An essay based on a painting by K.F. Yuon "Spring sunny day


Composition: description of the painting
K. Yuon "Spring sunny day"

The main cluster of houses is in the lowlands. But already in the foreground on the right we see a part of a solid wooden house on a stone foundation. The house is very bright, red-brown, but even it does not overshadow what immediately catches the eye - two dressed-up girls who have just left the house and, as it were, look back at the artist with coquetry. One has a pink skirt, the other has a red scarf, these young ladies clearly wanted to attract attention and show off.

There is snow everywhere, the kids are rolling on sleds right along the street, which lies along a rather steep descent. Snow is what the artist loved to paint so much. This is the same white color that can be depicted with any paint, which allows you to play with highlights, give transitions of light and shadow. There is a lot of snow in this picture, whole snowdrifts, and to recreate them in the picture, the artist took far from pure white paint.

Everyone is dressed as it should be in winter, people have scarves and hats on their heads. The trees are bare. Maybe the author was mistaken in calling the picture "spring day"? Maybe it's a winter day? After all, in winter, it happens that the sun also shines brightly. But pay attention to what exactly gives this canvas a special brightness and variegation, which turns the picture into a piece of an old patchwork quilt sewn from multi-colored pieces of matter. These roofs are multi-colored, eye-catching, they are especially impressive against the backdrop of snow. It really is spring, because if it were winter, then the roofs would be white, there would be snow on them. But he has already faded.

Of course, this is an early spring, just beginning, its first days. But spring is clear, noticeable, obvious. Please note that not all the children depicted in the picture play in the snow, some climbed onto the fences, onto the roof, basking in the spring sun. Animals also feel the approach of spring: bright red chickens cheerfully swarm in the dark snow. A little lower, on the other side of the road, a dog is playing with a child.

Look at the sky - it is a delightful azure blue and light white clouds only emphasize these azure and turquoise. Against such a background, the red church with a bell tower looks especially elegant, which, although located in the depths of the picture, occupies a central place in the composition. As you know, the church in Russian cities and villages was built so that it could be seen from everywhere. In this work, she symbolizes goodness, joy, happiness. Golden domes shine in the sun for everyone around.

Several birches in the picture beautifully complement the composition and help to reveal the idea of ​​the coming spring. Their bare branches hang down by no means dull. Birds perch on the trees. Perhaps these are rooks that have arrived. And their arrival is another additional sign of spring. The whole picture is permeated with optimism, joyful lyrics, good-natured mood, freshness, it is clear that the artist shares the feelings of the characters in his picture.

Municipal educational budgetary institution

Dyatkovskaya secondary school №1

Composition based on the painting by K.F. Yuon

On the topic of:

"Spring sunny day"

Prepared by: Dudkina Irina 8-B class

Checked by: Golikova Irina Vladimirovna

"Spring Sunny Day"

Creativity K.F. Yuona is the soul of pre-revolutionary and Soviet art. At all times the artist was attracted by wooden architecture. He liked to describe old cities, architectural objects. In particular, Konstantin Fedorovich was attracted by the architectural ensemble of Zagorsk (paintings: “Domes and Swallows”, “Festive Day”), K.F. Yuon is a wonderful Russian artist. He sings of ancient Russian cities and primitive nature. One of his famous paintings is a canvas painted in Sergiev Posad under the title: “Spring Sunny Day”.

The theme of the picture is the arrival of the long-awaited spring. People are tired of the hard winter, they want warmth and bright spring sun. Animals and birds are also looking forward to her arrival. The painter is trying to convey to us what happiness it is, what delight!

The first thing that catches your eye is the sky, it is surprisingly attractive. This is an immense dark blue expanse, looking at it you can see that the sky is calling for freedom, asking you to forget worldly problems and become a bird soaring in the sky. Even white clouds do not interfere here, but on the contrary, they are irreplaceable.

The trees had already shed their heavy white coat and breathed freely. Looking at them, a feeling of lightness and carelessness does not leave me.

