Composition on the topic: "Chichikov, who is he: an entrepreneur - an adventurer or a swindler." Chichikov is a scoundrel or entrepreneur Businessman is a chameleon


Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol is one of the most brilliant authors of our vast Motherland. In his works, he always spoke about the sore, about what His Rus' lived in His time. And he does it so well! This man really loved Russia, seeing what our country really is - unhappy, deceitful, lost, but at the same time - dear. Nikolai Vasilievich in the poem "Dead Souls" gives a social profile of the then Rus'. Describes landlordism in all colors, reveals all the nuances, characters. Among them, one of the most important, the main character of this poem, is Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov.

So who is he? The writer does not allow us to immediately and clearly understand what his hero looks like, whether he is fat or thin, not handsome, but not bad-looking. We cannot understand any of his human qualities. This is one of the most mysterious characters in Russian literature. Only in the eleventh chapter will we see and understand what Chichikov really is and what kind of upbringing he received.

How to understand whether he is an entrepreneur or an acquirer? In order to understand this, it is necessary to understand - what is the difference between these concepts? The acquirer is busy acquiring, that is, receiving something for personal use and rejoices. And the entrepreneur also acquires, but also does something with it ... He either resells or tries to multiply the thing he bought earlier. That is, he makes things work for him. So who is our Chichikov?

What is the point of buying dead souls? That they cost mere pennies, if they have any value at all. But according to the documents, they are exactly the same people as the living ones. That is, buying up the dead, our Pavel Ivanovich gave an insignificant amount of money for them, but received full-fledged peasants, on paper. And he didn't really need them. He had nowhere to place them, he also did not have an estate for work.

So it turns out that Chichikov is the acquirer. Perhaps we agree with Nikolai Vasilyevich, he already knew what he was talking about. After all, Pavel Ivanovich stopped at the same thing - he bought a hundred or two dead souls and calmed down. And what else could be done with them. But doesn't our hero have entrepreneurial traits? Try to persuade sleepy and greedy landlords to sell you dead souls. The only thing is that Chichikov manages to get out of all these delicate situations, and even make a deal for his own benefit. He was able to find an approach to each of the landowners. Those, in turn, are also cunning to disgrace. In the depths of their souls, understanding the illegality of the purchase and sale transactions they make, they still do not tell where to go, but go towards the swindler and become his accomplices.

Thus, Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol makes us understand that Russia will be behind the Chichikovs. Swindlers will never run out in our country, and there will always be someone who will support fraud and enter into a criminal relationship.

How do we, the inhabitants of the twenty-first century, perceive Pavel Ivanovich? Most consider him a safe crook. What is so special about deceiving the state? Now very, very many people are doing worse things. But in Gogol's time, the protagonist of his poem was the most disgusting character, whom nothing could justify.

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"scoundrel", "purchaser". In the eleventh chapter of the first volume, the writer tells in detail about the life path of Chichikov from birth to the moment when this "hero" started buying up dead souls; how Chichikov's character was formed, what vital interests, formed in him under the influence of the environment, guided his behavior. Even as a child, his father taught him: “most of all please teachers and bosses ... hang out with those who are richer so that they can be useful to you on occasion ... and most of all, take care and save a penny, this thing is most reliable in the world .. You will do everything and break through the world with a penny."

"with a great mind on the practical side", he successfully accumulated money. Service in various institutions developed and polished his natural data in Chichikovo - a practical mind, deft ingenuity, hypocrisy, patience, the ability to "comprehend the spirit of the boss", to find a weak string in a person's soul and the ability to influence it for personal purposes.

"He became a noticeable person. Everything turned out to be in him that is necessary for this world: both pleasantness in turns and actions, and glibness in business affairs." All this distinguished Chichikov in his further service; this is how he appears to us during the purchase of dead souls. "Irresistible strength of character", "agility, insight and clairvoyance", all his ability to charm a person, Chichikov puts into play in order to achieve the desired enrichment. Widely applying all his practical ingenuity, courtesy and resourcefulness, Chichikov managed to charm both the provincial town and the estates. He knows how to approach everyone in a special way, subtly calculating his moves and adapting the manner of address and the very tone of speech to the character of the landowner. The reader is struck by the inexhaustible variety of shades and subtleties of his treatment of Manilov, Korobochka, Nozdrev, Sobakevich, Plyushkin, with the personalities of the provincial society, etc. Chichikov's internal "many-sidedness", elusiveness is emphasized by his appearance, given by Gogol in indefinite tones. “In the britzka sat a gentleman who was not handsome, but not bad-looking either, neither too fat nor too thin, one cannot say that he was old, but not so much that he was too young.” Chichikov's facial expression is constantly changing, depending on who and what he is talking about.

