Notre Dame Cathedral (Notre Dame de Paris), description, photo! Notre Dame de Paris Cathedral musical from Russian.


For attempting to kidnap Esmeralda, Quasimodo was sentenced to be broken on the wheel. Frollo is watching this. When Quasimodo asks for a drink, Esmeralda gives him water.

In the market square, all three - Quasimodo, Frollo and Phoebus confess their love to her. Here is "Three hearts created differently."

In gratitude for the water, Quasimodo shows her the Cathedral and the bell tower, inviting her to come in whenever she wants.

Frollo pursues Phoebus and enters the Shelter of Love with him. Seeing Esmeralda in the same bed with Phoebus, he stabs him with Esmeralda's dagger, which she carried with her all the time, and runs away, leaving Phoebus to die. Esmeralda is accused of this crime. Phoebus recovers and returns to Fleur-de-Lys, who asks Phoebus to swear that the lover will be punished.

An hour before the execution, Frollo descends into the dungeon of the La Sante prison, where Esmeralda is imprisoned. He sets a condition - he will let Esmeralda go if she accepts his love and is with him. Esmeralda refuses. The archdeacon tries to take her by force.

Frollo kisses Esmeralda on the lips, and meanwhile Clopin and Quasimodo enter the dungeon. Clopin stuns the priest and frees his stepdaughter. Esmeralda hides in Notre Dame Cathedral. The inhabitants of the "Court of Miracles" come there to take Esmeralda.

Royal soldiers under the command of Phoebus enter into battle with them. Clopin is killed. The vagabonds are expelled. Frollo gives Esmeralda to Phoebe and the executioner. Quasimodo searches for Esmeralda and instead finds Frollo. He confesses to him that he gave Esmeralda to the executioner because she refused him. Quasimodo throws Frollo off the cathedral and dies himself with the body of Esmeralda in his arms.

History of creation

Work on the musical began in 1993, when Plamondon compiled an approximate libretto for 30 songs and showed it to Cocciante, with whom he had previously worked and wrote, among other things, the song "L'amour existe encore" for Celine Dion. The composer already had several melodies ready, which he proposed for the musical. Subsequently, they became hits with "Belle", "Dance mon Esmeralda" and "Le temps des cathédrales". The musical's most famous song, "Belle", was the first to be written.

8 months before the premiere, a concept album was released - a disc with studio recordings of 16 main songs of the production. All songs were performed by the artists of the musical, with the exception of the parts of Esmeralda: Noa sang them in the studio, and Helen Segara in the musical. Canadian pop stars were invited to the production - Daniel Lavoie, Bruno Pelletier, Luc Merville, but the main role of Quasimodo was given to the little-known Pierre Garan, although the composer initially wrote the parts of Quasimodo for himself. This role glorified Pierre, who took the pseudonym Garou.

The premiere of the Russian version of the musical took place in Moscow on May 21, 2002. The production was produced by Katerina Gechmen-Waldeck, Alexander Weinstein and Vladimir Tartakovsky. The author of the text of the Russian version is the poet, bard, playwright and screenwriter Julius Kim.

In 2008, the premiere of the Korean version of the musical took place, and in 2010 the musical started in Belgium.


France (original line-up)

  • Noah then Helen Segara - Esmeralda
  • Garou - Quasimodo
  • Daniel Lavoie - Frollo
  • Bruno Pelletier - Gringoire
  • Patrick Fiori - Phoebe de Chateaupert
  • Luc Merville - Clopin
  • Julie Zenatti - Fleur-de-lis

North America

  • Janien Masse - Esmeralda
  • Doug Storm - Quasimodo
  • T. Eric Hart - Frollo
  • Daven May - Gringoire
  • Mark Smith - Phoebe de Chateauper
  • David Jennings, Carl Abram Ellis - Clopin
  • Jessica Grove - Fleur-de-Lys


A musical is first and foremost a spectacle. And it's also fifty songs about love, amazing voices, melodic music that combines French chanson and gypsy motifs. "Notre Dame" captivates from the first second. From the first second to the very curtain. Now it is difficult to find a person who would not have heard about the musical or would not have listened to the musical itself, if not the whole, then at least excerpts, perhaps without even realizing what it is. It is safe to say that this musical is the most recognized and most famous in the whole world. And the performers of the main roles won world recognition.

The fame of the musical spread long before the premiere, which took place in 1998 in Paris. The official premiere was preceded by a disc with the songs of the musical, which made a real sensation, having won the top of various charts in many countries. The most famous song of the musical "Belle" became an independent world hit and received several music awards. Of course, after such a success of the released album, the premiere was eagerly awaited, and not in vain. The musical was a huge success and even got into the Guinness Book of Records as the most attended in the first year on stage.

