Composition on the topic: "the legend of Danko" a. m



1 “Courage and cowardice” - arguments for the final essay The essay in the context of this aspect can be based on a comparison of opposite manifestations of personality from decisiveness and courage, manifestations of willpower and fortitude of some heroes to the desire to evade responsibility, hide from danger, show weakness, which can even lead to betrayal. Examples of the manifestation of these qualities of a person can be found in almost any work of classical literature. A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter" As an example, we can take a comparison of Grinev and Shvabrin: the first is ready to die in the battle for the fortress, directly expresses his position to Pugachev, risking his life, under pain of death remained faithful to the oath, the second was afraid for his life and went over to the side of the enemy. The daughter of Captain Mironov turns out to be truly courageous. The "coward" Masha, who shuddered from the shots at the exercises in the fortress, shows remarkable courage and firmness, opposes the claims of Shvabrin, being in his full power in the fortress occupied by the Pugachevites. The title character of the novel by A.S. Pushkin's "Eugene Onegin" in fact turned out to be a coward; he completely subordinated his life to the opinion of society, which he himself despised. Realizing that he is to blame for the overdue duel and can prevent it, he does not do this, as he is afraid of the opinion of the world and gossip about himself. To avoid accusations of cowardice, he kills his friend. A striking example of true courage is the protagonist of the novel M.A. Sholokhov "Quiet Flows the Don" Grigory Melekhov. The First World War picked up Gregory and spun in a whirlwind of turbulent historical events. Grigory, like a true Cossack, gives himself over to the battle. He is determined and bold. Easily captures three Germans, deftly beats off a battery from the enemy, saves an officer. Evidence of his courage St. George's crosses and medals, officer rank. Gregory shows courage not only in battle. He is not afraid to radically change his life, to go against the will of his father for the sake of his beloved woman. Gregory does not tolerate injustice and always speaks openly about it. He is ready to drastically change his fate, but not to change himself. Grigory Melekhov showed extraordinary courage in the search for the truth. But for him it is not just an idea, some idealized symbol of a better human existence.

2 He is looking for her embodiment in life. Coming into contact with many small particles of truth and ready to accept each, he often discovers their failure when faced with life, but the hero does not stop in search of truth and justice and goes to the end, making his choice at the end of the novel. Not afraid to completely change his life and the young monk, the hero of the poem M.Yu. Lermontov "Mtsyri". The dream of a free life completely captured Mtsyri, a fighter by nature, forced by circumstances to live in a gloomy monastery hated by him. He, who has not lived a day in freedom, independently decides on a brave act to escape from the monastery in the hope of returning to his homeland. Only in the wild, in those days that Mtsyri spent outside the monastery, all the wealth of his nature was revealed: love of freedom, thirst for life and struggle, perseverance in achieving the goal, unbending willpower, courage, contempt for danger, love for nature, understanding of its beauty and power. Mtsyri shows courage, the will to win in the fight against the leopard. In his story about how he descended from the rocks to the stream, contempt for danger sounds: But free youth is strong, And death seemed not terrible. Mtsyri failed to achieve his goal of finding a homeland, his people. “The prison has left its mark on me”, this is how he explains the reason for his failure. Mtsyri fell victim to circumstances that turned out to be stronger than him (a stable motive of fate in the works of Lermontov). But he dies adamant, his spirit is not broken. Great courage is required in order to preserve oneself, one's personality under the conditions of a totalitarian regime, not to abandon one's ideals and ideas, including in creativity, not to submit to the conjuncture. The question of courage and cowardice is one of the central ones in M.A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita" The words of the hero of the novel, Ga-Notsri, affirm the idea that one of the main human vices is cowardice. This idea continues throughout the novel. The all-seeing Woland, opening the “curtain” of time for us, shows that the course of history does not change human nature: Judas, Aloysia (traitors, scammers) exist at all times. But betrayal is also most likely based on cowardice, a vice that has always existed, a vice that underlies many grave sins.

3 Aren't traitors cowards? Aren't flatterers cowards? And if a person is lying, he is also afraid of something. Back in the 18th century, the French philosopher K. Helvetius argued that "after courage, there is nothing more beautiful than a confession of cowardice." In his novel, Bulgakov claims that man is responsible for the improvement of the world in which he lives. The position of non-participation is not acceptable. Can the Master be called a hero? Most likely no. The master failed to remain a fighter to the end. The Master is not a hero, he is only a servant of the truth. Can't be a Master hero, since he chickened out of his book. He is broken by the hardships that have befallen him, but he has broken himself. Then, when he fled from reality to Stravinsky's clinic, when he assured himself that "there is no need to make big plans," he doomed himself to inactivity of the spirit. He is not a creator, he is only a Master, that is why he is granted only “peace”. Yeshua is a wandering young philosopher who came to Yershalaim to preach his doctrine. He is a physically weak person, but at the same time he is a spiritually strong person, he is a man of thought. The hero does not give up his views under any circumstances. Yeshua believes that a person can be changed for the better with kindness. It is very difficult to be kind, so it is easy to replace goodness with all sorts of surrogates, which often happens. But if a person does not get scared, does not give up his views, then such goodness is omnipotent. The “tramp,” the “weak man,” managed to turn the life of Pontius Pilate, the “almighty ruler.” Pontius Pilate is the representative of the power of Imperial Rome in Judea. The rich life experience of this man helps him to understand Ha-Nozri. Pontius Pilate does not want to ruin the life of Yeshua, he tries to persuade him to a compromise, and when this fails, he wants to persuade the high priest Kaifa to pardon Ha-Nozri on the occasion of the Easter holiday. Pontius Pilate feels both pity for Yeshua, and compassion, and fear. It is fear that ultimately determines his choice. This fear is born of dependence on the state, the need to follow its interests. Pontius Pilate for M. Bulgakov is not just a coward, an apostate, but he is also a victim. By departing from Yeshua, he destroys both himself and his soul. Even after physical death, he is doomed to mental suffering, from which only Yeshua can save him. Margarita, in the name of her love and faith in the talent of her lover, overcomes fear and her own weakness, even overcomes circumstances.

