The meaning of the story's title was war tomorrow. Reflections on Boris Vasiliev's book "Tomorrow there was a war


Cherepanova Tatiana.

Essay-review. The stories of Boris Vasiliev are out of time, as they touch upon universal problems, which the student tried to identify.



"Touch the feat with your heart"

(Composition based on the story of Boris Vasilyev “Tomorrow there was a war”)

Cherepanova Tatiana

If I'm sad, longing,

I wish you passionate love

If I strive, I risk

So it's still alive.

If it pinches in me

Wound like a knife

This soul hurts

So it's still alive...

The works of B. Vasiliev are well known to readers all over the world. They contain not only the truth about the pre-war and post-war generations. They have something more. These are peculiar philosophical parables about love, friendship, betrayal, about “what is good and what is bad”, how a person should act in a difficult situation in order to remain a Human, and much more. And these topics, you see, excite people at all times and in all countries.

The main characters of the story are students of grade 9B. It would seem, what is special in the life of these ordinary schoolchildren? It seems to be simple things - lessons, cheat sheets, dates and first kisses. But this is only at first glance. 9B is not just a class. This is a team, these are like-minded people. And the core of this partnership is Iskra Polyakova, a little revolutionary who lives in harmony with his conscience, his truth, who has his own opinion on everything. Iskra's mother, a Bolshevik since 1917, brings up her daughter on immutable communist truths, she always has a ready-made solution for everything, a plan of action. This is a "knight without fear and reproach" in the Soviet version. But life is preparing a serious, "adult" test for the guys. Vika Lyuberetskaya is in trouble - her father is arrested and accused of theft. The year is 1940, Stalin's repressions, and everyone knows how such arrests turn out. According to the tradition of the then morality, everyone had to turn away from Vika as the daughter of an "enemy of the people." But Iskra firmly says: "Vika has nothing to do with it," and everyone agrees, doing it quite sincerely. Simplicity of the decision is given to Iskra by no means simply. Turn her back on Vicky and life could be a lot easier. There will be no ice of misunderstanding with the mother, there will be no problems along the lines of the Komsomol, disobedience to Valentina Andronovna, the class teacher. But Iskra never looks for easy ways, she looks for the right way. But strangely enough, it is not her mother who teaches her to search, think, doubt, but Vika with poems by Sergei Yesenin, her father with great love for his daughter (Iskra never knew fatherly love). With Sasha Stameskin, everything was clear, the guy needed to be re-educated, period. The only question is time. And Iskra, purely intuitively (I would envy Makarenko), brilliantly solves the most difficult pedagogical problem. But Vika and her father turn Iskra's whole life upside down. Could she have recently thought that she would firmly say: "I will not hold a Komsomol meeting." After all, at this meeting, Vika should be branded as the daughter of an "enemy of the people." But Iskra does not consider her any enemy, and yet her mother teaches that words should not diverge from deeds and thoughts. In this whole story with the Lyuberetskys, Iskra once again proves that she is an individual, a person who has the right to choose. That's just because of these "correct" choices for some reason my heart hurts and bleeds so much, I don't have enough air.

All people in their lives rarely or often make a choice between "how to" and "how I want." 9B made his choice. How many troubles fell on the guys! Artem “taught a lesson” with his fists to Yurka from 10A for a long tongue, and now Artem is threatened with expulsion, the class goes into open disobedience, a conflict with “Valendra”, they protect the disgraced director Nikolai Grigorievich, who, for all his eccentricities, is a teacher from God. But all this is their choice, although not an easy one. Here - not just youthful maximalism, here is something else - a worthy Human choice. This is an act for which yesterday's children can and should be respected. And this was perfectly understood by the parents - both Zinochka Kovalenko and Iskra Polyakova. Not every adult is capable of such an act. The fact that the children did not make a random choice, they proved a year later, when the war began. Everyone proved it, even the silent excellent student Vovik Khramov, whose presence was not always noticed. Half the class died, but they are not forgotten. They are on the memorial plaque at school, they are in the memory of the heart, they are in the sons of Zina Artem and Zhorka. Therefore, time has no power over 9B, this front-line generation that has remained forever young.

