The combination of the Ace of Spades with other cards. Ace of spades - meaning in divination, combination with other cards


The meanings of specific cards in this layout system are not given due to the fact that it depends on the combination of these cards with others and on their location in the layout. Aces, on the other hand, have an independent meaning, so they are signed separately.

Located above the portrait and pointing downward means great love.

If he lies to the left of the portrait, but also point down, the cards speak of the anticipation of love.

Ace on the right indicates rivalry, at the feet of the portrait - unrequited love.

Ace of hearts in a horse means strong friendship, and in the "tail"- happiness, well-being in the family, prosperity in the house.

Ace of hearts lying over a portrait point up, means happiness that will suddenly flood.

To the right of the portrait- big profit, unexpected wealth,

Left from a portrait- love without reciprocity secretly from the object of love, under the portrait - a quarrel with a loved one or best friend.

Ace of Diamonds in the usual position, lying above the portrait, means the patronage of a high-ranking person, on the right - a big win in cards, at races, in a casino.

Left- dreams of taking a high position, making a great career.

under the portrait- requests from an unpleasant person, the implementation of which cannot be evaded.

The same ace, located in the "horse" means a pleasant surprise, a chance meeting with joyful consequences.

Ace of diamonds in the "tail" portends a business trip.

Ace of diamonds upside down, lying in the heads of the portrait, speaks of an offer to take part in an enterprise full of risk.

On right from a portrait, it means receiving an inheritance, left- expensive gift.

Ace of diamonds at the feet of the portrait talking about debt on the horse- about financial difficulties, in the "tail"- portends the arrival of guests from afar.

Ace of clubs tail down under the portrait means the revenge of a high-ranking person.

He is on right- the collapse of secret hopes, left- the collapse of certain calculations.

Ace under the portrait talking about cheating on the horse- about someone else's secret, in the "tail"- about humiliating requests.

The same ace, but tail up above the portrait portends empty gossip, left from him - intrigues, on right- betrayal of friends, under the portrait - the insult received.

Ace on horseback- talks about betrayal and betrayal of a loved one, in the "tail"- portends empty talk "about nothing."

Ace of spades point up, located above the portrait, means the onset of a long series of failures, a “black streak” in life.

He is on right means divorce. left- warns against a fatal step, under the portrait- warns of possible intrigues, intrigues of enemies.

On the "horse"- talks about obstacles on the way to the goal, in the "tail"- about lies, small and large deceptions, disappointment.

Ace of spades point down above the portrait means death, on right- a long, painful, severe illness, left- unpleasant, painful news.

under the portrait- a change for the better in the very near future.

In "tail" mourning in the family or personal, on the horse- material difficulties.

Two black aces pointed towards each other means a scandal in the family, a violent quarrel of loved ones. Two red aces in the neighborhood speak of an imminent reconciliation after a long painful quarrel, perhaps a wedding or betrothal.

Four aces surrounding the portrait: black - with tails to it, ace of hearts - with a point, tambourine - with the base mean all-consuming happiness.

The same aces in the opposite position speak of an equally strong degree of unhappiness.

It should be borne in mind that when two or more aces are in the layout at the same time:

  • the ace of spades has 2 minus points,
  • ace of clubs - 1 minus,
  • ace of diamonds - 1 plus,
  • ace of hearts - 2 pluses.

By making calculations in accordance with mathematical laws, it is possible to determine which of the aces destroys the action of the other or partially neutralizes it.

It also matters how the aces lay down. If the ace of spades and the ace of hearts are pointed in different directions, then the advantage will be on the side of the spade.

If these same aces point their points at each other, their actions cancel each other out.

If two aces surround a portrait, the advantage is on the side of the one whose tip is directed directly to the portrait card. The same thing happens if there are aces of clubs and a tambourine next to the portrait.

Worms have an advantage over the suit of clubs, spades - over the diamonds. They weaken the prediction of a less strong suit. So, the ace of spades, pointed at the portrait, in the neighborhood of the ace of hearts, will not mean death, but a serious illness.

There is another factor that weakens or enhances the value of aces - the presence of a dominant opposite suit. Four aces, usually speaking of great happiness, with the predominance of cards of spades, lose their influence to a large extent. In this case, we can only talk about some pleasant emotions that the fortuneteller will experience.

The presence of an ace of spades and an ace of clubs with the dominance of the spade suit in the layout doubles the value of this suit.


