Funny faces and faces. How to draw funny faces Draw a face

Is it hard for you to draw a face?

Think! "Point, dot, comma, minus, crooked face..."
- So you have been drawing since you were five? Do you want to learn how to draw like an adult?
- What for?
- Faces help a lot. For example, spending time at a lecture or meeting. Draw caricatures of a tiresome telephone interlocutor. Or overcome the green melancholy at work. And you can also play “faces” with children, draw “portraits” and ask each other: “Who is this?”.

Let's try to draw a face in a more complex way. To do this, you will need: sheets of paper, a ruler, an eraser and 2 pencils marked M and 2M.

To begin with, with a pencil M, we draw by hand an oval shaped like an egg, and with the help of a ruler we divide it with vertical and horizontal lines (Fig. 1. All drawings open.), Which intersect exactly in the middle. We divide the vertical into 6 segments and draw more horizontal lines. The top line will mark the forehead line. We will not draw the second one. This is the conditional line of the eyebrows. The bridge of the nose and eyes will be located on the center line. The next line will be the nose, and the bottom line will be the mouth line.

The face begins to draw from the eyes, because the eyes are the mirror of the soul. We draw two "fish" without tails (Fig. 2). Wrinkle tails can be added later if you want to portray an old man. With a ruler, we measure the symmetry of the eyes relative to the vertical line: the corners should be at an equal distance.

Now it's the turn of the nose. We draw a triangle. Two of its corners are on the same vertical with the inner corners of the eyes, and the third is on the bridge of the nose. It is better to draw it a little longer, but for convenience, let's draw it this way for now. After that, we draw from the bridge of the nose two large arcs above the eyes (these are eyebrows) and two small ones (these are the eyelids). We only draw small ones from the corners of the eyes. Now - the mouth: we draw a "minus" from the poem. It is twice as wide as the nose, and its tips are approximately at the level of the center of the eyes.

Now, when we have a face outline, we take a 2M pencil with a light soul and start drawing for real (Fig. 3). First, we circle the eyes, slightly bending their contours, and draw the top line with great pressure. Let the eyelids remain weakly outlined. We draw eyebrows arbitrarily, but not from the bridge of the nose (from the bridge of the nose you can, if you need to portray an oriental beauty). The thickest part of the eyebrow is above the center of the eye.

We draw the nose like this: we round the lower edge of the triangle, put two points under it (“patch”) and draw rounded lines from them - nostrils. If you need to portray a man, you must remember that men have a longer nose and wider nostrils.

By the way, the most non-standard and expressive part of the human face is the mouth or lips. They are both narrow and plump, and of various shapes, so the mouth can be drawn as you like, even crooked. In men, the mouth line is longer, and the lips are narrower. We draw the mouth, like eyes, with a “fish”. We draw the boldest lines in the middle and under the lower lip, and raise the corners of the mouth a little so that the face does not turn out to be sad.

We still left our ears and forehead without attention (Fig. 4). The top of the ear is at eye level and the bottom is at nose level. And on both sides we draw such “paper clips”, not too lop-eared, of course. The forehead can be drawn as you like: high, low, narrow. Let's not forget to mark the neck. And finally - finish the eyes. In the middle, draw even circles and paint over them from the center. In the center they should be darker - this is the pupil. On a woman's face, you can add cilia, on a man's face they look frivolous.

Finally, we take an eraser and erase everything that seems superfluous to us, as well as all the dirt that we have done in the process of creating this “portrait”. Such a face can be transformed: narrow, make thicker, reduce eyes, make eyebrows wider, nose longer, add mustaches, beards, glasses, make different hairstyles. Faces can be painted as in childhood. Look what came out of the sample we drew (Fig. 5 - 8). It turns out that drawing faces is not so difficult?

But it is more difficult to draw a face in profile (Fig. 9). The oval will have to be drawn at an angle of 30-45 degrees. But you can make it easier: put a sheet of paper at such an angle. We draw horizontal lines in the same proportions. We draw the nose with a triangle, but protruding. The eyes on the side also look triangular. You just need to round off their lines a little. The mouth will protrude beyond the oval, and drawing it is the most difficult thing: you need to ensure that it does not look too ugly. And the chin can be circled along the oval line, but then it will look a little caricatured. But you can make it a speaker: it's more realistic.

