Sobchak Maria Anatolyevna - the eldest daughter of Anatoly Sobchak: biography, personal life. Biography of TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak


Ksenia Anatolyevna Sobchak. She was born on November 5, 1981 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). Russian TV and radio host, journalist, actress, socialite, public figure.

Known for the reality show "Dom-2" (TNT), "Blonde in Chocolate" (Muz-TV), "The Last Hero" (Channel One), as well as the programs "State Department 2" (Snob) and "Sobchak Live" ( Rain), together with Sergei Kalvarsky at the Silver Rain radio station, the program Barabaka and the Gray Wolf.

Father - Anatoly Alexandrovich Sobchak, lawyer, mayor of St. Petersburg from 1991 to 1996.

Mother - Lyudmila Borisovna Narusova, historian.

Ksenia's godfather was Father Gury, who at that time served in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, and the godmother was Lyudmila Narusova's university friend Natasha.

She lived with her parents at 21 Kustodieva Street, then in a communal apartment on the embankment of the Moika River. As a child, Ksenia studied ballet at the Mariinsky Theater and painting at the Hermitage.

In the middle classes, she studied at secondary school No. 185 with in-depth study of the English language.

She graduated from school at the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A. I. Herzen.

In 1998 she entered the Faculty of International Relations of St. Petersburg State University. In 2000, she moved to Moscow and transferred to the Faculty of International Relations at MGIMO.

In 2002 she received a bachelor's degree, and in 2004 she graduated with honors from the MGIMO Master's program in political science (the topic of the diploma is "Comparative analysis of the institutions of the presidency in France and Russia"). Speaks English, French and Spanish.

After graduating from MGIMO, she planned to continue her studies and at the same time take part in a number of television and other projects.

According to Forbes magazine, for the period from September 2008 to September 2009, her income amounted to $1.2 million. In February 2010, Sobchak acquired a minority (less than 0.1%) stake in the Russian mobile retailer Euroset, spending it's just over $1 million.

Hosted a reality show since 2004 "House 2" on TNT along with (then joined them), but in the summer of 2012 she did not renew her contract with the television company and left the show.

She hosted such reality shows as "Who Doesn't Want to Be a Millionaire" on TNT, "The Last Hero-6" on Channel One, "Blonde in Chocolate" on Muz-TV.

She was one of the hosts of the show "Two Stars" on Channel One.

She was parodied seven times in the TV show Big Difference: as the host of the reality show Dom-2, a guest in the program Good Night, Kids!, co-host of the show Two Stars, a guest in the program Let They Talk, host of the Festival "Big Difference" in Odessa. In one of the parodies, Ksenia Sobchak participated in the role of a waitress in a restaurant that Ksenia Sobchak visited (she herself was parodied by the artist of the troupe Maria Zykova). All parodies were performed by the artists of the troupe Olga Medynich and.

Is one of the main characters of the television cartoon show "Cartoon Personality".

In 2013, Sobchak created the image of Oksana Sever and shot a video for the song "Native", which received the RuTV award, and Ksenia for the image of the scandalous chanson star was nominated for the "TOP 50. The most famous people of St. Petersburg" award from the magazine "".

After the elections to the State Duma on December 4, 2011, in which United Russia won, Sobchak supported protests against election fraud. On December 10, she came to a rally on Bolotnaya Square, and on December 24, she spoke at a rally on Akademika Sakharov Avenue. In January, Sobchak was included in the top ten most influential Russian women, compiled by the Ekho Moskvy radio station with the support of the Interfax agency, RIA Novosti and Ogonyok magazine.

After the presidential elections on March 4, 2012, which he won, Sobchak spoke on March 10 at a rally "For Fair Elections" on Novy Arbat. On April 14, Sobchak spoke at a rally in Astrakhan in support of the ex-candidate for the mayor of Astrakhan, Oleg Shein, who did not recognize the results of the mayoral elections. Sobchak deliberately did not take part in the “March of Millions” action on Bolotnaya Square on May 6, because, as she reported after the fact on May 7, she knew that the action would be aimed at increasing radicalization.

