Composition on the topic “The character of Pyotr Grinev. Young, fearless, honest and merciful - the main characteristics of the image of Pyotr Grinev in the story A


The image of Pyotr Grinev in the story "The Captain's Daughter" fascinates with its breadth and versatility. It contrasts with the image of Grinev Sr., Peter's father - a man with an established worldview and a fully formed character. Pyotr Andreevich, on the other hand, is a young sixteen-year-old boy whose personality is just beginning to develop, is in a state of constant search and movement.

Union of opposite qualities

On the first pages of the story, Petrusha Grinev remains a frivolous and rather careless offspring of a landowner, an undersized loafer, dreaming of a simple and worldly life full of various worldly pleasures as a guard officer in the capital. The image of Pyotr Grinev in the story "The Captain's Daughter" shows these features especially clearly in the episode where the young man meets the hussar officer Zurin during his visit to Simbirsk. And also in the way he treats Savelich, who is selflessly devoted to him, how, imitating adults from his circle, he tries to put him in the place of a serf servant. However, in the same episode, Pushkin also reveals some of the positive qualities of his hero. Grinev yells at Savelich, realizing in the depths of his soul that he is wrong, feeling that he is sorry for the poor old man. After some time, Peter comes to ask his forgiveness.

Interweaving of characters

The image of Pyotr Grinev in the story "The Captain's Daughter" combined the loving and kind heart of the hero's mother, as well as the directness, honesty and courage of his father. The young man was deeply impressed by the parting words of the latter, in which he urged Peter to faithfully serve the one to whom he swore allegiance, to listen to the words of his superiors, but not to curry favor with them, not to shy away from service. It is in the parting words of Grinev Sr. that the famous proverb “take care of the dress again, and honor from youth” appears.


The next moment when Peter showed the best qualities of his soul - when he generously donated a rabbit coat to the counselor, not yet knowing what role this case would play in his entire future life. The kindness of the hero was manifested repeatedly in other situations. This is the side of Grinev's personality that allowed him to feel acute pity for the Bashkir who suffered from the tsarist "justice", to rush headlong to the rescue of Savelyich, who was captured. And the breadth of Petrusha Grinev's heart manifested itself especially brightly after his meeting with Masha Mironova, who sowed a feeling in his soul, for the sake of which he was ready to make any sacrifices and face any dangers head-on.

Father's covenants and the formation of personality

Further, the image of Pyotr Grinev in the story "The Captain's Daughter" becomes the personification of loyalty to the precepts of his father. We are talking about events that unfolded directly in spite of everything, Peter did not change himself, his ideas about honor and duty, despite the fact that these concepts were severely limited and distorted by his class and noble prejudices. In the conditions of that harsh school of life to which his father gave instead of free Petersburg, a new Peter Grinev appears before the reader. "The Captain's Daughter" is a story in which a stupid and selfish boy reveals his best features in a short time, and the reader watches how they harden and grow stronger under the influence of various situations.

"A strong and good shock" produces a grandiose uprising of the peasants in the heart of Grinev. He becomes a strong and confident person, not afraid of obstacles. And this is what allowed Peter, even after his father did not give consent to their marriage with Masha Mironova, not to give up and not give up.

Why is the story "The Captain's Daughter" so controversial? The characterization of Pyotr Grinev, as well as other characters, is not just idealized images, clearly delineated into “good” and “bad” characters. These are real living people, with their own internal conflicts and doubts. For example, Pyotr Grinev himself, due to his noble origin and upbringing, cannot support the ideas of the Pugachev uprising. Moreover, the young man actively helps to fight the rebels. However, the head of the movement himself aroused sincere and deep sympathy in Peter's soul, which was explained not only by the fact that the first repeatedly helped him, but also by the fact that Grinev involuntarily became imbued with sympathy for this man from the people - brave, strong, outstanding and true to his ideas.

Pyotr Andreevich Grinev is the central character of the story "The Captain's Daughter". Grinev's whole life is an example of the behavior of a young man who thought early about his mission, honor, dignity, and loyalty to his word. The life lessons that the son of Andrei Petrovich received, from the point of view of the modern reader, are very cruel and difficult. In fact, young Grinev was prepared to endure the test of strength, to confirm the right to be called an officer, a man.

From the first pages of the story, Peter Grinev is characterized as a person brought up in an environment of strictness and increased attention to the reputation of the family. This is the father's influence. Peter was dearly loved by his mother, as the only surviving son, and this love for a long time protected him from all storms and hardships. Finally, the boy was greatly influenced by Arkhip Savelyich, a former stirrup, a connoisseur of oral folk art, well versed in horses and dogs, intelligent, far-sighted and exceptionally devoted to the family. He gave freedom to the barchuk, and he grew up "chasing pigeons and playing leapfrog with the yard boys." Thus, the formation of the personality of Peter Grinev took place under the influence of all these factors in the aggregate.