Time is a concept that runs through the entire story of B. Vasiliev. We understand how relative this concept is. In B. Vasiliev, this is typical of almost all works, as if there is no final point in them. The ellipsis just asks for paper. The writer can even endure the incompleteness of the phrase in the title (“And the dawns here are quiet ...”). But in the story "Tomorrow there was a war" with the category of time, B. Vasilyev has special reflections and sensations. During the Great Patriotic War, many people accomplished a feat, they are remembered, they are proud, admired. And 9B accomplished such a feat even earlier, in civilian life, but such a difficult one. And it is doubly worthy of admiration. And time, with reflections on which B. Vasiliev ends the story, placing a peculiar emphasis on it, becomes not just a philosophical category. Time is the compass of a person in life, it is the Conscience, which you cannot lie. And these girls and boys did not lie, they were honest with themselves. Their death seems all the more monstrous and unfair - whether it was Valka Aleksandrov, who was burning in a tank, or Vika Lyuberetskaya, who committed suicide. Time puts everything in its place. The hooligan Sashka Stameskin became the director of the largest car factory. But Iskra Polyakova helped him to believe in himself, to make his dream come true - another proof that good deeds and good people do not die. They are immortal. Therefore, it is difficult to disagree with the Iranian poet Saadi:

Everyone who lives will leave

Only he is immortal

Who good glory

Will get it in life.

9B gained this fame… Perhaps someone will say: “What kind of heroes they are, everyone did this in the war, so we won. Here are Matrosov, Talalikhin and others - these are the heroes, the whole world knows them "(1) . We do not argue with this, but everyone forged our Victory - both famous and not so famous. There should not only be forgotten heroes.

We know a lot about war, and we know little about war. War is the greatest barbarism of man. War is blood, anger, hatred. Wars are different: aggressive and liberation, large and small, local. Only the price paid for victory or defeat is never small. We live in the 21st century, it would seem that now all problems should be resolved peacefully, but now there are still wars. Think again, people! Have pity on yourself and those who have not yet come, but will come into this world! Do not destroy life on earth!

1.–Young heroes of the Great Patriotic War. M., 1970 (Series ZHZL).

Essay Reflections on Boris Vasiliev's book "Tomorrow there was a war."
World War II severely divided the worldview of many millions of people into two parts: life before the war and after it. The Great Patriotic War took hundreds of thousands of souls with it into oblivion, broke many human destinies and left a deep mark in the hearts of those who happened to live in this terrible time and participate in this bloody insanity on a global scale. Like any event that is emotionally reflected in the psyche, the war forced many people to take up a pen and put on paper all their experiences and impressions. One of these books, the author of which survived the Great Patriotic War, is the story “Tomorrow there was a war” by Boris Vasiliev.
No, in this work we will not find descriptions of battles and military life, as in most stories of the war years. We will not find here any accusations against the Nazis and the Germans. In this book, we will read about teenagers entering adulthood, taking the first steps towards the future. The students of 9 "B", like us now, dreamed of a bright future, of happiness, of love and reciprocity. The reader literally sees all of them after many years, imagines what the heroes of the work will become: a rational leader and a strict but loving husband and children Iskra, a strong-willed and purposeful Artem, an honored pilot Landys ... All of them, sixteen-year-old schoolchildren, dreamed of the future and knew that They have an interesting and happy life ahead of them.
But fate decreed differently, not giving them the opportunity to know happiness and joy. “Tomorrow there was a war” is a requiem for unfulfilled hopes and unfulfilled dreams, for the life that should have been lived in accordance with the laws of being, but which was not. Deep sadness permeates the epilogue of the work, because it should not be so in nature, so that children die with their parents, so that the child, not having matured, turns into a hero and perpetuates his name in the memory of people ahead of time.
The beginning of the story sends us to the autumn of 1940, in the 9th "B" class. School worries, textbooks and tests, carefree fuss at recess, tips and cheating - it would seem that everything is as usual. But in the minds of sixteen-year-old boys and girls, new, unknown and alluring sensations and completely childish questions about truth and responsibility appear. In the heart of every ninth grader, an awareness of himself as a person and as an adult began to occur. And each of them began to show personality traits.
Of course, the brightest heroine is Iskra Polyakova - the leader, the headman and a good friend. They ran to her in case of problems, they looked for support from her and knew that she would always find a way out of any situation. But, despite the external severity, coldness and fearlessness, Iskra was a very lonely girl, and courage was just a mask, under which kindness and sensitivity were hidden (both from others and from herself). Raised by a stern woman, Iskra became more and more like her mother. Such people attract others with their courage and determination, but many do not suspect how much they sometimes need help and understanding. Iskra died heroically, once again hiding her fear far away and proving her love for the Motherland.
In this book about schoolchildren, far from children's problems are raised. In the dialogues of adolescents, we see desperate attempts to find answers to eternal questions: what is happiness? is there an absolute truth? How to deal with hardships in life? And there are a lot of difficulties on the way of students of 9 "B".
From the point of view of children, we see the events that happened to Vika Lyuberetskaya and her father. A huge tragedy that ended in suicide ... But even here classmates did not lose their heads, did not give up and did not stand aside. Everywhere - together, everywhere - unitedly, they faced problems and tried to solve them. They opened all the doors, they confronted adults together or sought their help - and their friendship was in this unity. Friendship that happens only in childhood, not limited by obligations and social status, when you are ready to give everything for a friend.

