Soloist of the Vintage group Anna Pletneva: biography, creativity, personal life. The new composition of the group "Vintage Guy from the vintage group


According to the spectacular brunette, there was no drama or conflict at the time of her farewell to Vintage. Colleagues in the team reacted with understanding to Anna's decision to perform solo. “When it became known that I had left the group, they began to ask me:“ What happened? Didn’t they share the money?” And I didn’t even have anything to answer. Apparently, for all these years I haven’t been able to become a person from show business, because I couldn’t come up with a scandal, ”Pletneva said with a smile.


Alexei Romanov, who created Vintage together with the performer, reacted to her resignation of her own free will surprisingly calmly. “He answered me only one thing:“ Thank God that you suggested it yourself: I didn’t know how to tell you the same thing. ”He felt that I was getting cramped within the group and I was ready to move on,” the ex-soloist explained "Vintage" - In this situation, he behaved like a friend, not like a colleague.

Always dressed in erotic outfits, 39-year-old Pletneva promised that she would continue to be a "bad girl." “This stage image was chosen by me consciously. Fortunately, no one dictated to Lesha and me how to behave, how to dress and what to sing - we were our own producers. I can’t say that the solo singer Anya Pletneva will be very different from soloist of the group "Vintage" Ani Pletneva, because it was me too, "the star emphasized.

However, the singer made some adjustments to her appearance. "Of course, there will be changes, otherwise why was it then to leave the group? I have many serious songs that I have not performed at concerts before, and I want to be heard. This does not mean that I will now sing exclusively lyrical ballads, "I will turn into a kind of Alla Borisovna Pugacheva and become correct. No, I will still remain a hooligan and a "bad girl," the HELLO! magazine quotes the performer.

By the way, earlier Pletneva first admitted to reporters that in her youth she was crazy about Vladimir Presnyakov. At the same time, at that time, Anna did not perceive the artist’s beloved woman, singer Kristina Orbakaite, as a rival. "I saw him on TV and fell in love, despite the fact that I was brutal in musical tastes, I listened to St. Petersburg rock - Tsoi," Nautilus Pompilius ", well, The Doors, Bjork. I was not interested in pop music. But Volodya appeared, and I stopped eating, sleep and breathe without his music,” recalls the artist, “I didn’t perceive Kristina Orbakaite as a rival, she seemed to me a temporary phenomenon in Presnyakov’s life. Intuition did not disappoint.”

Anna Pletneva is a Russian pop singer, former soloist of the popular Lyceum and Vintage groups. Anna was born on August 21, 1977 in Moscow. The girl went to school with an in-depth study of mathematics and choreography, while Anna danced in the children's ballet Ostankino at the same time.

The biography of Anna Pletneva will be incomplete without mentioning, which has been an idol and role model for her since childhood. Since childhood, the girl considered the singer her first love, she went to all his concerts and dreamed of singing in a duet with a star.

The girl's dream was destined to come true. Once the musicians flew on tour together, and from time to time Anna Pletneva recalled her childhood dream. The singer decided to try, so as not to regret the rest of her life about the unused opportunity, and on the same evening Vladimir and Anya together performed the song “Zurbagan” on stage.

Group "Lyceum"

Anna took her first steps on stage in the mega-popular Lyceum group of the 90s. She got into the trio back in 1997 after she left the line-up. At that time, the Lyceum was at the peak of its popularity; among the awards of the Russian stage, the Silver Microphone and Ovation were on the account.

In the Lyceum group, Anna Pletneva stayed for eight years, after which the artist decided to pursue a solo career. Moreover, the contract was terminated in 2004, when, during the Orange Revolution in Ukraine, the girl refused to play in support of the then authorities.

For Anna Pletneva, work at the Lyceum was an excellent school, where she grew to the rank of a professional singer. In addition to working with the trio, during this time she defended two diplomas.