In general, it means receiving some kind of news. In some cases, the querent will receive some kind of offer. Often - an exciting event that can cause fear. Anxious state. Sometimes, in layouts for future events, it can denote a certain period of time - in particular, night (if the alignment is momentary), or winter (if fortune-telling is for a longer period of time). In this sense, it is worth paying attention to the cards nearby.

It can also denote a certain holiday or feast. In combination with peaks, the reason for this will be the resolution of certain problems, lawsuits or lawsuits. With 6 clubs - a meeting with classmates or classmates. With the lady of clubs - a high probability of fulfilling the plan. From 7 peaks - the questioner will soon return the debts.


In this position, the ace of spades can mean an unpleasant event. Often - dangerous, you should be on the alert. So, for example, a festive meeting can end in quarrels and even fights.

In some cases, it may indicate some fatal events. For example, it may be receiving bad news, or some kind of heavy and irreparable loss.

With an ace of clubs - upcoming events will cause fear in the questioner. With 8 clubs - sad news associated with the loss (of someone or something). With others - getting a false offer. With the king of worms - predicts a possible illness of one of the relatives, friends or acquaintances. With the suit of spades - disagreements regarding litigation.

Love relationship


In this case, the card speaks of stable and strong family ties. However, the strong relationship of the querent with a partner can cause inconvenience or discomfort. The questioner constantly quarrels with his soulmate, but cannot (or does not want to) part with her. This indicates a strong psychological relationship.

If an ace fell on a position about the personal qualities of a certain man, it speaks of a confident and strong young man. He can become (or has already become) a great friend who, in difficult times, will lend a shoulder and help. For a woman - a strong and strong-willed person who does not need a soulmate. She is able to pull the whole economy on herself.

With an ace of hearts - promises a strong family union and a long life together. With a jack or a lady - the querent will soon expect some kind of love explanation. With others, a new love is expected (in some cases, a strong friendship).


In love divination, such an arrangement of the ace of spades speaks of emerging scandals and squabbles. It is worth being careful - it can come to assault. Sometimes - speaks of the querent's fear of being alone. In some cases, it symbolizes excessive secrecy or external coldness of the questioner.

With the king of spades - you should descend from heaven, the querent thinks too much of himself. With the lady of spades - there is a high probability of betrayal of a partner. With others - predicts family disagreements in domestic matters.

In combination with 7 clubs - predicts separation from a loved one, which, however, will not be long. With others - a love affair built on deceit.

With Jack or Queen of Hearts - a declaration of love is expected, which will be unsuccessful. With others - obstacles in the fulfillment of desires associated with love relationships.

Work, career and business


In the layouts and divination related to work, the ace of spades speaks of such abilities of the querent as inflexibility, willpower, and determination. The questioner seeks to thoroughly understand his field, to get to the very essence of the tasks set. Sometimes indicates his closeness and desire to work alone.

In another sense, it speaks of success, which is almost guaranteed, thanks to the diligence of the querent. Often - indicates the predisposition of the questioner to professions related to intellectual work or charity.

With a jack of clubs - predicts some kind of business trip or business trip, in which there will be not only work, but also rest. With 9 clubs - the expected profit. With others - some tempting business offer is foreshadowed, which will soon bring good dividends to all partners or colleagues.

With 10 peak - indicates an unexpected profit. With others - a successful resolution of all accumulated cases, a favorable outcome of the current situation. With tambourines - tempting business offers that will bring good dividends.


In this position, the Ace of Spades speaks of receiving bad news that will bring unforeseen expenses with it. Sometimes - denotes conflicts caused by financial disagreements. It also symbolizes some difficulties in work or progress.

With 10 tambourines - a conflict over money with business partners or colleagues at work. With a jack - predicts troubles and fussy performance of duties. With others - some kind of proposal that will strike a blow to the reputation of the querent.

From 9 peaks - difficulties in filling out some official papers and contracts. With other peaks - bad deals. With 8 worms - a break in business relations or a breakdown in plans.

Basic values ​​(Direct position)
Ace of Spades- this is news (most likely in written or printed form), these are important events and often cause anxiety or fear, this is a loss or forced rejection of something. Besides, Ace of Spades sometimes interpreted as a moment or a period of time. In this sense, it can mean, respectively, night or winter. At the event level, the card may indicate a celebration associated with drinking, or a noisy fun. For example, together with the Six of Clubs Ace of Spades symbolizes a meeting in the company of classmates or classmates. With the Seven of Spades, the card predicts the return of a debt, and with the Queen of Clubs, a rather high probability of fulfilling a desire.

