Composition in the direction: Reason and feelings. What is more important Feelings or Reason or maybe Strength? What to choose


An essay on the topic “What controls a person more: mind or feelings?”

What controls a person more: mind or feelings? In order to answer this question, it is necessary to define its main components. Reason is the ability of a person to think logically: analyze, establish cause-and-effect relationships, find meanings, draw conclusions, formulate principles. And feelings are the emotional experiences of a person that arise in the process of his relationship with the outside world. Feelings are formed and developed in the course of development and upbringing of a person.

It seems to many that you need to live only by reason, and they are somewhat right. Reason is given to man so that he thinks everything over and makes the right decisions. But man is also given feelings. They always fight with reason, showing that it is worth paying more attention to them. Feelings are important for each of us: they help to make ours more rich and interesting. Sometimes the heart tells us one thing, but the brain tells us quite the opposite. How to be? I would like them to live in peace and not argue with each other, but this is unattainable. The soul desires freedom, celebration, fun ... And the mind tells us that we need to work, work, take care of everyday little things so that they do not accumulate into insoluble everyday problems. Two opposing forces are pulling the reins of government each for themselves, so in different situations we are controlled by different motives.

Many writers and poets raised the topic of the struggle between reason and feelings. So, for example, in W. Shakespeare's tragedy "Romeo and Juliet" the main characters belong to the warring clans of Montague and Capulet. Everything is against the feelings of young people, and the voice of reason advises everyone not to succumb to the outbreak of love. But emotions are stronger, and even in death, Romeo and Juliet did not want to leave. We never know for sure what will happen if feelings take precedence over reason, but Shakespeare showed us the tragic development of events. And we willingly believe him, because a similar story has been repeated more than once both in world culture and in life. Heroes - just teenagers who probably fell in love for the first time. If they had even tried to calm the ardor and try to negotiate with their parents, I doubt that the Montechis or the Capulets would have preferred the death of their children. They would most likely compromise. However, teenagers in this situation did not have enough wisdom and worldly experience to achieve their goal in other, reasonable ways. Sometimes feelings act as our inner intuition, but it also happens that this is just a momentary impulse that is better to contain. I think Romeo and Juliet succumbed to the impulse inherent in their age, and not intuitively established an unbreakable bond. Love would push them to solve the problem, not to commit suicide. Such a sacrifice is only the command of capricious passion.

In the story "The Captain's Daughter" we also observe a clash between reason and feeling. Pyotr Grinev, having learned that his beloved Masha Mironova is forcibly held by Shvabrin, who wants to force the girl to marry him, contrary to the voice of reason, turns to Pugachev for help. The hero knows that this can threaten him with death, because the connection with the state criminal was severely punished, but he does not deviate from his plan and ultimately saves his own life and honor, and later gets Masha as his legal wife. This example is an illustration of the fact that the voice of feeling is necessary for a person in making a final decision. He helped save the girl from unjust oppression. If the young man only thought and thought, he would not be able to love to the point of self-sacrifice. But Grinev did not neglect his mind: he made a mental plan on how to help his beloved as efficiently as possible. He did not register as a traitor, but took advantage of the location of Pugachev, who appreciated the courageous and strong character of the officer.

Thus, I can conclude that both reason and feelings must be strong in a person. You can not give preference to extremes, you must always find a compromise solution. What choice to make in this or that situation: to submit to feelings or to listen to the voice of reason? How to avoid internal conflict between these two "elements"? Everyone must answer these questions for himself. And a person also makes a choice on his own, a choice on which not only the future, but life itself can sometimes depend.

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Hello dear readers! Good deep question from Eugene: What is more important - feelings or reason? what to be guided by when making important decisions - by calculation or should you listen to your heart? And some say “the strongest wins”, what role does a person's strength play in his destiny and making important life decisions?

First, I will answer with a quote from the sages who avoid - “Wisdom, Love and Strength – the Trinity of the Human Soul” . These are three equally important foundations for the harmonious development of any person, each Soul.

The rejection of one and the absolute deification of the other leads a person to extremes and dead ends, which inevitably makes development one-sided, and a person is somehow limited and weak.