The girl entered the GKA them. Maimonides, where she studied in the specialty "pop-jazz singing". After graduation, Pletneva began teaching at the Maimonides State Classical Academy. Anna also received the profession of a sculptor.

Group "Vintage"

Pletneva dreamed of a solo career, but she began her search for herself with the Coffee with Rain group, where she recorded the song Nine and a Half Weeks. Nevertheless, the girl managed to release one solo composition, the author of which was a good friend of the singer Alexei Romanof.

The collaboration with him did not end there, and a new group "Vintage" appeared on the stage, where, in addition to Anna Pletneva, there were Alexei and dancer Miya. The girl for a very long time could not understand how she would like to see her work, she constantly got acquainted with new musicians, took advice from professionals and arrangers.

In May 2007, a new single from the Vintage group called "Criminal Love" appeared on the radio. The following year, together with Anna Pletneva, she recorded a video for the song "Bad Girl", which turned out to be not only frank, but also scandalous. Some time after the group even performed at concerts together with the actress. "Bad Girl" became the group's first single to top the Russian radio chart. The song also received the MTV Russia Music Awards 2008 award.

In the fall of 2009, the album "SEX" appeared in music stores. It is worth saying that the internal content of the disc is fully consistent with its name. The disc included the scandalous composition "Bad Girl", the songs "Loneliness of Love", "Eve" and other popular tracks.

Performances in support of the new album were no less outspoken. The performers appeared on stage in translucent dresses, consisting of rhinestones or chains. The audience had the opportunity to admire the feminine figure of Pletneva (the singer's height is 154 cm, weight 46 kg). But, as Anna later admitted to reporters, such costumes at corporate parties created dangerous and unpleasant situations when drunken spectators began to pester the soloists and dancers, and the girls had to fight their way to the exit and even climb out the windows.

In the same year, the men's glossy magazine "Maxim" placed Anna Pletneva in the Top 5 sexiest women in the country.

In 2010, Anna Pletneva really surprised her fans, because she appeared in the image of Mickey Mouse and sang the song of the same name. The composition was dedicated to another idol of the singer - the pop king. In the video for the song, Anna Pletneva changed her images every half a minute: at first she appeared in the form of a factory toy, then she became a glamorous show character.

In 2011, the group released their third studio album "Anechka", which included the compositions "Roman", "Trees" and "Sign of Aquarius". A scandal erupted around the video clip for the song "Trees". The clip was censored due to the fact that Anna stands in a crown of thorns, which officials saw as a religious symbol, and observes "acts of copulation that traumatize the consciousness of the younger generation."

The group removed the single from radio rotation, because without the video sequence the text was perceived differently than the authors intended. Anna commented on the situation and stated that the idea of ​​the video was the supremacy of love on Earth. According to the singer, officials think in stereotypes and are ready to see totalitarian sects and conspiracies of the Illuminati everywhere.

In 2013, the group released the album "Very Dance", and a year later the digital release of the new album "Decamerone" took place. On its first day of release, the album topped iTunes and GooglePlay's "Top Albums" chart in sales rankings.

Personal life

In the summer of 2003, Anna Pletneva married a man about whom nothing is known so far, in 2003 she gave birth to a daughter, who was named Varvara. During pregnancy, the Lyceum group continued to perform, Anna Pletneva did not want to leave the stage and gave several concerts during the night. Moreover, Varvara was born almost during the performance.

After the birth of the baby, the husband was forced to leave the family at the request of the singer herself. The parting was very difficult to survive, Pletneva herself says that this should have happened and it was better for the child. The ex-husband was not ready to become an exemplary father. Because of the nerves and the current situation, the girl dropped ten kilograms, was constantly depressed and cried.

Anna Pletneva met her second husband Kirill Syrov 15 years before their serious relationship. They met in a Moscow club, the businessman asked for her phone number, but the artist immediately forgot about one of her many fans. The couple met only three years later, when the man already had a family and a child, but at that moment he was divorcing his wife. The third time the young people were destined to meet on the way to Dnepropetrovsk in 10 years. Then Syrov approached Anna Pletneva and asked if she remembered him, she replied that yes, if only he would leave her alone. The young man was very persistent. So the relationship began to develop rapidly, and the lovers began to live in the same apartment.