However, already on May 8, she came to the opposition camp on Chistoprudny Boulevard. After the oppositionists were ousted from Chistye Prudy, they gathered on Pushkin Square, but already there, at the Nikitsky Gate, Ksenia Sobchak, along with Alexei Navalny, was detained. After her arrest, Sobchak tweeted that she had changed her mind about the radicalization of the protest. Immediately after her release at night, Sobchak arrived at Kudrinskaya Square, where the opposition gathered again.

In May, it became known that Sobchak was excluded from the list of hosts of the anniversary Muz-TV Prize (initially she was supposed to host it together with Maxim Galkin, Lera Kudryavtseva and Andrei Malakhov), and was also suspended from the TEFI award in the Best Reporter nomination. According to her own statement, this was done for political reasons.

On the eve of June 12, 2012, the police searched Sobchak's apartment, which, according to her lawyer Henry Reznik, was connected with the assumption of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation (TFR) that the opposition leader Ilya Yashin actually lives in this apartment. The TV presenter expressed outrage that the investigators, "grinning", read her personal letters aloud, and said: "I never thought that we would return to the country of such repression."

The official representative of the TFR stated that "in the apartment of I. Yashin and K. Sobchak, a large amount of money in European and American currencies was seized, laid out in more than 100 envelopes (at least € 1 million)". For several days, investigators checked the seized currency and individually tested each bill for authenticity.

On June 15, responding to this incident, one of the leaders of the opposition, State Duma deputy Ilya Ponomarev called on Ksenia to distance herself from participation in the organizational structures of the opposition movement. To do this during the investigation of the criminal case on the riots on Bolotnaya, so that the country, Ponomarev explained, would not concentrate on millions of Sobchaks, so as not to cast a shadow on the opposition and not divert attention from the real activities of the protesters. Sobchak replied that she did not claim any leadership role in the protest movement.

On September 27, the Main Investigation Department of the TFR decided to return Sobchak by transferring the money seized during the May search to her accounts, namely: 1,108,420 euros, 522,392 US dollars and 485,325 rubles. A desk audit, conducted on behalf of the investigation, did not establish the facts of Xenia's tax evasion.

On September 17, 2012, she put forward her candidacy for the coordinating council of the Russian opposition. Among 11 opposition activists, she made a statement saying that “a violent confrontation is growing between the authorities and society,” therefore, “large-scale political reform” is needed. On October 22, 2012, in the elections of the Coordinating Council of the Opposition on the general civil list, she took fourth place, gaining 32.5 thousand votes, losing to A. Navalny, D. Bykov and. On October 19, 2013, the Coordinating Council of the Russian Opposition ceased to exist.

In 2008, Ksenia Sobchak published books on clothing style and cosmetics: Ksenia Sobchak's Stylish Things and Masks, Glitter, Curlers. The ABC of Beauty.

In 2009, a “practical guide” on profitable marriage, written jointly with Oksana Robsky, “Marrying a Millionaire, or Marriage of the Highest Class”, appeared.

In 2010, the "Encyclopedia of a sucker" was published - a book that defines a "loch" as "a person for whom self-presentation is above all else." In an interview with Dmitry Bykov dedicated to the release of the book, Sobchak called the described phenomenon international, but noted that, thanks to the historical background of the destruction of the elite in 1917 and 1937 and modern social experiments, including the “rain of petrodollars”, Russia is “an ideal testing ground for watching the bad people ", to which Sobchak self-critically refers to himself as "a symbol of all-Russian deceit with the Dom-2 project."

In the same year, a book written jointly by Ksenia Sokolova and Ksenia Sobchak appeared. "Philosophy in the boudoir"- a collection of interviews compiled on the basis of materials from the column "Philosophy in the boudoir with ..." of the magazine "GQ".