Lidia Georgievna ZAZULINA - teacher of Russian language and literature at secondary school No. 57 in Orenburg.

"Tomorrow there was a war"

Lesson on the novel by Boris Vasiliev

I. Opening talk

1. What do you know about the life and creative destiny of the writer Boris Vasiliev?

2. What works of B.L. Vasiliev, do you know?

II. A test for knowledge of the text (in a strong class it is worth conducting it before analyzing the work, in a weak class after)

1. Which of the heroines of the story “declared herself a Pythia” and “began to broadcast”? “She was a generous prophetess: a bunch of children and a carriage of happiness awaited everyone.”

a) Lena Bokova,

b) Zina Kovalenko,

c) Iskra Polyakova,

d) Vika Luberetskaya.

2. Who is this?

“She listened to everyone in different ways, but with her whole being, as if she not only heard, but also saw, touched and smelled at the same time. She was very curious and too sociable, which is why not everyone and not always let her in on their secrets.

3. Who is this?

“... often performed at schools, technical schools, collective farms and factories. She spoke sharply and briefly, precisely commanding, and we were afraid of her.

a) Tov. Polyakova,

b) Valentina Andronovna,

c) Iskra Polyakova,

d) there is no necessary heroine here.

4. Who is this?

“In the leaden mirror chill reflected a swarthy little girl with eyes round from criminal curiosity, shining like cherries.”

d) there is no necessary heroine here.

5. Which of the girls in the class “... was not only loved, but listened to. Everyone listened, but nothing was forgiven. (She) ...always remembered this and was a little proud, although it was sometimes difficult to remain the conscience of the class.

a) Luberetskaya,

b) Kovalenko,

c) Polyakova,

6. Finish the sentence:

“The spark jumped up as usual. The mother, with a twisted, twitching face, feverishly vomited...”

a) an envelope

c) parcel wrapper,

d) belt.

7. What did the principal of the school not tolerate?

“... and for everything at once she loved the director of the school. She loved, respected, but was also afraid, because the director did not tolerate ... and, if he caught personally, he acted harshly.

a) earmuffs

b) theft

c) bullying

d) there is no right word here.

8. Who "was the product of Iskra's purposeful activity, the real proof of her personal strength, perseverance and will"?

a) Artyom Shefer,

b) Sasha Stameskin,

c) Pashka Ostapchuk,

d) Vovik Khramov.

9. Remember which of the poets the girls loved.

c) Zinochka

e) Pushkin,

e) Bagritsky,

g) Yesenin,

h) Svetlova.

10. Insert the correct word into the phrase.

“She (Valentina Andronovna) became a stranger, a stranger so much that they even stopped her ...”

a) be afraid

b) hate

c) not to love

d) despise.

11. Who is this?

“... he grew up among the fighters of the brothers, knew how to stand up for himself and was not afraid of anything. No pain, no blood, no counter blow. He was agile, dodgy ... "

a) Valka

d) Seryoga.

12. Which of the heroines was “a well-formed, calm, self-confident and charming girl with big gray eyes”?

a) Luberetskaya,

b) Kovalenko,

c) Polyakova,

d) there is no necessary heroine here.

13. Which of the heroes was the chief designer of an aircraft factory, had the Order of the Red Banner of War for the Civil War and the Order for high achievements in peaceful construction?

a) Leonid Sergeevich,

b) Andrei Ivanovich,

c) Nikolai Grigorievich,

d) there is no required hero.

14. Which of the girls "... still studied hard, read poetry and non-formal novels, played basketball, went ... to the movies or just like that and regularly published a wall newspaper, since she was its editor-in-chief"?

15. Which of the heroines “had such a craving for the strange - to blurt out something, and then see what would come of it? Nothing good came of that experience, but on the other hand ... she burst into tears and walked in heroines for a long time, even her braids were pulled harder and more often than other girls.

