Composition: True and false patriotism in the novel "War and Peace" (L. N


"War and Peace" is called an epic because it covers the historical events that took place from 1805 to 1821. Thus, the action of the novel takes a long period of time. Moreover, more than 200 characters participate in it, including world-famous commanders. The author depicts Napoleon, and Kutuzov, and Bagration, and Raevsky, and even Tsar Alexander I against the backdrop of the Patriotic War of 1812. Any social strata of Russia are also involved here: peasants, nobles, close associates of the tsar, provincials, merchants. It is not surprising that this novel made an indelible impression on the world community.

The main theme of Tolstoy's epic work was the theme of the heroism of the Russian people during the war with Napoleon. Regardless of their social status, people defended their country and fought unitedly against the enemy invasion. One of the most worthy commanders, whom the author shows in all its glory, was, of course, Kutuzov. But what about ordinary people? How did they behave in difficult times for the whole nation? In the novel "War and Peace" we see that social division occurs not on a class basis, but on the level of humanity and morality.


The theme of patriotism in the novel "War and Peace" is one of the central ones. It is no coincidence that almost two volumes of the famous epic are dedicated to her.

Patriotism of the people in the work

What is patriotism according to Tolstoy? This is a natural movement of the soul, which makes a person not think about himself "with the consciousness of a common misfortune." The war of 1812, which affected everyone, showed how much Russians love their Fatherland. Reading the text of the work, we find many examples of this.

So, Smolensk residents burn houses and bread so that the French do not get it. The merchant Ferapontov gives all the goods to the soldiers and sets fire to his property with his own hands. "Get it all, guys! Don't get the devils!" he shouts.

The residents of Moscow are also deeply patriotic. The episode when Napoleon on Poklonnaya Hill is waiting for a deputation with the keys to the city is indicative. But, most of the inhabitants left Moscow. Artisans and merchants left. The nobles also left the city, for whom, before the enemy arrived on Russian soil, French was their native language.

Patriotism in the novel sometimes wakes up even in those from whom it was difficult to expect. So, Princess Katish, who, together with Vasily, is participating in the hunt for the will of Count Bezukhov, declares to Pierre: “Whatever I am, I can’t live under Bonaparte power.”

Even the cutesy gossip Julie Karagina leaves with everyone with the words: “I am not Joan of Arc and not an Amazon.” Moscow. It was impossible to be under the control of the French."

Natasha and Pierre during the war

The writer's favorite characters cannot stay away from the common trouble. Pierre decides to stay in the capital in order to shoot the French emperor "in order to either perish or end the misfortune of all Europe." He saves an unfamiliar girl from a burning garden, pounces with his fists on a French soldier who is trying to remove a necklace from a woman. Pierre finds himself on the battlefield and captured, he was nearly shot by the French and rescued by Russian partisans. It is the war that makes Pierre look at himself and others with different eyes, feel his closeness to the common people.

The feeling of "the need for sacrifice and suffering" during the general misfortune makes Natasha Rostova scream at her mother, who does not want to give her wagons to the wounded. At that moment, Natasha does not think that she can be a dowry. She thinks only that the wounded cannot be left to the French.

True patriots on the battlefield

It is impossible, speaking about the theme of patriotism in "War and Peace", not to mention the direct participants in the battles, generals and ordinary soldiers.

First of all, the reader is attracted by the image of Kutuzov. Like many of Tolstoy's favorite heroes, Kutuzov has a completely unattractive appearance “in a long frock coat on a huge thick body”, “with a stooped back”, “with a leaky, white eye on a swollen face” - this is how the writer of the great commander draws before the battle of Borodino. Tolstoy emphasizes that this man combined physical weakness and spiritual power. It was she, this inner strength, that allowed him to make an unpopular decision - to leave Moscow in order to save the army. It was thanks to her that he had the strength to liberate the Fatherland from the French.

Images of other heroes also appear before us. These are real historical figures: generals Raevsky, Yermolov Dokhturov, Bagration. And fictional brave men, including Prince Andrei, Timokhin, Nikolai Rostov and many others whose names are unknown.

