See drawings of three tankers drawn by children. How to draw a tank in stages with a pencil


How to draw a tank

Hello dear art lovers! Today we will learn how to draw a tank.

The lesson will not be very difficult, but it will require precise proportions and the sequence of steps indicated by us. For an example of drawing a tank, we will take the most famous tank of the Second World War - the T-34 tank. Let's get started and find out!

Step 1

Let's start drawing a tank with a turret and muzzle. Usually we start with a stickman, but here we are not talking about a person, and we preferred to draw a tank from top to bottom, in parts. And we will start from the top of the tank - nothing complicated, just copy from our sample and move on. We mark the tower in the form of an oval, and the barrel with the help of two parallel lines.

Step 2

Let's outline the body of the tank and its undercarriage - the caterpillar row. This and the previous steps should be drawn with very light strokes, so that later it will be easier to erase all the guide lines.

Step 3

And now it is already very similar to the sequence of our other lessons. As with drawing, for example, we outlined the silhouette, and then began to detail from top to bottom.

It's time to add volume and details. Let's outline a couple of rounded lines on the sides relative to the muzzle, add a hatch and a couple more lines to the top of the tank. Gradually erase all the guide lines we don't need.

Step 4

Let's erase the extra guide lines from the turret, draw the muzzle of our T 34 tank and add a few more details.

Step 5

Let's outline the contours of the armor (wings), covering the undercarriage. Note that all lines of this step should be straight. From the front side on the tracks, we can see small rectangular figures - parallelograms, which are formed by a slight downward bend of the wings.

Step 6

Let's draw a few more rounded details on the front of the tank hull, or rather, a machine gun on the left and a headlight on the right. We also denote a square hatch and a rectangular bar in front. By the way, if this tank seems too complicated for you, try it completely and (but also simple).

Step 7

Let's outline the wheels of the caterpillars. Be careful with the dimensions of the outer wheels, they should be much smaller than the rest. In the same step, we outline with confident strokes the entire hull of the tank we drew earlier and erase the markup from the previous steps so that the tank drawing begins to look complete.

Step 8

Now let's finish the wheels and the texture of the outer parts of the tank's tracks.

Step 9

The last step is to apply shadows to our T 34 tank. They are quite simple - a significant part of the shadows looks like black contrasting spots. Those that are lighter are applied with the usual cross hatching. To make the area darker, you need to add a number of cross layers.

We hope you enjoyed this lesson with our lesson on how to draw a T 34 tank. We drew it specifically for fans of military subjects, as well as various games about tanks (world of tanks, for example, which has now become incredibly popular). And we say goodbye to this, visit our site more often, we are constantly busy with work so that you can draw cooler every day! Yes, do not forget to look at our VK page, there are also a lot of interesting things!)

One of the most popular tanks was the easily recognizable T-34. Children depict the famous "thirty-four" in their drawings on the theme of war. And they invariably show interest in having a T-34 in pencil. The process is described step by step in this quick guide.

With the participation of this legendary machine, many military battles of that great war took place. A major tank battle near Kursk remained in the memory of its participants. In the history of hostilities, this was the largest tank battle. The Battle of Kursk ended with the complete victory of the Soviet troops.

Tank T-34: how to draw military equipment with a pencil step by step

Before you start drawing, you need to prepare. For this you will need the following materials:

  • Paper. Medium-grained paper is well suited: it will be much more pleasant for novice artists to draw on such paper.
  • Pencils of different degrees of hardness. Beginning artists will be interested in the experience of how to draw a T-34-85 tank with a pencil. Step by step to depict the most simple.
  • Can't do without an eraser.
  • In the role of a stick for rubbing dashed strips, it is easiest to use paper. If you twist it with a cone, it will be convenient to rub the hatching to get a monotonous color.
  • Of course, you can not do without patience and ... good mood!

Step by step lesson

Of course, a tank is complex, and in order to make the drawing more believable, it is better to familiarize yourself with the appearance of the tank in advance. The best option would be if before you start drawing, you find photos of the T-34 in order to have an idea of ​​​​the fine details of this combat vehicle.

At the preparatory stage, it is best to mark a sheet of paper. This will make it easier to understand where the elements of the drawing will be, and keep the proportions of the tank.

Tank layout plan

If you divide the sheet into 8 squares with thin lines, this will help sketch out the initial contours.

Before you draw the T-34-85 tank with a pencil in stages, you need to know that a new 85-mm gun was installed in this tank.

Base for tracks and hull

It is necessary to draw a general contour of the tank hull and outline the area of ​​the tracks with a contour. To better maintain the proportion of the wheels, you should divide the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe caterpillar mechanism with a line.

Also at this stage, you need to draw the width of the tracks with a contour.

Military tank turret

In order to start the basics of how to draw a T-34 tank with a pencil step by step, let's start by drawing the tower. It is drawn in the form of a rectangle, in which the back side is beveled, and the frontal part is rounded. We draw a tank gun with a ruler.

