Dreams from Thursday to Friday about the house. How to get rid of a bad dream


Dreams on Friday night have long been considered prophetic - they are the ones that are most often fulfilled in reality. Therefore, the main thing here is to remember the dream and correctly unravel the dream signs-tips, since they are the key to the secret of knowledge about one's own future.

What do dreams mean from Thursday to Friday?

It is believed that dreams from Thursday to Friday are under the auspices of Venus, the goddess of love, harmony and beauty. And therefore, dreams on such a night usually concern cordial relationships; affect the sphere of creativity, emotions and feelings of the dreamer.

The belief about Friday dreams is not a new phenomenon, but it was not invented by ancient mystics with esotericists. Even distant ancestors drew attention to the fact that it was during this period of time that the subtle worlds most often give clues to a probable future. Since then, nothing has changed, and now dreams from Thursday to Friday are considered prophetic and are used as a chance to find out what will happen tomorrow.

Although it is not worth waiting from every dream on Friday night to resolve some global problems and mystical prophecies - this happens too. Most often they relate to personal problems and situations related to work. And sometimes they have a very insignificant meaning, over which you can not even rack your brains.

Do dreams come true from Thursday to Friday?

In most cases, it is Friday dreams that come true. Especially if some image in them was repeatedly repeated precisely during this period of the week. But even a memorable plot seen once carries prophetic symbolism that cannot be ignored.

The dream from Thursday to Friday, which made you wake up, should be fully detailed and studied in general - it is without a doubt a clue to some inevitable future events.
If we talk about time intervals, then:

  • a dream that occurred before midnight Thursday will begin to come true approximately during the current year;
  • a dream dreamed up before 3 o'clock in the morning will come true in the next two to three months;
  • the events of the morning dream will happen just about the other day.

The maximum time for the fulfillment of night dreams is three years, later, in most cases, they simply lose their relevance.

Friday night numbers also matter. So, for example, 7, 13, 15 and 27 - dreams that tell about further relationships with loved ones, situations at work, as well as possible losses or profits. Usually, material changes in life are indicated by the appearance of certain monetary symbols in a dream.

A special mystical aftertaste is left by visions dreamed in March. Most often, they do not show the content of the future, but how much they influence the thoughts and feelings of the person himself. Rarely, but it happens that after such dreams there is a rethinking of one's own existence, under the influence of which a person's life ceases to be the same.

How to interpret a dream from Thursday to Friday?

No need to wait in reality for a repetition of the night plot - dreams only indicate what will happen, and do not provide frames from the filming of a certain time machine. In addition, most often it is on Fridays that shifter visions come in a dream. That is, such dreams, which should be interpreted the other way around: joy in them means inevitable tears, the loss of something is a mandatory profit, a noisy quarrel is a long-awaited reconciliation, and so on.

How to distinguish changelings from ordinary dreams? Very simple: you need to analyze the situational moments of reality and compare them with night vision. So, for example, if against the background of a stable and even relationship with a loved one, you dream that you had a fight with him, then you don’t have to worry - this will not happen in reality. But a dream about love and harmony should just alert - it is likely that storm discharges of future disagreements are already looming on the horizon. But in any case, you need to listen to yourself: what your intuition tells you after such dreams, do it. Only your own meaningful actions can prevent future unpleasant moments, prompted on Friday night.

Exhausting work is predicted by black and white dreams. But usually such a coloring of visions also promises a happy ending - overcoming seemingly insurmountable obstacles and achieving a goal.
Colored dreams in gloomy, twilight tones are a clear sign of self-doubt and lack of harmony with one’s own “I”. Most often, they are the result of adverse circumstances in reality and indicate that for some time life will pass without noticeable improvements.

Juicy, bright colors of a dream, as well as signs in the form of a sunbeam, a flashing candle or lamp, a beautiful moth, a rainbow in the clouds, etc., indicate the end of a negative period. Good luck is already at the threshold and the hope that has appeared for the best will justify itself in the very near future.

Why dream from Thursday to Friday

Dreams about love, wedding

The imminent appearance of love portends in a dream the full moon. And it doesn't have to be a meeting with a new person. Perhaps feelings will appear for someone from a long-familiar environment, and they will arise quite spontaneously, but, fortunately for the dreamer, they will be mutual.

The origin of love is also spoken of by the mountains seen in a dream, covered with plants and green trees; wide rivers with clear water; spring sources; lawns overgrown with forest flowers - cornflowers, bluebells and daisies.