We can say that success was predetermined. The brilliant work of Notre Dame de Paris by Victor Hugo was taken as the basis, the music for the musical was written by the most talented Italian-French composer Riccardo Coccante, the libretto was written by Luc Plamondon, known throughout the world for his huge contribution to music. He is even called the Most Popular and Greatest Lyricist of Francophonie. If we add to this the stellar cast of the musical and the excellent well-coordinated game of the participants, it becomes clear why queues form at the ticket offices, and the audience comes to watch "Notre Dame" for the second, and sometimes even for the third or fourth time ...

"Notre Dame de Paris" - the history of the creation of the musical

Based on the novel Notre Dame Cathedral, several films were created, and even a cartoon. For several centuries, the story of the beautiful gypsy Esmeralda and hunchback Quasimodo captures the soul of readers and viewers around the world. Luc Plamondon also decided to dedicate a musical to this tragic story. In 1993, Plamondon compiled an approximate libretto for 30 songs and showed it to Coccante, with whom he already had experience of working together (“L’amour existe encore”, which he performs). The composer had already prepared several melodies: "Belle", "Le temps des cathédrales" and "Danse mon Esmeralda". The authors worked on the musical for 5 years. 8 months before the official premiere, a disc was released with studio recordings of 16 songs of the theatrical performance, performed by the artists of the musical, with the exception of parts Esmeralda. This album rocketed to the top of the charts, and the performers of the songs became stars in an instant. The composition "Belle" was written the very first and became the most famous song of the musical.

Having won huge success in his native France, the musical began its triumphal procession around the world. Brussels and Milan, Geneva and Las Vegas. became the first French musical to break through on the American stage. Broadway viewers are used to the fact that the best musicals are created by compatriots. And although "Notre Dame" broke through not to Broadway, but to Las Vegas, the success of the musical was undeniable.

The premiere in Russia took place in 2002. The sensational musical was staged at the Moscow Operetta Theater. Julius Kim, who translated the libretto from French, compares working on the text with hard labor. When it was announced that work had begun on the Russian version of the musical, the authors began to receive translations from both professional and non-professional poets. And some of the translations were so good that Julius Kim agreed to include them in the final version. Thus, in the final version of the musical, Susanna Tsiryuk became the author of the translation of "Belle". Her translation of the compositions "Live", "Sing to me, Esmeralda" was also included. And the song "My Love" was translated by a fifteen-year-old schoolgirl Dasha Golubotskaya.

"Notre Dame de Paris" - the plot of the musical

After the death of her mother, a gypsy Esmeralda was under the care of the gypsy king Clopin. A camp of gypsies tries to sneak into Paris to take refuge in Notre Dame Cathedral, but they are chased away by the royal soldiers. The captain of the skirmishers, Phoebe de Chateaupert, draws attention to Esmeralda. She attracts him with her beauty, but the captain is not free, he is engaged to fourteen-year-old Fleur-de-Lys.

The hunchbacked and lame bell-ringer of Notre-Dame de Paris comes to the feast of jesters to see Esmeralda. Quasimodo in love with her, he sees an unearthly beauty in her, she is his complete opposite. He receives the title of King of Jesters. But his stepfather and mentor Frollo, archdeacon of Notre Dame Cathedral, breaks Quasimodo crown. He accuses the hunchback of witchcraft and forbids him even to raise his eyes to Esmeralda. Frollo is also secretly in love with a gypsy, and jealousy overwhelms him. However, a priest has no right to love a woman. That's why he wants to kidnap Esmeralda and lock her up in the tower of the Cathedral. The Archdeacon shares his plans with Quasimodo.

Esmeralda they try to kidnap, but Phoebe's detachment was not far away, which protects the beauty. The abduction is also witnessed by the poet Gringoire, who followed Esmeralda. Frollo managed to get out of the water clean, no one even guesses who participated in the kidnapping. A Quasimodo arrested. Frollo hears how, taking advantage of the moment, Phoebus appoints Esmeralda meeting in the tavern "Valley of Love".

The "Court of Miracles" is a place where criminals and thieves, vagrants and homeless gather. Grenoir is neither a criminal nor a vagabond, but he finds himself in the abode of such people, and for this Clopin wants to hang him. Grenoir is promised to save his life if one of the girls agrees to marry him. Esmeralda agrees to help the poet, and he, in turn, promises to make her his muse. Thoughts Esmeralda full of others. She is madly in love with the young handsome Phoebe de Chateauper.

Quasimodo accused of attempted kidnapping and sentenced to be broken on the wheel. Frollo is watching all this. Quasimodo suffering from thirst and Esmeralda brings him water. The hunchback, in gratitude, allows her to enter the Cathedral and the bell tower whenever the girl wishes.