This becomes obvious when viewed from an esoteric point of view. When a person says “they say, the most important thing is love, and everything else doesn’t matter ...” - he automatically devalues ​​and blocks the rest of the centers of his Soul, which are responsible for Strength and Struggle (, etc.), for reason, understanding, decision-making ( , etc.), etc. Although it is obvious that it is necessary to develop all the components and Souls of a person.

Such people, accustomed to go to extremes, often fall into the traps of their own mind. When love, for example, a person confuses with, etc. On such substitutions, a lot of weaknesses are nurtured in a person.

Such people, most often, do not want to understand and admit that in order for great love to live in your heart and shine on the whole world, you must become a very strong and intelligent person!

After all, what kind of love can live in the untrained heart of a stupid and weak person? Each person in this life can only have what he is able to protect. A person who is weak in spirit, will and mind will have the same “zilch”, until the first insult, until the first critical word addressed to him, until the very first frustration.

If a person is weak, his bright feelings can be destroyed by the first person he meets, the very first trouble or obstacle on the way, with which he will not have the strength to cope.

In the same way, power without love loses all meaning, and without reason, it is sure to become destructive and uncontrollable. Any extreme will inevitably lead to negative consequences.

Feelings, Reason or Strength - so what is more important?

1. A person has a mind, consciousness, thinking, mind - therefore, he needs the right knowledge, wisdom in order to make the most powerful and wise decisions that lead to effective actions and the most positive consequences. That's why they say “Knowledge is primary”, they either make a person successful and wise, or stupid and incapable of anything. Knowledge determines beliefs! Positive and strong beliefs lead us to success and happiness, negative and rotten beliefs make a person weak, stupid, spineless, insolvent.

Read the following articles about the meaning of Reason and Knowledge:

2. Also, a person has a heart, first of all, his Spiritual Heart (), in which, ideally, tall light ones live. The rejection of love, of feelings - makes a person incomplete, miserable, callous and unhappy, just like the rejection of reason, makes a person stupid. Therefore, Feelings, Love must be developed and cultivated so that the heart and soul are alive, in order to experience joy and happiness, and positive impressions from life in an excellent degree.

You need to understand that “a holy place is never empty”, and if bright feelings such as joy, gratitude, respect, love do not live in your heart, negative feelings and emotions will accumulate in your heart (, claims, contempt, hostility, etc.).

It is up to you to decide what to fill your heart with and what sensations to experience in life. Read more on this topic in the articles:

3. A person needs strength as well as Feelings and Reason. Life is not a walk on rose petals. There is everything in life - creation and struggle, gifts and trials. Because in our world there is and and! And in order not to break, not to be trampled by someone, humiliated and destroyed - a person must become Strong! At any moment can send you a test. You can pass it with dignity if you are strong in Spirit and Will, or you can break down, lose faith, close yourself in a shell and live the rest of your life as a loser in a state of insignificance if you are weak!

The levels of fate, the levels of the goals of life, where a person can rise - these are the levels of his strength. If a person who is weaker in his spirit, willpower, and in his personal qualities does not correspond to the desired goal, it remains unattainable. This is why spiritual and energetic development exists, and for this personal growth is needed in order to become stronger and achieve tomorrow those goals that you could not achieve today.

Composition in the direction: Reason and feeling. Graduation essay 2016-2017

Reason and feeling: can they possess a person at the same time, or are they mutually exclusive concepts? Is it true that in a fit of feelings a person commits both vile deeds and great discoveries that drive evolution and progress? What is a dispassionate mind capable of, a cold calculation? The search for answers to these questions has occupied the best minds of mankind since life appeared. And this dispute, which is more important - reason or feeling - has been going on since antiquity, and everyone has their own answer. “People live by feelings,” says Erich Maria Remarque, but immediately adds that in order to realize this, reason is needed.