The true patriots of the fatherland are shown by the writer and participants in the partisan war. They did not participate in great battles, but destroyed the enemy in the ways available to them. Tikhon Shcherbaty, elder Vasilisa, Denis Davydov. It is their exploits that delight the young Petya Rostov, who joins the partisan detachment.

False patriots in the novel

Tolstoy contrasts true patriots with false patriots, who do not care about the common misfortune, and who are trying to extract their own benefit from it.

So, visitors to the Scherer salon live a normal life. She arranges a reception even on the day of the Battle of Borodino. The patriotism of the mistress of a fashionable salon is manifested only in the fact that she gently scolds those who visit the French theater.

"False patriots" are among the staff officers. Among them is Boris Drubetskoy, who, thanks to his cunning, "managed to stay at the main apartment." Berg, who in a pathetic tone makes a fiery speech in front of Count Rostov, and then begins to bargain with him for a "chiffonier" and a toilet "with an English secret." And, of course, Count Rostopchin, who, with his calls and empty activities, doomed thousands of people to death, and then, having given the son of the merchant Vereshchagin to be torn to pieces by an angry crowd, he flees from Moscow.


In conclusion of the essay on the topic of patriotism in the novel "War and Peace" it must be said that Tolstoy was able to show the reader how a real patriot of his Motherland should behave in the hour of danger threatening her.

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Tolstoy divided the characters of his novel into positive and negative. All of them show their patriotism in different ways. Positive characters such as Natasha Rostova, Pierre Bezukhov and Andrei Bolkonsky love their homeland and are ready to sacrifice themselves to save it. Negative heroes are alien to the concepts of goodness and honor, they only look after their own interests. For them, their native country is only an endless source of consumption, which they use with pleasure.

Natasha Rostova, seeking to help the wounded soldiers, offers them lodging for the night in her house, demanding nothing in return. Despite the fact that Natasha is young and generally far from military life, she tries to help to the best of her ability. Natasha is a patriot of her homeland, because often she is ready to sacrifice her comfort for the sake of the country's well-being. The girl is very kind to other people, so when she feels she can help, she helps.

The thought of surrendering Moscow to the French leads Natasha to despair: the fate of her homeland is important to her, she cannot just come to terms with the fact that Moscow has been abandoned, but she is unable to change anything.

Pierre Bezukhov also does not remain aloof from the war that shook Russia. He organizes his regiment, which, in his opinion, should lead the country to the long-awaited victory over the French. His plan does not lead to the result he expected, but the young man does not despair and prepares to fight the enemy on his own. Pierre believes that it is he who is destined to kill Napoleon, thereby freeing his homeland. He goes to the most dangerous place of hostilities and there he provides all possible assistance to the soldiers. He is not embarrassed by his own position - after all, Pierre was a count - and he fights on a par with the rest of the soldiers. Although he did not have much influence on the outcome of the war, the very fact of his participation in the battle shows Pierre as a true patriot.

On the example of Vasily Kuragin, let's consider the manifestation of false patriotism. Once admiring Field Marshal Kutuzov (“I always said that he alone is capable of defeating Napoleon”), he literally changes his mind the next day to the completely opposite (“I wonder how it was possible to entrust the fate of Russia to such a person”). The predominance of personal interests over the interests of the motherland is inherent in the character of this person. Vasily can only criticize others, but he himself will never take up arms and will not go into battle on a par with the soldiers.

Thus, Tolstoy in his novel showed how different people relate to the fate of their homeland. True patriotism is inherent in positive characters, for whom the homeland is not just a place where they live, but something more dear and dear to them, something for which it is not a pity to die. Negative characters are far from this, so their interests are above others.

Lesson 72 The novel "War and Peace". True and false patriotism in the image of Leo Tolstoy .


- educational: - novel War and Peace. True and false patriotism in the image of Leo Tolstoy;

The role of the reception of antithesis in the depiction of the war of 1805-1807, the war of 1812, in the depiction of "drones" and true patriots;

- developing: - to develop the ability of students to use the comparative method and see the subject of study as a whole; develop the ability to research literary and reference material;

- educational: - to educate the citizens of their country on the example of historical and literary events and heroes;

Raising a sense of true patriotism on the example of the heroes of L.N. Tolstoy.