4 Yes, Margarita is not an ideal person: becoming a witch, she destroys the house of writers, participates in Satan's ball with the greatest sinners of all times and peoples. But she didn't flinch. Margarita fights to the end for her love. It is not for nothing that Bulgakov calls for love and mercy to be the basis of human relations. In the novel "The Master and Margarita", according to A.Z. Vulis, there is a philosophy of retribution: what you deserve, you get. The greatest vice of cowardice will surely entail retribution: the torment of the soul and conscience. Back in The White Guard, M. Bulgakov warned: "Never run away at a rat's pace into the unknown from danger." To take responsibility for the fate of other people, perhaps weaker ones, is also a great courage. Such is Danko, the hero of the legend from M. Gorky's story "Old Woman Izergil". Proud, "the best of all" man, Danko died for the people. The legend told by the old woman Izergil is based on an ancient legend about a man who saved people and showed them the way out of the impenetrable forest. Danko had a strong-willed character: the hero did not want a slave life for his tribe, and at the same time he understood that people would not be able to live in the depths of the forest for a long time without their usual space and light. Mental fortitude, inner wealth, true perfection in biblical tales were embodied in outwardly beautiful people. This is how the ancient idea of ​​a person about spiritual and physical beauty was expressed: “Danko is one of those people, a young handsome man. The beautiful are always brave." Danko believes in his own strength, so he does not want to spend it "on thought and longing." The hero seeks to lead people out of the darkness of the forest to freedom, where there is a lot of warmth and light. Having a strong-willed character, he takes on the role of a leader, and people "all together followed him, believed in him." The hero was not afraid of difficulties during the difficult journey, but he did not take into account the weakness of the people, who soon "began to grumble", because they did not have Danko's stamina and did not have a strong will. The culminating episode of the story was the scene of the trial of Danko, when people, tired of the weight of the path, hungry and angry, began to blame their leader for everything: “You are an insignificant and harmful person for us! You led us and tired us, and for this you will perish! Unable to endure the difficulties, people began to shift the responsibility from themselves to Danko, wanting to find the culprit for their misfortunes. The hero, selflessly loving people, realizing that without him everyone would die, “tore his chest with his hands and tore out his heart from it and raised it high above his head.” Illuminating the dark path from the impenetrable forest with his

With his heart, Danko led people out of the darkness to where "the sun shone, the steppe sighed, the grass shone in the diamonds of the rain, and the river sparkled with gold." Danko looked at the picture that opened before him and died. The author calls his hero a proud daredevil who died for the people. The final episode makes the reader think about the moral side of the hero's act: was Danko's death in vain, are people worthy of such a sacrifice. What is important is the image of a “cautious” person who appeared in the epilogue of the story, who was frightened of something and stepped “on a proud heart with his foot”. The writer characterizes Danko as the best of people. Indeed, the main character traits of the hero are mental stamina, willpower, selflessness, the desire to wholeheartedly serve people, courage. He sacrificed his life not only for the sake of those whom he brought out of the forest, but also for himself: he could not do otherwise, the hero needed to help people. The feeling of love filled Danko's heart, was an integral part of his nature, so M. Gorky calls the hero "the best of all." Researchers note the connection of the image of Danko with Moses, Prometheus and Jesus Christ. The name Danko is associated with the same-root words "tribute", "dam", "giving". The most important words of a proud, brave man in the legend: “What will I do for people ?!” Many works of classical Russian literature raise the issue of fear of life in its various manifestations. In particular, many works of A.P. are devoted to the theme of fear and cowardice. Chekhov: "Fears", "Cossack", "Champagne", "Beauties", "Lights", "Steppe", "Man in a Case", "Death of an Official", "Ionych", "Lady with a Dog", "Chameleon" , "Ward 6", "Fear", "Black Monk", etc. The hero of the story "Fear" Dmitry Petrovich Silin is afraid of everything. According to the author of the story, he is "sick with the fear of life." The hero, according to Chekhov, is frightened by the incomprehensible and incomprehensible. For example, Silin is afraid of terrible events, catastrophes and the most ordinary events. He is afraid of life itself. Everything that is not clear in the world around him is a threat to him. He reflects and tries to find answers to his questions about the meaning of life and human existence. He is convinced that people understand what they see and hear, and he poisons himself daily with his own fear. The hero of the story is always trying to hide and retire. It is as if he is running away from life: he leaves the service in St. Petersburg due to the fact that he experiences feelings of fear and fear, and decides to live alone in his estate. And here he