Anna Pletneva was worried about how Barbara's daughter would react to the new dad, but the negative thoughts were in vain. Today they are a happy family with three children. Cyril, the singer gave birth to two more children - a son and a daughter.

Anna shares photos from everyday life on her personal page in " Instagram". This is a verified account, which is signed by 501 thousand people. The singer's Instagram is designed in a glamorous style: Anna appears in the photo in fashionable dresses and makeup, poses against the backdrop of tropical resorts and stylish interiors, posts teasers and posters of new events.

Anna Pletneva now

In 2016, Anna recorded the last song as part of the Vintage group, A Bit of Advertising. On August 21, the singer presented her first solo single "Strong Girl". The text of this song was written by Alexei Romanof a year before and presented to Pletneva for her birthday. The performer officially announced that she would now perform under her own name, and not under the name of the group.

Pletnev without scandals, but, as the singer admitted in an interview, she seemed to have divorced after a ten-year marriage. According to the performer, everyone needs to go through at least one difficult divorce, in the case of Anna - a musical one.

Anna explained this decision by the fact that she became cramped within the framework of a popular youth team. According to Pletneva, the image of a fashionable group and the format of a club performance impose restrictions on the repertoire. Delicate lyrical compositions are not in demand in this format, they did not get on the air and live performances, although they were released as part of albums.

Now Anna got the opportunity to present any compositions. The singer believes that such free creativity will tell fans about the singer's experiences much more than the group's previous super hits. Separately, Pletneva noted that she focuses on a wider audience than the Vintage group. Some potential viewers do not go to clubs and restaurants. Anna wants to meet them as well, performing in concert halls.

Shortly after the departure of Anna Pletneva from the group, Romanof announced the casting of new soloists of Vintage. August 30 in the group "

Anna Pletneva is a talented singer, aspiring composer, model, native Muscovite, born on 08/21/1977.


Anna dreamed of a career as a singer since childhood. Or rather, I could not even imagine myself in any other profession. Literally from the first years of her life, she showed bright artistic abilities, and already at preschool age, she studied with great pleasure in a dance ensemble at the Ostankino television studio. But most of all she wanted to sing on a huge stage and become famous.

She even had her own idol - Vladimir Presnyakov, with whom she fell in love at a very tender age. Naturally, the feeling was platonic, and Presnyakov himself did not suspect the existence of such a fan for a long time.

Although once he gave an autograph to Ann's brother, who managed to get through to the artist after one of the concerts. The name of the girl was even written on a small piece of paper by the hand of the idol.

As the greatest value, Anya kept this autograph under her pillow for many years, secretly dreaming from everyone at least once in her life to sing a duet with Presnyakov. Perhaps this was one of the reasons why the girl studied hard at the music school and definitely decided to build a professional pop career after school.

Carier start

Having successfully graduated from a specialized musical and choreographic general education school, Anna entered the conservatory in the department of pop and jazz singing. She quickly became one of the best students there, and after receiving her diploma, she was immediately offered a teaching position in one of the courses.

A year after the start of her studies, Anna took part in the casting, which was conducted by the Lyceum group in connection with the departure of soloist Lena Perova. Having easily passed all the qualifying rounds, Anna took her place and quite easily joined the already quite promoted and popular team.

Anna spent 8 years with the Lyceum and, as she herself joked, she graduated from an excellent school of pop art. The group toured a lot, Anna learned to work in any conditions and easily withstand many hours of flights. But, most importantly, she finally realized her childhood dream.

In one of the combined concerts, the Lyceum performed together with Presnyakov and other popular soloists. And during the flight, Pletneva admitted to the singer that since childhood she had dreamed of singing the song “Zurbagan” with him.