During the classes.

Patriotism does not consist in pompous phrases ...

V.G. Belinsky

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    Teacher's word.

Following Tolstoy, we must understand the nature of the war, which is vividly depicted on the pages of the novel, get acquainted with the historical events of the era, see how people behave differently in war, how the author treats war. And again we will meet with Tolstoy's "tearing off all kinds of masks" and a contrasting comparison of different groups of heroes.

    Conversation with notes.

IMAGE OF THE WAR 1805-1807

The narrative is transferred to the battlefields in Austria, many new heroes appear: Alexander I, the Austrian emperor Franz, Napoleon, army commanders Kutuzov and Mack, commanders Bagration, Weyrother, ordinary commanders, staff officers ... and the bulk are soldiers: Russian, French, Austrian , Denisov's hussars, infantry (Timokhin's company), artillerymen (Tushin's battery), guards. Such versatility is one of the features of Tolstoy's style.

What were the goals of the war and how did its direct participants look at the war?

The Russian government entered the war out of fear of the spread of revolutionary ideas and the desire to prevent Napoleon's aggressive policy. Tolstoy successfully chose the scene of the review in Branau for the initial chapters of the war. There is a review of people and equipment.

What will he show? Is the Russian army ready for war? Do the soldiers consider the aims of the war just, do they understand them? (Read ch.2)

This mass scene conveys the general mood of the soldiers. The image of Kutuzov stands out close-up. Starting the review in the presence of the Austrian generals, Kutuzov wanted to convince the latter that the Russian army was not ready for the campaign and should not join the army of General Mack. For Kutuzov, this war was not a sacred and necessary matter, so his goal was to keep the army from fighting.

CONCLUSION: misunderstanding by the soldiers of the goals of the war, Kutuzov’s negative attitude towards it, distrust between the allies, mediocrity of the Austrian command, lack of provisions, a general state of confusion - this is what the scene of the review in Branau gives.

The main feature of the depiction of war in the novel is that the author deliberately shows the war not in a heroic way, but focuses on "blood, suffering, death."

What way out can be found for the Russian army?

The battle of Shengraben, undertaken on the initiative of Kutuzov, gave the Russian army the opportunity to join forces with its units marching from Russia. The history of this battle once again confirms the experience and strategic talent of Kutuzov, the commander. His attitude to the war, as when reviewing the troops in Branau, remained the same: Kutuzov considers the war unnecessary; but here it was a question of saving the army, and the author shows how the general acts in this case.


Briefly describe Kutuzov's plan.

This "great feat", as Kutuzov called it, was needed to save the entire army, and therefore Kutuzov, who took care of people so much, went for it. Tolstoy once again emphasizes the experience and wisdom of Kutuzov, his ability to find a way out in a difficult historical situation.

What is cowardice and heroism, feat and military duty - these moral qualities are clear to everyone. Let us trace the contrast between the behavior of Dolokhov and the staff, on the one hand, and Tushin, Timokhin with the soldiers, on the other (Ch. 20-21).

Company Timokhin

The whole company of Timokhin showed heroism. In conditions of confusion, when the troops taken by surprise fled, Timokhin's company "alone in the forest stayed in order and, sitting in a ditch near the forest, unexpectedly attacked the French." Tolstoy sees the company's heroism in their courage and discipline. Quiet, before the battle seemed awkward, the company commander Timokhin managed to keep the company in order. The company rescued the rest, took prisoners and trophies.

Dolokhov's behavior

After the battle, one Dolokhov boasted of his merits and injury. His courage is ostentatious, he is characterized by self-confidence and protruding himself to the fore. True heroism is accomplished without calculation and protrusion of one's exploits.

Tushin battery.

In the hottest area, in the center of the battle, Tushin's battery was without cover. No one had a more difficult situation in the battle of Shengraben, while the results of the battery firing were the greatest. In this difficult battle, Captain Tushin did not experience the slightest fear. Tell about the battery and Tushin. In Tushin Tolstoy discovers a wonderful person. Modesty, selflessness, on the one hand, determination, courage, on the other, based on a sense of duty, this is Tolstoy's norm of human behavior in battle, which determines true heroism.