“I tried to tell him (his face) a lot of different expressions: now important and sedate, now respectful, but with a certain smile, then simply respectful without a smile; several bows were released into the mirror, accompanied by obscure sounds, somewhat similar to French, although in French Chichikov did not know at all. Chichikov is outwardly tidy, loves cleanliness, is dressed in a good, fashionable suit, is always carefully shaved, and perfumed; he always wears clean underwear and a fashionable dress "of brown and reddish tones with a spark" or "the color of Navarino smoke with flames." And this external neatness, cleanliness of Chichikov, strikingly contrasting with the internal dirt and uncleanliness of this hero, fully completes the image of a "scoundrel", "acquirer", a predator who uses everything to achieve his main goal - the profit of acquisition. Gogol satirically castigates his hero, a "scoundrel", a representative of those predators, of whom there were many in the 1930s, when bourgeois-capitalist forces had already begun to develop within the framework of the feudal-serf system. The language of "Dead Souls" is exceptionally rich and original.

less than in their actions, deeds. But the speech of the author-narrator unites the various stylistic tones of the work. Simple and at the same time solemn, inspired, sublime and exciting, it makes the whole work a poetic creation, integral and complete, one with all the different voices resounding in it - from Manilov to the postmaster telling the story of Captain Kopeikin. Gogol, having developed his own special, original genre of the poem, corresponding to all its content, achieved an amazing unity of style and sound.

"Dead Souls" created a new type of prose, in which the opposite elements of creativity - laughter and tears, satire and lyrics - inseparably merged. Never before have they met in the same work of art. The epic narrative in "Dead Souls" is continually interrupted by the author's excited lyrical monologues, evaluating the character's behavior or reflecting on life, on art. The true lyrical hero of this book is Gogol himself. We hear his voice all the time. The author-narrator is, as it were, an indispensable participant in all the events taking place in the poem. He is invisibly present everywhere. He closely monitors the behavior of his characters and actively influences the reader. Moreover, the author's voice is completely devoid of didactics, because this image is perceived from within, as a representative of the same reflected reality as other characters in Dead Souls. The image of the author is precisely the character created by the artist, having his own character and language, having his own attitude to life, his own complex spiritual and moral world.

This lyrical character gives the whole story a kind of emotional coloring. The lyrical voice of the author reaches the greatest tension on those pages that are directly dedicated to the Motherland, Russia. Such an important topic for him as the future of Russia, its own historical fate and place in the fate of mankind is woven into Gogol's lyrical reflections. Passionate lyrical monologues of Gogol were the expression of his poetic dream of correct reality. They revealed a poetic world, in contrast to which the world of human self-interest and baseness was even more clearly exposed.

Chichikov is a scoundrel or an entrepreneur? and got the best answer

Answer from Natalya[guru]
Chichikov is a character whose life story is given in all details. From the eleventh chapter we learn that Pavlusha belonged to a poor noble family. The father of the protagonist left him a legacy of half a copper and a covenant to study diligently, to please teachers and bosses and, most importantly, to save and save a penny. all lofty concepts only hinder the achievement of the cherished goal. That is why Pavlusha makes his way in life by his own efforts, without relying on anyone's patronage. He builds his well-being at the expense of other people: deceit, bribery, embezzlement, fraud at customs - the tools of the protagonist. No setbacks can break his greed. And every time, committing unseemly acts, he easily finds an excuse for himself. Each chapter expands our understanding of Chichikov’s capabilities and leads to the idea of ​​his amazing variability: with Manilov he is sugary-amiable, with Korobochka he is petty-persistent and rude, with Nozdrev he is assertive and cowardly, with Sobakevich he bargains cunningly and relentlessly, Plyushkin conquers with his "generosity".
In Chichikov's character there is also Manilov's love for the phrase, for the "noble" gesture, and the petty stinginess of Korobochka, and the narcissism of Nozdrev, and the rude stinginess, the cold cynicism of Sobakevich, and the hoarding of Plyushkin. Chichikov is a kind of mirror of each of the landlords listed above, because he has all the qualities that form the basis of their characters. But at the same time, Chichikov is different from his counterparts on the estates, he is a man of the new time, a businessman and an acquirer, he has all the qualities necessary for this. However, he is also a “dead soul”, because the “shining joy” of life is inaccessible to him. Our hero pacifies his blood, which "played strongly", gets rid of human feelings almost completely. The idea of ​​success, enterprise, practicality obscure all emotional impulses in him. True, Gogol notices that in Chichikov there is no stupid automatism of Plyushkin: “In him there was no attachment to money for the sake of money, he was not possessed by stinginess and stinginess. No, they did not move him, - he imagined life ahead in all contentment, so that finally later, over time, he would certainly taste all this, that's what the penny was saved for.
“Selflessness”, patience and strength of character of the protagonist allow him to constantly be reborn and show tremendous energy to achieve his goal. Chichikov knows how to adapt to any microcosm, even the appearance of the hero is such that he will suit any situation: “not handsome, but not bad-looking”, “not too fat, not too thin”, “middle-aged man” - everything in him is indefinite , nothing stands out.
However, oddly enough, our hero is the only character capable of manifesting the movements of the soul. At the end of the poem, the author outlines some prospects for the spiritual rebirth of the protagonist. The overcoming of evil lies, according to the writer, not in social reconstruction, but in the inexhaustible potential of the Russian people. Unfortunately, the second volume of "Dead Souls" was burned, and the third was not written, so the reader could not find out how Gogol leads Chichikov to a moral revival.