Vladimir was so struck by this confession that he could not refuse the girl, and that very evening they stood side by side and sang a duet. But, of course, Pletneva's childhood love for him has long since passed.

Solo career

After a few years of work in the group, Pletneva began to think about a solo career. Although she was on excellent terms with the team and producers, not everything in the group's repertoire suited her from a professional point of view. By this time, she had already managed to graduate from the conservatory, began to write her own music and songs, received a sculptor's diploma and grew significantly as a person.

Anna broke up with the group in 2004, and the events of the Orange Revolution, which split Ukraine into two camps, played into her hands. "Lyceum" was supposed to take part in a concert supporting the Ukrainian authorities.

But Pletneva flatly refused to take part in the political action, believing that the singer should remain neutral. This was the reason for the termination of the contract, and Anna went into free swimming.

Her debut as an independent creative unit took place in the same year with the composition "9 ½ Weeks", written specifically for Anna's newly created group "Coffee with Milk". But the song, although it was sent to rotation on all major channels, did not bring the desired success. The group lasted only a year, and then was dissolved, as the project turned out to be unprofitable.

But the composer Alexei Romanof, who wrote the song for the singer, continued his creative alliance with her and became a member of the Vintage group, Pletneva's next project. This time the focus was on sexy and glamorous looks, and it worked.

In the spring of 2007, the first song of the group "Criminal Love" was released, and already in 2008 the group began to actively tour. A year later, the presentation of the debut album "SEX" took place.

Over the entire period of her creative activity, Vintage released five full-length music albums, which brought Anna fame and a pretty good income. The singer herself continues to perform a lot, but already as a solo singer, she writes new songs, takes part in the filming of various television shows, and even managed to get the title of the sexiest singer in Russia in 2010.

Personal life

For the first time, Anna went down the aisle already being part of the Lyceum. And while she toured a lot and saw her husband infrequently, everything went just fine. But as soon as the girl found out that she was pregnant and informed her husband that she had decided to leave the child, scandals began in the family. The ex-husband was completely unprepared for such changes, so soon after the birth of his daughter, he left the family.

with daughters

Anna was very worried about the collapse of the relationship, not only because of her own unfulfilled hopes, but also because her daughter was left without a father, and she did not want such a fate for her child. The girl lost 10 kilograms, began to look worse, and her career was in jeopardy. Then for the sake of her daughter, she pulled herself together and continued to work.

The meeting with the second husband took place in one of the Moscow clubs. But she was fleeting, and re-acquaintance took place almost 10 years later. Moreover, Kirill Syrov remembered Anna well, but she practically did not have him. And for the second time, Anna did not pay attention to the boyfriend. And only when he deliberately left her without a hotel room, having bought Anna's reservation, did she have to start communicating with him.

With her husband Cyril. Wedding.

Later, when they had already accidentally come face to face again in Dnepropetrovsk, both decided that it was time to stop playing hide and seek with fate. So a romance began to spin, which eventually turned into a joint work - Cyril began to produce "Vintage". Anna's daughter perfectly accepted the new dad, and over time, two more children appeared in the family - a girl and a boy, whom Anna gave birth to Syrova.

Anna Pletneva is one of the most outrageous and sought-after singers in the domestic show business. Thanks to her bright appearance and talent, she managed to win the hearts of numerous fans. We will talk about the fate of this extraordinary girl in this article.

A chidhood dream

The biography of Anna Pletneva began in 1977 on August 21 in the city of Moscow. She grew up in a family of musicians and from an early age was engaged in singing. In her school years, the girl was fond of the work of Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. and went to all the performances of her idol. One day, her brother gave her a real treasure - an autograph of a famous singer. For five years, the girl kept it under her pillow and took it out every night before going to bed. Once Pletneva nevertheless managed to fulfill her childhood dream: together with Presnyakov, she performed the famous composition "Zurbagan".

