Media: A scandal erupted in the family of Leonid Agutin and Angelica Varum. Media: A scandal broke out in the family of Leonid Agutin and Anzhelika Varum Agutin and Varum accident


According to media reports, between Leonid Agutin And Angelika Varum, who are an exemplary couple in Russian show business, there were serious disagreements. According to the press of Ulyanovsk, where the spouses recently had a concert, the artists did not go out to the audience for 40 minutes, and then publicly bickered with each other on stage.

According to rumors, Leonid and Angelica had a serious quarrel before going on stage. During the rehearsal, they planted to sort things out. In addition, according to eyewitnesses, Varum did not go on stage for a long time to perform the song "Queen" in a duet with her husband. Spectators who were present at the concert wrote comments on the Web expressing their dissatisfaction. They noted that Agutin went on stage drunk. According to the Ulyanovsk press, Leonid rushed to the hotel after the concert and left alone. And Varum left the hotel after her husband set off.

“Agutin came out clearly tipsy. Someone "from the stalls" shouted "Are you drunk?"... Agutin's incoherent speech... The singer himself explained to the guests that he was very sorry for the victims of the terrorist attack in St. Petersburg. Of course, I understand the organizers of the concert, but we, who paid from 1,700 to 3,700 rubles for one ticket (we went as a family and bought more than one), did not want to look at drunk singers and I think that such concerts should be canceled and the money returned to the buyer! Or consumer protection does not apply to the "stars"??? Or is it only in our small town that this is already the norm? A year ago we were at a concert by another artist. I also had to accept and listen and look at the drunk singer, ”one of the spectators of the concert wrote on the Web.

Everyone knows a couple - Agutin and Varum, for twenty years they have served as a prototype of family happiness and fidelity. But recently, a rumor appeared on social networks that Agutin and Varum had divorced. And Elina Chaga is allegedly to blame for the breakup.

Leonid Agutin

Beloved by many rock and pop musician, author and performer of his own songs in the Latino style, Leonid Agutin was born in 1968 in the capital. His dad is also a creative person, a musician and performer, he was a soloist in many VIA popular in those years.

Perhaps Leonid inherited his musical abilities from him. Mom is an honored teacher of Russia, an elementary school teacher. In her youth, she performed with various dance groups.

Parents broke up when Lena was fourteen years old. Stepfather was N. Babenko, a doctor by profession, he gave his stepson his apartment. The boy's musical talent was discovered early, he went to a music school, and from childhood he composed music. Then Lenya graduated from jazz school. His love for jazz music was born in his childhood.

After completing his studies at school, the future singer served as a border guard in the Soviet army. Upon his return, he went to study at the Institute of Culture, graduating with a degree in theater director. Then for seven years he traveled around the country, giving concerts. It was his artistic training.

Success and fame came to him in 1992 after participating in the Yalta competition. He performed with his song "Barefoot Boy", which quickly gained fame. The following year, his talent was also noted at a competition in Jurmala. And a year later, the singer has already recorded his album.

His most popular songs are:

  • "Hop hey la la ley";
  • "Doors to Heaven";
  • "Island";
  • "The Voice of the Tall Grass".

In 1996, Agutin was first awarded the Golden Gramophone Award. In total, the singer received this award ten times in his life. He has released fourteen solo discs. In 2008 he was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia. Leonid also writes poetry and prose, he has published three of his own books.

Leonid gives solo concerts, as well as duets. Known for his performance of the song "Airports" together with Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. Several times the singer was awarded the "Song of the Year" award.

In 2012, Agutin decided to take part in the TV show "Two Stars", his partner was Fedor Dobronravov. They received first prize. In the same year, Agutin became a mentor of the popular show "Voice". For two years he was on the jury, then there was a break, and in 2017 he was again called to this position. The most popular was his work with his wife - singer Angelica Varum. For her, he writes songs, sings a duet with her.

Leonid was married three times, officially twice. He lived with his first wife Sveta Belykh for 5 years. The second actual wife, ballerina Maria Vorobyeva, gave birth to a daughter, Polina, to the singer.