We drew the head in proportions close to the classical ones adopted by artists. But for nesting dolls, such proportions are not suitable. The nested doll has a round face, the eyes are in the middle of the face, but very large, full width, and should be well drawn and always with long, curving cilia (Fig. 10).

The smiling lips-bows of the matryoshka are almost in the middle between the eyes and the chin, and the nose is indicated by two dots. It is not customary to depict bangs. And there must be a bright blush.

If you often train in drawing faces, you can “stuff” your hand and eye so that the ruler will soon become unnecessary. And I must say that every face painter one day comes to his own style of image. And style is already a sign of a true artist!

Draw faces in an adult way, practice, fantasize. And maybe soon your acquaintances will begin to speak with a breath: “You know, but he (she) knows how to draw portraits!”.

If you need a great

Funny drawings or cartoons help not only to improve your well-being, but also to have fun (say, when you get bored with a telephone conversation, you are waiting for something, you have nothing to do in class). The whole person who has a little bit of dreams and fantasies is much better at drawing funny faces.


1. Imagine in your mind a character or an easily funny face that you would like to draw.

2. Take a blank sheet of paper of any size, a ruler of any size, a couple of primitive pencils with different degrees of hardness and an eraser.

3. Draw a circle or an oval. This geometric figure does not necessarily have to be perfect in its form, therefore draw it by hand, without using a special ruler with a circle or oval. This will be the head.

4. Divide your circle into two equal parts using a vertical line. Draw a line with a ruler or by hand. In the center of the circle and in the middle of the drawn line, draw a small circle or an oval, the one that will serve as the nose of the face.

5. Below and above the drawn nose, draw two more small horizontal lines.

6. On the tier of the upper horizontal line draw the eyes, and on the tier of the lower horizontal line draw the mouth.

7. At the bottom of the circle, draw two more circles - these will be the cheeks, and draw the eyebrows at the top of it.

8. Invent and draw hair, a hat, a mustache, freckles or a beard near a face. Use additional elements - glasses, pince-nez, tube, headphones, change your hairstyle. With the help of additional lines (wrinkles), the shape of the eyes and mouth, give your painted face a sensitive image. Draw a cheerful, amazed, sad, angry or good-natured face at your discretion.

9. Draw with a pencil in thin lines, do not use a pencil that is too soft.

10. Move all the main lines with a darker color (take a softer pencil), and erase all secondary and auxiliary lines with an eraser.

11. Use a computer to draw funny faces, work with the help of graphic editors. The thesis of the process is similar - the image is created through primitive forms.

If you have captivating eyesight but long for a photo with stylish and lovely glasses, don't be in a hurry to spend your money on glasses, which you do not need for anything other than photo shoots. You can decorate yourself with glasses with the support of the Adobe Photoshop graphics editor - you can draw them so professionally that the photo will look authentic, and no one will think that glasses in the photo are not real.


1. Download Photoshop and open a photo that shows your face in front, clearly and large. On the toolbar, select the Rounded Rectangular Tool option, which allows you to draw a rectangle with rounded edges.

2. After that, preferring to fill the rectangle completely with black, make a new layer and on a new layer draw a small rectangle over the eye in the photo, equal to the size of one eyepiece of the glasses. Double click on the new layer to open the Layer Style section where you can add some layer results.

3. Select the Bevel and Emboss tab and set the values ​​to Inner Bevel Smooth with a depth of 241 and a size of 13. After that, reduce the layer's opacity (Opacity) to 30% - the rectangle will take on the appearance of a translucent glass with a glare.

4. Duplicate the eyepiece layer (Duplicate Layer) and open the Layer Style edit section again - this time in the Bevel and Emboss tab, set the Stroke Emboss and Chisel Hard genre values, set the depth to 241, and the size to 2 pixels. Go to the genres tab Stroke, set the size to 1px, set the stroke position to Inside and make sure you have black as the color.