Group "Lyceum"

The biography of Anna Pletneva is striking in its richness. The girl has always sought to loudly declare herself. And in 1997 she succeeded - she became a member of the famous Lyceum group. At this time, Lena Perova left the team, and Anna successfully replaced her. Then the "Lyceum" was at the peak of its popularity, on its account were the most prestigious awards of Russian show business - "Ovation" and "Silver Microphone". As part of this group, Pletneva lasted eight years. The contract with the singer was terminated in 2004, when, during the revolution in Ukraine, the girl refused to speak in support of the new government. Anna Pletneva, whose biography is of interest to many, considers her work at the Lyceum an excellent school that allowed her to become a professional singer. In parallel with the work in this trio, the girl studied and received diplomas of a vocal teacher and a professional sculptor.

Group "Vintage"

The creative biography of Anna Pletneva as a singer continued in the Coffee with Rain group. This team did not last long, in its composition the girl managed to record the song "Nine and a half weeks", which was composed for her by Alexei Romanov. The collaboration of these two talented people did not end there. Soon a new musical group called "Vintage" appeared on the domestic stage. In addition to Anna, it included the dancer Mia and the singer Alexei Romanov. The girl searched for her style of performance for a long time, collaborated with various musicians, consulted with professional arrangers and vocalists. In the end, she managed to create her own original image on stage and at the same time conquer a large Russian audience.

Peak of popularity

The Vintage group quickly became popular. Anna Pletneva, whose biography is discussed in this article, recorded several memorable songs: “Loneliness of Love”, “Mother America”, “Eve”. In 2007, her new single "Criminal Love" sounded on the radio. And a year later, Anna, together with Elena Korikova, sang the song "Bad Girl" and shot a very frank video for it. The public liked the outrageous antics of the singer. In the fall of 2009, the new album of the Vintage group, SEX, went on sale. Moreover, the name of the disc fully corresponded to its content. In 2010, the girl made a new attempt to surprise her fans, appeared before them in the form of Mickey Mouse and recorded the song of the same name. She dedicated this composition to Michael Jackson and his unique work. The video for this song turned out to be very bright. The singer appeared in it either as a factory toy, or as a glamorous show character. She again managed to attract the attention of the public, however, many compared her outrageous tricks with the tricks of Lady Gaga and Madonna.

First marriage

Anna Pletneva does not leave the pages of glossy publications. Biography, photos of the singer regularly flash in the press. Information about her personal life also often becomes a subject of discussion. It is known that in 2003 she first married a non-public person and gave him a daughter, Varvara. After the birth of his daughter, the man was forced to leave the family at the insistence of the singer herself. She decided to divorce for the sake of a child, for whom the ex-husband was not ready to become an exemplary dad. Anna Pletneva experienced a difficult period at that moment. The girl's biography includes many disturbing events, but parting with her first husband was especially difficult for her. She was constantly depressed, often cried, she lost ten kilograms on nervous grounds, but even during pregnancy she did not want to leave the stage and continued to perform. Now the singer assures that Varvara was born almost during the next performance.

Second marriage

The singer's personal life crashed, but her group "Vintage" became incredibly popular. Anna Pletneva, whose biography is complex and instructive, found oblivion in her work and daily worries about her daughter. With her second husband - Syrov Kirill - the girl had known for a very long time. While still a soloist of the Lyceum, she met him in one of the Moscow clubs. The businessman then asked for her phone number, but quickly got lost in the crowd of her many fans. The second meeting of the future spouses took place three years later, when Cyril divorced his wife. Then the young people again quickly parted. Ten years later, their paths crossed again. Syrov approached the singer and asked if she remembered him or not. This time the man persisted, and Anna gave in. The relationship of lovers developed rapidly, and soon they began to live together. Pletneva was very worried about how Varvara would react to her new chosen one, but the singer's doubts were in vain. The girl quickly became friends with him, and after a while Anna gave birth to two more children - a daughter and a son.

