Composition based on the painting by A. M


Many Russian and Soviet artists created beautiful paintings. One of these artists is A. Gerasimov. I especially liked his painting "After the Rain", its second name is "Wet Terrace".

In the foreground of this canvas, the artist depicted the terrace of a private house, possibly a dacha. The terrace has a bench and a table. On the table is a vase with a bouquet of roses. The railing of the terrace, its floor, bench, table are all wet. This suggests that the rain has passed quite recently. The terrace hasn't dried yet. I sincerely admire how Gerasimov was able to convey the shine of wet wood. It seems that we really went out onto the porch after the rain and see small puddles on the wooden floor, which reflect the veranda itself and the trees growing around the house. The table is also wet. But the objects on the table tell us that it was not just rain, but a downpour with a strong wind. This is evidenced by rose petals on the table and an overturned glass. The heads of the flowers drooped under the weight of the raindrops, so it was not just a little rain.

The walls of the barn were gray from the rain.

The sky is not visible in the picture, but it is noticeable that the sun's rays penetrate through the leaves of the trees onto the veranda. From their light, all colors become even brighter.

I really liked this picture. Gerasimov drew everything very believable. When I look at this picture, it seems to me that I smell the wet grass after the rain and the cool freshness of the air.

Famous Russian, and then Soviet painter A.M. Gerasimov has come a long way. He saw glory under Stalin and obscurity under Khrushchev, when all his works were removed from museums. It is gratifying that at present the artist's talent has received a worthy assessment.

He began his creative career as an impressionist and ended as a realist. A large place in his work is given to socialist themes, which is not surprising, given the historical period in which the peak of the artist's work fell.

Painter's painting "After the rain", written by him in 1935, also known as "Wet Terrace", is one of the few of his works, devoid of any political background and created solely on the spur of the moment. Older people may still remember the illustration of this picture on the page of the Russian language textbook, where it was published for many years. It was created in the estate of A.M. Gerasimov in the city of Michurinsk.

A notable feature of the picture is its genre uncertainty. It contains elements of both a still life - a table, a vase of flowers, a glass - and a landscape - a summer garden washed by rain.

The terrace depicted in the picture is all wet and shiny from the rain that has just stopped. The glitter of water is conveyed by the artist incredibly realistically. It seems that as soon as you touch the table or run your hand along the bench, you will feel moisture on your hand. One can even imagine how the artist, afraid to miss the moment, hastily places his easel at the back of the terrace, how he concentrates on adding stroke after stroke so as not to miss the beauty of the moment.

In the foreground we see a dark carved table with curved legs. On it is a vase of flowers and an overturned glass. Perhaps it was knocked over by the wind, or maybe people who left the terrace in a hurry, fleeing from a sudden downpour. Raindrops knocked a few petals off the flowers and scattered them across the table and floor.

In the background, behind the balustrade, an amazing landscape begins. The blooming summer garden is just gorgeous after the rain. So you can feel the moisture in the freshened air, the smell of rain, wet grass and green foliage. Through the foliage one can see a low, nondescript shed. But from the positive mood that is conveyed by the picture, this barn also seems beautiful.

With a closer look, you can see that the colors from the foreground to the background begin to gradually lighten. In a similar way, the artist makes his viewer look just as smoothly towards the light and sunny.

In his creation, the artist managed to convey not only the splendor of the moment, but also the admiration and high spirits that gripped him.

The manor in which this painting was created has now been turned into a museum-estate of the artist. An art gallery is organized here, which is the largest city art gallery in Russia. This is a tribute to the undeniable talent of the people's artist A.M. Gerasimov.

Composition based on the painting by A. M. Gerasimov “After the rain”

Alexander Mikhailovich Gerasimov is a famous Russian painter. He was born on July 31, 1881 in the town of Kozlov, into a merchant family. The artist spent his childhood and youth in this provincial town, surrounded by Russian nature. The young man knew how to see beauty in the simplest everyday things. And this became the basis of many of his future works.

Only a truly talented artist can notice the most inconspicuous, at first glance, details of the environment. We see it in his paintings. And we can't help but admire it.

In his youth, the artist was attracted by impressionism. But then he became an adherent of socialist realism, a new artistic direction. Gerasimov painted portraits of political leaders of that time - Lenin, Voroshilov, Stalin and other Soviet leaders. The artist was considered a recognized master of socialist realism, he was Stalin's personal artist. Gerasimov's works were considered canonical at that time.

However, Alexander Mikhailovich himself, already in the mid-thirties, was tired of the constant desire for official recognition. And he decides to go on vacation to his hometown of Kozlov. It was then that the artist created an amazing painting “After the Rain”.

This work is strikingly different from all the paintings that were created by the artist. He himself believed that this is the best work of all that he created in his life.

The sister of Alexander Mikhailovich recalled that the artist literally shook the garden after the rain. It was an amazing sight that Gerasimov definitely wanted to capture on canvas. “Nature was fragrant with freshness. The water lay in a whole layer on the foliage, on the floor of the gazebo, on the bench and sparkled, creating an extraordinary picturesque chord. And then, behind the trees, the sky cleared and whitened. The artist immediately demanded a palette from his assistant.