5. Select the eyepiece layer by clicking on it while holding down the Ctrl key, and then open the Select -> Modify section and select Contract with a small value. Make a new layer and fill the selection with a black to white linear gradient, then lift the layer up. Set the layer's Blending Mode to Screen and Opacity to 40%.

6. On the toolbar, select the Elliptical Shape Tool and draw a small oval with black color in the region of the bridge of the nose on the inside of the eyepiece, and then select the Line Tool and neatly combine it with a slanted line with the frame. For comfort, you can zoom in on the photo.

7. Duplicate the eyepiece layer and flip it (Flip Horizontal), and after that, with the support of the move tool, place the 2nd eyepiece on the 2nd eye. Now make a new layer and, choosing the Pen Tool option on the toolbar, draw a bridge between the eyepieces on the bridge of the nose with the same thickness as the frame. After that draw the temples of the glasses and merge the layers.

hexagon called a special case of a polygon - a figure formed by the majority of points in a plane bounded by a closed polyline. A positive hexagon (hexagon), in turn, is also a special case - it is a polygon with six equal sides and equal angles. This figure is significant in that the length of all of its sides is equal to the radius of the circle described around the figure.

You will need

  • - compass;
  • - ruler;
  • - pencil;
  • - paper.


1. Select the length of the side of the hexagon. Take a compass and set the distance between the end of the needle, located on one of its legs, and the end of the stylus, located on the other leg, equal to the length of the side of the figure being drawn. To do this, you can use a ruler or prefer a random distance if this moment is not significant. Fix the legs of the compass with a screw, if possible.

2. Draw a circle with a compass. The selected distance between the legs will be the radius of the circle.

3. Divide the circle with dots into six equal parts. These points will be the vertices of the corners of the hexagon and, accordingly, the ends of the segments representing its sides.

4. Set the leg of the compass with the needle to an arbitrary point located on the line of the outlined circle. The needle should correctly pierce the line. The accuracy of the constructions directly depends on the accuracy of the installation of the compass. Draw an arc with a compass so that it intersects at 2 points the circle drawn first.

5. Move the leg of the compass with the needle to one of the intersection points of the drawn arc with the original circle. Draw another arc that also intersects the circle at 2 points (one of them will coincide with the point of the previous location of the compass needle).

6. In the same way, rearrange the compass needle and draw arcs four more times. Move the leg of the compass with the needle in one direction around the circumference (invariably clockwise or counterclockwise). As a result, six points of intersection of the arcs with the initially constructed circle must be identified.

7. Draw a positive hexagon. Stepwise pairwise combine the six points obtained in the previous step with segments. Draw line segments with a pencil and ruler. The result will be a positive hexagon. Later, the implementation of the construction is allowed to erase the auxiliary elements (arcs and circles).

It makes sense to choose such a distance between the legs of the compass, so that the angle between them is equal to 15-30 degrees, on the contrary, when building constructions, this distance can easily go astray.

The hat is a very characteristic sign of the times. At the sight of a hat with a hefty wide brim and lush feathers, a musketeer immediately comes to mind, a top hat brings to mind the Pushkin era, and an exquisite straw hat can make an image of a metropolitan young lady of the beginning of the last century, resting in the countryside. Hats never go out of fashion, therefore, they are often drawn by both fashion designers and illustrators.

You will need

  • - paper;
  • - pencil;
  • - paints or colored pencils;
  • - pictures with images of various hats.


1. Even if you want to come up with your costume hat strange style, try to draw something classic first. The drawing rule for all brimmed hats is identical. The difference lies only in the width and shape of the fields and crown. The location of the sheet can be any.

2. Draw an oval. Position it horizontally. If the hat is below your eye tier, the oval will be wide. At the same time, that line of it, which is closer to you, will be on a plane below the distant one. Fields that are directly opposite you look like a hefty tight oval or even a straight line. Looking at hat below, you will also see an oval, but below is the far part of the fields. If you're drawing a soft-brimmed lady's hat, draw the oval uneven. Curvature can be in any part of the fields and any form.