6 takes a second hard hit when his wife and friend betray him. When he finds out about the betrayal, fear drives him out of the house: "His hands were trembling, he was in a hurry and looked around at the house, he was probably scared." It is not surprising that the hero of the story compares himself to a newborn midge, whose life consists of nothing but horrors. In the story "Ward 6" the theme of fear also comes to the fore. The hero of the story, Andrei Efimovich, is afraid of everything and everyone. Most of all, he is afraid of reality. Nature itself looks terrible to him. The most ordinary things and objects seem frightening: "Here it is reality!" Andrey Efimovich thought. The moon, and the prison, and the nails on the fence, and the distant flame in the bone factory were terrible. The fear of the incomprehensibility of life is presented in the story "The Man in the Case". This fear causes the hero to move away from reality. The hero of the story, Belikov, is constantly trying to "hide from life" in a case. His case is made of circulars and regulations, which he constantly follows. His fear is undefined. He is afraid of everything and at the same time of nothing in particular. The most hated for him is non-compliance with the rules and deviation from the regulations. Even insignificant little things plunge Belikov into mystical horror. "Reality irritated him, frightened him, kept him in constant anxiety, and, perhaps, in order to justify this timidity of his, his disgust for the present, he always praised the past and what had never happened; and the ancient languages ​​\u200b\u200bthat he taught , were for him, in essence, the same galoshes and an umbrella where he hid from real life. If Silin, out of fear of life, tries to hide in his estate, then Belikov's fear of life makes him hide in a case of rules and strict laws and, in the end, hide underground forever. The hero of the story "About Love" Alekhine is also afraid of everything and also prefers to hide, secluded in his estate, although he had a good opportunity to engage in literature. He is even afraid of his own love and tortures himself when he overcomes this feeling and loses the woman he loves. The fairy tale by M.E. is dedicated to the problem of fear of life. Saltykov-Shchedrin "The Wise Gudgeon". The life of a minnow flashes before the reader, simple in its structure, based on fear of the potential dangers of the world order. The father and mother of the hero lived a long life and died a natural death. And before departing to another world, they bequeathed to the son to be careful, since all the inhabitants of the water world, and even man, in any

7 moment can destroy him. The young minnow learned the science of his parents so well that he literally imprisoned himself in an underwater hole. He came out of it only at night, when everyone was sleeping, he was malnourished and “trembled” all day and night just so as not to be caught! In this fear, he lived for 100 years, really outliving his relatives, although he was a small fish that anyone can swallow. And in this sense, his life was a success. His other dream came true, to live in such a way that no one would ever know about the existence of the wise minnow. Before his death, the hero thinks about what would happen if all the fish lived the same way as he did. And he sees: the genus of minnows would cease! All the opportunities to make friends, start a family, raise children and pass on his life experience passed him by. He is clearly aware of this before his death and, deep in thought, falls asleep, and then involuntarily violates the boundaries of his hole: “his snout” is shown out of the hole. And then there is scope for the reader's imagination, because the author does not report what happened to the hero, but only states that he suddenly disappeared. There were no witnesses to this incident, so that not only the task of at least living unnoticed was achieved by the minnow, but the “super task” was also to disappear unnoticed. The author bitterly sums up the life of his hero: "He lived trembling, and he died trembling." Often anxiety, caring for loved ones helps to become courageous. Remarkable courage is shown by a little boy from the story of A.I. Kuprin "The White Poodle" In the story, all the most important events are connected with the white poodle Arto. The dog is one of the artists of the wandering troupe. Grandpa Lodyzhkin appreciates him very much and says about the dog: "He feeds, waters and clothes the two of us." It is with the help of the image of a poodle that the author reveals human feelings and relationships. Grandfather and Serezha love Artoshka and treat him like a friend and family member. That is why they do not agree to sell their beloved dog for any money. But Trilly's mother believes: "Everything is sold, what is bought." When her spoiled son wanted a dog, she offered fabulous money to the artists and did not even want to listen that the dog was not for sale. When Arto could not be bought, they decided to steal it. Here, when grandfather Lodyzhkin showed weakness, Seryozha shows determination and takes a brave deed worthy of an adult: by all means return the dog. At the risk of his life, almost getting caught by the janitor, he frees his friend.