Angelica Varum

Pop singer, charming woman Anzhelika Varum (her real name is Maria) was born in 1969 in the city of Lvov. Masha's parents were people of art: dad was a composer, and mom was a theater director. Her family has its own history: the surname "Varum" (translated from German - "why") during the war years was taken by Angelica's great-grandfather, a Pole by nationality.

From childhood, Maria showed musical abilities, she sang and danced well. She was sent to a music school. At the age of five, she already knew how to play the piano, and then mastered the guitar. Soon she was already performing, singing songs, accompanying herself on the guitar. At the end of school, the girl decided to go to the Shchukin school, but she was not taken to a theater university because of the Ukrainian dialect.

Then Angelica devoted herself to music: she worked in her dad's studio, sang backing vocals for various singers. At the age of twenty, at the insistence of her father, she sang the songs "Hello and Goodbye" and "Midnight Cowboy", which immediately became popular. The following year, she already recorded her solo disc.

But the real fame came to the singer after the performance of the hit "La la fa". In 1993, she received the Song of the Year award. Then Angelica recorded a new disc, which bore the same name. Soon the singer starred in the first video "The artist that draws rain." In 1995, she received the title of "Best Singer".

The album "Winter Cherry" was popular due to the songs included in it performed by Angelica:

  • "Another woman";
  • "This is all for you";
  • "Winter Cherry", etc.

In 1997, Angelica decided to fulfill her old dream - to become an actress. She played in the play "The Emigrant's Pose".

For this role, she was awarded the Seagull Award. She later played Ellochka the cannibal in the musical The Twelve Chairs. Angelica also starred in the television series "Kamenskaya".

In 1997, Anzhelika Varum and Leonid Agutin met, after which their official and marital union began. In total, Angelica recorded fourteen solo discs, starred in 13 films, and won the Golden Gramophone award seven times. In 2011, she was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia. In the project "Two Stars" she performed with Sergei Zhilin, they took 3rd place.

In 1996, the perfume "Angelika Varum" was released.

As for her personal life, before meeting her current husband, Varum was married to M. Nikitin for 8 years.

How it all began

This couple is considered the strongest in the history of show business. But their family happiness did not develop at first sight, as is usually believed. They first saw each other at the Luzhniki Stadium in 1989, and since that time they have run into each other many times under various circumstances. Leonid noticed that it was as if someone deliberately brought them together.

Angelica recalled how she saw him on stage in Yalta. He performed the song "Barefoot Boy" and was barefoot, in an unbuttoned shirt. She says that this performance made a lasting impression on her. She realized that he is a real revolutionary in show business, and such people always have a hard time. For some reason, she felt sorry for him purely as a woman, she wanted to hug and regret, to support morally.

Leonid expressed his first impression of his future wife as follows: a fragile, delicate creature with huge eyes, completely defenseless. He liked her immediately, but he assures that the desire to possess her as a woman appeared much later. Leonid remembers how he first approached Angelica and gave her his first CD, she was delighted. But they didn't get to know each other better.

And then came the moment when fate wanted to bring them closer. Leonid had known Angelica's father for a long time, in a conversation he once even joked: “What if I marry your daughter!”

But it was taken as a good joke. Then Leonid suggested that her father create a duet with Angelica. In order for him to agree, the singer even brought a bottle of expensive cognac, which dad loved so much. And this played a role: the father, after some hesitation, agreed. It remains to inform Angelica.

The singer will never forget how one day she came home and heard from her dad: “And we have Agutin at home!”. She was very surprised, but when she found out what was the matter, she was even more surprised. They seem to have made up their minds without her.

This news took her by surprise, she had no choice but to agree. Then discussions of household trifles, organization of concerts, etc. began. And in the conversation it sounded: “There will immediately be rumors that you are a couple! It's PR!"

After that, their joint performances began, the first they recorded the song "Queen". The success was amazing! And indeed, rumors spread about their intimate relationship, but then there was nothing between the artists. They began touring, performances.

Leonid saw Angelica quite different: in shabby jeans on the train, in a dressing gown in a hotel and in evening dress on stage. And he admitted that most of all he liked her not in the dazzling image of the singer, but in simple everyday clothes.