III. Analysis of the novel "Tomorrow there was a war"

The history of the creation of the work

In the novel “He was not on the lists,” I wanted to say that if a person has high morals, if he lives and acts according to his conscience, then in a difficult hour for the Motherland, he will become a hero, even fighting alone.

And the story "Encounter Battle" is a protest against senseless losses in the war...

When these three things were already written, the question began to torment me: who were they - those who carried this war on their shoulders? Where did they come from, these boys and girls, maximalists who went to the front from the school desk? How did they grow up like this? So there was a novel about the pre-war school “Tomorrow there was a war”.

The novel was published in 1987 in the magazine "Youth". In response to this work, the editors received thousands of letters. Young people wrote more often, but many letters also came from middle-aged people who remembered the pre-war school, whose fates were similar to the fates of the heroes of Boris Vasiliev. Based on the novel, performances were staged, a film was made.


A. When and where do the events of Tomorrow Was a War take place?

(The action is built chronologically. It begins in 1938. The main events take place in September-October 1940. The novel ends with a meeting of graduates in 1980.

The novel depicts the city of Voronezh with its wide Revolution Avenue and the largest photo studio on it.)

B. List the main themes of the novel.

(A Tale of His Time; “family thought”.

We talk about each topic separately.)

Tale of your time

Individual reports of students about the era of the 40s, recognizable in the novel.

  • How was the establishment of the communist ideology? Her signs. Quote support:

“Get ready to fight!...”

“And one must learn to love and learn to hate, and these are the most important subjects in life...”

“...the enemies are now using any means to corrupt our youth, to tear them away from the Party, to drive a wedge between fathers and children...”

“Honor is a noble concept. We don't recognize it."

“There is no human at all. No! There is a citizen who is obliged to believe. Believe!"

  • The financial situation of the population in the country.

Quote support:

Cakes “they used to eat only on great holidays...”

“...there is no sugar, they will give 2 kg each.”

  • What new did you learn about the school of that time?

Quote support:

“... the gym is the rarest thing in those days.”

Grading system: “very bad”, “mediocre”, “excellent”.

Ban on Yesenin.

“Family Thought”

Independent work of students on the text of the work.

Assignment: divided into groups, make up a story about the families of the heroes of the novel according to this plan.


1. What did you learn about family history?

2. Describe the character's parents.

3. Who is at the head of the family?

4. On what principles is the relationship between adults and children built?

5. What does each family bring up in their children?

6. Strengths and weaknesses in the system of education of this family.

  • 1st group. The Luberetsky family (Ch. 1, 3, 4, 5)
  • 2nd group. The Kovalenko family (prologue, ch. 4, 5)
  • 3rd group. The Schaeffer family (Ch. 2, 4)
  • 4th group. The Polyakov family (prologue, ch. 1, 3, 4, 8, 9)
  • 5th group. The Stameskin family (ch. 1, epilogue)

The Luberetsky family (approximate answer of the 1st group)

Vicki's mother is long dead. The head of this family is Leonid Sergeevich. By the time the novel took place, he had taken the place of the chief engineer of an aircraft factory.

Leonid Sergeevich is a “reflective intellectual”. He honestly served the new ideology, but did not understand everything about it. For example: the truth for him could not be a dogma, "it must be tested all the time for strength and expediency." Leonid Sergeevich has his own opinion on everything. He loves the forbidden Yesenin, quotes the “bourgeois” poet Blok, recalls meetings with Mayakovsky and disputes with him: “We were not content with absolute truths, we searched and argued. We argued all night long."

According to Lyuberetsky, there are two sacred duties in life that you must always think about: for women - to learn to love, and for men - to serve their cause. This is the basic principle of raising a daughter.

In the era of public interest, he divided life into public (duty) and purely personal (happiness). Thus, Luberetsky refused to be just a cog in the state machine. Such a worldview will come to our society only in the 60s, in the famous “Khrushchev thaw”. Therefore, Lyubertsy can be called an untimely person.

Love and understanding reign in the family. But Leonid Sergeevich lives in a state of concern for his daughter. It was expressed in extremes: “Fear for the daughter gave rise to a car that delivers Vika to and from school, to the theater and from the theater, out of town and home.” The desire to see her most beautiful led to foreign outfits. Thus, he hastened its development. The mistake in the family upbringing of Lyubertsy was that her outfits, the car separated Vika from the guys of her class, she stood above them in terms of living standards, so she had a feeling of the “empress dowager”, and behind him loneliness, which she was very burdened with. “But she was proud, most of all she was afraid that someone would take it into her head to feel sorry for her ...”