Answer from Maria Pisarenko[guru]
scoundrel businessman

Answer from Diamond Di[active]

Answer from T@ni@ Ya@[guru]
Merzlikin ON

Answer from Masha Romanchuk[newbie]
Entrepreneur with wicked intentions

Answer from zai[expert]
and a scoundrel and an entrepreneur

Answer from Zanna Varkki[guru]
Now he seems to be an entrepreneur.

Answer from Karlygash[guru]
enterprising swindler

Sections: Literature

Target. Analyzing chapter 11 of the poem, draw students' attention to one of the extraordinary phenomena in the history of Russian culture of the 19th century: the unconditionally positive heroes of the 18th century, who embodied the moral ideal of the era of classicism, were replaced by "strange characters", immoral and enterprising.


  • Describe the attitude of the writer towards his character.
  • Find out the meaning of the image of the main character, Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov.
  • Discuss the ratio of enterprise, ingenuity in the search for ways to enrich and give a moral assessment of these properties.

Equipment: electronic presentation, handout cards with excerpts from chapter 11 of the poem and questions for analysis.

The class is preliminarily divided into 3 groups, in each group there is one speaker, one co-speaker, the rest complement.

During the classes

1. Introductory speech of the teacher.

In the 19th century, the undoubtedly positive heroes of the last century, who embodied the moral ideal of the era of classicism, were replaced by “strange” characters, immoral and enterprising. The appearance of such a hero as Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov was a real revolution in Russian literature. A strange hero and a strange poem. This is evidenced by the well-known correspondence between V. G. Belinsky and K. Aksakov, who compared Dead Souls with the Iliad and considered Gogol the Homer of the new time. Why was such a hero possible? And who is he, Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov, a clever "combinator", a hero-acquirer or a scoundrel, as the author calls him? Or maybe in Russia one phenomenon is unthinkable without the other?

  1. In Father Pavlusha's advice, what moral values ​​are opposed to money? Is it possible to agree with such a system of values, why is it dangerous?
  2. Is the father's instruction consistent with the moral code of Christianity? What moral laws of the Bible disagree with Father Pavlusha's advice?
  3. What is the moral assessment of the author of the instruction himself, Father Pavlusha? Justify your answer.
  4. Does the father of his son teach meanness or entrepreneurship, speaking about the power of a penny?

3. Work in groups.

Main question:

How did Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov learn the instructions of his father?

Group 1. Analysis of the episode about the aged assistant.

  1. Can the punishment of a bad boss be considered immoral?
  2. Is it possible to protect good by punishing evil with evil?
  3. How to evaluate the act of Chichikov in relation to the daughter of an elderly clerk - enterprise or meanness?

Conclusion: the story with the povytchik is the first moral threshold that Chichikov crossed. Then it went on knurled.

Group 2. Analysis of the episode “Fighting Bribes” (from the words “You need to know that at the same time ...” to the words “The petitioner is right, of course, but now there are no bribe-takers ...”)

  1. Who and what is more immoral - a person or the state, the bureaucracy that does not respect the interests of the individual, or the official himself, who uses social vices for personal enrichment?
  2. How did Chichikov manage to turn the fight against bribes to his advantage? Enterprise or meanness manifested in this episode?
  3. Can deception be moral?

Conclusion: Gogol's officials rob both the state and petitioners. Embezzlement, bribery, robbery of the population are everyday and quite natural phenomena. Gogol shows the immorality of officials even through the description of the government places where they serve. “There is a large three-storey stone house on the square, all white as chalk...” The author ironically explains: “... white as chalk, probably to represent the purity of the souls of the positions placed in it.” These "pure souls" desire only one thing: to live widely at the expense of "the sums of their dearly beloved fatherland." The writer ridiculed greed, meanness, indifference to other people's troubles, bribery, narrow-mindedness - problems that are relevant in our time.

Group 3. Analysis of the episode “Serving as an Attorney” (from the words “From the orders he got ...” to the words “That's two hundred thousand capital”).

  1. Can Chichikov be called a smart person?
  2. Are intelligence and talent subject to moral evaluation?
  3. How to characterize a society that values ​​wealth in human souls?