Sobchak is a successful investor. In December 2012, it became known that Ksenia received $2.3 million from the sale of her stake in Euroset. Considering an initial investment of $1 million in 2010, Sobchak's earnings from the retailer's shares amounted to $1.3 million.

On May 28, 2012, she became editor-in-chief of the women's magazine SNC (formerly known as Sex and the City). In December 2014, she left this post.

From 2013 to 2014, she hosted the Deal program on the Friday! TV channel.

In October 2014, she became editor-in-chief of the fashion magazine L'Officiel.

In 2015, she was the host of the Battle of Restaurants show on the Friday! TV channel. Host of the Muz-TV award (2007-2008, 2010-2011, 2014-2017).

In October 2017, it became known about the work of Ksenia Sobchak on a documentary on the 80th anniversary of Anatoly Sobchak, among the interviewees was the President of the Russian Federation (and a former assistant politician).

Ksenia Sobchak - presidential candidate 2018

Since the beginning of September 2017, rumors began to spread about the possible participation of Ksenia Sobchak in the presidential elections with the consent of the presidential administration. Sobchak herself called these data an attempt to discredit her.

Sobchak's possible participation in the elections was criticized by those who intended to run for president, who called her a caricature liberal candidate and a "spoiler" with the cannibalistic views of a democrat of the early 90s. After that, the journalist accused him of leaderism, hypocrisy, calls for uncoordinated actions and a split in the opposition.

November 18, 2016 at the Lapino clinic near Moscow. Just before the New Year was: Plato.

Since the end of 2018, information has appeared about the discord in the family of Sobchak and Vitorgan. They took off their rings and stopped appearing together in public.

Since January 2019, rumors about Ksenia's romance with the director began to actively appear in the media. Journalists caught the couple together at one of the events, where they do not hesitate to show their feelings and kiss.

On January 21, 2019, it was reported that Maxim Vitorgan beat Konstantin Bogomolov in a cafe. The guards of the establishment witnessed a fight between men. The director returned to the cafe with a broken nose and a bloody face.

March 8, 2019 . “We are forced to comment publicly on our relationship in order to stop all speculation on this topic. We have been living separately for quite a long time and each with our own lives. While we lived together, we maintained mutual fidelity. We do not share property and, moreover, the child we continue to raise like his loving parents," they wrote on Instagram.

Filmography of Ksenia Sobchak:

2004 - Thieves and prostitutes. Prize - flight into space - journalist-psychologist
2007 - Mad - Margarita Lyamkina
2007 - The best movie - a prostitute
2008 - Beauty requires ... - Ilma Peterson
2008 - Nobody knows about sex 2: No sex - Arabella
2008 - Hitler kaput! - Eva Brown
2008 - Europe-Asia - as herself
2009 - Artifact - cursing
2009 - Golden Key - Malvina
2009 - Moscow.Ru
2011 - A short course in a happy life - Aunt Nadia
2012 - Rzhevsky against Napoleon - Madame Xu-Xu
2012 - Entropy - Pasha
2013 - An affair with cocaine - Sonya
2013 - Doc Term - as herself
2013 - Corporate party - a prostitute
2013 - CLICK for good luck
2015 - The Chicks

Ksenia Sobchak is known as a TV presenter, journalist, socialite and public figure, daughter of the first mayor of St. Petersburg Anatoly Sobchak and member of the Federation Council Lyudmila Narusova.

In 1998, Ksenia entered the Faculty of International Relations of St. Petersburg State University, but two years later she transferred to Moscow to the Faculty of International Relations of MGIMO. In 2002, she received her bachelor's degree and decided to continue her education. In 2004, Sobchak graduated with honors from the MGIMO master's program in the field of political science.

