Collect mushrooms in a dream what does a dream book mean. Interpretations of sleep in different dream books


Everyone sees dreams, someone sees omens and signs from above in them, and someone, having seen them, immediately forgets. Why dream of collected mushrooms? But, one way or another, there are a great many dream books and explanations for all the concepts and objects seen in a dream.

Mushrooms are not called "lesha meat" for nothing. The very fact that they grow in the forest, that is, in a place where people do not live, but all evil spirits are found, already emphasizes the mythical meaning of the mushroom in a dream.

Not without reason, in Russian folk tales, witches brewed a potion of mushrooms, inflicted damage with the help of poisonous mushrooms, or they could completely drive anyone crazy and deprive any person of their will.

Since ancient times, people have especially revered the boletus mushroom, called it the "forest king" and awarded it with special miraculous power.

Therefore, in the Slavic interpretations of dreams, the mushroom symbolizes caution and an encounter with something unusual, and it cannot be said to be dangerous or beneficial to humans. But in any case, seeing mushrooms in a dream is a warning that in the near future you need to be very careful and suspicious in everything.

Why dream of collected mushrooms? Remember the details of the dream!

  • If you saw that mushrooms do not grow in the forest, but, for example, in your home or workplace, then this is most likely a warning of fate that you are at great risk, and everything you have in mind can be extremely dangerous.
  • Mushrooms growing on your personal belongings indicate that fate will not bring you any changes in the near future.
  • If you saw yourself wandering through the forest and finding mushrooms, then soon you will meet a person who can give you useful good advice.
  • Seeing giant mushrooms in large numbers in a dream, you should think about your character and habits. Since such a dream means that you have too many vices that can take you far. Try to fight them. After all, if fate sends you such a dream, it means that not everything is lost for you and you can still change for the better.
  • A young girl or an unmarried (divorced) woman who sees mushrooms in a dream should seriously think about entering into a new relationship. Because it is for them a sign of shameful and criminal love. They may embarrass themselves.

As usual, different dream books interpret this dream in different ways.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

To find mushrooms is to live long in good health and full sanity. Picking mushrooms in the forest means having a lot of empty useless chores.

But if you pick champignons in a dream, this portends a quick climb up the career ladder and great luck.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

The Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga believed that see mushrooms growing in abundance in the forest - a warning of imminent danger and possible betrayal. Collect mushrooms in a basket - a quick joyful event

On the contrary, to collect poisonous mushrooms - toadstools to failure and possible loss (not only money). Collect worm mushrooms - soon find out the betrayal of a loved one or close friend.

Miller's dream book

According to this dream book, young people picking mushrooms in the forest portends soon to find their love and marital happiness. If a married couple picks mushrooms, this promises an end to quarrels and scandals, the establishment of marital relations and the return of love. Collect poisonous or wormy mushrooms - disgrace yourself with a shameful extramarital affair or some shameful secret will be revealed.

If a single woman collects bad mushrooms, then most likely she will be deceived in her expectations for her beloved man. In this case, it is best for her to reconsider existing relationships and try to change them.

There are mushrooms in a dream - to enter into an extramarital or shameful affair.

Dream Interpretation of Yuri Longo

The world famous psychologist Yuri Longo believes that to see any mushrooms in a dream - to receive joyful long-awaited news soon. Most likely, you will learn about your victory in something and getting money. If a fly agaric is found among edible mushrooms, then nothing terrible will happen, this is just a minor nuisance on the path to success.

In the forest? This dream is very interesting. Its correct interpretation depends on the details. It is very important whether mushrooms were edible or poisonous. Each source interprets this dream in its own way. Below are the interpretations of this dream by various dream books.

Dream interpreter from A to Z. Interpretation of dreams

Why dream of picking mushrooms in the forest? This dream means that all the labors of a person will be rewarded. Mushrooms in a dream can also be a sign of pregnancy, satisfied passion, or extreme fatigue. Buying them is an unreasonable haste and unhealthy desires in matters of capital accumulation. They can bring the sleeper to litigation. Eating mushrooms - to aging. If a person cooks them in sour cream in a dream, then in reality he will live for his own pleasure. To treat someone with mushrooms is to be humiliated in reality. This dream can also mean secret love. When a dreamer sees poisonous mushrooms in a dream, in reality a happy event will allow him to get out of a difficult and dangerous situation. For a young lady, this dream promises an irresistible craving for carnal pleasures, but neglect of the material. dreams of improving health, weight loss and relaxation. Selling or buying them in a dream is a good acquisition in reality.

