiac arrest - literally: delayed and stopped the heart. An ambulance was called at 12:21 p.m. LA time. Doctors arrived in a few minutes (according to some reports, after 3 minutes, according to others - after 8). They saw Michael Jackson on the floor. Near him was his personal doctor, who was trying to stimulate the heart of a patient who had fallen into a coma. The doctors took various stimulus measures for a full 45 minutes. Then they took him to the hospital. They recorded in the medical protocol that the delivered heart rhythm was absent, that is, the heart was not beating. Michael Jackson was given a direct injection into the heart, applied electric shock, took other measures, but it was not possible to restore the heartbeat.

Those who accompanied Jackson shouted to the doctors: "You must save him, please save him!" Death occurred at 2:26 p.m. Western Time. Tito Jackson, having learned about the death of his brother, could not stop trembling. He only repeated: "Michael is no more, Michael is gone!"

The singer's body was transported from the hospital to the mortuary by helicopter to avoid the crowd of Jackson fans gathered at the hospital door. Germaine Jackson told reporters through tears that, according to preliminary data, death was the result of cardiac arrest. What caused this? Heart attack? If so, what exactly caused the heart attack? The answer to these questions can only be obtained after a post-mortem autopsy and toxicological analysis. People close to the Jackson family say that Michael felt unwell after he was injected with the powerful painkiller narcotic Demerol. After the injection, his breathing changed. It got slower and slower and then stopped altogether. They tried to give him artificial respiration while waiting for the arrival of an ambulance.

When asked if there was any attempt to warn Michael and his family about the dangers of using so many drugs, the Jackson family's lawyer Brian Oxman answered:

Yes, they tried, including family members themselves. Many times. I told them myself. But Michael could no longer do without painkillers. It began with the infamous shooting of a Pepsi-Cola commercial when a fire broke out and the artist's hair caught fire. He suffered a head burn, and the result was severe pain. He did not want to endure and began to take painkillers. Then he somehow fell off the stage and injured his back. Then he broke his leg. All this became a source of constant pain, which he tried to drown out with painkillers. It became a part of his life.

Medications, either prescribed by doctors or taken without a prescription to stimulate and restore strength, could affect the rhythm of the heart, cause arrhythmias

Doctor Art Mollen believes that Michael Jackson's death may have contributed to the excessive use of drugs, which he needed in the process of preparing for 50 concerts in London:

There is no doubt that drugs, either prescribed by doctors or taken without a prescription to stimulate and restore strength, could affect the rhythm of the heart, cause arrhythmia. It is unlikely that his arteries were clogged - he was very active, in good physical shape. But Demerol, prescribed to him by his personal doctor, is a drug like morphine, and at a dose above the usual norm of 50-100 milligrams, this drug becomes dangerous for the heart. The problem is that the patient becomes very dependent on this medicine.

According to family lawyer Brian Oxman, Michael had been in good physical shape the day before. However, the deterioration did not come as a surprise, since the singer took many different medications. According to the lawyer, the story of Michael Jackson has no parallels with the history Anna Nicole Smith who died due to an overdose of drugs and drugs. Michael Jackson only took medication as prescribed by doctors to cope with a very stressful rehearsal period ahead of his 50th London gig. He rehearsed 6 hours 4 days a week. It was a huge burden for a physically weak 50-year-old man. But Jackson's mood after each rehearsal was very good. The artist took a combination of 7 powerful drugs, including Zoloft, Zanax and Demerol. According to Michael Jackson's former press spokesman Michael Levine, with Jackson repeated what happened with Elvis Presley. The organizers of the London concerts reported that in May, Michael Jackson underwent a full medical test, and his health was considered good.

In addition to the causes of death, the fate of three children of Michael Jackson - seven, eleven and twelve years old - is the subject of various assumptions and rumors. According to one information, the children will live with the mother of two of them - Deborah Rowe. According to others, their grandmother, Michael Jackson's mother Katherine, will take custody of them.

Michael Jackson died on the night of June 25-26, 2009 in Los Angeles. The news of his untimely death instantly spread throughout the world, shocking not only fans, but also envious people. The name of Jackson by that time had long become a legend, and, despite numerous reports of illnesses, no one expected such a sudden death.

Despite the years of musical silence, in the memory of bloggers, the singer remains a real legend, the king of pop music, the author of numerous hits, spectacular video clips and the famous “moonwalk”, without which few people can imagine the bygone era of the 1980s and their young years.

On the morning of June 25, 2009, Michael collapsed while in a house he was renting in Holmby Hills, West Los Angeles. Jackson's personal physician, cardiologist Conrad Murray, later reported through his lawyer that he went up to the second floor and found Jackson in bed, no longer breathing, but with a weak pulse in the femoral artery. Murray began performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). After 5-10 minutes, Murray decided to make a phone call, but there was no landline in the bedroom, and Murray did not want to call on a cell phone, because he did not know the address of Jackson's house. While Murray was looking for a security guard to use his phone to call emergency services, 30 minutes passed. At 12:21 p.m. local time, a 911 call was recorded. It was not Murray who called, but a home security worker. Here is a recording of that historic call.

Arriving 3 minutes and 17 seconds after the call, the doctors found Jackson no longer breathing with a cardiac arrest and performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation for 42 minutes. According to Murray's lawyer, a UCLA doctor ordered the medical team to give a direct injection of adrenaline into Jackson's heart. The lawyer noted that all the time while Jackson was at home, he still had a pulse. Efforts to bring Jackson back to life continued along the way and for an hour after arriving at the University of California Medical Center (UCLA) at 1:14 p.m. The effect was not achieved. Death was pronounced at 14:26 local time.