8 The theme of cowardice and courage has been repeatedly addressed by contemporary writers. One of the most striking works is the story of V. Zheleznikov "Scarecrow". A new student Lena Bessoltseva comes to one of the provincial schools. She is the granddaughter of an artist who leads a secluded life, which was the reason for the removal of the townspeople from him. Classmates openly make it clear to the new girl, whose rules are here. Over time, Bessoltseva begins to be despised for her kindness and kindness, classmates give her the nickname "Scarecrow". Lena has a kind soul, and she tries in every possible way to establish contact with her classmates, trying not to react to the insulting nickname. However, the cruelty of children led by class leaders knows no bounds. Only one person feels sorry for the girl and Dima Somov begins to be friends with her. One day the children decided to skip classes and go to the cinema. Dima returned to the classroom to pick up the forgotten item. He was met by a teacher, and the boy was forced to tell the truth that his classmates had run away from classes. After that, the children decide to punish Dima for his betrayal, but suddenly Lena, who has remained neutral all this time, stands up for her friend and begins to justify him. Classmates quickly forget Dima's sin and transfer their aggression to the girl. Lena was boycotted to teach her a lesson. Cruel children burn an effigy symbolizing Lena. The girl, unable to withstand such oppression any longer, asks her grandfather to leave this city. After Bessoltseva left, the children experience torments of conscience, they understand that they have lost a really good, honest person, but it’s too late to do anything. The clear leader in the class is the Iron Button. Her behavior is determined by the desire to be special: strong-willed, principled. However, these qualities are inherent in her only externally, she needs them to maintain leadership. At the same time, she is one of the few who partly sympathizes with Lena and distinguishes her from the rest: “I did not expect this from the Scarecrow, the Iron Button finally broke the silence. Hit everyone. Not all of us are capable of this. It's a pity that she turned out to be a traitor, otherwise I would have made friends with her. And you are all squishy. You don't know what you want." And she realizes the reason for this sympathy only at the very end, at the moment of parting with Bessoltseva. It becomes obvious that Lenka is not like the others. She has inner strength, courage, which allows her to resist lies and preserve her spirituality.

9 Dimka Somov occupies a special place in the system of images of the story. At first glance, this is a person who is not afraid of anything, does not depend on others, and this differs from his peers. This is manifested in his actions: in his attempts to protect Lena, in the way he freed the dog from Valka, in the desire to be independent from his parents and earn money himself. But then it turns out that, like Red, he depended on the class and was afraid to exist separately from it. Fearing the opinions of his classmates, he turned out to be capable of repeated betrayal: he betrays Bessoltseva when he does not confess his misconduct, when he burns Lenka's effigy together with everyone, when he tries to scare her, when he throws her dress around with the others. His external beauty does not correspond to the internal content, and in the episode of farewell to Bessoltseva, he causes only pity. Thus, none of the class passed the moral test: they did not have enough moral foundation, inner strength and courage for this. Unlike all the characters, Lena turns out to be a strong personality: nothing can push her to betrayal. Several times she forgives Somov, which testifies to her kindness. She finds the strength to survive all the insults and betrayals, not to become embittered. It is no coincidence that the action takes place against the backdrop of portraits of Lena's ancestors, especially the brave General Raevsky. Apparently, they are designed to emphasize the courage characteristic of her family. Courage and cowardice in extreme situations, in war. Most clearly, the true qualities of the human personality are manifested in extreme situations, in particular, in war. Roman L.N. Tolstoy's "War and Peace" is not only and not so much about war, but about human characters and qualities that manifest themselves in difficult conditions of choice and the need to commit an act. Important for the writer are reflections on true courage, courage, heroism and cowardice as personality traits. Most clearly, these qualities are manifested in military episodes. Drawing heroes, Tolstoy uses the technique of opposition. How different we see Prince Andrei and Zherkov in the battle of Shengraben! Bagration sends Zherkov with an order to retreat to the left flank, that is, to where the most dangerous thing is now. But Zherkov is desperately cowardly and therefore jumps not to where the shooting is, but is looking for the chiefs "in a safer place where they could not be." Thus, a vital order by this adjutant

10 is not transmitted. But he is handed over by another officer, Prince Bolkonsky. He is also scared, the balls fly right over him, but he forbids himself to be cowardly. Zherkov was afraid to get to the battery, and at the officer's dinner he boldly and shamelessly laughed at the amazing hero, but a funny and timid man, Captain Tushin. Not knowing how courageously the battery acted, Bagration scolded the captain for leaving the gun. None of the officers found the courage to say that Tushin's battery was without cover. And only Prince Andrei was indignant at these unrest in the Russian army and the inability to appreciate true heroes, and not only justified the captain, but called him and his soldiers the true heroes of the day, to whom the troops owe success. Timokhin, inconspicuous and unremarkable under normal circumstances, also demonstrates true courage: "Timokhin, with a desperate cry, rushed at the French with one skewer, ran into the enemy, so that the French dropped their weapons and ran." One of the main characters of the novel, Andrei Bolkonsky, possessed such qualities as pride, courage, decency and honesty. At the beginning of the novel, he is dissatisfied with the emptiness of society and therefore goes to military service, to the active army. Going to war, he dreams of accomplishing a feat and earning people's love. In the war, he shows courage and courage, the soldiers characterize him as a strong, courageous and demanding officer. In the first place, he puts honor, duty and justice. During the battle of Austerlitz, Andrey accomplishes a feat: he picks up a banner that has fallen from the hands of a wounded soldier and drags the soldiers fleeing in a panic with him. Another hero who goes through a test of his character is Nikolai Rostov. When the plot logic leads him to the battlefield of Shengraben, the moment of truth comes. Until that time, the hero is absolutely sure of his courage and that he will not disgrace himself in battle. But, having seen the true face of the war, coming close to death, Rostov realizes the impossibility of murder and death. They can't possibly want to kill me, he thinks as he runs from the French. He is confused. Instead of shooting, he throws his gun at the enemy. His fear is not fear of the enemy. They have a sense of fear for their happy young life. Petya is the youngest in the Rostov family, his mother's favorite. He goes to war very young, and the main goal for him is to accomplish a feat, to become a hero: “... Petya was in a constantly happy-excited state