Conclusion: Chichikov is an expected and natural phenomenon in the Russian bureaucratic world, devoid of moral qualities. Pavel Ivanovich is a figurative generalization of a wide range of phenomena of Russian reality.

Questions to the class:

  • What final assessment of the hero does the writer himself give? Read out.

“So, here is our hero, what he is! But they will perhaps demand a final definition in one line: who is he in relation to moral qualities? That he is not a hero, full of perfection and virtue, is evident. Who is he? so a scoundrel? Why is a scoundrel, why be so strict with others? Now there are no scoundrels among us, there are well-meaning, pleasant people, and those who would put their physiognomy under a public slap in the face to general disgrace, only two or three people can be found, and even they are now talking about virtue. It is most fair to call him: the owner, the acquirer. Acquisition is the fault of everything; because of him things were done, to which the light gives the name of not very clean”

  • What meaning does the writer put into the words “acquisition”, “acquirer”?
  • Why are scoundrel and acquirer contrasted in this passage?
  • Can one thing exist without the other?
  • How can one explain the fact that Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov, a scoundrel hero, an entrepreneur and an acquirer, is sitting in a britzka that is rushing across the expanses of Russia?

The conclusion of the teacher. Chichikov's path is fruitless. This futility is expressed through the wisdom of the popular saying about a deed not worth a damn. This proverb first appears long before the finale of volume 1, and with it Gogol sums up the Chichikov case. And this traditional popular conclusion contains both a sentence to the hero and the possibility, according to the author, of the coming revival. It is not for nothing that in the second volume Murazov repeats to himself: “Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov is a mysterious person for me. After all, if with a kind of will and perseverance, but for a good deed! Sorry Pavel Ivanovich. After all, the hero spends all his outstanding practical mind, will to overcome obstacles, knowledge of people, perseverance in achieving the goal on immoral, and sometimes simply immoral deeds. An entrepreneur, of course, must be a dexterous, energetic, practical person, but such concepts as conscience, loyalty to the word, honesty and nobility have always been part of a kind of “code of honor” of the Russian merchant. The only pity is that they were increasingly replaced by the bourgeois Chichikovs, whose ideal instead of conscience has become a penny.

4. Homework (optional)

  1. Essay-reasoning “Is it possible to revive Chichikov?”
  2. Draw up the Code of Honor for the Modern Entrepreneur.
  3. Composition reasoning “Is Chichikov a bright strong personality or an ordinary little person?”
  4. Prepare a series of illustrations for chapter 11.
  5. Make a system of questions for the analysis of chapter 11.


  1. Voropaev Vladimir “A matter taken from the soul”, magazine “Literature at school”, No. 4, 1998.
  2. Zolotareva I.V., Mikhailova T.I. Lesson developments in Russian literature, Moscow 2004
  3. Pudovkina I. “The world of man in the poem by N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls", newspaper "Literature", No. 12, 2001
  4. Chizhova L.A. “Who is Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov - a scoundrel or an entrepreneur?”, Didakt magazine, No. 5, 1996.


1. Word of the teacher.

We are almost finishing the study of the great work of N.V. Gogol's poem "Dead Souls". And let's remember some of the heroes of the poem.

2. Motivation. Crossword.

Guess what we're talking about?

1. Even his well was dressed in such strong oak, which goes only to mills and ships. ( Sobakevich).

2 - 6. What were the names of Manilov's children? ( Alcides, Themistoclus).

3. ... the hostess entered, an elderly woman, in some kind of sleeping cap, put on hastily, with a flannel around her neck, one of those mothers, small landowners who cry for crop failures, losses ... (Box).

4. ... he talked about how good it would be to build an underground passage from the house or build a stone bridge across the pond ... ( Manilov).

5. For a long time he could not recognize what gender the figure was: a woman or a man. Her dress was completely indefinite, very similar to a woman's hood, on her head was a cap, such as village yard women wear, only one voice seemed to him somewhat strong for a woman. (Plyushkin)

7. It was of medium height, a very well-built young man with full ruddy cheeks, teeth as white as snow, and sideburns as black as pitch. (Nozdrev).








What keyword did we get? (Chichikov)

Right. And today in the lesson we will talk about this hero of Gogol's poem.

    Teacher's word.

The first impression of a character is always very important, so let's turn to the first chapter and try to answer the question: who is he, Chichikov? And what methods of depicting the image does the author use. Find a description of the portrait of Chichikov, what does the author emphasize in the image of the hero?

Gogol - detail master. This is especially evident in the description of Pavel Ivanovich's luggage. Things help to understand the essence of the hero. What did Chichikov's things tell us?

- We will learn even more about Chichikov if we read a little poster story. Find this episode, underline the key words that help to understand the character of Pavel Ivanovich.

What impression did Chichikov manage to make on the officials of the city of N? (1ch.)