Her father was Vicki's only support in life, therefore, having lost him, she took the first step towards suicide. She had no friends who would share her grief (arrest).

As a person of her time, Vika was devoted to the ideology that reigned in society. But the school, Valentina Andronovna, wanted to reject her, excluding her from the Komsomol. She became the daughter of an enemy of the people. All this laid an unbearable burden on the shoulders of the girl, and she decided to die.

Then the answers of each group are listened to and supplemented, conclusions are drawn.

IN. Continuation of the conversation.

  • See how Vicky's death affected everyone in the class?
  • Which classmate did not pass the moral test of Vika Lyuberetskaya's death?
  • Is Andrey Dementiev right when he said: “Someone dies not because evil is stronger, but because good must be awakened, forced to act”?
  • What were your peers into in the forties? What do you know about the drift of the Sedov, the international brigades?
  • How similar are they to you?
  • Which of the traditions of the 9th "B" would you like to transfer into the life of your class?

IV. Generalization

Vika and Iskra come up with an inscription for the monument to S. Yesenin.

  • Describe a monument that you would put up for your peers from the forties.
  • What inscription could be on it?

V. Homework. Write an essay on one of the topics.

  • “Family Thought” in the novel by B.L. Vasiliev "Tomorrow there was a war."
  • The formation of the pre-war generation based on the novel by B.L. Vasiliev "Tomorrow there was a war."
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Analysis of the story

B. L. Vasilyeva "Tomorrow there was a war"

The story of Boris Lvovich Vasiliev “Tomorrow there was a war” was written in 1972. And along with another story by this writer, “The Dawns Here Are Quiet...”, became one of the best and most famous works in our country about the period of the Great Patriotic War.

In his story, B. Vasiliev uses such an artistic method as realism.

The theme of the work is the relationship between the generations of fathers and children.

The story begins with a prologue and ends with an epilogue. Through the prologue, Vasiliev introduces the reader to the world of his memories of his youth, introduces him to his former classmates and teachers, school and parents, and the like. At the same time, the writer, as it were, reflects, pondering and reevaluating everything that happened to him forty years ago.

The epilogue sums up the story, sharply, but, nevertheless, harmoniously merging into the content. We again find ourselves almost forty years ahead, in 1972, we learn about the further fate of the heroes of the book and not only from the memoirs of the narrator, but also from the words of the headmaster.

Several classmates are at the center of the story. Iskra Polyakova is a lively and purposeful girl who dreams of becoming a commissar, an excellent student, an activist, and a wall newspaper editor. Her friends always go to her for advice, and for everyone, Iskra has an accurate and accurate answer, a solution to the most intractable problems and questions. True, at the end of the story, Iskra changes greatly, she begins to doubt those “truths” that her mother so diligently instilled in her. That is, Iskra gradually matures.

Zina Kovalenko is windy and fickle. Iskra said she was a real girl. Zina solves all her questions either with the help of Iskra, or by trusting her unmistakable intuition. But she also begins to grow up, feels that the boys like her, and even at the end of the story acquires the independence and prudence of Iskra.

Vika Lyuberetskaya is the most mysterious and incomprehensible girl for her classmates. She seemed to be morally older than them and therefore had no friends until the ninth grade. Vika is delighted with her father, considers him an ideal, loves to self-forgetfulness. The worst thing for her is to doubt her father. And when he is arrested, Vika commits suicide not out of a whim, but as an adult.

Girls grow up first physically and then morally. Boys grow up somewhat differently, as if they are reaching out for their grown-up classmates. So, the hooligan Sasha Stameskin is taken under his wing by Iskra, makes him an excellent student, enrolls him in an aviation club, and then helps him get a job at an aircraft factory.

Zhora Landys, a true friend and helper of all the boys in the class, falls in love with Vika and strives to grow up. The same process happens with some other guys.

In principle, we can say that the initiator of all these age-related changes was involuntarily the new director of the school - Nikolai Grigorievich Romakhin. His unusual system of upbringing does not hinder the growing up and spiritual search of children, but, on the contrary, provokes growing up.

The antipode of Romakhin in the story is the class teacher and literature teacher Valentina Andropovna (Valendra, as the guys call her). She is not satisfied with the routine of the new principal at the school. In an almost open struggle with him, she used all means, for example, wrote denunciations to higher authorities, argued, and the like. However, Valentina Andropovna cannot be considered a negative character. The author writes that she absolutely sincerely believed in the correctness of her convictions, that the new principal was destroying the school. And this sincerity eventually allowed her to find a common language with the matured class and change.