In the Soviet T-34, the armor was made thinner than that of the German "Tigers" and "Panthers" - about 45 mm. But due to the location of the edges of the armor at an angle in such a way that the leg was approximately 90 mm, the penetration of the tank by enemy shells became more difficult.

Six big wheels

In order for the wheels to be positioned correctly, six elements of large diameter and a seventh small circle of the drive wheel are drawn.

Mudguards are drawn over the tracks of the tank.

Gas tank, step and driver's hatch

We add such details of the tank as a fuel tank, a handrail with which you can climb onto the armor. A rectangle of the driver's hatch is drawn on the front armor.

After that, consider how to draw a T-34 tank with a pencil step by step in detail.

Depicting the tank turret in detail

The frontal part of the tower is drawn. It must be remembered that it was the frontal part that was made of a rounded shape specifically so that the shells that hit the turret would ricochet without harming it.

The place where the tank gun is attached to the turret is being painted on. At this stage, you can adjust the thickness of the barrel of a tank gun.

A manhole cover is added to the tank turret.

Stage of applying fine details

The drawing of the tank is coming to an end, and now you can begin to consider how to draw a T-34 tank with a pencil in stages and depict small details.

Tracked tracks and details of tank wheels are already drawn in the details. Small teeth are applied to the small drive wheel. And tank wheels are surrounded by a rim.

You can draw the details of the tank hatch, apply additional details, for example, an additional fuel tank.

Tank tinting

At this step of drawing the T-34, small details have already been applied, and now it remains only to shade the tank wheels, making them voluminous and more realistic.

At this step, all the details of the wheels, the teeth of the drive wheel are drawn, all the little things are carefully worked out. On the turret of the tank, you can either draw or draw a two- or three-digit tank number.

Also, either on the tank turret or on the gun barrel, small five-pointed stars can be drawn, which can indicate the number of enemy tanks knocked out and destroyed.

This lesson shows how to draw a T34 tank step by step and make the drawing more authentic.

And in conclusion, we note that the use of geometric constructions in the design of the T-34 instead of simply increasing the thickness of the armor gave the T-34s an undeniable advantage over the enemy on the battlefield.

Do you want to learn how to draw a tank with a pencil? We will help you figure this out and get any tank you like on your desk.

The advantages of drawing with a pencil are that it does not require any money or special skills, for example, as in the case of paints, in addition, almost all mistakes can be easily corrected with an eraser. Having mastered such drawings to perfection, you can easily give the desired depth, relief and shadows to any of your creations.

Let's start with the essentials. There are only four of them:

  • The pencil itself, preferably of medium hardness, with which it will be easy to draw gray lines at the very beginning and bright black ones or even shade the entire drawing at the end.
  • A piece of paper, perhaps a standard A-4, would be the best choice, although any other is possible, as long as the drawing is of the appropriate size.
  • A soft eraser that won't damage the paper and will always correct your mistakes or make your shading less saturated.
  • Your desire is the last on the list, but the first in importance, because without it nothing will work.

If you wish, you can add a ruler to help you draw straight lines or a special one with many different shapes.

Once we figured out everything you need, let's get down to the practical lesson on the topic "How to draw a tank with a pencil."

So, take a blank sheet of paper, sit comfortably in your place with good lighting, preferably on the left side, which will become working for a while, put a pencil and an eraser so that they are at hand and choose the tank you want to draw.

In this tutorial, I propose to create the legendary Soviet medium tank T-34-85, standing at an angle to us. I think it will be a good choice, since its silhouette is drawn quite easily, as is the running gear.

We draw simple lines, drawing no less simple figures, this will be our blank. Draw them by pressing the pencil very lightly, this will allow you to quickly and easily erase the wrong line or correct proportions without damaging the paper.

After making sure that everything is fine with the hull, you can draw the future tower and trunk, again using simple shapes.

Now we draw the rollers and wheels of our tank, just pay attention to the fact that in this form they are not circles, so a compass or a ruler will not help you here. Make freehand ovals.

We finish the small details of our tank, like tanks, hatches and a machine gun, remembering that all lines are first drawn with a little pressure on the pencil.

After looking at the resulting hull and being satisfied with the result, you can move on to the tower. With a couple of rounded lines we give it a shape and shoulder strap, finish drawing the hatch and the tank, drawn in pencil, is almost ready.

Now we once again evaluate the resulting drawing, correct minor errors, if any, and go through all the lines with a pencil, but with more pressure, making them bright and clear.

The tank, drawn in pencil, is almost ready. It remains to make only a couple of final touches.

First, we give it even more detail by adding a stroke to its rollers, and an inner rim, after which we make the caterpillar look like a real one with simple lines. If you wish, you can draw more various cables, tools and viewing devices on the tower.

Now it remains only to add volume to our tank with hatching. It's pretty easy, you just have to press the pencil harder, the less light falls on this part of the tank. That is, the part of the hull under the turret will be very dark, but the roof or side will be light.