BATTLE OF AUSTERLITZ (part 3, ch.11-19)

This is a compositional center, all the threads of an inglorious and unnecessary war go to it. The lack of a moral incentive for waging war, the incomprehensibility and alienation of its goals to soldiers, distrust between the allies, confusion in the troops - all this was the reason for the defeat of the Russians. According to Tolstoy, it is in Austerlitz that the true end of the war of 1805-1807, since Austerlitz expresses the essence of the campaign. “The era of our failures and shame” - this is how Tolstoy himself defined this war.

Austerlitz became an era of disgrace and disappointment not only for all of Russia, but also for individual heroes. Not at all the way he would like, N. Rostov behaved. Even a meeting on the battlefield with the sovereign, whom Rostov adored, did not bring him joy. With a feeling of the greatest disappointment in Napoleon, who used to be his hero, Prince Andrey also lies on the Pratsensky mountain. Napoleon introduced himself to him as a small, insignificant man. Feeling disappointed in life as a result of realizing the mistakes made by the characters. In this regard, it is noteworthy that next to the Austerlitz battle scenes there are chapters that tell about the marriage of Pierre to Helene. For Pierre, this is his Austerlitz, the era of his shame and disappointment.

CONCLUSION: Universal Austerlitz - this is the result of volume 1. Terrible, like any war, by the annihilation of human life, this war, according to Tolstoy, did not have at least an explanation for its inevitability. Started for the sake of glory, for the sake of the ambitious interests of the Russian court circles, it was incomprehensible and not needed by the people, and therefore ended with Austerlitz. Such an outcome was all the more shameful because the Russian army could be courageous and heroic when it had at least some understanding of the objectives of the battle, as was the case under Shangreben.


    "French Crossing the Neman" (part 1, ch. 1-2)

French camp. Why, then, “millions of people, having renounced their human feelings and their minds, had to go to the East from the West and kill their own kind.”

There is unity in the French army - both among the soldiers and between them and the emperor. BUT this unity was mercenary, the unity of the invaders. But this unity is fragile. Then the author will show how it falls apart at the decisive moment. This unity is expressed in the blind love of the soldiers for Napoleon and taking it for granted by Napoleon (the death of the uhlans during the crossing! They were proud that they were dying in front of their emperor! But he did not even look at them!).

    Abandonment by Russians of their lands. Smolensk (part 2, ch. 4), Bogucharovo (part 2 ch. 8), Moscow (part 1 ch. on her.

BATTLE OF BORODINO (vol. 3, part 2, ch. 19-39)

This is the culmination of the whole action, as firstly, the battle of Borodino was a turning point, after which the French offensive bogged down; secondly, it is the point of intersection of the destinies of all heroes. Wanting to prove that the battle of Borodino was only a moral victory for the Russian army, Tolstoy introduces a battle plan into the novel.

Most of the scenes before and now during the battle are shown through the eyes of Pierre, since Pierre, who does not understand anything in military affairs, perceives the war from a psychological point of view and can observe the mood of the participants, and according to Tolstoy, this is the reason for victory. Everyone talks about the need for victory at Borodino, about confidence in it: “One word - Moscow”, “Tomorrow, no matter what, we will win the battle.” Prince Andrei expresses the main idea for understanding the war: we are not talking about an abstract living space, but about the land in which our ancestors lie, soldiers go to battle for this land.

And under these conditions, one can neither "pity oneself" nor "be generous" with the enemy. Tolstoy recognizes and justifies the defensive and liberation war, the war for the life of fathers and children. War is "the most disgusting thing in life." This is Andrei Bolkonsky. But when they want to kill you, deprive you of your freedom, you and your land, then take a club and smash the enemy.

1. The mood of the French camp (Ch. 26-29)

2. Battery Raevsky (Ch. 31-32)

3. The behavior of Napoleon and Kutuzov in battle (ch. 33-35)

4. Wounding of Prince Andrei, his courage (ch. 36-37)

As a result of the Battle of Borodino, Tolstoy's conclusion about the moral victory of the Russians sounds (ch. 39).