3. For comfort, draw two center lines. One crosses the oval in length and connects the farthest points. Divide this line in half. Draw a perpendicular to the middle. It is allowed to be carried out only in one direction - to where the crown will be.

4. From the intersection of the axial retreat along a long line at equal distances in one direction and the other and put points. In a musketeer hat, these points will be approximately at a distance from the edge of the fields? their widths. The fields of the cylinder are completely cramped, so the distance from the middle to the side line of the crown will be approximately 7/8 of the length of this segment. Connect the points with an arc parallel to the front margin line.

5. Draw the side lines of the crown. If you draw a musketeer hat, then these lines go to a small height approximately at a right angle to the fields or converge slightly upward. At the cylinder, they either diverge at a small angle, or are again perpendicular to the fields. The height of the top of the cylinder is approximately one and a half times greater than its width. Connect the upper ends of the side lines with an arc or a straight line. If you draw felt hat, the convex part of the upper arc will be directed upwards. The bottom in this case is not necessary to draw.

6. The bottom of a musketeer hat or cylinder is an oval. To the more closely drawn arc, draw its upper part. Round the junctions of both arcs. The sketch of the cylinder is ready. For a musketeer hat, more feathers are needed. Draw a curved line from where the brim and crown meet. This line is directed upward at a slight angle. Surround it with a wavy line.

7. If you are looking at hat from below, start drawing correctly from the oval of fields in the same way. As in the previous case, draw two lines. On the long axial, set aside the full width of the tulle on both sides, and on the short one - completely small segments. Connect the dots with an oval. In this case, only part of the crown is visible. Above the middle of the top margin line, draw a low trapezoid. Its ribs are slightly closer to the center than the edges of the hole on the bottom of the hat. Instead of the top line of the trapezoid, draw a slightly curved arc with the convex part up. From the fact that the fields of the cylinder are much closer, then the crown is visible more. Its width is approximately equal to the width of the hole, and the bend of the upper line of the crown is parallel to the field line in this area.

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When coloring or hatching, you need to transfer the shape. The direction of the hatch will be different. Hatch the fields with horizontal lines, while near the crown, the strokes should be thicker. The crown can be drawn either with vertical strokes or parallel arcs. With vertical hatching, a clear stripe with uneven edges remains in the center. The closer to the side lines, the thicker the pencil lays down. Applying arched strokes, leave a clear strip in the middle as well. Rough edges will come naturally. Increase the pressure of the pencil in the direction from the center to the edges.

Oval- a geometric figure, which is often used to depict various objects, for example, in architecture, in the manufacture of furniture, even when drawing animals. They can draw an oval by hand by eye, but how to draw a positive oval?

You will need

  • - landscape sheet;
  • - pencil;
  • - ruler;
  • - eraser.


1. In the middle of the sheet, draw a rhombus - a geometric figure in which all sides are even, and the opposite sides are also parallel. Choose the size of the rhombus so that the oval you need fits into it.

2. Draw two straight lines coming out of the top of the obtuse angle. Bring the second ends of the lines to the middle of opposite sides. Similarly, draw lines coming out of the second obtuse corner of the diamond. Thus, four segments were obtained, intersecting with each other at some points located in the middle of the rhombus.

3. Place the leg of the compass alternately at the points of intersection of the lines and draw semicircles with a radius equal to the distance from the point to the nearest walls of the rhombus. Thus, instead of the sharp corners of the rhombus, you will get two sides of a positive oval.

4. Place the leg of the compass at the tops of obtuse corners. Measure the distance equal to the lines drawn and draw arcs that connect the final points of the lines coming from one obtuse angle. We got the missing sides of the positive oval. Remove all extra lines with an eraser.

5. Draw an oval with the second method. Draw a horizontal line first. Then divide it into three equal segments. At the points in the middle of the segment, put the leg of the compass and draw two identical circles with a radius equal to the length of one segment of the horizontal line. In order to draw a true oval, mark the points where the circles intersect with each other. From each of these points, draw two straight lines passing through the centers of the circles and intersecting with opposite sides of the circles. Place the leg of the compass at the intersection points of the circles and with a radius equal to the length of the straight lines, draw arcs that form the upper and lower sides of the true oval. A true oval is drawn.