Dream Interpretation Grishina. Dream interpretation

Why dream of picking mushrooms in the forest? This dream can portend great success, petty deeds and great work. If a person in a dream walks through a forest where there are many huge mushrooms, in reality he should not expect any changes in life. Cooking - to surprises. Growing mushrooms in a dream are a sign that it is difficult for the sleeper to understand spiritual matters. Breaking and trampling them in a dream is to resist your own inertia in reality.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

This source interprets this dream in its own way. Picking mushrooms in the forest, according to this dream book, means receiving some kind of reward. Mushrooms in a dream can also mean receiving help that will come through advice. There are them - for longevity. If you dream of poisonous mushrooms - to a happy occasion.

Dream Interpretation of Winter

Why dream of picking mushrooms in the forest? Such dreams, as a rule, portend dubious acquisitions and incomes. A forest glade with beautiful strong mushrooms promises unplanned profits. However, one who dreams with her needs to be careful. Amanitas, grebes and other poisonous mushrooms mean a very tempting offer that the sleeper should not agree to. It can be disastrous.

Modern dream book: pick mushrooms in a dream

This dream means that the sleeper will accidentally inflict severe moral pain on one of his relatives or friends, as a result of which he will break off relations with this person for a long time. Dry mushrooms on a thread - to victory over enemies. For a woman, this dream means many admirers. Eating fried mushrooms - to a successful career.

French dream book

Mushrooms dream of longevity and good luck. If they have red hats - to the successful completion of protracted cases, and if they are black - to sadness. Morels are a symbol of good health for those who collect them. Porcini mushrooms portend longevity for those who eat them in a dream.

A fun activity is picking mushrooms in the fall. It helps to get rid of heavy thoughts, distract and relax. As if all unresolved problems remained in the city, and in the forest they seem small and insignificant.

It turns out that you can pick mushrooms not only during the day, but also at night in our dreams. Why dream of such a plot, whether it will bring as many positive emotions, we will ask famous authors of dream books.

For ancient interpreters, this occupation is personified with difficulty, with family life, with a state of health. More modern authors pay detailed attention to the species and condition of fungi. Poisonous and wormy - to a greater extent symbolize disappointment, betrayal, deceit and ill health.

What promises a night hobby for women

Walking in the woods with a close friend is a good sign. Your relationship will become more sincere. If a young man is more than a friend, expect a wedding and a happy family life.

We found toadstools in a bag - expect big troubles in love affairs. A beloved man can betray or humiliate you. If you are single, beware of random obsessive suitors who will try to swindle you out of a large sum of money.

Walking through the forest alone with a basket is an unpleasant sign, this indicates that a woman is wasting herself, men do not take such a lady seriously and treat her lightly.

We came to the forest, and only white legs stick out around - this indicates your excessive suspicion and alertness towards partners or subordinates. Fate can play a cruel joke with you. Most likely, it is for this reason that you will not conclude a major deal or will not deliver the project on time, thereby losing a large profit.

Borovikov scored a full string bag with his family - expect an addition to the family and, as a result, expensive gifts from loved ones.

What leads to the excitement of men in the forest

Porcini mushrooms dreamed - a great reason to prepare a big deal. Many financial benefits are expected, thanks to your work and the right business strategy.

But if you collect by the road, this is a clear call to stop the pursuit of money. The thirst for excessive financial well-being can lead to poverty and ruin.

Borovik is rotten or crooked in a dream, which means you should pay attention to all the little things in money matters, otherwise danger cannot be avoided.

Looking in the grove for something that has not yet matured indicates minor difficulties and empty chores.

I saw another person in search of the gifts of the forest - this is a signal that you need to be more active, quicker in life and be able to solve your problems yourself, without relying on the help of others.

To go looking for mushrooms on someone's trail and to see that all the hats are cut off means that you will witness the successes and take-offs of your colleagues, your merits will not be noticed and rewarded until.

Eat, not knowing what kind of mushrooms - sleep is a warning, it portends a disease or severe dehydration.

Go to your old proven places for forest harvest and see a lot of beautiful hats - in real life, you can safely trust your experience and intuition, they do not let you down.

If you walk through the woods for a long time and the occupation has tired you, expect a lot of small and unprofitable things.

Volnushki - friends girlfriends

Types of mushrooms can tell a lot to the dreamer:

  • large and beautiful white - to long life and good luck;
  • a lot of whites - to financial profit;
  • morels promise excellent health or recovery from illness;
  • russula - good luck in solving protracted cases;
  • mushrooms - to sadness;
  • fly agaric - a sign that you have gone astray;
  • champignons - a symbol of imitation of other people's tastes and preferences;
  • chanterelles - dubious acquisitions;
  • waves - to a bountiful harvest in the garden, with a different interpretation - to the desire to save more money;
  • kombucha - to distrust and doubt.