The significance of secondary characters in the story is great. The teacher of literature and the director cannot be attributed to them, since the main conflict of the story unfolds around their relationship. The secondary characters are the students' parents and two teachers who are not involved in the conflict. Parents, raising their children, created their exact copy, with their own character traits, but they all accepted with understanding the growing up of their children, their new understanding of reality. And even comrade Polyakova, the mother of Iskra, an “iron” woman, accustomed to commanding her daughter as a subordinate, having met the rebuff of the matured Iskra, resigns herself, realizing that this should have happened. The same can be said about the father of Vika Lyuberetskaya, who unwittingly changed the lives of many children, becoming their ideal.

The theme of the work is expressed precisely by this growing up. The main idea that permeates the idea of ​​the work is that in no case should adults influence the growing up of children, it is necessary to educate them, of course, but growing up goes its own way.

However, such an idea can be traced only in the main part of the story, and a new idea appears in the prologue and epilogue. The theme of the prologue and epilogue is the author's memories of his youth. And the idea is expressed in the fact that only the most beautiful thing is remembered in life - youth. The story is called - “Tomorrow there was a war”, but practically nothing is said about the war in it, and this is not accidental.

The war does not appear in the action of the story, but, as it were, follows from its content, logically ending the school years. Boris Vasiliev writes that the difference between the generation of his youth and the current one is that they knew that there would be a war, but we know that it will not happen, and we sincerely believe in it.

And now, forty years later, on a train that symbolizes life, these eternal ninth-graders remember not the war, not how they burned in a tank and went into battle, but what happened before.

Description of work

The story of Boris Lvovich Vasiliev “Tomorrow there was a war” was written in 1972. And along with another story by this writer, “The Dawns Here Are Quiet...”, became one of the best and most famous works in our country about the period of the Great Patriotic War.
In his story, B. Vasiliev uses such an artistic method as realism.
The theme of the work is the relationship between the generations of fathers and children.

The story of Boris Vasiliev "Tomorrow was the war" is dedicated to the last pre-war year in Russia. More precisely, the last pre-war academic year of 1940, since the main characters of the story are schoolchildren, ninth grade students in a small town.

Sixteen-year-olds in 1940 are the same generation that was born immediately after the revolution and civil war. All their fathers and mothers participated in these events in one way or another.

Consequently, these children grew up with a dual feeling: on the one hand, they are sorry that the civil war ended before them, that they did not have time to take part in it, and on the other hand, they sincerely believe that they have been entrusted with an equally important mission, they must to preserve the socialist system, must do something worthy.

Thirst for personal achievement

This is a generation that lives with the dream of a personal feat that should benefit the homeland. All the boys in this class wanted to become commanders of the Red Army in order to keep up with their fathers.

The main character of the story, the Komsomol activist Iskra Polyakova, furiously denies her personal life and personal happiness, dreaming of the proud spirit of the word "commissar".

Other girls in the class do not share her active position, although they also believe in communism. But their dreams are different: the cheerful laugher Zinochka Kovalenko, and the judicious Lena Bokova, and the dreamy Vika Lyuberetskaya - for all of them their own happiness is more important, it is more important to love and be loved.

However, none of these dreams can be fully realized in the Soviet Union of 1940, where repression and control over society are rampant, where war will soon begin.

Fight for human dignity and justice

The culmination of this story is the moment of the arrest of the father of Vika Lyuberetskaya, a major aircraft designer. After that, Vika is declared “the daughter of an enemy of the people”, and the girl begins to be persecuted at school. Not wanting to betray her father and renounce him, as demanded by the Komsomol organization, Vika commits suicide.

She is not the only one seeking justice. After the news of the arrest of Vika's father, her classmates, contrary to the prohibitions of the school, go to support the girl, because. believe that she is definitely not to blame for anything.

Artem Shefer fights in a “duel” with a tenth grader who has spread the news around the school. After Vika's death, the director of the school, Nikolai Grigorievich, specially sends her classmates to the funeral, where there is no one else.

Particularly interesting in that story is the character of the main character, Iskra Polyakova. If at first she was a classic Komsomol activist who firmly believes in the just cause of the party, then after the events related to Vika, she gradually changes her position: she begins to believe that the party, the school, and the Komsomol can sometimes be wrong.

In the epilogue of the story, it is shown that all the guys really managed to realize their youthful dream of a feat. They embodied it on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War, and tragically - almost all the students of the former 9 "B" died. The narration in the introduction and epilogue is conducted on behalf of supposedly their classmate - Boris Vasiliev himself.

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