So, Chichikov comes to the city of NN. But why? Purpose of his visit. But before answering, let's look at an excerpt video "Chichikov in the tavern".

Chichikov visits the landowners. And in past lessons, we said that Pavel Ivanovich easily finds a common language with all the heroes of the poem. With Manilov he is soft-spoken and delicate, with Sobakevich he is stingy and stingy, with Korobochka he is assertive. He, like a mirror, reflects the spiritual qualities of the landlords, but speaking of the landlords, we concluded that these are people with "dead souls." Let's look at excerpts from some of Chichikov's visits to the landowners and give them the floor, how they feel about Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov.

Hero's business card .

Landowner Manilov-

fruitless dreamer and visionary

invites you to sweet talk"

in "Temple of Solitude"

on the shore of the lake in the manor Manilovka.

"Chichikov at Manilov" (video)

Manilov: “Pavel Ivanovich?! ABOUT! This is an extremely pleasant, educated person. He honored me and my dear Lizonka with his visit ... indeed, such a right, he brought pleasure ... May day ... name day of the heart ... Yes, the case brought me happiness, one might say, exemplary, to talk with Pavel Ivanovich and enjoy a pleasant conversation. Nastasya Petrovna Korobochka! What can you say about Chichikov?

Hero's business card


Korobochka Nastasya Petrovna

collegiate secretary,


superstitious and limited,

always waiting for you in his village

and ready to sell you even

your soul at a bargain price.

Box: A? That visitor! He then bought dead souls from me for 15 rubles. And he also buys bird feathers. And he promised to buy a lot of things. And he also puts fat in the treasury, and therefore, probably, a rogue.

Landowner Nozdryov:

reveler, gambler and talker-

with great pleasure will lose you all his fortune in cards,

then he will drink and eat at your expense in any tavern.

"Chichikov at Nozdrev" (video)

Hero card.

Nozdrev: Who is Chichikov? Yes, he is a big scammer. If I were his boss, then by God I would hang him on the first tree. He also wanted, he is such a pig, a sort of cattle breeder, to take away the governor's daughter. I myself undertook to help him in this matter, because we are great friends. Do you want to know who Chichikov is? Yes, he is a fetyuk, in a word, fetyuk. Now it is clear that he is a two-faced person. Now I know him well. I used to think that he was at least somewhat a decent person, but he did not understand any conversion. You can't talk to him like you would with a close person. No frankness, no sincerity. Just Sobakevich, such a scoundrel!

Manilov: Mikhailo Semyonovich Sobakevich! What is your opinion about Chichikov?


Sobakevich Mikhailo Semyonovich -

hater of enlightenment, strong master, unstable in bargaining,

he will be glad to “sling mud” at all his acquaintances at a hearty dinner in his house.

Sobakevich : Chichikov is a good person!

"Chichikov at Plushkin" (video)

Plushkin: Yes, I must admit, I see little use in this Chichikov: he has started an obscene custom of visiting, and there are omissions in the household ... and feed the horses with hay.

Teacher: So, we listened to those from whom Chichikov bought not quite familiar goods - dead souls. And what did we hear? The most pleasant, most educated person, a rogue, such rubbish, generous. Opinions are different, but in general - a good person. How do you think Chichikov differs from the landowners?

Yes, right. Chichikov has a past and we will learn about him in chapter 11. But, also in chapter 11, Gogol poses an interesting question to the reader in relation to Chichikov: “Who is he? So you're a scoundrel?"

Let's try to answer this question. To do this, we turn to chapter 11 and work with the text according to the plan.


    Chichikov's childhood.

    Teaching at the school.

    Service in the Treasury.

    Participation in the construction commission.

    Customs service.

    Invention of a new enrichment method.

How was Chichikov's childhood? What does Gogol say about the origin and
Chichikov's childhood?

What advice did he get from his father when he entered the school?

How did Chichikov take advantage of his father's advice?

How were his school years?

What goal did Chichikov set for himself when entering into life?

Teacher: Already in childhood and adolescence, Chichikov developed such qualities of character as: the ability to achieve a goal at any cost, a manner to please, to find a benefit for himself in everything, spiritual meanness, etc.

Central to Chichikov's biography is the description of his service career.

Service in the Treasury.

How did Chichikov's service career begin?
- What means does he choose to make a career?
- How did Chichikov manage to win over the assistant?

Teacher: We see that the same qualities that were mentioned above have not only not been lost, but have been developed.

Participation in the construction commission.

Where did Chichikov go from the Treasury?
- What did you achieve in the new place?

Why did he have to leave the commission for the construction of a government building?

Customs Service
- How did his career develop as a customs officer?
- Why did it end in failure?

Teacher: Consequently, the stages of Chichikov's service career are the history of his ups and downs, but for all that, it reveals such traits of his character as energy, efficiency, enterprise, tirelessness and perseverance, prudence, cunning.