Basic Meanings (Reversed)
Reversed Ace of Spades warns of sad or dangerous events. For example, if we are talking about a party, then the card says that it can end in a fight, if it's about drinking, then about "brute force", which can only be called a booze. Other interpretations of such a card: bad news, bereavement, blow of fate. In combination with Ace of Clubs reversed ace of spades indicates fear. With the King of Hearts - on the illness of one of the relatives or friends. With the Eight of Clubs - to the sad news, possibly connected with someone's death.

Love and Relationships (Upright)
Here Ace of Spades symbolizes a deep relationship between partners, which, nevertheless, sometimes makes them uncomfortable. In fact, this is akin to a situation where people quarrel among themselves, but cannot part, because they are drawn to each other. Describing a man, this card speaks of his masculinity and confident strength. Such a person is able to be a true friend who can be trusted with the most intimate and delicate. Meanwhile, for a woman, this card will be an indicator of a very strong character, so she will hardly need to lean on a man’s shoulder or feel a “reliable rear” behind her, because she herself is quite capable of becoming a strong rear for someone. To the left of the Ace of Hearts, reversed ace of spades in the layout indicates that a couple of people will certainly come to a mutual agreement, and on the right - that, on the contrary, people will eventually part.

Love and Relationships (Reversed)
For relationship layouts reversed ace of spades should be interpreted as scandalous, attempts at physical violence, or at least the threat of it. And besides this, the card can be perceived as a fear of being abandoned, as repentance, as external coldness, as increased secrecy. In combination with the King of Spades, she speaks of arrogance. With the Lady of Spades - about the likelihood of adultery, with the Seven of Clubs - about separation from a loved one.

Career (Direct position)
When guessing at the professional sphere Ace of Spades represents inflexibility in the face of difficulties and obstacles, and also symbolizes inner closeness (which from the outside may even seem secrecy) and the desire in any business to get to the bottom of it. The person to whom this card fell is, as it were, predisposed to success. Moreover, having reached it, he may well leave everything and retire, allowing others to use the results. However, if he needs it for one reason or another, he will not give up the rights that rightly belong to him. For example, in this case we can talk about copyright. If the question concerns the choice of a profession, then the Ace of Spades means that the best area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity is intellectual. And also - charitable and social spheres. Along with Ten of Spades Ace of Spades interpreted as an unexpected receipt of money (profit and the like). With the Walt of Clubs - like a long-distance business trip, which at the same time will also become a trip, with the Nine of Clubs - success in the plan.

Career (Reversed)
In this case reversed ace of spades may mean unexpectedly bad news, conflicts (paired with the Ten Tambourines - based on finances), difficulties associated with the performance of their work duties. Paired with Walt Buben reversed ace of spades- It's a lot of work. With Ten Peaks - difficulties in processing some papers, with Eight of Hearts - disruption of plans.

The value of all cards.

Divination has always attracted people. And the point is not at all that interesting figures are drawn on the cards, but in the secret that is revealed during the process. When fortune telling, you always expect something, hope and fear. After him, all these feelings persist. It is always interesting to know how a fortuneteller is able to see different things in the same cards. For the big layman it's just pictures.

Aces - cards denoting something specific in each layout

Why do maps always point to different events?

When fortune telling on cards, a regular deck is used. Learning how to lay them out in an appropriate way is not difficult, but telling the past and the future from them is quite difficult.

If a beginner is able to make a spread for three months plus past recent events, deciphering them is a little easier. Using hints, you can only tell what is written on paper, look for a combination of several cards, but you won’t know the truth or you can tell superficially. Why is this happening?

Professional fortune-tellers and soothsayers have their secrets and most often they are not talked about. But, we will be able to lift the veil of all the magical methods of card divination professionals. First of all, the deck of cards must not be started (it has never been played). In order for the cards to always tell you the truth and show events, they must be tamed.

The taming of tarot cards is easier, but with playing cards it is much more difficult:

  • buy a deck in any store, but in the evening;
  • the purchase is made on any day except Sunday and the day on which the deck of cards was purchased;
  • bringing the cards home, carry the cards with you for at least 12 hours, after which remove everything from 1 to 5 plus the Joker from the mass: when fortune telling, they are completely useless and do not carry much meaning - 4 suits are used, only 36 cards;
  • wrap the deck in any black cloth and hide it in a secluded place, where they should lie for at least a year - ideally 3 years;
  • for the whole year do not take them yourself and do not allow anyone to touch them.