Frollo is watching the captain of the shooters. Phoebe understands that the young beautiful gypsy likes it. He wants to take advantage of this and goes to Esmeralda in the Valley of Love. The archdeacon finds the lovers in bed, he grabs the gypsy's knife and wounds Phoebus, and the charge for this crime falls on Esmeralda. When Phoebe recovers, he returns to the bride Fleur-de-Lys.

judgment over Esmeralda. She is accused of witchcraft, prostitution, an attempt on the life of the captain of the shooters. She denies everything, but she is sentenced to death by hanging.

Dungeon of La Sante Prison. Here the unfortunate awaits death Esmeralda. Frollo comes to make a deal: he will let her go if she agrees to accept his love and stay with him. When Esmeralda refuses him, Frollo tries to take her by force.

At this time, Clopin appears and Quasimodo. The gypsy king stuns the priest to free his pupil, and Esmeralda hiding in Notre Dame Cathedral. The inhabitants of the "Court of Miracles" come for her, but they meet royal soldiers on their way. A group of gypsies and vagabonds enter into an unequal battle, in which Clopin dies. Esmeralda arrested again, and Frollo gives her to the executioner. Quasimodo looking for his beloved, but finds Frollo, who confesses that he gave Esmeralda executioner, because he was refused by her. In anger and despair Quasimodo throws the vile archdeacon from the tower of the Cathedral, but he himself dies, embracing the dead, but still beautiful Esmeralda.

"Notre Dame de Paris" - musical video

Musical "Notre Dame de Paris" updated: April 13, 2019 by: Elena

Notre Dame de Paris (fr. Notre-Dame de Paris) French-Canadian musical based on the novel by Victor Hugo Notre Dame Cathedral. Musical composer Riccardo Coccante; libretto author Luc Plamondon. The musical debuted in Paris on September 16, 1998. The musical got into the Guinness Book of Records as having the most successful first year of work.

Bruno Pelletier as Gringoire in Notre Dame de Paris

The original version of the musical toured Belgium, France, Canada and Sweden. In the French theater "Mogador" in 2000, the same musical debuted, but with some changes. These changes were followed by the Italian, Russian, Spanish and some other versions of the musical.

That same year, a shortened American version of the musical started in Las Vegas and an English version in London. In the English version, almost all the roles were played by the same artists as in the original.

The gypsy Esmeralda has been under the care of the gypsy king Clopin since the death of her mother. After a gang of vagrants and gypsies tried to sneak into Paris and take refuge in Notre Dame Cathedral, they are chased away by royal soldiers. The captain of the skirmishers, Phoebe de Chateaupe, takes an interest in Esmeralda. But he is already engaged to fourteen-year-old Fleur-de-Lys.

At the festival of jesters, the hunchbacked, crooked and lame bell-ringer of the Quasimodo Cathedral comes to look at Esmeralda, with whom he is in love. For his ugliness, he is elected King of Jesters. His stepfather and mentor, the archdeacon of Notre Dame Cathedral Frollo, runs up to him. He rips off his crown and tells him not to even look in the direction of Esmeralda and accuses her of witchcraft. He shares with Quasimodo a plan to kidnap Esmeralda, with whom he is secretly in love. He wants to lock her in the tower of the Cathedral.

At night, the poet Gringoire wanders after Esmeralda, and witnesses an attempt to kidnap her. But a detachment of Phoebus guarded nearby, and he protects the gypsy. Frollo manages to escape unnoticed no one assumes that he also participated in this. Quasimodo is arrested. Phoebus appoints Esmeralda a date in the tavern "Valley of Love". Frollo hears all this.

Gringoire ends up in the Court of Miracles the abode of vagabonds, thieves, criminals and other similar people. Clopin decides to hang him because he, not being a criminal, went there. He was to be hanged on the condition that none of the girls living there wanted to marry him. Esmeralda agrees to save him. He promised to make her his muse, but Esmeralda is consumed by thoughts of Phoebe.

For attempting to kidnap Esmeralda, Quasimodo was sentenced to be broken on the wheel. Frollo is watching this. When Quasimodo asks for a drink, Esmeralda gives him water. In gratitude, Quasimodo allows her to enter the Cathedral whenever she wants.

Frollo pursues Phoebus and enters the "Valley of Love" with him. Seeing Esmeralda in the same bed with Phoebus, he stabs him with Esmeralda's dagger, which she carried with her all the time, and runs away, leaving Phoebus to die. Esmeralda is accused of this crime. Phoebus is cured and returns to Fleur-de-Lys.