Now you have learned how to draw a tank with a pencil and, most importantly, you have learned how to do it. Practice further and gradually move on to more complex tanks with more detail, scenery around them and detailed shadows that convey the curve of the details. The articles below will help you with this.

It is worth noting that the skills of drawing a tank with a pencil may be necessary not only for boys, but also for girls who, for example, want to make a postcard and congratulate dad on Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Therefore, it is important for parents to know step-by-step drawing in order to help children learn how to do it on their own. The image scheme itself is not very complicated, but it is important to learn how to highlight the details. It is important to note that the drawing of the tank can also be different. And the difference is not only in the model, but also in the complexity of the whole process. Parents should explain that the tank consists of three main parts, each of which must be given special attention and depict all the necessary details.

simple image

First you need to prepare a pencil, eraser and a blank sheet of paper. Remember that when drawing with children, you not only teach the practical skills of correctly depicting objects, but also engage in the comprehensive development of the baby. Therefore, before starting, it is appropriate to talk with the child on the topic of war and peace, military equipment, which children associate with just such a machine.

A simple drawing of a tank is designed for children 5-6 years old. We start drawing in stages by dividing the image into 3 main parts:

  • lower - caterpillars;
  • medium - tank body;
  • the top one is a tower with a muzzle.

We draw these three components, starting from the bottom. It is depicted as an inverted trapezium with rounded bottom edges. These will be the tracks of the tank. Above them, another trapezoid is drawn from above, which also has rounded corners and, on the one hand, is slightly smaller in size than the lower part. The upper part, which in the future will be a tower with a muzzle, is also the smallest in size and has the shape of a trapezoid with a narrower upper edge.

The next stage of drawing with a pencil is drawing details. Each part of the image has its own details, which make a tank out of our workpiece. When drawing details with a pencil, you can tell about the purpose of this or that element in the design of this military transport. For children, this information is very interesting.

The lower trapezoid is the caterpillars of the machine. They are drawn side by side in the form of small circles. Next, we make a hatch and a spare tank. The muzzle on the tower and small elements, for example, emblems, inscriptions or a flag, are drawn last. So the simplest image of this military equipment gradually appears.

More complex image

This drawing is intended more for older children. This is usually suitable for younger students. Such drawing requires from the child sufficient knowledge and skills in this area. The tank is more voluminous and realistic. The phased implementation of such an image with a pencil is a guarantee of a good result.

  • First, we draw the base in the form of two lines, which help us correctly distribute all the details that will make up our tank in the future: an oval at the top and two lines that will be the top points of the tracks in the future.
  • Based on these main details of the picture, large details (caterpillars, muzzle, cabin) are gradually drawn first, and then smaller ones, as shown in the figure.
  • The last step is shading with a pencil. After that, the tank becomes more voluminous. To do this, it is important to remember which places are drawn more darkened and tinted, and which ones should be left lightened. The drawing comes to life.

Drawing for children should be an interesting pastime. Such classes help to develop and learn the world correctly.

Hello! Today we will again turn to the topic of drawing tanks. Very complex and we have already drawn, also drawn super simple, but relatively simple, but with some details we have not yet published. Actually, now the time has come for a simple tank for children. Let's start the lesson and find out how to draw a tank for kids!

Step 1

First, let's draw a rounded outline of the tank's turret. Please note that the lower part is completely straight, and the other sides are rounded.

Step 2

Let's draw the body of the tank. Like our entire tank drawing lesson, this step will be very simple. True, at this stage, the minimum effort is still worth making - they will be aimed at ensuring that the body consists of straight and even lines. Of course, there are no such strict requirements in terms of straightness of lines, as, for example, in lessons about that, or, but you must try to draw lines as evenly as possible. In fact, this case looks like a ladder on the side.

Step 3

Now we draw the outline of the caterpillars. It is longer at the top than at the bottom, and this difference is very noticeable. Only an important point - the tracks should be smooth, without sharp corners.

Step 4

Let's draw the silhouette of the tank. We start from top to bottom, as in fact, in all other drawing lessons. First, let's draw the barrel - we will outline a square at the very end, and one more at the base. On the upper part of the turret, we outline a hatch rectangle, slightly shade the lower part of the tower.

Under the tower on the right we draw a tank - a long, elongated rectangle and a pair of narrow transverse stripes inside it. Actually, only the caterpillar remains, in it we first border the edges, and then place vertical strokes inside the border area. Yes, we almost forgot about the machine gun, which looks like a small stick on the front end of the tank.

Step 5

Actually, we draw the wheels inside the caterpillar. They look like circles - three large ones in the center, and a couple of very small ones on the sides. Each wheel is outlined inside with a border, and in the center has another small circle.

This was a very simple lesson on how to draw a tank. Do not forget to subscribe to us in contact to be aware of all new drawing lessons. See you soon!

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