11 joy that he is big, and in constant enthusiastic haste not to miss any case of real heroism. He has little combat experience, but a lot of youthful fervor. Therefore, he boldly rushes into the thick of the battle and falls under enemy fire. Despite his young age (16), Petya is desperately brave and sees his mission in serving the fatherland. The Great Patriotic War provided much material for reflection on courage and cowardice. True courage, courage in war can be shown not only by a soldier, a warrior, but also by a simple person who, by the forces of circumstances, is involved in a terrible cycle of events. Such a story of a simple woman is described in the novel by V.A. Zakrutkin "Mother of Man". In September 1941, the Nazi troops advanced far into the depths of Soviet territory. Many regions of Ukraine and Belarus were occupied. He remained on the territory occupied by the Germans and a farm lost in the steppes, where a young woman Maria, her husband Ivan and their son Vasyatka lived happily. Having seized the previously peaceful and abundant land, the Nazis ruined everything, burned the farm, drove people to Germany, and hanged Ivan and Vasyatka. Only Mary managed to escape. Alone, she had to fight for her life and for the life of her unborn child. Further events of the novel reveal the greatness of the soul of Mary, who has become truly the Mother of Man. Hungry, exhausted, she does not think about herself at all, saving the girl Sanya, mortally wounded by the Nazis. Sanya replaced the deceased Vasyatka, became a part of the life of Mary, which was trampled on by the fascist invaders. When the girl dies, Maria almost goes crazy, not seeing the meaning of her continued existence. And yet she finds the courage to live. Feeling a burning hatred for the Nazis, Maria, having met a wounded young German, frantically throws herself at him with a pitchfork, wanting to avenge her son and husband. But the German, a defenseless boy, shouted: “Mom! Mother!" And the heart of a Russian woman trembled. The great humanism of the simple Russian soul is extremely simply and clearly shown by the author in this scene. Maria felt her duty to the people driven to Germany, so she began to harvest from the collective farm fields not only for herself, but also for those who, perhaps, would still return home. A sense of accomplishment supported her in difficult and lonely days. Soon she had a large household, because on the plundered and burned farmstead of Mary

12 all living things flocked. Maria became, as it were, the mother of all the land surrounding her, the mother who buried her husband, Vasyatka, Sanya, Werner Bracht, and completely unfamiliar to her, who was killed on the front line political leader Slava. Maria was able to take under her roof seven Leningrad orphans, brought by the will of fate to her farm. This is how this courageous woman met the Soviet troops with children. And when the first Soviet soldiers entered the burnt farm, it seemed to Mary that she had given birth not only to her son, but also to all the war-deprived children of the world... which is the essence of the storyline of the work. The main characters of the story - Sotnikov and Rybak - behaved differently under the same circumstances. Rybak, being afraid, agreed to join the police, hoping to return to the partisan detachment at an opportunity. Sotnikov chooses a heroic death, because he is a man with a heightened sense of responsibility, duty, the ability not to think about himself, about his own fate, when the fate of the Motherland is being decided. The death of Sotnikov was his moral triumph: "And if anything else he cared about in life, it was his last duties towards people." The fisherman, on the other hand, discovered shameful cowardice, cowardice, and for the sake of his own salvation agreed to become a policeman: "There was an opportunity to live, this is the main thing. Everything else later." The enormous moral strength of Sotnikov lies in the fact that he was able to accept suffering for his people, to maintain faith, not to succumb to the thought that Rybak succumbed to. In the face of death, a person becomes what he really is. Here the depth of his convictions, civic fortitude are tested. This idea can be traced in V. Rasputin's story "Live and Remember". The heroes of the story, Nastena and Guskov, face the problem of moral choice. A deserter husband, who became a deserter by accident: after being wounded, a vacation followed, but for some reason they didn’t give him, they were immediately sent to the front. And, passing by his native home, an honestly fought soldier cannot stand it. He runs home, succumbs to the fear of death, becomes a deserter and a coward, condemning to death everyone for whom he went to fight, whom he loved so much: his wife Nastya and the child they had been waiting for ten years. And the rushing Nastena cannot withstand the weight that has fallen on her. Not