Invention of a new enrichment method

Teacher: “Here is our hero all over his face, what he is!”
And we return to the question posed at the beginning of the lesson:
- “Who is he? So you're a scoundrel?"

"A decent, knowledgeable and respectable person"; “the most amiable and most courteous; “not handsome, but not bad-looking, neither too fat nor too thin; one cannot say that he is old, but it is not so that he is young”; kidnapper of the governor's daughter, "spy", "robber Rinaldo Rinaldini", "counterfeiter", "Napoleon in disguise" and, finally, the Antichrist himself.

We are talking about the main character of the poem P.I. Chichikov.

Critic I. Zolotussky said about him: “He is still some kind of strange scoundrel ...”

- Why does Gogol place Chapter 11 at the end of Volume 1 and not at the beginning?

Summary of the lesson.

The image of Chichikov is a huge discovery of Gogol in Russian literature. With the development of social relations, the old feudal-serf system was rapidly collapsing. The Manilovs, Nozdryovs, Plyushkins were no longer able to govern the country, the state, and even their own economy. Time called to life new people - energetic, dexterous opportunists who know how to win their living space, such as Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov, whose image is the broadest socio-psychological generalization, allowing one to speak not only about a literary hero, but also about Chichikovism, i.e., Chichikovism. e. a special socio-psychological practice of a fairly wide range of people. Chichikovshchina threatens the world with its militant, ever-increasing meanness. It brings with it the complete annihilation of humanity in the broadest sense of the word. Chichikovism is terrible because it hides behind external decency and never admits its meanness. The world of Chichikovism is the most terrible, the lowest, the most vulgar circle of Rus' "from one side", and therefore the first volume of the poem ends with it, covering all the phenomena that deserved the most merciless satirical ridicule.

Gogol asks readers a question.

(“And which of you, full of Christian humility, not publicly, but in silence, alone, in moments of solitary conversations with himself, will deepen this heavy inquiry into the inside of his own soul: “Isn’t there some part of Chichikov in me too? » »

How would you answer this question?

Conclusion: Chichikovism is also characteristic of modern society, the Chichikovs are flourishing today, and wine is an acquisition for everything.

The reason lies in the author's characterization of Chichikov. “No, it's time to finally hide the scoundrel. So let's harness the scoundrel!" And in the same chapter, another characterization sounds: “That he is not a hero, full of perfection and virtue, this is evident. Who is he? So, a scoundrel? Why a scoundrel, why be so strict with others?.. It is more fair to call him: the owner, the acquirer. Acquisition is the fault of everything; because of him things were done, to which the light gives the name of not very clean .. "

How do literary critics interpret the image of Chichikov? VF Pereverzev: “Chichikov is the most synthetic type of Gogol. In it, Manilov, Nozdryov, and Sobakevich were tied into one knot. V. Kozhinov: “Chichikov is a truly strong personality…” P. Weil: “Chichikov's mediocrity, grayness… limitedness is his main feature. A small man with small passions. Chichikov knows one goal - money. S.I. Mashinsky: “In the epic with Dead Souls, the diabolical energy and ingenuity of Chichikov, his character as a businessman and inventor of a new formation, was most clearly revealed ...” V.V. Nabokov: "Fool ... it was stupid to trade dead souls with an old woman and Nozdryov."

How do literary critics interpret the image of Chichikov? A. I. Herzen: "One active person - Chichikov, and that limited rogue." V. G. Marantsman: "Chichikov, different from the landowners, is also a dead soul." He is inaccessible to the "shining joy of life." M. B. Khrapchenko: “One of Chichikov’s qualities is the ability to mimic (adaptability), the contradiction between the desire to appear and the inner essence of character” V. Zenkovsky: “The main theme that Gogol traces in Chichikov is the capture of his soul by wealth. This preoccupation with wealth, this belief that there are no other real points of support in life, is a typical feature of modernity, its driving force.

P. M. Boklevsky. Drawings for N. V. Gogol's poem "Dead Souls".

What qualities of Chichikov contributed to his career growth and enrichment. The ability to do something at the right time to plan a “business” that brings profit to conduct business from a “row” of impure ones to keep up a conversation, to make a good impression it is easy to reincarnate to find an approach to everyone to show oneself as a person of good secular tone

Analysis of these episodes once again emphasizes the duality of the hero. Y. Mann “And yet, what an unusually high experience for the vulgar Chichikov. And how much stronger it is than his reaction at the first meeting with a stranger! Here Chichikov felt "almost a hussar." “Inadvertently raising his eyes, he stopped suddenly ... as if deafened by thunder.”