Her career began in the same 2004 with the reality show "Dom-2", which she hosted with Ksenia Borodina. She stayed on the project until February 2012, while simultaneously working as a host on other programs and channels. After leaving the famous television set, Sobchak began to actively express her civic position and political views. She spoke at various rallies on the side of the opposition, and in 2012 she began hosting the political talk show State Department-2 on the website and the RBC TV channel.

Now Ksenia Sobchak is no longer the scandalous blonde she was at the beginning of her career. Now she is known as a serious journalist and publicist. For several years in a row, she has been included in the rating of the 50 most influential women in Russia. Ksenia hosts the program “Sobchak Live” on the Dozhd TV channel, and also holds the post of editor-in-chief in the fashion glossy L’Officiel.


Literature is one of Sobchak's hobbies. In addition to reading the classics, she herself is not averse to writing something. Since 2008, Ksenia has published five books on different topics for women. She wrote one of them in collaboration with Oksana Robski - “Marriage to a Millionaire, or Marriage of the Highest Class”. Fashion is both a passion and a lifestyle for a socialite.

Ksenia loves fashion shows, closely follows current trends and is rightfully considered one of the domestic style icons.

Personal life

In the summer of 2005, Ksenia was going to marry businessman Alexander Shusterovich, but something went wrong, and a few days before the event, the wedding was canceled. In 2010, Sobchak met with Sergei Kapkov, head of the Moscow Department of Culture and ex-deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, but this romance lasted only a couple of months. Six months later, she began a close relationship with the oppositionist Ilya Yashin.

On February 1, 2013, Ksenia secretly married actor Maxim Vitorgan. Everything took place in such the strictest confidence that even close friends of the couple did not know about the event. Now Ksenia and Maxim are waiting for an addition to the family. The TV star also hid her pregnancy to the last. Her son Plato was born on November 18, 2016.


A lot of scandals are connected with the name of Ksenia Sobchak. Known for her sharp tongue, the star doesn't hesitate to say what she thinks. The "socialite" openly quarreled with Katya Gordon and Anastasia Volochkova, asked uncomfortable political and religious questions to her colleagues and the country's leadership. In addition, in 2013, a recording of a telephone conversation between Ksenia and the house manager, in which the TV presenter swears at the expense of children, assuring that she will never have them, got on the Web. And in 2015, Sobchak provoked popular anger by writing on Twitter the phrase "I don't like fat."

Ksenia Sobchak speaks three foreign languages: English, French and Spanish. As a child, Ksenia studied ballet at the Mariinsky Theater and painting at the Hermitage.

"Socialite" tried herself as an actress. She has played more than a dozen roles in films and TV series, the most memorable of which are in the films "Rzhevsky against Napoleon", "Hitler Kaput" and "The Best Film".


Do not be afraid to tell the truth, sometimes it costs a lot, but it makes you feel like a person.

Your best and only friend is the reflection in the mirror.

The classics should be known, if only because everything is already written there.

Ksenia Sobchak is a popular media person in our country. It is difficult to find a person who would not hear anything about her. She is a TV and radio host, politician, journalist and even a bit of an actress.

Ksyusha is the daughter of difficult parents. Her father, Anatoly Sobchak, a well-known person in the early nineties, was the mayor of St. Petersburg from the 91st to the 96th year. Mother, Lyudmila Narusova, historian, State Duma deputy.

Ksenia was born in Leningrad. She grew up as a difficult, assertive and impudent child.

Teachers at school noted that she often disrupted lessons. Her father tried to punish her for this, but little Ksyusha skillfully parried him.

Ksenia changed several schools during her studies. For some time she studied at a school with in-depth English, but she received a certificate of secondary education at a school at the Pedagogical University.

She devoted her extracurricular time to painting at the Hermitage and ballet classes at the Mariinsky Theatre. Since her father became the mayor of the city, the girl was accompanied everywhere by bodyguards.

By the way, since childhood she was familiar with the future President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin.

After graduating from school, Ksenia entered the University in St. Petersburg at the Faculty of International Relations. And two years later she moved to Moscow and transferred to a similar faculty at MGIMO, from which she graduated in 2004 with a red diploma.