    Answer the questions:

1. War of 1805-1807 Give a description.

2. Is the Russian army ready for war?

3. Why was the battle of Shengraben won?

4. Why was the Russian army defeated at Austerlitz?

5. Which of the heroes of the novel endures his "Austerlitz"?

6. Patriotic War of 1812. Give a description.

7. Do the Russian soldiers understand its goals?

8. Why, according to Tolstoy, was a moral victory won by the Russian army near Borodino?

9. Describe the guerrilla war? What role did she play in the victory of the Russian army over the French invaders?

10. What role did the Patriotic War of 1812 play in the fate of the heroes of the novel?

    Summary of the lesson.


True and false patriotism in the novel "War and Peace"

The novel "War and Peace" in terms of genre is an epic novel, since Tolstoy shows us historical events that cover a large period of time (the action of the novel begins in 1805 and ends in 1821, in the epilogue); over 200 characters act in the novel, there are real historical figures (Kutuzov, Napoleon, Alexander I, Speransky, Rostopchin, Bagration and many others), all social strata of Russia of that time: high society, noble aristocracy, provincial nobility, army, peasantry, even merchants.

One of the main issues that worries Tolstoy is the question of patriotism and heroism of the Russian people, it is considered very deeply in the novel. At the same time, Tolstoy does not fall into a falsely patriotic tone of narration, but looks at events sternly and objectively, like a realist writer. The author talks about his novel and about the faithful sons of the Fatherland, who are ready to give their lives for the salvation of the Motherland, about false patriots who think only about their own selfish goals. With this solution of the patriotic theme, Lev Nikolayevich reflected the true historical reality. It consists in depicting the feat of the Russian people in the Patriotic War of 1812. The author speaks in his novel about the faithful sons of the Fatherland, and about false patriots who think only about their own selfish goals.

In Tolstoy's novel, someone utters big words, engages in noisy activities or useless fuss - someone experiences a simple and natural feeling of "the need for sacrifice and suffering in the consciousness of a common misfortune." The former only imagine themselves as patriots and shout loudly about their love for the Fatherland, while the latter are them and give their lives in the name of a common victory or leave their own property to be plundered, so long as it does not go to the enemy. In the first case, we are dealing with false patriotism, repulsive with its falseness, selfishness and hypocrisy. This is how secular nobles behave at a dinner in honor of Bagration: when reading poems about the war, “everyone stood up, feeling that dinner was more important than poetry.” A false patriotic atmosphere reigns in the salons of Anna Pavlovna Scherer, Helen Bezukhova and in other Petersburg salons: “...calm, luxurious, preoccupied only with ghosts, reflections of life, Petersburg life went on in the old way; and because of the course of this life, great efforts had to be made to realize the danger and the difficult situation in which the Russian people found themselves. There were the same exits, balls, the same French theater, the same interests of the courts, the same interests of service and intrigue. Only in the highest circles have efforts been made to recall the difficulty of the present situation. Indeed, this circle of people was far from understanding the all-Russian problems, from understanding the great misfortune and the need of the people in this war. The world continued to live by its own interests, and even in the moment of a national disaster, greed and promotion reign here.

False patriotism is also shown by Count Rostopchin, who puts up stupid "posters" around Moscow, urges the inhabitants of the city not to leave the capital, and then, fleeing the people's wrath, deliberately sends the innocent son of the merchant Vereshchagin to death. Meanness and betrayal are combined with self-importance, pouting: “It not only seemed to him that he controlled the external actions of the inhabitants of Moscow, but it seemed to him that he was directing their mood through his appeals and posters, written in the dark language, which in its midst despises the people and which he does not understand when he hears it from above.