Frollo judges and tortures Esmeralda. He accuses her of witchcraft, prostitution and an attempt on Phoebus. Esmeralda states that she has nothing to do with this. She is sentenced to death by hanging.

An hour before the execution, Frollo descends into the dungeon of the La Sante prison, where Esmeralda is imprisoned. He sets a condition he will let Esmeralda go if she makes love to him. Esmeralda refuses. Frollo tries to rape her.

Clopin and Quasimodo enter the dungeon. Clopin stuns the priest and frees his stepdaughter. Esmeralda hides in Notre Dame Cathedral. The inhabitants of the "Court of Miracles" come there to take Esmeralda. Royal soldiers under the command of Phoebus enter into battle with them. Clopin is killed. The vagabonds are expelled. Frollo gives Esmeralda to Phoebe and the executioner. Quasimodo searches for Esmeralda and instead finds Frollo. He confesses to him that he gave Esmeralda to the executioner because she refused him. Quasimodo kills Frollo and dies himself with Esmeralda's body in his arms.

History of creation

Work on the musical began in 1993, when Plamondon compiled an approximate libretto for 30 songs and showed it to Coccante, with whom he had previously worked and wrote, among other things, the song “Lamour existe encore” for Celine Dion. The composer already had several melodies ready, which he proposed for the musical. Subsequently, they became hits "Belle", "Danse mon Esmeralda" and "Le temps des cathédrales". The most famous song of the musical "Belle" was written first.

8 months before the premiere, a concept album was released - a disc with studio recordings of 16 main songs of the production. All songs were performed by the artists of the musical, with the exception of Esmeralda's parts: Noa sang them in the studio, and Helen Segara in the musical. Canadian pop stars Daniel Lavoie, Bruno Pelletier, Luc Merville were invited to the production, but the main role of Quasimodo was given to the little-known Pierre Garan, although the composer initially wrote the parts of Quasimodo for himself. This role glorified Pierre, who took the pseudonym Garou.

The premiere of the Russian version of the musical took place in Moscow on May 21, 2002. The production was produced by Katerina von Gechmen-Waldeck, Alexander Weinstein and Vladimir Tartakovsky. In 2008, the premiere of the Korean version of the musical took place.


Initial line-up
Noah, then Helen Segara Esmeralda
Daniel Lavoie Frollo
Bruno Pelletier Gringoire
Garou Quasimodo
Patrick Fiori Phoebe de Chateauper
Luc Merville Clopin
Julie Zenatti Fleur-de-Lys

London version
Tina Arena, Dannii Minogue Esmeralda
Daniel Lavoie Frollo
Bruno Pelletier Gringoire
Garou, Ayan Piri Quasimodo
Steve Balsamo Phoebus de Chateauper
Luc Merville, Carl Abram Ellis Clopin
Natasha Saint-Pierre Fleur-de-Lys

Nadya Belle, Shirel, Maison, Anne Esmeralda
Adrien Deville, Jerome Collet Quasimodo
Michel Pascal, Jerome Collet Frollo
Lauren Bahn, Cyril Nicolas Gringoire
Lauren Bahn, Richard Charest Phoebe de Chateauper
Veronica Antico, Anne Maison, Claire Cappelli Fleur-de-Lys
Roddy Julien, Eddie Soroman Clopin

Svetlana Svetikova, Teona Dolnikova, Diana Savelyeva, Karina Hovsepyan Esmeralda
Vyacheslav Petkun, Valery Yaremenko, Timur Vedernikov, Andrey Belyavsky, Petr Markin Quasimodo
Alexander Marakulin, Alexander Golubev, Igor Balalaev, Victor Krivonos (participated only in studio recording and rehearsals; did not perform at any concert) Frollo
Vladimir Dybsky, Alexander Postolenko, Pavel Kotov (participated only in studio recording and rehearsals; did not perform at any concert), Andrey Alexandrin Gringoire
Anton Makarsky, Eduard Shulzhevsky, Alexei Sekirin, Maxim Novikov, Mohamed Abdel Fattah Phoebe de Chateauper
Anastasia Stotskaya, Ekaterina Maslovskaya, Yulia Liseeva, Anna Pingina, Anna Nevskaya, Anna Guchenkova, Natalya Gromushkina, Anastasia Chevazhevskaya Fleur-de-Lys
Sergei Li, Victor Burko, Victor Yesin Clopin