Active creative life of a socialite

The first fame came to Sobchak at the age of 16. Even then, her person began to acquire rumors. After moving to the capital, she began to actively appear at various secular parties, the title of "socialite" was actively assigned to her.

She adored shocking and wanted to achieve popularity not at the expense of a well-known surname, but thanks to her own efforts.

The first time after graduation, she planned to continue her studies by enrolling in graduate school. And in parallel, she began to conduct television programs.

The first television experience was the reality show "Dom2". The project itself was unusual for that time and caused a lot of criticism. But the scandals were only in the hands of Xenia.

Her popularity grew, and soon she was invited as a host to other projects. Thanks to her intelligence and well-delivered speech, she successfully fit into any broadcast format.

Ksenia was a presenter not only on television, but also on radio, where she hosted, among other things, her own programs.

Ksenia is also known for her political activity in the ranks of the opposition to the current government. It starts in December 2011. Then she took part in a rally against election fraud.

Soon Ksenia was recognized as one of the ten most influential women in the Russian Federation. During the year from October 2012 to October 2013, she was a member of the Council of the Russian Opposition until it ceased to exist.

It was in that year that she was removed from running several programs and notable events, which, according to her, was done for political reasons.

Ksenia is famous for the books she has written and published. There are five of them. Two of them were written in collaboration.

The girl had a chance to star in a number of domestic films, mainly in episodic roles. She also took part in the Circus with the Stars project.

Personal life of Ksenia Sobchak

Before Xenia's marriage, little was known about her personal life. In 2005, she almost married a famous businessman, but the wedding was upset shortly before the scheduled date.

In 2010-11, she met with Sergei Kapkov, a State Duma deputy, but this relationship did not end with a wedding.

For six months in 2012, she had a close relationship with Ilya Yashin, a well-known opposition leader. These relationships also fell apart.

Soon, unexpectedly for everyone, in February 2013, Ksenia secretly married an actor. Young people live happily ever after.

The couple has no children yet, but according to Ksenia, she still decides to give birth before the age of 40. But now she has such a busy life that she simply cannot imagine how she could pay attention to a child.

What is the life of other public figures in Russia and abroad learn in

Blonde in chocolate Ksenia Sobchak, leading degradant show House 2 Ksenia Sobchak, socialite Ksenia Sobchak, sharp-tongued pseudo-intellectual interviewer Ksenia Sobchak and a sexy quasi-political figure - all the same Ksenia Sobchak. That's all - she, our heroine, is multifaceted in her images like no other.

But is it multifaceted? All this - both being concerned about the fate of the Motherland, and the host of television programs that are clearly aimed against the future of the country - all this resembles typical manifestations of liberal thinking of a not too deep personality (albeit not without a touch of education).

Ksenia Sobchak was born in the city of Leningrad (St. Petersburg) in 1981 on November 5 in a completely nomenklatura family. Father of Ksenia Sobchak- the late Anatoly Alexandrovich Sobchak (the first mayor of St. Petersburg in the post-Soviet history of the country), the head of the future head of the Russian state, a certain friend of Putin V.V. Thus, Ksenia Sobchak was well acquainted in her pink childhood with this outstanding person. Isn’t it because she so boldly opposes him from time to time from her liberal nest (in an embrace with the young Orangeman Ilya Yashin) that she has nothing to be afraid of ?! Mother of Ksenia Sobchak- Lyudmila Borisovna Narusova is still a member of the Federation Council.

Education Ksenia Sobchak

Schedule from early childhood Ksenia Sobchak was completely painted. Young at first Ksenia Sobchak attended the art studio at the Hermitage, as well as Ksenia Sobchak went to the ballet studio at the Mariinsky Theatre. A little later (in the middle classes) young Sobchak studied at the school at the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A. I. Herzen, studied English in depth at school No. 185.