White flowers - whether they are roses or pansies - dream of a wedding. Red - to mutual passion, which, most likely, will end as quickly as it arises.

To see your own wedding on the night from Thursday to Friday is good for those who are already planning this event. For those who have not discussed such an issue, the dream has the opposite meaning - that is, the formalization of official relations is not expected in the near future. A major quarrel and a complete break with a loved one awaits the one who had a dream about the marriage of a lover to another.

In addition to “ready-made” dreams, on Friday night you can order a dream about your betrothed. This is done with the help of a special ritual and is almost always performed (although sometimes belatedly).

Dreams about work

Dreams about an upcoming career and financial situation are not so often dreamed from Thursday to Friday, but they almost always come true. True, here it is not the plot itself that is important, but the signs and symbols. So, for example, the anger of the authorities or the dreamed squabbles in the team may have nothing to do with real life - you yourself have long been the boss, and your subordinates respect you. But climbing stairs, climbing to the top of a mountain, flying or swimming on calm water are all signs of positive career changes. And vice versa - going down or falling from somewhere, losing your way or getting lost in the forest, drowning or swimming among raging waves - portends quite long troubles in the future.

Enrichment and success predict any hints of money seen that night. But their loss in a dream threatens to worsen their financial situation in reality.

Dismissal or a dispute with higher management, if any, suggests that your intemperance in communicating with official representatives of power can serve as an impetus for drastic and not entirely pleasant changes.

Dreams about travel, entertainment

Traveling or relaxing somewhere on the sea in a Friday dream does not at all promise you such joy in everyday life. This is just a vision-shifter that warns you about the upcoming workload and boring everyday life. An exception may be the situation in which you really have already bought a plane-train ticket, and you are sitting on your suitcases, waiting for the cherished day of the start of your vacation.

Dreams about emotions

In dreams from Thursday to Friday, emotions and the atmosphere formed by them are especially acute. Feelings of care, tenderness, delight, fear, hatred, etc. always dream so real, as if they were happening in reality. Most often, dreams have a romantic color and are filled with love emotions. If the soul is overwhelmed by joyful sensations, feelings of pleasantness, or you experience euphoria from the situation, then in reality one should expect encouraging changes. And if such changes have already taken place in your life, then this is a direct indication that the streak of luck will not end for a long time, and personal relationships will develop almost perfectly.

Dreams in which anger, fear, hatred, envy are very well felt are a bad sign. It does not matter whether you feel all this in your soul or are in an atmosphere saturated with negativity, but in the future there is a high probability of conflict situations in the personal and business spheres. Dreamed negative experiences - sadness, longing, feeling of loneliness - predict problems at work or in family relationships with relatives.

If a loved one dreamed in the company of a pleasant stranger, it is not necessary that he is deceiving you in real life. However, it is hardly worth counting on the sincerity of words and the constancy of his feelings.

Feelings of affection, distrust, surveillance or stalking of someone indicate a strong dependence on a real person. To get rid of this dependence, it will take some time and great efforts on the part of the one who sees such a sign. If, on the contrary, the sleeper himself is being persecuted or feels that someone is following him, then in reality there is a risk of becoming a victim of accidental or deliberate circumstances.

Do not panic if in a dream your communication with a partner occurs with some stretch and alienation, most likely this is the aforementioned dream-shifter, predicting complete harmony and understanding in a relationship.

Dreams about the dead

Nothing good should be expected from the future if on Friday night they saw acquaintances or recently deceased relatives in a dream. Such dreams often have a negative connotation and even after waking up leave a painful feeling. Usually the dead appear in night visions to warn of imminent danger leading to death. Such dreams must be taken very seriously and in the next few months, carefully consider every step you take. If you have planned something during this period, it will be best to drastically abandon these plans and return to them in nine months.

An exception is when the dead, during a conversation, provide some information or try to teach you something. For those who are concerned about career growth, this means promotion or moving to a higher paying position. Those who have unresolved family problems are given a chance to find the right way out of them. Perhaps someone's advice or accidentally heard recommendations from a specialist will help with this.

Other private dreams

Often, such insignificant details that you dreamed about on Friday night, such as a faulty refrigerator, a broken TV, a flat tire on a car, indicate some problems that seem insignificant to you, and you do not attach much importance to them. However, the repeated repetition of such symbols requires understanding the seeming “little things”, otherwise there is every chance of getting an elephant out of a fly from scratch and subsequently cursing your own carelessness.