Lola Ponche, Rosalia Misseri, Ilaria Andreini, Leila Martinucci, Chiara di Bari Esmeralda
Gio di Tonno, Luca Maggiore, Fabrizio Voghera, Giordano Gambogi Quasimodo
Vittorio Matteucci, Fabrizio Voghera, Luca Velletri, Christian Gravina Frollo
Matteo Cetti (Italian), Roberto Synagogue, Eron Borelli, Mattia Inverni, Gianluca Perdicaro Gringoire
Graziano Galatone, Alberto Mangia Vinci, Heron Borelli Phoebus de Chateauper
Marco Gverzoni, Aurelio Fierro, Christian Mini Clopin
Claudia DOttavi, Hilaria de Angelis, Chiara di Bari Fleur-de-Lys

Thais Siurana Esmeralda
Albert Martinez Quasimodo
Enrique Sequero Frollo
Daniel Angles Gringoire
Lisadro Phoebe de Chateaupe
Paco Arroyo Clopin
Elvira Prado Fleur-de-Lys

The songs in this section will be written according to the model:

Original title/Mogadorian title (interlinear translation of the title) official title in Russian

Note: in all versions of the musical, except for the original, the songs of the second act are numbered 8 and 9; 10 and 11 have been swapped.

Act one
Ouverture (Opening) Overture
Le Temps Des CathГ©drales (The Time of the Cathedrals) The Time of the Cathedrals
Les Sans-Papiers (People without papers) Tramps
Intervention de Frollo (Frollo's Intervention) Frollo's Intervention
BohГ©mienne (Gypsy) Daughter of Gypsies
Esmeralda Tu Sais (Do you know, Esmeralda) Esmeralda, understand
Ces Diamants-LГ (These diamonds) My love
La FÄte des Fous (Festival of Jesters) Ball of Jesters
Le Pape des Fous (The Pope of Jesters) King of Jesters
La SorciГЁre (Witch) Sorceress
LEnfant TrouvГ© (Foundling) Foundling
Les Portes de Paris (Gate of Paris) Paris
Tentative dEnlГЁvement (Abduction Attempted) Failed Abduction
La Cour des Miracles (Court of Miracles) Court of Miracles
Le Mot Phoebus (The Word "Phoebus") Name Phoebus
Beau Comme Le Soleil (Beautiful as the sun) The Sun of Life
DГ©chirГ© (Broken) What should I do?
Anarkia (Anarkia) Anarchy
ГЂ Boire (Drink) Water!
Belle (Beauty) Belle
Ma Maison CEst Ta Maison (My Home Your Home) My Notre Dame
Ave Maria PaGЇen (Ave Maria in pagan) Ave Maria
Je Sens Ma Vie Qui Bascule/Si tu pouvais voir en moi (I feel like my life is going downhill/If you could look into me) If only she could see
Tu Vas Me DГ©truire (You will destroy me) You are my death
LOmbre (Shadow) Shadow
Le Val dAmour (Valley of Love) Shelter of Love
La VoluptГ© (Enjoyment) Date
FatalitГ© (Rock) Will of Fate

Act two
Florence (Florence) Everything will have its time
Les Cloches (The Bells) The Bells
OG# Est-Elle? (Where is she?) Where is she?
Les Oiseaux QuOn Met En Cage (Caged Birds) Poor Birds in Captivity
CondamnГ©s (Condemned) Outcasts
Le ProcГЁs (Court) Court
La Torture (Torture) Torture
Phoebus (Phoebus) Oh Phoebus!
ГЉtre PrГЄtre Et Aimer Une Femme (To be a priest and love a woman) My fault
La Monture (The Horse) (the word also has an allegorical meaning: "passionate lover") Swear to me
Je Reviens Vers Toi (I'm coming back to you) If you can, forgive
Visite de Frollo Г Esmeralda (Frollo's visit to Esmeralda) Frollo comes to Esmeralda
Un Matin Tu Dansais (You danced one morning) Frollo's confession
LibГ©rГ©s (Free) Come out!
Lune (Moon) Moon
Je Te Laisse Un Sifflet (I give you a whistle) If anything, call
Dieu Que Le Monde Est Injuste (God, how the world is unfair) Good God, why?
Vivre (Live) Live
LAttaque De Notre-Dame (Assault on Notre Dame) Assault on Notre Dame
DГ©portГ©s (Sent out) Submit!
Mon MaГ®tre Mon Sauveur (My master, my savior) My proud master
Donnez-La Moi (Give it to me) Give it to me!
Danse Mon Esmeralda (Dance, my Esmeralda) Sing to me, Esmeralda
Le Temps Des CathГ©drales (The Time of the Cathedrals) It's time for the cathedrals

Interesting Facts
The famous song from this musical Belle was also performed in our country by the now disbanded group Smash !!. With her, they won first place at the 2002 New Wave festival in Jurmala.
The song "Belle" stayed in the French charts at number 1 for 33 weeks and was eventually recognized in France as the best song of the fiftieth anniversary.
The Russian performer of the role of Esmeralda T. Dolnikova is the only musical performer in the world who has received a high award, the Golden Mask theater award.
In Russia, a special tour version of the musical is currently touring the regions, with simplified scenery. Artistic director Alexander Marakulin, performer of the role of Frollo.