13 endures because her soul is too pure, her moral thoughts are too high, although she may not even know such a word. And she makes her choice: she goes with her unborn child into the waters of the Yenisei, because it is a shame to live like this in the world. And it is not only the deserter that Rasputin addresses his “live and remember.” He speaks to us, the living: live, remembering that you always have a choice. In the story of K.D. Vorobyov "Killed near Moscow" tells about the tragedy of young Kremlin cadets sent to their death during the German offensive near Moscow in the winter of 1941. In the story, the writer shows "the merciless, terrible truth of the first months of the war." The heroes of the story by K. Vorobyov are young. The writer tells about what the Motherland, war, enemy, home, honor, death are for them. The whole horror of war is shown through the eyes of cadets. Vorobyov draws the path of the Kremlin cadet Lieutenant Alexei Yastrebov to victory over himself, over the fear of death, the path of gaining courage. Alexey wins, because in a tragically cruel world, where the war is now the master of everything, he has retained his dignity and humanity, good nature and love for his homeland. The death of the company, the suicide of Ryumin, the death under the caterpillars of German tanks, the cadets who survived the raid, all this completed the reassessment of values ​​in the mind of the protagonist. The story of V. Kondratiev "Sasha" reveals the whole truth about the war, smelling of sweat and blood. The battles near Rzhev were terrible, exhausting, with huge human losses. And the war does not appear in pictures of heroic battles, it is just difficult, hard, dirty work. A man in war is in extreme, inhuman conditions. Will he be able to remain a man next to death, blood mixed with dirt, cruelty and pain for the desecrated land and dead friends? Sashka is an ordinary infantryman, he has been fighting for two months now and has seen a lot of terrible things. In two months, sixteen out of one hundred and fifty people remained in the company. V. Kondratiev shows several episodes from Sasha's life. Here he gets boots for the company commander, risking his life, now he returns to the company under fire to say goodbye to the guys and give up his machine gun, now he leads the orderlies to the wounded, not relying on the fact that they themselves will find him, now he takes a German prisoner and refuses shoot him... Desperate courage shows Sashka takes the German with his bare hands: he has no cartridges, he gave his disk to the company commander. But the war did not kill his kindness and humanity.

14 Nor did ordinary girls want war in the heroine of B. Vasiliev's book "The Dawns Here Are Quiet." Rita, Zhenya, Lisa, Galya, Sonya entered into an unequal struggle with the Nazis. The war made ordinary yesterday's schoolgirls into courageous warriors, because always "in important epochs of life, a spark of heroism flares up in the most ordinary person ...". Rita Osyanina, strong-willed and gentle, she is the most courageous and fearless, because she is a mother! She protects the future of her son, and therefore is ready to die so that he can live. Zhenya Komelkova is cheerful, funny, beautiful, mischievous to the point of adventurism, desperate and tired of the war, of pain and love, long and painful, for a distant and married person. She, without hesitation, leads the Germans away from Vaskov and the wounded Rita. Saving them, she dies herself. “And she could have buried herself,” Vaskov says later, but she didn’t want to. She didn’t want to, because she realized that she was saving others, that Rita needed her son, she had to live. Willingness to die in order to save another is not real courage? Sonya Gurvich, the embodiment of an excellent student and a poetic nature, a “beautiful stranger”, who came out of a volume of poetry by A. Blok, rushes to save Vaskov’s pouch and dies at the hands of a fascist. Liza Brichkina... "Ah, Liza-Lizaveta, she didn't have time, she couldn't overcome the quagmire of war." But after all, without much thought, she ran back to her for help. Was it scary? Yes, sure. Alone among the swamps, but it was necessary and went, without a moment's hesitation. Isn't this courage born of war? The protagonist of the work of B. Vasilyev “Not on the lists” is Lieutenant Nikolai Pluzhnikov, who recently graduated from a military school. This is an enthusiastic young man, full of hope and believing that "... every commander must first serve in the troops." Talking about the short life of a lieutenant, B. Vasiliev shows how a young man becomes a hero. Having been assigned to the Special Western District, Kolya was happy. As if on wings, he flew to the city of Brest-Litovsk, in a hurry to decide on a unit as soon as possible. His guide through the city was the girl Mirra, who helped him get to the fortress. Before reporting to the regimental duty officer, Kolya went into the warehouse to clean his uniform. And at that time the first explosion was heard ... So for Pluzhnikov the war began. Barely having time to jump out before the second explosion, blocking the entrance to the warehouse, the lieutenant began his first battle. He aspired to accomplish a feat, thinking proudly: “I went on a real attack and, it seems, I killed someone. Eat

15 things to tell... And the very next day he was frightened by the German machine gunners and, saving his life, abandoned the fighters who had already trusted him. From this moment, the consciousness of the lieutenant begins to change. He blames himself for cowardice and sets himself the goal of preventing the enemies from capturing the Brest Fortress at all costs. Pluzhnikov realizes that true heroism and feat require courage, responsibility, readiness to “lay down one’s life for one’s friends” from a person. And we see how the awareness of duty becomes the driving force of his actions: you can’t think about yourself, because the Motherland is in danger. Having gone through all the cruel trials of the war, Nikolai became an experienced fighter, ready to give everything for the sake of victory and firmly believing that "it is impossible to defeat a person, even by killing." Feeling a blood connection with the Fatherland, he remained faithful to his military duty, calling for him to fight his enemies to the end. After all, the lieutenant could have left the fortress, and this would not have been desertion on his part, because he was not on the lists. Pluzhnikov understood that it was his sacred duty to defend the Motherland. Left alone in the ruined fortress, the lieutenant met the foreman Semishny, who from the very beginning of the siege of Brest wore the banner of the regiment on his chest. Dying of hunger and thirst, with a broken spine, the foreman kept this shrine, firmly believing in the liberation of our Motherland. Pluzhnikov accepted the banner from him, having received an order to survive at all costs and return the scarlet banner to Brest. Nikolai had to go through a lot during these harsh days of trials. But no troubles could break the man in him and extinguish his fiery love for the Fatherland, because “in important epochs of life, sometimes a spark of heroism flares up in the most ordinary person” ... The Germans drove him into a casemate, from which there was no second way out. Pluzhnikov hid the banner and went out into the light, saying to the man sent for him: “The fortress did not fall: it simply bled out. I am her last drop...” How Nikolai Pluzhnikov is deeply revealed in his human essence in the final scene of the novel, when he, accompanied by Ruvim Svitsky, leaves the casemate. It is written, if we turn to musical creativity for an analogy, according to the principle of the final chord. Everyone in the fortress looked with surprise at Nicholas, this "unconquered son of the unconquered Motherland." In front of them stood "an incredibly thin, no longer aged man." The lieutenant was "no cap, long