To understand the image of the hero, it is necessary to carefully examine all the stages of his biography.
There are at least four turning points when Peter had to make a decision to pass a kind of exam. The first key episode is the loss of a game of billiards to Captain Zurov. It is quite possible that the reveler Zurov would have forgiven an unreasonable child who dangerously played too much. Relying on this, the good-natured Savelich tearfully begs the young master not to compensate for the damage. But Grinev the man does not need concessions. He commits his first serious act: "The debt must be paid!"

The second key moment is the conversation with Shvabrin, from whose lips insults were made against the chaste girl. Leaving such an act unattended is not a man's thing. Grinev stands up for the honor of Masha, as a result he receives a severe penetrating wound to his shoulder. The pages that describe Grinev, who is recovering from a serious illness, are truly touching.

The third important point: the rescue of the bride from captivity. No one was going to liberate the Belogorsk fortress, occupied by the rebels, but there were no barriers for Pyotr Grinev. He is hot and reckless in a good way.

Finally, the fourth episode. Grinev under investigation is threatened to be sent to an eternal settlement in Siberia if he fails to justify himself. Helped the rebels? Spying for Pugachev? Why did you meet with the ataman of the robbers? Peter refuses to defend himself, because he does not want to defame, "rinse" the name of the bride. He agrees to go to hard labor, but the daughter of Captain Mironov, who laid down his life for the Fatherland, will remain clean in front of people. He will not tolerate gossip.

Self-denial in the name of love, in the name of higher justice, leads the young nobleman to the road of truth and takes him forever away from the crooked path of dishonor and oblivion. No wonder the image of Grinev in the story The Captain's Daughter is considered one of the most expressive in Russian fiction. Even in the 21st century, he is able to excite readers and awaken a good response in the souls.

Artwork test

Conducted on behalf of Pyotr Andreevich Grinev. This is a young man, 17-18 years old. He is the son of a nobleman living in the Simbirsk province, a retired prime minister. His father, Andrei Petrovich Grinev, has a deeply developed sense of noble honor and duty to the state. The retired major enrolled his son in the Semyonovsky regiment, not yet knowing who would be born to him. He brought up in his son the qualities that a real nobleman should have - honor, fearlessness, generosity.

Petr Andreevich received home education. At first, the stirrup, serf Grinev, was engaged in his "education". Surely, he taught Peter to understand not only dogs. Russian literacy was taught by Pyotr Savelich. Spending a lot of time with the child, he probably told him military stories, fairy tales that left their mark on the boy's soul. When the boy was 12 years old, he was discharged from Moscow by a tutor who did not really bother to study with a noble boy. However, the receptive mind of the boy received the necessary knowledge in the field of French, which allowed him to translate.

One day the father entered the room and saw how his child was "studying" geography. The transformation of a geographical map into a flying kite while the teacher was sleeping angered the old major, and the tutor was pushed out of the estate by you.

When Pyotr Andreevich was 17 years old, the father called his son to him and announced that he was sending him to the service of the fatherland. But contrary to Petrusha's expectations, he was sent not to the capital, but to distant Orenburg, bordering on the Kyrgyz steppes. This prospect did not make the young man very happy.

“Petrusha will not go to Petersburg. What will he learn by serving in St. Petersburg? wind and hang? No, let him serve in the army, let him pull the strap, let him sniff gunpowder, let him be a soldier, not a shamaton.

These words of Andrei Petrovich express the character of an officer of the old school - a decisive, strong-willed and responsible person, but more than that - the attitude of a father to his son is expressed. After all, it is no secret to anyone that all parents strive to place their beloved children where it is comfortable, and you need to work less. And Andrei Petrovich wanted to raise a real man and officer from his son.

The image of Pyotr Grinev, created by Pushkin in The Captain's Daughter, is not just a positive character. The story shows his growing up, hardening of moral qualities and the ability to overcome difficulties.

During the journey, Pyotr Andreevich met Ivan Ivanovich Zurin, who took advantage of Grinev's inexperience, who had fluttered out of his father's house for the first time. He got the young man drunk and beat him.

It cannot be said that Pyotr Andreevich was windy and reckless. He was just still young. And looked at the world with childishly innocent eyes. This evening and acquaintance with Zurin served as a good lesson for Grinev. He was never again fond of games and alcohol.

In the episode with the hare sheepskin coat, Grinev showed kindness and generosity, which later saved his life.