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The process of creating an image in the virtual space is fundamentally different from the usual drawing on paper, canvas and fabric. But the work of a virtual artist is not at all easier, and the widespread opinion that “the machine will do everything by itself” is false.

You will need

  • - program "Paint".


1. Go to the start menu on your computer. Select the "All Programs" item, then find the "Typical" section, where you will see the "Paint" program. This is the easiest graphic editor, with the support of which you will be able to learn how to draw a graphic image on a computer.

2. Having opened the program, you will see a menu at the top, including the following items: "File", "Edit", "View," Drawing”, “Palette”, “Help”. Another significant feature that you will definitely need is the cancellation of the ideal action. In order to cancel the previous step, click "Edit" - "undo". In the upper left corner is the toolbar, at the bottom of the color palette.

3. Imagine the upcoming sketch of your drawing. For trial work, choose the most primitive images of a positive geometric shape. Try drawing a house. For every seeming difficulty, this is an impeccable option for beginners, and tea is preferably made up of squares and rectangles.

4. In order to draw a graphic drawing, select the desired color in the palette. Click on the line tool. On a white working field, form a square by connecting lines in series. Hold down the Shift key to draw perfectly straight lines. After that draw a triangular roof (Fig.1).

5. Select "Rectangle" from the toolbar. Draw a door and a window. To create a square window, hold down the Shift key.

6. Next, use the Fill tool. Select the desired color in the palette, move the mouse and click once in the area to be colored (Fig. 2). If each drawing is colored, then cancel the action and carefully paint over the loosely united corners of your “house”. At this stage, you can add all the necessary elements to the image (partitions on windows, door handles, curtains, etc.)

7. And now from one house build a small "village". Use the Selection tool. Circle the house and click Copy. After that click "Insert". You will have two identical houses on the working field. Shrink the copy home while holding down the Shift key. This will help maintain the proportions of the house when reduced. Position the smaller copy above and to the right of the main drawing. Do the same with the copied image. As a result, you should get three houses (Fig. 3).

8. Now, using the Curve tool, connect all the houses with paths. Paths paint over with the support of a friend of yours using the "Fill" tool (Fig. 4).

In ancient times, people used to say that freckles is a sign of spring. And truly, people with freckles on their faces seem more open, carefree and cheerful. But what about those who recklessly want to have these red spots, although their skin, unfortunately, does not allow this?

You will need

  • foundation powder / self-tanning / henna


1. The easiest way to acquire freckles is to apply them with a special pencil, and its color should be as close as possible to the tone of your face. So hemp will look more natural. It is possible to give a real look to the painted spots by applying a small layer of tonal powder on them. The disadvantage of this method is that such freckles very easily and quickly washed off, and every morning you have to draw them again.

2. Instead of a pencil, draw by hand freckles allowed with the help of self-tanning cream. On the face, such spring rashes will last a little longer, however, their brightness will subside with the whole day.

3. Another method is to create freckles using a natural dye. To do this, you need to purchase a bag of henna at the nearest pharmacy (if you buy it in an oriental goods store, do not forget to clarify to the seller that you need finely ground henna, because only such a mixture does not form lumps). After that, mix the contents of the purchased bag with warm or slightly burning water until a homogeneous mass is obtained. After this, cover the henna with polyethylene and put it in a warm place for at least 12 hours (this is necessary so that the mixture is infused and has an intense shade).

4. When the mixture is ready, dot it on the parts of the face where you would like to have it. freckles. Hold for a while and rinse with warm water. Remember that the longer you keep the mixture on your face, the darker you will have. freckles .

5. In order to change the color of henna and, accordingly, freckles to a more clear or dark shade, add ground coffee, tea or lemon juice to the mixture. The table of contents in henna of sugar, essential oil or lemon juice allows freckles to stay on the skin for the highest amount of time.