He became more and more attached to her soul, he wanted to become her someone more than an employee. And then Leonid unexpectedly confessed his love to her. Angelica then immediately realized that she also loved him. A stormy romance flared up, but the desire to get married was not born in them immediately.

Probably because their age was far from young, the time for the mistakes of youth has long passed. Both had several unsuccessful marriages behind them, so the lovers were in no hurry.


Even when Angelica found out about the pregnancy, she did not go to the registry office. And this despite the fact that her lover persuaded her for a long time and tirelessly. In 1999, the couple had a daughter, who was given the name Lisa.

The birth of a child also did not affect Angelica's desire to legitimize the relationship, but she was a little alarmed by the fact that her beloved had stopped persuading her to marry. To her question about this, he replied: "I'm waiting." And indeed, such tactics played a role: Angelica herself invited her lover to go to the registry office.

The wedding took place in July 2000, their daughter was already a year old then. A magnificent celebration took place in the city of Venice. After that, an ordinary family life began, which the spouses were able to paint with their feelings for each other.

2 parallels: family life and creativity

This is one of the rare cases when married life not only does not interfere with artists, but helps. There is a belief that it is impossible for two creative personalities to get along together: tours, fans, etc. will interfere. But Angelica and Leonid successfully debunked this myth. They managed to create an indestructible creative and marital union. They are always together: at work, on stage and at home.

Of course, they have separate projects, for example: Agutin's "Voice", concerts and video shootings at Varum. But they always spend weekends and vacations together. The spouses have a custom: every year after the New Year's concerts, the whole family goes to the States. There Agutin and Varum rest, communicate with their daughter and feel completely happy.

Leonid publicly admitted that he is very loving and enjoys the attention of women. He likes to relax, drink good wine, but for the sake of his wife, who hates alcohol and noisy companies, he has to put up with it. Angelica has a strong character, she is quite optimistic and does not like to whine.

It was thanks to her perseverance that Leonid changed his stage image. He admitted that no one had ever succeeded. She made him cut his hair and put on a normal man's suit.

Once, when Leonid was recording his disc in Miami, for the sake of a joke, he decided to ask around how much housing costs there. It turned out that it is much cheaper than Moscow apartments. Then the couple bought a house there in haste, as they say, because Angelica's dad was then seriously ill. But no one imagined then that this disease would lead to death.

When Angelica's dad died, she became depressed because he meant so much to her. She developed as a singer under his guidance. Leonid was courageously next to his beloved wife at this difficult moment and supported her in every possible way.

As for the joint work of the spouses, their first disc was recorded at the beginning of the century and was called “Office Romance”. Their program "Half of the Heart", with which the singers successfully traveled around the country, brought the duo great fame. The following year, American guitarist Al Di Meola joined their performances. In 2002, the couple released a new joint program, Roman Holiday.

In 2004, the couple toured abroad, the next year they created a new concert program "You and Me", which was also a success at performances in the country and abroad. In 2007, their joint song "Two Roads, Two Ways" gained great popularity. The following year, they filmed the video "Where are you."

In 2010 and the following years, the couple also successfully toured together. They also created a quartet with another married couple: Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. and Natalia Podolskaya.

In 2013, the couple toured with a new concert program "How not to think about you." In addition, Angelica performs and records her husband's songs on discs.

Scandal in Jurmala

This happened in 2011 after the festival in Jurmala. Agutin, along with other musicians, decided to celebrate the end of the performances and relaxed, as they say "to the fullest." He drank too much that evening. Angelica went to her room, because she doesn't like noisy parties and alcohol. Leonid assured that he had no idea that he was being filmed, he did not remember at all what was happening, and did not realize it.

A video has spread around the Internet, in which he rather boldly molested an unfamiliar girl, spread his arms and even kissed her passionately. When his wife found out about the betrayal, she packed her things and left. For some time, Leonid did not even know where she was hiding.

But then, having found her, he asked on his knees for forgiveness for his stupid act. Oddly enough, Angelica's parents were on his side, they persuaded their daughter to forgive her unreasonable husband for a mistake, because they saw how he loves her and suffers.