16 gray hair touched his shoulders... He stood, straightening up strictly, throwing his head high, and, without looking up, looked at the sun with blinded eyes. And from those unblinking, intent eyes, tears flowed uncontrollably. Marveling at Pluzhnikov's heroism, the German soldiers and the general gave him the highest military honors. “But he did not see these honors, and if he did, he would not care anymore. He was above all conceivable honors, above glory, above life, above death. Lieutenant Nikolai Pluzhnikov was not born a hero. The author tells in detail about his pre-war life. He is the son of Commissar Pluzhnikov, who died at the hands of the Basmachi. Even at the school, Kolya considered himself a model of a general who participated in the Spanish events. And in the conditions of war, the unfired lieutenant was forced to make independent decisions; when he received the order to retreat, he did not leave the fortress. Such a construction of the novel helps to understand the spiritual world not only of Pluzhnikov, but also of all the courageous defenders of the fatherland.

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Composition on the topic: "The Legend of Danko" by A. M. Gorky " 4.36 /5 (87.27%) 22 votes

"The Legend of Danko" tells us about great love and self-sacrifice in the name of people. Far few are capable of such actions, sometimes it seems that there are simply no such people left. Such a person as Danko is rare in our time. The hero has a passionate love for others. In the conditions in which his tribe lived, such qualities as courage and strength were necessary for survival. These strong people had to change their habitat, which broke them, made them weaker and more cowardly. The tribe was waiting for salvation, but there was none. “There were swamps and darkness, because the forest was old and its branches were so densely intertwined that it was impossible to give out the sky through them, and the rays of the sun could hardly make their way to the swamps through dense foliage. But when its rays fell on the water of the swamps, the stench rose, and people died from it one after another.

The time has come for a decisive step, as a deep anguish descended on the tribe. The question arose, what to do? Turn back to evil enemies for destruction, or try to escape. The choice was difficult, and free people chose freedom at any cost. The way back was closed for them, as their goal was to preserve their teachings for future generations. The decision was made, but it’s not so easy to take the first step: “Fear was born among them, bound their strong hands, horror gave birth to women crying over the corpses of those who died from the stench and over the fate of the living, chained by fear, - and cowardly words began to be heard in the forest, at first timid and quiet, and then louder and louder ... "
And then there was one hero who dared to take the first step: "But then Danko appeared and saved everyone alone." They "looked at him and saw that he was the best of all, because in his eyes shone a lot of power and living fire." He was able to light other people with his fire. It was love for people, the desire to save them, and not himself, that helped him instill hope in salvation. He went ahead and led the people.
The determination that flared up so quickly in the hearts faded away with the same speed. People dared to follow Danko, but they were not ready to cope with the difficulties on their way. And not wanting to admit their cowardice and impotence, they attacked Danko in anger and anger. But no matter what, the young man found the strength to remain strong and courageous to the end. It was his immense love for people that gave Danko fresh strength and energy. To show the full strength and dimension of this love, the author used a special technique. “It burned as brightly as the sun, and brighter than the sun, and the whole forest fell silent, illuminated by this torch of great love for people, and the darkness scattered from its light and there, deep in the forest, trembling, fell into the rotten mouth of the swamp.” Seeing this, people ran after him, not noticing the dangers and difficulties on their way.
In his work, M. Gorky showed what the power of a truly loving heart can be, capable of defeating the dark and impassable on the path of a person.

Heroic images in the early romantic works of Maxim Gorky.

The image of a heroic, courageous person, ready for a selfless feat in the name of the people, we find in the early works of Maxim Gorky.

The story "Old Woman Izergil" is a clear example of what attracted Gorky in a person, what character traits he wants to see in him.

The hero of one of the legends told by the old woman Izergil is a brave, noble young man Danko. He loved his people with pure sincere love and did not imagine them in grief and torment. That is why the young man sacrificed his bright heart, his life for the happiness of others, even being sure that no one would thank him. Danko is courageous and fearless, he is attracted to a feat by a noble goal - to be useful to the people. In his eyes "a lot of strength and living fire shone." Tearing his burning heart out of his chest, he "cast a joyful look at the free land and laughed proudly", because "he loved people more than himself."

The image of Danko is accompanied by the image of a burning heart: “His heart burned as brightly as the sun, and brighter than the sun ...” He emphasizes the heroic aspiration of a beautiful young man, gives the whole work a special emotional intensity. Danko's love for people and desire to serve them, his bold aspirations merge with his beauty, strength and youth. “Danko… a handsome young man. The beautiful are always brave."

The whole legend about Danko, about his heart, burning with great love for people, is perceived by the reader as a bold call to heroic deeds.