6. The most cardinal and especially durable method is to draw funny red spots in a tattoo parlor. The essence of this procedure is further: a certain color of paint is selected for the color of the skin (as usual, this is a golden hue), which is later applied with thin needles under the skin. Yes, this procedure is not very glorious, and it costs a lot of money, but the final result, be sure, will exceed all your expectations. Freckles made in the salon look very unconditional and beautiful. They keep, as usual, from a year to several years, after which they painlessly burn out to the luminary.

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A true octagon is a geometric figure in which every angle is 135?, and all sides are equal to each other. This figure is often used in architecture, for example, in the construction of columns, as well as in the manufacture of a STOP road sign. How to draw a positive octagon?

You will need

  • - landscape sheet;
  • - pencil;
  • - ruler;
  • - compass;
  • - eraser.


1. Draw a square first. After that, draw a circle so that the square is inside the circle. Now draw two axial median lines of the square - horizontal and vertical to the intersection with the circle. Combine the points of intersection of the axes with the circle and the points of contact of the circumscribed circle with the square with straight segments. Thus, get the sides of a true octagon.

2. Draw a true octagon in a different way. Draw a circle first. After that, draw a horizontal line through its center. Mark the point of intersection of the extreme right border of the circle with the horizontal. This point will be the center of another circle, with a radius equal to the previous figure.

3. Draw a vertical line through the intersection points of the 2nd circle with the first. Place the leg of the compass at the intersection of the vertical and the horizontal and draw a small circle with a radius equal to the distance from the center of the tiny circle to the center of the initial circle.

4. Draw a straight line through two points - the center of the initial circle and the intersection point of the vertical and the tiny circle. Continue it to the intersection with the border of the original figure. This will be the vertex point of the octagon. Use a compass to mark one more point, drawing a circle centered at the point of intersection of the extreme right border of the initial circle with a horizontal line and a radius equal to the distance from the center to the closer vertex of the octagon.

5. Draw a straight line through two points - the center of the initial circle and the last newly formed point. Continue the straight line until it intersects with the borders of the original shape.

6. Unite with straight segments stepwise: the point of intersection of the horizontal with the right border of the initial figure, then clockwise all the points formed, including the points of intersection of the axes with the original circle.

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Drawing is an effective method of expressing emotions. It is not for nothing that many fine art techniques are used in art therapy. If you want to splash out your well-being or preserve the memory of it, draw it on paper.


1. The most direct way to express mood- draw a self-portrait. You may prefer the typical genre. To do this, you will need a mirror and knowledge of the proportions of the face. Choose the most suitable angle, set, if necessary, additional lighting.

2. First, schematically build a drawing, determining the height and width of the face. On separate axes, place the lips, nose, eyes and determine what their size and shape should be. Be very observant about drawing the shape of the parts of the face - it depends mood that will appear in the picture.

3. If you tend to be humorous about your own mood swings, reflect it in the form of a cartoon. Depict metamorphosis in facial expression in a hypertrophied form - enlarge your eyes, raise your eyebrows unnaturally, etc.

4. Distortion of the natural features of the face will also be needed if you want to draw a portrait in one of the abstract directions. Here you can send mood through the choice of shape and color range, which may differ from natural colors.

5. However, it is allowed to reflect the state of the soul not only through your own image. To show the formation of your thoughts and feelings will be comfortable in the form of a comic strip. Come up with a short story in 3-5 sentences. Break it into episodes, draw a separate “frame” for everything. Think over the composition in the entire fragment, and after that, the genre of drawing each comic. The shape and color of the font will also help solve the problem if you want to supplement the story with text.

6. In search of shapes and lines that convey your mood, you can trust the case. Make a drawing with monotype support or a blot. Mix the desired shade of watercolor, gouache or acrylic on the palette. Apply it to smoothed glossy cardboard or a piece of glass. Press it against a sheet of paper. Take a closer look at the resulting spot - you will see a certain plot in it, one that remains to be supplemented with several lines. The same hint for fantasy can be blots of ink or paint randomly scattered on paper.

Helpful advice
Remember that your drawing should be positively sensitive coloring. So it is allowed to improve your well-being and throw trashy thoughts out of your head.

In order to draw funny faces, you will need a simple pencil, a piece of paper, an eraser and a good mood. To create such a picture, you need to be able to draw an oval or a circle.