On the pages of world fiction, the problem of the influence of feelings and the mind of a person is raised very often. So, for example, in Leo Tolstoy's epic novel "War and Peace" two types of heroes appear: on the one hand, this is the impulsive Natasha Rostova, the sensitive Pierre Bezukhov, the fearless Nikolai Rostov, on the other hand, the arrogant and prudent Helen Kuragina and her brother, callous Anatole. Many conflicts in the novel come precisely from the excess of feelings of the characters, whose ups and downs are very interesting to watch. A vivid example of how a burst of feelings, thoughtlessness, ardor of character, impatient youth influenced the fate of the heroes is the case of Natasha's betrayal, because for her, funny and young, it was incredibly long to wait for her wedding with Andrei Bolkonsky, could she subdue her unexpectedly flashed feelings for Anatole the voice of reason? Here we have a real drama of mind and feelings in the soul of the heroine, she faces a difficult choice: to leave her fiancé and leave with Anatole, or not to succumb to a momentary impulse and wait for Andrei. It was in favor of feelings that this difficult choice was made, only chance prevented Natasha. We cannot condemn the girl, knowing her impatient nature and thirst for love. It was feelings that dictated Natasha's impulse, after which she regretted her act when she analyzed it.

It was the feeling of boundless, all-consuming love that helped Margarita reunite with her lover in Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov's novel The Master and Margarita. The heroine, without a second's hesitation, gives her soul to the devil and goes with him to the ball, where the killers and hangmen kiss her knee. Having abandoned a secure, measured life in a luxurious mansion with a loving husband, she rushes into an adventurous adventure with evil spirits. Here is a vivid example of how a person, having chosen a feeling, created his happiness.
Thus, the statement of Erich Maria Remarque is absolutely true: guided only by reason, a person can live, but it will be a colorless, dull and joyless life, only feelings give life indescribably bright colors, leaving emotionally filled memories. As the great classic Leo Tolstoy wrote: “If we assume that human life can be controlled by reason, then the very possibility of life will be destroyed.”

Possible formulations of essay topics

1. Why is it always difficult to make a choice between heart and mind?

3. How do the mind and feelings manifest themselves in extreme situations?

5. When "the mind and heart are not in harmony"? (Griboyedov A.S. "Woe from Wit")

6. Is it possible to achieve a certain balance (harmony) between reason and feeling?

7. "Reason and feelings are two forces that equally need each other" (VG Belinsky).


Guys, I remind you that you can use the quotes below as epigraphs for an essay or abstracts for a specific topic.

Ferdowsi, Persian poet and philosopher: “Let your mind guide things. He will not let your soul go to evil."

W. Shakespeare, English poet and playwright of the Renaissance: “To see and feel is to be, to think is to live.

N. Chamfort, French writer: "Our mind sometimes brings us no less grief than our passions."

G. Flaubert, French writer: "You can be the master of your actions, but in feelings we are not free."

L. Feuerbach, German philosopher: “What are the hallmarks of the truly human in man? Mind, will and heart. The perfect man has the power of thought, the power of will and the power of feeling. The power of thinking is the light of knowledge, the power of will is the energy of character, the power of feeling is love.

A.S. Pushkin, Russian poet and writer : “I want to live in order to think and suffer.”

N.V. Gogol, Russian writer: "Reason is, undoubtedly, the highest ability, but it is acquired only by victory over passions."

Universal intro

Life often puts a person before a choice. We must make our decision with our “head” or “heart”. Reason is the ability to think logically, understand the laws of the development of the world, comprehending the meaning and connection of phenomena. Therefore, the mind as a rational component of human consciousness gives us the opportunity to think and act based on logic and facts. Feelings are irrational in nature, since they are based on emotions. The famous psychologist N.I. Kozlov compared the mind with a coachman who sees where a wagon drawn by desire horses should go. If the horses are running on the beaten path, then the reins can be loosened. And if there is a crossroads ahead, then you need a strong hand of the coachman. Need a will.

Of course, this is an allegory. But its meaning is clear: reason and feeling are the most important components of a person's inner world, influencing his aspirations and actions. In my opinion, a person should always strive for harmony between reason and feelings. This is the secret of true happiness. To prove my point of view, I will turn to the works of Russian literature ...