Scandalous statements

The soloist of the Vintage group Anna Pletneva is known for her controversial statements. The biography of the singer is marked by several scandalous statements in the press. Either she accuses singer Polina Gagarina of plagiarism, or she shares details of her personal life with journalists, or she claims that she suffers from a split personality. All these outrageous statements are presented with a great deal of humor, so they amuse rather than shock. After all, with all the provocativeness of her image, Anna never becomes the heroine of dirty scandals and gossip. In ordinary life, this is a wonderful wife and mother, constantly taking care of the well-being of her loved ones.

Now you know the biography of Anna Pletneva. This talented artist will amaze the audience more than once with her new songs and videos. We wish her creative longevity and happiness in family life.

Singer Anna Pletneva was born in Moscow on August 21, 1977. Since childhood, the girl dreamed of performing on stage, and in her school years she was madly in love with singer Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. Anya went to all the concerts of her idol and secretly dreamed of singing a duet with him. The only thing she had from her favorite singer was an autograph. He was taken out by the singer's brother. The girl was so delighted that for the next five years she kept it under her pillow. Anya took out a piece of paper with an autograph every evening before going to bed. In the end, he crumbled to dust.

Anna Pletneva nevertheless fulfilled her dream to sing with Vladimir Presnyakov. Once, when the girl had already become popular, she flew on tour with Vladimir. Girlish love has already passed, and the obsession periodically made itself felt. As a result, Anna approached her childhood idol, told about her dream, and on the same evening they sang the song “Zurbagan” on stage.

Anna Pletneva's career at the Lyceum

The girl's career began in the Lyceum group. Anna came to the trio in 1997 after Elena Perova was fired from it. "Lyceum" at that time was already quite popular on the Russian stage - in the piggy bank of the group were the Silver Microphone awards of the Ostankino Hit Parade and Ovation competitions, the team was recognized as the best according to the Musical Exam program.

Together with the soloists of the Lyceum, Anna Pletneva worked for 8 years. After the singer came to the conclusion that it was time to pursue a solo career, she left the group. Moreover, the contract with the group was terminated when the singer refused, during the Orange Revolution, to play at a concert in support of the Ukrainian authorities.

Anya considers work in the Lyceum group to be a good school, graduating from which is akin to obtaining a professional diploma. In parallel with her work in the Lyceum group, Anya received diplomas as a sculptor and teacher of pop-jazz vocals.

Anna Pletneva's career after Lyceum

In free swimming, the singer was looking for herself in the Coffee with Rain team and recorded the song Nine and a Half Weeks. The first solo song already went beyond the usual "Lyceum". The author of the single was a friend of the artist Alexei Romanof. The search for his own style ended with the creation of the Vintage project, which, in addition to the girl herself, included Alexei Romanof (the former soloist of the Amega group, he is also the songwriter of Alsou, Yulia Savicheva, the Nepara group) and dancer Miya. Anna Pletneva took a long time to understand how she wants to see her work. Anya constantly met with different musicians, consulted with arrangers and got acquainted with composers. And as a result, she found her image in the Vintage group.

By the way, the Vintage project was created with the financial support of Anna Pletneva's husband, businessman Kirill Syrov. The man is a co-owner of the Valenta company (the former Domestic Medicines is one of the leaders in the production of medicines in Russia).

On May 27, 2007, the first single of the Vintage group, Criminal Love, was released. And in the spring of 2008, the team presented, together with actress Elena Korikova, a scandalous video called "Bad Girl". For some time, the group even gave joint concerts with Korikova.

In the fall of 2009, Anna Pletneva and the Vintage group released another album called SEX. The contents of the disc match its title. And in 2010, the singer appeared before the fans in an unusual appearance - she became the mouse Mickey Mouse, which is known as a sad symbol of the show business industry. The song was dedicated to the pop king of the world scene, Michael Jackson. Throughout the song, Anna Pletneva constantly reincarnated. At the beginning, she was a simple factory toy, and by the end of the composition she became a glamorous show character. With the English version of this song, Anya plans to conquer not only Russia, but also the West.