The first thing you need to start depicting funny faces is to draw a circle with a pencil. It is impossible to draw a perfectly even figure, even artists cannot do this. Therefore, do not be upset if it is a little uneven - it's even better.

Draw a funny face

So, the circle is already drawn. Inside the figure, we depict subtle auxiliary lines that will allow us to correctly position the eyes, nose and mouth in the future. Draw a circle in the middle of the circle - this will be the nose. Then we depict the eyes and add nostrils on the nose. Then light lines need to circle the circle. Further we draw in more detail the eyes, nose, mouth, ears, cheeks (small ovals) and eyebrows. Since our face is smiling, we draw small wrinkles at the corners of the eyes - this will give her mood. Then we depict hair or some funny hairstyle. We delete the auxiliary lines, and that's it - the picture is ready.

In order to draw funny faces, do not be afraid to experiment. You can invent your own eyes, mouth, nose, ears, hairstyle. Thus, each face will be special, unique.

Funny faces painted

We take paints and a sheet of paper. We draw several circles on the sheet with yellow paints - so that there is a distance between them. We dip the brush into the paint and make strokes from the center of the circle and beyond, so that the drawing resembles the sun. We also decorate the rest of the circles, preferably with colored paints. We take a brush thinner and depict faces. They can be sad, cheerful, ruddy, surprised, freckled, wearing glasses.

Draw with a ruler

Let's try to find out another option on how to draw a funny face. We start the picture with an oval image. Using a ruler, you need to divide the figure into horizontal and vertical lines that intersect in the middle. The vertical must also be divided into 6 segments and draw horizontal lines (the top one will indicate the forehead line). The central line is responsible for the location of the eyes and the bridge of the nose. The next line represents the nose, and the bottom line represents the mouth. The first thing you need to draw a face from is the eyes in the form of two fish without tails or with them, for the image, for example, of an old man. We measure the symmetry of the eyes with a ruler relative to the vertical line. Draw the nose in the form of a triangle. Two of its corners should be with the inner corners of the eyes on the same vertical, and the third - on the bridge of the nose. We draw eyebrows in the form of two large arcs above the eyes from the bridge of the nose and also add two smaller dashes - these are the eyelids, which we depict from the corners of the eyes.

The mouth can be drawn in the form of a minus sign and wider than twice the nose, so that its tips are above the level of the center of the eyes.

Next, we circle the eyes with clearer lines, slightly bending their contours, paying special attention to the upper line, which should be slightly darker than the bottom. We do not touch the eyelids. Eyebrows depict an arbitrary shape. The thickest part of the eyebrow should be above the center of the eyes. We round the lower part of the nose and put two points under it to make a "piglet". We finish them with rounded lines depicting the nostrils. The mouth and lips are also depicted arbitrarily. They are of different shapes: plump, narrow, and even crooked. To do this, draw a mouth, like eyes, with a fish, draw a line in the middle, and raise its corners so that the face smiles. We draw the ears, where the upper corner is at eye level, and the bottom is on a par with the nose. We erase unnecessary lines - and the funny face is ready.

Draw a caricature

There is another way how to draw a funny face in stages. It's about a cartoon. Before starting work, you need to look carefully at the proportions of which you want to depict. We determine the distance between the nose, mouth, eyes, ears, eyebrows, hairline, chin, etc. Next, mentally divide the face into equal parts along the lines of proportions. If the face does not have equal proportions, we divide it into equal parts by vertical central lines along the pupils, the corners of the eyes, and also draw them along the edge of the chin, hair growth, the tip of the nose and eyebrows.

If you want to change when creating a caricature, then you need to change not only one element, but all so as not to disturb the harmony. For example, when reducing the nose, you need to increase the distance between the eyes, expand the face, reduce. If you move your mouth higher, almost right next to the nose, then you need to completely remove the chin. In case of reducing the nose and "pulling" it to the eyes, you need to increase the mouth and lower part of the face.

In order to portray funny faces, you can experiment with variations in the shape of faces depending on their size. This will help you quickly understand the basic principle of creating a cartoon.

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