In the Belogorsk fortress, where the Orenburg general sent him to serve, Grinev quickly got along with the inhabitants of the fortress. Unlike, whom many did not respect here, Grinev became his man in the Mironov family. The service did not tire him, and in his free time he became interested in literary work.

In the story with, he showed, if not courage (in this case, this word is simply inappropriate), then determination, the desire to stand up for the honor of the girl he liked.

He will show his courage later, when, under pain of death, he refuses to swear allegiance to the impostor, to kiss his hand. turned out to be the same companion who helped Grinev get to the inn, and to whom Grinev gave his hare coat.

A sense of honor and duty to the state and the empress, to whom he took the oath, honesty to the end before Pugachev, and not only before him, elevate the young man in the eyes of the reader. Grinev will show courage even when he goes to Belogorskaya to rescue Shvabrin from the hands. The fact that Grinev is ready to go to hard labor speaks in his favor, so as not to involve Masha, the daughter of Captain Mironov, whom he managed to fall in love with, in the proceedings.

For the year that Grinev will serve in the Orenburg province, a year full of events that more than once put him before a moral choice. And during the time that he spends in prison, he will receive moral hardening. This year made a man out of a boy.

He tells the story on behalf of Grinev, hiding behind him and maintaining a simple, artless tone and language from beginning to end. Grinev is not a "hero" in the classical sense of the word, but far from being mediocre. This is one of those many officers who came from a simple noble family, on whose valor and honesty the glory of the Russian army was created. He received an education at home, which was usually received in that era by the children of noble landowners; in early childhood, he was entirely in the care of the serf Savelich, “for sober behavior granted” to him as uncles. Savelich taught him Russian literacy. When the boy grew up, his father hired a French teacher, writing him out of Moscow, "along with a year's supply of wine and olive oil." This everyday detail alone takes us into the atmosphere of a prosperous, but simple landlord family of the Catherine era. Under the contract, Monsieur Beaupré was supposed to teach Petrusha "in French, German and all sciences", which he was completely incapable of, because "in his own country he was a hairdresser, then in Prussia a soldier, then he came to Russia "pour être outchitel" [to be a teacher], not really understanding the meaning of the word. Beaupre turned out to be a "good fellow", but not of particularly high morals, for which he was soon dismissed from his post. The fashion of that era - to entrust the upbringing of children to foreigners, without understanding their pedagogical and moral qualities, was ridiculed and denounced in their works by Novikov, Fonvizin, Griboyedov. Grinev himself says that he " lived undergrowth"Until the age of sixteen. But it is clear that by nature he was not stupid and gifted with extraordinary abilities, because in the Belogorsk fortress, having no other entertainment, he took up reading, practicing French translations and sometimes writing poetry. “A desire for literature awakened in me,” he writes. - Alexander Petrovich Sumarokov several years later praised his literary experiments very much.

Here is everything we know about the education of Petr Andreevich Grinev; Now let's talk about his upbringing. The concepts of upbringing and education are often combined into one whole, while, in essence, these are two different areas, and sometimes the question even arises: what is more important for a person - education or upbringing? In this case, it was the upbringing given to Grinev by his parents, instilled in him from childhood by words, instruction, and most importantly by example, that made him a man, created solid foundations that showed him a direct and correct path in life. What example did he see in his parents' house? We can judge this by individual words scattered throughout the story. We learn that Grinev's parents were honest, deeply decent people: the father, adhering to strict rules himself, did not allow drunken and frivolous behavior in his house, among his servants and subordinates. The best evidence of his principles of instruction, which he gives to his son: “serve faithfully to whom you swear; obey the bosses; do not chase after their affection; do not ask for service; do not excuse yourself from the service; and remember the proverb: take care of the dress again, and honor from youth.

A. S. Pushkin. Captain's daughter. audiobook

The main thing in these instructions is loyalty to the oath. We see how important Grinev the father attached to her by his terrible grief when he found out about the accusation against his son of treason to the empress, of participating in Pugachev's rebellion. It is not the son’s exile to Siberia to an eternal settlement, with which the Empress “out of respect for the merits of her father” replaced the execution that threatened him, plunges the old man into despair, but the fact that his son is a traitor. “My son participated in the plans of Pugachev! Good God, what have I lived for!” he exclaims: “The Empress saves him from execution! Does that make it easier for me? Execution is not terrible: my ancestor died at the place of execution, defending what revered as sacred to his conscience "... "But the nobleman to change his oath" ... "Shame and disgrace to our family!" - In fact, Pyotr Andreevich Grinev, as we know, never changed his oath; his father's instructions given to him before his departure evidently sunk deep into his soul; in all the difficult and dangerous moments of his life, he never changed the requirements of duty and honor.