Thousands of fans of the singer immediately gathered near the hospital. They literally surrounded the porch, filling it with soft toys and flowers and filling everything around with photographs of the singer and candles. Fans also turned out to mourn at the deserted Gary, Indiana home where Jackson spent his childhood and New York City's huge Times Square downtown.

Most people did not learn the exciting news from the newspapers. People called each other, sent messages, wrote blogs. In terms of the scale of the tragedy, Jackson's death can only be compared with the death of Princess Diana or the assassination of President Kennedy.

Michael Joseph Jackson was born on August 29, 1958. He was the seventh of nine children in the Jackson family. At the age of four, Michael was already on stage. A little later, he began performing with his older brothers Jackie, Tito, German and Marlon in the group "The Jackson 5", which was invented by their father Joseph. And although Michael was the youngest, it was he who attracted the most attention, sang, danced best of all, knew how to charm the audience and eventually became a real star of the team.

In the late 1960s, The Jackson 5 signed with Motown Records and began to release hot hits one after another throughout the next decade. Simultaneously with the work in the family band, Michael did successful solo projects.

Active Michael was always just not enough. So, in 1978, he starred with the young Diana Ross in the feature film The Wizard, an African-American remake of The Wizard of Oz. The film did not become a classic of American cinema, but it was of great importance for Michael, because on the set he met the great music producer Quincy Jones, who worked on the film's musical accompaniment.

It was Quincy who helped Michael Jackson get his next album, 1979's Off The Wall, multi-platinum, turning a singing black handsome boy into a pop music superstar. The album included hits Don "t Stop" Til You Get Enough and Rock With You, the disc sold 10 million copies.

In 1982, Jackson broke not only his own record, but also set an unattainable bar for subsequent generations. The Thriller album did not have time to re-release, more than 50 million copies were sold worldwide. Michael Jackson received seven Grammy Awards for this album. Another world record for Thriller is a 37-week chart lead that no one has yet surpassed.

Thriller's sensational success lay in never-before-seen, enchanting and surprisingly beautiful music videos for "Billie Jean", "Beat It" and "Thriller". Jackson was the first to make a small film out of a clip, to make video a means of transferring music, to spit on the laws of the genre, setting his own. Michael broke any stereotypes that got in his way. Jackson became the first black guy on American MTV.

Having passed the peak, Michael continued to hold on to a huge height of popularity. The Bad album in 1987 sold 25 million copies, and in 1991 Dangerous sold 23 million copies.

In 1993, Michael became famous on the Oprah Winfrey show, which was filmed at his home - at the Land of Eternal Childhood ranch in Santa Yanez, California. The interview lasted 1.5 hours and attracted almost 100 million viewers, becoming the most watched show of the year.

In 1995, Michael released the ambitious and ingenious double album HIStory Past, Present and Future Book I, consisting of 15 greatest hits of the past years and 15 new songs, which are still considered his most touching and soulful compositions. During the year, the album became platinum six times in the United States and is still successfully sold, being the most sought-after double album in the world.

Jackson easily masters new musical genres and techniques, creating a wave ahead of time. In subsequent years, he released the albums "Blood On The Dance floor: HIStory In The Mix", "Invincible", "Number 1 "s", which includes reissued old songs and new compositions, as well as a 44-minute DVD "Michael Jackson - The One" featuring footage from the CBS archives, including live performances, off-stage footage, and footage from the HIStory tour.

In 1996, Jackson marries nurse Debbie Rowe, who gives him two sons (born in 1997 and 2002) and a daughter (born in 1998). Jackson says that fatherhood is the main dream of his life.

From 2003 to 2005, the whole world is discussing a high-profile court case: Michael Jackson is accused of child molestation. After long meetings and trials, Michael is found not guilty on all counts, but a long tense lawsuit undermines the singer's health, so after the trial he leaves for the island of Bahrain and becomes a hermit.

In March 2009, Michael announced that he was going to play the last series of concerts in London called This is it Tour. A series of 10 concerts at The O2 arena, with a capacity of 20 thousand people, was supposed to start on July 13, 2009 and end on March 6, 2010. However, the demand for tickets exceeded all expectations, and the organizers planned additional performances.

According to the doctors who examined Jackson, the singer's health completely allowed him to conduct such a difficult tour ...

The day after Jackson's death, the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) began investigating an unusual and high-profile case. They started talking about a new version of the cause of the singer's death - murder.

On July 1, 2009, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) joined the investigation. The DEA, having the power to investigate issues normally protected by doctor-patient privilege, could examine all of Jackson's prescription medications. California Attorney General Jerry Brown said the DEA used CURES, a prescription database containing information about all prescribed drugs, doctors, doses and patients, to investigate. On July 9, William Bratton, LAPD chief, said the investigation was focused on murder or accidental overdose, but that full toxicology reports from the coroners should be awaited.

On August 24, 2009, the conclusions of a forensic medical examination were made public - death was due to an overdose of the potent anesthetic propofol. A number of other potent substances (lorazepam, diazepam, midazolam) were also found in the blood.

On August 28, the Los Angeles coroner announced that Michael Jackson's death would be qualified as a homicide. Cardiologist Conrad Murray, Michael's personal physician, was charged with manslaughter.

The case is still gathering new details. According to the latest testimony, when the singer's heart stopped, Murray interrupted the initial resuscitation procedure he had begun in order to hide the drugs that he illegally injected celebrities.

However, what difference does it make now ... Michael Jackson still cannot be revived with new details about his death.

“In the end, the most important thing is to be honest with yourself and your loved ones and work hard. What is now will not be tomorrow. Dare. Fight. Improve and cultivate your talent. Be the best at what you do. Learn more about your occupation than anyone alive. Use the tools to present yourself - be it books, or the floor to dance, or water to swim. Wherever it is, it's yours. That's what I always try to remember."

                          Michael Jackson

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