On September 28, 2011, the album "Anechka" was released, in which the group touched on various topics, from love to global world problems. The album received very mixed reviews from critics. The tour in support of the album was called "The Story of a Bad Girl" and kicked off on 15 October.

Vintage feat. Smash - City Where Dreams Come True

On February 7, 2013, the fourth studio album of the Vintage group was released under the name "Very Dance". This album differed mainly in that it included compositions by guest DJs and other young authors. This was the first such work on the Russian stage. Previously, such albums were released by such famous foreign pop divas as Madonna and Rihanna.

On July 22, 2014, the fifth album "Decamerone" was released. The group worked on it together with musician and songwriter Anton Koch.

Personal life of Anna Pletneva

Anna Pletneva's first marriage ended in divorce. In 2003, the singer got married and gave birth to a daughter, Varvara. Almost immediately after the birth of the baby, the husband left the family at the initiative of Ani herself. The girl was very upset by the breakup, however, she believes that it was better for both her and the child. As the artist herself explains, her husband was not ready for fatherhood. From constant thoughts about the current situation, Anna even lost 10 kilograms, constantly cried and was in a stage of prolonged depression. By the way, being pregnant, Anna did not leave the stage, but continued to tour, giving several concerts per night, even at the 40th week. The firstborn was born almost on stage.

Lyceum - Autumn

Anna Pletneva met her second husband Kirill 15 years before the start of a serious relationship. The man approached the girl in one of the Moscow clubs and asked for a phone number. However, frivolous Anna gave the wrong number and immediately forgot about the admirer. The couple met again only three years later. By that time, Cyril had already managed to start a family, give birth to a child and begin divorce proceedings. However, during the second meeting, Anna ignored the gentleman. The third meeting took place on the way to Dnepropetrovsk 10 years later. A young man approached the singer and asked: “Hi, do you remember me?” Anna answered "Yes" only for the young man to leave her alone. All the way the man stood next to Anna's chair, which once again did not pay any attention to him.

However, fate brought the couple together in the city itself, in the Dnepropetrovsk hotel. Cyril bought Anna's booked room, there were no free rooms left in the hotel and the singer had to settle with Nastya Makarevich. And at that moment, when the singer wanted to call Moscow, the young man helped with advice instead of a hotel employee. Relations began to develop rapidly just after this incident. However, for a long time the couple did not dare to start a life together under the same roof. Anna was worried about the reaction of her daughter Barbara to the "new" dad.

The happy family now has three children. Kirill Syrov Anna gave birth to a daughter and a son. It is worth noting that Anna Pletneva has karate skills. That is why, it may well fend for itself in a dark alley.

Vintage - Breathe

Anna Pletneva has repeatedly starred in erotic photo shoots for various glossy publications. It is noteworthy that the singer does not hesitate to pose in front of cameras in the nude style and demonstrate her perfect body, even after three pregnancies.
In particular, this year the 33-year-old singer has already managed to take part in a candid photo shoot for Maxim magazine. Anna Pletneva has been collaborating with the publication for a long time and this series of photographs has become the third in a row.

Anna Pletneva is a rather scandalous personality in the domestic show business. The press is constantly full of stories about the singer's antics that shock the public. For all her angelic appearance, Anna does not do righteous things. For example, recently, on the set of a new video for the Vintage group for the song "Mama America", Anya was constantly seen near the bar with a glass of whiskey.

After a few takes, the bottle of alcoholic drink was empty, and the singer herself began to hysteria and demand from the film crew to arrange a scene in the rain on the street. As a result, Anna Pletneva found herself in a 15-degree frost under freezing rain.

Anna Pletneva now

In 2015, Anna Pletneva left the Vintage group and took up solo work. In September 2016, she presented her first single "Strong Girl" to fans.

Anna Pletneva - "Strong Girl" (2016)

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