Flights and finds in a dream are always good luck, which marks the end of the black streak in life.

Dream of an accident

To see how you got into some kind of life-threatening incident - a car accident, a fall from a height, a threat of drowning, a lightning strike, etc. - get a warning about upcoming health problems. The same is foreshadowed by dreams from Thursday to Friday about the loss of teeth, a malfunction of a personal car, a pipe broken in an apartment, a roof collapse in a house. After such dreams, it is recommended to take precautions in the near future so that, for example, you do not catch a cold or suffer physically during the same ice. We must not forget that the signals from above are only a warning of a possible danger, and the choice of a decision on how to act in a situation - whether to go swimming in the sea at night - of course, depends only on you.

Dreaming of an unpleasant situation

The vision that you were in an awkward situation in front of others - you stumbled and fell, the wind pulled up the hem or the belt of your trousers burst - predicts that in real life you will experience a sense of shame from your own act. The positive thing here is not the publicity of what is happening - you will only blush in your soul, people who are nearby will not be aware of this fact.

Going to jail, arrest, problems with law enforcement - almost always portend something bad. Not necessarily the problems will be related to the law, most likely, troubles should be expected from officials.

Dreaming of a funeral

Seeing in the coffin a person for whom you have a strong but secret sympathy means separation from him. Perhaps time will save you from feelings for him or he will move to another city, but you have no chance to be together.

Own funeral - major changes in life, most often of a positive nature. The past with all the mistakes is left behind and there is a chance to fix everything. A very good sleep from Thursday to Friday for those who are going through a divorce, unfair dismissal or preparing to move.

Dreaming of other countries

Living in another country and speaking the local language portends major changes that will occur, perhaps after more than one decade. After gray days, a bright and eventful life will begin. It will not be easy and comfortable, but now you will never be bored.

Also, such dreams predict a painful but necessary divorce, several years of loneliness and a new partner - most likely in another country.

By nature, women are more open to everything mystical, magical. And it is for these reasons that women, more often than men, are visited by prophetic dreams. There are signs, interpretations of dreams, dream books. But there are signs that are associated with the day of the week when the dream occurred. So among the fair sex there is an opinion: "from Thursday to Friday, dreams come true."

Of course, a prophetic dream can occur on any day of the week, but for some reason, dreams are given more importance from Thursday to Friday, especially with a full moon. It is a dream in this period of time that carries more information about the future. And after waking up, it is important to remember the dream and decipher it.

Lords of the night from Thursday to Friday

The patron of dreams on Friday night is Venus, it is believed that dreams reflect the sensual side of the dreamer. Such dreams are firmly and thoroughly connected with emotions, experiences with which the head is full, with events in personal life, and to some extent with material values.

Dreams from Thursday to Friday reflect the most intimate, desired. It is for these reasons that events are so often dreamed of that are practically not feasible in real life.

How to interpret dreams from Thursday to Friday?

When deciphering dreams, the most important thing is to believe in the power of sleep and get information about the future from space. There is an opinion that a dream that occurred on Friday night before midnight will come true, but not immediately. But the dreams that were seen from midnight to about three in the morning will come true within a few months. And the dream that I had at dawn will come true very quickly. Dreams that tend to recur deserve special attention; it is necessary to analyze them carefully, and not only events, but also feelings and emotions in a dream should be analyzed.

Since the patrons of dreams from Thursday to Friday is Venus, the planet named after the goddess of love, you should be attentive to the love sphere seen in a dream. Therefore, if you had a dream of an erotic nature, then you should pay attention to your personal sex life - carefully analyze it. Perhaps there are some unfulfilled fantasies and desires, or complete dissatisfaction.

If in a dream something is acquired that has been dreamed of for many years, or if an impressive amount of money was received in a dream, then we can say with confidence that the near future will be cloudless. If, on the contrary, in a dream you had to lose something, especially valuable, then in the near future hard times may come, and you must be prepared for material difficulties or failures in your personal life.

There is a little trick to make dreams positive and carry only positive, you need to go to bed in a good mood. Of course, after a hard day at work and a hard work week, it is not entirely possible to quickly relax and radiate positive. But it's worth trying and getting good sleep.

Proper preparation for sleep from Thursday to Friday

From the point of view of psychology, the night from Thursday to Friday is difficult, the last working day is ahead, and thoughts are busy with how to work or unlearn and wait for the weekend. But prophetic dreams and dreams that can be remembered can only come to a "clean" head. For these reasons, it is necessary to properly prepare for sleep.