Has been under the care of the gypsy baron Clopin since the death of his mother. After a gypsy camp tries to enter Paris and take refuge in Notre Dame Cathedral (“Les Sans-Papiers”), they are chased away by the royal soldiers (“Intervention de Frollo”) on the orders of Archdeacon Frollo. The captain of the skirmishers, Phoebus de Chateaupert, takes an interest in Esmeralda ("Bohémienne"). But he is already engaged to 14-year-old Fleur-de-Lys ("Ces Diamants-Là").

At the clownish feast, the hunchbacked, crooked and lame bell-ringer of Quasimodo Cathedral comes to look at Esmeralda, with whom he has fallen in love ("La Fête des Fous"). Because of his ugliness, he is elected King of Jesters ("Le Pape des Fous"). At this point, Quasimodo's guardian and mentor, Archdeacon of Notre Dame Cathedral, Claude Frollo intervenes. He rips off his jester's crown and forbids even looking at the girl, accusing her of witchcraft, and then orders the hunchback to kidnap the gypsy and lock her in the tower of the cathedral ("La Sorcière").

At night, the poet Pierre Gringoire follows Esmeralda ("Les Portes de Paris") and witnesses an attempted kidnapping. But a detachment of Phoebus was guarding nearby, and he protects the gypsy ("Tentative d'Enlèvement"). Quasimodo is arrested. The captain appoints a rescued date in the cabaret "Shelter of Love".

Gringoire ends up in the Court of Miracles - the abode of tramps, thieves and other lumpen. Clopin decides to hang him because he, not being a criminal, went there. Only the consent of any of the women living there to take him as a husband can save the poet. Esmeralda, after a suggestion from her guardian, agrees to save Pierre ("La Cour des Miracles"). He promises to make her his muse, but the gypsy is consumed by thoughts of Phoebe. She asks the man about the meaning of her lover's name ("Le Mot Phoebus", "Beau Comme Le Soleil").

For attempting to kidnap Esmeralda, Quasimodo was sentenced to be broken on the wheel ("Anarkia"). Frollo is watching this. When the hunchback asks for a drink, the girl gives him water ("À Boire").

In the market square, all three - Quasimodo, Frollo and Phoebus - confess their love to her ("Belle"). In gratitude for the water, the first one shows her the Cathedral and the bell tower, inviting her to come in whenever she wants ("Ma maison, c'est ta maison").

Frollo pursues Phoebus and together with him enters the "Shelter of Love" ("L'Ombre", "Le Val d'Amour"). Seeing the gypsy with the captain ("La Volupté"), he stabs him with the gypsy's dagger, which Esmeralda lost in Quasimodo's attack, and runs away, leaving the victim to die ("Fatalité").

Act II

Esmeralda is arrested and imprisoned in La Sante ("Où Est-Elle?"). Phoebus is cured and returns to Fleur-de-Lys, who asks him to swear that the lover will be punished ("La Monture", "Je Reviens Vers Toi").

Frollo judges and tortures Esmeralda. He accuses her of witchcraft, prostitution and an attempt on Phoebus. The gypsy states that she is not involved in this. She is sentenced to death by hanging ("Le Procès", "La Torture"). An hour before the execution, Claude descends into the dungeon of La Sante prison ("Visite de Frollo à Esmeralda"). He confesses his love to the prisoner and offers to save her in exchange for reciprocity, but Esmeralda refuses ("Un matin tu dansais"). The archdeacon tries to take her by force, but at this time Clopin and Quasimodo enter the dungeon. The jester stuns the priest and frees the stepdaughter ("Libérés"), who is hiding in Notre Dame Cathedral.

The inhabitants of the "Court of Miracles" come there to take Esmeralda. Royal soldiers under the command of Phoebus enter into battle with them ("L'Attaque De Notre-Dame"). Clopin is killed. The vagabonds are expelled ("Déportés"). Claude Frollo gives the gypsy Phoebe and the executioner. Quasimodo searches for her, but meets Claude, who admits to him that he did it because he was refused ("Mon maître mon sauveur"). The hunchback throws the owner off the cathedral and dies himself with the body of Esmeralda in his arms ("Donnez-La Moi", "Danse Mon Esmeralda").