SELECTION OF ESSAYS No. 1 on the block "Reason and Feeling"

René Descartes, French philosopher, said: “I think, therefore I am” (“Cogito, ergo sum”). Does it follow from this that reason is superior to feeling? Probably, on the contrary, the mental activity of a person exists only thanks to his consciousness, the ability to think. It only seems to us that a person is divided into parts and eternally struggles inside with himself: the mind calls for prudent actions, and the heart resists and acts on a whim. But our thinking is an attribute of the soul, because the soul forms our thought. Is there any confirmation of this assumption in Russian literature?

In Anton Pavlovich Chekhov's story "Student" we see a rather dreary landscape of a spring evening, gradually turning into a depressing picture of thick night darkness. A student of the Theological Academy, Ivan Velikopolsky, goes home with a thrust. Weather, night, cold, stiff fingers, hunger - everything makes Ivan sad, his thoughts are bleak. He imagines that people were just as unhappy under Rurik, and under Ivan the Terrible, and under Peter: poverty, illness, ignorance, longing, darkness and oppression. Having met two simple, village women in the widow's gardens, he suddenly begins to tell (on the eve of Easter) the story of the Apostle Peter. The textbook narration gives rise to an amazing response in the souls of women. Vasilisa, continuing to smile, suddenly burst into tears: tears “... abundant, flowed down her cheeks, and she shielded her face from the fire with her sleeve, as if ashamed of her tears, and Lukerya, looking motionlessly at the student, blushed, and her expression became heavy, tense, like a man who is holding back a lot of pain." Such a reaction to his story made Ivan think again: what caused Vasilisa's tears? Just his ability to tell or indifference to the fate of the Apostle Peter? “And joy suddenly stirred in his soul, and he even stopped for a minute to take a breath.” So suddenly thoughts turned into feelings, the rest of the way Ivan walked in a state of inexpressibly sweet expectation of happiness, unknown, mysterious, "and life seemed to him delightful, wonderful and full of high meaning."

But this is not always the case. Sometimes a feeling gives birth to a thought, and a thought gives rise to an action. In Ivan Alekseevich Bunin's story "Light Breath", the main character Olya Meshcherskaya committed a misdemeanor: she succumbed to an unknown feeling of attraction. Whether mischief, or a thirst for adventure, or the adoring glances of a friend of her father, Alexei Mikhailovich, led the girl to a wrong, stupid act, and caused thoughts about her sinfulness, crime. “I don’t understand how this could happen, I went crazy, I never thought that I was like that! Now I have one way out ... I feel such disgust for him that I can’t survive this! .. ”Olya writes in her diary. How and when did she come up with a plan of self-destruction? The power of feeling led the heroine of the story to a terrible ending. Death took away the very femininity, beauty and that light breath, which is so lacking in the world...

Reason and feeling... What comes first... It seems to me that this is a question for specialists. The literature provides reading options, describes the possible development of the relationship between mind and emotion. Everyone chooses for himself what to be guided by, what to subordinate his behavior to: run on the occasion of feeling to the edge of the abyss or calmly, balancedly determine the plan of action and act not for the sake of feeling, but reasonably, without destroying your correct life ...


Many fundamental questions that arise again and again in every generation among the majority of thinking people do not and cannot have a specific answer, and all arguments and disputes on this issue are nothing but empty polemics. What is a sense of life? What is more important: to love or to be loved? What are feelings, God and man on the scale of the universe? This kind of reasoning also includes the question of in whose hands is the dominance over the world - in the cold fingers of the mind or in the strong and passionate embrace of feelings? It seems to me that in our world everything is a priori organic, and the mind can have some value only in conjunction with feelings - and vice versa. A world in which everything is subject only to reason is utopian, and the complete primacy of human feelings and passions leads to excessive eccentricity, impulsiveness and tragedies, which are described in romantic works. However, if we approach the question directly, omitting all sorts of “buts”, then we can come to the conclusion that, of course, in the world of people, vulnerable beings who need support and emotions, it is feelings that take on the managerial role. It is on love, on friendship, on spiritual connection that the true happiness of a person is built, even if he himself actively denies it.