Before surrendering to the power of Morpheus, you need to think about the most important, that innermost and desired, and try to get away from the everyday fuss. To do this, you can remember the positive and positive moments from the past.

A cup of mint tea, a pleasant bubble bath, and relaxing music will also help you relax. Without fail, before going to bed, you need to let your hair down, thereby freeing yourself from fetters and fetters, for a better perception of information.

Since ancient times, unmarried girls, in order to see the betrothed, from Thursday to Friday went to bed earlier and before going to bed, they said the words three times: “From Thursday to Friday the sun will roll, tell me a dream, who is in love with me.” After the spoken words, it was important not to talk to anyone else until the morning.

Will the dream come true from Thursday to Friday?

Sleep from Thursday to Friday can truly be called prophetic. But do not wait for specific pictures, or events that will show exactly how to proceed. Dreams hide in themselves encrypted signs, messages that must be able to decipher. And even if a married woman dreams that she is getting married again, this does not mean that this will really happen, and a second marriage is ahead. Perhaps the husband will show himself on the other side, or certain events will occur that will give a new impetus to the relationship between the old spouses, and the relationship will be like then, at the very beginning.

Special. Dreams seen that night come true much more often than others.

There are several reasons for this. Some associate the magical power of the night with the fact that Friday is the day of Venus. This planet governs love and creativity. Therefore, it is believed that dreams in which we see events related to creative activity, wonderful feelings or will definitely come true.

Others associate the mystical power of dreams with the fact that on Friday Jesus Christ was crucified. The 12 Fridays of the year are especially important. Among them are the Fridays of Orthodox holidays and fasts, for example, the Friday of the first week of Great Lent or Palm Week.

Dreams seen on such days are endowed with powerful power and are able to come true.

Does the dream come true or not?

Almost all dreams seen from Thursday to Friday come true. But there are several nuances that need to be considered. First, the dream must be remembered in detail. And therefore, in the morning you should not get out of bed abruptly, because of this, the dream may fade in memory. It is better to linger for a while and try to remember absolutely everything that was seen, paying attention to even the smallest and most insignificant details.

Secondly, you need to be patient. Dreams rarely come true right away. Sometimes you have to wait up to three years. Thirdly, you should not tell anyone your dream. This can be done only after it comes true. Otherwise, the dream may never come true.

Prophetic or not?

Thanks to the energy of Venus, which fills the night from Thursday to Friday, a person intuition is greatly enhanced. He begins to feel everything that is happening around and everything that should happen, to understand what he really needs now. These signs come in dreams, the main thing is to be able to interpret and understand them.

Dreams from Thursday to Friday can be equated with prophetic ones. In them we see what we need to do to be happy.

What does it mean?

Dreams do not always come true in the form in which we see them. But dreams from Thursday to Friday are pretty straightforward. It is important to draw analogies with what is happening in the real world. So, if in a dream you are dependent on a loved one, then look at what is happening in your relationship. Are you really becoming his shadow? And if so, then start working on yourself without prejudice to relationships in order to become an independent and self-sufficient person.

There can be many interpretations of dreams from Thursday to Friday in which a person appears. It all depends on the attitude towards this person, as well as the dreamer himself.

If a girl is dreaming?

If a guy is from Thursday to Friday, then you need to take this dream seriously. If she is a stranger, then you need to scroll through all the details of the dream in your memory, remember her appearance. If the girl was beautiful and pleasant in communication, this is a good sign that can portend a meeting with your soulmate.

If a familiar girl dreams and says something in a dream, then you need to remember all her words. Since it is the Universe that turns to the dreamer and gives the right direction for later life.

Dreaming guy

If in a dream you saw with your boyfriend, then this is a good sign, which suggests that the relationship will be long and strong. If your boyfriend married another girl, then this can talk about.

If you dream from Thursday to Friday, then this is a very bad sign. Such a dream can mean serious health problems and other big troubles. Some interpret this dream directly. Therefore, they consider it a warning of impending death in the real world. But do not be afraid and despair. A dream is not a verdict of fate, but only a warning about the possible outcome of events. And if you make an effort, you can wrap the situation in a much better direction.

Dreamed of a man

If in a dream you saw good looking, then perhaps in the near future you will finally meet your chosen one. According to Miller's dream book, there is another interpretation. Such a dream means an improvement in the state of affairs at work and at home.