The beauty of the governor's daughter struck Chichikov. What does it say? “Chichikov, of course, is not a poet,” says Gogol. His experiences are incomparably weaker and smaller. In addition, these are rare, exceptional moments of his life. But those minutes were! And that's important!" I. Zolotussky: “Didn’t she let him down completely? Was it not on her that he cut off and let go of, perhaps, happiness already ready to flutter into his hands? If Chichikov did not neglect the attention of city ladies, everything would be fine .. But he got mad, showed his feelings at the ball and was immediately punished.

Why is the image of Chichikov so contradictory? “A lot, too much has been promised, so much that there is nowhere to take what to fulfill the promise, because that is not yet in the world.” (Belinsky). Against Gogol was life itself, and even talent, uncompromisingly consistent and true to the truth.

Who is Chichikov: "scoundrel", "acquirer" or? Whose point of the writer is closer to you. Express your opinion and justify it. A businessman (who successfully, never embarrassed in means, conducts business). The acquirer (aspiring to acquire things, values, to enrichment). Entrepreneur (entrepreneurial and practical). Scoundrel (a mean person, scoundrel).

It is most fair to call him: the owner, the acquirer. N. Gogol. Dead Souls In the poem "Dead Souls" N.V. Gogol showed us not only the destruction of the old patriarchal noble Russia, but also the need for the emergence of people of a different life orientation, dexterous and enterprising, such as Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov. In the image of Chichikov, we see “a man of middle age and a prudently chilled character”, he is partly an official and partly a landowner (though the landowner is “Kherson”, but still a nobleman), “not handsome, but not bad-looking”, “ neither too thick nor too thin." This image is constantly in development, therefore it is so indefinite; Chichikov is endowed with the ability to adapt to events, characters, circumstances, he is flexible, dexterous, many-sided. His father left little Pavlusha a legacy of half a copper and a covenant to study diligently, to please teachers and bosses, to avoid friends and, most importantly, to save and save a “penny”, because everyone can betray, only a penny will help and save. Strictly following his father's advice, Chichikov moved forward in life and soon realized that the concepts of honor, dignity, moral principles, which his father had kept silent about, only interfere with the achievement of goals. The desire for acquisition and accumulation was developed in Chichikov from childhood, as a sacrifice to him, he brought many pleasures that he could use in life. Intelligence and resourcefulness helped the protagonist to make money by deceiving his comrades, bosses, and the state. Working a lot in his youth, enduring infringement and deprivation in his life, Chichikov begins his career by deceiving a clerk and his daughter, and then - bribery, embezzlement of government money, and major fraud at customs. His fate developed in such a way that every time he suffered a fiasco, however, he settled down again and carried out another fraud with even greater energy, justifying himself by the fact that everyone uses their position, “everyone gains” and if he hadn’t taken it, others would have taken it. We understand that in Russia in those days such behavior of officials was natural, but Chichikov differed from everyone else by some incomprehensible caution and prudence. To his "acquisitions" he always went very purposefully, systematically, slowly. He also carefully thought out the scam with dead souls, which, after the purchase, he was going to pledge to the board of trustees, as if they were alive, and in this business to get rich. When buying such an unusual product, Chichikov appears before us as an unsurpassed psychologist. He perfectly knows how to communicate with people, using for his own purposes both their advantages and disadvantages. Communicating with officials and landowners, Chichikov behaves with each of them in completely different ways, skillfully adapting to their characters and social status: sometimes sentimental, sometimes rude, sometimes stubborn and persistent, sometimes flattering and insinuating. With his vigor, efficiency, intelligence, he favorably stands out against the background of sluggish, often stupid landowners who do not have specific goals. However, communicating with scoundrels, swindlers, idlers, fools, Chichikov does not become more honest, nobler, more humane from this. Calling his hero "a swindler among swindlers", a "scoundrel", Gogol not only expresses his attitude towards this type of people, but also tries to show us that acquisitiveness is becoming a terrible scourge of society. Adroit, enterprising, energetic, Chichikov is different from the "dead souls" of the landlords and officials with whom he was brought together, but he brings the world no less evil. We see how vulgarity, inertia, and spiritual poverty are being replaced by merciless unscrupulousness towards people, militant meanness. The goal in life for Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov was capital, money as a means of giving independence, a position in society. Separately taken service, ranks never interested him, and Chichikov went to his only goal, casting aside moral norms, honor and dignity, internal responsibility to people for his immoral acts. Gogol was disturbed and disturbed by the appearance of the Chichikovs in society, since it not only opened the way for even greater predators and rogues, but also led to a loss of humanity. In his "Author's Confession" the writer confessed: "I thought that ... lyrical power ... would help me portray the shortcomings so vividly that the reader would hate them, even if he found them in himself." However, we see that in our time the Chichikovs find areas of application for their ideas, energy, selfish plans. But not only reasonable legislation, which has risen to protect the people, is capable of fighting them, but also each person individually, developing his inner qualities, educating his heart and soul.