We find another heroic image in another work by M. Gorky “The Song of the Falcon”. The plot, artistic devices and language of the "Song" emphasize the heroism of the Falcon. The words: brave, proud, fought bravely, a free bird and a number of others help to present the image of the Falcon, capable of high suffering, insane joy and bold, decisive actions.

The image of a fearless bird is opposed to the image of the Uzh, incapable of action, stupid and self-satisfied. These images are perceived as symbols, with the help of which the author answers the main question: “How should one live, what is the meaning of life?” He doesn’t dream of anything and justifies his life, devoid of any aspirations, with the words: “Fly or crawl, the end is known: everyone will fall into the ground, everything will be dust ...”

Quite different attracts the Falcon. Dying and looking back at his life, he proudly exclaims: “I lived a good life! .. I fought bravely! .. Oh, the happiness of battle!” And Gorky, following his hero, exclaims: “We sing glory to the madness of the brave! The madness of the brave is the wisdom of life!”

Such heroic images as the fearless Danko and the brave Falcon are indeed "a living example, a proud call to freedom, to light." Creating exceptional characters, the author glorifies proud, strong-willed, fearless people, he calls people to an active life position, seeks to strengthen the will of a person, arouse the desire to resist an empty, aimless life. It is in this that I see the value and significance of the romantic works of M. Gorky.

Danko is a strong and selfless young man who in ancient times lived calmly and carefree with his tribe on earth. But suddenly invaders came to their territory. They forced people from their former habitat into an impenetrable forest, in which it was impossible for a person to live. When Danko's tribesmen were on the verge of despair, the young man offered to become their guide. He decided to lead people through the forest to the saving steppes, and they, inspired by this idea, followed him.

But the road was very difficult and dangerous, so people were tired and desperate to go further. They were ashamed to admit their powerlessness, and therefore they took up arms against Danko. The young man quickly understood their "thought", and she "gave birth to melancholy in him." But because of this, his fiery heart only burned more strongly, and he tore it out of his chest and lit up the road to salvation with this “torch of great love for people”. And having led his people out of the forest, the young man died, but the tribesmen were so absorbed in their joy that they did not notice this. And one person even stepped on his “proud heart”, and now it, “crumbled into sparks”, went out.

Such is the sad and at the same time romantic legend about Danko. The feat of this young man is really inspiring, because it lies not so much in the fact that Danko sacrificed his life to save his people, but in the fact that the young man did this, seeing the true essence of the people around him.

When the anger of his fellow tribesmen fell upon the young man, “indignation boiled in his heart, but it went out of pity for the people.” This hero was able to forgive all their vices, since his love was sincere and disinterested. It was the desire to save people at all costs that inspired Danko to the feat, and in the eyes of the young man "the rays of that mighty fire flashed."

For Gorky, the story of Danko's selfless act is not just a legend. The writer says that in ordinary human life "there is always room for exploits." He puts these words into the mouth of his heroine Izergil - a woman who is not at all a standard of morality, but nevertheless also capable of sacrificing herself in the name of love.

In order to save her beloved Arkadek, Izergil alone, risking her life, went to rescue him from captivity. And the woman did this despite the fact that Arkadek abandoned her and betrayed her feelings, and in general, according to Izergil, he was a "deceitful dog." This comparison with an animal by Gorky is not accidental, because in the legend of Danko, the young man's fellow tribesmen were also "like animals."

Thus, for the writer, Danko is the bearer of an important moral idea. It consists in the fact that the whole life of a person should be illuminated by the light of love and the meaning of our existence is to serve people.

Courage and cowardice are two different, opposite qualities, manifestations of character, which, meanwhile, are closely related. In the same person, both a coward and a daredevil can live. This issue has been raised frequently in the literature.

So, real heroism and courage were shown by the girls in the work of Boris Vasiliev "The dawns here are quiet ...". All the characters in the story - five fragile girls: Zhenya Komelkova, Rita Osyanina, Sonya Gurvich, Galya Chetvertak, Liza Brichkina and foreman Vaskov - are depicted in the struggle, giving all their strength in the name of saving the Motherland.

It is these people who brought the victory of our country closer in this terrible war.

Another literary example is the story of Maxim Gorky "Old Woman Izergil", namely the third part of it - the legend of Danko. He was a brave and fearless young man who sacrificed himself for the sake of the people. He decided to help his people and took leadership over them in order to lead them out of the impenetrable forest. The path was not easy, and when people, having lost their fortitude, fell upon Danko, he tears his heart out of his chest to illuminate the path and give people the warmth and goodness that came from a burning heart. And when the goal was achieved, no one even noticed his death and that "his brave heart is burning next to the corpse of Danko." Danko saw the meaning of life in helping people.

And secondly, this is the problem of cowardice. In the novel by Mikhail Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita" Pontius Pilate, out of fear, fear of condemnation, commits a terrible act, he sent an innocent man, the philosopher Yeshua Ha-Nozri, to be executed. The procurator did not listen to his inner voice. And cowardice in making the right decision became a punishment for Pilate. He will look for justification in his act, but will not find it.

Also not the best quality was shown by the hero of Nikolai Gogol's story "Taras Bulba" - Andriy. For the love of a woman, he was able to renounce everyone. Not forgiving his son for betrayal and cowardice, Taras Bulba kills him himself. Payback for Andriy was too expensive - his own life.

Updated: 2017-09-12

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