It is difficult to make a fortune-telling deck out of a playing deck of cards, but it is possible

After the expiration date, your cards have become divinatory and will be able to reveal many true stories about you or your friends. But having just a deck for divination is not enough. You need to know all the nuances of layouts and options for meaning. For a detailed acquaintance, let's take aces.

All about the ace card

There are 4 aces in the deck by suit: diamonds, spades, crosses and hearts. Each of them carries information in each of the layouts. If you use question-answer fortune-telling, then if a black ace of any suit falls out, the answer is negative, if red falls out, luck and a positive answer.

By itself, the card is not a designation of a person or situation. It is easier to say a variant of this or that action. When dealt with events, the presence of an ace of diamonds will speak of news and papers. If fortune-telling was carried out on a person under this suit, then this is his life and changes in it. You can just as well talk about the ace of hearts and clubs.

Pika as a suit always carries a negative. And when fortune-telling, you can’t expose a person as a king or queen of spades. There is a ban here unless you are a witch or sorcerer. But, even these people try to choose a suit for themselves according to the color of their hair and eyes, and avoid spades. The ace of spades has two meanings: direct and inverted, so this is also taken into account during any of the layouts for life, situation, personality.

There are individual divination, where the cards mean completely different things. Meeting or love. And here the suit will not play a role.

Fortune telling on the situation and life

It should be noted right away that it is best to do layouts for a short period of time: a month, three, a maximum of six months. In this case, fortune-telling is true, and a person will not be lost from a large number of meanings.

After deciphering the cards that talk about the past, future, present and what a person wants to forget, all the cards of the layout are collected and laid out in pairs. Those that turned out to be a complete set promise interesting things. So four aces mean the fulfillment of a wish.

In the scenario, 4 aces fell out at once? This promises the fulfillment of a wish!

If the fortuneteller set out to find out what awaits him when looking for a job, then this means: getting a job that he has long dreamed of and aspired to. When divining the situation, the fortuneteller will get what he wants (reconciliation, divorce, wedding, etc.).

Many fortune-tellers, even before the moment of fortune-telling, offer to make a wish or ask a question. When 4 aces fall out - a definite positive "yes". In a circle, aces have different meanings, a lot depends on what is nearby.

Ace of diamonds. If fortune-telling is carried out on a young man or a man, girl or woman with blond hair and eyes, then here, falling out an ace, means his (her) hopes for a normal life. He tries to fix everything and sees life only in the best colors. The obvious anxiety of the fortuneteller for everything that happens to him. If a person is of a different suit, then the ace of tambourine testifies to the news. What is the nature of the news, you should look at the adjacent maps.

Ace of hearts. Again, if the person they are guessing at is a worm, then these are all his experiences for his life and hopes. For everyone else, this ace means love, marriage, the purest and brightest feelings. Indicates events in the native house, but in more detail it can be said only from those cards that are nearby.

Ace of clubs. He means everything that is connected with money, material goods. If the cards are negative or the person has a black streak in life, then the cross ace shows: imprisonment, problems with the bank, a possible trial, a visit to the hospital. Everything related to government agencies and places. You can only specify after viewing all the cards in the layout.

Ace of spades. The direct position speaks of fun, a feast or a wonderful feast. Trouble or a fight (quarrel) will occur on it, but this is indicated by the nearby 7 peaks, 9 peaks or 6. An inverted value in combination with a nine will indicate the approaching death of a fortuneteller or a person close to him. Next to 6 peak - a definite unpleasant trip with major troubles.

The ace of spades combined with the 6 of spades symbolizes an unsuccessful trip.

If there is an ace of clubs, a person will become seriously ill, and the disease will be very protracted and unpleasant (surgery). The queen of spades or the king is nearby - it means that damage or serious problems will bring a magical ritual. They just want to let the person know. The card itself, falling out “in the heart”, will indicate that damage to death and trouble has already been done and is in effect.

If you guess at interest and love

The most common fortune-telling is for love and relationship percentages. 80% of fortunetellers come to this problem - to check the love of their couple. There are many options for divination on feelings and relationships.