Ksenia Sobchak successfully entered the Faculty of International Relations at St. Petersburg State University in 1998. h?v=BayL3dlU4x4

Later, having moved to Moscow, in 2001 Ksenia Sobchak transferred to MGIMO at the Faculty of International Relations. The following year, she already had a bachelor's degree, after which Ms. Sobchak entered the magistracy of MGIMO at the Faculty of Political Science. Having completed his higher education at the elite MGIMO, Ksenia Sobchak made grandiose plans for the future: she wanted to continue to study, to participate in all kinds of, in general, the goal Ksenia Sobchak became popular (sometimes of a very dubious nature).

Television in the life of Ksenia Sobchak

Having reached his goal and breaking out on television, Ksenia Sobchak She was a TV presenter of such reality shows as:

  • "Blonde in Chocolate" - on the Muz-TV channel
  • "Who does not want to become a millionaire" - on TNT
  • "The Last Hero" - on Channel One
  • "Two Stars" (was one of the presenters) - on Channel One
  • Muz-TV Award in 2008 and 2010 (was one of the presenters, co-host - Ivan Urgant)

Until recently (summer 2012) Ksenia Sobchak was fed up with the whole of Russia on the TNT channel, she is one of its presenters (leading Ksenia Sobchak, Ksenia Borodina, Olga Buzova).
She also hosts her own radio program "Weekdays of Barabaki" on the radio "Silver Rain".

Since April 2010 Ksenia Sobchak She also got out on Channel Five, now she is the host of the talk show "Freedom of Thought". Also in April 2010, she took the "post" of the TV presenter of the "Girls" program, which is broadcast on the Russia TV channel.

Secular society in the life of Ksenia Sobchak

In newspapers, on radio and television, you can often hear the phrase "socialite" and immediately arises image of Ksenia Sobchak. This “title” was not assigned to her by chance, because she is the very embodiment of glamor and pathos, our heroine knows how to present herself profitably (sell - in the language of a liberal party), smart, graceful, sociable. All these qualities make it more and more popular and in demand.

Income of Ksenia Sobchak

For 1 year, from September 2008 to September 2009, her income was $1.200.000. In 2010, Ksenia bought a minority stake (less than 0.1%) in Euroset for $1,000,000.

Criticism of Ksenia Sobchak

Her projects and stage image are criticized at almost every turn, but despite this, she has enough fans and supporters of her position. Many journalists simply do not dare to slander her or offend the "poor thing" in any way. Ksenia Sobchak. The official newspaper of the Russian Federation "Rossiyskaya Gazeta" in 2005, published an article about the beginning "talents" of Ms. Sobchak, where she rather carefully and restrainedly reported that Ksenia was hopeless, because she became the host of the Dom-2 reality show, which is positioned as an intimate youth show, and then began to host the Star Boulevard program.
Rossiyskaya Gazeta also wrote that Ksenia Sobchak became a TV presenter, only because she can talk, but not sing and dance. The same article stated that Ksenia Sobchak Even before its birth, it was already a kind of brand. There were also issues of Rossiyskaya Gazeta in one of the issues for 2007 and 2008, where there were also unflattering

Name: Ksenia Sobchak

Age: 34 years

Place of Birth: Saint Petersburg

Height: 167 cm

Weight: 58 kg

Activity: Presenter, journalist, public figure, actress

Family status: Married to Maxim Vitorgan

Ksenia Sobchak - biography

Ksenia Sobchak is a popular TV presenter in our country, who became famous in 2004, appearing daily on the air of the Dom 2 TV project. But now she is not only a well-known radio host, journalist, actress and politician, but also a versatile person who every day tries to express herself creatively. Therefore, her biography is always in the center of people's attention.