Like Rostopchin, the novel shows Berg, who, in a moment of general confusion, is looking for profit and is preoccupied with buying a wardrobe and a toilet "with an English secret." It never occurs to him that now it is a shame to think about purchases that are not necessary. Such, finally, is Drubetskoy, who, like other staff officers, thinks about awards and promotions, wants to "arrange for himself the best position, especially the position of adjutant with an important person, which seemed to him especially tempting in the army." It is probably no coincidence that on the eve of the Battle of Borodino, Pierre notices this greedy excitement on the faces of the officers, he mentally compares it with "another expression of excitement", "which spoke of not personal, but general issues, issues of life and death." war world patriotism tolstoy

True patriots in Tolstoy's novel do not think about themselves, they feel the need for their own contribution and even sacrifice, but do not expect rewards for this, because they carry in their souls a genuine holy sense of the Motherland

There is a war going on in Austria. General Mack is defeated at Ulm. The Austrian army surrendered. The threat of defeat hung over the Russian army. And then Kutuzov decided to send Bagration with four thousand soldiers through the rugged Bohemian mountains towards the French. Bagration had to quickly make a difficult transition and delay the 40,000-strong French army until the arrival of the commander in chief. His detachment needed to accomplish a great feat in order to save the Russian army. So the author brings the reader to the image of the first great battle.

In this battle, as always, Dolokhov is bold and fearless. He shows his courage in battle, where “he killed one Frenchman point-blank and took the first officer by the collar.” But after that, he goes to the regimental commander and reports on his “trophies”: “Please remember, Your Excellency!” Then he untied the handkerchief, pulled it and showed the gore: “Wound with a bayonet, I stayed at the front. Remember, Your Excellency." Everywhere and always Dolokhov worries about himself, only about himself, everything he does, he does for himself.

We are not surprised by Zherkov's behavior either. When, at the height of the battle, Bagration sent him with an important order to the general of the left flank, he did not go forward, where the shooting was heard, but began to “search” for the general away from the battle. Due to an untransmitted order, the French cut off the Russian hussars, many died and were wounded. There are many such officers. They are not cowardly, but they do not know how to forget themselves, their careers and personal interests for the sake of a common cause. However, the Russian army consisted not only of such officers.

Heroism in the novel looks casual and natural. In the chapters depicting the Battle of Shengraben, we meet true heroes. In describing this battle, the author shows how confusion seized the infantry regiments at the news of the encirclement. “The moral hesitation that decides the fate of the battles has obviously been resolved in favor of fear.” Here he sits, the hero of this battle, the hero of this “case”, small, thin and dirty, sitting barefoot, taking off his boots. This is artillery officer Tushin. “With big, intelligent and kind eyes, he looks at the commanders who have entered and tries to joke: “The soldiers say that they are more dexterous when they take off their shoes,” and he is embarrassed, feeling that the joke has failed. Tolstoy is doing everything so that Captain Tushin appears before us in the most unheroic form, even ridiculous. But this funny man was the hero of the day. Prince Andrey will rightly say about him: “We owe the success of the day most of all to the action of this battery and the heroic steadfastness of Captain Tushin with the company.”

The second hero of the Shengraben battle is Timokhin. The battle seemed lost. But at that moment the advancing French suddenly ran back ... and Russian arrows appeared in the forest. It was Timokhin's company. He appears at the very moment when the soldiers succumbed to panic and ran. His actions are at the behest of the heart. Not numerical superiority, not the complex plans of the commanders, but the enthusiasm of the company commander, who led the soldiers, decides the outcome of the battle, it was his determination and belligerence that forced the enemy to retreat. “... With such insane and drunken determination, with one skewer ...” Only thanks to Timokhin did the defenders have the opportunity to return and gather battalions. The Russians won "a moral victory, one that convinces the enemy of the moral superiority of his enemy and of his impotence."

Courage is varied. There are many people who are unrestrainedly brave in battle, but are lost in everyday life. With the images of Tushin and Timokhin, Tolstoy teaches the reader to see truly brave people, their low-key heroism, their great will, which helps to overcome fear and win battles.

In the war of 1812, when every soldier fought for his home, for relatives and friends, for his homeland, the consciousness of danger increased tenfold strength. The deeper Napoleon advanced into the depths of Russia, the more the strength of the Russian army grew, the more the French army weakened, turning into a bunch of thieves and marauders. Only the will of the people, only the people's patriotism makes the army invincible. This conclusion follows from Leo Tolstoy's novel War and Peace.

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