But nevertheless, it is Chichikov in the poem- one of the few "people of the way" who, according to Gogol, were destined to be reborn. Yes, the hero's goal is petty, but movement towards it is better than complete immobility. However, the second volume of the poem, in which the hero was supposed to come to the purification of the soul, was never published. The social soil on which the Chichikovs flourished has long been destroyed. And the evil of hoarding continues to entangle humanity. Is this why the image of Chichikov can be considered Gogol's brilliant discovery?

Chichikov not only indefatigable in devising cunning plans. His whole appearance has already been adapted to make it easier to "save a penny." There are no striking features in his appearance, he is "not too fat, not too thin", "not handsome, but not bad-looking either." Chichikov knows people very well and speaks with everyone in a language understandable to his interlocutor. He conquers officials with “the pleasantness of secular treatment,” Manilov charms with a sugary tone, knows how to scare Korobochka, plays checkers with Nozdryov on the souls of dead peasants. Even with Plyushkin, who avoids communication with people, Chichikov finds a common language.

Hero origin, as the author says, "dark and modest." His parents are impoverished nobles, and his father, giving Pavlush to the city school, can leave him only “half a copper” and a wise order: to please teachers and bosses and, most importantly, save and save a penny. Even in childhood, Pavlusha discovers great practicality. He knows how to deny himself everything, just to save at least a small amount. He pleases teachers, but only as long as he depends on them. After graduating from college, Pavlusha no longer considers it necessary to help the drunken teacher.

Gotta give credit to the hero. He does not enjoy patronage and does not have enough stars from the sky; everything he achieves is the result of hard work and constant deprivation. Moreover, every time the contours of good luck appear on the horizon, another disaster falls on the hero's head. Gogol pays tribute to "the irresistible strength of his character", for he understands how hard it is for a Russian person to "throw a bridle on everything that would like to jump out and walk free."

Certainly It is no coincidence that officials compare Chichikov with Captain Kopeikin. Within the framework of the plot, this comparison is comical (the postmaster does not pay attention to the fact that Chichikov has his arms and legs in place), but for the writer it is of great importance, it is not for nothing that even the name of the noble captain is consonant with Chichikov's "save a penny." The hero of the war of 1812 embodies the romantic era of the recent past, but now time has completely crushed, and the Chichikovs have become his heroes. And the worst thing is that in life they are perceived by people in the same way as in the poem. They are called interesting, everyone is happy with them. That is why Gogol considers it necessary to look deeper into their souls, to discover their "inmost thoughts", that which "eludes and hides from the light."

« All Rus' will appear in it”, - N.V. Gogol said about his work “Dead Souls”. Sending his hero on a journey through Russia, the author seeks to show everything that is characteristic of the Russian national character, everything that forms the basis of Russian life, the history and modernity of Russia, tries to look into the future ... From the height of his ideas about the ideal, the author judges “everything terrible, amazing mud of trifles that have entangled our lives”, Gogol’s penetrating gaze explores the life of Russian landowners, peasants, the state of people’s souls. The wide typification of the images of the poem became a prerequisite for the fact that the names of many of Gogol's heroes became common nouns. And yet, Gogol could be considered a genius at the same time only by creating the image of the “dearest person” Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov. What kind of person is this Chichikov? The author emphasizes that the time of virtuous heroes has passed, and therefore shows us ... a scoundrel.

Chichikov is a new type of businessman-entrepreneur for Russian reality. But this does not mean that Gogol excludes him from a number of literary associations. Sometimes Pavel Ivanovich resembles a romantic secular hero who "... was ready to let go of the answer, probably no worse than those that are let go in fashionable stories ...". Secondly, in Pavel Ivanovich there is something from the image of a romantic robber (according to rumors, he breaks into Korobochka "like Rinald Rinaldina"). Thirdly, city officials compare him to Napoleon, who was "released" from Helena. Finally, Chichikov is identified even with the Antichrist. Of course, such associations are parodic. But not only. The worst thing, according to Gogol, is that the appearance of such a hero says that vice has ceased to be majestic, and evil has ceased to be heroic. Chichikov is an anti-hero, an anti-villain. He embodies only the prose of adventurism for the sake of money.

Chichikov convinces himself that there is no "attachment to money itself for money's sake." Money is a means to achieve life "in all contentment." With bitter irony, the author notes that the hero of the poem would even sometimes like to help people, "but only so that it does not consist in a significant amount." And so, gradually, the desire for hoarding obscures the most important moral principles for the hero. Fraud, bribery, meanness, fraud at customs - these are the means by which Pavel Ivanovich tries to ensure a decent existence for himself and his future children. It is not surprising that such a hero conceives a fantastic scam: the purchase of "dead souls" in order to pledge them to the treasury. He has not been interested in the moral aspect of such transactions for a long time, he fully justifies himself by the fact that he “uses the excess”, “takes where anyone would take”.

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