Ksenia Sobchak - Childhood

Ksenia was born in St. Petersburg on November 5, 1981. Her father is a famous person. for a long time he was the mayor of his hometown, and he is the creator of the constitution of the Russian Federation, which is in force in our country now. Ksenia's mother, Lyudmila Borisovna, is a historian by education, but in 2002 she became the mayor of Tuva and for some time was even a State Duma deputy.

Ksenia Sobchak grew up in a family where she was always surrounded by love, care and attention. Parents tried to introduce the girl to the beautiful, so visiting the Hermitage and the Maryinsky Theater was a common thing. By the way, she was then enrolled in classes there. But according to the memoirs of Xenia herself, she was never an obedient child: she often dared her parents and her behavior cannot be called exemplary. Parents tried to fight this, although education was given to them with difficulty.

Ksenia from childhood was familiar with many famous people who are now at the helm of power. So, in her childhood he was her father's adviser on foreign relations. Often she heard both conversations and disputes on a political topic, so she began to understand politics very early, and in the future this helped to shape her political views. But her current worldview does not always coincide with the fact that sometimes people, and especially officials in power, wanted to hear from Sobchak's lips. And this often leads to problems that she overcomes with great stamina.

Ksenia Sobchak - Education

Ksenia had to receive school education in several schools. She went to the first grade at school No. 185 in the city of St. Petersburg, where she had a specialized education. The main profile was English. But she did not study at this school for long and finished the 11th grade already at the Herzen RSPU school.

In 1998, Sobchak entered St. Petersburg State University at the Faculty of International Relations. But in 2001, Ksenia moved to Moscow and transferred to the same faculty, but already at MGIMO. Received in 2002, a bachelor's degree, gave her the opportunity to enter the magistracy at the Faculty of Political Science, which she graduated with a red diploma. Upon graduation, Ksenia entered graduate school.

Ksenia Sobchak - Career

In 2004, Ksenia Anatolyevna Sobchak begins her career as the host of the television show "House 2", where she worked with Ksenia Borodina. In 2012, Ksenia Anatolyevna decides to abandon this project and, without concluding another contract with the creators of the project, she gives up her place.

If you carefully study the biography of Ksenia Sobchak, you can understand that, despite the fact that this decision to leave the Dom 2 project was hard for her, it was right at that time, because she began to develop further and show all the facets of her creative potential . And she is talented in many areas.

Since 2007, Ksenia Sobchak has been trying to realize herself as a singer. She not only sang on her own, but even shot several videos with Timati, which immediately caused a lot of rumors about their difficult, but rather “warm” relationship.

In 2010, Ksenia became the host of several programs. So, on Channel Five, she becomes the host of the “Freedom of Thoughts” program, she also hosted the program “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire” on the TNT channel, and on Muz - TV program “Blonde in Chocolate”. It is worth noting that this list is large. But her scandalous reputation followed her everywhere, and Sobchak often had to change his next place of work.

In 2015, Sobchak became the host of the Battle of Restaurants program, which airs on the Friday channel. As a presenter, she was perfectly able to use both her impudence and her scandalous nature to correctly evaluate the work of restaurants.

Throughout her career, Ksenia Sobchak has starred in several films, and currently wants to continue her career as an artist. Since 2008, she has been writing and publishing her books, which reflect the worldview of Ksenia Anatolyevna.

Ksenia Sobchak - Biography of personal life

Xenia's personal life has always been held in front of the general public. So, everyone knows that in 2005 Sobchak was going to marry a businessman from America, Alexander Shusterovich, but suddenly, 5 days before the wedding ceremony itself, this event was canceled. It is believed that Ksenia Anatolyevna herself initiated the breakup.

In 2010, Ksenia begins dating Sergei Kapkov, who at that time was the head of the Moscow Department of Culture. He, being on the program "Let them talk", publicly confessed his love to Xenia. But this relationship could only last one more year.

Immediately after breaking up with Sergei Kapkov, Sobchak began dating Ilya Yashin, a politician. Together they appeared at events, and at secular parties, and on television programs. This relationship was destined to last only six months.

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