In Russian literature, there are many contradictory personalities who unsuccessfully deny the need for feelings and emotions in their lives and proclaim reason as the only true category of existence. Such, for example, is the hero of the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time". Pechorin made his choice towards a cynical and cold attitude towards people as a child, faced with misunderstanding and rejection from the people around him. It was after his feelings were rejected that the hero decided that the “salvation” from such emotional experiences would be the complete denial of love, tenderness, care and friendship. Grigory Alexandrovich chose mental development as the only right way out, a defensive reaction: he read books, talked with interesting people, analyzed society and "played" with people's feelings, thereby compensating for his own lack of emotions, but this still did not help replace him with simple human happiness. In pursuit of mental activity, the hero completely forgot how to be friends, and the moment when sparks of a warm and tender feeling of love still lit up in his heart, he forcibly suppressed them, forbidding himself to be happy, tried to replace it with travel and beautiful landscapes, but in the end he lost every desire and aspiration to live. It turns out that without feelings and emotions, any activity of Pechorin was reflected in his fate in black and white and did not bring him any satisfaction.

The hero of the novel, I.S., found himself in a similar situation. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons". The difference between Bazarov and Pechorin is that he defended his position in relation to feelings, creativity, faith in a dispute, formed his own philosophy, built on denial and destruction, and even had a follower. Eugene stubbornly and not in vain was engaged in scientific activities and devoted all his free time to self-development, but the fanatical desire to destroy everything that is not subject to reason turned against him in the toga. The whole nihilistic theory of the hero was shattered by unexpected feelings for a woman, and this love not only cast a shadow of doubt and confusion on all of Yevgeny's activities, but also very much shook his worldview position. It turns out that any, even the most desperate attempts to destroy feelings and emotions in oneself are nothing compared to a seemingly insignificant, but such a strong feeling of love.

Probably, the resistance of the mind and feelings has always been and will be in our lives - such is the essence of a person, a creature that is "amazingly vain, truly incomprehensible and eternally hesitant." But it seems to me that in this totality, in this confrontation, in this uncertainty lies the whole charm of human life, all its excitement and interest.

ESSAY No. 3 on the block "Mind and Feeling"

Mind and feeling ... What is it? These are the two most important forces

components of the inner world of each person. Both of these forces

they equally need each other. The mental organization of a person is very complex. The situations that happen and happen to us are very different. One of them is when our feelings prevail over reason. Another situation is characterized by the predominance of reason over feelings. There is also a third, when a person has harmony, which means that the mind and feelings have exactly the same effect on the mental organization of a person.

The theme of reason and feeling is interesting for many writers. Reading works of world fiction, including Russian, we come across many such examples that tell us about the manifestation of different situations in the life of heroes of fiction.

works when an internal conflict occurs: feelings oppose reason. Literary heroes very often face a choice between the command of feeling and the prompting of reason.

So, in Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin's story "Poor Liza", we see how the nobleman Erast falls in love with a poor peasant girl Lisa. Lisa is madly in love with Erast. The author observes the change of Liza's feelings. Embarrassment, sadness, crazy joy, anxiety, despair, shock - these are the feelings that overwhelmed the girl's heart. Erast, weak and windy, has cooled off towards Liza, he does not think about anything, a reckless person. There comes satiety and a desire to get rid of the bored connection. A moment of love is beautiful, but reason gives long life and strength to feelings. Lisa hopes to regain her lost happiness, but all in vain. Deceived in her best hopes and feelings, she forgets her soul and throws herself into a pond near the Simonov Monastery. The girl trusts the movements of her heart, lives only with “gentle passions”. For Lisa, the loss of Erast is tantamount to the loss of life. Fervor and ardor bring her. to death. Reading the story of N. M. Karamzin, we are convinced that "mind and feelings are two forces that equally need each other."