NOTRE DAME DE PARIS is the most successful musical staged in Europe in the last five years. The musical "NOTRE DAME DE PARIS", based on the novel by Victor Hugo, premiered in Paris on September 18, 1998. The production became a real bestseller, receiving awards for best performance, best song and best selling album. "NOTRE DAME DE PARIS" was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the best-selling musical. More than 7,000,000 French-language albums with the recording of the musical were sold in the world alone. World recognition came to the performers of the main roles in "NOTRE DAME DE PARIS".

The authors of such a successful production were the composer Richard Cocciante and the creator of the original version, Luc Plamondon. The latter is widely known as the lyricist of Celine Dion, as well as the author of the libretto of the famous musical "Starmania". Richard Cochante, composer of music, is incredibly popular not only as a composer, but also as a singer, performing his own works in four languages.

The idea of ​​creating a musical originated with Luc Plamondon. In 1993, he began to search for a plot for a new musical performance in French literature. “I turned to various characters and did not even pay attention to Esmeralda. I headed straight for the letter "K" - and stopped at Quasimodo. It was then that Notre Dame Cathedral became a reality for me,” he recalls. “This is a well-known story that speaks for itself and needs no explanation. That is why a dozen films have appeared on the plot of Victor Hugo's novel, starting from the time of silent films and ending with Disney cartoons. The more I watched various dramatic and ballet interpretations of the novel, the more I became convinced that I was on the right track. Rereading the novel, Plamondon makes sketches for thirty songs. Then the composer Richard Cochante joins the work. “Richard had some really great tunes that he didn't want to use on his albums. He played me motives, which later became "Dance, my Esmeralda", "Belle", "It's time for cathedrals." They were worthy to enter the musical, and that was their strength,” recalls Luke. We can say that the history of the musical began with the song "Belle".

After the successful premiere of "NOTRE DAME DE PARIS" in Paris, the musical began its journey around the world.

The plot of the musical Notre Dame de Paris

Quasimodo loves Esmeralda, who loves Phoebe. He is married to Fleur-de-Lys, but is infatuated with a gypsy. Frollo is a witness to all this action, he himself is trapped. Carnal desire, rejected from childhood, breaks out like a volcano in front of a beauty. Gringoire pushes him into "the abyss of conscience". Frollo is even going to kill Phoebus in order to achieve the love of Esmeralda. And it is she who is accused of attempting to kill Phoebus.

Quasimodo rescues Esmeralda from prison and closes her in the tower of Notre Dame. Clopin and a gang of vagabonds break into the cathedral to free Esmeralda. Phoebus and his army are tasked with putting down the rebellion. Clopin is killed in the skirmish. Gringoire becomes a voluntary poet, thereby becoming a herald of vagabonds.

A helpless Quasimodo allows Phoebus to take Esmeralda, believing that the latter has come to rescue her. Phoebus, on the contrary, came to announce to Esmeralda that she would be hanged. Quasimodo throws Frollo off the tower of Notre Dame and arrives too late at the place of execution at Place Greve. He asks the executioner to hand over the body of Esmeralda to die with her in the chains of Montfaucon.

“Several years ago, while inspecting Notre Dame Cathedral, or, to be more precise, examining it, the author of this book found in a dark corner of one of the towers the following word inscribed on the wall: ANAGCH.

These Greek letters, darkened by Time and rather deeply cut into the stone, certain signs characteristic of Gothic writing, imprinted in the shape and arrangement of the letters, as if indicating that they were drawn by the hand of a man of the Middle Ages, and, in particular, a gloomy and fatal meaning. contained in them deeply impressed the author.

And now nothing remains of either the mysterious word carved into the wall of the gloomy tower of the cathedral, or of that unknown fate that this word so sadly denoted - nothing but the fragile memory that the author of this book dedicates to them. A few centuries ago, the person who wrote this word on the wall disappeared from among the living; the word itself disappeared from the wall of the cathedral; perhaps the cathedral itself will soon disappear from the face of the earth. This word gave birth to a real book.

Victor Hugo. From the preface to the book "Notre Dame Cathedral"

With this introduction, a novel begins that has generated so much controversy, discussion, fans, video, animation and musical productions. This article will focus on one of the most famous French musicals, after which the French "comedy musical" gained incredible popularity and gave rise to a whole wave of other musical productions.

« NOTRE DAME DE PARIS is the most successful musical staged in Europe in recent years. Premiere musical"NOTRE DAME DE PARIS", based on the novel by Victor Hugo, took place in Paris on September 18, 1998. The production became a real bestseller, receiving awards for best performance, best song and best selling album. " NOTRE DAME DE PARIS» was listed in Guinness Book of Records as the best-selling musical. More than 7,000,000 French-language albums with the recording of the musical were sold in the world alone. World recognition came to the performers of the main roles in "NOTRE DAME DE PARIS".