The picture was painted very quickly, in a few hours. This testifies to how great the artist's admiration for the amazing beauty of nature was.

In fact, the creation of this picture was not accidental. Even in his youth, Gerasimov was attracted by the motive of nature after the rain.

The rain seemed to symbolize renewal. And the surrounding world took on a different shape, became brighter and fresher. When the artist studied at the School of Painting, he painted wet roofs, roads, objects.

In the picture "After the Rain" there is no carefully thought out plot. It was created in one breath. The work cannot leave the audience indifferent, it has sincerity and lightness.

Juicy reflections of garden greenery are reflected on the terrace. Multi-colored reflections are reflected on the wet surface of the table, here they are blue, pink. The shades are multicolored and colorful. Moisture-covered boards show silvery reflections. The state of nature is conveyed extremely expressively. This simple picture is remembered by everyone who saw it.

A rain-drenched terrace appears before us along with a corner of the garden. Water covers the foliage, floor, benches and railings. The water, together with the sun that illuminates the terrace, is a truly mesmerizing sight. Water sparkles in the sunlight, acquires a special character, sophistication and clarity.

On the left side of the terrace we see a round table on carved legs. They are also reflected in the puddles. There is a glass jug on the table, in which there is a bouquet of garden flowers.

Garden flowers are amazing, they do not have deliberate splendor and luxury. They are gentle, but at the same time invisible. Flowers are so real that you want to touch them. It seems that you are about to feel their delicate aroma. A glass lies on its side next to the vase. A strong gust of wind must have knocked him over. As if in a mirror, a glass and a vase are reflected in the surface of the table, flooded with rain.

After the rain, there is a special atmosphere in the garden. Everything around looks extremely beautiful and harmonious. The picture gives a good mood. It is impossible to be sad and sad while admiring such a beautiful painting.

A corner of the house opens into the garden, we can see how beautiful the garden is after the rain. The leaves shine in the sun. A lilac branch leans over the bench. The sky is already brightening. The gloomy clouds are about to disappear. And the rays of the gentle sun will rush down.

In the depths of the garden you can see the roof of an old barn. Every detail is simple and unpretentious. But taken together, they take on a completely different meaning. This is real life, the beauty of which we sometimes do not notice. We are busy with other things. And our attention is unlikely to attract the garden after the rain, unremarkable, familiar and simple. Only a true artist is able to notice all the splendor of colors and shades of an ordinary everyday landscape.

An essay based on the painting “After the Rain” is included in the school curriculum. Usually students of the sixth or seventh grade face this task. The gentle landscape and the terrace refreshed after the rain evoke a variety of emotions in the viewer.

The author of the canvas

This image was left for us. The painting “After the Rain”, an essay on which you have to write, captured the most ordinary state of nature.

But before starting work on the canvas itself, it is worth saying a few words about the creator himself.

Alexander Mikhailovich Gerasimov gained fame in the first half of the last century. Not only was he very talented by nature, he also had a professional art education. In addition, he also graduated from the Faculty of Architecture and devoted himself entirely to his beloved work - creativity.

He himself considered himself a master of the portrait, but more than once turned to the landscape.

He gained wide popularity after he painted portraits of famous Russian leaders - Lenin and Stalin.

Alexander Mikhailovich occupied quite large posts in the field of art and had great influence. During his life he was awarded many awards.


After a brief biography of the artist, it is worth starting to analyze the plot of the canvas. The essay-description of the painting (Gerasimov) “After the Rain” must include this item.

What is unusual about this image? The answer is simple: nothing special. The artist captured a green garden and a veranda after a fresh rain. Perhaps this is the terrace of his own country house. Impressed by what he saw, the artist decided to immediately describe the beauty and at the same time the simplicity of nature.

Everything around is green and fresh. You can even feel how pleasant and humid the air is after a summer downpour. The color scheme will also be included in the composition based on the painting "After the Rain".

It is very rich and juicy. At some point, it may seem to the viewer that in front of him is not a picture, but a high-quality photograph, everything is so plausibly and wonderfully depicted. The bench and the floor, as if varnished, shine from the water. It can be seen that the rain has passed quite recently, and the moisture has not yet had time to evaporate. It must have been very strong, since the entire terrace was flooded with water.


Composition-description of the painting by A.M. Gerasimov "After the Rain" let's start with the analysis of distant objects. The first thing that catches your eye is the green garden. May or June is probably depicted on the canvas, since the trees are in full bloom. In the thick of the green foliage one can see some small structure. It can be assumed that this is where suburban residents have breakfast or lunch in the fresh air. Or is it a barn that stores the tools necessary to care for the garden. Or maybe it's a bath? We don't know for sure. But this object is very well inscribed in the general atmosphere of the picture.