The first heralds of spring are rooks. They have already settled on white-barreled beauties, and notify the district of the arrival of spring.

The sun shines brightly, bestows its rays on the children having fun, and the adults watching them.

People are happy with these changes. The children dig in the snow, slide down the already melted hills, play snowballs. Adults do not strictly follow them, not hiding their joy at the arrival of spring. Women changed their dresses to brighter, more cheerful ones.

The colors in the picture are very bright. They convey all the joy, happiness brought by spring. Basically, the artist uses blue, white and light yellow tones.

The landscape conveys joy, happiness and freedom. Looking at this picture, you can forget all the problems and misfortunes and plunge into the atmosphere of eternal and boundless freedom.

The first impression of the canvas "Spring Sunny Day" is only positive. The picture is able to cheer up, cause a smile. The picture combines a rich color palette, a lot of light and sun, a festive atmosphere. The canvas has a complex concept, where urban landscapes are intertwined with different people and their emotions. The artist observes all this charm from a small elevation. Meanwhile, people go about their business, life is seething in a small provincial town.

First look at the canvas

Most of the houses are located in the lowlands. In the foreground, you can see a large log house. This is a solid structure, equipped on a stone foundation. The house is full of different colors, but it plays a secondary role. The viewer first notices two laughing girls. They got better and just left the house. Girls seem to flirt with the author. We can conclude that the young ladies wanted to attract attention, as there are bright things in their outfits.

Everything around is shrouded in a blanket of snow. Children have fun on the steep slope. They have fun sledding. The artist had a special love for the image of snow. Only here the white color could play with different colors. The play of highlights, all these dimming and lightening, brings special aesthetic pleasure. There is a lot of snow on the canvas. But the artist used not only white color for his image.

Spring in detail

The people in the picture are dressed in winter. Women wear headscarves, while men wear hats. The branches on the trees are completely bare. Doubts arise whether the artist chose the right name. At first glance, the canvas depicts a fine winter day. The sun shines brightly, but this happens even in severe frosts. It is necessary not to miss all the details that betray the picture of special magic. Look at the multi-colored roofs. They create a mood. The snow has already left the roofs, spring is on the street. Otherwise the roofs would be white.

The canvas depicts the first spring days. But the warmth is already permeating people's lives. Many of the children in the picture climbed up to bask in the sun. Animals also testify to spring. So chickens swarm in the snow, actively looking for something. And the dog is playing with the baby.

The sky also signals that it is spring outside. It is pale blue, only a few transparent clouds float in the distance. In the background, the artist depicted a church. It is of particular importance, since such buildings in small towns were placed in such a way that the bell tower was visible from anywhere in the village. It is a symbol of light and goodness.

You liked the essay based on the painting by K. Yuon “Spring Sunny Day”, then you can read essays on the following topics

Konstantin Fedorovich Yuon is a well-known landscape painter and theater decorator who sings of the unique original architecture of Russian cities. One of these works is the painting “Spring Sunny Day”.

Before us is a small quiet provincial town, lost in the open spaces of central Russia. You can't even see the streets here, the houses are built in a picturesque mess. Nevertheless, they are not quite similar to each other, each of these buildings has its own face and probably somewhat resembles its owner, who finished, and maybe built his dwelling according to his own taste.

At home, everyone looks smart, Konstantin Fedorovich uses bright colors when depicting them, conveying his mood to them. This becomes especially noticeable when the rays of the spring sun, which slowly begins to slope to the west, fall on the roofs of nearby houses, giving them a golden hue.

There are many people in the picture. Of course, most of all there are kids who run through the puddles with cheerful cries or launch paper boats through the melt water. Between the houses along the steep slope there is still snow, and the guys can go sledding for a few more days. But it will no longer be possible to play snowballs, because the snow has melted a little and instantly turns into water, it is worth picking it up.

Konstantin Yuon was very fond of painting snow, he depicted it with a variety of colors that helped him play with highlights, or express the transition from light to shadow.