  1. All cards are included in the spread. A king and a queen are chosen by suit (this is our couple). One card is placed between them. The rest of the deck is laid out through one pigtail, under each. If two identical values ​​match, the cards are discarded. In this fortune-telling, if paired aces are given out, then you should look at the combination of colors: black and red - loves, but not so much to start a family, two blacks - only sex and joy are of interest, two reds - definitely loves with all his heart. If an ace, of any suit, falls between a pair (so the card that was originally placed between them) - mutual feelings and relationships can be called serious.
  2. In the second scenario, only high cards participate (they have pictures). It is laid out in piles, according to the number of letters of the name of the person we are interested in. Next, with the latter, we lay out on top of the existing piles, and so on for each batch. It decreases to one. Now lay out two by the letter "G". If two of the same value match, set aside. In this case, the loss of any two aces speaks of love and respect for you.
  3. All cards are included. They also spread it in piles, only now, in addition to the name, we also take the patronymic. It is necessary to stack stacks up to two. If you do everything right, then the piles will have the same number of cards. Now we turn them over in pairs, do not cross, but put them next to each other. Here, two aces will talk about a possible marriage. Or this person suits you for marriage. We collect everything in one deck (shift one at a time) and lay out the “G” again. If two aces match, the value should be looked at by suit: peak - the person they are guessing at, carries a threat, can harm his couple, suffers from mental disorders, ace of tambourines - just like it and nothing more, wants to build only friendly relations, ace of the cross - a person wants to be with you in order to be provided for, there is an option that you will get sick and suffer because of him, the ace of hearts - he really loves, his feelings are sincere and more reliable relationships cannot be found.
  4. The following fortune-telling is perceived by many as childish. But, this is not at all the case. The whole deck takes part in divination. We put shirts up on the full name of the person who interests us, then the next row and so on. It is clear that each name has its own number of rows. Now we look where there is a pair match. It does not matter how they will lie and where. The main thing is not to cross. In this case, the presence of a pair of aces (the suit does not matter) means real feelings for you. If all four aces fell out in pairs, then the person wants to see you as a soulmate and plans to live together happily ever after.

If 4 aces fell in pairs - the second half definitely has deep feelings and is ready to start a family

To a wish or divination to a question

Such fortune-telling does not carry a specific designation of suits or meanings. But, there is a pattern here: all cards are added up from sixes to ace. The value of the ace in such divination is the value of completeness. Only having collected all four suits and closing them with an ace, he says that the desire will come true.

If we consider the technique of the “Pyramid of Desire” layout, then the aces here have absolutely no meaning.

Everything consists in the complete analysis of the pyramid laid out by you. It happens like this: first, one closed card is placed, two are laid out on top of it, then three, and so on, until there are seven cards in the last step.

They should be left open. There are still cards in hand. They help to collect pairs of cards. All couples recline. If you can dismantle the entire pyramid to the end so that all the couples leave, the wish will come true. If not, then do not blame me, fate is not on your side.

Sometimes, to get an answer, they use the "Four Aces" method. From the whole card, 4 aces and a queen or king are chosen (who asks the question). A question and possible answers are asked. Please note that one of the options must mean a negative or negative answer to the question. Next, the figure is sent back to the deck and shuffled well.

Aces are turned over so that it is not visible where which one lies, mixed and laid out in a row. Now we make a deal under each of the aces. You will get 4 stacks. In the pile, in which there is a hidden king or queen, and will be considered the answer.


Of all fortune-telling, the most significant are life, situation and love. Here aces play a role and give a full answer. In addition to the fact that the map speaks for itself, the presence of the majority should also be taken into account.

If the ace of spades fell upside down, you should not be upset, provided that in the whole scenario you counted worms in an amount of five to seven pieces. This will mean that all the negativity will be able to soften the love of your loved ones, friends or loved ones. Worse, if next to the ace of spades there are more than 5 cards of the suit of clubs or spades.

It is clear that trouble has come or will come very soon. Nothing can be done. But as all card divination experts say: “Everything that is bad in a person’s life is done by God not for punishment, but for study.” These words should be understood in such a way that each of us can stumble and lead a wrong lifestyle, do ugly deeds, but the time comes and we are given a chance to rethink everything and understand all the actions taken against the will of God.

If there are problems associated with damage or other magical rituals, then the help of a person who has power and heals with prayers is needed. How correct the fortuneteller made predictions, you can now see for yourself, or you can try new methods to reveal your secrets and friends.

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