If a man is ugly and old, then most likely you will encounter minor difficulties. Trouble with close friends promises the appearance in a dream of a man with physical disabilities.

Young guy in a dream

According to the dream book of Nostradamus see a young guy or teenager in a dream - means that soon something new will begin in life. And, perhaps, you need to start the changes yourself.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

According to this book, to see a man in a dream means have fun in real life. If a man is old and gray-haired, looks good, then this means respect from loved ones. If a bearded man is dreaming, then this may warn of an approaching illness.

The person you like

If a person dreamed of whom the dreamer feels sympathy, then it is possible that at the moment he also sees a similar dream. The fact is that from Thursday to Friday a person, thanks to heightened intuition, easily connects with the general energy of the cosmos sending positive impulses to the person you like. As a result, people can see the same dreams. Take dreams tonight seriously. If you saw that relationships are being established and developed, then this is a positive sign. But do not rush things.

Everything should go on as usual, and only when the connection is destined, the dream will come true.

If in a dream it happens or you see that he has an affair with another person, then you should not count on the success of relations with this person. Most likely, time will be wasted, and the relationship will not bring anything good, only disappointment.

Dreaming into the night

If a person dreams at night and even Thursday, then dreams influenced by Jupiter. They also come true, like those seen on Friday morning. But in this case, they promise changes in a career and life in general.

Sleep in the morning

If a dream is dreamed in the morning, then it is most strongly influenced by Venus, and therefore it is worth interpreting it as a dream associated with the amorous sphere. Expect changes in personal life.

At present, few people believe in prophetic dreams, saying that these are just grandmother's tales. But people have long believed that sleep from Thursday to Friday is prophetic. Have you heard the saying: “Dreams come true from Thursday to Friday”? Prophetic dreams do not always come true down to the smallest detail, so it should not be interpreted literally. In any case, whether to believe him or not is a purely personal matter for everyone, because no one has seen him except you, so it is also difficult for others to interpret correctly.

For better memoryA there is one interesting method - every week to change the position of the pillow - put it where the nails used to be. But attaching importance to every dream that occurs on the night of Thursday to Friday is also not worth it, since it is quite rare to see a truly prophetic dream.

According to observations, if you see a dream from Thursday to Friday during from 20 to 24, then it comes true after a fairly long interval of time. Dream from 24 to 3 hours of the night comes true within three months. And here are the dreams from three to dawn come true quickly. Only now it is very difficult to determine the specific time of sleep. If a dream was only once, then its semantic meaning is not the greatest. But if you often dream of the same thing, then you should pay attention to your dream. The most significant dreams are those that are repeated several times a night, those from which you wake up, and dreams in the morning.

Thursday planet - Jupiter. And this is the planet of success, good luck and stability. Often on this night you can see dreams about your professional activities, financial situation. It is in a dream that you can look for a hint on overcoming difficult life conflicts. In a dream, our emotional state is often reflected, since Friday is under the auspices of sensual Venus. Therefore, in a dream, you can learn about the methods and timing of the fulfillment of the desired events.

If in a dream you take someone's money, this is for material well-being. If, on the contrary, we lose something, then this is to material difficulties and a dreary personal life. A black and white dream warns of working difficulties in achieving the desired results. Pay attention to whether you are dependent on someone in a dream. If so, then you should work on your independence, in particular from this person.

Scientists say that in order to see good dreams, it is necessary to live well. But in fact, everything is simpler. Our brain is designed in such a way that it reflects in a dream either the most significant impressions of the day or the latest. Then a nightmare can provoke even an ordinary horror movie. Therefore, for a pleasant and good sleep, it is better to watch a comedy or a romantic film. If you have bad, heavy thoughts in your head, then you should also not go to bed with them, it is better to take a walk, chat with friends or take a relaxing bath.

By the time a good sleep should take from 6 to 10 hours. It is individual for everyone, e necessarily within these limits.

Dreams are often used to guess from Thursday to Friday. Here are some interesting guesses:

  1. Say at night three times "Friday, Friday, help the one who strives for me to dream."
  2. Say: “From Thursday to Friday, I lie down on the mother. Matitsa roll over, whoever loves - dream about it" or "Thursday with Wednesday, Tuesday with Monday, Sunday with Saturday. Friday alone, and I, young, alone. I am lying on the Zion mountains, three angels in my head: one sees, the other will tell, the third will show fate.

However, you should not get hung up on your dreams too much, excessive faith in them can bring a lot of anxiety and unrest. Faith and superstition are two different things. Now go to sleep in peace!