Over the short time described in the story (about two years), we see how a boy who “lived undergrowth”, chased pigeons, made a kite from a geographical map, under the influence of extraordinary events and strong feelings, turns into an adult, decent and honest . At the beginning of the story, his behavior is still purely boyish: playing billiards with Zurin, an innocent lie to the general when explaining the expression "hedgehogs", etc.; but love for Marya Ivanovna, and most importantly, the terrible incidents of the Pugachev rebellion contribute to the fact that he quickly matures. He tells everything that happened to him with perfect sincerity; does not hide that sometimes he did stupid things - but his personality appears all the brighter before us.

Grinev is smart and very nice. The main features of his character: simplicity (he never draws), directness and innate nobility in all actions; when Pugachev pardoned him due to Savelich's interference when he was on the verge of death, he can not kiss the hand of the robber who pardoned him: "I would prefer the most cruel execution to such humiliation." Kissing the hand of Pugachev, who gave him life, would not be a betrayal of the oath, but it was contrary to his innate sense of nobility. At the same time, the feeling of gratitude to Pugachev, who saved his life, who saved Marya Ivanovna from Shvabrin, never leaves him.

With great masculinity in all the actions of Grinev, sincerity and kindness shine through in his relationship with people. In difficult moments of his life, his soul turns to God: he prays, preparing for death, in front of the gallows, "bringing to God sincere repentance for all sins, and praying to Him for the salvation of all loved ones." At the end of the story, when he, innocent of anything, unexpectedly ended up in prison, chained, he "resorted to the consolation of all those who mourn, and, for the first time tasting the sweetness of a prayer poured out from a pure but torn heart, he calmly fell asleep," not caring that will be with him.

Pushkin described the events of the Pugachev uprisings based on his own vision of the historical past of Russia. The characters presented by the author should help the reader to recreate in his imagination the pictures of those days.

The image and characterization of Pyotr Grinev in The Captain's Daughter clearly shows that even in a difficult life situation one cannot give up.

The childhood and youth of Petr Andreevich Grinev

"Andrey Petrovich (Petya's father) served under the count in his youth, and retired as prime minister." The young man's mother came from a poor noble family. Peter was the only child in the family. Nine children born before him have died.

Petrusha grew up as a mischievous boy, he shied away from his studies. He rejoiced when the French teacher was in a drunken stupor and did not require him to complete assignments.

“I lived underage, chased pigeons, played leapfrog with the yard boys.”

My father tried to raise Petrusha according to military rules. The boy dreamed that he would go to work in St. Petersburg, where he would begin a fun independent life. The parent sends him to a village not far from Orenburg.

Conscience does not sleep

It may seem that Grinev is rather eccentric. On the way, he loses a hundred rubles in billiards, demands Savelich to repay the debt. To the driver's warning that a blizzard will soon begin, the guy does not react, but orders to go further.

After such actions, he realizes that he made a mistake. Ready to go to reconciliation and ask for forgiveness first. So it happened with Savelich.

"Well! Enough, let's make peace, I'm guilty, I myself see that I was guilty.

After a duel with Shvabrin, Peter quickly moves away from resentment.

"I forgot to him both our quarrel and the wound received from him in a duel."

Openness, the ability to get along with people, to show respect for them

In the Belogorsk fortress, Grinev immediately makes friends with Lieutenant Shvabrin, not yet understanding what kind of person he really is. He often visits the commandant's family. They are happy for him. They have conversations on all sorts of topics. The guy respects the Mironovs. He never uses his noble origin, does not divide people into social classes.

Love and devotion.

In love with Masha Mironova. Sincere feelings inspire him. Writes poetry in her honor. When Shvabrin speaks obscene words about her, he immediately challenges him to a duel in order to defend the honor of his beloved. After he receives his father's refusal to bless the marriage, he does not find a place for himself, cannot imagine life without his beloved. Ready to go against the will of the parents.

He constantly thinks about Masha, worries about her. When Shvabrin kept her in the fortress by force, Grinev tried to go to save her alone.

“Love strongly advised me to stay with Marya Ivanovna and be her protector and patron.”

Courage and bravery of a true warrior

When Pugachev attacked the fortress and brutally cracked down on those who were against his power, Grinev did not give up. He did not become a traitor, like Shvabrin, did not bow to the impostor, did not kiss his hands. The schismatic spared him, because once, he gave him a warm sheepskin coat in gratitude for saving him from a severe snowstorm.

Peter tells the rebel the truth. When the false king demands to go over to his side, to give a promise not to fight against a gang of villains, the young man will sincerely answer that he cannot do this. He is not afraid of Emelyan's wrath, and this is what bribes his respect.

Shvabrin makes false accusations against Peter. He is arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment. Maria will save him by asking for mercy from the Empress herself.

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