Swollen buds are already visible on the trees, from which tiny bright green sticky leaves are about to hatch. But while the branches are still bare, only in some places they are covered with a turquoise haze. Birds sit on them, probably rooks or starlings that have recently returned from the warm lands. Quite a few more days will pass and work will begin on building new nests or putting the old ones in order, which the birds left behind, flying away for the winter to foreign lands.

light, which instantly creates a good mood.

The artist chose a rather complex composition - a landscape and genre scenes with groups of people. In the foreground is a sturdy brownish-red wooden house with a beautiful porch. Not far from the porch are two dressed-up girls. They are probably good friends. One of them shares her unhappy experiences with the other, and the other, embracing her a little, tries to console her.

Behind the woodpile, neatly stacked firewood, a woman in a red scarf watches them with great interest. She listens to the gullible conversation of the girls and seems very surprised by what she just heard from their conversation. This small genre scene from everyday provincial life seems so natural in this picture.

But the roofs of the houses, which have already been freed from the snow cover and are now clean, as if washed, shine in the rays of the sun, pleasing the eye, give a special variegation to the picture of a Spring Sunny Day, like a rustic patchwork quilt.

Yuon depicted the very first spring days, which may still be followed by frost. This is the Meeting, when winter still does not want to give up its positions, but spring is approaching to meet it with the hubbub of birds, snowdrops and sonorous streams full of melted icy water. In winter, sometimes the sun also shines brightly, even dazzlingly, but spring is already noticeable in everything. Children climbing fences and roofs are happy about such a fine day. In the yard, chickens and a handsome rooster are trying to get something out of the snow.

On the other side of the road, a boy is playing with a dog. The church with a bell tower and a gilded dome, depicted in the background, symbolizes goodness and joy. The whole picture is filled with good nature and freshness.

Currently, K. Yuon's painting "Spring Sunny Day" is on display at the State Russian Museum in St. Petersburg.

KF Yuon is a wonderful and talented master of painting, who managed to create many remarkable paintings. Particular attention was paid by the artist to writing the natural features of his native land, which are depicted in his paintings with amazing and originality. “Spring Sunny Day” is a creation that fully confirms what has been said and makes an interested person tremble even at the first glance at it.

The theme for this masterpiece is the beginning of spring manifestations. Everywhere there is still a cover of snow, and large snowdrifts can be observed around the houses. But such first feelings already involuntarily appear that spring is inevitably approaching. This is evidenced by a high and clear sky with no gloomy clouds. The blue and abundance of sunlight coming from the sky is simply mesmerizing. This light makes everything around come to life and wake up: buildings, trees and shrubs, people tired of winter.

Arriving birds arrange a cheerful hubbub on the branches of trees. The tops of the birch trees turn pink, and the first juice will soon begin to run along the trunks.

The children are still fond of winter games. Some are engaged in modeling a snowman, others ride a sleigh. But the majority of people went outside to enjoy the spring warmth and the rays of the sun. The girls who are shown in the foreground are just walking around. They slowed down near the gate and look in the direction of what is not shown in the picture. What could it be? The girls laugh merrily. Most likely this mysterious object could be that one. Who does not skimp on signs of attention addressed to them. This is very amusing for girls, they laugh trustingly, emphasizing their playfulness. But the smaller girl looks at them with special interest - this behavior of older friends caused her justified wariness.

A little further on is a little boy. He watches with interest the shadow cast by the nearby house. Another boy climbed onto the fence and watches everything that happens around him. Most likely, his attention was attracted by busy sleigh rides by children. Two of the most courageous young characters climbed to the top of one of the houses, which had already managed to warm up with the rays of the spring sun. This is evidenced by the absence of snow on it.

This work of the famous artist is striking in its dynamism, which is clearly emphasized by the many people and objects embedded in the plot. The presence of children only contributes to the emergence of a joyful mood, because looking at them, you understand how the nature described in the picture begins to rejuvenate. She hastily prepares for a new life, that is, a special kind of rebirth. The viewer's soul is filled with excitement and desire to find himself in the very plot of a wonderful work.

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