But she did not want to forgive her unfaithful husband. The pause in their relationship was short-lived, once in the corridor between concerts they accidentally looked into each other's eyes, and a wave of feelings swept over both. They realized how hard it was for them to be without each other, and tears welled up from their eyes. The couple were no longer separated.

car accident

In 2014, on tour near Kemerovo, the car in which the singers were traveling skidded on a slippery road. They crashed into the vehicle in front, but the impact seemed insignificant to them. Both did not find any injuries and decided not to go to the hospital.

However, having arrived at the room, Angelica had such a migraine that she could not participate in the concert in the evening. Leonid urged the public to treat this with understanding.

It turned out later that Angelica not only escaped with a headache after the blow, but her vocal cords were also damaged, and she could not sing. Then she went abroad for treatment for several months, after which she completely recovered.


Agutin has two daughters: the first is Polina Vorobyeva, the second is Elizaveta Varum. Polina Leonidovna was born in 1996 from Agutin's second wife, Maria Vorobyeva. After a divorce from her, Leonid stopped communicating with his daughter. It is known that she lived for some time with her mother and stepfather in Italy, then they left for France, where they still live.

The second daughter of Leonid Agutin, Elizaveta Leonidovna Varum, currently lives in Miami. There she goes to school, learns to play various musical instruments. The girl went to her parents with a musical talent. Angelica worries that she rarely sees her daughter, whom she loves very much.

Couple now: 20 years together

The divorce of Agutin and Varum turned out to be nothing more than a rumor. This was stated by both spouses in an interview. There were also false rumors that Angelica returned to her ex-husband. The couple continue to live in perfect harmony, and delight fans.

This year, Angelica surprised everyone with her latest birthday video. Agutin warned that it should be watched to the end. In it, the singer hugs a young handsome man with a naked torso and sings a song. Suspicions of Angelica's infidelity are born by themselves, but the ending is very unexpected: the guy leaves her with the words: "Bye, mom."

The joke of the artists was a success, but sympathetic comments appeared on the Internet that they lacked a son.

The couple celebrated 20 years of marriage last year. The couple is still happy together, talented and full of plans for the future.

Popular singer, wife of singer Leonid Agutin Angelica Varum flew to America. The singer is being treated there after a recent car accident.


The fact that Angelica Varum was forced to interrupt her performances and went abroad for treatment was told by Leonid Agutin himself. The singer spoke about this during a concert in Voronezh. Both spouses were announced on the poster, but only Agutin arrived. He explained to the audience what happened: “On March 18 of this year, Angelica and I got into an accident in Siberia. The wife did not have time to recover. She is currently undergoing treatment in the US. She'll be fine", - quotes the words of the artist StarHit. The audience supported Angelica Varum with a standing ovation.

Recall that Agutin and Varum were in a car accident in mid-March. A foreign car crashed into a car in which celebrities were traveling. Leonid Agutin and Anzhelika Varum were lucky: they escaped with only fright, bruises and bruises. “We are on a tour of Siberia, there are five more cities ahead. There was heavy ice on the road, but our driver was driving slowly. Angelica and I were sitting in the back. Unfortunately, both did not buckle up. Everything happened in a split second. An absolutely uncontrollable car flew into us Nissan. She was already turned on the road! I managed to react, grabbed the handrail, and Angelica at that time was looking at the phone. She hit the driver's seat, got bruises. Our driver was not injured. The person who drove into us was badly injured, his then they were hospitalized. We were also offered, but we refused," Agutin said in an interview.

According to the artist, their car was badly damaged. However, he has no claims against his driver. “He drives wonderfully, carefully, never recklessly. To be honest, I didn’t ask the police why that Nissan lost control, it wasn’t before. We got out of the car, of course, we were confused. We were also dressed lightly - we move around in a car. Therefore We were very cold. We waited two hours for the accident to be filed. I was looking for snow to put it on Angelica's bruises. I found it with difficulty 100 meters away - mud everywhere. Ironically, the accident happened in front of the hospital. But it was closed until nine in the morning. They wanted to buy troxevasin to lubricate the bruises, but it didn’t work out,” said the popular performer.

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