Author's dream books

Gustov Miller

This hobby is personified with a vicious and unhealthy desire for something forbidden. A dream where you are passionate about searching for these forest dwellers is associated with the presence in your life of a lot of addictions, addictions and hobbies, possibly contrary to the law.


I dreamed of a clearing with porcini and ideally beautiful mushrooms - this promises financial profit or large dividends from a recent transaction. Collecting them in a basket is an indicator of the correct investment of acquired capital.

But if after a hike you find grebes, this means a betrayal of your partners or close friends.

Evgeny Tsvetkov

We saw how you eat a freshly harvested crop - a good sign that promises longevity and good health. The collection process itself symbolizes hard work, which will certainly be rewarded.

Sigmund Freud

The mushroom represents the activity of the male principle. Walking along the forest and casually collecting them means that there are absolutely no problems in sexual life. For a girl, such a dream confirms satisfaction with a partner or several partners.

The more food you have in your basket after a walk, the more fans in reality. Your activity and desire for male attention requires a new surge of emotions.

I dreamed of mushroom pickers walking in a clearing - to your excessive interest in other people's details of their personal lives.

And look for one single big handsome man in the forest - get ready for a serious relationship and constancy.


Seeing a royal boletus in a thick thicket portends quick luck and success in reality. In the clearing to see a lot of beautiful hats - they want to mislead you, the dream calls to be careful and rely only on your own strength in the future.

Wormy boletus, boletus speak of the imminent illness of the dreamer.

David Loff

Collecting good edible gifts of the taiga in a dream - to pleasant surprises and surprises. Putting false toadstools in a bag is a sign that you have brought an insincere and unreliable person closer to you. Try to keep your plans and intentions a secret.

Yuri Longo

White handsome men dreamed - to success in the business you have begun, you are on the right track and expect high incomes in the future. But the fly agaric seen - to the expectation of trouble. But you should not be too upset, you will successfully get out of this situation.

Deliberately plucking poisonous grebes means being hostile to people. And gathering at night - to unpleasant events in reality.

Why dream: pick mushrooms? In a dream, this is a kind of subconscious call that you need to show maximum care and thoroughness in your search. The collection of forest gifts indicates acquaintances, new hobbies. The dream book will tell you how to decipher this dream sign.

Why see mushrooms in a dream at all

It is immediately necessary to find out the general meaning of the main image. In dreams, mushrooms are often associated with wisdom, remuneration for work, profit, and health.

But wormy or rotten specimens symbolize the aging of the body, illness. You can collect mushrooms for loss and tears in reality. The girl should expect a dismissive attitude from the guys.

Interpretation of the dream books of Miller and Vanga

If you dreamed of a "silent hunt", then Mr. Miller believes that you decide to improve your well-being in a dangerous way, which will lead to bad consequences.

Vanga's interpreter is sure: in real life there will be a lot of worries, petty work. Lonely people can pick mushrooms for a successful marriage, and for families - to improve the home atmosphere.

What does it mean for a woman, a man

Why else dream about how forest gifts were collected? In the real world, an unexpected event will occur. For a woman, this dream promises pregnancy, possibly unplanned. But already a pregnant woman can prepare for childbirth. A man's dream book promises great luck in the business field.

Gather mushrooms - for profit

Why dream of a mushroom meadow? In reality, there will be a profit. Looking for strong fungi and berries on it means that work will be rewarded, get a nice gift, make a purchase.

Seeing a husband carrying a full basket is for money or an accidental but valuable find. Picking mushrooms with your loved one - for an imminent wedding and the birth of children.

The collection of very small mushrooms hints: recklessly hurt a loved one and quarrel with him for a long time. One single wormy specimen in a whole basket of good mushrooms warns of betrayal.

Why dream of a clearing in the snow?

Did you see only cut legs? Lose your chance due to indecision. What is the mycelium in the snow? The dream interpretation suspects that the new relationship will not continue. Did you happen to see mushrooms growing in winter? This means that you will get involved in a risky operation.

What exactly dreamed of mushrooms?

Why else pick mushrooms in a dream? This is a harbinger of profitable work, pleasant troubles. The final interpretation depends on the variety of plants.

  • Boletus - acquaintance.
  • Butter dish - promotion.
  • Ginger - useless chores, vanity.
  • The breast is an unexpected gain.
  • Champignon - a tendency to imitate.
  • White - longevity, good health.
  • Krasnogolovik - the solution of a long-standing problem.