In the novel by Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy, one can find several scenes and

episodes related to the topic. The beloved heroine of Leo Tolstoy, Natasha Rostova, met and fell in love with Prince Andrei Bolkonsky. After Prince Andrei's departure abroad, Natasha was very sad for a long time without leaving her room. She is very lonely without a loved one. In these difficult days, Anatole Kuragin meets in her life. He looked at Natasha "with an admiring, affectionate look." The girl was recklessly carried away by Anatole. The love of Natasha and Andrey was put to the test. Not keeping this promise to wait for her beloved, she betrayed him. The young girl is too young and inexperienced in matters of the heart. But a pure soul tells her that she is not doing well. Why did Rostova fall in love with Kuragin? She saw in him someone close to her. This love story ended very sadly.

Mianiye Mikhail Yurievich: "Wisdom, Love and Strength - the trinity of the Human Soul" .

These are three equally important foundations for the harmonious development of any person, each Soul.

The rejection of one and the absolute deification of the other leads a person to extremes and dead ends, which inevitably makes development one-sided, and a person is somehow limited and weak.

This becomes obvious when viewed from an esoteric point of view.

When a person says " they say, the most important thing is love, and everything else does not matter ...”- he automatically devalues ​​and blocks the other centers of his Soul, which are responsible for Strength and Struggle ( , etc.), for reason, understanding, decision-making ( , etc.), etc. Although it is obvious that it is necessary to develop all the components and Souls of a person.

Such people, accustomed to go to extremes, often fall into the traps of their own mind. When, for example, a person confuses love with self-pity, etc. On such substitutions, a lot of weaknesses are nurtured in a person.

Such people, most often, do not want to understand and admit that in order for great love to live in your heart and shine on the whole world, you must become a very strong and intelligent person!

After all, what kind of love can live in the untrained heart of a stupid and weak person? Each person in this life can only have what he is able to protect. A person who is weak in spirit, will and mind will have the same “zilch”, until the first insult, until the first critical word addressed to him, until the first frustration.

If a person is weak, his bright feelings can be destroyed by the first person he meets, the very first trouble or obstacle on the way, with which he will not have the strength to cope.

In the same way, power without love loses all meaning, and without reason, it is sure to become destructive and uncontrollable. Any extreme will inevitably lead to negative consequences.

Feelings, Reason or Strength - so what is more important?

1. A person has a mind, consciousness, thinking, mind - therefore, he needs the right knowledge, wisdom, in order to make the most powerful and wise decisions that lead to effective actions and the most positive consequences. That's why they say "Knowledge is primary", they either make a person successful and wise, or stupid and incapable of anything. Knowledge determines beliefs! Positive and strong beliefs lead us to success and happiness, negative and rotten beliefs make a person weak, stupid, spineless, insolvent.

2. Also, a person has a heart, first of all, his Spiritual Heart (), in which, ideally, tall light ones live. The rejection of love, of feelings - makes a person incomplete, miserable, callous and unhappy, just like the rejection of reason, makes a person stupid. Therefore, Feelings, Love must be developed and cultivated so that the heart and soul are alive, in order to experience joy and happiness, and positive impressions from life in an excellent degree.

You need to understand that “a holy place is never empty”, and if bright feelings such as joy, gratitude, respect, love do not live in your heart, negative feelings and emotions will accumulate in your heart (, claims, contempt, hostility, etc.).

3. A person needs strength as well as Feelings and Reason. Life is not a walk on rose petals. There is everything in life - creation and struggle, gifts and trials. Because in our world there is and and! And in order not to break, not to be trampled by someone, humiliated and destroyed - a person must become Strong! At any moment can send you a test. You can pass it with dignity if you are strong in Spirit and Will, or you can break down, lose faith, close yourself in a shell and live the rest of your life as a loser in a state of insignificance if you are weak!

The levels of destiny, the levels of the goals of life, where a person can rise - these are the levels of his strength. If a person who is weaker in his spirit, willpower, and in his personal qualities does not correspond to the desired goal, it remains unattainable. This is why spiritual and energetic development exists, and for this personal growth is needed in order to become stronger and achieve tomorrow those goals that you could not achieve today.

What strength does a person need: strength of mind, willpower, energy strength, strength of personal qualities (responsibility, stability, discipline, etc.), etc.

Therefore, do not give up anything, but develop in yourself all three components of the Human Soul: reason, love and strength - equally!

Sincerely, Vasily Vasilenko

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