According to Ukrainian beliefs, after the sixth of 12 Fridays, Friday will appear in a dream and reveal half of his future to a person; after the twelfth Friday she will tell him all his future.

According to the beliefs of the Eastern Slavs, the evil spirit in the face of Friday spins when the Spinning Wheel is left for the night (or on a holiday) with an unfinished tow or without a blessing.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the Ancient Slavs

Dream Interpretation - Terrible dreams from Thursday to Friday

Good afternoon, Tamara! "today, dreams that were terrible for me, as luck would have it, from Thursday to Friday" - and what does it mean that they had a dream from Thursday to Friday? ""Senior student, do you remember what I asked you about" - You are in illusions ... - "in reality, he does not seem to have a girlfriend. And he seems to like me too" - when it seems that it is necessary to be baptized ... "and I was very scared of such a dream - I don’t want this to happen. I didn’t hope so much - although it might be stupid - he’s such a dream here .... "- a man, that's why he is a man who makes responsible decisions and executes them flawlessly, and does not remain in illusions. "And then they also dreamed after, that it was a nightmare at home - my elder brother and our cousin were again drunk as hell and did all sorts of nonsense to put it mildly. They climbed to my mother, begging for money. Then my brother tried to get something from me for a long time, and then he pulled me by the arm, then by the leg, we took it so hard, as if he wanted to tear it off, and then he wanted to break my nose, or something else ... Very scary . Then they seemed to calm down a bit, but the sediment still remained very bad ...... "- this just shows that you and your relatives cannot establish spiritual contact. And not because you are good, but they are bad ... Always you can find a solution in any situation, you just have to be adamant in your decisions. "Maybe it's just my fears and they won't come true? "- if you think that these are fears that will not come true - they will not come true. If you think that these are fears that will come true - they will come true. If you think that these are not fears - they are not fears. If you think that it really means - it really means. If you think that it doesn't really mean - it doesn't really mean. If you think it's not really, then it means it's not really. if you think it's real, then it's real. If you think it's a thing, then it's a thing. And if you think it's not a thing, then it's non-doing. If you don't do anything, then nothing will happen, since this no... Save Christ!

Natalya, such a dream signals to you about the insincerity of relations with your girlfriend, obvious malice on her part and a warning about the state of her son’s health (leaking ruff and mother) It is possible that you will be very surprised at something (the image is a little girl), it will be good if this one will alert you in time and troubles will bypass you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - From Thursday to Friday

Your life is characterized by your subconscious as sliding along a knurled, albeit winding (ski, winding road) path. It freezes emotions (snow) and limits you (village, fence). At the suggestion of friends and your own logic (dogs, man, gate), you came or come to the opinion (felt boots) that you need to end this stage of life (you need to go to the cemetery). But you are very afraid of change (do not go) and look for support and evidence of the need to do this (brown dog). The right choice, determination and success.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - From Thursday to Friday

The Dreamer runs away from the Police (conscious control of emotions and desires) and suddenly falls into a dark Abyss - this means in reality a vivid manifestation of the Yin qualities (desires, needs) of the Dreamer and her predisposition to Earthly categories (emotional and material spheres). Falling, the Dreamer hears a Voice saying that she has squandered (the earthly sphere) her life, and for rebirth she will have to wait a very long time - this symbolizes an unconscious deepening (the gap between Yin-earth and Yang-spirit) into the earthly sphere, which now has to be Realized , thus balancing it with the power of the Spirit and Mind, in order to put in order and balance your earthly sphere. The dreamer lands on the bottom and turns out to be walled up, cramped and dark, but there is air - this is the manifestation of the power of the Spirit in the earthly (limited and cramped) human framework (but the Happiness of life is in Life itself - the Dreamer understands in a dream what Happiness it is, just to Live ). Here is such a magnificent Dream that the Dreamer saw, Good luck to her. Sincerely, Livia.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - Sleep from Thursday to Friday May 13

A clear light Stairway to Heaven - symbolizes the upcoming spiritual renewal of the Dreamer. Ahead is the Man in the White Robes of the Saint - the transition of earthly aspirations in favor of spiritual ones. The Dreamer Sees the saint from the back, she herself is behind and does not remember her Ascension - it symbolizes the activation of the Soul forces and the muting of the Conscious (The Dreamer does not remember her Actions, but she feels Joy). This is what the Dream is about, telling the Dreamer that it is time to stop and think about the comfort of the Soul.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

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