The grass is very bright, juicy, pale green. It's nice to run on this even after the rain has passed.

A fragment of the sky is visible on the canvas. It's still gray, but it's starting to lighten up. It seems that the sun's rays at all costs want to break through the clouds.

All nature seemed to wake up from sleep, awakened by a warm downpour.


What should an essay-description of a painting contain first? Gerasimov “After the Rain” most likely wrote from nature, the objects of the foreground are outlined in such detail.

Here we will talk about the terrace itself. There is a feeling that she was washed clean. Everything shines so much that you can see the railing and table legs in the reflection of the floor. On the bench, we see the reflection of the sun's rays, which creates a glitter effect. To the left of it is a table on beautiful carved legs. Undoubtedly, this piece of furniture is high-quality handmade. He, too, is full of glare.

The artist managed to depict the state of nature after the rain so skillfully that it may seem to the viewer that he is very close to the scene and is watching what is happening.

The essay on the painting “After the Rain” includes information that the shades of colors in the foreground are darker than those in the background. Probably, Alexander Mikhailovich placed his easel in the center of the veranda in order to fully embrace the beautiful view. Thus, elements of nature and human life are intertwined on the canvas.

It is amazing how the artist was able to convey not only the beauty of the moment itself, but his mood: joyful, surprised.

Central images

The most important object of this picture is the table and what is on it.

The essay-description of the painting “After the Rain” must necessarily reflect how accurately the author managed to convey the moment after the natural disaster. We see that the glass on the table has fallen. Perhaps, quite recently, someone drank water from it. But now, under the influence of wind and rain, he fell. The table is flooded with water, and it is not clear for sure whether it spilled from a glass or whether it was due to rain. To the left of the glass is a vase of flowers. Red, pink, white, they stand out as a bright spot in the picture. The downpour was probably so heavy that the petals of the cypions fell on the table.

Of course, after such an element, you can’t sit down on a wet bench and at such a wet table. But, nevertheless, there is no unpleasant feeling of dampness. The air is saturated with pleasant and fresh moisture. I just want to take a deep breath in order to feel the same aroma that Gerasimov himself felt at that moment. The painting “After the Rain”, an essay on which you need to write, conveys a light and wonderful state of nature.


This painting is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent. At the moment, it is stored in the Tretyakov Gallery, so anyone can see its original.

It seems that the artist, having seen such an amazing picture of nature, immediately grabbed his easel and paints so as not to miss a single detail. The creator himself considered this work of art one of his best works. And you can't argue with that.

After carefully studying this landscape, you can easily cope with the task and write an essay on the painting “After the Rain”, since it makes an indelible impression on every viewer.

"Wet" effect in Gerasimov's painting "After the Rain".

Let's take a look at Alexander Gerasimov's painting "After the Rain" together. What is this? Genre scene without people? Still life? Scenery? This picture includes elements of different genres and themes are interesting. We see a terrace on which, maybe only an hour ago, people were sitting - drinking tea, reading newspapers, someone, probably, was embroidering on a now empty bench. It could be a genre scene. The artist could have depicted how people run away from the terrace because of the sudden rush of rain. We can only guess about it, but the setting is typical of a good genre scene. We see a table on which a vase of flowers and an inverted glass are located (apparently it was turned over by a gust of wind) - a typical still life. In the background we have a clean beautiful landscape - a summer garden washed by rain.

Looking at the picture, we feel the freshness after the rain, the humidity of the air. The artist was very good at conveying exactly the atmosphere that arises after a summer downpour. Everything we see is wet from the rain. And this, perhaps, is the most amazing thing, how successfully the painter managed to write rainwater on literally all surfaces. It can be seen that the downpour has just passed and not a drop has dried up yet, has not evaporated. The water is shining, thanks to the already peeking sun, we see its rays breaking through the garden. All surfaces - table, floor, bench, foliage, in the glare. Rainbow highlights are painted with great skill and we have no doubts - if we could put our palm on this bench or run our hand over the foliage of a tree - there would be drops of water on it.

Not every artist was able to accurately paint nature after the rain. Not everyone knows how to accurately convey the "wet" effect. But the Russian artist Gerasimov always loved and knew how to portray him. Once, when he was already a very famous master, he came to his parents in the city of Kozlov, where on a summer day the whole family was sitting on the terrace. Suddenly it began to rain, so hard that even the terrace, protected by railings and the roof, was instantly wet. The sun came out right there. Everything sparkled with such purity, looked so delightful that the artist did not wait even a minute, grabbed the canvas and palette and immediately began to paint a picture. We can imagine where he placed the easel - at the back of the terrace. Gerasimov used darker colors in the foreground of the painting, bright ones in the middle, and very light ones in the background. Our gaze tends to the brightest, sunniest. The painter managed not only to depict the beauty of the moment, but also to convey the mood - admiring, upbeat.

Gerasimov wrote many outstanding works during his life, for which he received prizes and awards. But the picture "After the rain. Wet terrace" was his favorite. He considered it his best painting.

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