The composer (Richard Cocciante) and the creator of the original version (Luc Plamondon) were the authors of such a successful production. The latter is widely known as the lyricist of Celine Dion, as well as the author of the libretto of the famous musical "Starmania". Richard Cochante, composer of music, is incredibly popular not only as a composer, but also as a singer, performing his own works in four languages.

The idea of ​​creating a musical originated with Luc Plamondon. In 1993, he began to search for a plot for a new musical performance in French literature. “I turned to various characters and did not even pay attention to Esmeralda. I headed straight for the letter "K" - and stopped at Quasimodo. It was then that Notre Dame Cathedral became a reality for me,” he recalls. “This is a well-known story that speaks for itself and needs no explanation. That is why a dozen films have appeared on the plot of Victor Hugo's novel, starting from the time of silent films and ending with Disney cartoons. The more I watched various dramatic and ballet interpretations of the novel, the more I became convinced that I was on the right track. Rereading the novel, Plamondon makes sketches for thirty songs.

Then the composer Richard Cochante joins the work. “Richard had some really great tunes that he didn't want to use on his albums. He played me motives, which later became "Dance, my Esmeralda", "Belle", "It's time for cathedrals." They were worthy to enter the musical, and that was their strength,” recalls Luke. We can say that the history of the musical began with the song "Belle".

After a successful premiere NOTRE DAME DE PARIS in Paris, the musical began its journey around the world.

The plot of the musical Notre Dame de Paris

loves Esmeralda who loves Phoebe. He is married to fleur-de-lis, but is infatuated with a gypsy. Frollo witness to all this action, he himself is trapped. Carnal desire, rejected from childhood, breaks out like a volcano in front of a beauty. Gringoire pushes him into "the abyss of conscience." Frollo is even going to kill Phoebus in order to achieve the love of Esmeralda. And it is she who is accused of attempting to kill Phoebus.

Frollo visits her in prison to offer her to give herself to him in exchange for freedom. She refuses. He will take revenge on her.

Quasimodo rescues Esmeralda from prison and closes her in the tower of Notre Dame. Clopin and a gang of vagabonds break into the cathedral to free Esmeralda. Phoebus and his army are tasked with putting down the rebellion. Clopin is killed in the skirmish. Gringoire becomes a voluntary poet, thereby becoming a herald of vagabonds.

A helpless Quasimodo allows Phoebus to take Esmeralda, believing that the latter has come to rescue her. Phoebus, on the contrary, came to announce to Esmeralda that she would be hanged. Quasimodo throws Frollo off the tower notre dame and arrives too late at the place of execution in the Place Greve. He asks the executioner to hand over Esmeralda's body to die with her in the chains of Montfaucon...

About the novel

Victor Hugo is one of the greatest French writers of the 19th century. He was born in 1802 and, of course, all the historical events that took place in France at the beginning of the century influenced his development as a person and as a writer. The most famous works of Hugo: "Les Miserables", "Toilers of the Sea" and "The Ninety-Third Year".

His most popular novel "Notre Dame Cathedral"(NOTRE DAME DE PARIS) was published in February 1831.

The July Revolution of 1830 shook the whole of France. The insurgent people overthrew the power of the Bourbons. The royalist nobles were replaced by representatives of the French bourgeoisie. Undoubtedly, the revolutionary upsurge and the revolution itself can explain the appearance of the largest of all the works of Hugo. The book brought the writer worldwide fame.

The plot, and indeed the whole narrative of the novel, is typically romantic: extraordinary characters acting in extraordinary circumstances, chance encounters, beauty and ugliness coexist side by side, love and hate are intertwined and come into conflict with each other.

The cathedral is the heart of medieval Paris, all the threads of a romantic plot are tied here. NOTRE DAME, severe, gloomy and beautiful at the same time, like a mirror, reflects all the features of the heroes of the novel.

However, romantic excesses, which today seem a little sham, are only a necessary background in order to show the life of Paris at that time, to raise the theme of "outcasts", the theme of kindness, love and mercy.

This is the main theme in the novel, because only these qualities, according to the author, can save the world.

The writer believed that “every person is born kind, pure, fair and honest… If his heart became cold, it was only because people put out his flame; if his wings are broken and his mind is struck, it is only because people have constrained him in a narrow cage. If he is mutilated and terrible, it is because he was thrown into such a form from which he came out criminal and terrible.. Only love, the transforming power of which is miraculous, is capable of making it “kind, pure, just and honest” again.

This is what the novel "Notre Dame Cathedral" tells about. This is what the heroes of the musical have been singing about for the second decade. NOTRE DAME DE PARIS…

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