If in a dream they collected fly agarics or grebes, then the dream book is sure: this means that you have gone astray and can make trouble.

In a general interpretation, an edible mushroom will bring good news and positive achievements, and a poisonous mushroom will bring disappointment, betrayal and deceit, but the symbolism of this process is quite deep, it can mean work, family life, and health. Let's see what the most famous online dream books say about dreams about mushrooms.

Miller's dream book - why dream of picking mushrooms in the forest

Miller interprets the mushroom as a vicious or unhealthy desire. Therefore, if someone dreams that he is passionate about picking mushrooms, it means that there are many bad or harmful habits, intrigues in his life, perhaps he wants to break the law.

Wangi's dream book - dreams, mushrooms, collect

The sleeper must remember exactly what kind of mushrooms he collected. If during a walk he came across a clearing with identical white and beautiful mushrooms - profit and gifts are just around the corner, collecting them is even better. But if after a hike you find that there are toadstools in your basket, then this promises a betrayal of a close friend. The dream carries the same meaning, in which beautiful-looking mushrooms turn out to be wormy inside, and the entire mushroom collection is rotten.

Vanga also has his own interpretation of sleep, in which you see how huge mushrooms (or even one mushroom) explode. This marks a nuclear catastrophe or nuclear danger.

Dream Interpretation Hasse - what does it mean to pick mushrooms in a dream

The interpretation of sleep, where you see the picking of berries and mushrooms - you will have to make a lot of effort for some business that may not pay off. Hard work is what mushroom picking is about, but it can be free. Each mushroom means effort. If you clearly examined the fly agaric mushroom that you plucked in a dream, then this shows that you were cowardly somewhere, cheated, and did not work at full strength.

Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkov - why dream of picking a lot of mushrooms

If you dreamed that you were picking mushrooms and then eating them, you were destined to live long.

The process of gathering symbolizes labor that will surely be rewarded.

Freud's dream book - pick mushrooms

According to this interpretation, the mushroom symbolizes the active masculine principle. If a man sees a dream in which he walks along the forest and casually picks mushrooms, there are absolutely no problems in his sex life. If a girl or woman had a dream, this is a reflection of her satisfaction with her partner or partners in general. It is necessary to pick as many mushrooms as possible, then this will mean that your sex life is active, a woman explains her inner desire for male attention with such a dream. If a person dreamed of people who go to pick mushrooms, then he is very preoccupied with other people's details of his personal life. If in a dream I am looking for one fresh mushroom, then this symbolizes readiness for a serious relationship, constancy.

Why dream of mushrooms or pick mushrooms in a dream?

Collecting mushrooms with friends is a good sign. This dream will lead to a stronger relationship, possibly a close friendship.

A very rotten and missing mushroom in a dream is a dead man who didn’t tell you something or is trying to pull you along. In no case should one collect such mushrooms or look at them for a long time in a dream, but if a dream about this has already taken place, you need to calmly say goodbye to all the dead and forgive them for everything.

If a woman dreams that she is picking poisonous mushrooms, then big trouble awaits in love affairs. It is possible that the man you love will betray or humiliate you, you should also beware of suspicious suitors whom the woman knows recently.

In general, picking mushrooms in a dream is not very good for a woman, because this symbolizes that she is wasting herself in vain, men treat her lightly and do not take her seriously.

There is an interesting symbolism in a dream in which you come to the forest for mushrooms, and they have already been collected. Keep in mind that your suspicion and alertness to business partners can play a trick on you. Most likely, it is because of this that you will not make a big profit or close a deal, because the mushroom is a symbol of remuneration for work.

Seeing a mushroom picker in a dream is a waking disease.

Picking mushrooms and berries together with your loved one - to a successful and strong marriage. The berry symbolizes passion, and mushrooms symbolize health and well-being.

The dream book also gives such an interpretation of picking mushrooms in a dream. If you or someone you know picks mushrooms at the edge of the forest, then health problems, illnesses, and ailments may soon begin. Pay special attention to this. But if everything is in perfect order with health, then consider this dream as a harbinger of a well-deserved reward for your labors.

Collect porcini mushrooms in a dream - what does it mean?

White mushroom - aka boletus - in a dream means financial well-being. A very good sign, if picking porcini mushrooms takes place with the whole family, it means that you will not need anything. If a male businessman collects porcini mushrooms, then this is a successful business, all sorts of material bonuses, a big increase. A bad sign is to collect mushrooms from the road, this can lead you to poverty in the pursuit of financial well-being. If the white mushroom is crooked or slightly rotted in a dream, then you should carefully consider all the little things in money matters, the dream warns of danger.

Sleep theme:

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